Minutes - 2002 - City Council - 09/10/2002 - Regular •
September 10,2002
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
1. ZGA will review plans for the proposed City Hall building. (5:30—6:30) ZGA has no report
for Council tonight
2. Rocky Mountain Fitness&Recreation: Discussion of Utah Jazz basketball program. Debbie
(get last name)provides Council an overview of the Utah Jazz basketball program. Practice will
start next week. There are approximately 250 kids enrolled this year. Games start September
28th. There are 6 teams. General discussion.
Discussion on the Volleyball League that will start in November. 7-12th grade, co-ed teams.
General discussion.
3. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Sgt. Pat Schneider will review the monthly report for August.
Sgt. Schneider distributes the monthly report and discusses the same. The motorcycle is in use
around town mainly focusing on speeding but available for other calls.
Discussion on hunting along the river in the City limits.
Discussion on drug activity on the Flynn property.
Discussion on the vandalism at the skateboard park.
Discussion on the noise at the River Rock Ale House and surrounding area.
Capt. Douthit discusses the COPS Grant. Eagle was not awarded the COPS Grant this year.
Council concurs to stay with the current numbers of deputies for Fiscal Year 02/03. Council will
review the state of the economy and analysis the need for an additional deputy 6 months into the
new fiscal year.
General discussion on the substation at the new city hall.
Discussion on the events for 9/11.
4. Eagle Chamber of Commerce: Teri Bath will present information on a target industry
analysis. Discusses the public survey and the business survey. General discussion on the types
of information that the Chamber is now sending out on request. Discussion on what types of
businesses the City would like to have in the city. Council would like to see some of the funds
that the city has budgeted for the Chamber to promote Eagle to be put into a professional packet
of information.
5. Cable One: Michelle Cameron will discuss the franchise agreement. Michelle Camerson
provides Council an overview of Cable One. We would like to partner with the city when the
new city hall is built to have a drop off box for payments and equipment. We will be providing
your Library, City Hall,police department and fire department with free Internet connection.
Discussion on underground cables. General discussion.
Mayors calls a recess at 7:05 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
6. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda
7. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
8. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
9. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda
10. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Yzaguirre calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
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quorum is present.
4. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE: Robert DeShazo shall be given the opportunity to present
a specific course of action and time line to bring code violations at 846 N. Eagle Road and 10255
Horseshoe Bend Road into compliance with Eagle City Code. This item was continued from the
August 27, 2002 meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Darrel Farnsworth, representing Robert DeShazo and Eagle Water Company. What we have
accomplished is a game plan presented to the Council. Again, I would ask Council Member
Guerber to abstain as he has in the previous hearings.
Council Member Guerber: I will sit hear and listen and if I feel appropriately moved, I will
probably have something to say.
Farnsworth: Distributes copies of a Proposal to the City Council. Basically what you have in
front of you is a game plan that I have gotten from Mr. DeShazo. What we are trying to do is
take the site as a whole. The occupancy at the residence has changed and has become an
insurance policy case. We should have a settlement on November 1". We want to get that area
of the lot cleared, put a berm along North Horseshoe Bend road, landscape that,get the debris out
of there, clear and grub the site. On the North Eagle Road site there are materials there on the
south portion of that area that we need to use on the Horseshoe Bend Road site. If we can get the
house and the trailer and some accessory buildings,there is one shed that we need to keep for a
short period of time, there are other things that we need to clear out. Get the lot cleared and
grubbed, move the equipment on to that portion of the site,pave the area in front of the storage
building. We need a temporary occupancy permit for the storage building. Get some stuff
moved, take some stuff off that site and put it on another piece of property. Pave it,grade it,
weed it, landscape it,get the stuff out of there and get it cleaned up. Get the stuff off from North
Eagle Road. That is our intent. The bottom line, November 30`h. I think that is what the Council
is looking for.
I created the list of questions on the Proposal for City Council.
Merrill: Are these issues that you felt that the Council brought out at the previous meeting that
needs to be clarified.
Farnsworth: I did. I relied a lot on staff to help me. We understand what needs to be done. I
don't know the steps we need to take or the City needs to take but these are the things that we
need to accomplish in a timely manner to satisfy that Show Cause.
In addition to this, what we are asking, instead of just considering the back end of the lot as we
did at the first hearing, we thought the front was going to residences and it is not, we are going to
use the whole lot. So to do that we have to screen it from North Horseshoe Bend Road and use it
and create it reasonably acceptable.
Bastian: Assuming that what you are saying is in conformance with staff, is that assumption
correct that the proposal here is a cure for the conditions that were noticed in the original letter.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I believe this proposal increases the size of the site located
adjacent to Horseshoe Bend Road. I will need to prepare some documentation that would
supercede the previous approval because we would be dealing with an expanded site. For
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instance,a berm along Horseshoe Bend Road with landscaping, which Darrel has indicated they
can provide, would shield the site. I don't know when the site on Eagle Road will be cleaned or
positioned in what the City feels is in accordance with it's codes,I don't believe enough
documentation is provided here to satisfy your concem's regarding 846 N. Eagle Road. I think
this is a good general direction setter for cleaning the site at Horseshoe Bend Road. One of your
action letters and one of our staff reports goes through every single code section and outlines our
review of the site plan. I can imagine that at the end of November 301h when this is completed, if
we went in and looked at the site we would probably to find several things that did not comply
with Eagle City Code just by the nature of the way the site looks now. For instance, screening
from Highway 55. Does the City choose at this point to say that we will work on some kind of a
fence along there that is not necessarily a solid fence. I do believe there will need to be come
Bastian: I'm thinking that what needs to be done is that this is a start and maybe staff could take
that and compare it to the original letter or revisit the site and indicate in greater detail specific
things that need to remedied and to have essential a punch list that needs to be done. Is this
something that staff needs to do or Eagle Water needs to prepare.
Mayor: I'm thinking that Staff needs to be working very closely with Darrel by taking this
document and creating a punch list that resolves our issues.
Sedlacek: We had originally split the site on Horseshoe Bend Road to be done in phase and now
you want to do it all as one. Does that make it a substantial change where we need to maybe take
the whole thing back and start fresh? Let's make sure that we are all on the same page as now
we are looking at the entire site all the way out to Horseshoe Bend Road. I don't think we have
heard on the house part of it.
Merrill: I think when they brought the plan in they had the whole site and then they cut it off
into the first phase.
Farnsworth: We did a lot split. The reason we did that was because at that time there were
people living in that residence so we wanted to save that and use that as a rental. The house was
destroyed so now there is no reason for the house to be there. We have encountered problems
with the insurance company. What our intentions are, there is a dead tree, an old trailer, some
fencing, there are some things that we need to clear out.
Sedlacek: It sounds like we are starting fresh again and I want to make sure we are all on the
page and what we expect you to have done by November 30th and now we are looking at that
additional area.
Bastian: I would propose that we have staff work with Eagle Water Company and come up with
a list of things that need to be dealt with in order to bring both properties in compliance with
Eagle City Code and report back at the next Council meeting. But in the meantime, accept this
proposal in good faith and ask that Eagle Water Company work towards this objective. This may
present problems if in fact we can't put a berm all along Horseshoe Bend Road because the
property has been divided. Is that going to be a problem?
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: When we have the opportunity to get together and go over
another review of the entire site and come up with a set of parameters or conditions out of the
Code for the development to work through by, that certainly we can formulate another list of
conditions of approval and a site plan for the development of the site. Then it's Mr. DeShazo's
willingness to follow those conditions of approval as they have already been set forth in the past.
We can sit down and go through the process again. We can expand the size of the site and
establish the area for the berm, landscaping and a place for the building and paving. But when it
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comes down to constructing these things and putting them into place I don't know what the time
frame would be. We are not talking about a larger site to be completed. Maybe the larger site
will provide them the room to complete these two sites.
Bastian: Do we have a process that needs to be different than coming back to the Council? Do
they need to go through Design Review.
Zoning Administrator Vaughn: Darrel and I have spoken about that and based upon all of the
information provided and approved by the City, I am going to read the Code on staff level
approval and see if through our meeting process I could do a staff level approval to increase the
size of the site. There is an application that needs to be reviewed.
