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Minutes - 2013 - City Council - 07/09/2013 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 9,2013 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 1. Eagle Road, State Highway 44 to Plaza Drive Safety Project-Project Update:Andrew Cibor, PE,PTOE. Displays a power point presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Library Director's Report: Steve Bumgarner distributes the June Statistic Report and discusses the same. As you can see we were very busy in June. Last night the Board approved the award of the RFID System to 3M. The new air conditioner units will be installed this week. Discussion on the Library programs. General discussion. 3. Mayor and Council Reports: Butler: None Pierce: Reports on the Chambers Eagle Fun Days. Defayette: No Report Mayor Reports on the Eagle Motor Sports Complex 4. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: PR—Facilities Director Aho: Discusses Eagle Fun Days this weekend. The City is sponsoring the fireworks and we have put bunting up at the Gazebo in Heritage Park. We are working on the maintenance and repair needs on the City Hall Building. Building Official Nash: Discusses the history of the department for the last several years. General discussion. City Clerk Bergmann: No report 5. City Attorney Report: Reports on the M3 Ordinance, it is going through the Planning& Zoning Commission. Discussion on the City Attorney and the Mayor reviewing the layout of the Agenda and proposing changes. PZ Director Vaughan: Discussion on Vendors Permits and Vendors that do not require a permit. We have had a request from a food vendor to set up in Albertson's Parking lot. This is broader than our City policies and ordinances. General discussion. INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GRASSER, DEFAYETTE, BUTLER, PIERCE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jeff Kunz, I have two questions: the last item on the Consent Agenda I would like to ask that there be clarification on what this item is and at the last meeting Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min.doc some people were trying to make comment on agenda items and were told that they could not make comment. I would like to have clarification on Public Comment periods. General discussion. General Council discussion on managing the Public Comment section of the meeting. Kevin Apple, I am impressed with what you do on your Public Comment. I understand there is some dilemma. Further Council discussion. Bob Van Arnem,this is regarding a budget item. Discusses the dues paid to Compass and the Central Valley Express Way. Butler moves to amend the Agenda to add an Executive Session under State Statute 67- 2345(a) to discusses Personnel Matters. Seconded by Defayette. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part, of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. • A. Claims Against the City. • B. Minutes of June 25,2013. ♦ C. Noise Waiver Request: The Gathering Place(50 E. State St.) is requesting a noise waiver on July 13, 2013 until 1:00 a.m. to accommodate their parking lot beer garden associated with Eagle Fun Days. ♦ D. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-02-03 MOD 2— Development Agreement Modifications—Coast 2 Coast,LLC: Coast 2 Coast, LLC, represented Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreements(Instrument No. 106057133)associated with Coast 2 Coast Subdivision(aka Laguna Pointe Subdivision). The request is to convert two mixed use/commercial lots into residential lots. The 117.51-acre site is generally located east of Eagle Road approximately 4,100-feet north of Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) ♦ E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ A-01-13/RZ-01-13/CU-01- 13/PPUD-01-13/PP-01-13- Syringa Planned Unit Development- SCS Syringa Marydale,LLC.: SCS Syringa Marydale LLC,represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-3-DA-P(Residential up to three units per acre with a development agreement PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approvals for Syringa Subdivision a 142-lot(128 buildable and 14 common)residential subdivision. The 63.57-acre planned unit development is generally located at the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 1,320-feet west of the intersection of North Lanewood Road and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min.doc ♦ F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ RZ-04-09 MOD and PP-02- 13 - Ashbury Subdivision - SCS Brighton, LLC.: SCS Brighton, LLC, is requesting a development agreement modification and preliminary plat approval for Ashbury Subdivision a 246-lot (214-buildable, 13-commercial, and 19-common) subdivision. The 111.11-acre site is generally located on the west side of S. Meridian Road and the north side of W. Chinden Boulevard (Highway 20/26) approximately 835-feet west of S. Meridian Road. (WEV). ♦ G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ RZ-24-06 MOD3—Eagle Tennis Club LLC.: Eagle Tennis Club, LLC, represented by Jeff Huber,with White-Leasure Company, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the commercial area of the previously approved Eagle Gateway South Development. (WEV) • H. Resolution 13-17-Conflict Counsel Agreement: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle,Idaho,Approving An Acknowledgment, Consent And Waiver Of Conflict Of Interest Agreement Between The City Of Eagle And Eagle Superparks LLC.;And Providing An Effective Date.(SEB) Defayette removes Items#5B,I would like to add Item #6A Discussion of letter from Mayor to ACHD and discussion of open house dates for the Eagle Terrain Park as#6B. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Defayette amends the motion to remove Item #5E and #5H. Discussion. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Stan Ridgeway, I was going to ask that Item#5H be removed and now it has been pulled from the Consent Agenda and has been moved to the end of the Agenda to after Executive Session. General discussion. Butler moves to amend the Agenda to not have Item#5H after Executive Session for Personnel which was going to be after the other Executive Session but move it to follow action of the Consent Agenda understanding that we are going into an Executive Session for personnel matters before we act on Item #5H. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Defayette moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda,Items#A,C,D,F through G. Seconded by Butler. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5B. Minutes of June 25,2013. Defayette: I would like to clarify the minutes on Item#7C where it states that I said "The reason I didn't vote for this was that when I look at Meridian Road I can't imagine anyone wanting to build a beautiful new home along that road.". What I meant to say"because no one would want to build a larger home with the lot inventory's available." I didn't want people to think that you wouldn't want to build a house on Meridian. I would like the record to reflect that I voted not to approve this not because no one would want to build a home on Meridian Road rather"forcing a developer to increase the lot size would possibly price the lot size out based on inventory of large lots available." That is the only change to the minutes that I would like to make. Defayette moves to change the minutes as stated. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ A-01-13/RZ-01-13/CU-01-13/PPUD- 01-13/PP-01-13 -Svringa Planned Unit Development-SCS Svringa Marvdale,LLC. Zoning Administrator Vaughan. The applicant has requested that this item be continued Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min.doc to the next meeting. Butler moves to continue that item to the next meeting Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for Syringa. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves to go into Executive Session under State Item 67-2345(a)to discusses Personnel Matters. Seconded by Defayette. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 7:07 p.m. Council discusses personnel matters. Council leaves Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. Butler moves to go out of Executive Session. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5H. Resolution 13-17-Conflict Counsel Agreement: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho,Approving An Acknowledgment, Consent And Waiver Of Conflict Of Interest Agreement Between The City Of Eagle And Eagle Superparks LLC.; And Providing An Effective Date.(SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. We will open this up and entertain questions on this matter. Council and City Attorney Buxton have a question and answer session on Resolution 13-17 - Conflict Counsel Agreement. Defayette moves to adopt Resolution 13-17 Conflict of Counsel Agreement. Discussion. Stan Ridgeway discusses how this item has proceeded forward on the Council Agendas. Discussion on transparency. Public input has been limited. I am not opposed to this park. I have just been opposed to the process because it does not seem transparent. General discussion. Jeff Kunz,discussion on the staff meeting on this issue that Jeff attended. The meeting flushed out a lot of issues that I have heard from the public. Discussion on the process. Butler: I will second the motion as long as you add another item Section 3 is added that says"this Resolution does not commit the City of Eagle to approve said Concession Agreement". Defayette concurs. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Letter to ACHD Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Butler moves to instruct the Mayor to sign the letter to ACHD dated July 9,2013. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Open House on Terrain Park Mayor introduces the issue. Discussion on having an Open House or a Town Hall Meeting and the timeline when the Concession Agreement will be prepared. Defayette moves to continue the date for the Town Hall Meeting to the next regular Council meeting(July 23,2013). Seconded by. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min doc General discussion. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion of request for proposal for Health Insurance providers: (MD) Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergmann introduces Doug Hetherington the City's insurance broker. Doug Hetherington, Leavitt Group, representing the City as their insurance broker, provides an overview of the current health care climate. General discussion. B. Ordinance 698—Amending Mayor and Council Annual Salaries: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Idaho,Amending Section 1-5-3, Eagle City Code, To Provide For Annual Salaries For The Mayor And Council, And Providing Effective Date. The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item: Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Comment period Jeff Kunz, discusses the Council discussions that took place at the last Council Meeting where the Mayor and Council Annual Salaries were discussed. Discusses how an analysis on the salaries should be done. Discussion on the assumption that a higher pay will bring out more qualified candidates to run for office. Lisa Grasser, I was on the City Hall Task Force. I think it is a bad idea for you to have your hands out for a salary increase. Jeff brought up some good points. You ran for office to seek the appointment and you knew what the salary was you shouldn't be doing this when the City Hall Bond just passed. Foad Roghani, I have the same general comments as Jeff and Lisa made. Discusses article Council Member wrote in her publication. Discussion on the employees insurance. General discussion. Al Shoushtarian, I just want to bring up the same points as previous,they are concerned citizens and you need to listen to them. Discusses when the previous Council cut the salaries in half. Discussion on the employee's benefits. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Comment period General Council discussion. Butler moves that the Draft Ordinance be modified to Mayor's salary goes to$50,000 a year,Council President's salary goes to$10,500 a year and City Council Member's salaries go to$8,400 a year. Seconded by Pierce. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: NAY; Butler AYE: Pierce: AYE: DiscussionAfter discussion Defayette changes her vote to AYE: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#698 be considered after being read once by title only. Butler reads Ordinance #698 by title only: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Idaho,Amending Section 1-5-3, Eagle City Code,To Provide For Annual Salaries For The Mayor And Council,And Providing Effective Date. To clarify,the Mayor's salary goes to $50,000 a year, Council Page 5 K:\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min.doc President's salary goes to $10,500 a year and City Council Member's salaries go to $8,400 a year. Seconded by Defayette. THREE AYES: GRASSER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves that Ordinance#698 be adopted as stated. Seconded by Defayette. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Review of Design Review Board Recommendation regarding mural proposed at 74 W. State Street-Eagle Arts Commission: The Eagle Arts Commission is requesting City Council approval for the painting of a mural by Brenda Kaye to be located on the east elevation of the Eagle Liquor Store Building located at 74 W. State Street. The Arts Commission would like the City Council to approve the proposal without the implementation of the conditions of approval as recommended by the Eagle Design Review Board at its June 13, 2013, meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Linda Crouch, representing the Eagle Arts Commission, provides Council an overview of the Liquor Store mural. The Arts Commission has approved the proposed design. We are asking the Council to approve the Design as proposed without the recommendations by the Design Review. General discussion. Brenda Kaye, provides the Council an overview of the proposed mural. See tape. Butler moves to approve the mural as submitted without the recommendations of the Design Review Board. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 9. BUDGET DISCUSSION: I. Budget Items continued from the June 25th City Council Meeting: A. Revenue B. Property Taxes C. General Administration D. Executive Department E. City Clerk Department II. Additional Budget Items for Discussion-Time Permitting. A. Building Department Budget B. Planning&Zoning Mayor introduces the issue. Defayette moves to amend the Agenda to continue Budget discussions#I and II to tomorrow night. Seconded by Butler. THREE AYES: GRASSER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending and/or Threatened Litigation 67-2345(f) [SEB] 67-2345. Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Page 6 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min doc (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Defayette moves to go into Executive Session to discuss Pending and/or Threatened Litigation 67-2345(f) in the matter of Laguna Pointe and Rembrandts. Seconded by Pierce. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES . Council goes into Executive Session at 9:55 p.m. Council discusses Laguna Pointe and Rembrandts. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:30 p.m. Butler moves that we do not accept the time request from Rembrandts to continue roasting. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 11. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ""'U,,,,, .•,, .1 OFF �••. i •"C i" pRPO • R,•,LL__42,„...,h...a,T.., SHARON K. BERGMANN = • _ . •CITY CLERK/TREASURER "'" " ft C r. " �.•.' 'A-` "I_, `a : t. „.i.” : 'PROVED: ", ••••••-t�'� ° O iv/4 .y. ii MES D. REYN h L►f. AYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-13min.doc The The Effects of Community PlItiltIri Older patients typically utilize more, and higher cost health care services than younger patients. One way states can ensure that coverage remains affordable for everyone is to use age rating bands that spread premium costs over a range of age groups. Currently, in a state with a 5:1 age band, the ratio limits the amount an older individual will pay to no more than five times what a younger individual pays in premium dollars. Right now, 42 states have age rating bands that are 5:1, some are more. On January 1, 2014 the federal health care law limits a state's age rating bands to 3:1. On January 1, 2014 the Health Care Law Limits Age Rating Bands to 3:1 2014 3:1 Age Rating Band I For Example... This 24-year-old's annual health insurance premium is currently $1,200. This 60-year-old's annual health -- insurance premium is currently $6,000. Overnight, the younger individual's premium increases to $1,800 annually. The older individual pays an annual premium of $5,220. FUTURE SD!%MORE c7:1) If the younger person's premium becomes unaffordable, they will choose to not purchase coverage. If young, healthy people drop health insurance coverage, premiums rise for everyone. There are additional cost drivers that will raise premiums even more in 2014 and beyond. Such as: • Loss of SIC Code discount • Unisex rates • Smokers rated up 50% • Community rating for health • Health insurance industry fee • Insurance assessment fee • Federally facilitated exchange fee • Restricted plan designs • Patient -Centered Outcomes Research Institute fee Ihhdustry experts predict that tiee aver.ye fully insured health pled' will increase a minimum of 30% on its 2014 renewal! Contact me today to discuss strategies to help prevent or alleviate this increase! Agent Name Agency Name Phone Number Email Address *Illustrative Example • Provided by Insurance Network America • 1-800-456-7999 • www.InsuranceNetwork.com Mayor James D. Reynolds Ada County Highway District Attn: Commissioners 3775 Adams St. Garden City, ID 83714 July 9, 2013 City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 208-939-6813 9-7 Council Members Mark Butler Mary Defayette John Grasser Jason Pierce Dear Commissioners, The June 11, 2013 joint meeting was, in my opinion, an excellent example of our cooperative efforts and desires to make Eagle a great place. I thank you for your and your staff's continued work and support of the City, our planning, and land use objectives. To provide some clarity and direction from the City of Eagle on two recent projects on which we have been working cooperatively, the Northwest Foothills Plan and the State Street and 2nd Street Pedestrian Improvements, our planners and I offer the following:. Northwest Foothills: At our June meeting, the planned width of Beacon Light Road was a significant part of our discussion. Toward the end of the discussion there was talk about the "planned width" of Beacon Light Road. As a point of clarification, the City has only planned for Beacon Light Road as a 5 lane section from SH 16 cast to Linder Road. All other portions of Beacon Light Road are planned for a 3 lane section. While the ACHD may have planned in the master street plan for 5 lanes for preservation only from Linder Road east to SH55, this has never been adopted or endorsed by the City of Eagle. The 2008 NWFTP projected the 2030 need on Beacon Light to be 3 lanes, and that is all that has been endorsed by the City. Not knowing the future, that is not to say that "preserving" to keep developers from encroaching beyond what might be needed for 5 lanes one day is not a good idea. The City's comprehensive Plan prescribes the following policies for Beacon Light Road: 8.4.A Roadway System Goals 1. Protect and buffer homes, businesses, sidewalks and pathways, parks and opens spaces from the adverse impacts of roadways and traffic. Reasonable design measures should include narrower street sections, medians, alleys, landscaping, pathways and trails, and the design of bridges and other structures. Page 1 of 6 C.\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\E8M4VINO\Foothills and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx Policy 8.6.2: S: Encourage arterial and collector roadway design criteria consistent with the rural nature of planned and existing developments generally within the areas designated on the Land Use Map as Residential Rural (one dwelling unit per five acres maximum) and Residential Estates (one dwelling unit per two acres maximum). For purposes of this section, rural nature roadways should include, but are not limited to: • Homer Road • Beacon Light Road • Park Lane • Meridian Road • Ballantyne Road • Eagle Road (from Floating Feather Road north to the Impact Area boundary), . • Linder Road (from Beacon Light Road north to the Impact Area boundary), • Palmer/Hartley Road, • New arterial and collector roadways within the Foothills region that have forecast daily traffic volumes of less than 18,000 vehicles. T. Rural Nature Road designs should include the following: 1. ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) permitting, sidewalks and/or pathways should meander and be separated from any roadway edge or curb to allow for added pedestrian safety. Topography, trees, ditches and/or similar features may limit the distance between sidewalks and/or pathways and the roadway edge. Easements may be needed if portions of the sidewalk and/or pathway are to be located outside of the right-of-way. 2. Unless otherwise determined by ACHD to be necessary for public safety, roadways should be a maximum of two lanes with a center turn lane only at driveways and/or street intersections that are expected to generate a minimum of 500 vehicle trips per day, or where determined to be necessary for safety by ACHD. Any portion of a center turn lane that is not used for such a driveway or intersection should contain a landscaped median. Such landscaped medians would need to be maintained by the City, homeowners' association or other responsible entity and would require a license agreement with the highway district having jurisdiction. 3. The roadways should be constructed with a bike lane on both sides of the roadway. Special designs may be considered in Foothills regions, along principal arterials, and in roadway corridors with parallel pathway systems. Policy 8.6.6E (4): Beacon Light: Proposed realignment of Beacon Light Road through the Village Center. During our visioning and outreach great concerns from residents were expressed about the intensity of traffic moving along Beacon Light Road through the existing residential development east of Linder Road. This (illustration 8.1) was a proposal to reduce this through traffic. Further, a desire was expressed Page 2of6 C:\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\E8M4VINO\Foothills and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx to provide a "greener" feel to this road way through the city. The proposed cross section includes planting strips and a detached meandering trail. Illustration 8.1 of the Comprehensive Plan Proposed Beacon Light East of Linder Two Lane Roadway: • a9 s' '.1 6 to 10 -ft sidewalk/pathway 8 to 10 -ft planter strip 1 travel lane Center turn lane (where appropriate) or a landscaped median 1 travel lane 8 to 10 -ft planter strip 6 to 10 -ft sidewalk/pathway Proposed Beacon Light West of Linder Four Lane Roadway: 1 .. 6 to 10 -ft sidewalk/pathway 8 to 10 -ft planter strip 2 travel lanes Center turn lane (where appropriate) or a landscaped median 2 travel lanes 8 to 10 -ft planter strip 6 to 10 -ft sidewalk/pathway State Street & Second Intersection: 1, ..rt' .: • r •l. L ma, +ir 5.24• Page 3 of 6 C:\Documents and Settings\nbaird\LocalSettings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OUtlOOk\E8M4VI NO\FOOthi!Is and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx As you may remember, the City of Eagle brought forward our concerns about the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists at this intersection and requested the ACHD study options available to create a safer intersection within the Old Towne portion of the City. At the time of our request, the City highlighted the desire to see a 4 -way stop at the intersection, but was open to additional options. In November, the ACHD staff presented several options to the City Council, but it was unclear that these options were the only items moving forward for consideration. The City upon review of the options for the intersection strongly recommends the installation of a 4 -way stop intersection at this location. The 4 -way intersection should include signage, striping for on -street parking and lane makings and new no -parking signs along State Street. The City feels this is the most cost effective way of addressing the need for additional pedestrian safety and is in line with the City's comprehensive plan policies to focus n pedestrian circulation in downtown Eagle. We recall ACHD' prediction that a 4 -way stop in that area will have disastrous results, and again suggest the temporary placement to two more stop signs on Old State at 2nd Street for a period of time. We should soon be able to determine whether the results will be positive or negative as posited by ACHD. That result can then determine our next course of action, to either permanently install a 4 -way stop, or proceed with the traffic island as suggested by ACHD. The City's comprehensive Plan does not prescribe a specific solution for the intersection but does provide the following direction: Community Vision: Promote and develop a unique downtown that supports pedestrian, bicycle and transit connections Goal 1: Walkability: Create a pedestrian oriented city center that is interconnected and compact in size with a variety of uses that encourage citizens to park once and walk between destinations. Goal 2b: Incorporate pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle and public transit into the transportation plan for downtown. Policy Old Towne 4: Walkability in the Old Towne should focus on the historical grid and attached sidewalk system that provides connectivity throughout the Old Towne area. a. Specific design elements should include bulb outs at intersection crossings and the integration of pedestrian amenities such as benches, trees, planters, and public art. Page 4 of 6 C.\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OutIO0k\E8M4VINO\Foothills and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx Figure OT6: (above) Downtown Subarea plan showing Bulb outs and striped on -street parking at the State Street and 2nd Street intersection Transportation Policies: T 5: Plan for a "complete street" and multi -modal system that incorporates pedestrian, bicycle and transit into the Downtown Eagle Street Network. Work to reduce auto/pedestrian conflicts and dependency on automobiles, while recognizing that automobiles will he an important transportation mode for the foreseeable future. T 7: Encourage through -traffic to use the State Highway System (SH55 & SH 16) and arterials (Linder Road) to move north south through the community versus the local street network. Similarly encourage east/west through -traffic to use the state highway and arterial network (SH 44, US 20/26 and Beacon Light Road). T 8: Modify streets to slow automobile traffic to speeds compatible with the function and character of each street and emphasize the needs and comfort of pedestrians and bicyclists. T 9: Plan for speeds that accommodate the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians. T 11: Identify and implement street modifications to improve pedestrian safety and comfort such as: sidewalk bulb -outs, traffic circles, textured concrete and on -street bike lanes, consistent with the ACHD's Livable Streets Guidelines. T 15: Create a pedestrian friendly downtown network that includes wider sidewalks, canal pathways, and trails. T 31: Balance reasonable access and alternative access to reduce vehicular/pedestrian conflicts. We believe that these two issues warranted additional clarity and understanding of City policy, planning and direction. The City firmly believes that limiting Beacon Light Road to 3 lanes east of Linder and 4 - way stop sign at State Street and 2nd Street are firmly supported by the City's comprehensive plan and Page 5 of 6 C•\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OUtIOOk\E8M4VINO\Foothills and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx consistent with our community's vision. I would certainly he remiss if I failed to thank you for your efforts and cooperation in making Eagle a great place and a unique community. We look forward to continuing our dialogue and working together for a bright future James D. Reynolds Mayor CC: Council Zoning Administrator Page 6 of 6 C.\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OUtIOOk\E$M4VINO\FOOthIIlS and Second street letter 6-25-2013.docx City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 10832 07/08/2013 10632 A Company, Inc. Total 10832: 10633 07/08/2013 10633 Abel Soares Total 10633: 10634 07/08/2013 10634 Ada County Highway District Total 10634: 10635 07/08/2013 10635 Alloway Electric Total 10635: 10636 07/0812013 10636 Alsco 07/08/2013 10638 Alsco 07/08/2013 10636 Alsco 07/08/2013 10636 Alsco Total 10638: 10637 07/08/2013 10637 ArtSign Design Total 10637: 10638 07/08/2013 10638 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 07/08/2013 10638 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 07/08/2013 10638 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Total 10638: 10639 07/08/2013 10639 Barbara C Brown Total 10639: 10640 07/08/2013 10840 Boise Office Equipment Total 10640: 10641 07/08/2013 10641 Boyd Leavitt 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 87.50 87.50 87.50 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEE 61,898.00 61,698.00 81,898.00 1 ch 01-0441-07-00 Street Lights - Mtnc & Repair 4,030.00 4,030.00 4,030.00 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 86.63 68.63 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 31.25 31.25 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 88.83 68.83 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 31.25 31.25 195.76 1 ch 15-0455-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCUTRES 395.00 395.00 395.00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 65.20 65.20 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 6.99 6.99 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 79.51 79.51 151.70 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 75.00 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN 106.00 106.00 106.00 1 ch 60.0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 76.00 75.00 City of Eagte Check Check Issue Date Number Total 10641: 10642 07/08/2013 10642 Cherie Givens Total 10642: Payee 10643 07/08/2013 10643 CNA Sales Corp. Total 10643: 10644 07/08/2013 10644 Community Planning Association Total 10644: 10645 07/08/2013 10645 Computer Arts Inc 07/08/2013 10645 Computer Arts Inc Total 10645: 10646 07/08/2013 10646 D&B Supply 07/08/2013 10846 0&B Supply Total 10848: 10647 07/08/2013 10847 07/08/2013 10647 07/08/2013 10647 07/08/2013 10847 07/08/2013 10647 07/08/2013 10847 07/08/2013 10647 07/08/2013 10647 07/08/2013 10647 Total 10647: Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho 10648 07/08/2013 10648 Dennis Holte Total 10648: 10649 07/08/2013 10849 DigLine Total 10649: 10650 07/08/2013 Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 7/6/2013 - 7/8/2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Sequence GL Account Account Title 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CITY HALL EQUIP 1 ch 01-0416-37-00 COMPUTER ARTS IT CONTRACT 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 1 ch 01-0217-07-01 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 4 ch 11-0217-07-00 5 ch 14-0217-07-00 6 ch 13-0217-07-00 7 ch 01-0217-07-00 8 ch 16-0217-07-00 9 ch 80-0217-07-00 COBRA- HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE P82 DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CITY COUNCIL HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 13-0418-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 1 ch 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE Page: 2 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 181.99 181.99 181.99 2,387.00 2,387.00 2,387.00 2,355.00 2,355.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 11,055.00 60.98 60.98 33.98 33.98 94.96 43.65 43.65 531.23 531.23 211.77 211.77 85.54 85.54 281.76 281.76 249.21 249.21 85.54 85.54 42.80 42.80 120.93 120.93 1,652.43 3,051.00 3,051.00 3,051.00 83.82 63.82 63.82 10650 Drugfree Idaho 1 ch 08-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 17.60 17.80 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 10650: 17.60 10651 07/08/2013 10651 Eagle Auto Parts 1 ch 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 10.78 10.78 07/08/2013 10651 Eagle Auto Parts 1 ch 16-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 17.03 17.03 07/08/2013 10651 Eagle Auto Parts 1 ch 15-0413-24-00 MTNC-REPAIR VEHICLES 4.49 4.49 Total 10651: 32.30 10652 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 16-0449-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS .88 .88 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 15.18 15.18 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES .09- .09- 07/08/2013 10852 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 32.39 32.39 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 3.86 3.88 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 5.84 5.84 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 8.48 8.48 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 5.39 5.39 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7.89 7.89 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 8.99 6.99 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 7.64 7.64 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 7.81 7.61 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0443-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 8.09 8.09 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 16-0437-21-00 GREENBELT -PATHWAY MTNC-RPR 17.79 17.79 07/08/2013 10852 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 16-0450-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 10.48 10.48 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 16-0450-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 22.02 22.02 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 3.49 3.49 07/08/2013 10852 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 27.65 27.65 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES .44 .44 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0413-24-00 MTNC-REPAIR VEHICLES 15.97 15.97 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 9.16 9.16 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 6.72 6.72 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 30.32 30.32 07/08/2013 10652 Evan's Budding Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 23.72 23.72 Total 10852: 277.91 10653 07/08/2013 10653 Fireworks America 1 ch 01-0422-03-00 COMMUNITY PROMOTION/SPC EVEN 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total 10853. 5,000.00 10654 07/08/2013 10654 Frank Lutheran 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 10654: 75.00 10666 07/08/2013 10855 GC Systems, Inc 1 Ch 60-0434-58-00 WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 167.04 167.04 Total 10855: 167.04 10656 07/08/2013 10656 Glenn Armstrong 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 10656: 75.00 10657 07/08/2013 10857 Hawkins -Smith Eagle Hall LLC 1 ch 01-0416-21-00 CITY HALL LEASE PAYMENT - H.S. 11,867.07 11,867.07 Total 10657: 11,867.07 10658 07/08/2013 10658 Hilton Garden Inn -Eagle 1 ch 09-0463-07-00 EAGLE FUN DAYS 85.32 85.32 Total 10658 85.32 10659 07/08/2013 10659 Idaho Council of Governments 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 350.00 350.00 07/08/2013 10659 Idaho Council of Governments 1 ch 01.0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 350.00 350.00 Total 10659: 700.00 10660 07/08/2013 10660 Idaho Humane Society, Inc. 1 ch 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 3,522.00 3,522.00 Total 10860: 3,522.00 10661 07/08/2013 10681 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454.06-00 UTILITIES 6.54 6.54 07/08/2013 10661 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15.0455-06-00 UTILITIES 5.27 5.27 Total 10661: 11.81 10662 07/08/2013 10662 Integra 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 888.34 888.34 Total 10662: 888.34 10663 07/08/2013 10663 Intermountain Gas Company 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 130.38 130.38 07/08/2013 10663 Intermountain Gas Company 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 2.00 2.00 Total 10863: 132.38 10664 07/08/2013 10664 Jiffytube Accounting Office 1 ch 15-0413-24-00 MTNC-REPAIR VEHICLES 57.97 57.97 Total 10864: 57.97 10665 07/08/2013 10685 John & Denise Hoehne 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 10665: 75.00 10666 07/08/2013 10668 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 200.00 200.00 07/08/2013 10666 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1,281.60 1,281.60 07/08/2013 10666 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 2,089.00 2,089.00 07/08/2013 10666 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 690.00 690.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 10668: 4,260.60 10667 07/08/2013 10667 Kristen, Bumingham 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 10667: 75.00 10668 07/08/2013 10668 Lexisnexis Matthew Bender 1 ch 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 467.96 467.96 Total 10668: 467.96 10669 07/08/2013 10669 Marcia L Coulter 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 10669: 75.00 10670 07/08/2013 10870 Melissa Nodzu 1 ch 09-0483-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 1,529.00 1,529.00 Total 10670: 1,529.00 10671 07/08/2013 10871 Methodworks 1 ch 80-0434-58-00 WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 190.00 190.00 Total 10671: 190.00 10672 07/08/2013 10672 Michael & Jennifer Sulpizio 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 42.02 42.02 07/08/2013 10672 Michael & Jennifer Sulpizio 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 24.54 24.54 Total 10672: 66.56 10673 07/08/2013 10673 Mimura & Associates 1 ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 4.450.00 4,450.00 Total 10673: 4,450.00 10674 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3,554.27 3,554.27 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 2,618.78 2,818.78 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 60-0434-42-01 WATER/LEGAL SERVICES 503.84 503.84 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0418-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 534.00 534.00 07/08/2013 10874 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 2 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,260.90 1,260.90 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 3 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 133.00 133.00 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 171.00 171.00 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 9,008.98 9,008.96 07/08/2013 10674 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 2,563.25 2,563.25 07/08/2013 10874 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 580.55 560.55 Total 10674: 20,908.55 10675 07/08/2013 10675 Nate and Sara Garr 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 10675: 75.00 10676 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 1 ch 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 24.00 24.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 2 ch 16-0433-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 6.00 6.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 3 ch 12-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 4 ch 13-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 5 ch 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 3.00 3.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 6 ch 60-0433-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 07/08/2013 10676 National Benefit Services, LLC 7 ch 14-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMEN FEE 12.00 12.00 Total 10676: 72.00 10677 07/08/2013 10677 Nichoet Baird Spencer 1 ch 14-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 52.49 52.49 Total 10677: 52.49 10678 07/08/2013 10678 Peak Alarm Company 1 ch 01-0413-34-00 MONITORING ALARM SYSTEMS 100.50 100.50 Total 10678: 100.50 10679 07/08/2013 10679 Phillip and Odetia Gordon 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 10679: 75.00 10680 07/08/2013 10680 Postmaster 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 216.00 216.00 Total 10680: 216.00 10681 07/08/2013 10681 Purchase Power 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 600.00 600.00 Total 10681: 600.00 10682 07/08/2013 10682 Rebecca and Michael Smead Total 10682: 10683 07/08/2013 10683 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley Total 10683: 10684 07/08/2013 10684 Shred -it - USA -Boise Total 10684: 10686 07/08/2013 10685 Staples Credit Plan 07/08/2013 10685 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 75.00 75.00 75.00 3,678.83 3,678.83 3,878.83 69.60 69.60 69.60 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 21.19 21.19 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 26.49 26.49 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 10885: 10686 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 Payee 10686 Summer Lawns, Inc. 10886 Summer Lawns, Inc. 10686 Summer Lawns, Inc. 10686 Summer Lawns, Inc. Total 10686: 10687 07/08/2013 10887 The Independent News Total 10687: 10688 07/08/2013 10688 Tim and Sandy Scheffler Total 10888: 10689 07/08/2013 10689 TVR Heating/Cooling Total 10689: 10690 07/08/2013 10890 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. Total 10690: 10691 07/08/2013 10691 United Micro Data, tnc. Total 10691: 10692 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 07/08/2013 10892 Verizon Wireless 10692 Verizon Wireless 10892 Verizon Wireless 10692 Verizon Wireless Total 10892: 10693 07/08/2013 10693 Victor and Elke Eroschenko Total 10893: Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 7/8/2013 - 7/8/2013 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 16-0437-20-00 GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS 2 ch 15-0437-21-00 FULL TIME GEN MTNC STAFF 1 ch 15-0450-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 15-0450-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 2 ch 15-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 3 ch 11-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 4 ch 13-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 10694 07/08/2013 10894 Walter Kocian 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS Total 10894: Grand Totals: Page: 7 Jul 08, 2013 02:40PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 47.68 9,527.09 9,527.09 5,000.00 5,000.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 14,637.09 208.00 208.00 208.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 178.62 178.62 178.62 1,760.00 1,760.00 1,780.00 205.42 205.42 40.17 40.17 52.15 52.15 89.54 89.54 387.28 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 163,039.66 di r! h1 i. l li Ill Monthly Circulation Children's Collection Teen Collection Adult Collection Other (includes ebooks) sub -total In-house Self -Checkout Amount Percent of Total Circulation Gate Count Exterior Interior New Card Registrants Eagle Non -Resident June 2013 Statistics Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 13,928 12,770 9.1% 1,973 1,997 -1.2% 12,986 12,581 3.2% 349 174 n/a 29,236 27,522 6.2% 3,114 Total 32,350 Programs (in house) Total Number of Programs Children in Attendance Teens in Attendance Adults in Attendance Total Program Attendance Programs (outreach) Total Number of Programs Children in Attendance Teens in Attendance Adults in Attendance Total Program Attendance Computer Use Adult Children Circulation per Day Days of Operation Circulation per Day Study Rooms 2,498 24.7% 30,020 7.8% Jun -13 Jun -12 4,168 2,787 0 0 c 7-1-73 Fiscal Year Cumulative Circulation Children's Collection Teen Collection Adult Collection Other (includes ebooks) In-house 7/9/2013 11:30 AM FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 87,101 87,412 -0.4% 12,055 12,827 -6.0% 109,735 109,824 -0.1% 2,306 1,049 n/a sub -total 211,197 211,112 0.0% ±% Self -Checkout 49.6% Amount 38.8% Percent of Total Circulation Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% n/a n/a n/a 17,466 12,022 45.3% Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 188 131 43.5% 1 0 n/a Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 55 17 223.5% 1,041 454 129.3% 91 0 $DIV/0! 