Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 11/27/2001 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes November 27, 2001 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Sgt. Patrick Calley will review the monthly report for October. (10 min.) Sgt. Calley reviews the monthly report. States that he is working on generating a traffic accident report and that it is still being refined, he hopes to bring that report forward in the near future. 2. Sally Goodell and Bill Clayton with COMPASS will give a briefing on Flood Control District No. 10 and the Eagle Island Flood Management Project. (20 min.) Mr. Clayton, Chairman of Flood Control District No. 10. Mr. Clayton and Ms. Goodell review the problems and proposed solutions for flood mitigation on Eagle Island. Discussion regarding future funding for flood mitigation solutions. Would like an executive level liaison person to relay information between the Flood Control District and the City, and also assign a staff person to insure that this happens. Discussion. 3. Boise Metro: Shirl Boyce will give a brief presentation on Boise Metro projects. (10 min.) Mr. Boyce provides a variety of handouts to Council for review. Boise Metro does basically three things business attraction, business retention/expansion and venture capital. Discussion. 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Vaughan discusses a proposed zoning ordinance amendment and a local commercial development's need for a conditional use permit. Buxton discusses the amendment and that it affects three different areas in the zoning code. Discussion. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of meeting. 5. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of meeting 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of meeting. 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of meeting. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p,m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MERRILL, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of November 7, 2001. C. Minutes of November 13, 2001. D. Approval of liquor, beer and wine license renewal for daVinci's in Eagle LLC. The business is located at 190 E. State St. (WE¥) E. DR-64-01 - Extend Existing Wireless Monopole to 135-feet in Height - Cricket Communications: Per City Council request, all design review application,s are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council fi~r their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Cricket Communications, represented by Pacific Telecom Services, is requesting design review approval of a 15-foot extension to the existing 120-foot high monopole. The site is located west of Horseshoe Bend Road within Republic Storage Facility, approximately 1,300-feet north of State Street. (WEV) F. DR-65-01 - Monument Sign for Eagle Vacuum and Home Decor - Lawson Casad: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action token by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Lawson Casad is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for Eagle Vacuum and Home Decor. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately ~A mile east of Eagle Road at 360 East State Street. (WEV) G. DR-67-01 - Common Area Landscaping within Eagle River Development Phase II (Mixed Use Subdivision) - Eagle River LLC: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Eagle River LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Eagle River Development Phase II (Mixed Use Subdivision). The site is located south of State Highway 44 and east of phase one of Eagle River Development.(WEV) H. DR-29-99 MOD - Existing Landscaping at the Eagle Church of the Nazarene - Eagle Church of the Nazarene: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on att applicatioa being final. Eagle Chumh of the Nazarene, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval of the existing landscaping at the Eagle Church of the Nazarene which has been modified from the approved landscape plan for this site. The site is located on the south side of State Street approximately aA-mile west of Eagle Road at 1001 West State Street. (WEV) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for RZ-02-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-1 - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural- Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-1 (Residential - one unit per acre). The 14.39-acre site is generally located on the southeast corner of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-3-01 - Cedro Glen Subdivision - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting preliminary plat approval for Cedro Glen Estates Subdivision (a re-plat of a portion of Bakers Acres Subdivision). The 14.39-acre, 17-lot (14-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the southeast corner of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-2-01 & RZ-5-01 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-E - Pacific Ridge: Pacific Ridge, represented by David Bailey with Hubble Engineering Inc., is requesting a rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-E (Residential Estates - I dwelling unit per two acres). The 39.92-acre site is generally located on the west side of Ballantyne Road, approximately lA mile south of Beacon Light Road. (WEV) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-5-01 - Autumcrest Subdivision - Pacific Ridge: Pacific Ridge, represented by David Bailey with Hubble Engineering Inc., is requesting preliminary plat approval for Auturnncrest Subdivision. The 39.92-acre, 20-lot (19-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the west side of Ballantyne Road, approximately tA mile south of Beacon Light Road. (WEV) M. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-3-01 & RZ-6-01 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-E - Joe Glaisyer/Capitol Securities: Joe Glaisyer/Capitol Securities, represented by David Bailey with Hubble Engineering Inc., is requesting a rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-E (Residential Estates - 1 dwelling unit per two acres). The 61.94-acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of Floating Feather Road and North Meridian Road. (WEV) N. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-6-01 - Cavallo Estates Subdivision- Joe Glaisyer/Capitol Securities: Joe Glaisyer/Capitol Securities, represented by David Bailey with Hubble Engineering Inc., is requesting preliminary plat approval for Cavallo Estates Subdivision. The 61.94-acre, 33-1ot (30-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the northwest corner of Floating Feather Road and North Meridian Road. (WEV) O. DR-69-00 - Eagle Fire Department Mechanical Screening - Eagle Fire Protection District: The site is located on the northeast corner of Iron Eagle Drive and Plaza Drive at 966 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) Guerber removes item O from the consent agenda and adds item P. Proclamation and he would also like to pull item P from the consent agenda. Merrill removes items C, G, and H. Sedlacek would like items I and J removed from the consent agenda. Guerber moves to approve the consent agenda as amended. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Minutes of November 13, 2001. Merrill notes a spelling correction on page 8 as well as a correction to the motion on page 10. It should read "the borrow pit shall be a slope of 4 to 1 to allow for riding lawn mowers and that area is to be grass to the edge of the gravel shoulder." Bastian suggests possible wording "no greater slope than 4 to 1". Merrill agrees with his modification. She notes a spelling correction on page 12. Merrill moves to approve 4C as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. DR-67-01 - Common Area Landscaping within Eagle River Development Phase II (Mixed Use Subdivision) - Eagle River LLC: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Eagle River LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Eagle River Development Phase II (Mixed Use Subdivision). The site is located south of State Highway 44 and east of phase one of Eagle River Development.(WEV) Merrill questions staff as to why the Design Review Board condition regarding a 10' wide pathway is noted to be temporary. Phil Hull, with The Land Group, 128 S. Eagle Rd. Hull states that it would be temporary at this point because of the uncertain final location of the possible signalized intersection. If a signal is not installed then the path location would still go in, but they don't know the exact location because the path will be development driven. Merrill would like changes made to for clarification and correlation with the development agreement. It would read "the 25' wide landscape strip with a three foot high berm and a 10' wide pathway required along Riverside Drive as indicated in section within the development shall be installed prior to the issuance of any building permits for that phase of the development lot 2 block 2. The cross section of the 25' wide landscape strip and berm shown on the plan dated stamped by the City on October 18, 2001 is approved and meets the intent of section within the development agreement." This statement would replace item number 9 in the Design Review Boards Findings of Fact. Discussion. Merrill moves to approve DR-67-01 with the changes above. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. H. DR-29-99 MOD - Existing Landscaping at the Eagle Church of the Nazarene - Eagle Church of the Nazarene: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Eagle Church of the Nazarene, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval of the existing landscaping at the Eagle Church of the Nazarene which has been modified from the approved landscape plan for this site. The site is located on the south side of State Street approximately aA-mile west of Eagle Road at 1001 West State Street. (WEV) Vaughan requests clarification regarding curb and gutter requirements. Discussion. Bastian moves to require curb and gutter, and that the water be able to go into the drainage area. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Bastian amends his motion to set a 24-month time period in which the requirement shall be met. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Discussion. Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc. representing Eagle Church of the Nazarene. Mr. Butler states that ACHD has already charged the church impact fees for these curb and gutters, he would rather the condition read that they install curb and gutter if ACHD agrees to reimburse the church the prepaid fee. That way the church is not hit with double fees. Bastian moves to reconsider his motion. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to require the church to install curb and gutter and appropriate drainage and request ACHD to offset the costs by crediting impact fees. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE....MOTION CARRIES. I. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for RZ-02-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-1 - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural- Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-I (Residential - one unit per acre). The 14.39-acre site is generally located on the southeast corner of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-3-01 - Cedro Glen Subdivision - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting preliminary plat approval for Cedro Glen Estates Subdivision (a re-plat of a portion of Bakers Acres Subdivision). The 14.39-acre, 17-lot (14-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the southeast corner of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item Sedlacek recuses herself from items I and J due to a conflict of interest. Merrill moves to approve items I and J. Seconded by Bastian. THREE AYE, SEDLACEK ABSTAINS...MOTION CARRIES. O. DR-69-00 - Eagle Fire Department Mechanical Screening - Eagle Fire Protection District: The site is located on the northeast comer of Iron Eagle Drive and Plaza Drive at 966 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) Guerber recuses himself due to a conflict of interest. Sedlacek moves to approve consent agenda item O, DR-69-00. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Sedlacek rescinds her motion. Merrill moves that the parapet wall shall be continued along the north side of the building to match the parapet on the west to screen the mechanicals. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Steve Guerber 699 Ranch Dr. Eagle, Idaho speaking on behalf of the Fire Department addresses the screening issue. His concern is that the Fire Department not be tied to one specific screening design as roof drainage may be an issue. Merrill clarifies her motion that the Fire Department extend its wall along the north side and the design shall be substantially the same as the parapet wall, but could be modified for drainage to occur. The design shall be reviewed by staff, a member of the Design Review Board and a member of City Council. Seconded by Bastian. THREE AYE: GUERBER ABSTAINS. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. P. Proclamation of Eagle Mustang Day. Mayor introduces the item and reads the proclamation into the record. Guerber notes a change to the proclamation and moves to approve it with the change. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. FINAL PLATS: None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Selection of grant administrator for ICDBG. - ,Jim Birdsall. This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Deputy Clerk provides clarification for the need of a grant administrator. Merrill moves to approve the selection of the grant administrator for the ICDBG of Jerome Mapp for the City of Eagle. Seconded by Sedlaeek. Discussion. ALL AYE....MOTION CARRIES. B. Notice of award approval for Eagle Island Pedestrian Path improvements and authorizing Mayor to sign documents: The project includes clearing and grubbing, tree removal, cmnpaction of existing path, and placing and compaction of pit-run and 3¼ minus aggregate. The project consists of 2822 linear feet. (SKM &SEB) This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Vern Brewer states that Paradise Excavation is the apparent low bidder. Holladay has reviewed the bidder and their qualifications their bid amount was $17,431.90. Discussion. Brewer suggests that if it is the Council's desire, they authorize the notice of award and have the Mayor sign that. Brewer also suggests the Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract and the notice to proceed. These would be held until the appropriate bonds and insurances were all in place and then the City Clerk would be allowed to date and release those documents. Merrill moves to approve the Eagle Island Pedestrian Path improvements and the Mayor to sign the documents (notice of award) and approve the bid of Paradise Excavation for $17,431.90. Seconded by Sedlaeek. Discussion. SEDLACEK: AYE; BASTIAN: AYE; MERRILL: AYE; GUERBER: AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Authorization of the notice to proceed (for the Eagle Island Pedestrian Path improvements proiect). Approval is contingent on city attorney approval and bond and insurance authorization. Authorizing the Mayor to sign documents once all conditions are satisfactorily met. (SKM & SEB) This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Merrill moves to authorize the notice to proceed for Eagle Island Pedestrian Path improvements project and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract and the notice to proceed and hold the document until the performance payment bond, state tax commission, public works contract report, and certificates of insurance are in place. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. SEDLACEK: AYE; BASTAIN: AYE; MERRILL: AYE; GUERBER: AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Brewer notes that as it was an error on Holladay Engineering's part the re-bid process will not be billed to the city. D. Authorization of Mayor to sign Eagle Island Pedestrian Pathway improvement contract: (SKM & SEB) This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. See above motion. E. Zoning Ordinance Amendment - ZOA-6-01 - Land Consultants Inc.: The applicant is proposing to amend Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Section 3, to allow Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities) to be permitted uses, or permitted with a conditional use permit, in additional zoning districts; to add a new land use definition entitled "Emergency Services" to be a permitted use or permitted with a conditional use permit; to amend Section 4 to add Note J to allow Child Care Facilities, Churches, Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities), and Schools (Public or Private) to increase the maximum lot coverage from 10% to 25% in any A, A-R, and R-E zoning districts; to amend Chapter 3, Section 2, to add the requirement that all multi-family and commercial developments shall have centralized sewer and water, and that Nursing/Convalescent Homes (including senior assisted living facilities) in zoning districts A, A-R, and R-E and R shall be located on an arterial or collector roadway; and to amend Chapter 4, Section 5 to add parking requirements for Emergency Services. (WEV) This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Vaughan notes changes which have been made to ZOA-6-01. Discussion amongst Council. Bastian reads Ordinance No 405 by title only. F. Discussion on Streamside Subdivision pathway: (LS & NM) This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Merrill would like staff to research what was approved and what exists, and how it applies to our pathway plan. Merrill moves to continue this item to the December llth meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE,..MOTION CARRIES. G. Discussion of Old Town Eagle Archway sign for Eagle Road. This item was continued from the November 13, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Sedlacek reviews the status of the archway and the costs associated with it. Basically the project is already over budget. She is in favor of allowing this project to sit idle for another fiscal year. Guerber would like to see it move forward. Discussion regarding budgeting. Brewer notes that at some point a structural engineer will need to sign off on a project of this type. Sedlacek states that she will go back to YESCO, and Classic signs to see if they can bring their figures within budget. She will also address the Chamber of Commerce to see if they would be willing to contribute. Discussion. Bastian moves to continue this item to the second regular meeting in January. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-10-01 - Rezone from A to R-E - Mike Malterre: Mike Malterre, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to R-E (Residential Estates - up to one unit per two-acres). The 9.87-acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road approximately 600-feet east of Ballantyne Road, at 1795 W. Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Mr. Hull. Phil Hull with The Land Group 128 S. Eagle Rd. Mr. Hull briefly reviews the application. Vaughan reviews the staff report. No one chooses to speak to this matter. Mayor closes the public hearing. Guerber moves to approve RZ-10-01, Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. RZ-12-00 MOD - Rezone from A to MU-DA {Development Agreement and Concept Site Plan Modification} - Coulter Properties LLC: Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting a change to the conditions within the development agreement and a change to the concept site plan previously approved by the City for rezone application RZ-12-00 (rezoned from A (Agricultural) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement). The 24.84-acre site is located on the west side of Edgewood Lane approximately 2,000-feet north of East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Mr. Butler Mark Butler 52 N. Second St. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler reviews the application and its history. He also reviews the conditions and suggests additional conditions which he hands out to the Council. Lowe presents the staff report. Discussion between Council and Lowe. Vaughan comments on the processing of this application via a rezone with development agreement versus a PUD. Mayor swears in Mr. Chapple. Jeffery L. Chapple 978 Cembra Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Chapple feels that if this application is approved, it should be approved with the conditions suggested by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor swears in Mr. Waldren David Waldren, 100 9th St. Boise, Idaho. Mr. Waldren is in support of the application and currently has phase 2 property under contract. He is currently pushing a design concept that would be allowed if this request is approved, it is a little different that what was presented to Council, but feels it would be an improvement. Mr. Waldren feels that it will be a high quality project. Mayor swears in Mrs. Chapple. Clare Chapple 978 Cembra Eagle, Idaho. Mrs. Chapple is on the Board for the subdivision. States that she has worked with the developer and has been quite pleased with them. She does not however want the apartments to be allowed. Mrs. Chapple prefers lower density. Mayor swears in Mr. Scott Stewart 1643 E. Highgate Court Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Stewart is in favor of the application. He is working with Mr. Waldren on the project and feels the apartments would be an asset, not a detriment to Eagle. Butler provides rebuttal to the testimony. States the reasoning for submitting a rezone with development agreement vs. a PUD. He also feels that the apartments will be an asset as the city truly needs more apartments. Mayor swears in Ms. Anderson. Diana Anderson 4090 State Street Boise, Idaho. Ms. Anderson speaks to the landscape islands and relays her conversation with ACHD. Discussion. Ms. Anderson also speaks to the alignment of Hill Road. Mayor closes the public hearing. Mayor calls a 5-minute recess. Discussion amongst Council. Merrill would like to continue this item as three different things were presented tonight for this site. She would like to see a specific plan associated with the application. She is also concerned with something of this density utilizing private streets, and the lack of recreational opportunities. Merrill also states that she and perhaps the remainder of the Council has not had appropriate time to review the changes proposed by Mr. Butler tonight in writing. Sedlacek, Guerber and Bastian concur that a more solid plan is needed and as well as more time to review the written information presented tonight by the applicant's representative. Discussion. Merrill feels that buffering between LaRue Acres and this development should be addressed. Mayor re-opens the public hearing. Discussion. Merrill moves to continue this item to the first regularly scheduled meeting in January. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Merrill amends her motion to add that a new concept site plan shall be presented for that meeting. Second concurs. THREE AYE...ONE NAY (GUERBER) MOTION CARRIES. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. City Hall Pro,iect Lendor/Lessor - Presentation of proposals. Mayor introduces the item. Buxton gives an update on the current projects. Buxton feels that Bud Way with Wells Fargo is not only willing but that he is a good choice for the city. The City needs to get the financing going and an RFP for an architect. The architect should also be qualified as a project manager. These two things should get going immediately. Discussion. Wells Fargo will be the financial advisor as well as the underwriter. Bastian moves to approve the appointment of Bud Way with Wells Fargo for the City Hall project. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE....MOTION CARRIES. Discussion regarding the RFP. David Waldren reviews his experience with commercial development projects. Bastian moves to direct the attorney to work with Holladay Engineering to come up with a request for qualifications for the new City Hall in connection with hiring an architect for the project. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Guerber and Merrill volunteer to be a liaisons on this project. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. LS-3-01 - Lot Split - Mike Malterre: Mike Malterre, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting approval of a lot split for the creation of two lots located on the south side of Floating Feather Road approximately 600-feet east of Ballantyne Lane at 1795 Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Phil Hull, The Land Group 128 S. Eagle Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hull reviews the application. Vaughan reviews the staff report. Merrill moves to approve LS-3-01 Lot Split for Mike Malterre. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Review and approval of Declaration of Easement (Sportsmen Access and Parking) Eagle River LLC for Merrill Park. (SEB) D. Review and approval of Declaration of Easement (Emergency Access) Eagle River LLC for Merrill Park. (SEB) Mayor introduces the item. Buxton reviews the easements and notes a few changes for items C and D. Discussion. Merrill moves to approve declaration of easement for the sportsman access and also the emergency access with Eagle River LLC with the changes reviewed tonight. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. Review and approval of proposed Tree Trimming: 1) Silver Maple tree located near the northeast comer of Plaza Drive and Eagle Road and 2) Cottonwood tree within Heritage Park. Mayor introduces the item. Merrill reviews the item. Guerber moves to approve the bid for tree trimming. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Threatened or pending litigation: I.C. §67-2345(f) Merrill moves to go into executive session to discuss threatened or pending litigation and land acquisition. Seconded by Sedlacek. SEDLACEK:AYE; BASTIAN:AYE; MERRILL:AYE; GUERBER:AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council discussion on threatened or pending litigation and land acquisition. Council leaves Executive Session. Guerber moves to authorize the mayor to write a letter to the head of Idaho Parks and Recreation indicating an interest in beginning discussions as to the feasibility of transferring operation and responsibility for Eagle Island State Park to the City of Eagle on a long-term basis. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRRIES. Merrill moves to authorize the Mayor through the City Attorney to send a letter of interest to both Monroe Property and Sylvan Williamson of possible purchasing of water rights for future use in the City of Eagle. Seconded by Sedlacek...ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. Zoning Administrator: Vaughan notes that there are no public hearings scheduled for December 4th. Council directs the Clerk to see if Bud Way can attend the 4th meeting to discuss funding options. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Merrill relays the events from the Development Impact Fee Committee. The Committee will be meeting again on January 22nd. Merrill discusses the recent activities of the Cultural Arts Committee. Mayor notes that Eagle Country Christmas is this Friday. 5. City Engineer Report: None. 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: None. 8. City Attorney Report: None. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: C~Y CLER~AS~ER APPROVED: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: RZ-12-00 MOD Rezone from A to MU -DA (Development Agreement and Concept Site Plan Modification) — Coulter Properties LLC November 27, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME ("/-I? P/ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? (1.r.4 A/c/7/ I� c, 7 k' Page 1 of Document4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: RZ-10-01 — Rezone from A to R -E — Mike Malterre November 27, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of Document4 ac „4r7kl AN,02,02,4142 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Eagle High School Varsity Football Team won the 2001 Idaho State 5A Championship on September 21, 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Football Championship culminates an undefeated season of hard work, sacrifice and teamwork on behalf of the players, coaches and parents; and WHEREAS, the dedication of the individual team members that resulted in the State Championship exemplifies the characteristics necessary for student athletes to be successful in the classroom, in the community, as well as on the playing field. NOW, THEREFORE, I Rick Yzaguirre, Mayor of the City of i� amu, Idaho, hereby recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the EAGLE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM and proclaim Friday, November 30, 2001 as EAGLE MUSTANGS DAY And urge all residents to join in our salute and support. DATED this 27"' day of November, 2001. Rick Yzaguirre, Mayor City of Eagle dtid2ijoi Land Consultants Inc. 52 North 2nd Street • Eagle Idaho 83616 • Office 208.938.3812 • Fax 208.938.5873 Date: November 27, 2001 TO: City of Eagle Attention: Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members 310 East State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE: Trinity Oaks Dear Mayor and Council, Please consider the following to be added to Condition #5 shown on Page 11 of 14 of the Commission Findings and Conclusions: #5 (2.5 of Development Agreement). The maximum density of the townhouse development shall be 8 (eight) dwelling units per acre, with the following conditions required for additional density above that which is depicted on the submitted concept plan: a. The additional density is permitted to allow a cluster of apartments or multifamily condominiums within Phase 2 of the concept plan attached hereto; b. The cluster of apartments or multifamily condominiums shall encompass no more than seven 7 acres; c. If apartments are proposed separate apartment buildings on individual lots shall be prohibited. That is, all apartment buildings must be under single ownership. The common area shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association or the owner of the apartment buildings. d. If multifamily condominiums are proposed, the common area shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. e. Parking areas shall be designed to reduce visual impact, with conceptual design site plans to be reviewed and approved by City Council prior to submittal of a design review application for the site. f. Building architecture shall provide for architectural relief in roof line and building walls with conceptual design elevation plans to be reviewed and approved by City Council prior to submittal of a design review application for the site. g. Covered parking and garage architecture shall provide for architectural relief in roof line and building walls with conceptual design elevation plans to be reviewed and approved by City Council prior to submittal of a design review application for the site. h. The site design shall provide for an undulating building footprint pattern so that all buildings are not lined up in a row. Sincerel Park l l'utler Land Consultants, Inc within a development agreement with the text shown .as underlined to be added by the Commission and text shown with strike -through to be deleted by the Commission. 1. The concept plan attached herein (Exhibit "B") shall be the guiding plan for this development. Minor changes to this plan may be considered during the planned unit development, conditional use permit and preliminary plat application process. The western one-third of the property is planned as phase one with a gated community of townhouses. The eastern two-thirds of the property is to include a townhouse development with pool, clubhouse and tennis courts and is planned as phase two. 2. The owner shall submit a preliminary plat application and a plaicd unit devetcpment (PUD) aad eenditienal use permit (CUP)-applieatiea for the entire site (in accordance with Eagle City Code), and shall comply with all conditions required by Eagle as a part of the preliminary plat. aa4 planned *gni a co ditinr.1 use permit (CUP). 3. The site is planned so that setbacks are measured from the perimeter of the subdivision so as to allow a zero lot line town home development with minimal private property and expansive common area open space. The following criteria shall apply for setback and building separation purposes within this development: A. The exterior walls of the dwelling units may be constructed to the dwelling lot line as depicted in the building envelopes to be delineated on any final plat approved for this site. However, to provide compliance with UBC table 5 permitting exterior walls of units to be constructed of non -fire rated materials, a minimum of 10 feet shall be required between residential buildings. For planning purposes, the 10 -foot minimum separation shall be increased to 15 -feet if one or both of the residential buildings are two-story. B. Setbacks shall be measured from the subdivision's perimeter property lines as follows: Front — 20 -feet (from the Spartan Street right -of way line) Front — 35 -feet (between any residential building and the Hill Road right-of-way line) Front — 20 -feet (between any non-residential building and the Hill Road right-of-way line) Rear (North Side) - 20 -feet or 5 -feet from the toe of the slope of the New Dry Creek Ditch, whichever is greater. Buildings shall be prohibited within the New Dry Creek Ditch easement. The easement shall be noted on the Plat. Street side (East side) — 20 -feet between the right-of-way line and Edgewood Lane. Interior side (West side) — 25 feet (except that Lot 1 of Phase 1 shall have a 10 -foot setback from the west side) C. A minimum of 10 -feet shall be provided between the residential buildings and the back of sidewalk abutting the interior roadways except that a minimum of 20 -feet shall be provided between any garage door and back of sidewallc abutting the interior roadways. 4. The five residential buildings adjacent to the west boundary line (adjacent to Larue Acres Subdivision) of the subdivision shall be single story or single story design with a loft permitted inside. The maximum density of the townhouse development shall bwelling units per acre. w e ?RoPo5 ea . 5EEAD,t CON9floANSf .0 1°56 3Y Lei Page 11 of 14 11EAGLENT1ICOMMON\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A120001RZ-12-00 MOD pzf.doc �01�1E 6. Dedicate a sufficient amount of right-of-way (as may be determined by the Ada County Highway District and the City of Eagle) and construct the extension of Hill Road from its eastern terminus at Edgewood Lane to its southern terminus with State Street as shown within the 2000 Eagle Comprehensive Plan on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1. The section of Hill Road through the commercial portion of property to the south of this Property shall be completed to the Ada County Highway District's satisfaction prior to issuance of any residential building permits for phase one. Subsequent to final plat approval by the City Council, infrastructure installation may commence prior to the completion of, but not before the initiation of, the construction of Hill Road. The section of Hill Road abutting the southern portion of this Property shall be completed to the Ada County Highway District's satisfaction prior to issuance of any residential building permits for phase two. Subsequent to final plat approval by the City Council, infrastructure installation may commence prior to the completion of, but not before the initiation of, the construction of Hill Road. 7. The entire property shall be developed and maintained per the conditions of this Development Agreement regardless of the number of owners of the property. All lots and lot owners(s) as part of any future re -subdivision of the property shall be subject to the conditions within this Development Agreement. 8. The Owner shall submit a design review application for the site (as required by the Eagle City Code), and shall comply with all conditions required by Eagle as a part of the design review. 9. The development shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists in final form at the time any preliminary plat Manned unit -development -FM) .. na! use pc:m;t (CU applications are made and the conditions within this agreement shall be satisfied. 10. Triplexes, fourplexes, or greater, shall be prohibited. W wamssaimmostixaminosimme 11. The lots for the town homes (two family dwelling units) shall be a minimum of 7000 square feet. It is understood that the town home structures will consist of two dwelling units. It is further understood that the town home structures shall be permitted on the 7000 square foot minimum lot and that the said lot is divided with a "zero lot line" through the center. 12. The northwest corner of the site shall be redesigned to preserve the existing water amenity where the existing trees are adjacent to it. This extends approximately 150 -feet eastward from the west property line. 13. A snoopy style cul-de-sac shall be permitted to be constructed for -the -private streets at the northern terminus of Prospect Court if approved by the Eagle Fire District. 14. A fence shall be required along the west property line. The fence shall be of an open design from the northwest property boundary corner to the south side of the existing creek, with solid fencing to extend from the south side of the existing creek to Spartan Street. Fencing design shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Eagle Design Review Board. 15. The applicant shall submit a revised plan showing the pathways shown on the plan presented to the Commission prior to the City noticing this item for the Public Hearing of the City Council. Page 12 of 14 11EAGLENT 11COMMON\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A120001RZ-12-00 MOD pzf.doc .' 16. Notes required for any plats for.this property shall not be limited to the notes shown on the concept plan (Exhibit B) incorporated into this Development Agreement by reference. .17. The applicant shall either redesign the site so Spartan Street does not connect New Hill Road to Palmetto Avenue, or provide documentation in writing from ACHD stating that the road is to be connected. If the road is to be connected, a choker, generally as shown on the concept plan (Exhibit B) incorporated into this Development Agreement by reference, shall be required if approved by ACHD and the applicant shall pursue other traffic calming measures with AC such as speed bumps and or stop signs. If the Ada County Highway District sta nting that Spartan Street does not need to extend through this site. then the s1evshall construct a cul- de-sac at the current eastern terminus of Spartan Street, Wii1i paved pedestrian connection and an emergency vehicle cross access between Larue Acres and this development. "Grass Crete" 3 construction materials or similar product shall be utilized to facilitate the construction of the emergency vehicle connection. pith a sia , (, d, Ada W 11`N �... ,,. 111111. l. . T 1;11 1? q a . 1 • _ • • , pat tali 18. The developer shall construct a pathway between the east side of Prospector Circle and the west side of Crestview Court. A second pathway shall be constructed from Prospector Lane easterly to the clubhouse and continue to Trinity Oaks Lane, with a connection from this path extending southerly from the clubhouse to Hill Road. A third pathway shall be constructed easterly from the east side of Monarch Lane to Edgewood Lane. 19. The developer shall provide a "tot lot" in a location to be determined by the developer. The Owner shall submit a design review application for the tot lot (as required by the Eagle City Code),. and shall comply with all conditions required by Eagle as a part of the design review. 20. Revis= i e concept pla o includeiandscane center island bel • - . -don Hil d �- ext: sion . diacent • th propelrty.�The ills all be a al v�ith o e p opo door the T•IIc 21. The maximum lot coverage for each residential lot shall be permitted to increase from fifty -percent (50%) to sixty -percent (60%). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on April 19, 2001 with modified documents submitted on August 31, 2001. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance for requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on June 4, 2001 and again on September 15, 2001. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three -hundred feet (300 -feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on May 31, 2001 and again on September 12, 2001. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on April 23, 2001 in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. 3. The Commission reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone (RZ-12-00 MOD) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and Page 13 of 14 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A120001RZ-12-00 MOD pzf.doc • c i der! Location Trends -r-r,�.°` Dennis Donovan, Senior Managing. Director of The Wadley -Donovan • Group, gave a presentation on key trends in corporate location. Summary highlights include: • A severe labor shortage is compli- • cating Location selection acrossthe nation • The' curreht economic slowdown • will offer only temporary relief; the labor shortage will persist through this decade, if not longer • Logistics has emerged gs a prime locational influence • Electric power has resurfaced as an influential locational variable • Telecommunications infrastructure' is a crucial factor for call centers, back offices and data centers • The decision cycle for establishing new facilities continues to shrink, placing a far greater emphasis on available buildings, permit approval time and construction time • Small towns and rural areas are becoming increasingly popular locations • In large measure due to the recruiting/retention challenge, quality of life has moved to the to tier of factors influencing the loc�a-, /ion of new high-tech operations j;•�' d Web -enabled site selection is now ' a reality, causing a paradigm shift 1,1 tit ) in the way companies resolve site s ;y ( selection challenges • CRE executives and economic development professionals must become conversant in HR (.c I City of Eagle Pre -Council Briefing Update on the Boise Metro Economic Development Council November 27, 2001 By Shirl C. Boyce V.P. & Manager Boise Metro Economic Development Council Background ❖ Since creation of the Boise Metro Economic Development Council (BMEDC) in April of 1986, the Council has had a regional focus. The BMEDC was expressly created to help enrich and expand the economic base of the Boise area's economy. It was recognized then, as well as today, that the economy in Ada County and Boise couldn't prosper without a prosperous Treasure Valley. ❖ From the beginning, it was our intention has been to cooperate with neighboring chambers of commerce and local governments to help build and sustain a healthy vibrant economy. Several actions over the past 15 years demonstrate our commitment to area -wide economic development: • In 1987, we specifically chose a consultant (Grubb & Ellis) who included an analysis of Boise and the neighboring communities in the Metro Area; subsequent updates have included the valley as well; • When we receive site location inquiries, brokers are required to look area wide for potential sites that meet the prospect's needs; • Many times over the past 15 years we have not only collaborated with our area's cities and counties, we have shown available properties throughout the valley; • We have included the counties and major cities in the Boise MSA in our data profile, Decision Resources; and, • Our multi-purpose external marketing brochure presents the Metro area from Caldwell to Mountain Home. Eagle City Council BMEDC Briefing November 27, 2001 Benefits toQeridiann 000 -2001 ❖ Promote Eagle to all incoming business inquiries. ❖ Include Eagle in the American Communities Network database. This database allows site location consultants to directly access information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. . ❖ Eagle is an integral part of our external marketing and has been included in print advertising such as US Sites and Corporate Expansion magazine. A representative from Eagle has been invited to attend trade shows to help sell Eagle and the area. When Eagle's new data piece is finished, it will be added to the information used at trade shows and for prospect responses. ❖ Offer workforce development training for specific industries. The call center/business transaction center training developed by BSU and the call center managers is a direct benefit to Eagle. as well as other communities in SW Idaho. Affordable, real-world training is an appropriate response to the high unemployment level of your community. ❖ Eagle has two positions on the BMEDC Board of Directors and one representative to the New Business Attraction Committee. This allows Eagle to help guide and materially participate in the economic development of the region. ❖ Bring expert advisers to the area to train and motivate economic development professionals and volunteers. Most recently, Dr. David Kolzow held a daylong workshop for our members on regional strategic planning. This is part of our plan for including the regional representatives in a strategic plan for the region. • Our ACE Communities (Ada, Canyon and Elmore Counties) Data publication reflects our area -wide focus. Regional Economic Development—lts Compelling Reasons Today ❖ Our purpose in joining together, into a metro organization, is to maximize our limited resources by marketing and responding to businesses considering the area as a potential location. ❖ We make the best use of limited marketing dollars when the area's communities join together to conduct a single marketing program. 2 Eagle City Council BMEDC Briefing November 27, 2001 ❖ Prospective companies and/or their consultants prefer to have one set of data points to consider for an area, and prefer to deal with one organization at the local level in the initial stages of the inquiry process. ❖ Too many entities from one area coming at the prospects create confusion and often which can cause the prospect to go elsewhere. •:• Dennis Donovan, Senior Managing Director, the Wadley -Donovan Group, Ltd., Morristown, New Jersey is one of the preeminent site location consultants in the United States and is well known in Europe. ❖ Mr. Donovan also was the keynote speaker at the Boise Metro Economic Development Council's General Membership meeting just prior our first leadership conference on workforce. ••• •:• He addressed the trends in site location trends and the Treasure Valley's competitiveness now and for the next decade. Of course, workforce issues were a major focus in his evaluation of what we need to do to be competitive in the next decade. ❖ But another major factor is the necessity to approach economic development on a regional basis. ❖ Donovan said that a regional approach toward economic development is essential in: • marketing; • prospect handling; and, • selected retention/expansion issues. ❖ He went on to say that while Southwest Idaho is competitive, the dynamics are changing and we are now on a whole new playing field. ❖ This requires fresh, pro -active measures to attracting new companies and retains our existing ones. •:• But, he added, this does not mean that the Treasure Valley communities need to lose their individual identities. ❖ Quite the opposite, he said, "product differentiation among the Valley communities is healthy." The key to success will be private -public partnerships. 