Minutes - 1978 - City Council - 10/10/1978 - RegularP.O. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 Mayor: Jerry Deckard Council: Ted Arnold Orval Krasen Le Roy Pearman Andy Pollard October 10, 1978 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Deckard at 7:30 P. M. on October 10, 1978. POLLARD was excused. The minutes of the September meeting were approved as printed. PUMP AND PANTRY WINE AND BEER LICENSE APPLICATION Moved by KRASEN to table this application until further information is received concerning the traffic and zoning for that area. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved by ARNOLD and seconded by PEARMAN that the application be denied because of the traffic problems that would be created in a zone that is commercial verses a commercial auto zone. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, PEARMAN. NAY: KRASEN. Motion carried. MAIL BOXES - EAGLE VILLAGE #1 KRASEN reported that he and POLLARD had met with the postmaster of the Eagle Post Office and that the postmaster is using the following guidelines at present: All new people that move in will not receive mail service until they have their boxes erected in the proper location. Since he has initiated mail service to the others who have boxes that are impeding traffic, etc., he cannot deny or stop that service. Mayor Deckard will write a letter to the residents advising them that the boxes should be relocated in proper places and KRASEN and POLLARD will hand deliver them. WARD HOUSE - REMODEL Moved by ARNOLD and seconded by KRASEN that the application be denied. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. SUN RAY DAIRY BEER AND WINE LICENSE APPLICATION Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that this application be approved. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. October iR, 1978 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP IN INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS Mayor reported that it was a general concensus that sometime in the next couple of months a forum could be established with these districts. ~RANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Data is still not available from speed checks in the Eagle area. EAGLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mayor Deckard gave a report that the elmentary school was approved by the Ada County Zoning Commission and appealed by homeowners. The county commissioners upheld the zoning commission decision and we now have a bona fide school site with bids open in the next few weeks for construction on that site. The high school site was~p~p~roved by the Ada County Zoning Commission . '' ~the hearing'c~ntinued by the county commissioners. The hearing will be held at Lowell Scott Junior High on October 11, 1978. Mayor Deckard introduced Bill Gratton who is running for County Commissioner. Moved by ~RASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that a letter be sent to the Ada County Sheriff, thanking him on behalf of the citizens of Eagle for the police protection he has given the Eagle Area, in particular for the control activities of the excessive speed in the school zone area. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. ART COLLINS A staff member of the Ada Planning Association visited with the council on correcting the comprehensive plan, sewer district status, Eagle by-pass, and requested the council give him a list of the items that the City of Eagle would like to have accomplished this budget year. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that the mayor write a letter to Mr. Bill Sacht of the Idaho Transportation Department requesting them to expedite the hearing and approval of the Eagle by-pass and the upgrading of North Eagle Road indicating that the council is of the same opinion. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEA~AN. Motion carried. ANNEXATION REQUEST OF RON MARSHALL Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by ARNOLD that this annexation request be sent to the planning and zoning commission for a hearing and recommendation on the proposed zoning. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. ANNEXATION REQUEST OF JEROME A. REININGER Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by KRASEN that this annexation request be sent to the planning and zoning commission for a hearing and recommendation on the proposed zoning. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, K~SEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. October 10, 1978 Page 3 ORDINANCE CHANGE - REGULATING BEER AND WINE LICENSES Mayor Deckard appointed a standing committee of PEARMAN and KRASEN to study this matter. QUINN ROBINS CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to write comments to the Ada County Zoning Commission with recommendations of denial of the application of Quinn Robins for a conditional use permit to excavate gravel and install a crushing plant and hot plant on the East side of Eagle Road South of the Boise River be denied because it does not conform with our Comprehensive Plan. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN. ABSTAIN: PEARMAN. Motion carried. J. U. B. Engineers made a presentation on the capital improvements program for Eagle. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. Addition: The mayor with approval of the council appointed Leola Yucas as a member of the Eagle Library Board.