Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 06/14/1977 - RegularJune 14, 1977 The re~uLa~ ~eeting of the ~a~le City Coun¢il was called to order at 7:30 ?. M. on June 14, 1977 by F~yor Deckard. ~embars pr~ant: Arnold, Herrick,_Lowe, Pearm~. The minutes of the~eetinS of l t ay 24, 1977 ware approved as printed. A third and final reading was held on Ordinance Mo. 35 amending Ordinance No. l0 3-6.$ to repeal the prohibited use of any building intended for htman use or ocCUpancy in the flood plain district ~nd crea~tng ~inimmnhuilding requirements in lien thereof. Fred Lows moved that Ordinance No. 35 be adopted. TedA~nold .seconded the motion. Ordl~m~ee No. 33 was read for the second time. A public hearing was held on a rezone application submitted by H. L. & Bernice Bevington tO rezone a parcel of land fro~ agriculture to cm~ercial. This property is generally located 1/4 mile East of Eagle City Hall. The property would he used as a storage area. The Eagle Planning and Zoning C~,,m,tssion reco~nended denial of the rezone for the following ~o reasons: 1. Tha current quotas of co~ercially zoned properties of the Eagle area are not occupied w~th businesses - thus a demand has not been created for more com~ercially zoned properties to be created at this point in ti~e~ 2. Value of extensive buildi~ of residential housing on view lots overlooking this area auction adjoining properties could be adversely affected by such a l~ezone. Fred Lows moved to table this matter.until the next regular meeting. Br~d Merrick seconded the motion ..... Hike Preston of J. U. B. Engineers, Inc. representing Idaho Land Developers~ Inc. requested the council to annex a 65 acre parcel east of Eagle Road and North o£ Floating FeaChe~ Road with a none request of R-5. This request ~11 be sent to the Eagle Planning and Zoning C~anission for ~heir recommendation. Bob Eouis, attorney, representing the.F~tddlebrook project which is located on the corner of Eagle Road .and Chinden Boulevard, presented the oounc/.t ~rlth a project. This project includes 515 acres and ~rlll encompass 1500 - 1700 building unite, plus a 200,000 square foot shopping center. This project ia within the Ea~le Impact A~ea, but not urlthin the city limits. A request for a beer license was submitted by True Value Oil Company. LaRby Pearman moved that the application be denied for the follourin~ June lA, 1977 - Page 2 1. Increased traffic would c~ns~ituta a hazard to safety at the intersection. 2. The parking is inadequateq ~ 3. Oas and beer don't mix. Increased gathering of peaple on corner would further hinder the sight triangle of the intersection. 5. The available room is ina~equate to handle any further trade or business. Fred Lows seconded the motion. Hayor Deckard requested the attorney write a letter to the applicant informing .them of the council decision, and also infor~t~ng the applicant of a.new.section of the Idaho Vehicle Code - Rules of the Road - stating that .it shall be a misdemeanor for a property owner to maintain or permit to exist an.object that interferes with intersection sight distance. LeRoy Pea~ moved that the 1978 .salarys for mayor and council be set as follows: Mayor - $350.00 per month. Council - $50.00 per month. Fred Lows seconded the motion. Brad Herrick moved that the mayors expense account be set at $75.00 per month. Fred Love seconded the motion. Mayor Deckard informed the council that the preliminary count of a special census is 1579 as of June 6, 1977. The population as of April 1, 1970 was 359. Mayo? Deckard presented the .council with the following calendar in regards to the comprehensive plan. July - Ada Plannin~ Staff put maps together to fit.narrative statements of individual components. Finish transportation narrative and mapping. August - 1st Planning and Zoning Co~tssion Hearing September - 2nd Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing October - City Council public hearing November - City Council adoption... Brad Herrick moved that the bills for May 1977 be paid as listed. Ted Arnold seconded ~he motion. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned.