Minutes - 1978 - City Council - 02/14/1978 - Regular14; 1978~ ~ .~he reg%~la~-~ meeting of the Eagle ..~ uy Co~nc-.z was called to ~rder at 7:30. Po [4. by May. or .Deckard on February 14, 1978. All councilmen were present~ ..... Moved by KY.~XSEN and seconded by Ai~IOLD tha(: the minutes of t~he previous ~eeting be approved ~aa .p~-inted~ t~.oil call on ~_he motion resulted..as .follo~x~s: YEAS: ARNOLD, ~p~ASEN, PEAPJ~L%N, POLLARD. Met!on carried. ~'he audited financial stat~uents '= the nine months ended . ~essur~ & Bates. September 30, 1977 were p~esented O LA ?~oved by KRASEN and seconded Joy P L.~ .RD to adopt. Resolution 2-78 o "Ordinance No. 37: An Ordinance ~mending the city of Eagle shall be chanqed to Ordinance NCo 37Ao" Roll call on the motion res.~.itea as follows: AYES: ARNOLD, K~SEN, pEAR~&AN, POLLARD°. Motion carried. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by POLLARD to instruct the attorney ~o write a response to a lette~ to.Clarence Suiter requesting clarification on zoning in.Eagle. Roll call on %he motion resulted.as follows: .YEAS: ARNOLD, KP~SEN~ PEAPd~AN~ POLLaRDs. Motion carried. Moved by KRAo~ ~nd s,econded b.y WEAR~%N t2~at the cz ~nance. . pe_ta~n~ng- to parking of vehicles ~on Highway 44 be rewr~t=en before March meeting ......... Roll call on '~he motion re~ult~.d as ,follows: ~'EAS: ARC,OLD, KRASEN, PEAR~N, POLLARD.. Motion carried. Moved by POLLARD and seconded by ARNOL~ to appoint Jeanne Covault to the library boa=d .as.a =eDlacement to Isle McAuley whose te~ will expire in~lRS1 Roll call on the motion resulted .as follows: YEAS: ARNOLD, KRASEN; PEARSON, POLLARD. .Motion carried. Moved by KRASEN seconded by .PF~APJ4AN.to .amend the motion by Mr. Pearman on 1--10-78 to acceDt..th~ pr. elimin~ry plat of Eagle village Subdivision %2 by adding: ~"pro~iding the ~contractor comply with the 15 item, s Dutlined in ~%e subdivisionco~nittee report to the Eagle Planning and .zoning.Comm/ssion." ~ Roll call on ~e motion resulted as folIows: YEAS: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEA~%~N~ POLI=%RD.~ ~otion carried. 4 February 14, 1978 Page 2 ~.~.oved by POL~V~D and seconded by PEA.W~4AM that the City of Eagle approve t~e p~ellminaX-Y plats .of Eagle Village Subdivision 92~ and Eagle village Addition .~ontingent on full compliance with the stipulations as entered aa separate pages into thes~ minutes. Roll call on tbe motion resulted as follows: YEAS: ARNOLD, KRASEN~ PEAP~,5~N, POLLA3U).. ~otion carried. Moved by ARNOLD and s~onded .by KRASEN that the mayor write a letter to the Meridian School Board ar~ Mr. August }~ein inviting them to a mee%in~ ~with .the ~Eagle City Council and mermbers of the Eagle Plannia~ .and ~Zoning Con~r~,issiOn to disduss the school problem ~.In .the Eagle ar~3ao The thrust of the' ~.e~ting 'will ~e an attempt ,.to establish~ policy concerning ~,~tur~ growth, in t]~e Eagl~ a~eao Roll ca!l o~1. t~he motion res%%lted .as follows: YEAS: KRASEN~ PEAPJ~LA~ POL~IRD, ~ MOtion carried. M~ved by KP~ASEM and ssccnded by POLLAPD to take no penalty action a~ainst the bui!g, io~ owners who have not complied with the multi-s~.ory side yarct _setbacks mandated by paragraph 3-9~3, Eaqte City Ordinance Nu?~er 10. Further~ $inc~ he personally brought ~]~e ~uatt~er for'*~ard, tha~h no fo~al actio~ be taken against t~e Ea~le Duil~ing Inspecaor V~rn Schoen fo~' his' not having enforced~ tJlis section of the :~:oning ordinance ~{owever, he is to be ins~ucte~ by ~e n~ayor 'to enforce the mul~i--story side yar(} setback .distances in all fu~u~' insp~ Roll call on the motion resulted as f0]]owm~ YEAS:-~ARNOLDD Moved by P~ARMAiJxan~t seconded by KRASEN tha~ the application of k~rz~nt~be~u~e)to chart.ge the name of Eyrie Way to Stierman Wsy'in Eagle V~.l!age Sub(~m~izion ~1 be ~ranted, but that the applicant bo responsib!a Cor .all expenso connected with the name change. Roll call on the n%otion resulted .as foil~ws: YEAS: ~P~,EMN~ PF.~%/~i~. MAYS: AI%NOLD, P, QLLARD. ~ayor voted YEA. Motion carried ~ ~ · _~4oved by KRASEN and seconded by POLLARD t~%t in acco~.dance with 67-,6526~ idaho Code, the may(~r contact t~e mayors ~of Boise City and Carden City and atte~.,%p% to e?;tablish an a~ends for negctiating hhe city impact ar, eas which overlap~ Roil call on ~he ~o%ion resulted .as ~0~low~: YEAS: ARNOLD, KRASEN, P,EA~iN~ POLLA~RD. , ~otion carrier{. Moved by KPJASEN and seconded by POLLARD to con..lz%~ 'k~e mayor's - " ~endzo~_~ tc the Ea~,$!e Plannin~ and Zoning appo~~nt~uent of Judy ~ .... ~ _ Commi~si0n. Her tezm% %¢~t_ expire February 1981. ~.,ot_.on resulted aS follok*s: YEAS: ARNOLD, Roll calI on the ~ . KP~SEN, P~'~R~A!~ POLI~RDo Motion carried. February i. 4, 1978 PAge 3 The mayor aBpointed KR~SEN as a Committee of I 'to see if 'the speed through the cora of~Eagle cQul~ be reduce~ and also the slower speed zones be se'c back East and ~est. The meeting was adjourned .at 9~340. Mae%lng reconvened at 9:45 r4oved by KRASEN and seconded.by.ROLJ~ARD to appoint Judy ~ndiola as treasurer for the City mf .Eagle~ Roll call on the motion reaulted .as .follows: YEAS; ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEA~,~.N, POLL~J}.. ~Qtion _carried. .~oved by PEA~N and seconded by KRASEN to pay the bills for January 1978 as presented b~ .the treasurer. Roi] call on the motion resulted .as _foilo~¢s; YEAS; ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMA~, POLIJ~RD. .Motion carried. There being no further business to.~ome before the council, the meeting was adjourned ............