Minutes - 2002 - City Council - 02/05/2002 - SpecialORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes February S, 2002 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Yzaguirre called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MERRILL, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. A quorum is present. Council Member Bastian is attending another meeting and will be here as soon as possible. Merrill moves to amend the agenda as follows: Instead of the wording in Item #3 it should read "Agreement To Extend Option To Purchase Real Property and To Establish A Closing Date. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................. 3..°""~-. ~...~ ..... ...-a ~-.vc"~ .A.n. ....... v~...~...' Agreement To Extend Option To Purchase Real Property and To Establish A Closing Date - Oppenheimer Property: (SEB) City Attorney Buxton: We have been trying to find a constitutional way to finance the purchase of the Oppenheimer Property. You have appropriated $300,000 for the purchase of the property and the cost of the property is $493,980.00. Oppenheimer have agreed to extend the option to a closing date of April 30, 2002. The City will do a lease purchase agreement with Wells Fargo Bank and assign the Option to the Bank and the Bank will purchase the land and the City will' lease/purchase the land and improvements. The first payment will be the $300,000.00. I would like the Council to agree to the terms in the Agreement To Extend Option To Purchase Real Property and To Establish A Closing Date. General discussion. Merrill moves to approve the Agreement To Extend Option To Purchase Real Property and To Establish A Closing Date. Seconded by Sedlacek. Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .................. Mayor: The Zoning Administrator needs to bring a couple of items before the City Council. Zoning Administrator Vaughan. Discuss the letter that was sent to lTD regard the right in and right out intersection and that the City would withdraw the appeal and the Barry Marcus letter. Mayor: I have had a discussion with Barry Marcus and Barry's concem is that in the letter we sent we gave up our right to appeal if they give us a right in right out, his thinking is that may have been a mistake and the City might want to follow up with another letter retracting that. City Attomey Buxton: Barry wants the City to send a letter that makes a case for a full signal and for the City not to give up on its appeal. That is up to the City on how they want to do that. We could clarify the letter and say: "To clarify our January letter our intent is that we will only withdraw our appeal and ability to go to the Board if you give us an approval without any conditions of a right in and right out". General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I need to discuss mediation with Brighton Corporation. The minutes say that "we submit the Findings for Mediation". It was my recollection that the Council still wanted to be able to vote on the mediation again based on the information that was brought back to you. The appeal period is apparently on hold. If that is not the situation then the 28-day appeal period would be running from your action on the 22"a. City Attorney Buxton: The motion made states: "Bastian moves to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-6-01 & RZ-9-01 Brighton Corporation and that upon approving the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law that we submit these to mediation. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES....". This is submitted to mediation under Title 67 and they are going to meet with the homeowners; come back and tell me that they have met. I need you to designate one or two of you to participate in the mediation. I would like to do our first mediation without hiring a mediator and if this works great. All you are obligated to is one mediation. General discussion on the full Council being at mediation. General discussion on the mediation procedure. City Attorney Buxton will proceed to schedule the mediation as an open meeting. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: P&Z approved one or two comp plan amendments that will be forwarded to the City Council in the future. The governing body can only make a change to the Comp Plan once every six months. With updating our impact area with Boise City we will need to try and schedule all of these changes so we can have everything completed to comply with the one change every six months. General discussion. One Resolution will be done for all of the changes. 4. Request for Qualifications gE C01-101 -Review Responses and Create a Shortlist for Evaluation and Selection: (RY) Mayor reads the names of the Architect firms that have submitted responses to the Request for Qualifications. Waldron & Associates, Glancy Rockwell & Associates, Armstrong Architects, Cole & Associates, CHSQA, Trout Architects, Lombard-Conrad, Ronald Thurber & Associates, BRS Architects, ZGA and Hummel Architects. Council Member Basfian is now present. Merrill moves pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 that we go into Executive Session. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. City Council discusses the proposals received in response to the Request For Qualifications. City Council leaves Executive Session. Guerber moves that Armstrong Architects, CSHQA, Glancy Rockwell & Associates, Lombard Conrad Architect and ZGA are invited to make presentations to City Council for Architectural Services for new City Hall Project. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ General discussion on the presentations and the City Hall Project. Merrill: I have been invited to meet tomorrow with Linda and Dave Waldren on a cultural arts center. General discussion. Discussion on Boy Scout projects. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHAR~)~ K. MOORE J CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: MAYOR x/