Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 11/11/1977 - Special CI'I"~ OF IL4GLE P.O. BOX 4'77 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 November 11, 1977 A special meeting~of the Eagle City Council was called to order at 8:00 A. M. by Mayor Deckard on November 11, 1977. Brad Herrick was absent. The council discussed the public hearing on the proposed city impact area for Garden City to be held November 15, 1977. The following letter was drafted to be sent to the Ada County Commissioners, Mayor and Council of Boise, Idaho, Ada County Planning and Zoning, Boise City Planning and Zoning, and Garden City Planning and Zoning., Mayor of Garden City. This letter is to provide you with notice that the City of Eagle has designated its Impact Area and the Eastern Boundary runs along Highway 55 from a point north of Dry Creek to Highway 20. The area west of this boundary has been designated in your Impact Area as published for public hearing November 15, 1977. Your published western boundary is the same line as our Eastern City Limits Boundary. Since negotiations with your city were non-productive and no agreement could be reached earlier this year, we now formally protest your designating areas in our Area of Impact in your Impact Area. We are notifying Boise City and Ada County of this action and request a board be appointed to recommend a resolution in this matter. Mayor Deckard will attend Boise's hearing the night of the 15th, and Councilman Arnold and Orval Krasen will attend the hearing in Garden City. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. est: