Minutes - 1979 - City Council - 01/23/1979 - SpecialRO. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 Mayor: Jerry Deckard Council: Ted Arnold Don Brooks Orval Krasen Le Roy Pearman January 23, 1979 A special meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Deckard at 9:00 A. M. on January 23, 1979. Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by ARNOLD that the December bills be approved. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. BROOKS was absent. AUDIT REPORT Moved by KRASEN and seconded by PEARMAN to accept the corrected audit report as submitted by the auditors. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. GOCHNOUR CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that the Gochnour application for a conditional use permit be approved if they agree in writing to an annual review of said use. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor Deckard informed the council of the proposed zoning map for 1979 as presented by Ada Planning Association. SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING UNIT Moved by KRASEN and seconded by ARNOLD that the concept of a senior citizen housing unit to be bu-lt on the Marcus property be approved because the Marcus presentation meets, either entirely or in part, the following Goals and Policies of the Housing Section of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Goal 1 and policies 1 and 2 thereof; Goal 3 and policy 2 thereof; and Goal 4 and policies 1 and 5 thereof. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. RO. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 Mayor: Jerry Deckard Council: Ted Arnold Don Brooks Orval Krasen Le Roy Pearman January 23, 1979 Page 2 CLAY WOODS WINE AND BEER LICENSE APPLICATION Moved by PEARMAN and seconded by ARNOLD to grant a beer and wine license to Clay Woods, dba Claypool's Texas Barbeque Company. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. MIDDLEBROOK Ken Tyrer spoke to the council concerning an industrial park in the location of the Middlebrook Development. Moved bY KRASEN ~nd seconded by PEARMAN that the concept ~ of an ~ndustrial~park for d-velopment be approved. ~¢~ ~ ~/ Motion=resulted as follows: AYE: ARNOLD, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned.