Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 10/29/2001 - Joint'" ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Joint Meeting Minutes October 29, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order 6:38 p.m. 2. ROI. I. CAI. I.: City Council: MERRILL, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER - Present Planning & Zoning Commission: DECKERS, FRANDEN, NORDSTROM, BLOOM - Present. CADWELL - Absent. Design Review Board: MURRAY, BARNES - Present. CHRISTENSEN MCCULLOUGH. Absent. 3. NEW BUSINESS: (City Council only) A. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP/FP-10-01 - Mixed Use Subdivision No.2- Eagle River LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting combined preliminary plat and final plat approval for Mixed Use Subdivision No. 2 (formally know as Eagle River Subdivision). The 46.4- acre, 10-lot (9 commemial, 1 residential) subdivision is located on the southeast comer of Eagle Road and State Highway 44.(WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Bastian moves to continue this item to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Discussion of pathway network as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Map #1 of 2. (P&Z) 1. Issue of losing continuous pathways due to physical land constraints and/or unavailability of land. 2. Is condemnation of property a viable option. No discussion on this item as it was not intended to be added to the agenda. 3. Discussion of missed opportunities. Deckers explains his concern with pathways. Discussion amongst Council and Commissioners. Mayor notes that a pathway ordinance is truly needed and believes the City Attorney is working on it. Murray relays what other municipalities in the Pacific Northwest are doing. Mayor would like us to move forward with the pathway ordinance and get it going through the process. Discussion. Merrill would like a copy of the Albuquerque, NM ordinance regarding pathways. B. Discussion of acceptable designs and plant material section of buffer areas abutting residential subdivisions. (P&Z) Bloom has concerns with a specific development and inquires at which point staff inspects the site and identifies the developers insufficiencies. Discussion. Bloom also inquires on the consistency of how the buffer ordinance is implemented i.e. does the Design Review Board take into account surrounding developments when reviewing applications. Murray explains the Board's procedure when reviewing applications. Discussion regarding forcing developers to maintain common areas. City Attorney reviews the legal options the city has. Discussion regarding sureties, sign ordinances and other code enforcement issues within Eagle City code. Merrill moves to changes the ordinance dealing with sureties, letters of credits, and bonding and that we define what each of those are and with a timeline as to how they are to be effective and to be implemented. The draft ordinance shall be brought back to Planning and Zoning, and it shall be done within the next three months. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Merrill discusses when trees should be put in on residential subdivision lots. Murray states that the Design Review Board has felt that the developer should install the street trees. Discussion. Bastian moves to direct staff to develop an ordinance that makes it the responsibility of the developer to plant trees prior to the occupancy of the homes. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Discussion of parking concerns at Chevron on Beacon Light and Highway 55. (P&Z) Deckers comments on the parking near Old Horseshoe Bend Rd. Lloyd Campbell 12655 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. Mr. Campbell relays the conversation he had with ACHD today regarding installing a sidewalk. Discussion regarding the installation of no parking signs. Merrill moves to direct staff to contact ACHD and request that they re-stripe the road to include the previous center turn land and request they install no parking signs on both sides of the road from Beacon Light to Bogus Ridge Subdivision. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. Update on Payette River Scenic Byway. (P&Z) Lynne Sediacek gives an update on the status of the Payette River Scenic Byway project. Discussion of parking options for the Beacon Light area. E. Status of Tree Fund Ordinance. (DR) Mayor introduces the item. Buxton states that she believes it is done and will have it forwarded to the City tomorrow. Discussion regarding options for caliper replacement while the tree ordinance is still in the process of being approved. F. Code Enforcement vs. Staffing caimcitv. (DR) Mayor introduces the item. Murray feels that this item has been sufficiently addressed tonight. Murray feels that it is perhaps time to invite the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the non-conforming sign issues, as the Chamber initiated the most recent changes to the sign ordinance and it is now their members who are failing to comply. Discussion. Merrill notes that Boise City places a red violation sticker onto the violating signs. G. Discussion regarding possibly establishing a new policy regarding application submittals. (DR) Mayor introduces the item. Murray feels if an application is received staff should then have 3 days to review the application and verify whether or not the application is complete and what meeting date (if any) the application will be heard. The applicant should then be sent a letter accepting or denying the receipt of the application. Mark Butler makes comment on the developers point of view. Butler states that in his 2 years experience working with area entities, Eagle is the second fastest in processing applications. Discussion between Council, the Commissioners, and Board members. The general consensus is that Murray's proposal is an excellent idea, and staff should look at implementing office policy to reflect something similar. General discussion. 5.ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: CITY CLER~REAS~ APPROVED: