Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 05/10/1977 - RegularMay 10, 1977 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was tailed to order by }~yor Deekard at 7:30 P. M., May 10, 1977. Councilmen present: Lowe, Herrick, Arnold, Peerman The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. Orainance 1~. 34 was read for the third time: "AM ORDINANCE A~XINO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: P~SIDENT?A1. LOTS AND ROADWAYS OF THE PROPOSED EA~LE HILLS ltl!ST NO. 3 AI~ 4 SUBDIVISIONS IN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 9, T4N., R1E., B. H. FACLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. LeRoy Pearman moved tha~ Ordinance No. 34 be adopted by the City of Eagle. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. Ordinance No. 35 was read for the second t~e. Ordinance NO. 36 was read for the first time. LeV~y Pearmanmoved to lc&ye the rear yard setback for residential, at 25' but to incorporate into the ordinance a variance procedure for alteration of the rear yard setback. Brad Herrick seconded the motion, Brad Herriek withJrew the second to his motion. LeRoy Pea~man suggested this motion and the variance provi~ion contained within be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendations. Fred Love moved that the preliminar~ plat of Eagle Rills West #4 be approved ~abJect-to compliance wl~ ~he fei!owing conditions: Ted Arnold seconded the motion. Submit a copy of the surety agreement with the Ada County Highway District in the amount of 110 percen~ of the estim~ted cost of offstte improvements or the completion and acceptance of said improvements prior to recording the final plat. Submit a letter of approval of the drainage plan by the Ada County Highway District and the County Engineer prior to recording the final' plat. 4. 5. 6. All street names to be approved by the Ada County Building Department prior to submitting the final plat for recording. Submit a letter of acceptance for water service from the Eagle Water Corporation prior to recording the final plat. Submit a letter of acceptance from the Eagle Sewer and Water Company prior to recording tha final plat. Minimum building setback lines shall be in accordance with the zone standards in effect for the area and delineated on the final plat. Prior to submitting the final plat for recordins the following endorsements or certification~ must be executed: Signatures of owners or dedicators, Certificate of the Engineer, Certificate of Central District Health Department, Certificate of the City Clerk. Subdivision staff to review pla~ after these signatures are obtained. 8. Submit a copy of the restrictive covenants which have been registered to be on file with the final plat. Mr. C,-,~tngs representing Eagle Crest Apartments requested a continuation of a Conditional Use Permit. Attorney Cosho ~11 render au opinion on this request within 5 days. An application for a beer license vas submitted by True Value Oil Company operating on the corner of Highway 44 and Highway 69. Fred Ixnee moved that this application be denied for the follo~ng t~o reasons: 1. This score ie only 249' from the Baptist Church. 2, The application did not contain the sig-nautres of six (6) residents of the City of ~agle. Brad Herrickmoved that the City of Eagle contribute $10.00 to District ~3 to purchase door prises for the AIC Convention. Fred Love seconded the motion. liike Preston from J. U. B. Engineers requested to be on the agenda ~or the June 14thmee£img. A letter of resignation,vas read from Diana Rutledge frmn the position of librarian, llasi~nation effective May 31, 1977. LeRoy Pearmanmoved that a recommendation be sent to the library board stating that the mayor is the chief administrator of all city ~vloyees. Fred Lmee seconded the motion. Hayer Deckard asked the library board to respond to this reconnenda~ion within 5 days. Ted Arnold ~oved that the followin~ proclamation be adopted. Brad Herrick seconded the Hotion. ~F21FAS, the unprecendentad drought end the extr~m-ly poor winter snowpack are predicted to result in the lo~eat sunnet river-flo~s in recorded history, end I~EP. EA~, the predicted lev river-flays will not be sufficient to produce the total amount of hydrogeneration required to meet the State's normal needs for electi,~ energy, end ~gERFAS, a shortaSe of electric ener~ywill have an adverse effect upon employment, upon the State's economy and upon the general welfare, and WHEREAS, the adverse effects of am electric shortage can be min~sed by each citizen reducin~ electric and water useage nov Co save water in storage reservoirs for the generation of electricity later on in the year, and ~HEP. EAS~ in many areas of the State ~.~ater supplies will be critically short for domestic~ agricultural and industriafi use, and WHEP~F~4~, the Govenor of the State of Idaho, in recognition of the drought-caused ~ergency, has requested all citizens to voluntarily curtail their use of electricity and water by 25 percent~ Now, therefore, we request the citizmns <~f Eagle to voluntarily reduce their useage of electricity g;~d water by 25 percent, %~e fulther ask that each individual citizen accept thi~ responsibility and act unselfishly for the Benefit of allo Ted Arnold asked the mayor to appoiat a new raFrezentntiw~ in his place to the Ada Planning Aasoci~tlon. ~!ayor Deckard aDpointed Fred Lowe to this position~ There being no further b~aainess to como before the counciI:: the meetiug was adjourned.