Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 01/13/1976 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 January 1 ~ !97~ The~_e~v.lo', a-~.~ meetin,x of ~'o~%e Eagle City Council v:as called to order at 7:30 P ?~. January 1~ i97~. The mmnu~es of the redmlar ~,eetmn,s o.z December 9, !97~, aLsd of a .... 'oub!ic hearin,o: held December °0,, !975 v'ere approved as read. The city clerk swore in [[a. yor Deckard and Comacilman ~rnold, Pear_tma~a, ner~_mcx and Lo_we. ~.~r. ~d~m~ then ~resented iday~r Deckard with the city gavel. I,~ayor Deckard presented Er. Adams with an appreciation plaque, and a picture that will hang in the City Hall. He also gave certificates of appreciation to the outgoing council. Fred Zowe made a motion that ~ o , - .~ ~ ~ ~e~,o~ Pearm~n be e.~ec~ed president of the council. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman abstained. LeRoy Pearman made a motion to ap_point Florence Cullen and Sharon Sharp to si× year terms on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. Ted ~ ' ' ~rnolo was appoznted o ~ ' repre~:,ent~tzve to the library board. Judy luendzola was aa~ooznted Czty n ~'~ Ordinance i{o. 26 termed the "Interim Appropriation Bill" was read. Brad Herrlck made a motion to disoense with the rules and adopt Ordinance No. 26 in the ~,mount of $!0,000.00. Fred Lowe seco~}ded the motion. A resolution relating to the city council meetings of the City of Eagle and their application to a orinted agenda. Brad Herrick made a motion to adopt this resolution. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. A copy of this resolution has been entered into the minutes. ~layor Deckard called special councilmeezz~.gs'' ' for January 20th and 27th at 7~30 P. ~. at the City Hall. There being no further busines~e before th~ouncil,