Minutes - 1978 - City Council - 07/18/1978 - RegularP.O. BOX 477 EAGLE, iDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 Mayor: Jerry Deckard Council: Ted Arnold Orval Krasen Le Roy Pearman Andy Pollard July 18, 1978 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on July 18, 1978 by Mayor Deckard ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN AND POLLARD were present. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by POLLARD to postpone the approval/correction of the minutes of the June 20, 1978 meeting until next month. Two bids were submitted to prepare a Capital Improvements Program and Future Acquisitions Map for the City of Eagle. They were J-U-B- Engineers, Inc., and Resources N. W. Moved by POLLARD and seconded by KRASEN to accept the proposal of Resources N. W. and send it to the state for their approval. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN POLLARD. Motion carried. Mayor Deckard gave an overview of the AIC Convention in Sun Valley which was attended by he and the clerk. Mayor Deckard read a letter from the Eagle Sewer and Water District granting the City of Eagle a 50 year lease on the Lion's Park if a number of stipulations were met. Moved by ARNOLD and seconded by PEARMAN to send the letter to the attorney and ask him to draw up the necessary paper for the lease agreement. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN POLLARD. Motion carried. A discussion was held on the Ada Planning Association. KRASEN stated that he would offer a corrected copy of the personnel policy with a resolution for adoption at the next regular meeting. Mayor Deckard read letters of resignation from the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission from the following three members: Joe Amell, Gary West, and Gary Walker. July 18, 1978 Page 2 Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to appoint ROBERT SHADE (ex-officio) and DON BROOKS (full member) to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission until such time as the new Planning and Zoning ordinance is finished. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN, POLLARD. Motion carried. A discussion was held on the Area of Impact. Representing Boise City were attorney, Hugh Mossman, and a representative from the building department. KRASEN re~omme~dedJHugh, Mdssman put together an agreement concerning a piece of property in question for the City of Eagle to look at. Mayor Deckard said the county engineer will act as city engineer at our request in the signing of plats. KRASEN gave a report on the pa~king ordinance. Moved by KRASEN that a letter be written to the owner of Solar Wind, 207 Ranch Drive, Eagle Ranch, .teleph3ne 939-0991, informing him that he is in violation of Paragraph ~-2.5a, Ordinance #t0, City of Eagle, which requires a condik~onal use permit for home occupation. The letter shou~i.~ requ~st a reply showing what action th~ owner contemplates and when. Motioa died for lack of a second. KRASEN recommended the council and planning and zoning commission strongly consider the subdivision ordinance from the state planning handbook rather than the one presently being used. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that the city council hold a work shop on July 24, 1978 at 7:30 P. M. at the city hall. KRASEN gave a report on the conditions of Boise Ada Disposal. MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT A library addition added to the existing Eagle Elementary School was started without a building permit. Council decision that a double fee be charged Friton Construction Co. general contractors, and that before a building permit could be issued that the architects write a letter to the City of Eagle stating they had inspected the foundation since we were unable to do so. A relocatable classroom for the E~gl~ S~h~~ will be granted a building permit with a 1 year stipulation. July 19, 1978 Page 3 The existence of a bus parked on the right-of-way in Eagle Village 91 was brought to the attention of the council. Council decision was for the mayor to ask the Ada County Police to see that the bus is removed from the City of Eagle. ~{rs. Pasley asked the council's co-operation in reducing the speed limit along Floating Feather Road, and provided safe passage of the children from Downing Downs Subdivision to the City of Eagle. She will present petitions in this matter. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: