Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 09/18/2001 - Special" ORI61NAL
Special Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2001
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
1. Patricia Russell and Council Member Sedlacek will discuss recent increases in mobile home
rental rates, as well as the possible formation of a rent control board. Patricia Russell is not
Council Member Sedlacek: I gave Patricia a copy of the attorney's response and she is somewhat
discouraged. Discussion on landlord's raising rents and the condition of the homes. Council
Member Sedlacek will look into this further.
2. Sgt. Patrick Calley, with the Ada County Sheriff's Office, will review the proposed
2001/2001 contract. Sgt. Calley distributes a copy of the budget worksheet to the Council and
discusses the same. Discusses a new budget worksheet that he is preparing which will give more
detail of the costs associated with the contract. Distributes the monthly report and discusses the
3. Mayor and Council's Report:
Guerber: No report.
Merrill: Reports on the last Design Review meeting. Merrill Park received their first approval at
Design Review. Tomorrow night the Park Committee meets.
Discusses the restroom at Heritage Park.
Bastian: Reports on the Library Board meeting. There is trouble with the front door of the
library. This may be caused by some settling at the Library. The City Engineer, Vern Brewer,
will Iook at this tomorrow as he has a scheduled meeting at the Library.
Discussion on the satellite dish that will be put on the top of the building as mechanical
equipment on the top of a building needs to be screened according to City Code.
Vaughan: The City process is that dishes are mechanical equipment and need to be screened.
Council could do an exemption for the Library. General discussion. The Library should submit
an application.
Sedlacek: Reports on the arch over Eagle Road. The cost would be $43,256 and we have
budgeted $40,000. General discussion.
Reports on the Economic Development Committee meeting and how to expend the $20,000 that
the City has budgeted. General discussion.
Discussion on the meeting at the skateboard park in regards to the water rights. General
Discussion on water rights out of the Boise River. Pre-hearing on our water rights is scheduled
for tomorrow. General discussion. Vern Brewer: The Pre-hearing has been continued. I would
like to have a workshop with Vern Brewer in regards to these water issues.
4. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda
7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda
i. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
quormn is present.
· Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of
· Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. Minutes of August 28, 2001.
C. Resolution 01-10: Resolution Proclaiming A General City Election To Be Held
On November 6, 2001, Designating The Polling Places, Designating The Hours
The Poles Are Open, And Ordering The City Clerk To Give Notice Of Such
Election. (SKM)
D. Resolution 01-11: A Resolution Adopting Appendix Chapter 11 (Accessibility)
Of The Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, And Providing For An Effective
Date. (SEB)
Basfian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES .......................
Merrill moves to add to the Agenda as 9B. Threatened Litigation. Seconded by Guerber.
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...............
A. FP-18-01 - Final Plat for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No. 1 (formerly Arbor Ridge
Subdivision) - Stacia Patterson: Stacia Patterson, represented by Mark Butler with Land
Consultants, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No. 1
formerly know as Arbor Ridge Subdivision), 7.78-acre, 26-1ot (22-buildable) residential
subdivision located on the west side of State Highway 55 approximately 1,200-feet north of Hill
Road. This phase is accessed via the easterly extension of Sadie Drive. The site is within the
Eagle City Limits. This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Legal Council is requesting that this item be moved to later in the Agenda.
Bastian moves to move 5A. FP-18-01 to be heard right before Public Hearings. Seconded
by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....................
A. Appointments to the Idaho Community Foundation Citizens Advisory Committee: This
item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting.(RY)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor reviews his appointment recommendations for Council.
Guerber provides a history of the Idaho Community Foundation.
Bastian moves to approve the appointments to the Idaho Community Foundation Citizens
Advisory Committee as presented tonight. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ................
B. Review and approval of the Eagle Senior Center Van Use and Senior Center Utilities
Agreement. This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. (SKM/SEB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney: Chris Yorgason from our office met with the seniors in regards to the Contract
and we are working on a new contract. I would request that this item be tabled until your next
City Council meeting.
Sedlacek moves to continue the Eagle Senior Center Van Use and Senior Center Utilities
Agreement to the September 25, 2001, City Council meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL
AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............
C. Review and approval of the Eagle Security Services and Joint Powers Agreement with
the Ada County Sheriff's Office. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill moves to approve the Eagle Security Services and Joint Powers Agreement with
Ada County Sheriff's Office. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Merrill:
AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............
D. DR-56-01 - Three Special Portable Signs and Three Building Wall Signs for Chevron
Emissions Testing Service - Sandy Smith: Sandy Smith is requesting design review approval
of three special portable signs and three existing building wall signs for the Chevron Emissions
Testing Service located within the car wash building at the Chevron gas station. The site is
located on the west side of Eagle Road within Channel Center Subdivision at 503 South Eagle
Road. This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Vaughan: Displays and overhead of the signs and discusses the signs. General discussion.
Sandy Smith, 503 S. Eagle Road, applicant, discusses the signs and the text on the signs.
General discussion.
General Council discussion.
Sedlacek moves to approve DR- 56-01 Three Special Portable Signs and Three Building
Wall Signs for Chevron Emissions Testing Service with the Site Specific Conditions of
Approval as modified and added to, based on the draft copies of the Design Review
Commission minutes dated August 16, 2001. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. THREE
AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES ....................
E. A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PPUD-1-01/PP-2-01 - RiversEnd Planned Unit Development -
Howell-Kiser Development Corporation: Howell-Kiser Development Corporation, represented
by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT
(Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-P (Residential up to two units per acre - PUD) and R-2-DA-P
(Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD), conditional use,
preliminary planned unit development, and preliminary plat approvals for RiversEnd planned
residential development. The 106.83-acre development consists of 173-1ot (147-buildable)
residential subdivision. The site is located between the North and South Channels of the Boise
River approximately 1/2-mile east of Eagle Road on East Island Woods Drive. This item was
continued from the August l4, 2001meeting. The public hearing has been closed.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Council discussion.
City Attorney Buxton: I have been provided a copy of the Declaration of Covenants and
Restrictions of Island Woods Subdivision No. 1, dated March 15, 1993, that is the date it was
recorded with the County. Section 6, Article 16, reads the last sentence into the record. It
appears to me that there is a document that runs with the land with regard to the use of the Island
Woods Drive for lawful purposes including residential and commercial uses to access and use
that road for this purpose. General discussion. Mr. Kiser has agreed to set some construction
James W. Keiser, Howell-Kiser Development Corporation, 619 Queens Guard Way, Boise, this
road is a collector and it is dedicated. The road is owned by ACHD and ACHD has jurisdiction
over the road. I have voluntarily agreed to put provisions in our construction contracts and
monitor it as the best we can over the use of the road. From 8:00 a.m. in the morning to 7:00
p.m. at night. We want to work with the residents but I have a piece of land to develop.
General discussion.
Merrill moves to approve A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PPUD-1-01/PP-2-01 - RiversEnd
Planned Unit Development as follows: Start with Item gl of the Site Specific Conditions of
approval dated August 8, 2001:
1. Change the last line to read: that the lot sizes referenced in #4 and #5 MAY
(instead of shall) be permitted to be decreased with the PUD.
2. No changes.
3. No changes.
4. Add B. The pathways within the nature preserve at the North end of the
development as well as the river access to the South Channel of the Boise River
shall be developed to provide for a 10' hard surface pathway such as asphalt,
concrete or compacted gravel as specified by Eagle City Pathway Committee.
5. No changes.
6. & 7. Refers to Lot 1 Block 8 and with the revision of this plat we don't have a Lot 1
Block 8 so we should change this to Phase 4. This will correlate with the revised
Preliminary Plat of August 8, 2001.
8. After the first sentence: Lots 7-10, 29-31, 38, 39, 40, 42 and 43, (Phase 3) shall
comply with the 50' setback from the flood~vay line, pursuant to Eagle City Code in
effect at the time a building permit is applied for. Add: The plat shall show a
building envelope for each of the aforementioned lots delineating the setback limits
for placement of the structure.
9. No changes.
10. No changes.
11. Add at the end: Lot 5 Block 1 shall not be allowed to be gated to provide for access
to the river for maintenance and emergency vehicles.
12. No changes.
13. Change the language to: All living trees that do not encroach the buildable area on
the lot shall be left in their natural state along the North and South channel of the
Boise River, and along the slough on the North side of Phase 4 continuing to
provide habitat for the existing birds and animals. A detailed landscape plan
showing how the trees will be integrated into the open space area or private lots
shall be provided for Design Review Board approval prior to Council approval of
the final development plan.
14. No changes.
15. No changes.
16. Change Lot 1 Block 8 to read Phase 4.
17. No changes.
18. End of A. Sentence to be added: Access to the pathway strictly for the purpose of
construction, maintenance and emergency access shall be allowed and provided by
the developer.
B. (3ra line in Parenthesis) insert: The 25' easement for this City green belt pathway
has already been granted to the City of Eagle. Completion shall be provided by the
Developer and built to City specifications. A plan shall be provided to the City.
LS. Approximately 30'x30' fenced area with playground equipment for children to
play in while supervised by their parents.
P. Small seating areas adjacent to the ponds in Common Area Lot 2, Block 5 and
Lot 1, Block 2 shall be provided.
19. Setbacks: Additional setback criteria shall be as follows:
Note: The preliminary plat, date stamped by the City on September 5, 2001, is
incorporated into these findings by reference. This plat has color coded lots for the
purpose of matching the required setbacks to specific lots.
A. Floodway: no change
B. Southside (colored blue) no change
C. Northside (colored pink)
Side setbacks no change.
25' front setback (allows for a 5' reduction from 30' required)
25' back setback no change
D. Interior lots (colored yellow)
Side setbacks no change
25' front setbacks (allows for a 5' reduction from 30' required)
25' back setbacks
E. Lots with special 25' front setback for garage (colored orange)
Side setbacks 10' single story and 15' for 2no story homes
25' front setbacks
Back no changes
F. Special setbacks for the 6 lots adjacent to Island Wood Drive:
Lot 2 Block 1: Lot 2 Block 2; Lot 2 Block 3: Lot 2 Block 4: Lot 24 Block 4:
Lot 48 Block 1
10' side setback single story
15' setback adjacent to Island Wood Drive for 2nd story
7.5' side setback for single story and 12.5 setback for 2na story for the side
opposite Island Wood Drive
25' front setback
25' rear setback
G. All other lot setbacks:
25' front setback
25' back setback
10' side setback for one story
15' side setback for 2na story
20-24 No changes
25. Add: The developer shall install at the entrance to the subdivision a 4x4 hard
surface sign mounted on 4x4 posts with the bottom of the sign being a minimum of
3' above the ground noticing the contractors to clean up daily, no loud music and
no dogs off leash, and times allowed for construction according to Eagle City Code.
26-28 No changes
29. Insert after river maintenance: and pathway construction ..............
30. No changes
31. All ponds shall be planted with natural grasses and plants similar to Island Woods.
Concrete edging shall be prohibited.
32. Land between South Channel and adjacent to Lots 38 through 40 Block 1 and Lot
42 Block 1 shall not be included as part of the adjacent lots but shall be left in their
natural state.
Lot 41 is an approximate 6 acre floodway lot contiguous with and adjacent to Lots
38, 39, 40 and 42, Block 1. This lot is a non-build lot and is accessible only from the
four contiguous lots. This lot shall be owned by a Homeowner's Association
composed of only the four lot owners of Lots 38, 39, 40 and 42. (These four lot
owners shall also be members of the Homeowner's Association for the entire
RiversEnd Subdivision.) The management of Lot 41 shall be by the Board of
Directors of the four lot owners' association through a mini set of CC&R's
applicable to Lot 41 only. All of the costs of maintaining and/or managing Lot 41
shall be assessed only to and paid only by the four adjacent and contiguous lot
owners. This Association shall not be dissolved without the written approval of the
City of Eagle.
33. Wood burning stove prohibited during an aversion condition.
Seconded by Bastian. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES ..........
Mayor calls a recess at 9:05 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
A. FP-18-01 - Final Plat for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No. 1 (formerly Arbor Ridge
Subdivision) - Stacia Patterson: Stacia Patterson, represented by Mark Butler with Land
Consultants, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No. 1
formerly know as Arbor Ridge Subdivision), 7.78-acre, 26-1ot (22-buildable) residential
subdivision located on the west side of State Highway 55 approximately 1,200-feet north of Hill
Road. This phase is accessed via the easterly extension of Sadie Drive. The site is within the
Eagle City Limits. This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mark Butler, Land Consultants, Inc., representing the applicant, discusses the excess irrigation
Fred Shoemacher, representing the applicant. Discussed the irrigation water issue and presents
Council a draft of language to be included. General discussion.
General discussion on the irrigation water.
Guerber moves to approve the final plat for FP-28-01 Final Plat for Ringo Ridge Estates
Subdivision No. 1 (formerly Arbor Ridge Subdivision) with the stipulation that have
previously been set down by the Council and with the addition of the item present to
Council that clarifies the retention of water on site and completion of an agreement. All
water will be retained on site, which says that the pipe disappears and would not affect the
City property and adjoining properties. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES ...................
A. RZ-95 MOD - Development Agreement Modification - Instrument No, 95062665 - Eagle
Country Plaza/Eagle Market Place - Eagle Country Plaza LLC: William Hodges is
requesting a modification to the development agreement approved by the City in 1995
(developed as Eagle Country Plaza Shopping Center - Eagle Market Place) for an increase in the
maximum height allowed for monument signs from 8-feet high to 15-feet high. The 7.5-acre site
is located on the northeast comer of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the public hearing,
Bill Hodges, applicant, our tenants in the middle of the building are suffering; Savon Drug Store
is going to be closing. In talking to the Savon management some of the problems have been
access and signage. I'm making this appeal to the City of Eagle in behalf of the tenants. The
view triangle into the center has been closed off with complete development. The berms are also
a problem. We need some signage on the roads. I'm asking for the same signage as everyone
else in the City of Eagle has.
Vaughan: This application represents itself very well. Provides an overview of the original
application. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Gary Nasman.
Gary Nasman, 3290 S. Eagle Road, I live adjacent to Mr. Hodges development. Mr. Hodges
has made many representations in the past and has not lived up to many of them. Discusses the
irrigation water issue. I am opposed to any changes being made. I don't think that he has lived
up to any of his requirements. The proposed sign on the West side is in direct line to my
bedroom window. I urge the Council to deny this application.
Mayor swears in Larry Durkin.
Larry Durkin, 713 E. River Corey Dr., I don't have a dog in this fight but I am a developer. As a
resident of Eagle I am a frequent shopper in this shopping center. Discusses the development to
the South Side of Chinden. The tenants cannot and will not make it with their present signage.
This is a reasonable request to have this shopping center succeed.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
General Council discussion.
Bill Hodges discusses the lights on the back of the building. These lights are for the service area.
This is the first time that I have heard that these lights are impacting the neighbors to the North.
As far as the deliveries with BFI, there are specific hours for these trucks to enter into the
shopping center. I will enforce these hours.
Merrill moves to approve RZ-95-MOD Development Agreement Modification for an
increase in the maximum height allowed for monument signs with the following
modification to the signs: 3.2.3 That the monument signs consist of no more than two, each
not to exceed more than 15 feet in height with no more than 100 square feet of signage
space; 3.2.2 Add to the end of the paragraph: The lights on the back of the building shall be
brought up to current City Code providing the lights to be shielded and to protect the
neighbors to the north; 3.2.8 Store and delivery hours shall be strictly enforced. The
signage will not be allowed to be built or installed until the lights and the business hours
are taken care of. That the lettering City Market be installed on the block wall. Seconded
by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....................
B. RZ-04-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-E - ,J. L. Ghent~ Inc.: J. L. Ghent, Inc., represented by
Jaret Ghent, is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential - one unit per five acres)
to R-E (Residential-Estates - one unit per two acres). The 3.9-acre site is located on the
southwest comer of East Beacon Light Road and Edgewood Road at 1343 East Beacon Light
Road. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the public hearing.
Mayor swears in Jaret Ghent.
Jaret Ghent, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application.
Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site and provides Council with an overview of the
Mayor swears in Diane Benson
Diane Benson, 1717 S. Willowlake, I have gone through the neighborhood to gather support for
this project. Many immediate neighbors have signed a petition in support of this rezone. We do
have support from Highway 55 to Eagle Road. On the opposition petition there are only 21
Eagle residents.
Mayor swears in Alani Beal
Alani Beal, 2242 Edgewood, 1 have several concerns with this proposal. I remodeled my home
several years ago and had some problems because of the floodway. Discusses the floodway area.
My concern is that homes are going to be developed in the floodway. There are those of us who
enjoy 5 acre living. I am also concerned about water supply. I think additional wells and septic
tanks can cause some problems in the community.
Mayor swears in Debbie Wald
Debbie Wald, 2641 Edgewood, my property is adjacent to the proposed site and I am speaking in
opposition to this request. When we move in to this neighborhood 12 years ago we did so
because we wanted to live in a 5-acre subdivision. I do not agree that all people along Beacon
Light Road approve of this. This has been a tough year for people to irrigate our property and I
am concerned how the people south of this project will get our water. I'm also concerned about
ground water.
Mayor swears in Tom Sorge
Tom Sorge, 2532 N. Edgewood, I am opposed to this application. I moved here 10 years and did
so because of the acreage in the area. I have had problems with my well.
Mayor swears in Bill George
Bill George, 2636 N. Edgewood, directly across the street of this project. I am in opposition to
this project.
Mayor swears in Gary Jamrog
Gary Jamrog 2480 N. Edgewood, I am in opposition of the proposal. This is a mini conununity.
We wanted 5 acres that is why we moved to the area. We want to preserve our quality of life.
Mayor swears in Mark Wald
Mark Wald, 2641 Edgewood, I live just below the piece in question. It is our understanding that
there is one dwelling for 5 acres. This area is mostly 5 acre parcels. This would be a 5 acre
parcel like the rest of the parcels except for the canal that runs through the property.
Jaret Ghent, I want to remind Council that we are here for a rezone not a lot split. If a lot split
comes before the Council water, irrigation and etc. will be addressed at that time. Some of the
adjacent property is going to be developed.
Mayor closes the public hearing.
General Council discussion.
Sedlacek moves that RZ-04-01 Rezone from A-R to R-E be denied as the proposed rezone is
not compatible with the existing area. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES ................
Mayor calls a recess at 11:00 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 11:10 p.m.
C. ZOA-5-01 (Draft Ordinance No. 378) - Zoning Ordinance Amendment to require
central water and sewer facilities in all zones exceeding R-1 and to require increased side
and rear year ~,ard setbacks for accessory buildings - City of Eagle: An Ordinance Adding
Eagle City Code Section 8-1-2 To Define Central Sewer System; Amending Section 8-2-1 To
Require Central Water And Sewer Facilities In All Zones Exceeding One Unit Per Two Acres
(R-E); Amending Section 8-3-5 (A)(2) To Change The Minimum Setback And Height
Requirement For Accessory Buildings Less Than 120-Square Feet In Area; Adding Section 8-3-5
(A)(3) To Require Accessory Buildings 120-Square Feet In Area Or Larger To Comply With The
Setbacks As Required In Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 And Establishing A Maximum Height;
And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Vaughan: Discusses and explains the draft ordinance. General discussion.
Mayor opens the public hearing.
Mayor closes the public hearing.
Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring
Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed
with, and that Ordinance #378 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber
reads Ordinance #378 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES .................
Guerber moves that Ordinance #378 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE;
Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................
A. Ordinance No. 387: An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The
Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The
City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Established The Zoning Classification Of Said Real
Property; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And
Providing An Effective Date.(WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Sedlacek moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring
Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed
with, and that Ordinance #387 be considered after being read once by title only.
reads Ordinance #387 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. THREE AYES: ONE NAY:
MOTION CARRIES .................
Sedlacek moves that Ordinance #387 be adopted. Seconded by
Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: THREE AYES: ONE
ABSTAIN: MOTION CARRIES ...................................
B. Ordinance No. 401: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Section 1-9-2,
Eagle City Code, To Provide For Judges And Clerks Of Election, And Providing An Effective
Date. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that
Ordinance #401 be considered after being read once by title only. Merrill reads Ordinance
#401 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................
Merrill moves that Ordinance #401 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE;
Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ..................
C. Ordinance No. 402: An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real
Property Described Herein From R4 (Residential District - Four Units Per Acre) Classification
To CBD-DA (Central Business District With Development Agreement) Classification;
Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An
Effective Date.(WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that
Ordinance #402 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads
Ordinance #402 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES .................
Bastlan moves that Ordinance #402 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE;
Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ..................
A. Acquisition of private property: 1.C. § 67-2345 ( C )
B. Threatened Litigation: I.C. 67-2345(f)
Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of acquisition of private
property, threatened litigation and personnel issues. Seconded by Merrill. Bastian: AYE:
Merrill: AYE: Sedlacek: AYE: Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ....................
Council discusses the acquisition of private property, threatened litigation and personnel in
Executive Session.
Council leaves Executive Session.
Pre-Council Reports:
3. Mayors Report: The City of Eagle has been selected for a Promise Fellows.
Discussion on District 3 meeting in regards to the signal on the alternate route.
4. City Engineer Report: No report.
5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Arts Commission and representative from Eagle Chamber
Orchestra will be at Pre-Council on the 25th to discussion distribution of funds.
Therese Woozley will be on Pre-Council October 23rd to provide Council an update on the
basketball program.
6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on Jackson Square development. General
7. City Attorney Report: No report.
Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Rivers End /Williamson
Site Specific Conditions of Approval
Refer to 7A from August 8, 2001 meeting
1. Change last line to read "that the lot sizes referenced in #4 and #5 MA Y
(INSTEAD OF SHALL) be permitted to be decreased with the PUD.
2. O.K. no changes
3. O.K. no changes
4. Add B). The pathways within the nature preserve at the North end of the
development as well as the river access to the South Channel of the Boise River shall
be developed to provide for a 10 ` hard surface pathway such as asphalt, concrete, or
compacted gravel as specified by Eagle City pathway committee.
5. O.K.
6 and 7 to read: Phase 4. Instead of Lot 1 Block 8 so as to correlate with the revised PP
of August 8th, 2001 Plat
8 Add after secondentence: Block 1- lots 11-10,29-31, 38,40,42,43, phase three shall
also be subject to foot setback (or more?) from the floodway line in effect at the
time that a building permit is applied for . the plat shall show a building envelope to
ensure the City that no structures will be built outside this building envelope
9 And 10 O.K.
11. Add Lot 5 Block 1 shall not be allowed to be gated to provide for access to the
river s p rreie4 , i L1.-
12. Ok.
13. Ar1lrees shall be left in their natural state along the North and South channel of the
Boise River, and along the slough on the North side of Phase 4 continuing to provide
habitat for the exiting birds and animals. xist-there. A detailed
landscape plan showing how the treejwillriiitegrated into the open space area or
private lots shall be provided for Design Review Board approval prior to Council
approval of the final development plan.
14. O.K.
16. Change Lot 1 Block to read phase 4
17. O.K.
--1-8. END OFA., entente to be added: Access to the pathway strictly for the purpose of
construction an aintenance shall be allowed and provide by by the developer as the
extension to the pathway
— B. (3rd line in Parenthesis) insert (The 25 ' easement for this City ,green belt
pathway has already been !ranted to the City of Eagle. Completion shall be provided
by the Developer and built to City specifications. A plan shall be provided to the City.
L5. Approximately 30' x 30' fenced area with playground equipment for children to
play in while supervised by their parents
P. Small seating areas adjacent to the ponds in Common area Lot 2, Block 5 and Lot
1 Block 2 shall he provided.
19. SETBACKS: Additional setback criteria shall be as follows:
A. Floodway: Ok.
B. Southside (colored Blue) O.K.
C. Northside (colored pink)
Side setbacks Ok.
25 ' Front Setback (allows for a 5'reduction from 30'required)
25" Back Setback OK
D. Interior Lots colored Yellow
Side Setbacks Ok
25' Front Setbacks (allows for a 5' reduction from 30 required)
25' Back Setbacks
E. Lots with special 25 foot front setback for garage (colored Orange)
Side Setbacks 10' single story 15 for 2nd story hones
Front Setbacks 25'
Back Ok
F. Special Setbacks for the 6 lots adjacent to Island Woods Drive:
Lot 2 Block 1: Lot 2 Block 2: Lot 2, Block 3: Lot 2, Block 4: Lot
24, Block 4, Lot 48, block 1:
Side 10' OK One Story
15 foot adjacent to Island Wood Drive 2nd Story
7.5 Side Setback One story 12.5 For 2nd story for side opposite
Island Woods Drive
25' Front Setback
25" Rear Setback
G. All other Lot Setbacks
25' front
25' Back
10' side One story
15" side 2"d Story
20-24 O.K.
25. ADD: The developer shall install at the entrance to the subdivision a 4x4
d surface sign mounted on 4x4 posts with the bottom of the sign
being a minimum of 3' above the ground noticing the contractors to clean up daily, no
loud music, and no dogs off leash, and times allowed for construction according to Eagle
city Code.
26-28 O.K.
29. A temporary easement for river maintenance and pathway construction shall be
provided prior to the City Engineer approving the final plat for phase one. The
easement shall be 20 -feet wide and shall generally be along the gravel roadway
currently providing access to the home located on the property generally as shown on
the plat where Lot 8 Block 3 is located. The access shall extend to the North
Channel area. The access shall be gated to prohibit trespasses.
30. O.K.
31. All ponds shall be planted with natural grasses and plants similar to Island Woods;
Concrete edging shall be prohibited.
32 Land between South Channel and adjacent to lots 38 through 40 Block 1 and lot 41
Block 1 shall not be included as part of the adjacent lots but shall be left in their
natural state.
RiversEnd "Non -Build" Lot 41, Block 1
Lot 41 is an approximate 6 acre floodway Lot contiguous with and
adjacent to Lots 38, 39, 40 and 42, Block 1. This Lot is a "non -build" Lot and
is accessible only from the four contiguous Lots. This Lot shall be owned by a
homeowners Association composed of only the four Lot Owners of Lots 38, 39,
40 and 42. (These Four Lot Owners shall also be members of the homeowner's
Association for the entire RiversEnd Subdivision.) The management of Lot 41
shall be by the Board of Directors of the four Lot Owner's Association through
// a mini set of CC&R's applicable to Lot 41 only. All of the costs of maintaining
L'and/or managing Lot 41 shall be assessed only to and paid only by the four
ad- cent and contiguous Lot Owners. This Association shall not be dissolved
ithout the written approval of the City of Eagle.
On the final Plat, the following restrictions on Lot 41 shall be provided:
1. Lot 41 is a non -build Lot in the floodway and no structures or buildings
shall be constructed thereon.
2. Lot 41 shall not be used for the storage of any trash, equipment or
3. The Association owning and managing Lot 41 shall not be dissolved
without the written approval of the City of Eagle.
City of Eagle
Ada County Sheriff's Office
Month End Report for August 2001
Presented to: Mayor Rick Yzaguirre
On Behalf of Sheriff Vaughn Killeen
By: Sgt. Patrick Calley
Sergeant Patrick Calley
August 1— Patrol Sergeants meeting.
August 2 — Eagle Team meeting.
August 3 — Highway 44 Patrol Project for speeders and Jake Brake violations.
August 6 — Kiwanis Eagle Cruise Night planning meeting.
August 7 — National Night Out activities throughout the City of Eagle.
August 8 — Emergency Response Team call out.
August 13 — Field Services staff meeting.
August 13 — Emergency Response Team training.
August 16 — Promise Fellows meeting with Library staff.
August 17 — Honor Guard Duty. McCall, Idaho.
August 21 — Jake Brake patrol on Highway 55.
August 21 — United States Secret Service planning meeting. Reference; Vice President Dick Cheney
August 21— Kiwanis Eagle Cruise Night planning meeting.
August 23 — K9 Team meeting.
August 24 — Security detail at BSU; Eagle High School vs. Capitol High School.
August 25 — Vice Presidential Protective detail duty.
August 27 — Traffic Enforcement and saturation patrol regarding Eagle High School, Eagle Middle, and
Eagle Elementary schools commutes.
August 28 — District Court Appearance. Reference; Shelter Care Hearing.
August 28 — Eagle City Council report presentation.
August 29 — Facility planning meeting with Eagle Fire Department.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Deputy Dana Borgquist
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 4 — Extra patrol at Heritage Park throughout the day. No bikes in the park.
August 7 — Bike patrol downtown. Checked Heritage Park and talked to some kids on bikes. Also
checked Skateboard Park for bicycles.
August 8 — Bike patrol. Stopped by Heritage Park (no bikers) and passed out sticker to kids.
August 9 — Met with Mayor to discuss emergency in the city. Talked with some juveniles about not
riding their scooters in Heritage Park.
August 13 — Kiwanis Eagle Cruise Night planning meeting.
August 21 — Kiwanis Eagle Cruise Night planning meeting.
August22 — Attended ribbon cutting at First American Title. Walked through new fire station with
Chief Dan Friend.
August 27 — Bike Patrol downtown.
August 28 — First day of school, extra patrol for speeders at Eagle schools.
August 29 — Bike patrol downtown. Bikes had flat tires, had them repaired.
Deputy Matt Buie
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 3 — Jake Brake patrol at Eagle and Chinden.
August 7 — Checked Heritage Park for skateboarders and bikers.
August 10 - Bike Rodeo at Seven Oaks Elementary with Deputy McDaniel and Deputy Howell for the
YMCA kids.
August 20-23 — Spent the week concentrating on problem areas that we have had complaints about.
Speeders on Floating Feather, wrong -way drivers in Brookwood and speeders on the bypass. Also spent
time on Jake Brake patrol.
August 28 — First day of school. Extra patrol around schools for speeders and stop sign runners.
August 28 — Wrote an article for the Valley Times on the proper use of crosswalks. Spent extra patrol
on watching for these violations.
August 29 — Checked Heritage Park for any violators.
Deputy John Dewey
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 3 — Picked up Eagle Teams new motorcycle.
August 8 — Emergency Response Team call out.
August 11 — Helped some Burger Den employees play a practical joke on a fellow employee. It was
positive interaction with citizens.
August 13 — Emergency Response Team training.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Deputy Craig Durrell
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 2 — Met with the owners of The Chef Shoppe per their invitation and attended their open house.
Spoke with several Chamber members while there regarding topics including the new Eagle motorcycle,
possible STEP program as it would relate to traffic enforcement.
August 3 - Attended Feathernest Homeowner's Association picnic. Talked with several residents. Gave
presentation on home safety. Fielded numerous questions and spent time with area children.
August 9 — While doing after dark neighborhood checks, assisted an elderly couple in fixing their broke
garage door so it would close.
August 16 — Worked with ACHD and ITD to close off Parkinson at Highway 44 due to area
construction and two serious traffic accidents.
August 16 — Helped an elderly resident with some Planning and Zoning issues in her neighborhood.
Went to City Hall to review the city's comprehensive plans for her to better understand her questions.
Month long - After receiving several citizen complaints throughout the month on certain problem areas,
did extra patrol on those areas including, speeders on Floating Feather, and turn lane violations at
Highway 44 and Eagle Road.
Deputy Luis Gutierrez
August 11— Visited with kids at the Skateboard Park.
August 13 — Emergency Response Team training.
August 7 — Honor Guard for McCall Officer's funeral.
August 18 — Spoke with some kids at the Skateboard Park in reference to complaints of bikes. Offered
alternate sites to ride.
August 25 — Again spoke with kids wanting to ride their bikes at the Skateboard Park.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Deputy John Harris
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 2 — Visited The Chef Shoppe with Deputy Durrell to celebrate their one-year anniversary. Met
with the owners, Chamber members and area residents. We discussed the new traffic motorcycle for
August 8 — Emergency Response Team call out.
August 13 — Emergency Response Team training.
August 16 — After two serious accidents at Highway 44 and Parkinson, Deputy Durrell and I worked
with ACHD and ITD to close Parkinson and prevent any further accidents.
August 28 — Deputy Winegar and I went to a neighborhood watch meeting in Lexington Hills. We
discussed area problems and ways to keep their residence from being targeted by burglars.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Deputy Jon McDaniel
August 5 — Bike patrol in Island Woods. Talked with residents about recent burglars.
August 6 — Working with City Hall on dog and trash problems.
August 10 — Bike Rodeo at Seven Oaks with Deputy Buie and Deputy Howell. Set up rodeo for 10-12
kids from YMCA.
Checked Heritage Park on the weekends for bikers and skateboarders as a monthly project.
Deputy Jeff Winegar
August 8 — Emergency Response Team call out.
August 13 — Emergency Response Team training.
August 29 — Attended Homeowner Association meeting with Deputy Durrell at Feathernest.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Field Service Technician, Terisa Howell
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 6 — Updated our new webpage.
August 10 — Assisted Deputy Buie and Deputy McDaniel with a bike rodeo at Seven Oaks for 10-12
YMCA children.
August 22 — Attended Open House at First American Title with Deputy Borgquist. Took pictures of the
ribbon cutting. Did a walk through of the new fire station with Chief Dan Friend.
August 29 — Met at City Hall regarding questions about our webpage.
Detective Todd Jolliffe (Eagle Academy)
August 2 — Team meeting.
August 3 — Sting task force work follow-up.
August 6 —Supervised the SILD crew paint fire lanes at Eagle Academy.
August 13 — Detectives meeting. Emergency Response Team training.
August 21— Moved into new office at Eagle Academy.
August 27 — First day of school. Parking lot task force -before and after school and during breaks.
August 28 — Traffic control before and after school. "Law Enforcement in Education" presentation to
school body all day at school.
August 31 — Emergency Response Team training.
Detective John Murray (Eagle Middle School)
August 27 — First day of school. Traffic control and school activities.
August 2001 Stats
Misdemeanor Arrest
/Felony Arrest
bUi Arrest
Warrant Arrest
PD Accident
PI Accident
Seatbelt Citation _
Skateboard Citation
Parking Tickets
Tobacco Violations
Alcohol Violations
City Ordinances
July August
8 7
2 1
4 5
10 13
10 15
3 5
1 0
0 0
1 2
1 0
1 0
3 3
Non -Injury
Hill/Harvey Ln
Silver Bow/Bridgeneck
Eagle Hills Wy/Floating Feather
Hill Rd/Parkinson
Park/Floating Feather
Eagle Rd/Hwy 44
Eagle/State = 2
State/between 1st and 2nd
State/Edgewood and Conover
Eagle/Floating Feather
Eagle/Idaho and Mission
Injury Accidents
Parkinson/State = 2
Eagle/Floating Feather
Eagle/State = 2
Elk RD
1 ---i.
•-----LrAire Hd' qz•
I -
Subiect: ZOA-5-01 (Draft Ordinance No. 378) — Zoning Ordinance amendment to require
central water and sewer facilities in all zones exceeding R-1 and to require increased side
and rear var setbacks for accessory buildings — City of Eagle
September 18, 2001
7:30 P.M.
Page 1 of .j..
Subject: RZ-95 MOD — Development Agreement Modificaton — Instrument No. 95062665
—Eagle Country Plaza/Eagle Market Place — Eagle Country Plaza LLC
September 18, 2001
7:30 P.M.
l Vac
Page l of 1 _
Subiect: RZ-04-01 — Rezone from A -R to R -E — J.L. Ghent, Inc.
September 18, 2001
7:30 P.M.
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The Design Review Board met in regular session on August 16, 2001 Chairman Murray
presiding. t.
2. ROLL CALL: The following members were present: MURRAY, KENISON, BARNES,
quorum is present.
• Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.
There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Design Review Board
member, City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent
Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the
Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order.
• Any item on the Consent Agenda that contains written recommendations from the
City of Eagle shall be adopted as part of the Design Review's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Minutes of July 19, 2001.
Barnes moves to keep the minutes on the consent agenda. Seconded by Kenison.
B. DR -36-01 — Building Wall Sign for Custom Care Cleaners — Custom Care
Cleaners: Custom Care Cleaners, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho
Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct an internally
illuminated wall sign for the Custom Care Cleaners. The site is located on the north
side of Plaza Drive within Eagle Plaza Shopping Center at 228 East Plaza Drive.
Murray moves to remove from consent and move into public hearings.
C. DR -53-01 — Building Wall Sign for the Tanning Place — Kathy Nahas: Kathy
Nahas, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs Co., is requesting
design review approval to construct an internally illuminated building wall sign for
the Tanning Place. The site is located on the north side of Plaza Drive within the
Eagle Plaza Shopping Center at 228 East Plaza Drive.
Murray introduces item. Applicant is present and concurs with staff report. No one from
audience chooses to speak.
D. DR -54-01 — Building Wall Sign for Supercuts — Supercuts: Supercuts, represented
by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review
approval to construct an internally illuminated building wall sign for Supercuts. The
site is located on the north side of Plaza Drive within the Eagle Plaza Shopping
Center at 228 East Plaza Drive.
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Murray introduces item. Applicant is present and concurs with staff report. No one from
audience chooses to speak.
5D. DR -48-01 — Two Building Wall Signs for the Eagle Fire Station — Eagle Fire
Protection District: Eagle Fire Protection District, represented by Larry Knopp, is
requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs for the Eagle
Fire Station facility. The site is located on the northeast corner of Plaza Drive and
Iron Eagle Drive at 966 East Iron Eagle Drive.
Kenison moves to add to consent agenda. Applicant is present and agrees with staff
report. No one from the audience chooses to speak. Seconded by Barnes.
Barnes moves to add DR -49-01- Building Wall Sign and Monument sign for Washington
Federal Savings Facility to consent agenda. Applicant is not present. Item will remain on
regular agenda.
Murray moves to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Barnes. ALL
A. DR -68-00 — Common Area Landscaping for Banbury Meadows Subdivision No.
5 — Banbury Meadows LLC: Banbury Meadows LLC, represented by Dick Phillips,
is requesting design review approval of the landscaping within the common area of
Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 5. The site is located on the east and west sides
of Locust Grove Road extended approximately 1/2 mile north of Chinden Boulevard.
This item was continued from the July 19, 2001 meeting.
Murray notes that the applicant has requested to be continued to the September meeting.
Kenison moves that DR -68 -00 -Common Area Landscaping for Banbury Meadows
Subdivision No. 5 be noticed that we will continue this application to the September
meeting but that will be the last continuance and we won't continue beyond that
date. Seconded by Barnes. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
A. DR -34-01 — Common Area Landscaping within Arbor Ridge Subdivision Phase I
— Stacia Patterson: Stacia Patterson, represented by Mark Butler with Land
Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval of the common area
landscaping within Arbor Ridge Subdivision Phase I. The site is located north of Hill
Road and west of State Highway 55. This item was continued from the July 19, 2001
Murray introduces the item. Kris Turner, standing in for Mark Butler, presents the
application. Ms. Turner discusses staff report and changes she would like made to the
report. Discussion.
Cerda discusses application with the Board.
Murray opens public hearing.
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Dwayne Glubay, 500 Rene Place, Eagle, owner of adjacent property to the subdivision
speaks to the Board. Mr. Glubay discusses fencing concerns and wishes to have a six foot
fence installed.
Murray closes public hearing.
Discussion amongst the Board.
Murray moves to approve DR -34-01 — Common Area Landscaping within Arbor
Ridge Subdivision Phase I with the site specific and standard conditions of approval
set forth in the staff report as written with the following amendments to site specific
conditions of approval:
Site specific condition #8. Provide a revised landscape plan indicating street tree
plantings at a spacing of less than 80 feet. Said plans shall be reviewed by staff and
approved by the City Clerk prior to signing of the final plat.
Site specific condition #9. The applicant shall be required to provide a street
lighting concept to staff and one member of the Design Review Board indicating
intent for street lighting within this subdivision. Said plan shall be reviewed and
approved prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat.
Site specific condition #10. The applicant has indicated a 6' high vinyl fence to be
used at the perimeter of the subdivision. This fence will be considered in
compliance with site specific condition #4. The color of the fence should be beige in
The applicant has indicated phase 2 to be the area east of this application and
including the common area landscaping and additional site amenities that border
Hwy 55. Should the phasing be changed to extend the start of the common area to a
later date the applicant would be required to return to the Design Review Board to
provide additional amenities to the entry green space along Saddie Drive.
Seconded by Kenison. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
B. DR -42-00 MOD — Building, Site and Landscape Modifications to Eagle Floral
Shop — Steve Conklin: Steve Conklin is requesting design review approval to
modify the building, site and landscape improvements for the Eagle Floral Shop as
originally proposed. The site is located on the east side of Palmetto Avenue
approximately 250 -feet north of State Street at 52 North Palmetto Avenue (Lot 1,
Block 1 of Fuerte de la Aguila Subdivision).
Applicant has requested this item to be continued to the September meeting.
Barnes moves to continue DR -42-00 MOD to the September meeting per request of
the applicant. Seconded by Kenison. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
C. DR -43-98 MOD — Directional Sign for Eagle Pavilion Shopping Center — Marvin
Doty: Marvin Doty, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs Co.,
is requesting design review approval to construct a directional wall sign for the Eagle
Pavilion Shopping Center. The site is located on the northeast corner of S. Eagle Road
and State Highway 44 at 480 S. Eagle Road.
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Murray introduces the item. The applicant is present. Rick Barry, Idaho Electric Signs,
6528 Supply Way, Boise, Idaho, standing in for Debbie Anderson discusses application.
Discussion with staff.
Murray opens public hearing.
Murray closes public hearing.
Barnes moves to approve DR -43-98 MOD — Directional Sign for Eagle Pavilion
Shopping Center with the site specific and standard conditions of approval as stated with
a revision to site specific condition #1.
Site Specific condition #1 shall state: Revise the sign to be a directional sign for Eagle
Pavilion retail building eliminating the placards for tenant and inside the arrow would be
the words "tenants and shops". Motion dies for lack of second.
Kenison moves to deny DR -43-98 MOD — Directional Sign for Eagle Pavilion
Shopping Center. Seconded by Murray. Kenison amends motion to include reason
for denial would be that the proposed sign is to be placed on the trash enclosure and
in order for the sign to be effective they would have to trim the landscaping that was
designed to screen the trash enclosure, which would not be allowed under code.
Second agrees with amendment. TWO AYES, ONE NAY (BARNES). MOTION
D. DR -48-01 — Two Building Wall Signs for the Eagle Fire Station — Eagle Fire
Protection District: Eagle Fire Protection District, represented by Larry Knopp, is
requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs for the Eagle
Fire Station facility. The site is located on the northeast corner of Plaza Drive and
Iron Eagle Drive at 966 East Iron Eagle Drive.
Approved on consent agenda.
E. DR -49-01 — Building Wall Sign and Monument Sign for Washington Federal
Savings Facility — Washington Federal Savings: Washington Federal Savings,
represented by Mack Bachman with Golden West Advertising, is requesting design
review approval to construct a building wall sign and monument sign for the
Washington Federal Savings facility. The site is located on the south side of State
Street approximately 350 -feet west of Palmetto Avenue at 710 East State Street.
Murray introduces item. Kathy Anderson, 114 E 37th St., standing in for Mack Bachman
agrees with staff report.
Discussion with staff.
Murray opens public hearing.
Murray closes public hearing.
Barnes moves to approve DR -49-01 Washington Federal Savings proposed signage.
Seconded by Kenison. Discussion. Barnes amends motion to include the site specific
and standard conditions of approval as written. Second agrees to amendment. ALL
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3B. DR -36-01 — Building Wall Sign for Custom Care Cleaners — Custom Care
Cleaners: Custom Care Cleaners, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho
Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct an internally
illuminated wall sign for the Custom Care Cleaners. The site is located on the north
side of Plaza Drive within Eagle Plaza Shopping Center at 228 East Plaza Drive.
DR -36-01 was moved off consent and added under public hearings on the agenda.
Murray introduces item. Discussion with the applicant.
Staff wishes to remove condition #2 from staff report.
Applicant agrees with removal of condition #2.
Murray opens public hearing.
Murray closes public hearing.
Discussion amongst the Board.
Barnes moves to approve DR -36-01 — Building Wall Sign for Custom Care Cleaners
with the site specific conditions and standard conditions of approval as written, with
the exception that we eliminate site specific condition of approval #2 and approve
the sign as presented as per the master sign plan.
Seconded by Kenison. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
F. DR -50-01 — Building Wall Sign and Special Portable Sign for the Blue Moose
Cafe — Marcy Anderson: Marcy Anderson, represented by Mark Butler with Land
Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval of an existing wall sign and
special portable sign for the Blue Moose Cafe. The site is located on the south side of
Aikens Road approximately 350 -feet east of Eagle Road at 79 East Aikens Road.
Murray introduces item. Applicant is present. Kris Turner, standing in for Mark Butler
discusses application. Kris Turner opens herself up for questions from the Board.
Staff discusses application with the Board.
Murray opens public hearing.
Murray closes public hearing.
Discussion regarding portable sign.
Murray moves to approve DR -50-01 — Building Wall Sign and Special Portable Sign
for the Blue Moose Cafe with site specific and standard conditions of approval set
forth in the staff report with the following additions to site specific:
Site specific condition #9 shall read as follows: The special portable sign shall be
constructed to match the style of the wall sign for the building in compliance with
Eagle City Code 8-2A-8(C)(10)(b). The existing plywood sign as presented does not
meet with the acceptance of the Design Review Board and a revised design shall be
brought back to the Design Review Board as an unfinished business item, sometime
in the future, at the discretion of the applicant.
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Seconded by Kenison. Discussion.
Motion amended to add site specific condition #10. The applicant is not permitted
to use the existing special portable sign. Second agrees with amendment. ALL
G. DR -55-01 — Two Building Wall Signs for Vision One within the Eagle Forum
Building — Vision One: Vision One, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho
Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct two internally
illuminated building wall signs for Vision One. The site is located on the south side
of Cedar Ridge Drive within the Eagle Forum Subdivision at 408 South Eagle Road.
Murray introduces the item. Rick Barry, 6528 Supply Way, Boise, Idaho represents the
Staff discusses application with the Board.
Murray opens public hearing.
Shawn Sorenson, 741 E State, Eagle, Idaho discusses the application with the Board.
Murray closes public hearing.
Discussion amongst the Board.
Kenison moves to approve DR -55-01 — Two Building Wall Signs for Vision One
within the Eagle Forum Building be approved with the site specific conditions of
approval and standard conditions of approval as written in the staff report.
Seconded by Barnes. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
H. DR -56-01 — Three Special Portable Signs and Three Building Wall Signs for
Chevron Emissions Testing Service — Sandy Smith: Sandy Smith is requesting
design review approval of three special portable signs and three existing building wall
signs for the Chevron Emissions Testing Service located within the car wash building
at the Chevron gas station. The site is located on the west side of Eagle Road within
Channel Center Subdivision at 503 South Eagle Road.
Murray introduces the item. The applicant is present. Corey Eisenbarth 503 South Eagle
Road discusses application.
Cerda discusses application with the Board.
Murray opens public hearing.
Murray closes public hearing.
Murray moves to approve DR -56-01 — Three Special Portable Signs and Three
Building Wall Signs for Chevron Emissions Testing Service with site specific
conditions and standard conditions of approval set forth in the staff report with the
following amendments to the site specific conditions of approval:
Site specific condition #1 shall read as follows: Only one special portable sign is
permitted for this application. The applicant is required to provide a revised design
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for the special portable sign allowing the standard emission testing graphics and
colors to be incorporated within said sign, but that the aluminum frame and
footings are not in compliance with Eagle City Code 8-2A-8 (C)(10)(b). The sign
may be placed along Eagle Road in conformance with Eagle City Code. Said sign
shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review
Site specific condition #5 shall be as follows: This application is approved on the
condition that the applicant provides and applies to the City of Eagle for an
amendment to the previously approved site plan indicating this additional use
within the car wash. The application shall be approved by the Zoning
Administrator prior to the issuance of the sign permit. It is the Design Review
Board's recommendation that this approval for a second tenant within the car wash
building be limited to this use of emission testing only. Should this Emission Testing
tenant vacate this building, then the original approval of a car wash only be
returned to the property.
Site specific condition #6 shall be as follows: The Design Review Board approves
one building wall sign for emissions testing to establish business hours and suggests
that said sign be placed on the southwest corner of the existing car wash building.
The Design Review Board approves the second "information" sign providing
mileage destination as represented in this application. The Design Review Board
denies the third wall sign for AmeriGas.
Site specific condition #7 shall be as follows: This application is approved with the
signage and text and colors as represented with this application. The Design Review
Board does not recognize these signs as rotating signs that allow the property owner
the option to change information at their discretion. Any amendments to these signs
will be reviewed by staff and potentially the full Design Review Board.
Site specific condition #8: No external illumination has been indicated with this
application and remains such with this approval.
Site specific condition #9. The special portable sign that the applicant has indicated
to be placed in front of the actual testing area should be replaced with the wall
mounted sign as previously conditioned. Only one special portable sign is approved
with this application.
Seconded by Barnes. Discussion.
Murray amends the motion to be as follows:
Site specific condition #10 shall be added: The informational sign provided with
this application shall be amended to indicate representation of the Chevron business
sponsorship only and said sign shall be amended to remove the Coca-Cola graphics
as shown. Second agrees with amendment. TWO AYES, ONE NAY
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A. Design Review Board: Board discusses code regarding signs. Possibility of city
attorney scheduling time before a Design Review meeting to go over meeting
procedures, motion making, etc . Signage ordinance and dark sky ordinance to be
added to September agenda if time allows.
B. Council Liaison:
C. Staff: Discussion on next meeting agenda. General discussion.
Barnes moves to adjourn at 9:35pm. Seconded by Kenison. ALL AYE...MOTION
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Mayor: Rick Yzaguirre
October 11, 2001
Ali Bonakdar
800 S. Industry Way, Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
Dear Ali,
P.O. Box 1520
Eagle, Idaho 83616
Council: Stanley J. Bastian
Steve Guerber
Nancy Merrill
Lynne Sedlacek
On October 9, 2001, the Eagle City Council recommended that the following improvements,
listed in priority order, be incorporated into the 2003-2007 Transportation Improvement Program
1. Continue the center turn lane on State Highway 44 from the end of the existing center turn
lane (near the intersection of State Highway 44 and Ballantyne Road) westward to Park Lane.
2. Lower the speed limit to 45 mph on Eagle Road from the bridge across the North Channel of
the Boise River to Chinden Boulevard; and on State Highway 44 from State Highway 55 to
Linder Road. Lower the speed limit to 35 mph on Eagle Road from State Highway 44 to the
bridge across the North Channel of the Boise River.
3. Extend Plaza Drive southward across State Highway 44 (generally in the north/south
alignment with Palmetto Avenue) as a signalized intersection.
4. Add right turn lanes on all corners of the intersection of State Highway 44 and Linder Road.
5. Install a semi -actuated traffic signal on Eagle Road at the entrance of Island Woods
Subdivision and Two Rivers Subdivision. The signal should allow for a left turn if there is
no oncoming traffic.
6. The Ballantyne Road/State Highway 44/State Street intersections should be reconstructed as
shown on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle 2000
Comprehensive Plan and all other realignment options shall be discouraged.
7. Install a traffic signal on State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) at S. Rivershore Lane and the future
southerly entrance to the Eagle River Development on the east side of Eagle Road.
8. Accelerate the development of the extension of Highway 55 across the east end of Eagle
Island to Chinden Boulevard generally as shown on the City of Eagle Transportation/Pathway
Network Map #1 and within the Ada Planning Association Destination 2015 Regional
Transportation Plan.
9. Construction of the extension of Hill Road between Horseshoe Bend Road and E. State
Street, as shown on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle
2000 Comprehensive Plan, should be coordinated with development applications adjacent to
the proposed roadway.
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10. Install a traffic signal for the intersection of Hill Road and State Highway 55
11. Install a traffic signal for the intersection of Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road. •
12. Improve Floating Feather Road east of Eagle Road to.Edgewood Lane (needs utilities
installed first), with two traffic lanes, a center turn lane, and meandering detached sidewalk
where possible (as addressed in the 5 -year work plan).
13. Improve Eagle Road from Floating Feather to Beacon Light (needs utilities installed first),
per Section 8.6 (o) within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan.
14. Extend State Highway 16 south to Chinden Boulevard and eventually to I-84.
15. Construct the greenbelt from Glenwood (along the north side of the Boise River) to Eagle
Island State Park (Linder Road).
16. Continue the westerly extension of the pedestrian pathway on the south side of State
Highway 44 from its current terminus near Ballantyne Road to the future entrance of Eagle
Island State Park located on the south side of State Highway 44.
17. Install a center tree strip on Hill Road between Highway 55 and State Street. The developer
constructing the new section of Hill Road between Edgewood Lane and State Street will
construct and landscape the center tree strip in that new section.
If you have any questions I can be reached at 939-0227.
William E. Vaughan
Zoning Administrator
cc: Mayor Yzaguirre
Eagle City Council members
Loren Thomas, ITD, P.O. Box 8028, Boise, ID 83707
Katey Levihn, ACHD, 318 E. 37th Street, Garden City, Idaho 83714
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