Minutes - 2013 - City Council - 08/06/2013 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes August 6,2013 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GRASSER, DEFAYETTE, BUTLER,PIERCE. Pierce just informed the Mayor that he will be 15 minutes late. A quorum is present. Pierce is in attendance at 6:07 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Mayor: Does anyone have anything to speak on that is not the hearing? Dennis Olsen, 569 Palmetto Drive, we were told that there would be a hearing on the proposed tower at the Eagle Hills School area tonight. PZ Administrator Vaughan provides Dennis an update of what happened at the PZ meeting last night. A. Public Hearing for Consideration of Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget: :Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho,will hold a public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October 1, 2013,to September 30, 2014 pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1002, Idaho Code. Said hearing to be held at Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, Idaho, on August 6, 2013. At said hearing, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any they have why said proposed budget should not be adopted. Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergman provides an introduction into the budget and provides an overview of the Budget. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Steve Bumgarner, Library Director, one of our Library patrons, Matthew Schweniman, brought a letter in asked me to read it at the meeting tonight. Steve reads Matthew's letter into the record. General discussion. Jeff Kunz, 2213 E. Skokie Drive,there are certain aspects of this this budget that I strongly favor including the following: the reduction in our property taxes due to the savings by purchasing city hall,the de-funding of EEZ Street, the increase of park maintenance and capital improvements and the large carryover of funds. Di3cusses what he thinks the carryover should be used for. The City's spending rate should be based on projected growth. Discussion taxes and the City's tax base. Discussion on City Maintenance. The large carry over should be used There are aspects of the proposed budget which I would ask the Council to refine or reconsider including the following: the increase in city and Eagle Police staff and Mayor and Council salary increases, discusses the same. . General discussion on the hiring of additional staff. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-06-I3phbdgt.doe Does anyone else want to comment on the Budget tonight? Seeing none the Mayor closes the Public Hearing Council general discussion on the Park Fund allocations and Impact Fees. Council concurs to make the following changes to the Park Fund Budget: change the account title Land Purchase or Leases to Capital Improvement and in the detail after Westside Park/Sports Complex add ball fields, soccer fields, community swimming pool & etc. to be determined. Detail under Construction Projects-Misc. remove the word Lakemoor so the detail will be Park Parking and Park Trails. Discussion on the Library Bond and when it could be paid off. Discussion on Mayor and Council salary increases. Discussion on funding the additional deputy full time instead of starting in April, 2014. Council concurs to reduce the Reserve-1st Quarter Expenditures by$43,020 and to add this amount to the Ada County Sheriff's Contract to add an additional Deputy full time. The Ada County Sheriff's Contract amount will now be $1,691,874 and the Reserve Fund will be $1,256,980. If the Council opens the Budget in November they may reconsider adding the $43,020 back into the Reserve Fund. Defayette moves to approve the proposed FY 13/14 Budget. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Grassers comment on why he can't support the Budget: Discusses the carryover and that this is not a sustainable amount of funds year over year,it should be used to improve/fix our existing assets and set up a fund for long term repairs; I am not a fan of adding additional personnel without proper need and justification,I believe there are other ways to solve this; discussion on adding new parks and the costs,the City shouldn't take on burden until it can sustain it; discussion on adding an additional Deputy, I don't think this is the time. General discussion. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: NAY; Pierce: AYE: Mayor: AYE: MOTION CARRIES General discussion on City property taxes. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 702—Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Appropriation Ordinance: An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, For The Fiscal Year 2014 Commencing October 1, 2013, And Ending September 30, 2014, Appropriating Sums Of Money In The Aggregate Amount Of$10,991,257 To Defray All Necessary Expenses And Liabilities Of The City Of Eagle For Said Fiscal Year; Specifying The Object And Purposes For Which Such Appropriations Are Made And The Amount Appropriated For Each Object And Purpose; Authorizing The Certification To The County Commissioners Of Ada County, Idaho, To Levy And Assess A Sufficient Tax Upon The Taxable Property In The City; Providing For The Filing Of A Copy Of This Ordinance With The Office Of The Idaho Secretary Of State As Provided By Law; Providing For Publication; And Providing An Effective Date.[This item will only be acted on if the public hearing for item 4A is closed, and budget approving action is taken via a motion of the Council.) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-06-13phbdgt.doc Butler moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#702 be considered after being read once by title only. Butler reads Ordinance #702 by title only. Seconded by Defayette. THREE AYES: GRASSER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves that Ordinance#702 be adopted. Seconded by Defayette. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion and potential action regarding the need to draft an ordinance to sign the area along highway 55 at the Laguna entrance to sign it with emergency vehicle parking. (JP) Mayor introduces the issue. Pierce provides Council an overview of the issues with the area along Highway 55 at the Laguna entrance and signage for emergency vehicle parking. General discussion. Pierce moves to direct staff to write an Ordinance to put emergency access parking only. Seconded by Grasser. TWO NAY: TWO AYES: MAYOR: NAY: MOTION FAILS 6. ADJOURNMENT: Defayette moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: '•••����„��,,,,,. 1 �•.••,e.( OF Ed , • •M•••• • �J ter_ Ak - '��/i�..ti. .0% � G ••�tPOR~••i�,% SHARON K. BERGMANN o q • CITY CLERK/TREASURER # c” • PPROVED: SEAL • (AMESD. "**IILDS AYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-06-I3phbdgt.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Public Hearing for Consideration of Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget August 6, 2013 TE TIFY PRO/ CON or NAME ADDRESS , ES%NO NEUTRAL CA-d-Z0v-AA 4q1 . 1,1C -Cr -u Li\3,Jt5 EAsn,\) 3:4-r.2.-`3 SVZ f C-cr AL Ce 8-6-r 5 Dear Eagle City Mayor and Council Members, August 6, 2013 My name is Matthew Schwendiman. I am an Eagle resident and library patron. I am twelve years old and have had my own library card for four years. I will be entering the seventh grade at Galileo STEM school this fall. My family usually visits the library at least once a week and has for the last twelve years. I am sorry that I can not be at the meeting today but I am at a youth activity for my church. So I am going to write a letter that my mom will send with Steve Bumgarner. There are four reasons that I think the Eagle Public Library should get video games and music downloads in their system. Reason one: People won't have to wait as long for games and music to be sent from another library. Reason two: Teenagers love video games and music. If you get video games and music, more kids will come to the library to check things out and participate in more activities at the Library. Reason three: It seems that every other library in the state has a video game/music section in their library. They also have more electronic copies and the ability to download efiles. Reason four: It does not seem cool that our library does not have a video game/music section. I currently have a Nook and would like to be able to access more electronic book and music downloads. Thanks for considering my letter. I know that your time is precious and I appreciate your dedication to the city and its constituents. Sincerely, Moofiew 5amiwv6dut Matthew Schwendiman