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Minutes - 2013 - City Council - 06/25/2013 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 25, 2013 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriff's Office—Budget Presentation for fiscal year 2013-2014. Former Chief Borgquist provides an overview of the last year including the savings realized by the Police Department and Fire Department sharing office space. Chief Stephen Bartlett distributes the proposed FY 14 Proposed Budget to the Council and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Mayor and Council Reports: Mayor reports on the EEZ Street Open House, reports on the Eagle Motor Sports. Pierce reports on the Senior Center meeting. Discussion on a new sign for the Senior Center. Pierce will take this to the next Senior Center Board meeting. 3. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: PR/Facilities Director Aho: Discusses the hiring of a new part time person at the bike park. General discussion. Library Director Bumgarner: No Report City Clerk: No report 4. City Attorney Report: Discusses the reports given at the Idaho Municipal Attorney's meeting and changes in the law. I will be talking to staff to bring them up to date. Reports on the M3 hearings that will be coming up in July with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Discussion on the procedure when the City Attorney has a conflict of interest. INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GRASSER, DEFAYETTE, BUTLER, PIERCE. Grasser and Defayette are present by Skype. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor: I understand there are a number of people here tonight that want to talk about the snowboard park. We have had two public comment meetings already. We are negotiating a contract and it would inappropriate for you to make a presentation. Around July 1st there will be an open house where you will be able to talk to the public officials. I would urge you to get informed on what is going on as there is a lot of information out there. So we will have not public comment this evening on this matter. Patricia Minkiewicz: I am very happy to see the floral baskets around town. Discusses the coffee roasting at Rembrandts. General discussion. Page 1 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-13min.doe Foad Roghani I have three comments. Discusses the passage of the City Hall Bond and returning the savings back to the tax payers. Discusses the hiring of additional staff Discussion on the economy not being as good as people think this is not a good time. Discusses the raises for the Mayor and the City Council. Greg Porterfield, 1486 N. Eagle Creek Way, I am here to deliver a petition of 133 signatures, 104 Eagle residents have signed. There about 50 signatures that are not Idaho residents. My only intention was to give people a voice on the Snow Park. Distributes the petition to the Council. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. • A. Claims Against the City. ♦ B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-01-13 & FP-03-13— Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 1 — Gardner Mace Company,LLC.: Gardner Mace,LC, represented by Weston Arnell, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 1 a 36-lot(32-buildable,4 common)residential development. The 228.79 acre site is located south of Floating Feather Road and west of Linder Road. (MJW) ♦ C. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-02-13 & FP-05-13— Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No.3 (formerly known as Mosca Seca Subdivision) — Horseshoe Flats,LLC. Horseshoe Flats, LLC,represented by Justin Martin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 3 (a portion of the approved Mosca Seca Subdivision No. 3) a 36-lot(32-buildable, 4 common) residential development. The 228.79 acre site is located south of Floating Feather Road and west of Linder Road. (MJW) • *D. FP-04-13 - Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 4 — B. W. Eagle, Inc., and DMB Investments, LLC FP-04-13: Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 4 - B.W. Eagle Inc., and DMB Investments, LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final plat approval for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 4, a 52-lot (48- buildable, 4-common) residential subdivision. The 31.6 Acre site is located east of Eagle Road approximately 1/2 mile north of Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) ♦ *E. FP-07-13 -Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5—B.W.Eagle,Inc.: FP-07-13: Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.5 -B.W. Eagle Inc., represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final plat approval for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5, a 39-lot(35-buildable,4-common)residential subdivision. The 11.21 acre site is generally located on the east side of S. Eagle Road approximately one-half mile north of Chinden Boulevard(MJW) ♦ F. FP-02-13 -Final Plat for Countryland Subdivision—JAL Investments, LLC.: JAL Investments, LLC, represented by Scott Noriyuki with Northside Management, is requesting final plat approval for Countryland Subdivision, a 17-lot Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-13min.doc (13-buildable,4-common)residential subdivision. The 6.6-acre subdivision is located 1/4 mile west of Ballantyne Road and 1/4 north of State Highway 44 at 2556 W. State Street. (MJW) ♦ G. EXT-01-13—Final Plat Extension of Time for M-3 Hanson Subdivision— M3 Companies,LLC. M3 Companies, LLC,represented by Mark Tate, is requesting a one(1)year extension of time for the final plat approval for M-3 Hanson Subdivision, a 5-lot(4-buildable, 1-common)residential subdivision. The 24.2-acre site is generally located on the west side of North Hartley Road approximately 0.8 miles north of West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) ♦ H. Minutes of June 11,2013.(SKB) ♦ I. Noise Waiver Request: The Eagle Volunteer Firefighters Association is requesting a noise waiver to be used on July 13,2013 at Merrill Park, extending the time until 11:00 p.m. to accommodate clean-up for the Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed Fundraiser. Food service will cease at 10:00 p.m.,the waiver is requested to allow the volunteers to clean-up the facility. Defayette removes Items#5D and#5E from the Consent Agenda. Butler moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda,Items#A,B, C,F, G,H and I, excluding Items#D and E. Seconded by Pierce. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5D. FP-04-13-Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.4—B.W.Eagle,Inc.,and DMB Investments,LLC FP-04-13: Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 4. Defayette my concerns are with easement notes, particularly No. 5. General discussion. Planner Williams: The installation of that pathway is required pursuant to the Design Review associated with the site and will have to be installed prior to the issuance of any building permits or the final plat signature or bonded for. Butler moves to approve FP-04-13 with the amend condition with the language that Mike Williams just stated. Seconded by Pierce. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5E. FP-07-13 -Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5—B.W.Eagle,Inc.: FP-07-13: Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5. Defayette I have the same issue as with Item#5D. Butler moves to approve FP-07-13 with the Site Conditions changed to include the language that was included in the previous Item,which was 5D. Seconded by Pierce. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 485—Amending City Code pertaining to Flood Control—City of Eagle: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho,A Municipal Corporation Of The State Of Idaho, Amending Eagle City Code Title 10, "Flood Control", Chapter 1 "Flood Control Regulations", Sections 1, 3, 6, 7, 8,And 9; Providing A Repealer Clause; Providing For Severability; And Providing An Effective Date. This item was continued from the June 11, 2013 meeting. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Williams, provides Council an overview of the amendments pertaining to flood control. General discussion. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-I3min.doc Butler moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#485 be considered after being read once by title only. Butler reads Ordinance #485 by title only. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves that Ordinance#485 be adopted. Seconded by Pierce. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: Pierce: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. EEZ Street(ICOG) request for additional funds: Kendra Kenyon, with Idaho Council of Governments, (ICOG) is requesting funding to pay for direct operational costs for EEZ. Utility costs (March-Sept. 2013) $770; Internet/Phone costs(March- Sept. 2013) $350. Total request of funds $1697.50. (JDR) Mayor introduces the issue. Butler: I recused myself last time this came up because Kendra was looking at a place that I owned. I no longer own that,there is not conflict that I see. Is it okay to be involved in this? City Attorney Buxton: Yes, as nobody on the Council will get a pecuniary interest on this contract Kendra Kenyon, President of ICOG, provides Council an overview of the EEZ Business Accelerator and the proposed Budget. I am asking for an Addendum to the MOU with the City to pay additional expenses of$2,558.48 for utilities, internet/phone, and web hosting/maintenance. I have left the receipts paid to date with the Mayor. General discussion on the MOU entered into. Mayor: I would entertain a motion. Butler moves to deny the request. Motion dies for a lack of a second. Butler moves to approve the request. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: NAY; Butler: NAY; Pierce: AYE: Mayor: AYE; MOTION CARRIES City Attorney: I am assuming the Council would like us to amend the MOU to add these items. General discussion on having this included in the FY 13/14 Budget. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare for Items#7A, B, C, or D? Butler: I actually represented the developers in Item#7A at least nine years ago. Other than knowing them I have no financial connection. Unless there is an issue I plan on acting on Item#7A. City Attorney: Mr. Butler would you be able to act impartially and enforce the laws of the City,the State and the United States with regards to the application before you even though you worked for them previously? Butler: Yes. City Attorney Buxton: You are not basis towards them in any way? Butler:No Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest?None A. RZ-02-03 MOD 2—Development Agreement Modifications—Coast 2 Coast,LLC: Coast 2 Coast, LLC,represented Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreements(Instrument No. 106057133)associated with Coast 2 Coast Subdivision(aka Laguna Pointe Subdivision). The request is to convert two mixed Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-I3min.doe use/commercial lots into residential lots. The 117.51-acre site is generally located east of Eagle Road approximately 4,100-feet north of Chinden Boulevard. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Shawn Nickel, representing Coast 2 Coast,LLC, provides Council an overview of the request for modification of the Development Agreement. General discussion. Planner Williams provides Council an overview of Development Agreement Modifications. General discussion. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Don Stockton, 2370 West Valli Hi, discusses the parking for the Green Belt. Planner Williams further discussion on the parking. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Butler moves to approve RZ-02-03 MOD 2—Development Agreement Modifications— Coast 2 Coast,LLC. Seconded by Pierce. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. A-01-13/RZ-01-13/CU-01-13/PPUD-01-13/PP-01-13-Syringa Planned Unit Development- SCS Syringa Marydale,LLC.: SCS Syringa Marydale LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-3-DA-P(Residential up to three units per acre with a development agreement PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approvals for Syringa Subdivision a 142-lot(128 buildable and 14 common)residential subdivision. The 63.57-acre planned unit development is generally located at the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 1,320-feet west of the intersection of North Lanewood Road and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Shawn Nickel, representing SCS Syringa Marydale, LLC,provides Council an overview of the application and the proposed changes. General discussion. Planner Williams provides Council an overview of the application for the Planned Unit Development. General discussion. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Planner Williams discusses what a"Village Center" is. Shawn Nickel discusses the Village Center. Mayor Closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Butler moves to approve A-01-13/RZ-01-13 with the Development Agreement language changed so that the number of lots that have been proposed are approved. Seconded by Defayette. THREE AYES: GRASSER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves to approve CU-01-13/PPUD-01-13/PP-01-13 with the Site Condition requiring a 10' wide sidewalk be changed to require a 6' wide sidewalk. Seconded by Defayette. TWO AYES: GRASSER: NAY: PIERCE NAY: MAYOR: NAY: MOTION FAILS Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-13min,doc Butler moves to approve CU-01-13/PPUD-01-13/PP-01-13 as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff. Seconded by Pierce. THREE AYES: BUTLER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES C. RZ-04-09 MOD and PP-02-13 - Ashbury Subdivision - SCS Brighton, LLC.: SCS Brighton, LLC, is requesting a development agreement modification and preliminary plat approval for Ashbury Subdivision a 246-lot (214-buildable, 13-commercial, and 19-common) subdivision. The 111.11-acre site is generally located on the west side of S. Meridian Road and the north side of W. Chinden Boulevard (Highway 20/26) approximately 835-feet west of S. Meridian Road. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Mike Wardel, representing the applicant, displays overheads and discusses the same. Discussion on the Development Agreement and the Preliminary Plat. Planner Williams provides the Council an overview of the application. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Matt DaUM, 3125 W. Sugarberry Drive,when my family moved here we did because of the 2 acre lots in Sugar Berry. Discusses the comprehensive plan. I would like to see lower density along Eagle Road. General discussion. Mike Wardel discusses the berm and the size of the parcels. General discussion. Mayor Closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Butler moves to approve RZ-04-09 MOD with the Development Agreement and with the conditions recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler move to approve PP-02-13 with Site Specific Conditions as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission with an additional condition that the five lots on the east side along Meridian Road be modified to three lots and that the other two lots be allowed to be placed internal to the subdivision with the redesign to be approved by staff. Seconded by Grasser. THREE AYES: DEFAYETTE: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Defayette: I would like the record to reflect that I voted not to approve this not because no one would want to build a home on Meridian Road rather that forcing a developer to increase the lot size would possibly price the lot size out based on inventory of large lots available. D. RZ-24-06 MOD3—Eagle Tennis Club LLC.: Eagle Tennis Club, LLC, represented by Jeff Huber,with White-Leasure Company, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the commercial area of the previously approved Eagle Gateway South Development. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Jeff Huber, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides the Council with an overview of the proposed Eagle Tennis Club. We are in agreement with the Staff Report. Planner Williams provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-13min.doc Randy Zollinger, 1375 Watson Avenue, I'm here not necessarily representing the Parks& Pathway Commission but just to provide some back ground as there is a park tied to the original Development agreement. Discusses access to the park. My concern is access becomes limited to just greenbelt users as we don't have any place for people to park. Discusses the original Development Agreement. My concern is having public access to the park. Planner Williams discusses the original Development Agreement and the park site. General discussion. Mayor Closes the Public Hearing Jeff Huber discusses the parking issue. Pierce moves to approve RZ-24-06 MOD3—Eagle Tennis Club LLC with 3.3.1 showing a 60' hotel and the tennis club not to exceed the 45' which is already in there. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES City Attorney Buxton: I need clarification on the vote on Item#7C-PP-02-13. Mr. Turnbull would like to ask for a reconsideration and he would like to speak to his request for reconsideration. General discussion. The vote on the Motion is correct: Three Ayes and one Nay. Mr. Turnbull presents further information. I'm not sure the Council understands the impact of taking two lots out of here and shifting them somewhere else. Discusses the process of creating the plat. Provides Council an overview of the plat and the area. This just isn't a simple change. General discussion. Butler moves to reconsider based on the ariel photograph which depicts more of what is on the ground. Seconded by Grasser. THREE AYES: PIERCE NAY: MOTION CARRIES Pierce: The reason I voted no is that the gentleman that testified during the public hearing on this item has left the building. Butler moves to approve PP-02-13 Ashbury Subdivision as presented with the condition that the developer with the gentleman that came in to testify to try and work out some sort of visual mitigation measure with him which may include some modification to the landscaping to provide some additional landscaping near his home. Seconded by Defayette. THREE AYES: GRASSER NAY: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 9:20 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:40 p.m. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Care of grass at Ada-Eagle Sports Complex. (MD) Mayor introduces the issue. Defayette: I brought this up as we have this huge contract with Summer Lawns and for some reason we have left off this little chunk. This was an Eagle Scout project and they put a lot of money and time in to making this look nice. If the City is going to accept the work on an Eagle Scout then we need take on the responsibility of maintaining this. I have talked to Brad Nelson and Lowes is going to come in and get it back up and running. If we accept these projects then we need to maintain them. General discussion. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-I3min.doc 9. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergmann introduces the budget discussion. A. Library Budget-discussion/approval. General discussion. Council concurs to put the presented Library Budget figures in and if there needs to be changes when they look over the revenue and expenditures and then they can make the needed changes at time. B. Property Taxes. City Clerk provides an overview of the property taxes with taking the 3%. General discussion. Council concurs to prepare a property tax spreadsheet without the 3% and also to account for the $167,000 savings from the purchase of the City Hall Building minus the payment for the first Bond payment. Further general discussion. General discussion on scheduling budget meetings. Council concurs to have budget meetings on July 10th and July 11`x'at 5:00 p.m. Butler moves to continue the remainder of the Budget Items to the next Budget meeting on July 10, 2013. Seconded by Pierce. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Revenue D. General Administration E. Executive Department Budget F. City Clerk's Department Budget 10. ADJOURNMENT: Defayette moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pierce. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ..,,"""',••, , ,,, ot; Fqc,, �♦ %,� ,Yil:i, ,I ., •..L�l I '_,..1 - I #Al. Aria ■ .,. 0 1 l� a 0 k� '. i SHARON K. BERGMANN r4 CITY CLERK/TREASURER " .. �' 1- g,1 ,•, • 'PROVED• " � • J , ∎∎ dES D. REYNOL S "AYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-25-13min.doc change.org Cc --29=./3 Jim Reynolds, Mary Defayette, Mark Butler, Jason Pierce, and John Grasser Greetings, I just signed the petition opposing the development of the Eagle Terrain Park at the current Eagle Sports Complex. This proposal is going to have a negative impact on the residents of Eagle, especially residents of nearby neighborhoods and all users of the current foothills open space at the Eagle Sports Complex. We don't want you to give away publicly owned land for the benefit and profit of private enterprise. Nearby residents don't want to listen to noisy snow making equipment running overnight all winter long, nor do they want their neighborhoods' character transformed by turning adjacent quiet open space into a lighted amusement park. Trail users want to preserve the natural look and feel of the area trails. Please listen to the residents of Eagle and oppose the Eagle Terrain Park! Thank you for your time. • )11,17:7;4 no r?ujf.1 p;% -ti t)c;;::"-,1 11:n3 C..11 ii!F;1“t: 101, V(i ;C; 17;., Name City State Zip Code Country Signed On Greg Porterfield Eagle Idaho Scott Swan Boise Idaho Katie Jennings Boise Idaho patricia faur Eagle Idaho Tammy Fox Stewart Eagle Idaho Lisa Zehner boise Idaho Anthony Ellertson Boise Idaho Shari Ellertson Boise Idaho Betty Keenan Eagle Idaho Fox Verveckken Eagle Idaho Donna Stadler Eagle Idaho solveig smith Eagle Idaho Jennifer Merriman Eagle Idaho Greg Burk Boise Idaho Shirley Dunstan Eagle Idaho Drew Swanson Boise Idaho Josephine Chase Eagle Idaho Robert Bonds Eagle Idaho jessica bauman eagle Idaho Sean Bauman Eagle Idaho Michael Chase Eagle Idaho Adrienne Hendricks Eagle Idaho michael alien Eagle Idaho Jenn Hocklander Boise Idaho Douglas Burton Eagle Idaho Scott Newman Boise Idaho Haidyn Hocklander Boise Idaho Noel Morin Boise Idaho Jolene Newman Boise Idaho Scott Arnold Boise Idaho Kate Krakker Boise Idaho Stacey Buhr boise Idaho art beauchene eagle Idaho Robin Blake Eagle Idaho Earl Nebeker Eagle Idaho Scott McKelvey Eagle Idaho Eva McKelvey Eagle Idaho Lisa Baker Boise Idaho James McCarty Eagle Idaho Harold Malterre Eagle Idaho Jodi Carlson Boise Idaho bob mross eagle Idaho kathy Martin Eagle Idaho Jonathan Marder Eagkle Idaho Adriana M Eagle Idaho Diane Lynn Commons Eagle Idaho Seth Merriman Eagle Idaho Ryan Chapman Eagle Idaho Deborah Dt. 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Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Sherri Randall Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Lake Bancroft Boise Idaho 83714 United States 6/24/13 Roger Hamilton Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 George Aston Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Eve Denton Boise Idaho 83714 United States 6/24/13 barb jekel eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Tracy Cavin Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Laurie Adkins Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Bruce Cheeseman Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Diana Gipson Garden City Idaho 83714 United States 6/24/13 patricia gossard eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Matt Gossard Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 mary belvoir Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/24/13 Lisa Mayer Eagle Idaho 83616 United States 6/25/13 Brad Nelson Eagle Idaho 83616-6608 United States 6/25/13 Terry Gipson Boise Idaho 83714 United States 6/25/13 f'iao s l 4• �)G ✓� v /DAJ: A/ % 0b �� R�r✓ / /q/e1 Cv�,�PLE?C 1',36/,6 J -0E% 717/141 IDAHO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS NINE MONTH BUDGET(3/1/13 TO 9/30/13) EEZY STREET OVERHEAD CHARGES Utilities: Idaho Power & intermountain Gas Total Utilities Communication: Cable one(internet/TV/Phone bundle) Verizon Wireless (director's Cellphone) Total Communication Website: Hosting and Maintenance One time charges: ABD Design(inv#161 eez st domain, emailslider) ABD Design(inv 172 install booking plugin,paypal, misc) ABD Design(INV 195 eez St slider) wpbooking calender.com(plugin for online bookings) Total Website TOTAL OVERHEAD BUDGET 69/o/ <'c h Monthly 9 month Average Total 50% 5 150.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 675.00 $ 150.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 675.00 $ 161.05 $ 1,449.45 $ 724.73 $ 40.00 $ 360.00 $ 180.00 $ 201.05 $ 1,809.45 $ 904.73 $ 50.00 $ 450.00 $ 225.00 $ 520.00 $ 780.00 $ 32.50 $ 175.00 $ 1,557.50 $ 1,908.55 $ 520.00 $ 780.00 $ 32.50 $ 175.00 $ 1,957.50 $ 5,116.95 $ 260.00 $ 390.00 $ 16.25 $ 87.50 $ 978.75 $ 2,558.48 Sharon Berjmanri From: Tracy Osborn Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:48 PM To: City Council Grp Cc: Sharon Bergmann; Susan Buxton Subject: FW: EEZ ST nine month budget Attachments: 9DE9F1BD-1C18-4590-B2EF-3F32919D300A[3] jpg; EEZ ST 9month budget.xls; image001.png Original Message From: Kendra Kenyon jmailto:kkenvonPidahocoe.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:42 PM To: Tracy Osborn Cc: Jim Reynolds Subject: FW: EEZ ST nine month budget Hi Tracy, Here is the updated budget that will be presented tonight at council. I will bring a copy of all the receipts. Call if you have any questions or needs. Thanks so much, Kendra [cid:43 B2 B027 -000C-41 EC-BC1 F-4062474DC719] From: Robert Laddaga <RLaddaga@idahocog.com<mailto:RLaddaeaPidahocoe.com» Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:25 PM To: Kendra Kenyon <kkenvonPid@hocne.com<mailto:kkenvonPidahocoe.com» Subject: EEZ ST nine month budget Here ya go.. [Robert Laddaga.png] 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP 1ZZ-04-09 MOD and PP -02-13 - Ashbury Subdivision - SCS Briuhton, LLC June 25, 2013 NAIVIE 1/147 P44cr'1 ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-24-06 MOD3 — Eagle Tennis Club LLC June 25, 2013 NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-02-03 MOD 2 — Development Agreement Modifications — Coast 2 Coast, LLC June 25, 2013 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL /,; EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP A-01-13/RZ-01-13/CU-01-13/PPUD-01-13/PP-01-13 - Syrin2a Planned Unit Develoment - SCS Syringa Marydale, LLC June 25, 2013 NAME Shn,iv-✓ /kJ' ��l�P TESTIFY PRO/ CON or ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL �� V 4101/CE CITY DF EAGLE City of Eagle Police FY14 Proposed Budget FY13 Current Budget Maintain Staffing Add Traffic Deputy I,I404 Ill 1� Total Cost Personnel Vehicles Operating Expenses Equipment Support Services Shared Services Credit* Total Contract Annual cost per resident $ 1,655,993 1,447,737 130,387 39,152 22,477 16,240 106,811 _$ $ 1,549,182 $ 73 $ 1,699,852 1,498,593 128,334 34,243 22,477 16,205 - $ 110,828 $ 1,589,024 estimated at $74 $ 1,822,068 1,601,625 145,789 34,243 24,206 16,205 - $ 130,194 $ 1,691,874 estimated at $79 'The Shared Services Credit encourages County and Eagle deputies to respond to calls for service in each other's jurisdiction when they are the closest unit. Officers per 1,000 Residents City Officers per 1000* Calls for Service per Officer* Cost per resident* Eagle Kuna Star 0.83 0.63 0.83 Boise, Meridian & Garden City 326 260 260 $66 $82 $82 1.6* 200-230 $138-350 tData reported for 2012 calendar year *Crime in Idaho (Uniform Crime Reporting Section, Bureau of Criminal Identification, Idaho State Police) PREPARED 06/05/13 P&R 1.25 1.00 - 0.75 - 0.50 - 0.25 - 0.00 City of Eagle 2011 Eagle Comprehensive Plan Target = 1.0 0.56 0.66 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 City of Eagle Police 1119 E State St, Suite 260 Eagle, ID 83616 P01 1/JE CITY of EAGLE EAGLE CALLS FOR SERVICE 2008 842012 COMPARISON The number of calls for service (CFS) in the City of Eagle increased slightly from 4,056 in 2008 to 4,236 in 2012. The distribution of these CFS is represented in the density maps below. A O7A1r Eagle CFS 2008 e.o.,rw,�r,u 8 • MAC! 0 7012 Cf S Orm,ry T. Eag.e CFS 2012 g 2 ee1„„4 i,14. The map below indicates which areas had less CFS in 2012 compared to 2008 (blue) and which areas had more (red). It appears that some of the central areas of Eagle had less CFS and a some of the outlying areas had more CFS. A BEACON LIGHT 0 0 O x W W 2 z a a STATE x Change in CFS Density - Less Dense MIS No Change Eagle CFS Change From 2008 to 2012 - More Dense CITY o_ EAGLE GARDEN CITY BOISE MERIDIAN BALLANTYNE CHINDEN W STATE. MACE Provided by ACSO/CAU/th Based on CAD Database W 0 Q W FLOATING FEATHER RANCH HWy44 /SLANE) WOOD JOPLIN HORSESHOE BEND im J 'R 0 m W 3 0 05 1 2 les Queried 5/3/13 Approved Concept Plan Zone: MU -DA Development Agreement: 11-17-2010 Open Space 2 UNITS PER ACRE Open Space ...,,,. Chinden, , one. 'mit, per • • 1:Ai-stint," - Open Space Commercial! ror,o units p ; [ _ ; IVIU Commercial 't Access to be; 6.. Three it per acre , la mi aiiisms Preserved -v- ; Neighborhood Business APpro- 4innitsIter acre 2 "^Qc4.'c""Q':-'G�•.o. W Q_. ...Q_:p_:`4—'O'-=•0--p...� dca ocu ae .1 c:11: 1 :11- efici C► (4 f• 3 d�.�- •a (44 = 9:a Ashbury Subdivision Approved units /density: 257/2.4 d.u./ac. Actual units / density: 214 / 2.02 d. u✓ac. 3 .c, • dI 4. a 3 • y 4� ® [� 4—.1 0 ill f1 -,- - - 0- .,_o-.. .. / .0 � 9 0\, 51 443 ttl- o 0V-.__--.,._ 0 w' H� ® "`'. . g c .41 23 Np O a 13 D a 9u -4po < • • 0 0-0-0-1i Street System Design CHINDEN BLVD • 2 UNITS PER ACRE Street Design... 6 Mem 6s?_ ir'el..:N?a...141AsikSQi`ikalgatW `•. ` r "�,.y..�.oy:+l.%�2�iYAJb� 2 UNITS PER ACRE 3 UNITS PER ACRE } E 1,111 Open Space 2 UNITS PER ACRE HOMES Open Space -o a,v,.-s--a..v--a-a,.....,....._4-0.v.40-4-4-4-4,4,--.--..4,-..4 94e 3-474! -0 Oo. 7:44"--:-0- 4 -0... 0( .t.4 1.W 9 0 .00 0 • 0 0-0-0—'4 1 00 -9 3- 19 0 `Ji.b i i 0 1 • ®'® O 0 p04 0 O g 0 w vas - 0 0 0 i ;0_0..0_0 O 0ao 6 a`4*°�i a '0ems0•u ' 6o a <,,,,-- ..9-o a`h►oo v `�-v`4w o oo '� v �A�o a b° o n:. v ..o' }� vy'.. ▪ 7-0,0...—.,..... a o_3--.3_!. 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I -4-0_0...0 al -- v_ —4- 0 I 0 A of 61 0 , 4' 444 Q a►,. • 4----4----4- .. w ; . lig .3 _41, #_-_41 Jr Ir -11-411- `f -s -•#4..a -0-19.- 0 •- •.� • �:-o--0--0---, •A 4" qi CI-IINDEN BLVD 12 ° ilf ai - o e o Q Q -.-� 0-• X0 0- 00 0-0.0-•..lir Q !: `D ai a_�j , o@ee'Q P• - £ x' -O' - - fiD cps • • • 0 0 A ,,,( o, o p --• -• • -4- e 7_ -~, i i! ••4O 00000 p ',9 Qo _, 00000" .0-00,0-0- • Q 4 • Y r_.Q.0.._0 0 of 0 ab c 0• 6 ilo f l Olt f • INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: Mayor & City Council From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner III 31\ -?&:7 -- Subject: Eagle Road & State Street Intersection Public Information Meeting (PIM). Date: June 25, 2013 Attachment(s): Response Tally from 6/24 meeting Copies of Boards from Public Meeting Copy To: Bill Vaughan, Zoning Administrator Andrew Cibor, ACHD THIS MEMO IS INFORMATIONAL ONLY: On June 24, 2013, ACHD and the City held a Public Information Meeting (PIM) for the Eagle and State Intersection Study. The Mayor and several Council members have taken part in the project's steering committee. ACHD recorded 105 people in attendance of which comments sheets were received by 57 (54% return rate). Staff has made a request for a poster board display for City Hall in hopes of receiving additional comments. Public comments will remain open until July 8, 2013. The public was asked to: • Evaluate intersection alternatives for Eagle Road and State Street • Identify needed roadway improvements in the downtown street network The Public was provided five (5) alternatives (see attached handouts) including: • No Build, • Expanded/Signalized intersection • Roundabout • Quadrant Road • One-way Couplet Attendees were asked to rank the proposed Eagle Road and State Street intersection alternatives in order of preference (1= highest preference, 5=lowest preference) • The two most preferred alternatives (the top two ranked #1) were One-way Couplet (18 votes) and the No Build (16 votes). Page 1 of 5 K:1Planning Dept\Transportation120131State & Eagle Intersection Study\PIM memo.doc • The least preferred alternative (ranked #5) was No Build (17 votes). In order to illustrate the communities preference staff also applied a weighted score to the community preferences. The weighted score are not provided/endorsed by ACHD or their consultant. They are provided by staff as a review method. The weighted scores were as follows: Community Rank 1=2pts, Community Rank 2=1 pts, Community Rank 3=0 pts, Community Rank 4=-1 pts, Community Rank 5=-2 pts The two highest scoring alternatives from the weighted rakings were the One-way Couplet (24 points) and the Expanded Signal (4 points). The least preferred alternatives were the Quadrant (- 19 points) and the Roundabout (0 points). The three most popular downtown circulation improvements from the City's Downtown Comprehensive Plan were: • Plaza Drive Extension (24 votes) • Palmetto Avenue Extension across Highway 44 (17 votes) • Stierman Way Extension (16 votes) Staff will continue to keep the City Council posted on the project and public comments received. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me at 939-0227 or by e-mail at nbaird(g citvofea2Ie.or2. Page2of5 K \Planning Dept\Transportation\2013\state & Eagle Intersection Siudy\PIM memo.doc Options: Initial Results from State Street & Eagle Road Intersection Open House on 6/24/13* Preference 1=highest/best 5=lowest/least Description 1 2 3 4 5 weighted score** Do nothing. Allow intersection to remain the 16 6 4 1 18 1 No Build same. Expand intersection to 6X6 and widen road to Expanded Signal 9 9 5 9 7 4 accommodate additional traffic Roundabout Install 2 lane roundabout and widen at 13 6 3 10 11 0 intersection Remove Left turns from Eagle & State intersection Quadrant use Plaza/2nd Street and Olde Park/Aikens to 2 5 13 6 11 -19 divert left turns One Way Couplet Install a roundabout at the Eagle/Idaho 19 8 6 6 7 26 intersection and connect Idaho Street to Olde Park, extend Old Park to either Aikens or Plaza Total Responses 59 34 31 32 54 *These are the responses received at the open house. Public comment open until July 8th. ** The weighted score are not provided/endorsed by ACHD or their consultant. They are provided by staff as a review method. Rank 1=2pts, Rank 2=1 pts, Rank 3=0 pts, Rank 4=4 pts, rank 5=-2 pts. Evaluation Criteria No -Build Signal Fair Fair Fair Fair 1 -air Fair Land Use Compatibility Traffic Operations Safety Non -Motorized Travel Physical Impacts Implementation No-C3uilcl Poor Good Good Expanded Signal Alte_native Good Fair Good Good Fair Fair Poor Good Fair Quadrant intersection Alternative Good Good Poor Poor Traffic Volume Eagle/State Intersection Year 2035 Roundabout Intersection Alternative Maximum Traffic Capacity Com SienM Oumllur hotrod out One•Way Courlei One_ W;1v Couplet Nte� nativrr Eagle Road/State Street Future Traffic Backup Eagle Road/Plaza Dove Future Traffic Backup State StreeV2nd Street Future Traffic Backup Oda Park Place/State Street Future Traffic Backup Idaho Street/Eagle Road Future Traffic Backup EAGLE ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION CONCEPT STUDY 6/24/13 Evaluation Criteria 1 Assessment' Land Use Compatibility Traffic Operations Safety Non -Motorized Travel Physical Impacts Implementation Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Advantages Challenges: •Allows all movements at • Vehicles backup Intersection through nearby •Easy for drivers to intersections understand •Relatively simple to implement and construct • Most widening . on approaches to intersection •Larger intersection Is less compatible with key community values . •Higher total cost It than roundabout and z quadrant alternatives w" Estimated Total Cost = $3.5M - $4.6M WI • Assessments are qualrtarve and are not absolute ratings. but are relative to other alternatives Wrr Existing Riehl of way Canting Property Lines Apprornnate Properly Impacts Convert 151 Street to one-wajnorthbound EAGLE ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION : CO Evaluation Criteria i Assessment` Land Use Compatibility Traffic Operations Safety Non -Motorized Travel Physical Impacts Implementation Advantages: • Vehicles not anticipated to backup through nearby intersections • Best relative safety •Supports key community values •Provides gateway feature for downtown Eagle GOOd Good Fair Fair Challenges: •Most widening at intersection of all alternatives, but less widening on Intersection approaches than expanded signal alternative •Unfamiliar design may cause driver confusion Estimated Total Cost = $3.6M- 4.6M "Assessments are qua'tat,ve and are not absolute ratings but are relative to OM, a/:ellbt,ves __- Existing P,ght of way -- Erusting Properly hoes Appro•,mare Property ITpactS Convert Ist Street to ( one waynorthbound • r 1 *l 4 EL./4 --i; ,t,. 5 JI t'. • at ZA EAGLE ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION Land Use Compatibility Traffic Operations Safety Non -Motorized Travel Physical Impacts Implementation Advantages: •No change to number of lanes at Eagle Road/State Street Intersection • Improved distribution of traffic within downtown •Smaller intersection is more compatible with key community values •Maintains existing on -street parking •Lowest total cost among build alternatives Fair Fair Fair Challenges: •Vehicles backup through nearby intersections • Unfamiliar design may cause driver confusion •More traffic at Eagle Road/Plaza Drive intersection •Requires signalization of the 2nd Street/State Street intersection Estimated Total Cost = $2.9M - $3.8M • Assessments are qualrtatrve and are not absolute stings but are relative to other alternatives a 1 a Existing Right.ol.way Existing Property tines Approximate Property Impacts Idaho No westbound leh turns allowed Statee t: Convert 1st Street to i one wa northbound Eagle/State westbound lefmurns accommodated here 41. Install new traffic signal 1.x • Improve connection hors Si. State St .�� to Eagle Rd Convert Aikens 5t to one.way with . arkinr Plaza Or Eagle/State westbound leh.turns turn here ;" �+ Tii1 '4, EAGLE ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION 1 r --rt • , - OPTIONAL DESIGN R.t .t. ..)1111, , :ct hi ...at,: • 'L. A Existing Right of way " Existing Properly Lines Approximate Property Impacts Jktirt111 1 Land Use Compatibility Traffic Operations Safety Non -Motorized Travel Physical Impacts ▪ Implementation Advantages: • No change to Eagle Road/State Street -E= Intersection footprint ▪ •Vehicles not anticipated to backup through nearby intersections • Improved safety due to less conflict points •Allows f or expansion of orystrect parking throughout downtown •Shorter signal times result in less delay at intersections •Best overall distribution of traffic within downtown • Convert Aikens 510 one-wa with ari.I .4.1rrei.T Good Good Challenges: • Extonsive property impacts •Unfamillar design may cause driver confusion •I-lighest total cost of a 11 alternatives Estimated Total Cost = $5.8M $7.6M 'Assessments are qua/dative and are not absolute taboos but Are 'chitin, to other alternatives 11 7.t% .\ "Z445.i 4 - OPTIONAL DESIGN 2 ;s State Highway 44, .. .. . - - tif IIIIIIIIiiiiiiii4' 4 ' 41 .' iiblitiali EAGLE ROAD ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION ." 