Minutes - 1979 - City Council - 03/13/1979 - RegularRO. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 Mayor: Jerry Deckard Council: Ted Arnold Don Brooks Orval Krasen Le Roy Pearman March 13, 1979 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Deckard at 7:30 P. M. on March 13, 1979 at Eagle City Hall. ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN were present. BROOKS was excused. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to correct the minutes of February 13, 1979 by adding that "a roll call vote showed that all councilmen were present." Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to approve the minutes of the special meeting of February 22, 1979 as written. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Ordinance #41 was read by Mayor Deckard constituting the third reading. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by PEARMAN to adopt Ordinance ~41 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR DIRECT LEGISLATION THROUGH INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. BEVINGTON REQUEST FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to give concept approval to Mr. Bevington for a recreational vehicle park on his land with submission of a rezone and a conditional use permit so that it can be controlled by the Planning and Zoning Commission and have their comments and the comments of the council later. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. FLOOD PLAIN Moved by ARNOLD and seconded by PEARMAN that a letter be sent to the Army Corps of Engineers asking them to come to Eagle and do an onsight review of their flood plain study. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. PARK Larry Sale, J. U. B. Engineer's, presented the council with a preliminary use plan of the two parks to be developed this spring with a grant. Council asked Mr. Sale to continue with his approach and have drawings prepared for the next meeting. March 13, 1979 Page 2 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF EAGLE The council received the recommendations from the public hearing held by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission on February 20, 1979. Council received testimony from two property owners, DeShazo and Stephenson, asking them to retain a mobile home zoning on their property rather than a C-2. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by PEARMAN to return the official zoning map to the planning and zoning commission for reconsideration of two areas involved designated as "H" on the work map. Have planning and zoning reconsider these areas for use as C-3 or a non-conforming R-MH zoning. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. 1-80 North to Mesa Highway Mayor Deckard gave a report from a meeting that he and Councilman Krasen attended concerning the different routes this highway could take. A meeting will be held with representatives from Meridian to further discuss this matter. QUARTER CIRCLE DJ RANCH A letter was read from Quarter Circle D J asking for concept approval for the Eagle West Plan. Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD to table consideration of this letter until a further date. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. VARIANCE FEE Councilman Krasen asked the council to consider raising the variance fee from $75.00 to $100.00. ELDERLY HOUSING UNIT KRASEN will work with the developers in their preparation of a conditional use permit and rezone application. QUINN ROBBINS Andy Peterson from HAMILTON & VOELLER, INC. presented the council with a reclamation plan. Council asked Mr. Peterson to set up a meeting with Mr. Robbins, himself, and the council to dispose of further conflicts with negotiations. Mr. Stephenson presented the mayor with a letter of resignation from the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. March 13, 1979 Page 3 AREA OF IMPACT Moved by KRASEN and seconded by PEARMAN to send a letter to the Ada County Commissioners requesting that the Impact Area Agreement be completed as soon as possible. Several actions by Eagle will be required to implement this agreement, to wit: a. Change of Ordinance #39 (Impact Area) b. Replacement of Ordinance 920 (Planning and Zoning Commission) with a new ordinance. The above actions will require public hearings by both the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission and the Eagle City Council. This will take approximately 60 days. Since Idaho Code 67-6526 required that this agreement be completed by January 1, 1978 further delays in implementing the Impact Area Agreement would not be in the best interests of the City of Eagle. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by ARNOLD to present Van Henderlider and Floyd Calhoun with certificates of appreciation. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by ARNOLD to pay the March bills. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. KRASEN complimented the staff on obtaining the menu board to use for meeting notices. There being no further business to c~before the council, the meeting was adjourned. / ~