Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 05/24/1977 - Special1977
A special meetimfs of -~he E-'.~le City Cou~.!it was called to or,let at 6:30
i~ ~,[o ¢,n May 2/,~ 1977 by Mayor
%3~:ad ~ ~:r~ick wa8 excused.
}~f~yor ~ec!~ard betided out prelimimary b~dgets of the Ada Planmimg ~sociation
to each councilman and asked for their input.
Ada Ccunt~s Comprehemstve Plan was alpc handed out~
Gordo~ Bcwer~s~ represemtinE "Wells and W~ells !nves~ent~'~ submitted a
req~.~est ~o the council for an ~tension of a previously issued conditional
~se permJ :. ~is request was submitted to the council with the opinion
letter fr~ the city attorney.
Ted ~o].d moved to deny an extension of the condt~io~a], use pe~tt
requeste~% by Gordon Bowers.
Fred Lowe seconded the motion.
~ere bei~g no further business to co~.a >efore the council, the meeting