1 I... • O Transportation Planning Focus: • Emphasize and enhance downtown as a destination • Give priority to pedestrians, bicyclists, and future transit • Improve connectivity between downtown and the city/region Downtown Street Improvments i Proposed Streets Proposed Bicycle and Trail Comec m Ems vtnt Streets/A',eys TOD/Urban Grid Area t Transportation-Related Community Values: • Mix of land uses • Walkability • Active streets/place-making EAGLE ROAD AND STATE STREET INTERSECTION CONCEPT STUDY A B c D E F G Plaza Drive Extension Stierman Way Extension (Parkway) Palmetto Avenue Extension Across Highway 44 Idaho Street Extension I st Street Pedestrian Mall Promote the creation/preservation of an urban grid Aikens Street Extension 41110, Zs" 6/24/13 City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10388 06/13/2013 10388 APA -Idaho Chapter Total 10388: 10530 06/17/2013 10530 Ada County Sheriffs Office Total 10530: 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 06/17/2013 10531 Total 10531: Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 10532 06/17/2013 10532 Idaho Child Support Receipting Total 10532: 10533 06/17/2013 10533 Staples Credit Plan Total 10533: 10535 06/24/2013 10535 06/24/2013 10535 06/24/2013 10535 06/24/2013 10535 Total 10535: A Tropical Paradise A Tropical Paradise A Tropical Paradise A Tropical Paradise 10536 06/24/2013 10536 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. Total 10536: Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 14-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 1 ch 60-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 16-0437-25-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 1 ch 16-0437-25-00 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 Cc - -A.5'-- MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 1 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 15-0450-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 16-0437-23-00 GEN MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 10537 06/24/2013 10537 Alana C. Dunn 1 ch 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION Total 10537: Page: 1 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Invoice Amount 50.00- 296.94 Check Amount 50.00- 50.00- 296.94 296.94 24.45 24.45 96.47 96.47 75.28 75.28 43.95 43.95 31.52 31.52 293.81 293.81 2.97 2.97 28.29 28.29 58.25 58.25 16.22 16.22 22.92 22.92 4.06 4.06 698.19 150.00 150.00 150.00 105.96 105.96 105.96 1,893.00 1,893.00 771.00 771.00 295.00 295.00 400.00 400.00 3,359.00 129,098.47 129, 098.47 129,098.47 123.86 123.86 123.86 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 6/1212013 - 6124/2013 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10538 06/24/2013 10538 Association of Idaho Cities Total 10538: 10539 06/2412013 10539 06/24/2013 10539 06/24/2013 10539 06/24/2013 10539 06/24/2013 10539 Total 10539: Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 10540 06/24/2013 10540 Bob Kirkpatrick Total 10540: 10541 06/24/2013 06/2412013 10541 Caselle, Inc. 10541 Caselle, Inc. Total 10541: 10542 06/24/2013 10542 CenturyLink -29040 06/24/2013 10542 CenturyLink -29040 Total 10542: 10543 06/24/2013 10543 Cynthia Hespe Total 10543: 10544 06/24/2013 10544 David Aizpitarte Total 10544: 10545 06/24/2013 10545 De Lage Landen Financial Svc Total 10545: 10546 06/24/2013 10546 Deann and Rick Stoolman Total 10546: 10547 06/24/2013 10547 Derek T. Smith Total 10547: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 1 ch 11-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 280.00 280.00 280.00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 91.90 91.90 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 6.99 6.99 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 59.75 59.75 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 39.90 39.90 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 39.90 39.90 238.44 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 19.52 19.52 19.52 1 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 425.00 425.00 1 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 425.00 425.00 850.00 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 95.17 95.17 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 104.94 104.94 200.11 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 26.39 26.39 26.39 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1,205.31 1,205.31 1,205.31 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 41.63 41.63 41.63 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 100.00 100.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10548 06/24/2013 10548 Donald P. Roehling Total 10548: 10549 06/24/2013 10549 Eagle Informer Total 10549: 10550 06/24/2013 10550 Eagle Mini Storage Total 10550: 10551 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. 06/24/2013 10551 Eagle Water Co. Total 10551: 10552 06/24/2013 10552 Edward Carter Freeman Total 10552: 10553 06/24/2013 10553 Environmental Conservation Svc Total 10553: 10554 06124/2013 10554 Gary W. Tanner Total 10554: 10555 06/24/2013 10555 06/24/2013 10555 06/24/2013 10555 06/24/2013 10555 06/24/2013 10555 Total 10555: Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Jun 24. 2013 11:37AM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 07-0462-15-00 STORAGE UNIT 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15.0449-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 01-0416-32-00 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -M 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 60-0434-42-01 WATER/LEGAL SERVICES 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG Invoice Amount 100.00 175.00 63.00 64.18 165.09 159.04 1,196.82 176.02 493.47 8.25 716.25 196.82 Check Amount 100.00 100.00 175.00 175.00 63.00 63.00 64.18 165.09 159.04 1,196.82 176.02 493.47 8.25 716.25 196.82 3,175.94 150.00 150.00 150.00 680.00 680.00 680.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 465.00 459.47 3,002.00 2,714.00 2,636.00 465.00 459.47 3,002.00 2,714.00 2,636.00 9,276.47 10556 06/24/2013 10556 Hope Blooms 1 ch 01-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 58.50 58.50 06/24/2013 10556 Hope Blooms 1 ch 07-0462-69-00 MISCELLANEOUS 42.10 42.10 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 10556: Payee 10557 06/24/2013 10557 Idaho Correctional Industries Total 10557: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 10558 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 2 ch 15-0449-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 3 ch 15-0448-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 4 ch 15-0450-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 5 ch 07-0462-52-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 6 ch 01-0413-16-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho PowerCo.-Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 06/24/2013 10558 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 Total 10558: 10559 06/24/2013 10559 Idaho Sporting Goods Total 10559: 10560 06/24/2013 10560 Janene Dodds Total 10560: 10561 06/24/2013 10561 John Cazan Total 10561: 10562 06/24/2013 10562 Julie Howard Total 10562: 10563 06/24/2013 06/24/2013 06/24/2013 06/24/2013 10563 K&T Maintenance 10563 K&T Maintenance 10563 K&T Maintenance 10563 K&T Maintenance UTILITIES POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES MUSEUM UTILITIES UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 1 ch 16-0413-06-00 PRINTING, DUPLICATION, PUBLISH 1 ch 16-0413-27-00 REFUNDS -PARK RESERVATIONS 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0443-04-00 SENIOR CENTER UTILTIES 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES Invoice Amount Check Amount 100.60 229.75 229.75 14.35 862.74 86.86 250.71 85.54 14.22 39.15 8.37 495.09 980.83 1,554.52 5.25 17.90 48.82 57.70 617.64 14.07 4.91 5.25 229.75 14.35 862.74 86.86 250.71 85.54 14.22 39.15 8.37 495.09 980.83 1,554.52 5.25 17.90 48.82 57.70 617.64 14.07 4.91 5.25 5,163.92 5.87 5.87 5.87 37.50 37.50 37.50 150.00 150.00 150.00 21.81 21.81 21.81 55.00 55.00 767.10 767.10 544.00 544.00 690.00 690.00 City of Eagle Check Register • Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 10563: Payee 10564 06/24/2013 10564 Kathy Browning Total 10564: 10565 06/24/2013 10565 Kim Yeakley Total 10565: 10566 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans 06/24/2013 10566 Pacific Source Health Plans Total 10566: 10567 06/24/2013 10567 Paul Dragone Total 10567: 10568 06/24/2013 10568 Peak Alarm Company Total 10568: 10569 06/24/2013 10569 Petty Cash -City Hall 06/24/2013 10569 Petty Cash -City Hall Total 10569: 10570 06/24/2013 10570 Petty Cash -Historic Commission Total 10570: 10571 06/24/2013 10571 Pitney Bowes • Total 10571: 10572 06/24/2013 10572 06/24/2013 10572 06/24/2013 10572 06/24/2013 10572 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 01-0217-07-01 1 ch 01-0217-07-00 2 ch 01-0217-07-00 3 ch 13-0217-07-00 4 ch 12-0217-07-00 5 ch 16-0217-07-00 6 ch 14-0217-07-00 7 ch 06-0217-07-00 8 ch 60-0217-07-00 COBRA- HEALTH INSURANCE CITY COUNCIL HEALTH INSURANCE CITY COUNCIL HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 01-0422-06-00 FIELD OF HONOR 2 ch 11-0413-24-00 Vehicle Expense 1 ch 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 2 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES Invoice Amount 48.63 30.00 Check Amount 2,056.10 48.63 48.63 30.00 30.00 485.27 485.27 1,043.33 1,043.33 485.27 485.27 2,217.69 2,217.69 2,557.38 2,557.38 917.16 917.16 4,289.79 4,289.79 6,900.54 6,900.54 1,713.01 1,713.01 20,609.44 150.00 150.00 150.00 140.00 9.44 13.37 62.38 463.47 140.00 140.00 9.44 13.37 22.81 62.38 62.38 463.47 463.47 158.43 158.43 218.08 218.08 218.08 218.08 186.46 186.46 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 06/24/2013 10572 Republic Services #884 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 303.22 303.22 Total 10572: 1,084.27 10573 06/24/2013 10573 Robert Pook 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 27.90 27.90 Total 10573: 27.90 10574 06/24/2013 10574 Shannon Baltz 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 150.00 150.00 Total 10574: 150.00 10575 06/24/2013 10575 Shelley Redican 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 31.31 31.31 Total 10575: 31.31 10576 06/24/2013 10576 Shred -it - USA -Boise 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 69.60 69.60 Total 10576: 69.60 10577 06/24/2013 10577 SPF -Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 24.00 24.00 Total 10577: 24.00 10578 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns. Inc. 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 161.36 161.36 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0455-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 46.59 46.59 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0444-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 171.33 171.33 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0449-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 224.35 224.35 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0442-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 108.43 108.43 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 15-0446-05-00 MTNC & REPR EQUIP & STRUCTURE 100.00 100.00 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 2 ch 15-0443-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 728.75 728.75 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 564.00 564.00 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0454-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 1,035.74 1,035.74 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0452-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 589.56 589.56 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0450-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 175.00 175.00 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 16-0448-01-00 MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 214.16 214.16 06/24/2013 10578 Summer Lawns, Inc. 1 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 4,229.00 4,229.00 Total 10578: 8,348.27 10579 06/24/2013 10579 Treasure Valley Showtime Chorus 1 ch 09-0463.02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 150.00 150.00 Total 10579: 150.00 10580 06/24/2013 10580 TVR Heating/Cooling 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 231.00 231.00 Total 10580: 231.00 A. City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 6/12/2013 - 6/24/2013 Jun 24, 2013 11:37AM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number . Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 10581 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 1 ch 12-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 2 ch 13-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 3 ch 11-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 4 ch 14-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 5 ch 13-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 6 ch 14-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 06/24/2013 10581 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING Total 10581: 10582 06/24/2013 10582 Valley Times 06/24/2013 10582 Valley Times Total 10582: 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 10583 06/24/2013 10583 Victor Villegas 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI Total 10583: Grand Totals: Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.78 39.78 201.75 201.75 440.58 180.48 180.48 64.80 64.80 245.28 50.00 50.00 50.00 190,658.72