Bastian moves to request Eagle Water to meet with staff and develop a more specific list
for compliance with Eagle City Code and come back before the Council at their meeting on
October 8,2002,and direct Eagle Water Company to do what they can in those parameters
to proceed with the clean up the Horseshoe Bend Road and Eagle Road Property.
Farnsworth: If we are going to that goal,I think that we have it in our game plan with our
workload. We just had a superintendent have a heart attack. What we need to do is work
toward that end result in hiring Eagle Landscaping to do what he is going to do,moving
some material.When we have a free day when we are not doing the regular Eagle Water
Company business that is what we intend to do. Use that time and equipment to this end.
In the past Mr.DeShazo threw up his hands and said I'm not going to do a thing because I
don't where I'm going. Now we know where we are going.
Sedlacek: We don't want you to do it when you just have time. We want you to make it a
priority. That is how we got to this point. I feel that Mr.DeShazo has been putting us off.
I'm not inclined to wait until he has a break in his schedule when he can do work. This
needs to be a priority because this is his business site and business yard. I would like to see
him make a little effort. The City has worked with him by giving him extensions. The note
says: Dates are based on the expected work load of Eagle Water Co.and their sub-
contractors and conversations with the utilities companies involved. I don't know if I'm
comfortable with that note.
We haven't had a second on the Motion; I will Second the motion for discussion. I would
make sure that we move forward on creating the landscaping plan. You need to work with
staff on the expansion of that land. The one thing that I will not accept is that I will do it
when I have time or if I can get someone to work on it. You may have to hire someone to
do the work. I'm looking for a drop dead date at the October 8th meeting to determine
what exactly will happen,when and how we can do it through the staff and at that point I
think the completion date that we anticipate that's going to happen and if that doesn't
happen then we pursue our suit. I think we need to move forward in a timely manner.
• Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of
• Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
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Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
• All design review applications will be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the
City Council for their review and approval.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. Minutes of July 29, 2002.
C. Findings of fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-5-02/PPUD-1-02/PP-2-02-
Cottonwood Creek Planned Unit Development—Cottonwood Creek Joint
Venture LLC.: Cottonwood Creek Joint Venture LLC,represented by Land
Consultants Inc., is requesting a conditional use,preliminary development plan,
and preliminary plat approvals for Cottonwood Creek Subdivision, a planned
residential/office development. The 13.66-acre, 26-lot(15-residential, 6-
commercial, 5-common) subdivision is located on the west side of Eagle Road
approximately 3/4 mile north of Chinden Boulevard, at 2421 North Eagle Road.
D. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-6-02—Height Exception
For Eagle City Hall—The City of Eagle: The City of Eagle is requesting
conditional use approval for a portion of the Eagle City Hall building to be 40-
feet high. The height exception(the portion of the building above 35-feet)is for
the purpose of installing a light monitor and is comprised of one-percent(1%)of
the total floor area of the building. The site is generally located on the northeast
corner of State Street and Stierman Way(Lots 6 and 7,Block 1, of Aquila
Subdivision). (WEV)
E. DR-47-02—Eagle City Hall—City of Eagle:The City of Eagle, represented by
Tom Zabala with ZGA Architects and Planners, is requesting design review
approval to construct a 23,000-square foot City Hall facility(including Ada
County Sheriffs Department Sub-station). The site is located between the Post
Office and the City Library north of the east/west private lane approximately
400-feet north of State Street. (WEV)
Merrill removes Item 5C.Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-5-02/PPUD-1-
02/PP-2-02-Cottonwood Creek Planned Unit Development from the Consent Agenda to be
heard under New Business as Item A.
Guerber removes Item 5E.DR-47-02 Eagle City Hall—City of Eagle from the Consent
Agenda to be heard under New Business as Item B.
Sedlacek moves to approve the consent agenda as amended. Seconded by Merrill.
A. Findings of fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-5-02/PPUD-1-02/PP-2-02- Cottonwood
Creek Planned Unit Development—Cottonwood Creek Joint Venture LLC.: Cottonwood
Creek Joint Venture LLC, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting a conditional use,
preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Cottonwood Creek
Subdivision, a planned residential/office development. The 13.66-acre, 26-lot(15-residential, 6-
commercial, 5-common)subdivision is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 3/4
mile north of Chinden Boulevard, at 2421 North Eagle Road. (WEV)
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Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: Discusses the Cottonwood Creek pathway. At the last meeting we made a
determination that the pathway would be built with a 6' wide asphaltor concrete:and we
had a surety to do that. The applicant has agreed to put the pathway in and I would like to
make a clarification on this for Council's consideration.
Site Specific#9 reads: Include on the final plat a pedestrian easement to be located within
the sewer easement located on the common side lot line between lot 15 and 16,Block 1,an
easement shall be extended approximately 10' to join the northern property boundary line
of the subdivision to provide connectivity for a pathway upon future development of the
property to the north.
I would like to see eliminated is the next sentence: The applicant shall either construct a
minimum 6' wide asphalt or concrete path from Cottonwood Drive to the northern
boundary or provide a surety to be renewed annually and to the end.
I would like to replace that with: The applicant shall build a crushed cinder 6' wide
pathway to the emergency easement of the adjoining Streamside Subdivision and upon
approval of the Streamside shall complete the path on the Streamside property to connect
to the Streamside path.
This connects that pathway. The reason for the cinders is that it is going through the
wetland area. What we are looking for now is a connection from the Cottonwood Creek
Subdivision right on into Streamside. There is an emergency easement on Lot 43 which is
adjacent to Cottonwood. I have e-mailed and tried to speak to Mr. Selvage at Streamside
and I think he will be agreeable to allow this to happen. It is a better use of their property
and it will allow this pathway to connect.
I will make that a Motion. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION
Don Knickrehm: I support the proposal completely.
B. DR-47-02—Eagle City Hall—City of Eagle:The City of Eagle, represented by Tom Zabala
with ZGA Architects and Planners, is requesting design review approval to construct a 23,000-
square foot City Hall facility(including Ada County Sheriffs Department Sub-station). The site
is located between the Post Office and the City Library north of the east/west private lane
approximately 400-feet north of State Street. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Guerber: I felt because of the item involved that we should pull this item off the Consent Agenda
and have it recognized separately. I have no opposition to this.
Guerber moves to approve DR-47-02 Eagle City Hall—City of Eagle as presented with the
stipulations from Design Review. Seconded by Bastian. General discussion on
handicapped parking spaces at the Library and general parking. ALL AYE: MOTION
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C. Review and action on proposal from Gibbons,Scott&Dean LLP for audit of Eagle's
accounting records for fiscal year ending September 30,2002. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue and recommends approval of the proposal.
Guerber moves to approve the proposal from Gibbons,Scott & Dean LLP for audit of
Eagle's Accounting records for fiscal year ending September 30,2002. Seconded by
D. Notice of award approval for municipal parking lot improvements and authorizing
Mayor to sign documents: The project consists of constructing a parking lot for the City of
Eagle on a 140 by 50 foot lot. Items include tree removal, earthwork, 600 feet of curb and gutter,
1990 square feet of sidewalk, 140 feet of perimeter wall, 652 square yards of asphalt, storm
water system, landscape,etc. (WEV) Staff is requesting this item will be continued to the
September 24, 2002 meeting.
E. Authorization of the notice to proceed(for the municipal parking lot project): Approval
is contingent on city attorney approval and bond and insurance authorization. Authorizing the
Mayor to sign documents once all conditions are satisfied. (WEV)Staff is requesting this item
will be continued to the September 24, 2002 meeting.
Mayor: Staff has requested that Item#8B and#8C be continued to the September 24, 2002 City
Council Meeting.
Guerber moves to continue#8B.Notice of award approval for municipal parking lot
improvements and authorizing Mayor to sign documents and#8C.Notice of award
approval for municipal parking lot improvements and authorizing Mayor to sign
documents to the September 24,2002 City Council meeting per request of staff. Seconded
F. Code Enforcement discussion: (NM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: I would like to move this item to an executive session.
Merrill moves to add an executive session as 10A.on personnel issues. Seconded by
Sedlacek moves to add the Eagle City and Boise City Impact Area Changes to the Agenda
as Item#9F. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES
G. Review and action on BFI's proposal regarding wheeled cart service.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Dave Fisher, General Manger BFI, provides Council an overview of the proposal previously
presented to the Council at the last meeting. General discussion.
Discussion on whether or not the City needs to have a public hearing on this issue.
Discussion on how BFI would implement the wheeled cart service.
$ Merrill moves to continue this item and that BFI place a notice in their billings notifying
the customers of the wheeled cart service and that a public hearing be held on October 8,
2002. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES
Council is requesting that BFI bring the type of wheeled carts that are available at the meeting.
General discussion.
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F. Review and action on proposed change work order No.2.for Merrill Park.
G. Review and action on proposed change work order No.3 for Merrill Park:
Mayor introduces the issue.
Bastian moves to approve Change Work Order No.2 and Change Work Order No.3 for
Merrill Park. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek:
A. ZOA-3-02—Zoning Ordinance Amendment—Land Consultants Inc.: Mark Butler with
Land Consultants Inc. is proposing to amend Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2,Article A,
Section 6, to allow apartments on floors other than the ground floor to be a permitted use within
the Downtown Development Area and Transitional Development Area of the Central Business
District. This item was continued from the August 27, 2002 meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an over of the proposed changes. General
discussion on changes.
Bastian moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that
Ordinance#431 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance
#431 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES
Bastian moves that Ordinance#431 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE;
Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
B. Ordinance No.415: An Ordinance In Accordance With Idaho Code 50-328, 50-329 And 50-
329a Granting A Franchise To Eagle Water, A Corporation,And To Its Successors And Assigns,
To Construct,Maintain And Operate In,Upon And Under The Present And Future Streets,
Highways And Other Public Places Within The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho,
Water Utility Property And Facilities For Supplying Water And Water Service To The City,The
Inhabitants Thereof,And Others For A Term Of 20 Years,Including The Nonexclusive Right To
Physically Locate And Maintain Water Lines,Pipes,Equipment Or Other Water Facilities;
Setting Forth An Agreement Not To Compete; Reserving Power Of Eminent Domain; Providing
For The Payment Of Franchise Fees; And Specifying Other Limitations,Terms And Conditions
Governing The Exercise Of Said Franchise,And Providing An Effective Date. (SKM) This item
was continued from the August 27, 2002 meeting.
C. Ordinance No.414: An Ordinance In Accordance With Idaho Code 50-328, 50-329 And 50-
329a Granting A Franchise To United Water,A Corporation,And To Its Successors And
Assigns,To Construct,Maintain And Operate In, Upon And Under The Present And Future
Streets,Highways And Other Public Places Within The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle,
Idaho,Water Utility Property And Facilities For Supplying Water And Water Service To The
City, The Inhabitants Thereof,And Others For A Term Of 20 Years, Including The Nonexclusive
Right To Physically Locate And Maintain Water Lines, Pipes,Equipment Or Other Water
Facilities; Setting Forth An Agreement Not To Compete; Reserving Power Of Eminent Domain;
Providing For The Payment Of Franchise Fees;And Specifying Other Limitations,Terms And
Conditions Governing The Exercise Of Said Franchise,And Providing An Effective Date.
(SKM) This item was continued from the August 27, 2002 meeting.
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Mayor introduces the issues.
City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on Section 13. Cities do not levy taxes on public utilities.
Discussion on the proposed changes.
Merrill moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that
Ordinance#415 be considered after being read once by title only. Merrill reads Ordinance
#415 by title only. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES
Merrill moves that Ordinance#415 be adopted with the changes as presented tonight.
Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE:
Guerber moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring
Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed
with,and that Ordinance#414 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber
reads Ordinance#414 by title only. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION
Guerber moves that Ordinance#414 be adopted as amended. Seconded by Guerber.
Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
D. Discussion of tree replacement proposal for trees located from State Street to Floating
Feather along Eagle Road.(NM) This item was continued from the August 27, 2002 meeting
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: I haven't done anything on this at this point.
General discussion on the removal of the trees.
Phil Hull,The Land Group, it would be a major undertaking to move the trees and I don't think
the trees would survive. Displays an overhead of pros and cons of planting shade class trees
(class II)and discusses the same. General discussion.
Bastian moves to notify Idaho Power that the trees are class II trees and that they will grow
a maximum of 40 feet and that with proper pruning they will not reach that height and also
inform them of the City ordinance that requires permission to prune trees. Seconded by
Merrill. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES
Mayor calls a recess at 9:10 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m.
E. Review and discussion of the lighting of the eagle sculpture generally located on the
northeast corner of the Highway 44 and Eagle Road intersection. (WEV) This item was
continued from the August 27, 2002 meeting
Mayor introduces the issue.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I am going to ask for a proposal from Pete Hull,Lighting
Design, for lighting. General discussion.
Guerber: There is an Idaho Power pole there, couldn't there be a spot light put on the pole to
shine down on the sculpture. General discussion. Staff will explore this possibility.
General discussion on the costs.
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Bastian moves to design the project with costs and bring back to the Council. Seconded by
F. Eagle City and Boise City Impact Area Changes (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Discussion on the impact area changes.
Bastian moves to approve the Area Of Impact Adjustment Agreement between the City of Eagle,
the City of Boise and Ada County. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Bastian withdraws the
Motion, Second concurs.
Merrill moves to move the Area of Impact Adjustment Agreement forward to the proper
Boards to review and go to Public Hearing. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION
10. Executive Session: IC, 67-2345 Personnel Issues.
Merrill moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Personnel Issues. Seconded
by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE:
Council discusses personnel issues.
Council leaves executive session.
Zoning Administrator's Report: Provides Council an update on the August 28, 2002 memo from
ACHD in regards to the Plaza Drive Extension/purchase of property. Discussion on the Floating
Feather project's standing. ACHD will make the decision at their meeting on September 10,
2002 to purchase the property. General discussion.
Discussion on the Trolley Square project.
Library dish. Bastian: The Library Board was surprised to see the dish in the position it is now.
The installation was done wrong and the Library Board has withheld payment until the problem
is corrected.
Discussion on code enforcement and the thank you note that is being sent to people who do
Discussion on the Blue Moose issue. October 14, 2002 is the court date.
Discussion on changing misdemeanors to infractions in the City Code.
Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering,provides Council an update on Arbor Ridge. Discussion on
the culvert for the irrigation/waste water. Discussion on the historical drain-way.
Report on the meeting on Piccadilly.
City Attorney Report: Discussion on the possibility that property that is not owned by a public
entity will pay property taxes. It appears that the assessed value could be $3,900,000 but I think
that is low. General discussion. Discussion on the City Hall financing with Wells Fargo.
Sedlacek: Discussion on the Chase pre-hearing. I will not be at the hearing and would like
someone else to be present.
Discussion on the water regulators that United Water was to put in on the water system. The
water pressure was reduced.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report: There will be joint meeting with P&Z and Dr on September 30,
2002. Council will meet if P&Z or DR has agenda items.
Guerber: The old fire station has been sold. It is going to become Eagle Community Youth
Air Quality Board meets tomorrow. General discussion.
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K:I COUNCIL\MINIJTES1Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-09-10-02mm.doe
I am going to be out of town on September 24, 2002.
Discussion on what the Library Staff is representing to the public in regards to reading clubs and
etc because of budget restraints and the elimination of handicap parking.
Bastian: Ann Gallinger will retire on December 31, 2002. The Library Board will advertise for
the position of Library Director. The Library Board is going to contract with Collin Campbell at
$25 an hour to maintain the web site. The Library Board settled on$20 a hour. The dish will be
lowered. I have a copy of the Lynx Agreement that the Library Board would like the City
Attorney to review.
City Attorney Buxton: The Library Board has the power to hire, supervise and evaluate the
Library Director. This is not a function of the City Council.
Merrill: Reports on the AIC Legislative meeting. One of the things that the State is looking at is
taping into State Revenue Sharing.
The Visionary Committee is looking at architecture and the processes.
We need to be looking for someone for Design Review. Jim Murray will be leaving.
Discussion on a meeting with Ada County in regards to the Skateboard Park. Brad Little has two
parcels of property that he wants to do a land swap with Ada County for the remaining 80 acres.
Discussion on the letter from Linda Butler on Cultural Arts programs to be funded.
Tracy put together a grant application for the Park&Pathways.
Discussion on Conklin letter. Council concurs that it is a neighborhood matter and a police
City Engineer Report: No report.
Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION
Hearing no further business,the Council meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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K\COUNCIUMINUTES\Tencorary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-10-02mm doe