3 Eagle City Council BMEDC Briefing November 27, 2001 Regional Economic Development—Update Eagle, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Garden City, Kuna and Mountain Home have joined Boise City and Ada County as full members of the Boise Metro Economic Development Council. Canyon County is very supportive of a regional or area -wide approach, and is considering membership in BMEDC. BMEDC Programs Retention/Expansion Committee Respond to inquiries from area businesses that deal with, but limited to: a. data for business planning b. business financing c. expansion inside or outside the Boise area ❖ Continuing with Development Summit Issues • The R/E Committee is continuing to lead the effort to "create a level playing field" between communities. • We have held meetings with key staff members in the permitting process from Ada, Canyon and Elmore Counties, Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, Mountain Home, Nampa. • They have asked us to bring them together again to work on standards issues between the cities and the counties. • We provided a neutral forum through which our area cities and counties can discuss development issues. • Two goals: 1) Develop a proposal to the Treasure Valley Partnership which solves a recurring problem in the process and indicates the collaborative efforts of all parties; and 2) Create some sort of flow chart or check list which adequately describes the general process, using best case scenarios. ❖ Call Center/Business Transaction Center Subcommittee • Created as a direct response to the workforce shortage. • Chaired by Kent Ivanoff, Capital One Financial Services, the subcommittee has committed to a partnership and has agreed to develop a training curriculum with the BSU Selland College of Applied Technology. • Customer Care Specialist Training Press Conference held Oct. 1. 4 Eagle City Council BMEDC Briefing November 27, 2001 • More than 60 attendees, plus media – radio, TV and newspaper represented • Mayor Coles, Jere Burch, Dr. Ruch joined Kent Ivanoff, Dr. Barnhardt in helping the BMEDC kickoff this event. • Full class of 20 students for October; there will be two classes in November – at the Boise and Canyon County Campuses. • They will continue to meet as an industry sector under the auspices of the Boise Metro Economic Development Council Retention/Expansion Committee. New Business Attraction Committee ❖ Marketing and promotion to companies in targeted industries • Determine targeted industries • Annually examine data profile for content and format • All calls relating to general business information are handled by the BMEDC ❖ Respond to all site location inquiries within 24 hours information on: a. available buildings and sites, their costs, and/or or build -to -suit costs b. utilities availability and costs—electricity, gas, water, sewer, telecommunications c. transportation services and costs d. number of available workers and wage ranges e. available financing f. incentives g. other specific company needs • Host prospect visits to the area. • Follow up on host prospects. ❖ To date, counseled with more than 522 businesses and individuals considering locating or expanding into the area. ❖ Facilitated numerous site visits and helped locate 7 new businesses in 2000, and 6 so farin200l. ❖ Pauline Hinman has been on the NBA Committee. Teri Bath is also on the committee. Venture Capital Committee - 76, 0.fa r4..c. /c ,t C2,p.,&-e-e ❖ Its goal is to add high growth, high value businesses to the economic base. ❖ The Committee helps facilitate the natural development of high growth, high value businesses by providing information and networking opportunities to accredited investors and viable entrepreneurial ventures seeking funding. ❖ Maintain and increase the committee's database of accredited investors. 5 Eagle City Council BMEDC Briefing November 27, 2001 ❖ Create of a Web page, designed to provide resource -related information to accredited investors and entrepreneurs. ❖ Sponsor an ongoing media relations program designed to educate the business community about entrepreneurial investing and the activities of this committee. • BMEDC Fall Semi -Annual Meeting, November 6, 2001—report on activities year to date by committee chairs Nick Miller (HTEH), Tony Olbrich (US Bank), and Layne Dodson (IPCO) to some 68 BMEDC members and guests. • The Venture Forum held October 11, 2001 at.the Boise Centre on the Grove. o 76 companies requested applications to present at the Forum; o 42 actually submitted applications for review by the selection committee; o 14 were chosen to make presentations to accredited investors; o 84 registered accredited investors Applications Received: 42 Boise MSA 23 (55%) Idaho, other 4 (10%) UT 4 (10%) WA 4 (10%) CO 1 (2%) CA 2 (5%) MT 4 (10%) WESCON: • October 16-18, San Jose • 569 exhibitors, down from previous years, but the prospects were still very good. Those attending seemed to be very interested. • Over 100 people visited the trade show exhibit --the theme: "Plant Your Business Today on the Edge of Tomorrow." • Mayor Garret Nancolas, Shirl Boyce and Don Keirn tied fishing flies • Additional information on the area will be sent to those visiting exhibit. Conclusion "A rising tide floats all boats." 6 �cill�'lla� City of Eagle Ada County Sheriff's Office Month End Report for October 2001 Presented to: Mayor Rick Yzaguirre On Behalf of: Sheriff Vaughn Killeen By: Sgt. Patrick Calley Sergeant Patrick Calley Oct 2 — Presentation to Eagle Fire Commissioners. Oct 4 — Court trial. Oct 8 — Armed robbery incident at GNC. Oct 8 — Field Services Division meeting. Oct 9 — Emergency Response Team call -out. Arrested GNC robbery incident. Oct 9 — Eagle Chamber of Commerce meeting. Oct 9 — Public Safety planning meeting: Eagle Emergency Services Response. Oct 10 — Disaster Preparedness presentation. Oct 15 — Emergency Response Team training. Oct 16 — Workplace safety presentation invitations to several businesses. Oct 16 — Traffic Program re: Eagle High lunch commute. Oct 17 — Instructed Community Policing Concepts for training at Public Safety Building. Oct 18 — Community Justice Committee meeting. Oct 19 — Presentation to youth group re: Terrorism and Its Impact on Our Youth Community. Oct 19 — City of Eagle representation at the Idaho Statehouse re: Red Ribbon Week. Oct 22-23 — Critical Incident Response to School Violence seminar. Oct 29 — Assisted Detective Jolliffe with School Violence Response presentation to Eagle Academy. Oct 31 — Business and neighborhood contacts regarding Halloween Safety. Misc. — Numerous meetings and briefing regarding Terrorist Task Force and response to anthrax. Deputy Kelly Adams Oct — New member on Eagle Team. Took the place of Deputy John Harris. Oct 15 — Emergency Response Team training. Oct 17 — Training at Public Safety Building. Oct 29 — Contacted Crime Analysis Unit at the Public Safety Building to get statistics on burglaries, vandalism's, and thefts in Eagle. Oct 29 — Attended City Council meeting. Deputy Dana Borgquist Oct 1 — Safety Awareness class for preschoolers at United Methodist. Oct 7 — Last day on Eagle Team. Transferred to Detectives. Deputy Matt Buie Oct 1— Safety Awareness class for preschoolers at United Methodist. Discussed wearing bicycle helmets, how to call 911, and how to cross the street, etc. Oct 1— Talked with 2nd grade class at Seven Oaks about pumpkin smashing problem. Asked for kid's assistance with the problem, they love to help. Oct 1 — Presentation at Ryals driving school. Discussed drunk driving and aggressive driving. Also showed pictures of serious accidents that have happened. Oct 2 — Safety class at United Methodist preschoolers. Talked with a different age group of kids about the same issues. Oct 2 — Bike patrol downtown, looking for juvenile smokers. Oct — Meridian School District reported a problem with drivers passing a bus stop -arm at Floating Feather and Park Lane. Deputy's McDaniel, Borgquist and myself made this a project to resolve. Did a lot of extra patrol at the stop and witnessed the stop arm violations. The School District and ACHD will be putting up signs so the stop is better marked and the problem will be hopefully be fixed. Haven't had any more complaints since the extra patrol and a few people cited. Oct 12 — Extra patrol at an Eagle High football game. Oct 17 — Training at Public Safety Building. Oct 18 — Gave warning to two bicyclist at Heritage Park. Oct 18 — Attended planning meeting for Eagles Country Christmas. Oct 20 — Visited Eagle Knoll neighborhood community meeting and picnic. Deputy John Dewey Oct 5 — Visited with some kids on Kestrel and handed out stickers. We discussed how important it is to wear helmets. Oct 14 — Bike Rodeo at Eagle Hills for some Boy Scout troops. Oct 15 — Emergency Response Team training. Oct 16 — Boy Scouts brought thank you card and toured the station. Oct 31 — Taught Building Search, Rapid Deployment and Crowd Control class to department at training. Deputy Craig Durrell Oct 6 — Stopped by Skate Park. Lots of kids out riding. Oct 7 — Helped some ranchers move cattle. Talked with them about Eagles history and changes that have occurred. Oct 15 — Wrote press release on the recent mail theft problems in Lexington Hills so people are aware of what is happening and can keep an eye on things. Oct 24 — Did follow-up concerning putting more deer crossing signs up. Oct 24 — Talked with ACHD and Eagle Post Office about the Fasten Seat Belt signs at the post office. Will try to get some ordered to post at the high school. Oct 26 — Helped celebrate Red Ribbon Week with the winners of Red Ribbon Week competition at Eagle Hills Elementary. Oct 26 — Went to American Red Cross Assembly at Eagle Elementary. Oct 31 — Training at Public Safety Building. Deputy Luis Gutierrez Oct 3 — Stopped by Skate Park and visited with kids. There were some kids on bikes that needed an explanation why they were not allowed to ride there. They left after our talk. Oct 12 — Extra patrol at Eagle Highs football game. Oct 15 — Emergency Response Team training. Oct 17 — Training at Public Safety Building. Deputy Jon McDaniel Oct 2 — Spoke to 10 children at Eagle Methodist Church about safety issues. Oct 2 — Worked bus stop -arm violations with other Deputies at Park Ln and Floating Feather. Oct 3 — Bike patrol looking for tobacco violations. Oct 17 — Training at Public Safety Building. Oct 18 — Extra patrol at the calming circle in Brookwood for wrong way drivers. Oct 20 — Managed the last part of retribution for 4 juveniles found guilty of vandalism. All four cleaned substation and cars. They also paid $40 compensation to the victim. Oct 27 — Talked with kids who are new to the area about bike/skateboard rules at Heritage Park. Oct 28 — Visited Browsers in Marketplace and went through business safety ideas with the employees. Deputy Jake Vogt Oct 8 — Transferred to the Eagle Team. Took place of Deputy Dana Borgquist. Deputy Jeff Winegar Oct 14 — Bike Rodeo at Eagle Hills Elementary for Boy Scouts. Oct 15 — Emergency Response Team training. Oct 16 — Boy Scouts toured station and said thanks for the bike rodeo. Oct 17 — Attended a neighborhood watch meeting. Oct 31 — Taught Building Search Rapid Deployment and Crowd Control for training at the Public Safety Building. Field Service Technician, Terisa Howell Oct 1 — Attended Early Intervention meeting at Eagle Hills Elementary. Oct 2 — Met with counselor Debbie Gourley at Eagle Hills Elementary about starting Visions and giving her 911 cell phones to hand out. Visions is a Girl Scout group that meets every Wednesday at noon. Oct 3 — First Visions meeting. Seventeen girls at the first meeting. Oct 9 —Training on new computer system at the Public Safety Building. Oct 10 — Visions at Eagle Hills Elementary. Oct 11— Visited seniors center and handed out 911 cell phones. Oct 14 — Bike Rodeo at Eagle Hills Elementary for two Boy Scout troops. Oct 16 — Visions meeting. Oct 17 — Training at the Public Safety Building. Explanation of new organization of Sheriff's Office and Community Policing concepts. Oct 18 — Visited the senior center and handed out 911 cell phones. Oct 18 — Attended the Eagle Country Christmas planning meeting. Oct 26 — Attended the party for the winners of Red Ribbon Week at Eagle Hills Elementary. Oct 30 — Had a meeting with the counselor and others who will be starting a Visions group at Eagle Elementary school. Oct 31— Visions meeting, Halloween party and discussed volunteering for next month's activities. Detective Todd Jolliffe (Eagle Academy) Oct 1— Attended Detectives and juvenile detectives meeting at the Public Safety Building. Staff meeting at the school. Oct 9 — Emergency Response Team call out. Arrested suspect in armed robbery at GNC. Oct 10 — Attended training at Public Safety Building for new computer system. Had meeting with US West Communications in reference to the security cameras at the Academy. Oct 15 — Detectives meetings. Emergency Response Team training. Oct 17 — Training at the Public Safety Building. Oct 22-23 — Attended Critical Response seminar. Oct 25 — Received twenty 911 cell phones to hand out to staff in the new classrooms so the teachers in the portables will have some way to contact help in an emergency. Wore the McGruff suit at Eagle Elementary. Detective John Murray (Eagle Middle School) Oct 2 — Critical Incident planning session. Oct 9 — Lock down and evacuation drill. Met with safe -school person. Oct 12 — Crowd control at pep assembly. Oct 17 — Training at Public Safety Building. Oct 19 — Friday evening dance. Oct 24 — Met with a student after school about working at the substation for punishment for vandalism. Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Arrests Warrant Arrests DUI Arrests Non -Injury Accidents Injury Accidents Seatbelt citation Skateboard Violations Parking Citations Tobacco Alcohol citations City Ordinance Citations October Stats September 12 1 12 3 17 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 October 101 41 191 21 141 51 6 0 •`2 0 0 0 Injury Accidents 2 -Oct 141 Palmetto - Post Office parking lot 12 -Oct 574 Park Ln - highschoolers, 4 vehicles 16 -Oct 651 Eagle - unable to locate, cars gone 22 -Oct Hwy 55/State - turn lane near Parkinson 27 -Oct Eagle/Island Woods Non -injury Accidents 1 -Oct 3 -Oct 10 -Oct 14 -Oct 15 -Oct 15 -Oct 18 -Oct Park/State 325 W River Trail HiIVHwy 55 Parkinson/State Eagle/State Eagle Hills Way./Floating Feathe Hwy 55/State 24 -Oct 25 -Oct 27 -Oct 28 -Oct 29 -Oct 30 -Oct 30 -Oct Aminita/Stierman 2800 W State Eagle/Island Woods 930 Hempstead 574 Park Ln Park/State Park/State 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 all ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PROPERTY CRIME COMPARISON BY AREA TOTALS PER AREA 2 1 3 frir 4 5 ■ May -2001 °Ju1y.2001 a Seplember•2001 o June -2001 ■ Augusl•2001 °October -2001 BSU EAGLE KUNA Vehicle Burglary ■ May -2001 o July -2001 ° Soplember-2001 °June -2001 ■August -2001 o October -2001 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 1 2 3 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Residential Burglary ■ May -2001 0June-2001 o July -2001 ■August -2001 °September -2001 0October-2001 1 2 3 1 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA r1 Updated 11/7/2001 2 3 Commercial Burglary 4 ■ May -2001 °July -2001 o September -2001 o June•2001 ■ August•200t °Oclober•2001 [1-1 rt'IIl 1 _ I 1 111111T'1:1111 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 1 Construction Site Burglary 20 15 - -- 10 — 5 • - 0 r t m=i= ■ 1 2 3 20 15 4 ■May -2001 June -2001 OJuiy-2001 ■August -2001 O September -2001 OOctober2001 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Grand Theft 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 ■ May -2001 OJune-2001 O July.2001 111Augus1-2001 O September -2001 OOclober-2001 Cho 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Petit Theft ■May -2001 OJuly-2001 OSeplember-2001 OJune-2001 ■August -2001 13October-2001 Malicious Injury to Property EAGLE KUNA ■ May2001 0June-2001 O July-2001 ■August -2001 O S o prom bo r 2001 O O ctobe r-2001 Updated 11/7/2001 2