Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 01/29/1977 - Special CITY oF EAGLE
P.O. BOX 4'7? · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616
January 29 1977
A special meeting of the Eagle City Council was called ~o
order at 9=00 A. M, Saturday morning~ January 29 1977 by
Mayor Deckard. LeRoy Pearman was absent.
Ted Arnold made a mo~ion to dispense with the rules
and adopt Ordinance #33: "An Ordinance correc~ionlng ~ypogrephlcal
and transposition errors and clearing ambiguities in Ordinance
#30." Brad lterrick seconded the motion.
Mayor Deckard ~old ~he council o9 a meeting to be held
Tuesday February I, 1977 a~ 2:30 P, M. to discuss
There being no ~ur~her business ~o come before ~he council
the meeting was adjourned.