Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 01/20/1976 - Special Cf IT OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 s~,ecls! mee'6zng o~_ the ..... ~,le ~z~0 Council w-,~-, ..... cs_lied to order at ~l~0 ~. L., '~ · ~ ' o~ oo~ . 5?he minutes v;ere approved as ,~r!~en. Vern Schoen, build,nS ~nspector, submitted s re~}ort of activity on building permits, request in a raise in vermit fees to the inspector, and a report covering inspection of the Norley hou=e. These reports have been entered into the minutes. ~ e~rm~n made motion that [ir. I'~lorley file a ~r -~ Aeplication~ ~ "!{h-' the city seeci fying~ irm}r ovement s.. to be made on %he dwelling. Fred Lows seconded %he motion. LeRoy Pearman made a motion that the City rent, the 3. corner of the library building to the sewer board for ~;55 O0 a month. This vrice will ~] '~ ,~' ,~' ~' ~. ,~_SO t__c]_~Qe hol~e the library for a meeting. 3rad i{errick seconded the motion. Fred Lows ~bs'hained. LeRoy 'Pea_m~nr'~ ~ made a motion' {~_atb theoimy~' ' of ~:._d_e~ dis~orove~ Ad a o f ....... h.e o,,~dee ~ of the ~ouncll bovernments snd ~.e,:len membership. Fred Lows seconded the F,~OVlOR. The folio,ring ten people were apyoin-hsd ha -'~he 3icenten-zis! CoPm,~.t%ee~ Lois Kunkler, Chairmen; Pn/btV iZiolns; Narvin ;-dams; Fred Lowe; Leo Littyl Pat Xeinz; 2uss 3]3ov.~; Florence 0ullen; Carol Deckard snd The]_ms Ta. ylor~ snecial. ,:~ee~mne~.~.~ c=.lled for =anuar~, the Ci-hF ~ ~o discuss the flood pla. in. Ted rnola.made a motion to invest ~i;10,000.00 ' ' q Pesrmax seconded the motion. L~he councilconz'~'_zrmed the aneointment of '' '-~ ~,.%e Plannings, and Zoninj, Commission for a six ~e~r~ ~. %erin. LeRoy l:lanninS and Zoning term Of Jerm~srd which will expire December ~!, 197.!. Pr ed L owe ~~ the r~. CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDAHO fl3616 January 20, 1976 Special [~eeting Page 2 A motion was made by LeRoy Pearman to reappoint Louis Cosho as attorney, and Vern Schoen as Building Inspector for the City of Eagle. The Building Inspector will be paid on a contract basis of one half the value of the permit fee° Fred Lowe seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman made a motiDn to pay the city clerk a salary of ~i~6000.00 per year° Fred Lowe seconded the motion° ~~~