Minutes - 2013 - City Council - 04/02/2013 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Special Meeting Minutes
April 2,2013
I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: GRASSER, DEFAYETTE, BUTLER. All present. A quorum is
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor introduces the issue and discusses the qualifications for City Council.
I would like to appoint Jason Pierce to fill the Council position. Provides an overview of
Jason's resume.
Jason Pierce provides the Council with an overview of his involvement within the
community, his volunteer work in the City and discusses his family and business.
Council and Mr. Pierce: General discussion questions and answers.
Defayette moves to appoint Jason Pierce as our interim City Council Member.
Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE:
City Clerk Bergman swears in Jason Pierce as the new City Council Member.
Mayor: Now we will move into Public Comment.
Butler: I would like to comment on this.
Mayor: Before you do I have something to say if I may.
Butler: Ok, I'm leaving. This was put on without our permission and I told you Council
said to put this on as a Special Meeting for our Council Member and you put this on here
and I did not agree to this, none of the Council did.
Grasser: We don't have to the Mayor sets the Agenda my friend.
Butler: You guys can go ahead and talk about it then. Council Member Butler leaves the
Mayor introduces the Public Comment portion of the meeting.
Greg Jones, 2798 E. Emily Meadows, I appreciate the time, discusses the
recommendation that the Mayor at the last weeks Council meeting. Good questions were
asked by all Council Members and then the blinders came on pretty quick and everything
was about prior service within the community within the confines of the City Hall. I
don't think that is right. I think this is about the citizens and the business community and
when you put all of the emphasis on one qualification I don't think that is right. When
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you have someone that has the kind capabilities that the recommendation came with and
then you shut down pretty quick that is not good representation. This doesn't show
respect to the Mayor or the person that was presented and doesn't represent the City very
well. We need balance.
Mark Pyper, 855 E. Shadow Creek Lane, I'm a marketing guy, I brought slides. I
represent BAMA and I want to reaffirm to the new Council person how important the
things you have done this year are. Discusses the positive accomplishments of the Mayor
and Council. I would like to challenge our new Council Member to continue supporting
green space, trails and parks because it is very important to our community.
Stan Ridgeway, 1735 Rush Road, discusses the process of appointing a mayor when
Mayor Bandy resigned and the salary adjustment to a part time salary. When the current
vacancy occurred I threw my hat in the ring and submitted my resume and met with
Mayor Reynolds. At the request of the Mayor I contacted City Council Members to
discuss my qualifications and willingness to serve the City of Eagle. Congratulates the
new Council Member. Discusses the appointment process. Occasionally the Council
needs to be reminded that they are elected by the people to represent the people's interest.
Discusses his view of what the Council's commitments should be. General discussion.
Michael Huffaker, 1415 S. Hidden Island Place, I'm not here to advocate any person, I
would like to speak to the process. For those of you who don't know Jason he is probably
one of the greatest citizens the City has ever had here in terms of participation in
community and civic activities. He was involved long before I became involved with the
City. Discusses some Jason's activities and participations. I think he is an excellent
selection. I was not here when the hearing was held on Steve Rouse. Discussion on the
process of selecting a Council Member to fill a vacant seat. I think Steve would have
done a good job. We want to encourage as many people as we can to get involved with
the City and I don't want to exclude people because they haven't attended meetings or
been on one of the committees. There are so many good people in our community who
could do a job. Discusses his tenure as a City Council Member.
Scott Nordstrom, 2590 W. Timber Drive, I came here tonight in support of Jason Pierce.
There is probably no citizen in this City that has and will continue to give the time and
support to this City as Jason will. Jason is a person of the people. If you look out in this
room tonight of the people came to support him you will see people who have lived here
their whole live and there are people who been here just in the past year. I think you will
find that he brings a great deal of wisdom and commitment. Discusses his tenure on the
City Council and his involvement with the City. I checked out on the City in the last
couple of years because I have found it to be very political and very edgy which is
something that I just don't want to be involved with. I think I'm speaking on behalf of
the average citizen. I wonder what it is going to take to bring back community and bring
back a system where there is not an agenda, there is not purpose in alliances, and there is
not anything other than what is best for the City. It is time for everyone to unify, to stop
the bickering, stop the individualism and figure out what is good for the City. It is time
for a change and you guys need to take the leadership role to do it. General discussion.
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Bob VanArnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way, I have been to a lot of meetings over a period of
years. I appreciate the Mayor's approach that was in the Valley Times today. As a
citizen sitting in the Council Chambers there has appeared since the last election that
there has been a voting block of three. Discusses the public hearing process. It just seems
like the minds of the Council are made up prior to any vote. To me Council Member
Grasser is an excellent Council Member and I have confidence that his decisions are
makes are in the best interest of the citizens as a whole and not in the interest of any
particular interest group, personal agenda that a Council Member may bring to the
Council, etc. So I hope, Jason Pierce that you have heard this loud and clear.
Jeff Kunz, 2213 E. Skokie Drive, at the March 26th City Council meeting Mayor
Reynolds indicated that for almost two weeks he tried to reach consensus with the
Council on an acceptable appointee and he couldn't. So then he went outside traditional
circles to try and find an appointee. I want to share my story. Not once but twice,
immediately before and immediately after Steven Rouse's appointment I was the Mayor's
appointment. Twice my appointment was silently withdrawn because of political
pressure. Discussion on the appointment process. The Mayor attempted to arrive at a
pre-public consensus but what happened is that certain Council Members have been
allowed to predetermine who his appointees should be. Discussion on how the City Hall
was built and the City Hall Bond Election. This appointment process has not been done
in front of the public. General discussion.
Mayor: I thank you for your comments this evening.
Defayette moves to adjourn. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item.
April 2, 2013
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Sharon Berjmann
Sheri Horton
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer
City of Eagle
Sheri Horton
Wednesday, April 03, 2013 4:32 PM
Barb Cerda; Bill Vaughan; Charlene EIg; Jason Pierce; Jim Reynolds; John Grasser; Kellie
Rekow; Mark Butler; Mary Defayette; Mike Williams; Mike Aho; Nichoel Baird; Sharon
Bergmann; Susan Buxton; Tracy Osborn
FW: Public Comments 2 April City Council Meeting
Public Comment-Ricks.pdf; Statesman photo.JPG
From: Jim Reynolds
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Sheri Horton
Subject: FW: Public Comments 2 April City Council Meeting
Please publish.
From: Thomas Ricks [mailto:ricks
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013
To: Jim Reynolds; Mary Defayette;
Cc: eaglecity
Subject: Public Comments 2 April
12:43 PM
Mark Butler; John Grasser
City Council Meeting
Public comments for Eagle City Council Meeting 2 April 2013.
Thomas A. Ricks
Thomas A. Ricks
1560 Park Lane
Eagle, ID 83616
Dear Mayor and Council,
I did not speak last night during the time allotted for public comment simply because I
felt it was out of sequence and the theatrics were a bit too extreme. However, thank you for the
opportunity allowing me to submit my application for consideration to join your Council. I
applaud your efforts and the time and energy expended as you worked to select the new
Councilmember. Although I was not selected, I am sure Mr. Pierce will do fine.
That being said, I understand the Council set the parameters for the Mayor's
appointment, and in my opinion, those parameters were so myopic that only a few people would
truly be qualified under such narrow criterion. It would seem to me the Council would welcome
a lifelong resident of Eagle, raising a young family with 3 young children ages 7, 4, and 1 in the
community I have been a part of my entire life, I was mistaken.
Being a 7`" generation Idahoan and lifelong resident of Eagle, I am familiar with nearly
every major community issue of the past 25+ years, yet I failed to meet your narrow criteria. It
is true; I have only approximately 1 -year sitting on the Eagle Public Library Board as a Trustee.
That time was cut short when I had to resign in order to take command of an Aviation Task
Force constituted after being activated by the Governor of Idaho and the President.
Having somewhat minimal local participation, I have an incredible amount of honorable
service to my country, state and community as a military officer, commander, combat aviator
and now, in the civilian sector, as an aerial firefighter and program manager with the U.S.
Department of the Interior in Boise. I heard an interesting comment last night from a council
member (and I am paraphrasing) that those who volunteer in the community sitting on a
commission or board ardently work, missing meals with family, etc. AIthough I am in
agreement, there are numerous ways in which one can serve within their community other than
serving on a volunteer board or commission.
For example, after leaving active duty, I have chosen to be broader in my service to my
community, state and nation by serving in the Idaho National Guard and Air Force Reserves. In
that capacity, I've missed more than a night or two with my family. Most recently, I missed over
13 months while serving as a combatant commander in Afghanistan. For edification, I have
attached the photograph shown on the front page of the Idaho Statesman that cold day December
2009. It was a sad, lonely day I have experienced a total of 10 times, and I didn't see any of you
Resp ully,
Thomas A. Ricks
Eagle City Council Meeting
Boise Area Mountain 9ikeAssociafiat
Eagle Market
• The City of Eagle is a market
Citizen Consumers
Civic Solution
• Have Needs
• Consume Solutions
Create Solutions
Deliver Solutions to Citizen
• Citizen Consumers express their needs in various ways
— Attend open meetings
— Vote in elections
— Participate in surveys (i.e. Parks and Pathways Survey 12011)
Delivering Consumer Centric Solutions
Walking and biking trails
Dog park
Interpretive trails
Wildlife observation areas
Sports fields
Sports courts
Community garden
Q: Which park amenities
would you like to see Eagle
develop over the next 5
• Signed Sports
Complex Lease
• Created Parks
and Rec Dept.
• Hired a Parks and
Rec Director
• Hired Trail
• Budgeted and
• The Eagle City Council has delivered!
*Taken from the City of Eagle Parks and Pathways Survey 1 February 8, 2011
Why Green Space Matters?
• The Conservation Fund (CO)
— of the real estate agents interviewed:
• 73% believed that a home adjacent to a trail would be easier to sell
• 55% agreed that the home would sell for more than a comparable home
from a different neighborhood
• 82% of real estate agents used the trail as a selling point
• 100% believed trails are an amenity to the community around it
• Boulder Greenbelts (Co)
— All else being equal. the average value of property adjacent to the
greenbelt would be 32% higher than those 3,200 feet away
• Luce Line rail -trail (MN)
— 61% of the suburban residential owners noted an increase in their
property value as a result of the trail
• Rocky Mountain Research Survey of Denver (Co)
— Those who said they would pay extra for greenbelts and parks in their
neighborhood rose from 16% to 48% percent
Keep the Momentum Going!
• A lot of positive progress has been made
—Big thanks to the whole city council
• Especially Mary Defayette and Mark Butler
• Keep delivering civic solutions that citizen
consumers are demanding
—Walking and biking trails
• Appoint customer -centric replacement for
open seat