Minutes - 2002 - City Council - 07/29/2002 - JointORIGINAL City Council/Design Review Board/Planning & Zoning Commission Special Meeting Minutes July 29, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Council: Present: MERRII J ~, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK. Absent: GUERBER Design Review Board: Present: MURRAY, BARNES,, PAULSON,, FLOEGEL. CHRISTENSEN. Absent: MCCULLOUGH, STANGER Planning & Zoning Commission: Present: FRANDEN, NORDSTROM, CADWELL, CROOK. Absent: BLOOM The agenda is amended. Bastian amends the agenda to add the Order to Show Cause for Robert DeShazo making it item 3. Seconded by Sedlacek. DISCUSSION. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 3. Order to Show Cause for Robert DeShazo. This item was not discussed further. Those Council members, Commissioners, and Board members present introduce themselves. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Private Street safety issues. (IVIERRH.! .) Mayor introduces the item. Merrill relays a conversation with Larry Sales of ACHD, and notes the safety concerns on private streets. Discussiom Merrill would like to have the Planning and Zoning Commission to either eliminated private streets or re-work the ordinance. Nordstrom feels that the ordinance could be amended to provide clearer guidelines for the City to follow. Discussion. Staff is directed to bring proposed amendments before the Commission and Council for consideration. B. PUD's/size of subdivisions. (MERRII.I.) Mayor introduces the item. Merrill states there is currently not condition for which a PUD is required. Perhaps if we had a PUD requirement for subdivisions of a certain size, it would eliminate the "cookie cutter" option. Discussion. Sedlacek comments on the proposed rules for septic systems. Perhaps a meeting with Central District Health would be good to discuss these proposed requirements, the Planning and Zoning Commission may want to attend as well. Discussion. Perhaps Central District Health could attend a pm-council meeting and Commissioners could attend that. Staff is directed to schedule this item. C. Sio_nage for bufldinga which do not have public street frontage or along oublic pathways. (MERRI1,1 J) Mayor introduces the item. Merrill discusses the current challenges that businesses have with our sign ordinance. Murray states that it is the applicants responsibility to be aware of the process and regulations currently in place. Discussion. D. Design Review oublic hearings. (MERRll J J) Mayor introduces the item. Merrill notes that rarely does the public attend the Design Review Board public hearings. Discussion. Barnes notes that generally if the public has concerns they are attending Design Review, Planning and Zoning and Council. Discussion regarding notice options. Murray feels that those within 300' should still receive notice of meetings, but the requirements for posting the site and publication in the newspaper could be eliminated. Merrill notes that perhaps an onsite nei~ghborhood meeting prior to the hearing may be a good idea. E. Metal roofs. (MERRrLI~) Mayor introduces the item. General discussion regarding color and design. F. Multi-pads - landscape and asphalt requirements. (MERRll ~!,) Mayor introduces the item. Discussion of parking, curbing and landscaping requirements. Staff will work on standard condition language for street requirements for truck traffic loads. G. Distance for street trees and historic light soacing. (MERRH ~! ~) Mayor introduces the item. Discussion on current historic street lighting. Murray will forward information the City of Haley obtained regarding retro-fitting the existing historic lights with a shield that makes them more dark sky tolerant. Discussion. H. Code requirements for licenses architects. (MURRAY) Mayor introduces the item. Murray would like the design review applications to state "someone knowledgeable in the profession of commercial architecture or a licensed architect." Discussion. I. Dark sky tolerant lights. (MERRII J ~) Mayor introduces the item. See above discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Merrill moves to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at pm. Respectfully submitted: RON K. MOORE I - CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: RICI~' YZ~G0~RRE, MAYOR