Minutes - 1977 - City Council - 01/11/1977 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 January II, 1977 The regular meeting oF the Eagle City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on January II, 1977 by Mayor Oecksrd. The minutes From the prevloua meeting were approved as printed. Mayor Deckard made the Followln9 council appointments For 1977 Ted Arnold, Plannin9 and Zonin9 CommlsslonpBrad Herrlck Library Board; LeRoy Pearmsn, Finance Director, LeRoy Pesrmsn made a motion to appoint Louis Cosho ss attorney For the City of Eagle For 1977 and Vern Schoen as building inspector For the City of Eagle For 1977. Fred Lowe made a motion ~o appoint the Following Four ex-officio members to the Planning end Zoning Commisaion: Orville Krsssen~ Bill Drinker, Gary West and Jerry Sprute. The Following Four members were appointed ss voting members: Blaine Sorenson, Gary Walker, Lois Kunkler, and Joe Amell. Brad Iterrick seconded both motions. Myron Oilbert and Chuck Palmer from the Ada County Sheriff's Department presented a proposal For contract law enforcement For the City of Eagle. Al Marsden made a presentation to the council requesting them to hire him ss planner For the City of Eagle, LeRoy Pearman made a motion to appoint Olida Bothwell to the library board to replace Karen Slagg who has moved outside the city limits. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission recommended den;al of DeSha=o rezone from g-5 to R-lO For the Following I, Precedent that would be 2, Traffic consideration st Highway 44 - going and coming From 2nd 3. Impact on overcrowded Fred Lowe made a motion to hold s public hearing on this rezone on February 8 1977 at,8:O0 P. M. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. Fred Lowe made a motion to dispense with the rules end adop~ Ordinance #31 termed the Interim Appropriation Bill in the amount of Ten Thousand Dol are ($10,OOO.O0). Brad Herrlck seconded the motion.