Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 11/19/1977 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDAHO $3616 November 9, 1977 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on November 9, 1977 by Mayor Deckard. Brad Herrick's absence was excused. Ted Arnold moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. Mayor Deckard asked that it be printed in the minutes the public hearing on the comprehensive plan had been postponed. that The council canvassed the election tally books and reported the following: Orval Krasen Gary Lesser Andy Pollard Aija Tobin 240 votes 91 votes 275 votes 36 votes Sale of liquor by the drink Sale of liquor by the drink 99 yes 224 no Sale of packaged liquor Sale of packaged liquor 194 yes 133 no The council decided to contact other city's for a copy of their ordinances on abandoned vehicles and anti-littering to study. Fred ~owe moved that the city draft an ordinance for one hour parking within the city limits between Park Road and 2nd Street on Highway 44 when parking is eliminated to provide for turning lanes at Highway 44 and 69. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. Mayor Deckard read a recommendation from the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission to the city council that Eagle City Ordinance #35 Pertaining to the flood plain be revoked. Ted Arnold moved to table this item until the next regular meeting of the city council. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 Mayor Deckard read a letter from the library board requesting that they receive all information in writing that pertains to the library. Fred Lowe moved the council approve the following licenses be issued for 1978. Beer Jim-Bo's Bank Club Eagle Beverage Jerry's Shopping Center ~e~Lowe seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman moved the city write a letter to the Ada County Highway District requesting them to pave the alleys from Eagle Road to let Street on the North and South side of Highway 44. Wine Eagle Beverage Jerry's Shopping Center There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: