Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 07/12/1977 - RegularThe regular meeting of the Eagle City Council vas called to order 7:30 P, H. on July 12, 1977 by Hayor 9eckard. ltembere present: Arnold, Love, .Pearman Ted Arnold moved that the minutes of.June 1t0 1977 be approved as wttten. Fred Lo~e seconded the motion. Ordinance #33, Au ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance No. 10 to create Section 3-2.7 - 3-2.9 establishing an agricultural zoning district received its third reading. Fred Lo~e moved to adopt Ordinance No. 33. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. Ordinance No. 36, An ordinance establishing the salaries of elected officials, and providing an effective date vas read for the first time. Fred Love moved that the cOuncil dispense ~rith the rule and adopt Ordinance No. 36. LeRoy Pear,an seconded the motion. Fred Love moved denial on a rezone applicetion submitted by H. L. & Bernice Bevington to rezone a parcel of land from agriculture to co~aercial. Ted Arnold seconded the ~otion. Fred Love moved denial on an anuexation request fram Idaho Land Developers Inc. to s-sex a 65 acre parcel east of Eagle Road and North of Floating Feather Road. Ted Arnold seconded the~otion. Fred Love moved that a request ha sent to Ada County High, ay District to remove the one-ray Street si~n frma let St. The motion died for lack of a Second. Hfs. Coyle requested permission of the council to temporarily place a trailer behind her mothers house on Park Road. Her mother is 86 and requires care. LeRoy Pearman moved that the council extend this courtesy to Hrs. Coyla vith t~ao conditions: 1. The trailer is to be removed immediately after the d~h off,Irs. Crier. 2. The trailer is to me,~t all sanitary requirements and conditions. Fred Love seconded the motion. LaRoy Pearman moved that a shelter ares be constructed at the Eagle Park not to exceed ~500.00 in costs. Fred Love seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman moved that Eagle.Ranch ~4, a planned unit development of 186 units, including 40 to~nhouSes, 44 patio homes ami single family dvellings be approved contingent to the folloving conditions: Submit a letter of acceptance from the Eagle Sever and Water District prior to recording the final plat. 10. 11. Submit a letter of acceptance for water service from the Eagle Water Corporation prior to recording the final plat. Submit a letter of acceptance from the Eagle Fire Department prior to recording the final plat. Submit a letter of agreement ketween LB Properties and the developers to the East and South stating approximate dates Ranch Drive and Eyrie Way in Eagle Ranch #4, respectively, will connect to the adjoining developments. Submit an addendum to the Declaration of Covenants, conditions and restrictions Eagle Ranch #4 stipulating a minimum square footage per unit compatible with Eagle P~anch #1, 12, and #3. Submit to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Co~ission a plan within 30 days, for a minimum of 4 acres (1 acre for every 10 acres in the development) of parks and playgrounds for Eagla Ranch t4. Final plat drawing must be tied to goverrm~ent monuments. Subdivision name must be changed to Eagle Eaneh #4. Submit a copy of the surety agreement with the Ada County ltighway District in the amount of il0 percent of the est/mated cost of offsite improvements or the completion and acceptance of said improvements prior to recordimg the final plat. Submit a letter of approval of the drainage plan by the Ada County Highway District and the County Engineer prior to recording the final plat. Hake the following changes iu street names and have them approved by the Ada County Building Department prior to submitting the final plat for recording: Palmetto - over 150' from existing avenue - needs different name. Should be a DRIVE not avenue Spring Hill Place - Needs different name Cedar and Spring Itill -- proposed -- should carry one name. Cedar is a duplicate with another existing street in Ada County. Need to name Avenue between proposed Spring Hill and Eyrie Way. 12. ?~tnlmum building setback lines shall be in accordance with the zone staadards in effect for the area and delineated on the final plat. 13. Prior to submitting the final plat for recording the following endorsements or certifications mumt be executed: Signatures of owners er dedicators, Certificate of the Engineer, Certificate of Central District Health Department, Certificate of the City Clerk. Subdivision staff to review plat after these signatures are obtained. Submit a copy of the restrictive covenants to file with the recorder at the tine the final plat is ~iled. 15. Submit a surety bond or agreement to the City of Eagle in the amount of 110 percent of the eetinated cost of recreation and open ground area improvements. 16. A mininum price of $40,000.00 per each unit will be met and placed in the coven--ts. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. The mayor, with approval of the council, appointed the following ~ree members to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission: Sharon Allred, Chester Bridles, and i~il Hamson as au ex-officio member. Their term of office will expire August, 1980. Fred Lowe moved that the city use the direct cost reimbursement method to provide unemployment insurance coverage for city employees in 1978. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. Fred Lowe moved that the bills .for June, 1977, be paid. LaRoy Pearman seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman moved that a moratorium be placed on all variance requests, annexations, conditional use applications and rezone applications until Dee~nber 31, 1977. Fred Lows seconded the motion. A rezone request from the QuarterCircle DJ Ranch was sent from AAa Planning Association requeSting a reco~.mdation from tha City Council. The council instructed the clerk to write a letter to the Ada Planning group supporting and reemphaeizing the planning and zoning's recomendation of d~nial of the rezone. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned.