Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 03/08/1977 - RegularThe regular ~ ~-.' c- ' - . ~,~3.~ of the Eagle City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. ~.~ ~farch S~ 1977 by ~iayor Deckard. ~dembers Present: ~nold~ EerrJck,, Lowe~ Pea~ano The minutes of the previou~ ~eeting were approved as written. ' A p~lic hearing was held on an.annexati©n~equest for Eagle ~ills West~ Subdivision 3 &.4~ .~ed Lowe moved that these subdivisions b~ annexted into the.City of Eagle and Aoned R-5o Ted Arnold seconded the motion° A public hearing ~s.s held on a rezone application submitted by ~. Lo and Bernice Bevington for a parcel of ground containing approximately 7 acres and l~cated next ~o Eagle ~ills Golf Course. The rezone reguest is to chancre the zoning from Agric~!ture 'to R~-5~ LeRoy Pea~an moved to'table thisappllcation' for 15 days and asked Mr~ Cosho 'to '- ' l~vestlgate the legality of rezones withou~ a completed comprehensive plan. Brad Herrick seconded the motion. A public hearing was held on the budget for 1977 in 'the amount of $34,424.06. LeRoy Pearman moved to adopt the budget as printed for Janusry 1, 1977 to Septeraber 30~ 1977~ Fred Lowe seconded the moue. on. on her property as a residence was referred to the council. Fred Lowe moved tna~, this ~u~idxng be used as storage ohly. Brad · ~-'~ seconG~d the motton~ Brad Herrick moved that the City.of Eagle join 'the Ada Planning Association for 2.977 for $50°00. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. LeRoy P ~ ~ - e~r_aan voted against~ Motion carried. LeRoy Fearr~anracved that the c~t' v proceed with an application to Ceta ! for a ~'~-.-- ' ' " ' .~.~.~a~y assistant. ~ed ~nold seconded the motion. Ted Arnold moved ~hat th~ city proceed '~ - . · for. Ceta V~ :funding to _.~b~r~...._ 'two laborers for a period s3,x months~ Fred Lowe seconded the LeRoy Pe~ar, moved that the F~b~t;uary financial statement be approved as printed. Ted Arnold seconded the motion~ ~ere being no furthe~ }'~usiness ~,-on,~ test: