Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 12/11/2001 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes December 11, 2001 OR GFNAL PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Sergeant Patrick Calley will present the November monthly report. Sgt. Calley distributes the November monthly report and discusses the same. Introduces Lt. Scott Johnson, Patrol Commander, who addresses the Council. General discussion. 2. Mayor and Council will present Steve Deckers with a token of appreciation for serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor thanks Steve Deckers for his hard work and commitment while serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission and presents him with an Eagle sculpture. 3. Mayor and Council's Report: Guerber: No report. Merrill: Reports on a meeting in regards to the Baptist Church being convert it into a restaurant. Discussion on a meeting with ACHD, ITD and their staffin regards to the lights on Eagle Road, Highway 55, roads in general. Discussion on the meeting with Williamson and Selvage. There is disagreement on land ownership so it will be a while before the City can discussion acquisition of water. Park Committee meets tomorrow night. Bastian: Discussion on the Library dish. Displays a concept drawing. The drawing will be submitted to staff for the proper approvals. General discussion. Discussion on a self check out station. This has been budgeted for but the Lynx system will cost $15,000 and $5,000 was budgeted. Discussion on the Library activity report for November. Sedlacek: Customer Appreciation Day is February 2nd. Discussion on the amh sign. The Chamber of Cormnerce has over $7,000 from their auction dedicated for signs. Talked to Terri Bath, new Chamber of Commerce President, about an evening meeting with a buffet to be scheduled after the first of the year. Discussion on the Chamber jingle. 4. City Engineer Report: Compass has contacted Holladay Engineering and has requested a considerable amount of information on storm water. I want to have your staff involved in answering and gathering some this information. This information gathering could take 4-6 hours of work. Council concurs to have Veto proceed. We have been asked to assist with the Enhancement Grant. We have a meeting scheduled for Monday to discuss the grant. We should have the application completed in a couple of weeks. Discussion on the projects within the City that would qualify. 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: I have distributed copies of the November monthly report. Also, I have provided you a list of the expenses incurred for the last year for the City Hall/Senior Center Building. 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on the screening at the fire station. General discussion. 7. City Attorney Report: No report. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MERRILL, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. All present. A quorum is present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of December 4, 2001. C. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-10-01 - Rezone from A to R-E - Mike Malterre: Mike Malterre, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-E (Residential Estates - up to one unit per two-acres). The 9.87-acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road approximately 600-feet east of Ballantyne Road, at 1795 W. Floating Feather Road. Renewal approval of Liquor~ Beer and/or Wine Licenses for current license holders (for the year 2002) which have met all criteria established by the City. (SKM) Planning and Zoning Commission Appointment: The Mayor is requesting Council confirm the re-appointment of Scott Nordstrom to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He will be serving a 3 year term. (RY) Merrill moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................... Merrill moves to rearrange the agenda by renumber Item 7A as Item 7D. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... 5. FINAL PLATS: None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion on Streamside Subdivision pathway: (LS & NM) This item was continued from the November 27, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill moves to continue this item to the January 8, 2002, City Council meeting. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................ B. Discussion of financing options for new city hall facility. This item was continued from the December 4, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Bud Way, Wells Fargo Bank, discusses the financing for the City Hall. When proposals are in place, possibly early March, then time frames for the financing options will start. Processing of the financing will take approximately three weeks. The are a number of payment options that will be tailored to the City's needs. General discussion. I can help you with an extension of time on the purchase of the property or with short term financing if that is necessary. The rates were cut again today and there is talk of a cut in January. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on the Option to Purchase on the property. Does the Council want to move forward with the purchase of property or do you want me to negotiate an extension of time. Council concurs to have the City Attorney proceed with the Purchase and Sale Agreement on the property. General discussion. Bastian moves to select Wells Fargo for the loan to purchase the property for the new City Hall site. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... C. Review and approval of request for qualifications for Architect/Pro,iect Manager. (SEB, VB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on the request for qualifications for an architect/project manager. General discussion. Merrill moves to approve the Request for Qualifications for Architect/Project Manager for the city hall as presented tonight by the City Attorney and we instruct the City staff to send these out. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .......................... 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A.-(B.) A-6-01 & RZ-9-01 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-1 - Brighton Corporation: Brighton Corporation, represented by John Wardle with Wardle & Associates, is requesting a rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-1 (Residential - up to one unit per acre). The 124.3-acre, site is located on the northwest corner of Meridian Road and Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mayor swears in Mike Wardle. Mike Wardle, 50 Broadway Avenue, Boise, representing Brighton Corportion, distributes a packet of information for Council and discusses the same. Displays an overhead of the property location and provides Council with an overview of the request for a rezone. Mayor swears in Gary Allen. Gary Allen, 277 N. 6th Street, Boise, addresses some of the legal issues that were raised in the Planning and Zoning recommendation. Distributes a handout to the Council and discusses the same. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the property location and provides Council an overview of the request for rezone and annexation. This property is located in Ada County. Discussion on non-conforming uses. General discussion. Mayor swears in Judy Erdman Judy Erdman, 7283 Winward Drive, Meridian, I live adjacent to the north end of the development. I'm concerned about the health and safety and believe that a subdivision would be worse than the development. I do not believe the character of this development is consistent with the ama. Mayor swears in Paul Calverley. Paul Calverley, 913 River Heights Drive, I live at the extreme northwest corner. I have worked with soil conversation. Discussion on an Ada County Soil Survey that show septics would be restrictive. Ground water runs towards the river. The water table varies quite a bit. Further discussion on the water and septic tanks. Worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture for 34 years. Mayor swears in David Vail. David Vail, 7448 Winward, Meridian, we presented a petition with 86 signatures and now we have a petition with 110 signatures. The Planning and Zoning has already made their recommendations and they have denied this. I feel this should be denied. Distributes copies of a map that shows the Oregon Trail Crossing. Mayor swears in Dale Lindley. Dale Lindley, 1635 Dunsberry, I'm representing the family. We had two pieces of property, one is now Castleberry Subdivision. We operated our dairy and there were no subdivision in the area. The two houses will be eliminated when the property is developed. There is not enough acres to farm this property. We have moved the dairy. The subdivisions have moved in on us we are trying to get out of here. Mayor swears in Randy Lindley. Randy Lindley, 830 E. Chinden, Meridian, the last time I testified was when Spyglass Subdivision went in right next to the dairy. We knew at that time that our time was limited. It is very tough to coexist with the subdivisions. I think it would be an asset to have the land not agriculture. Mayor swears in Dennis Hansen. Dennis Hansen, 465 W. Sly Fox St., I live in Fox Tail Subdivision I would like to express my opposition to this subdivision. The traffic is a concern. I'm very concerned about the septic tanks on this property and the chance that this would contaminate my well. Mayor swears in Harriett Calverley. Harriett Calverley, 913 River Heights Drive, my concern is the impact of the water and sewer and the traffic. If you are going to approve this I would like to see at least 2 acres parcels. I'm concerned about contamination of our water. Mayor swears in David Schlador. David Schlador 6620 N. Fox Run Avenue, Meridian, why the new standards for septics. What are your liabilities if the septics pollute our water. Discussion on a signal light at Meridian Road and Chinden Blvd. I don't think the development is consistent with the area. Mayor swears in Walter Davis Merritt. Walter Davis Merritt, 795 River Height Drive, I share a south boundary with the project. I have had occasions to treat patient that have been contaminated with well water. The health standards for septics are in place for good reasons. Ada County has limit of 5 acres for septic systems. The developers could develop their property as it is now in Ada County. I am opposed to this. This is a threat to the health of my family and neighborhood. Gary Allen, representing the applicant, discusses the septic systems, water quality and traffic issues. General discussion. David Tumbull, President of Brighton Corporation, I am a neighbor to this project. There has been new development around my property. Mr. Lindley is wanting to retire and allow his sons to move their farming operation to Emmett. This application meets the requirements of City ordinances and the comp plan. I am concerned about the traffic in the area also. You will find this project an asset to your community. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to deny A-6-01 & RZ-9-01 Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-1 Brighton Corporation for the following reasons: there is public health concern and the proposed rezone to R-I is incompatible with the existing area. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... B.-(C.) PP-11-01 - McKa¥ Subdivision - Brighton Corporation: Brighton Corporation, represented by Wardle & Associates, is requesting preliminary plat approval for McKay Subdivision. The 124.3-acre, 112-lot (98-single family, 14-common) residential subdivision is generally located on the northwest comer of Meridian Road and Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor this is a non-issue as the property has not been annexed into the City. Mayor calls a recess at 10:00 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:l0 p.m. C.-(D.) CPA-l-01 & RZ-11-01 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Mixed Use and Rezone With Development Agreement from R-4 to R-12-DA & L-O-DA - ,lames L..Jewett: James L. Jewett, represented by Shawn Nickel with Land Consultants, Inc., is proposing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential Four (up to four dwelling units per acre) to Mixed Use, and rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to R-12-DA (Residential twelve dwelling units per acre with Development Agreement) and L-O-DA (Limited Office with Development Agreement). The site is located on the south side of W. State Street approximately aA-miles west of Eagle Road at 825 West State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in James Jewett. James Jewett, owner and developer of the property, provides an overview of the development of the property. Mayor swears in Mark Butler. Mark Butler, 52 N. 2nd Street, representing the applicant, displays a site plan and other overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. Jeff Lowe, City Planner, displays overheads and provides Council with an overview of the project. Mayor swears in Doug McAllister. Doug McAllister, 238 S. Taylor Ave, I am against this proposal mainly because of devaluation of our property. I have consulted a realtor and she feels this would devaluate our property. Discussion on traffic. There are areas in Eagle that are zoned for this project. There are other uses for this property. Mayor swears in Doug Neubrand. Doug Neubrand, 645 Cowman Ct., the problem P&Z had with the project is the compatibility with the existing neighborhood. This would affect our property values. There is an impact in the schools and traffic. There are other places that are already zoned for this type of project. Mayor swears in Jim Fisher. Jim Fisher, 2148 W. Lindfield Way, Meridian, I own the property to the immediate west of this property. I realize this property will be developed. Mayor swears in Ray Mathie. Ray Mathie, 701 Cowman Ct., I live on the property right next door to the proposed project. When I moved in 7-8 years ago there were no houses around. I assumed the zoning would stay consistent. Mayor swears in Mark Waterman. Mark Waterman, 270 S. Sophie Place, I think that homeowners take more pride in home ownership than renters. There is less than a community type factor there. There is an extra impact on schools. We are strongly opposed to having rentals. What we would like to see a patio home type, owner occupied. Mayor swears in Bill Lainm. Bill Lamm, 106 Taylor, we moved here because it is close to town. I think it is just going to be bunch of younger people in those rentals. Mayor swears in Michael Margulies. Michael Margulies, 741 W. Aikens Ct., I moved into the area because of the trees. I also spoke to the sewer people and I was told it could not be served. I don't want to see the zoning changed. James Jewett, it is our proposal to have this project fenced. I did tell the neighbors I would choose not live next to this. I don't feel this project will have a negative impact. Some of the property in the zoning designations for this type of project is to expensive. My intention here is long term ownership. Mark Butler, we did meet with Lynn Moser, Eagle Sewer District, this line on State Street is 11' deep. We have been told that the sewer line can serve this project. A lot of the land in the zoning for apartments the land is to expensive. Mayor closes the public hearing. General Council discussion. Merrill moves to deny CPA-l-01 & RZ-11-01 Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Mixed Use and Rezone with Development Agreement from R-4 to R- 12-DA & L-O-DA- James L. Jewett. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... D.-(A.) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - ZOA-6-01 - Land Consultants Inc.: The applicant is proposing to amend Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Section 3, to allow Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities) to be permitted uses, or permitted with a conditional use permit, in additional zoning districts; to add a new land use definition entitled "Emergency Services" to be a permitted use or permitted with a conditional use permit; to amend Section 4 to add Note J to allow Child Care Facilities, Churches, Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities), and Schools (Public or Private) to increase the maximum lot coverage from 10% to 25% in any A, A-R, and R-E zoning districts; to amend Chapter 3, Section 2, to add the requirement that all multi-family and commercial developments shall have centralized sewer and water, and that Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities) in zoning districts A, A-R, and R-E and R shall be located on an arterial or collector roadway; and to amend Chapter 4, Section 5 to add parking requirements for Emergency Services. (WEV) This item was continued from the November 27, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan, you have been provided a memo referencing lot coverage. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mark Butler, 52 N. 2nd Street, I have provided you a memo concerning senior assisted living. We would like the option to have 30%. We will make anything work. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Sedlacek reads the third reading of Ordinance No. 405 by Title only. Bastian moves to consider the third reading to be complete by reading the Ordinance by Title only. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... Sedlacek moves to approve Ordinance No. 405 with all of the previously mentioned changes and changing Section 30) Maximum Lot Coverage: Shall permit an increase of maximum lot coverage from 10% to 24%. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. BASTIAN: AYE; MERRILL: AYE; SEDLACEK: AYE; GUERBER: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................... 8. NEW BUSINESS: None 9. AD,JOURNMENT: Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SH~ARON K. MOORE~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: PP -11-01 McKav Subdivision— Brighton Corp. December 11, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME 17 riff f - l , 4 til( - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AI)1)RESS % f t /t /)1(' u/ 9°0 \ / q 7 9 5 Ol k -&t kit(54i4 7 i5 % EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: Zoning Ordinance Amendment — ZOA-6-01 — Land Consultants Inc. December 11, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS Page 1 of Document2 Lf TELEPHONE PRO? CON? EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: A-6-01 & RZ-9-01 — Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-1 — Brighton Corp. December 11, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME tri ./V,q')1:1)(1//12 /. rigez ch/ '4_1)1? PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS Ve3� p/r4t/'(,.r. c,/i14- TELEPHONE C/2.r- 4/1 4,,-'C n 74 7, v _s-- l)ctfriss4errY1- ?4etiV)A-Oila-tifiA/6, 9 tfeA Page 1 of Document2 Pit -9367C PRO? CON? X. 1 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE P SEP 21 200 We, the undersigned oppose Application #A-6-01/RZ-09-01/PR 1 k0.1 from Brighten Corporation Requesting Rezone, upon annexation from fiddiktko K -i fug the McKay subdivision in the northwest corner of Meridian and Chiii6uii Boulevard. This signed petition constitutes wri ten co rap is as provided for in legal notice published in the Idaho Statesman J :,':,::t:.��.+; 2001 and individual notices sent to landowners within 300 feet of the project location. Objections to the application referenced above include, but are not limited to the following concerns: 1.) The proposed development and zone change to R-1 (up to 1 unit per acre) is not consistent or compatible with adjacent subdivisions with 2-5 acre parcels (north-- Winward -River Heights and Clearvue-- 5 acres, south and west-- Foxtail 2 acres, east-- Sugarberry 2 acres). The Rezone Application Submittal No. 9 does not accurately respond to items A and E. Instead, examples of similar residential lots in distant subdivisions are listed. 2.) A full engineering report with accurate soil data, a nutrient pathogen study, and groundwater studies has not been submitted to Central Health Department (Mike Reno) to show suitability for individual septic systems. Therefore, we recommend that the city of Eagle apply their recent requirement for sewer services for land zoned R-1 to the McKay subdivision prior to its approval to avoid contamination of existing wells and groundwater. 3.) The transportation system is not adequate to accommodate the additional 980 vehicular trips per day (ACRD report 9/5/01) generated by the subdivision. Since ACRD does not plan to install a traffic light at the Meridian Road/Chinden intersection (discussions with Joyce Newton, ACHD, 9/17/01) the fatality rate at a dangerous intersection will increase. 4.) Joint School District No. 2 reported on 8/20/01 that all schools serving this area are presently at capacity or over capacity. Their projection of 140 more students from the subdivision at time of completion will require possible relocations of all students in the area to outside schools. 1 5.) There are no parks, ponds, or open areas planned. In the 2000 City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 9 there is an implementation strategy to create an ordinance that requires developers to dedicate and establish open space/parks in new development, we see a definite need to implement that ordinance here. In summary, we ask that the rezone request and preliminary plat approval for McKay Subdivision not be granted by the Eagle Ztniiig C,' i4 Ca..KwC Gem- There is a need to decrease lot number and increase lot size, provide open space and parks, provide adequate sewer service, improve road access and safety and design the subdivision consistent with adjacent residential areas. 2 „,49' r iyL 6. !1 ; :to gt-r 7. M O �f 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 16. 17. 18. Sign es of an. Addre 1. .%_ ) i ',en/ 7.78g,G/2/i4I/.'i 2 ..- , A ?t.8 3 u/Ad_ar: 3./or//as/w____Aioysiier 4. :iI ICiA 1.4, M // (4oez' ! . • . ' 79 - - e/e.,/ ..... ,,z> .611 1 _ /L/LilL 19:- 20. 21� 22. 2 24. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. `L // ♦ %�� i9 4, :Ar 4141411° A /ir / e1 0 -41-A U. r / • 195 7i ✓ 1:2 .� /4 �. tomoi. /.' ��. Date fh2Jo1 9/7/0 fz?/d7 9/ TAz/loi 7 3 C 4/. 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I i i , _ c.> 410t A), P-3”, Y zbria I BMW +.1IMMION 1) 1-1 Bea kir .••;. • . ; - . :• .• • -1.31 R -E \ ti ng Feathe R -E PS RT • .94 R-1 A rr ULL- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 A SL C -3 -DA MI /111111R111-4 Appliait4 --PaRea RT ZW cr-i)ta;cti-?-c/ .IC -1-11A •Z IL ‘5.1 GIVE SLEY LLP LAW OFFICES 277 North 6th Street. Suite 200 PO Box 2720. Boise, Idaho 83701 TELEPHONE: 208 388-1200 FACSIMILE: 208 388.1300 WEBSITE: www.givenspursley.com Gary G. Allen Direct Dial 208.388-1257 ggaegivenspursley.com Via Hand Delivery The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council City of Eagle 310 East State Street Eagle, Idaho 83 616 Re: McKay Subdivision Dear Mayor Yzaguirre and Council Members: Gary G. Allen Christopher J. Beeson Michael C. Creamer Emily MacMaster Durkee' Thomas E. Dvorak Roy Lewis Eiguren Timothy P. Feamside Jeffrey C. Fereday Amanda L. Keating Karl T. Klein Debora K. Kristensen Anne C. Kunkel Franklin G. Lee cc-. .62-1/-0/ David R. Lombardi D. David Lorello, Jr. Kevin T. Maloney Kimberly D. Maloney John M. Marshall Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Cynthia A. Melillo Christopher H. Meyer Kendall L Miller L. Edward Miller Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery December 11, 2001 Angela K. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordan Kenneth L. Pursley Brad V. Sneed Virginia L. Stukel Conley E. Ward Robert 8. White Raymond D. Givens James A. McClure Stephanie C. Westermeier Of COUNSEL 'Luonsod in California only This letter analyzes the three grounds on which the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission") recommended denial (the "Recommendation") of the McKay annexation and rezoning request (the "Applications"). An accompanying subdivision request was denied because annexation and rezoning is a precondition to subdivision. The three grounds were 1) the fact the development would include septic tanks rather than a central sewer system, 2) the contention that existing agricultural and residential uses on the property would become non- conforming on annexation and zoning, and 3) the contention the traffic system would be inadequate to handle the traffic generated by the development. As discussed in the following sections, my conclusion is that none of these grounds form a proper basis to deny the Applications. 1. Legal standards. The City of Eagle (the "City") cannot arbitrarily deny an annexation and rezoning request. The Idaho Local Land Use Planning Act sets forth the basic criterion for addressing such a request, which is that the zone change must be "in accordance with the policies set forth in the adopted comprehensive plan.." I.C. § 67-6511. The City Code adopts a similar standard, which is that it may approve an annexation and zone change "[i]f the request is in accordance with the The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council December 11, 2001 Page 2 Comprehensive Plan." To avoid arbitrary action, therefore, the City must find appropriate bases in the specific policies in the City's comprehensive plan (the "Comprehensive Plan") to approve or deny an annexation request. An annexation and rezoning request may not be denied based on vague or unstated concerns not associated with specific policies in the Comprehensive Plan. In this case, the McKay property is within the City's area of impact with several other annexed subdivisions in the immediate area. There is no indication the subdivision would burden City services. As discussed below, the rezoning request is consistent with the permitted zoning designations in the Comprehensive Plan. In short, no evidence was presented to the Commission that would permit the City to deny the annexation and rezoning request. The sections below discuss the specific issues raised by the Commission. 2. Septic tanks. The Commission recommended denial of the Applications on the ground that ... the lack of public service availability (specifically centralized sewer) may pose detrimental effects on the health and safety of the environment. Based on the potential number of homes that may be allowed in an R-1 zone, concerns regarding the cumulative effect(s) of 124 -septic systems on the ground water in this area have not been adequately addressed by the applicant. This conclusion cannot form the basis for denial of the Applications. The Comprehensive Plan is very clear about how the Council must determine that an impact to groundwater may occur. It states, plainly, "Larger lot homes have wells and septic systems and must comply with Central District Health Department requirements." Comprehensive Plan at 7. The District has the expertise to make these kinds of decisions, and has adopted specific criteria to apply. The City's interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan provision is equally clear. As acknowledged in the Recommendation, the Applications were submitted before the new City Ordinance on sewer hook-ups became effective. Therefore, the existing ordinance applies. The existing ordinance requires two things prior to the approval of a septic system. First, "there shall be a showing by the subdivider that the extension is not feasible and not in the best interest of the public." Eagle City Code Section 9-4-1-9.A. Because the development is located on the bench, the Eagle Sewer District has determined that extension of the sanitary sewer to this property is neither feasible nor is it in the best interest of the public. Each of the other developments approved in the area and annexed into the City, including Castlebury, Wedgewood, Sugarberry and Banbury, use individual septic systems. The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council December 11, 2001 Page 3 Second, the ordinance requires that "[a]ll water and sewer plans shall be submitted to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare or its authorized agent for approval in accordance with the provisions of section 50-1326, Idaho Code." Eagle City Code § 9-4-1-9.B. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ")(as successor to the Department of Health and Welfare) is responsible for this program, and has delegated some of its authority over septic approvals in the Eagle area to the Central District Health Department (the "District"). IDEQ and the District have both indicated they believe the project will be approved under the applicable standards. First, they have stated that the new nutrient pathogen guidelines will not apply to the McKay subdivision. Second, they have stated they believe that the design of the project is adequate to protect water quality. Therefore, we expect IDEQ will recommend lifting the sanitary restriction against the McKay subdivision and the District will sign the plat. Simply put, the IDEQ and the District have the final say, both on the issue of what standards apply and on the compliance of the project with those standards. The Comprehensive Plan and the applicable code section are crystal clear that the decision belongs to IDEQ and the District, and the City has no additional authority. The Recommendation seems to be based on a contrary premise. It states, "the former criteria would apply unless the Eagle City Council required that this development comply with the new Nutrient Pathogen requirements" (emphasis in original). The problem is the Comprehensive Plan and the City Code do not give the City Council authority to require compliance with the new requirements. The decision belongs only to IDEQ and the District. The City attorney hinted at the Commission hearing that a generalized concern about the water quality impacts of this development could be sufficient to support a denial of the annexation and rezoning. This is incorrect. The Council cannot act arbitrarily. Therefore, the Council must find some basis in the policies of the City's comprehensive plan (the "Comprehensive Plan") to find that the application would be contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. No such basis has been identified so far. 3. Non -conforming uses. The Commission also recommended denial based on non -conforming use issues: The unincorporated area referenced in this application may be considered a conforming use in Ada County, however, if this site were annexed into the City of Eagle and zoned R-1 the uses would become "non -conforming". Specifically, the existence of active farm related uses and two single-family dwelling units located The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council December 11, 2001 Page 4 on the parcel would be the cause of the non -conforming status of the site in the R- 1 zone. The farming operation and one of the existing dwelling units would need to be removed from the site prior to City consideration of zoning this property R- 1. Further, the Recommendation states that the City Code requires that "no non -conforming use will be created with this rezone." However, this language does not appear anywhere in the City Code, nor are there any other comparable provisions. We are at a loss to determine the source of this language. The fact is nothing in the City Code or Idaho law permits the City to deny a zone change on the ground the property contains an existing use that would become non -conforming upon rezoning. The Comprehensive Plan states only the following about subdivisions in the area of impact: "Residential subdivisions outside the City limits but within the Impact Area should comply with the Land Use Map." Comprehensive Plan at 19. The land use map specifically allows the project area to be zoned R-1. Given these circumstances, the City has no basis to consider whether the rezone will create non -conforming uses in determining whether the application complies with the Comprehensive Plan. The City Code's provisions on non -conforming uses also do not lend support to the conclusion that the City can deny a rezone on the ground it creates a non -conforming use. Eagle City Code Section 8-5-2 states: If a lawful use involving individual structures, or of a structure and land in combination, exists at the effective date hereof that would not be allowed in the district under the terms of this Title, the lawful use may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful .. . This provision should apply to land that is annexed into the City because the provisions of the ordinance would not become "effective" as to that property until the annexation and zoning were complete. Further, the purpose of the rezone is to permit the residential development of the property, the end effect of which will be to discontinue the supposedly offending uses. 4. Traffic impacts. The Commission reached even further to recommend denial based on the traffic impacts of the McKay subdivision. The Recommendation states: The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council December 11, 2001 Page 5 Also, the commission concludes that the current traffic facilities (lack of turning lanes on North Meridian Road, existing level of service on Chinden Boulevard, lack of traffic signal at the intersection of North Meridian Road and Chinden Boulevard) in the area are inadequate to accommodate the additional traffic that would be generated by residential densities allowed in the R-1 zone. The Comprehensive Plan is clear that the City must defer to ACHD and ITD regarding issues of roadway design. It states, [The City shall] encourage roadway design standards that are consistent with the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), Ada County Highway District (ACRD), Ada Planning Association (APA), and other agencies that may be responsible for roadway planning and design. Comprehensive Plan at 28. This position is necessarily consistent with the fundamental division in Idaho law granting jurisdiction over the roads surrounding the project to the Ada County Highway District ("ACRD") and the Idaho Department of Transportation ("ITD"). See Blaha v. Board of Ada County Comm 'rs, 134 Idaho 770, 9 P.3d 1236 (2000). Both entities also have detailed criteria by which to determine whether roads are within their capacity and whether the design of roads is safe. ACHD has analyzed this project and has determined that both Meridian Road and Chinden Boulevard will function at "[b]etter than [Level of Service] 'C' - Existing plus project build out." That is, the traffic system will function significantly better than the acceptable standard after the McKay subdivision is constructed. ITD has the same view of the project. Similarly, the location of the entrances proposed for this project are within ACHD guidelines and ACHD has identified no safety concerns with the project. ITD stated, "access to the development from Meridian Road, and not from Chinden Boulevard, demonstrates good planning on your part." While the City apparently has not adopted any provisions in its Comprehensive Plan that are inconsistent with the requirements of the jurisdictional agencies, one would have to question the legality of doing so given the clear jurisdictional division under Idaho law. Some concerns were raised at the Commission hearing about the number of accidents occurring near the Chinden/Meridian Road intersection. These obviously relate to existing conditions and not to the proposed development. In fact, it may be desirable to have improvements installed on Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road. However, the decisions on The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council December 11, 2001 Page 6 whether these are needed belong once and forever to ACHD and 1TD and must be addressed before those entities. Further, the ability to require a developer to pay for such improvements is limited by the state and federal constitutions as well as by state law and local ordinances. In any case, these are not matters that may form a basis to deny unrelated annexation and zoning applications. In conclusion, the Recommendation was not supported by testimony at the public hearing or by the law applicable at the time of application. Sincerely, Gary G. en GGA: slc S•\CLIENTS `,6231\1\Cmr12001-12-11 Yzaguirrc - GGA re legal analysis.WPD FCL 4 N -111• ,• • sem • .• • •• • • • 11 12 7 { BALLENTINE MILL ti '- 27 CANAL rlmusin"= li• 2552 Gaging to 2540-- 2504 t fl Ij Linder Bridge f -- ``.00 CRNA ♦ 'Cv '�v •�I DAVlS A . GPGpc� 1S . s-=-_z-=xs • � Jr 2523 2530 1`\�SON _! ARt 13 PRISON FARM 8��•:As• • ti A G L• E ISLAND I h •J• 1 -- \„2. \t‘'' i • —� \\ ,' 254 7 \ 1 DIT1IFH v., 23 - O&E64qu TRgr�11 11 11 c.- ten u , al 11 ---72556 • 2572 2585 • • .• • 0 t Blue Valley • E Cc /o7 -//-o/ ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report Preliminary Plat — McKay Subdivision/modified 6615 North Meridian Road 99-build4ble lots ..-- ,- -.....,- This rr- .!r This application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Eagle for review and comment. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval for a 113 -lot residential subdivision on 117.11 -acres. The 117.11 -acre site is located on the northwest corner of Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road. This development is estimated to generate 990 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. Roads impacted by this development: Chinden Boulevard/State Highway 20/26 Meridian Road ACHD Commission Date — September 5, 2001 — 12:00 noon 4i2b144 q2. ') ACf -1J 0r.. . Meridian Road Collector with bike lane designation Traffic count on Meridian Road north of Chinden Boulevard was 1,177 on 6-27-00. Better than "C" -Existing Level of Service Better than "C" -Existing plus protect build -out Level of Service 2,570 -feet of frontage 55 -feet existing right-of-way (30 -feet from centerline) 70 -feet required right-of-way (35 -feet from centerline) Meridian Road is improved with 2 -traffic Ianes, with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. Chinden Boulevard/State Highway 20/26 Principal arterial Traffic count on Chinden Boulevard west of Meridian Road was 15,294 on 6-22-00. Better than "C" -Existing Level of Service Better than "C" -Existing plus project build -out Level of Service 1,280 -feet of frontage 73 -feet existing right-of-way (40 -feet from centerline) ITD should be contacted for additional right-of-way requirements Chinden Boulevard is improved with 2 -traffic lanes, with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. T 2 r • STATE OF IDAHO Dirk Ken • thome. Governor TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT DISTRICT 3 • P.O. BOX 8028 • BOISE. ID • 83707-2028 • (208) 334-8300 November 1, 2001 Jonathon D. Wardle Brighton Corporation 12426 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 220 Boise, 1dallu 83713 RE: McKay Subdivision Dear Mr. Wardle, We have reviewed the site plan for this traffic development. Access to the development from Meridian Road and not from Chinden Blvd. demonstrates good planning on your part. The area near Chinden Blvd. (US20) and Meridian Road is growing rapidly. To allow for the future expansion of Chinden Blvd. and signalization of the intersection at Meridian Road we are requesting an additional twenty feet of right of way along Chinden Blvd. Existing right of way width is 40'. The additional 20' will expand the right of way to the 60' width as recommended by the A.A.S.H.T.O. guidelines. This width will allow for five lanes and an auxiliary lane to be constructed. If you have any questions please call me at 334-8340. 6�L an Coonce P.E. District Traffic Engineer DC:LDS:Ids - An Equal Opportunity Employer - EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECISION McKay Subdivision — PP -11-01 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 3. ... If the City Council approves the annexation and rezone, the Commission recommends the following items be included as conditions of the preliminary plat: a. An internal roadway design consisting of meandering streets throughout the development. APPLICANT COMMENT: Subdivision design is subjective, and owner / developer choice. McKay streets are a combination of meandering and formal. ACTION: Delete b. Detached five-foot wide concrete sidewalks separated by five-foot wide parkway strips, planted with trees abutting all internal roadways. APPLICANT COMMENT: Brighton is willing to consider detached sidewalks as long as the street section, planter strip, and sidewalk don't increase the required public right-of-way width. ACHD allows for a 4 -foot sidewalks if detached or a 5 -foot sidewalk if attached. ACTION: Delete and allow developer to decide if sidewalks are to be detached. c. The development should be held to the Nutrient Pathogen Guideline criteria adopted by the Central District Health Department in July of 2001. The Nutrient Pathogen Study results for the site should be available for public review and comment. APPLICANT COMMENT: Central District Health Department has reviewed and preliminarily approved McKay subdivision for one -acre lots in accordance with standards in effect at the time of review, as substantiated by the Planning & Zoning Commission record. ACTION: Delete d. The development should incorporate usable open space and amenities. APPLICANT COMMENT: One -acre and acre -plus developments provide their open space on each individual lot and are generally highly landscaped and amenitized. No additional "common" facilities are required. ACTION: Delete e. The development should incorporate varied lot sizes and shapes to provide variety and character to the design. APPLICANT COMMENT: Development character and variety is subjective. The McKay lots are consistent in character with the existing homesites of adjacent subdivisions. ACTION: Delete EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: CPA -1-01 & RZ-11-01 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from R-4 to Mixed Use and Rezone with Development Agreement from R-4 to R-12DA & L -O -DA — James J. Jewett December 11, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY / NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? 111. \WAR._ )--)De -CLOkt CP5I LSI) 27e) 5--0/7h7 UC'. Null 26 3 Aike4s- 74 3 70 / (J,/,fd 6/Y Page 1 of Document2 13s-480 1g-i/ro yap-kro '_: ILL�� ` ;= McKay Subdivision r• -4- - oree amn.All owl • McKay Subdivision A-06-01 / RZ-09-01 / PP -11-01 Rural Transitional very Lom Density Residential — Lnw Density Residential Medium Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Central Busiuess Diurict Industrial Public 1 Semi -Public City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Adopted November 6, 1997 • t. .Eagle island State 1' • Reademul Rmul Up is nee dwrth.,g until per firs etre. Re.ldeoaal F axles Up to Iul dwenmg moo psr Iwo nun Readenad Oor 'Op Io One dwelling mut pa acre Remdee4et Two tip In Two dweltmg mita per etre Rmdsuml Three Up to Three dwelling ®a pee sue Roodcmd Fom Up 1 Fav dwelergg routs pee oar I !Mood U.. 2 naiad oak, I®ad comae -mak Ingo descry readee2W . op a 20 dwellrag motto pee oar 4.n•r I' .:.ti.HI. McKay Subdivision ----3 City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Adopted November 9, 1999 Mlle= cc_ 1c2 -1/-O% soil survey of Ada County Area Idaho _ANS, i' 6 ` -}� \•?� �+ �, +IiYL 311x" �j `'v,�t •sem i-` � - r ' ;� t > .cam.'. z Z . _,rlti`. 'r R;°�:� iL ' .. a. r.R'•'':K.''A a-�' -..7t. � s "Y''. [ nited States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service cooperation with nited States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management niversity of Idaho College of Agriculture. Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station aho Soil Conservation Commission 230 SOIL SU TABLE 8. --SANITARY FACILITIES --Continued Soil name and , Septic tank I Sewage lagoon map symbol ; absorption { areas fields ; Trench sanitary landfill Area sanitary landfill Daily cover for landfill 136*: ; { 1 i McCain. {Severe: ;Severe: ;Severe: ,Moderate: I depth to rock. I slope, I depth to rock. ; slope. 1 I depth to rock. . . : . : 1 137*: ; ; I : Power ;Severe: ;Moderate: (Moderate: (Slight I percs slowly. I seepage. I too clayey. . ; i i ; McCain. ;Severe: ;Severe: (Severe: {Slight Poor: I slope, I depth to rock. I depth to rock. 1 I thin layer, depth to rock, ; ; : ; area reclaim. I percs slowly. ; ; ; , , , 138*, 139*: 1 i 4 1 Power ;Severe: ;Moderate: ;Moderate: ;Slight Fair: I percs slowly. I slope, 1 too clayey. : I too clayey. I ; seepage. 1 t a ; ; i 1 McCain. ;Severe: ;Severe: :Severe: ;Slight ;Poor: I slope, I depth to rock. I depth to rock. . i thin layer, depth to rock, , ; ; ; area reclaim. : percs slowly. ; : 1 ; ; ; : ; : 140*: ; ; ; ; ; Power ;Severe: IModerate: ;Moderate: ;Slight ;Fair: I percs slowly. I slope, : too clayey. . ; too clayey. seepage. ; : : ; : 1 1 1 Potratz :Severe: ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Slight ;Poor: : depth to rock. : depth to rock. I depth to rock. . I thin. layer, I 1 : I area reclaim : ; I ; 141, 142, 143 ;Severe: Severe: :Moderate: ;Slight ;Poor: Purdam I cemented pan. I seepage, : cemented pan. : : thin layer, 1 : cemented pan. : ; ; area reclain ; ; 1 ; ; 144*: I ; ; : I Purdam ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Moderate: ;Slight ;Poor: : cemented pan. I seepage, : cemented pan. . I thin. layer, I cemented pan. ; ; : area reclair 1 ; ; 1 Power Severe: ;Moderate: IModerate: ;Slight ;Fair: I percs slowly. I seepage. I too clayey. ; ; too clayey. ; ; ; ; ; 145*, 146*: ; ; : ; : Purdam ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Moderate: ;Slight ;Poor: cemented pan. I seepage, I cemented pan. . I thin layer, ; cemented pan. ; : ; area reclai ; : 1 ; Power Severe: :Moderate: (Moderate: ;Slight ;Fair: percs slowly. I slope, I too clayey. . I too clayey. I ; seepage. I ; ; ; ; 1 : ; 147*: ; ; : ; 1 Purdam ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Moderate: ;Slight ;Poor: I cemented pan. : seepage, ; cemented pan. 1 ; thin. layer I I cemented pan. I . I area recla ; : : : Power ;Severe: ;Moderate: ;Moderate: Slight ;Fair: I peres slowly. I seepage. I too clayey. ; I too clayey ; 3 ; : Urban land. 1 ; ; ; { I 1 { 1 1 148 {Slight ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Severe: ;Poor: Quincy 1 ; seepage. I too sandy, I seepage. I too sandy. ; ; I seepage. . ; ; ; : ; : Poor: thin layer, area reclaim. :Fair: too clayey. See footnote at end of table. EAGLE FLDATING FEATHER a N Eagle City Limits Propety Crime 11/1/01-12/1/01 Property Crime • Construction Site Burglary Q Grand Theft Q Malicious Injury to Property Q Petit Theft • Residential Burglary • Vehicle Burglary City Limitys Ada County Boise Eagle Garden City Kuna Meridian I-1 Star I Sara CPU Dstabsss 125101 PCSO CPUMc • 'J Y I Eagle Middle SIE AST ING FEA H _R 2 Injury 2 Non -Injury 1 Injury 4 Non -Injury 04, N A Uri v---- ‘'\-\ Crashes in Eagle 11/1/01 to 11/30/01 November Injury o Non -Injury 0 I 1 Data from CAU database 4100% geocode rate 12/5/01 CAU//m 2 Miles 1'-,p ` -1- :Q £ ' Y iovi ekm i r epitectioli ,fStre t Name: 55748 11/2/2001 Friday 1603 N EAGLE RD 55923 11/5/2001 Monday 1435 E STATE ST 55884 11/5/2001' Monday 1750 S RIVERSHORE LN 55980 11/7/2001 Wednesday HWY 44 56029 11/8/2001 Thursday HWY 44 56033 11/8/2001 56041 11 /8/2001 56134 11/9/2001 56233 11/13/2001 56246 11/13/2001 56301 ' 11/14q001 56342 11/15/2901 56338 11 /15/2001 56371 11/16/2001 56434 11/17/2001 56536 11/20/2001 56760 11/25/2001 56804 11/26q001 56853 11 /27/2001 56429 11/27/2001 56956 11/9/2001 57013 11/30/2001 56992 11/30/2001 Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Sunday Monday ,Tuesday Saturday Thursday Friday Friday 1458 1325 1350 0820 E 2132 :N 1222 1723 S 2225 1810 1743 N WATERCRESS LN ISLAND WOODS DR PARK LN PARK LN EDGEWOOD LN HWY 44 PARK LN EAGLE RD 1238 .S 02ND ST 1335 250 S EAGLE RD 0740 PARK LN 2327 W 1831 1857 E 1220 E 1826 N 2216 1423 STATE ST PARK LN RD STATE ST EAGLE RD HWY 44 HWY 44 1reet�, : _ :Cross Street E STATE ST S ACADEMY AVE N EAGLE RD N EAGLE RD N EAGLE RD FLAGSTONE LN RIVER CHASE WY NEPHI LN STATE ST IRON EAGLE DR EAGLE RD STATE ST CHINDEN BLVD PLAZA DR m**zm ci W W S S N N STATE ST DAWN ST STATE ST EAGLE HILLS WAY ACADEMY AVE RIVERSHORE LN EAGLE RD EAGLE RD address N EAGLE RD & E STATE ST E STATE ST & S ACADEMY AVE S RIVERSHORE LN & N EAGLE RD HWY 44 & N EAGLE RD HWY 44 & N EAGLE RD WATERCRESS LN & FLAGSTONE LN E ISLAND WOODS DR & S RIVER CHASE WY N PARK LN & W NEPHI LN PARK LN & W STATE ST S EDGEWOOD LN & E IRON EAGLE DR HWY 44 & N EAGLE RD PARK LN & W STATE ST N EAGLE RD & W CHINDEN BLVD S 02ND ST & E PLAZA DR 250 S EAGLE RD & PARK LN & W STATE ST W STATE ST & DAWN ST PARK LN & W STATE ST E FLOATING FEATHER RD & EAGLE HILLS WAY E STATE ST & S ACADEMY AVE N EAGLE RD & S RIVERSHORE LN HWY 44 & N EAGLE RD HWY 44 & N EAGLE RD .0 :. =1 1 n nit 1 # TRUE 0 None FALSE, 0 None FALSE.2 Speed Too Fast for Conditions FALSE; 0 None • FALSE.0 None • FALSE• 10 Improper Backing TRUE 13 Failed to Yield FALSE2 Speed Too Fast for Conditions TRUE; 0 None TRUE,13 Failed to Yield FALS_E'21 Alcohol Impaired TRUE{0 None TRUE 0 None TRUE' 0 None TAU -E.° None FALSE 6 Following Too Close TRUE 2 Speed Too Fast for Conditions FALSE 6 Following Too Close FALSE 0 None FALSE 10 Improper Backing FALSE 22 Inattention TRUE 22 Inattention FALSE 6 Following Too Close ::ii.,`.hci:!�-+�.`;.-..:.:•-K:, r;l'�-F'q:�, i..+;r`:g ,.1;yvS:,:r .-r..:'yi :i%.,'. I';•1:;; _ Cause, - _ #2 was motioned out of Jackson's driveway and pulled into left tum bay, not seeing #1 in that lane and collided. Clear/Dry #1 stopped for traffic; #2 didn't see and could not stop in time. Clear/Dry #1 lost control, drove across grass and a greenbelt, down an embankment, sriking bottom of hill. *"NORTH CHANNEL DOES NOT GEOCODE, USED RIVERSHORE. Clear/Dry #1 stopped in traffic; #2 looked for traffic to merge and struck the back end of #1. Clear/Dry #1 slowing for traffic and #2 did not see; #2 said her brakes failed, but 61 ft of skid was left. Clear/Dry #1 driver lost control of vehicle while backing up and ran into chain link fence. Clear/Dry #2 WB on Island Woods; #1 EB on Island Woods, making a left tum onto Riverchase and turned directly in front of #2. Clear/Dry Both units SB on Park Ln from Eagle High; #2 stopped for traffic #1 couldn't stop in time. Clear/Dry #1 and #2 were stopped for traffic; #3 could not stop in time and rear-ended #2 which was pushed into #1. Clear/Dry #1 NB on n Edgewood; #2 SB on Edgewood; both turning WB on Iron Eagle, #1 turning into side of #2 which was pushed into #3. Clear/Cloudy/Dry #1 WB on HWY 44 turning SB on Eagle Rd; made wide tum and collided with traffic signal/street lamp pole. ClearlDry #1 had to stop abruptly for slowing traffic and #2 could not stop in time. Clear/Dry #1 slowing for traffic; #2 could not stop in time and rear ended. Clear/Dry #1 was SB on 2nd St, #2 stopped at the stop sign on Plaza then pulled out in front of #1—CLOUDY/Dry #2 pulled out of the Albertsons Pk Lot and into the path of #1-SNOW/Cloudy/wet #1 stopped for traffic; #2 could not stop in time and rear-ended. Clear/Dry #1 lost control after hitting patch of ice and overturned on roadway. Clear/lce #4, 3,2 were all stopped for traffic; #1 could not stop in time and rear ended #2, which was pushed into #3, which was pushed into #4. Clear/Dry Clear/Dry #1 started to pull out then started backing up because of oncoming traffic and backed into #2 Cloudy/Dry. #2 pulled into the tum lane on Eagle(NB) and stopped, #1 also pulled into the tum lane, not realizing that #2 had stopped, #1 rear ended #2 -Rain #1 was traveling wb on Eagle when it failed to stop for the red light and rear ended #2 which rear ended #3-Clear/Wet #2 stopped for traffic and #1 did not stop in time. Clear/Wet it 142; 22 Inattention 22 Inattention 6 Following Too Close 22 Inattention .=`e?.; ,!if Unit 2:.#1 13 Failed to Yield 32 Distraction in/on Vehicle (list) 6 Following Too Close 22 Inattention 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 None 6 Following Too Close 6 Following Too Close 13 Failed to Yield 22 Inattention 0 None 8 Off Roadway / Over Corrected 2 Speed Too Fast for Conditions '22 Inattention 0 None 22 Inattention 22 Inattention 23 Vision Obstruction 0 None 0 None 32 Distraction in/on Vehicle (list) _ 0 None 0 None Unit"2'#2;= 23 Vision Obstruction 22 Inattention 22 Inattention 6 Following Too Close 22 Inattention 23 Vision Obstruction 6 Following Too Close ;Unit 2#3- Unit .3°#1 6 Following Too Close 6 Following Too Close 0 None 0 None 0 Nome Cc /c2 O '1 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1.3 The City of Eagle Vision Statement In 1999. City of Eagle citizens envision their future town as a well-planned community that encourages diversified living and housing opportunities, economic vitality that offers jobs for residents, and places for people to recreate and enjoy Eagle's natural beauty. We envision that in the future Eagle will be: a. known as a highly livable town that successfully balances many of the rural elements of its heritage with growth; b. interconnected with user-friendly pathways and roadways; c. economically strong with a distinct downtown economic center; d. providing diversified employment and housing opportunities for all economic groups; e. an environmentally aware community with distinctive open space, parks and outdoor recreation: f an economically strong city, that fosters local businesses and clean industry; 0. a community committed to its support for children and families; and h. a unique community that maintains its rural residential feel in the midst of the Treasure Valley. Page 3 of 49 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER 5 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Background The economic development component of the Comprehensive Plan discusses the economics and employment in Eagle. The city encourages appropriate economic development while retaining those attributes that give Eagle its special living and working environment. 5.? Existing and Future Conditions Eagle is home to a wide range of businesses. Within the City and Impact Area employment is divided among retail trade, services, construction, government and agriculture. Projected employment in Eagle is expected to continue to grow. Eagle's recent highway improvements (e.g. SH 44 and five lane Eagle Road) will encourage new development opportunities. 5.3 Goal Encourage an economic base complementary to Eagle's rural identity 5.4 Objective To preserve the economic integrity of the Central Business District (CBD) and to encourage business and industry that have minimal environmental im. act. 5.5 Implementation Strategies a. Encourage signagc promoting the Central Business District. b. Expand the existing historic style lighting and beautification efforts throughout the Central Business District. c. Encourage a diversity of uses in the Central Business District. d. Provide adequate parking for downtown. e. Encourage the interconnection of pedestrian/bikeway systems between the Central Business District and Boise River Greenbelt. Page 13 of 49 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN When discrepancies exist between the floodway boundary shown on the Land Use Map and the floodway boundary shown on the Federal Emergency Management Administration maps such that the floodway area is smaller than that shown on the Land Use Map the adjacent land use • designation show shall be considered to abut the actual floodway boundary. When new floodway boundaries are approved by FEMA and/or the City, the floodway area on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be revised to reflect any new floodway line. 6.5 Goal To preserve the rural transitional identity. 6.6 Objectives a. To encourage the preservation of open spaces. b. To encourage development with decreasing density radiating out from the CBD as shown on the Land Use Map. c. To discourage lot splits in approved platted subdivisions. 6.7 Implementation Strategies a. Preserve the natural features and resources of Eagle. b. Establish land use patterns and zoning districts that do not exhaust available services such as sewer, water, police, fire, recreational areas, highways and transportation systems. c. Provide for a broad spectrum of housino types including apartments, townhouses. co�nc1nium's,`single hfamily attached, manul`actured l es, affordable and subsidized housing and large acreaoe develo meats. d. Discourage strip commercial type development. e. Encourage the development of technical park/research and development facilities, offices and office complexes, and limited manufacturing activities. f. Hihcr density residential development should be located closest to the Central Business District (CBI)) as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. g. The mixed use arca shown along both sides of Eagle Road between State Street and Floating Feather Road is to allow development such as higher density residential dwelling units and/or facilities such as senior assisted housing, nursing homes and convalescent homes. Commercial uses in this area are not permitted. Page 18 of 49 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER 10 -- HOUSING 10.1 Background The Eagle area is transitioning from primarily agricultural land uscs to residential and commercial land uses. Eagle's quiet charm and agricultural roots have made the community a mecca for those seeking larger lots for open space and gentleman farming. Over the last years much of the agricultural land has been divided into a verity of parcel sizes which are highly sought after by many urban residents. Density options that reconcile quality of life and costs of services issues must be balanced and will require compromise by all parties. 10.2 Goal Encourage a variety of housing so that all residents can choose sound, affordable homes that meet individual needs. 10.3 Implementation Strategies a. A wid •e sit of housing t 'nes and choice between ownership and rental dwelling units will be encouraged for a income LIroula. b. The location of all housing should be coordinated with provisions for adequate public facilities and services. c. Development of housing for all income groups close to employment and business centers should be encouraged. d. Explore incentives that will encourage the private sector to provide affordable housing. e. Encourage compliance with federal fair housing laws and discourage all forms of discrimination. f. Encourage housing which is in accordance with local building codes and provides for energy-saving design. g. The use of materials and techniques that will maintain a high level of quality while lowering cost and speeding construction shall be encouraged. Page 38 of 49 1 1 1 Drainages and Canals CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Special natural and manmade features of Eagle are the drainages and canals. The main purpose 1 of the canals and drainage ditches is that of distributing and moving water. Central Business District (CBD) 1 1 Emphasis should be given to encouraging new housing in and adjacent to the CBD. Use of 1 existing houses within the CBD for both residential and commercial purposes should be encouraged. The Central Business District is recognized as a special area due to its historical and architectural significance. It is recognized as the commercial hub of the community. The Central Business District is depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 1 State Street/Eagle Road Corridor: The State Street/Eagle Road Corridor is designated as a Special Area due to its historical, architectural and scenic significance. This area is depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 11.3 Goal To promote the conservation and efficient management of all Special Areas and Sites . 11.4 Implementation and Strategies a. Protect and improve natural and man-made waterways. b. Continue to develop and im ro ve City design guidelines to encourage preservation of IEagle's historic bin ldhngs anti guide new development to reinforce the town's special quality and -tum of the century"' character. 1 c. Research other opportunities to enhance the viability of the CBD such as strengthening. PP Y cultural activities for Eagle. d. Consider development of a community center to support multiple uses as well as encouraging special events and gatherings that focus activity in the CBD. 1 1 e. Expand the existing historic style lighting & beautification efforts throughout the CBD fI Create a vibrant CBD and encourage the preservation of downtown Eagle as a special and unique place. Page 41 of 49 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN g. Preserve existing trees and establish appropriate landscaping as a part of new developments. h. Encourage the preservation of habitat areas which provide for fish and wildlife. The City may require developers to prepare and submit an environmental assessment and any such additional reports as the City may from time to time require, for any development on land within an area designated as a Special Area or Site or for any development impacting a designated Special Area or Site. Require a plan for the restoration of land which shall be made available to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for each parcel of land located within a special Area or Site that is proposed for the extraction of sand, gravel, rock, or other mineral resource. Page 42 of 49 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN impacts of development projects. o. Encourage the plantinfii, and preservation of trees that will create beauty and add to the healthy environment o1 downtown (see kaale Tree Plan below). p. q. Protect and enhance the small town character of the City by requiring signage which is creative and distinctive, compatible with its surroundings, and an integral component of the style and character of the building to which it relates. Maintain the rural residential character and open space environment in and around the City. r. Consider development of an ordinance or other suitable measures to stimulate redevelopment in areas determined by the City Council to be in need of renewal. 12.5 Eagle Tree Plan 12.5.1 Goal To establish and enhance areas of tree growth that will create beauty, add to a healthy environment and increase economic stability. 12.5.2 Objectives a. To create an urban forest that will help reduce air and noise pollution, conserve water and reduce soil erosion, assist in modifying the local climate, increase property values, and improve Eagle's economy by providing a pleasant and more comfbrtable place to shop and live. b. To encourage economic growth by establishing a more inviting atmosphere for locations of business. - it c. To establish a Parks Committee with at least one City official to perpetuate the plan. d. To adopt an ordinance to provide for the future care and maintenance of the trees. Establish a guideline of types and sizes of trees to be planted. 12.5.3 Implementation Strategies a. Establish an inventory plan to keep track of tree location, age, and desirable planting locations. b. Establish a recommended maintenance program. c. Provide a plan to plant 300 or more trees over the years in the downtown core area, in our City parks and along residential streets. The plan should be implemented in several phases over a period of time. Page 45 of 49 City of Eagle Ada County Sheriff's Office Month End Report for November 2001 Presented to: Mayor Rick Yzaguirre On Behalf of.• Sheri, ff Vaughn Killeen By: Sgt. Patrick Calley Sergeant Patrick Calley 1 - Red Cross Program at Seven Oaks. Talked with a reporter from the Eagle Stampede High School paper about anthrax responses. Detectives moving into building. 5 - Emergency Response Team training. 6 - National Governors Conference security planning meeting. 8 - Met with councilwoman Nancy Merrill reference operations and planning. Met with Captain Douthit. Met with Jim Meliza reference property for him in Eagle. Training at Eagle High School reference active shooter. Met with Kiwanis reference needy families in Eagle. 9 - Meeting with Professor Crank from Boise State University grant studies. Team meeting. Participated in Rake -up Eagle. 13 - Chamber lunch at new Fire station. 20 — Emergency Response Team call -out. 26 - Sexual Harassment training at Public Safety Building. 27 - Meeting at city hall. Extra patrol and met with crossguard at Eagle Elementary. Gave suggestions on how to make the crossing and drop-off safer for kids. 28 — Presented October report to City Council. Briefed Red Team on upcoming training. Walked through City Market and Eagle Plaza and visited with employees. 30 — Worked at the Eagle Country Christmas. Deputy Kelly Adams 5 - Emergency Response Team training. 7 — Mobile Data Terminal training at the Public Safety Building. 9 - Team meeting. Extra patrol at Eagle High School football game. 16 - Extra patrol at Eagle High School for vehicles left most of the night for football game. 20 — Emergency Response Team call -out. Deputy Matt Buie 5 — Mobile Data Terminal training. 6 - Taught New World class at Public Safety Building. 8 - Country Christmas planning meeting at city hall. Training at Eagle High School for active shooter. 9 - Team meeting. 15 - Gave tips to clerks at Justo's on how to avoid more fraud checks. 16 - Eagle Fire Station open house. Helped escort Eagle High School football team out of town. 26 - Stopped by several businesses and spoke to them about getting identification and avoiding fraud checks. Also gave them cards to fill out on who the responsible party is for Dispatch. 27 - Ride -a -long, Jean Buie. Talked to 8 businesses downtown about fraud checks and what to watch for. Also handed out responsible person cards to be sent to Dispatch. Deputy John Dewey 1 - Visited 2nd grade class at Seven Oaks and taught them about fingerprints. Also fingerprinted all the kids. Red Cross Program at Seven Oaks. 4 - Talked with owner of Chevron about emergency exits and building security. 5 - Emergency Response Team training. 9 - Team meeting. 11 - Talked with kids riding bikes at Skateboard Park. Explained the rules of the park to them. 12 - Talked with some teachers at Eagle Elementary about guns in school. 13 - Recommended changes in lighting and cameras at Shady Acres after a break-in. 14 - Washington Federal Savings open house. Did security survey and became familiar with floor plan. 16 - Extra patrol at Eagle High School for vehicles left overnight. 20 — Emergency Response Team call -out. 29 - Visited with owners and introduced myself to everyone at 1 -hour Photo. 30 - Worked Eagle Country Christmas. Deputy Craig Durrell 1 - Hung out at Albertsons during lunch reference problems with high school kids. 2 - Bike patrol in downtown area. 4 - Spent some time with kids at Skateboard Park. Explained park rules to them. 9 - Team meeting. Participated in Rake -up Eagle. 11 - Talked with kids riding bikes at Skateboard Park. 14 - Washington Federal Savings open house. Did security survey and became familiar with floor plan. 20 - Meeting at city hall on Eagle Country Christmas. 21 - Talked with Kris Boyle at Two Rivers Sales office. 29 — Idaho Transportation Department put up Deer Crossing signs that were requested. Contacted Idaho Power about putting up a street light on Harlan. 30 - Worked the Eagle Country Christmas. Visited with lots of citizens. Deputy Luis Gutierrez 5 - Emergency Response Team training. 9 - Team meeting. 20 — Emergency Response Team call -out. 26 - Visited with clerks at Shady Acres and became familiarized with layout including storage and basement areas. 27 - Extra patrol looking for potential victims of decoration vandalism's to educate them. Deputy Jon McDaniel 5 - Met with an on duty manager at Albertsons and checked camera angles in store and parking lot. 8 - Training at Eagle High School reference active shooter. 9 - Team meeting. Participated in Rake -up Eagle. 16 - Eagle Fire Station open house -talked with several business owners. 26 - Did traffic control at Eagle Middle School in the morning. We are trying to come up with a better plan for traffic flow. 27 - Stopped by 8 downtown businesses and spoke to them about fraud checks and what to watch for. Also handed out responsible person cards to be sent to dispatch. Worked Eagle Elementary crosswalk with guard, talked with her about some ideas to make the crosswalk and drop-off areas safer for kids. Deputy Jake Vogt 9 - Team meeting. 9 - Participated in Rake -up Eagle. 10 - Extra patrol at Eagle High School for school dance. 19 - Talked with new employee at Stinker station about what to do in case of armed robbery, etc. Deputy Jeff Winegar 1 - Visited 2nd grade class at Seven Oaks and taught them about fingerprints. Red Cross Program at Seven Oaks. 2 - Bike patrol downtown. Extra patrol at high school football game. 4 - Talked to owner of Chevron about emergency exits and building security. 5 - Emergency Response Team training. 9 - Team meeting. Participated in Rake -up Eagle. 10 - Extra patrol at Eagle High School for dance. 12 - Talked with some teachers at Eagle Elementary about guns at school. 14 - Cubscouts came in for a tour of the station and brought Thank You's for Bike Rodeo. They were fingerprinted and they earned an achievement badge. 20 — Emergency Response Team call -out. 29 - Visited with owners of one hour photo and introduced myself. Contacted Ada County Highway District about barricades for Eagle County Christmas parade. 30 - Worked Eagle Country Christmas. Field Service Technician, Terisa Howell 6 - Early Intervention meeting at Eagle Hills. 7 - Visions meeting at Eagle Hills. 8 - Eagle Country Christmas planning meeting. 9 - Team meeting. 9 — Participated in Rake -Up Eagle. 13 - Chamber of Commerce lunch at the new fire station. 14 - Visions meeting at Eagle Hills. 15 - Early Intervention meeting at Eagle Elementary. 16 — Attended Fire station open house. 20 - Country Christmas planning meeting. 28 - Visions meeting at Eagle Hills. 29 - Visited Kuna substation to train new Field Technician. 30 - Continued training new Field Tech at the Eagle station. Worked at the Eagle Country Christmas. Detective Todd Jolliffe (Eagle Academy) 5 — Emergency Response Team training. 15 — Drug dog came and sniffed throughout school. Month long - Besides regular cases at school, worked a lot of cases throughout the month. Detective John Murray (Eagle Middle School) 7 — Met with crossing guard in reference to traffic problems. Month long - Met with several teachers and students throughout the month about behavior problems and solutions to those problems. Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Arrests Warrant Arrests DUI Arrests Non-Iniury Accidents Injury Accidents Seatbelt citation N O 03 O I I th)111111fi rR I 1 - a Skateboard Violations 17_____41 I t Parking Citations Q Tobacco � cz Alcohol citations Q N O co N O .0 City Ordinance Citations 0 0 O EL Iy 0 fD 0 rt O N SUORej!3 IOUO3IV o n) O' ' 0 O 0 74794. z N suoi}eio! J\ paeogo eNg N Z CD c•0 .. CD n C n O `C 94 CD n O N Q CD N N O O O N O C) CJ1 slsativ Ina J N CD SiSent( ioueawapsiw J j J j " CA) " N O O O GJ CA Co .A V 0 n O cr CD 1 JagwanoN ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property Crime data from CAU database November -2001 11 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNAI Vehicle Burglary 1 1 9 6 0 5 3 6 1 Residential Burglary 2 6 1 3 0 1 0 3 0 Commercial Burglary 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Construction Site Burglary 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Grand Theft 3 0 4 2 2 0 1 4 1 Petit Theft 3 5 11 3 2 1 14 4 3 Malicious Injury to Property 3 1 16 5 4 1 8 3 4 'TOTALS 13 14 43 20 9 9 27 21 9 October -2001 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property TOTALS September -2001 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property TOTALS August -2001 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property TOTALS Star =RD 91 Kuna=RD 129 Eagle=RD 87 BSU=RD 822 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 18 1 1 0 3 1 3 1 3 12 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 2 14 2 3 0 3 3 1 4 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 5 1 0 2 4 0 1 8 4 3 3 6 8 8 1 7 9 6 0 7 3 3 11 35 23 15 3 23 22 12 2 3 1 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 5 9 9 3 2 1 8 3 0 6 5 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 2 1 1 6 7 4 0 11 7 2 1 6 6 8 5 1 6 12 3 13 29 35 12 4 20 36 12 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 6 2 10 9 1 0 5 6 3 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 15 1 7 5 1 2 8 15 4 8 0 8 9 4 0 5 8 0 34 6 31 25 10 2 20 37 10 1 Revised 12/10/2001 July -2001 1 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Vehicle Burglary 4 3 8 14 1 0 2 10 4 Residential Burglary 1 3 5 9 0 1 0 2 2 Commercial Burglary 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 Construction Site Burglary 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Grand Theft 3 0 6 0 2 0 4 2 0 Petit Theft 3 0 14 3 2 0 5 7 6 Malicious Injury to Property 5 3 16 16 8 0 6 5 3 (TOTALS 17 10 50 42 15 1 18 31 17 June -2001 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property 'TOTALS Star =RD 91 Kuna=RD 129 Eagle=RD 87 BSU=RD 822 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA li 3 6 4 7 3 0 2 2 14 2 2 3 2 0 1 0 3 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 3 0 1 2 0 4 4 2 10 4 0 9 6 6 4 1 13 21 5 3 1 7 5 17 13 25 45 16 4 13 25 28 1 2 Revised 12/10/2001 IAR EA r3lR.,Cone 1 A087 ConstructionrSite Burglary 1 A087 Grand Theft 1 A087 Grand Theft Date.from 11/24/2001 11/24/2001 Saturday 11/7/2001 Wednesday Area Report Query .,.t. ..: ':A ::_ � .::. . �� L.. � F,�,c o'Xe ..-�t.'. k>]1v1 .�: f1ti Date Tar, .Dav;From`.' Dav 'o ime romlTime'�'Q " ` rilitA��r ss'� : : 11/25/2001 Saturday Sunday 18:00 12:00634 W TWO RIVERS DR 1 A087 Grand Theft 1 A087 Grand Theft 11/16/2001 11/19/2001 Friday Monday 11/5/2001 Monday 1 A087 Malicious Injury to Propert 1 A087 Malicious Injury to Propert 11/22/2001 1 A087 Malicious Injury to Propert 11/8/2001 1 A087 Petit Theft 11/24/2001 1 A087 Petit Theft 11/3/2001 11/25/2001 11/26/2001 Sunday 22:301 4:00 1582 N DRAGONFLY PL 2:00 11:00130 W JAKONA LN 1528 N CREEKFIELD PL 2:00 6:00 2249 E STATE ST Monday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday 21:36 22:30 13:00 22:00 22:301 1618 N DRAGONFLY PL 2421 E DUNYON ST 132 E Woodlander DR 1646 S Rivergrove WAY 2231 E SADIE DR 11A087 Petit Theft 11/16/2001' 1 A087 Petit Theft 1 A087 Residential Burglary 1 A087 Residential Burglary 11/8/2001 11/2/2001 11/3/2001 Friday 11/16/2001 11/18/2001 Friday Friday 11/9/2001 Thursday 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 1 A087 Vehicle Burglary 11/3/2001 Saturday 11/3/2001 Saturday 11/26/2001 11/27/2001 Monday 11/26/2001 11/27/2001 Monday 11/23/2001 11/24/2001 Friday 11/3/2001 11/4/2001 Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Page 1 19:00, 22:001260 E STATE ST 22:001 7:001269 EAGLE GLENN LN 14:00, 10:30'1608 N KENWOOD PL 2395 E DUNYON ST 10601 HORSESHOE BEND RD 22:45 2191 E SKOKIE DR 15:30 10:00 574 PARK LN 20:00 7:15 574 PARK LN 22:00 10:30 216 MANGO DR 2213 E CELIA CT 12/5/2001 City of Eagle Accident Statistics for November 2001 For the month of November 2001 we had a total of 23 accidents within the city limits of Eagle. This is a decrease from the previous month of October when we had 25 accidents. Of those accidents, 13 of them were property damage accidents, and 10 of them injury accidents. August- 25 accidents September- 20 accidents October- 25 accidents This month we had a dramatic increase in injury accidents. They increased from 5 last month to 10 this month. The causes of these were failing to yield, following to close and inattentive driving. Weather did play a role in several of the accidents but was not the major cause of the increased injury accidents. Most of the accidents occurred during the weekdays, Monday through Friday. With the majority of the times being during the daytime hours. Monday: 3 accidents Tuesday: 4 accidents Wednesday: 2 accidents Thursday: 6 accidents Friday: 5 accidents Saturday: 2 accidents Sunday: 1 accident