Minutes - 2002 - City Council - 06/04/2002 - JointEAGLE CITY COUNCIL/ACHD JOINT MEETING Minutes June 4, 2002 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:12 p.m. by Council President Merrill. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: Present: BASTIAN, MERRILL, GUERBER. Absent: SEDLACEK ACHD: Present: BIVENS, PEAVEY-DERR, EASTLAKE, WYNKOOP. Absent: HUBER. 3 DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Hill Road gravel site. Merrill introduces the issue. Merrill provides ACHD with copies of documents that were used when the City aquired land from lTD. It is her hope that type of documents could be used for the Hill Road site. Discussion. Wynkoop feels that staff from both entities needs work together to bring a recommendation forward regarding the site. Discussion regarding property acquisition options. The agenda is rearranged to hear item C prior to B as ACHD is awaiting the arrival of a staff member. C. Island Woods signal light. Merrill introduces the item. Merrill provides copies of a cost estimate provided by Patrick Dobie. Discussion. Terry Little addresses cost issues. Dan Torfin speaks regarding the developers financing of the signal. Discussion. Mayor Yzaguirre joins the meeting at 6:35 p.m. ACHD Commissioners are unsure as to whether or not they are willing or able to step up to pay for their approximately 40% share of the signal. Wynkoop states that generally these type of signals are more developer driven. Torfin states that the developer has already put in $38,000 and is unable to state for certain if the developer would be willing to contribute more. Discussion regarding trying to acquire additional state funds. Merrill would like to meet in two weeks to readdress this issue. Would like to find out if ITD is willing to put money in, consult with the Developer for additional funds, and the City will also analyze their budget. B. River crossing extension of Highway 55. Katey Levhin with ACHD provides a handout regarding the Three Cities River Crossing Corridor Study. Discussion. 4. AD,IOURNMENT: Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: SHARbfi K. MO0~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: RiCK '~z^~, MAYOR