619 253 144.7% 1,751 707 147.7% Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 0 8 -100.0% 0 121 -100.0% 0 4 -100.0% 0 12 -100.0% 0 137 -100.0% Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 1,049 1,494 -10.6% 286 na Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 25 26 -3.8% 1,294 1,155 12.1% 58 0 Gate Count Exterior Interior New Card Registrants Eagle Non -Resident 19,740 18,270 8.0% Total 230,937 229,382 0.7% Programs (in house) Total Number of Programs Children in Attendance Teens in Attendance Adults in Attendance Total Program Attendance Programs (outreach) Total Number of Programs Children in Attendance Teens in Attendance Adults in Attendance Total Program Attendance Computer Use Adult Children Circulation per Day Days of Operation Circulation per Day FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 28,109 25,985 8.2% 0 0 7.4% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% n/a n/a n/a 123,729 116,435 6.3% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 788 760 3.7% 1 2 n/a FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 368 123 199.2% 3,904 2,293 70.3% 333 7 4657.1% 5,363 1,943 176.0% 9,600 4,243 126.3% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 0 85 -100.0% O 1,556 -100.0% O 4 -100.0% O 211 -100.0% 0 1,771 -100.0% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 7,102 7,838 -9.4% n/a n/a n/a FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 222 223 -0.4% 1,040 1,028 1.2% Study Rooms 337 0 EAcAL I'ut3UC LIRRArY 'YOUR 1,1 RNE June Highlights Collection Children's New Books Board Books Picture Books Easy Readers Teen New Books Graphic Novels Adult New Books CD Books CD Music DVD/Video Ebooks Summer Reading Registered Books read Total reports Highest weekly number of unique reports June 2013 Statistics Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% 387 196 97.4% 391 335 16.7% 3,042 2,760 10.2% 1,751 1,025 70.8% Children's New Books Board Books Picture Books Easy Readers Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% Teen 170 112 51.8% New Books 250 206 21.4% Graphic Novels Jun -13 Jun -12 ±% Adult 1,307 1,298 0.7% New Books 685 610 12.3% CD Books 716 550 30.2% CD Music 3,466 2,615 32.5% DVD/Video 349 174 100.6% Ebooks Jun -13 1,009 7,520 1,539 457 7/9/2013 11:30 AM FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 2,607 1,898 37.4% 2,325 2,539 -8.4% 20,939 16,621 26.0% 7,227 5,145 40.5% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 944 712 32.6% 1,302 969 34.4% FY 12-13 FY 11-12 ±% 11,678 10,771 8.4% 5,176 5,339 -3.1% 6,198 6,231 -0.5% 27,398 22,234 23.2% 2,168 1,016 113.4% July 9, 2013 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ACHD rw CC Sara M. Baker, President John S. Franden, Vice President Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner Mitchell A. Jaurena, Commissioner Jim D. Hansen, Commissioner Eagle City Mayor and Council Andrew Cibor, Traffic Engineer Eagle Road, State Highway 44 to Plaza Drive Safety Project — Project Update July 9, 2013 Pre -Council Staff Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In July 2010, the City of Eagle requested ACHD conduct a review of options to address safety concerns on Eagle Road between State Highway (SH) 44 and Plaza Drive. In December 2010, ACHD staff completed a detailed assessment and recommended a new traffic signal at the Eagle Road/Plaza Drive intersection, a raised median between SH 44 and Plaza Drive, and refinements to the Eagle Road traffic signal coordination plans as a near-term improvement. Attachment "A" illustrates the proposed improvements. ACHD staff presented these recommendations to the Eagle City Council in May 2011. The project received funding for design in FY 2012 and construction in FY 2013. Local businesses and motorists are generally supportive of the project; however, there are some who are not supportive and would like to see it modified. The project is at 95% design and construction is anticipated for this fall. BACKGROUND Concerns are primarily focused on high traffic volumes, the presence of multiple access points, and the proximity of the SH 44 and State Street traffic signals. This segment of Eagle Road currently operates at LOS C but the adjacent intersections are congested and have significant queuing. The crash rate on Eagle Road between SH 44 and State Street is approximately five times greater than what is expected on similar roadways in the state. In addition, it is difficult for vehicles to turn left on to Eagle Road from the private access points and Plaza Drive. Attachment "B" illustrates the crash history including crash type and severity. No pedestrian or bicycle crashes are reported on this segment of Eagle Road since 1997 (staff is only able to review crashes since 1997). Additional analysis was conducted to review possibilities of retaining some left -turn movements at the midblock access points and to permit U turns at the signalized intersections. The analysis determined that these changes decrease the safety benefit of the project, negatively impact queue storage, are not needed to provide full access, and increase the project cost and delay. Staff does not recommend these modifications. One possibility in the future may be to allow U turns at the Eagle Road/SH 44 intersection if ITD modifies their channelized right -turn lanes. PUBLIC OUTREACH ACHD staff, City of Eagle staff, and ACHD's design consultant discussed the existing crash problem and the proposed project with all of the businesses within the project area in December 2012. Through that process, the only property owner that objected to the project was the owner of BitSmart, which is located in the southeast corner of the Albertsons development. Attachment "C" includes written correspondence from and a survey completed by BitSmart. Recently, ACHD staff has also had additional discussion with Albertsons but has not yet received a letter stating their opinion. Ada County Highway District • 3775 Adams Street • Garden City, ID • 83714 • PH 208 387-6100 • FX 345-7650 • www.achdidaho.org Eagle Road, State Highway 44 to Plaza Drive Safety Project — Project Update In addition to focused business outreach, ACHD highlighted this safety project in an April 2013 newsletter to a large portion of Eagle residents and businesses. A poster board highlighting this project was also included at the June 24, 2013 Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study Public Open House. Based on comment sheets from the public open house, this project is about 2:1 favorable with about five people objecting to it (105 people signed in at the open house). Finally, ACHD provided project updates to the Eagle City Council on May 10, 2011, April 9, 2013, and July 9, 2013. FISCAL & POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The construction effort is estimated to cost approximately $175,000 and is included in the current budget. Modifications to the design would likely result in increased project costs and delayed construction. The project addresses an existing crash pattern and is planned to proceed as proposed. NEXT STEPS The next steps include coordinating final design plans with the design consultant, bidding the project, and construction. Construction is anticipated to begin this fall. ATTACHMENTS A. Proposed Improvements for Eagle Road, SH 44 to Plaza Drive B. Eagle Road, State Street to SH 44, 2007-2011 Crash History C. BitSmart Email and Customer Survey July 9, 2013 Pre -Council Staff Report Page 2 of 2 Andrew Cibor From: John Serra <john.bitsmart@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:17 PM To: Andrew Cibor; nbaird@cityofeagle.org Subject: Eagle Road and State Street Curb Attachments: Scan00004.pdf I just got the flyer int he mail, and 1 had hoped to get our survey back to you before a decision was made on the median in front of Albertsons. We asked our customers how they felt, and all but one objected to the median. That's 22 no's and 1 ok. Please review the attached sheet to names and addresses. I feel it is a bad idea, in that it will inhibit traffic from corning into our center, and will cause most people to turn onto Plaza, and drive right in front of the Albertsons entrance. Please reconsider. I'm sure the money could be applied to a road from Hwy 44 Bypass up to State Street to the east of Eagle road, which would lessen the traffic at Eagle and the Bypass. Sincerely, John Serra President BitSmart Corporation DISH Network Authorized Retailer 208-724-1793 i J L t C..rt rkr- tri., A 1,C4 1N3 iw T `� Jr.ti, --_ . ?AV/A 1"._ A . ,S7.1?-tAr4 6\ It y_____Svr _ ColAY-.111.km...Sef riA 77e14 Birintr- .- �h�-; &intim 16.< !NJ •r 3 irs ieo S 7-6 r3 A x.15,s,0-1, 0 ,►, 4/04 S c'� �.d� e--4t-C•, 1;3 81> (4.1 5- qeg/g: "k/ tr No. I/O 4V/` ..... IVC .No illy . ti) v _ ito fs d fa) • • s. ! ij ato.0,4,41,64AL.._ - . No . th TIC/ (4) reAtAf (4.l,C" ES -0 -(12Y.0 N t •�01:..c95 f K v C. D,11,ty gjt- (4".14 ISS 76150u4.44 ✓ +. V a. g4c 4, cao.t)_l "l'Tr ffrrkii k jz40 Y '7 - c'qL I c,k Lf41 '-- -t °H('�'�1�' c, f ..1:� i. NCove Cc10 -3 :5 1-1owkr ed /c",r3) -C•� 2�. f 3$0.5 5A a.t. L EAci,t,- q ) 81 'f •7 • s; n.% . 4.6.4,4;14/9/6 9$ -56 s- r+ J(7/u/? 3 :10 2 � - v Y.. rs r4 Az/ , 254: /Aft -e-, k o .Fist _ 5. c y 1� /1/-; ,{ (� he -c � ��.. , la til 1Q��-: t E . � 3�? - r2 � . gm;t 6-47ci�,.. i'^ (2 Ili? P114/4,4, - 45pJ . . /Y-1 fi r ►✓ .747 •r/tievt,1,./ .9g Srfo 17 . /1/U _ ;70 I... it, V.Mai `R35 -. 7.. ... �s -.:tom-Q .. No • • • ie v f V 4/v 46 _ tip NO Andrew Cibor From: Buchanan, Kathy <Kathy.Buchanan©albertsons.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:15 PM To: Andrew Cibor; Holloway, Tom L. Cc: Sabrina Anderson Subject: RE: Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study - Public Meeting June 24th - ABS #182 Andrew — Thanks for the follow up on our discussion at the last meeting. Our comments regarding further examination of the possible alternatives are as follows: We believe that the installation of the Tight at Plaza alone will resolve a substantial percentage of the crash issues and then be further reduced by the modification of the SH44 intersection, possibly obviating the need for the median altogether. Installation of the light at Plaza provides a gap in traffic thereby alleviating the stacking in front of the curb cuts to businesses on either side results in the slowing of traffic; the timing would allow for safer turns in and out of the shopping centers and preserve business access. We strongly advocate coordination of ITD's work at the SH44 & Eagle intersection with this project and would like to see installation of the median delayed and the road segment monitored until the other project for downtown Eagle is implemented; if the monitoring results don't prove to substantially resolve the safety and traffic operations issues, then incorporate the median installation at that time. Regards, Kathy Buchanan, Property Manager, Albertsons LLC 'Office 208-395-5972 1 Fax 208-395-4508 From: Andrew Cibor [mailto:ACibor@achdidaho.org] Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:34 AM To: Buchanan, Kathy; Holloway, Tom L. Cc: Sabrina Anderson Subject: RE: Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study - Public Meeting June 24th Hi Kathy and Tom, It was nice seeing you at Monday's meeting. As we discussed, attached are some informational sheets that we developed for the Eagle Road, SH 44 to Plaza safety project. 'Option B' includes left -in access at the Albertsons/Zamzows access points in addition to U -Turns at the SH 44 and Plaza signals. We are scheduled to provide Eagle City Council and our Commission an update on this project on July 9`h and 10`h respectively. At that time we will present feedback from the public open house and any additional comments we have regarding this project. It is our intent to recommend 'Option A' for the following primary reasons: • Maximize safety benefits • Full access is available for each development at the Eagle/Plaza intersection • There is not enough space to provide the recommended left -turn storage if left -in access is permitted at the Albertsons and Zamzows driveways • We anticipate most customers at these developments are repeat customers that will quickly get familiar with a new circulation pattern • There is an additional cost and project delay associated with proceeding forward with Option B 1 Also of note in the area, ITD has plans to modify the SH 44/Eagle intersection in the next few years. I understand the channelizing right -turn island for westbound traffic will likely be removed at that point. That project would present an opportunity to redesign the intersection to accommodate a southbound to northbound u -turn movement. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this information. I look forward to seeing your letter. Sincerely, Andrew Andrew Cibor, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer 1 Ada County Highway District (208) 387-6149 1 aciborPachdidaho.org From: Buchanan, Kathy fmailto:Kathv.Buchanan@supervalu.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:24 AM To: Andrew Cibor Cc: Holloway, Tom L.; Sabrina Anderson Subject: RE: Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study - Public Meeting June 24th Good Morning Andrew - Glad to discuss the project with you last night. Thanks to both you and Sabrina for your time. We look forward to receiving the additional information regarding the underlying analysis surrounding the signal at Plaza and the anticipated median. Once we have had an opportunity to digest that, we will get you a letter with our comments. Regards, Kathy Buchanan, Property Manager, Albertsons LLC 1 Office 208-395-5972 1 Fax 208-395-4508 From: Andrew Cibor fmailto:ACibor(@achdidaho.orcil Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:50 AM Subject: Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study - Public Meeting June 24th Eagle/State Stakeholder Committee, Project Management Team, and Interested Citizens: This is a reminder that we have our Public Open House for the Eagle/State Intersection Concept Study on June 24th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Eagle City Hall. We are also providing a property owner and tenant participation opportunity prior to the public open house from 4:30 to 5:30. I hope that you are able to join us. We will be presenting some updated materials compared to what we reviewed at our April workshop. As an example, we have developed a one-way couplet alternative based on your feedback. We will also be providing cost estimates for each intersection improvement alternative. If you are unable to attend the June 24 meeting, materials from the open house will be available by close of business on June 25. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding the project. 2 Thank you, Andrew Andrew Cibor, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams St. 1 Garden City, ID 83714 (208) 387-6149 ( aciborPachdidaho.org CHvs D 3 a PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR EAGLE ROAD, SH 44 TO PLAZA DRIVE s 0' 15' 30' GO' 90' MCCWEff 3.2012 rc_ "7-9-7 tans i.a 'i is - .a a� 1! La, �.0 •1 3 _ . \ "a)-LI_.ice ._! C— ua C EAGLE ROAD —1 1 -1rJ Lica PROPOSED MEDIAN CURB • • , 1. f • • 4 • •ri r w • O b 4 .' _ PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND PEDESTRIAN RAMP IMPROVEMENTS -l•?Z .-z_ AA , •,4149 -�i y �a ALBERTSONS 'r .fir ? r • �'�!) 40 li \ 2 EAGLE ROAD, STATE STREET TO SH 44 2007-2011 CRASH HISTORY orf 0 30' 60' 20' 180' DECEMBER 3. 2012 lc -7-9—'3 .,,. fit !• ACS..,. lotv L 2007-2011 CRASH H STORY CRASH TYPE REAR -END ANGLE TURNING ANGLE SIDE SWIPE SAME DIRECTION TURNING OFF ROAD HEAD ON TOTAL CRASH TOTAL 46 79 2 4 4 5 97 INJURY CRASH 15 7 0 3 28 PDO CRASH 31 ?2 3 7 3 2 69 LEGEND INJURY CRASH • REAR -END • • ANGLE TURNING • ANGLE • SIDE SWIPE • • OFF ROAD • HEAD ON PDO CRASH REAR -ENO ANGLE TURNING ANGLE SIDE SWIPE OFF ROAD HEAD ON • SAME DIRECTION TURNING