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Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 10/09/2001 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 9, 2001 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Sgt. Patrick Calley will present the September monthly report. Sgt. Calley distributes the monthly report and discusses the same. Deputy Borquist is being promoted to Detective and we have a replacement, Deputy Jake Vogt. General discussion. 2. Snake River Alliance: A presentation will be given on the Snake River aquifer. Jessica Hixson. Jessica Hixson cancelled and will reschedule at a later date. 3. Lisa Marie Goold will discuss the establishment of an Idaho Helping House. Discussion on the "smart home" located in SpurWing. Discusses her business, CompuPrint, that recycles printer cartridges and the donations made to the Helping House Fundraiser Program. Discussion. 4. City Engineer Report: Veto Brewer will discuss the Lower Boise River Water Quality Plan. We have a number of cities participating in this plan but they have sewer plants that discharge into the rivers. I cannot see a direct impact for the City of Eagle participation. Discussion. Council does not wish to participate at this time and would like this solicitation passed on to Eagle Sewer District. Vern discusses the workload at Holladay Engineering at this time. We have two projects that have been a major problem at this time. If Council would like to discuss these projects and the time frame that Holladay Engineering is responding and the work that we are doing, I would be glad to sit down with you and provide you our files. Discussion. 5. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MERRILL, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. All present. A quorum is present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Council Member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items rmnoved from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. Mayor reviews the items on the Consent Agenda. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of September 18, 2001. C. Minutes of September 25, 2001. D. Appointment of Election Judges and Clerks and designation of fees.(SKM) E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-95 MOD - Development Agreement Modification - Instrument No. 95062665 - Eagle Country Plaza LLC: William Hodges is requesting a modification to the development agreement approved by the City in 1995 (developed as Eagle Country Plaza Shopping Center - Eagle Market Place) for an increase in the maximum height allowed for monument signs from 8-feet high to 15-feet high. The 7.5-acre site is located on the northeast comer of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road. (WEV) F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-04-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-E - J. L. Ghent~ Inc.: J. L. Ghent, Inc., represented by Jaret Ghent, is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-E (Residential-Estates - one unit per two acres). The 3.9-acre site is located on the southwest corner of East Beacon Light Road and Edgewood Road at 1343 East Beacon Light Road. (WEV) (tape 1 side 2) Merrill removes 4B. and 4E. from the Consent Agenda and Bastian removes 4A. from the Consent Agenda. Merrill moves to approve the amended and corrected Consent Agenda. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. 4A. Claims against the City. Boise Metro Economic Development fee in the amount of $5,000. Bastian: I'm not sure that we will be getting $5,000 worth since this is for Boise Metro Economic Development. I'm not sure how this benefits the City of Eagle. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve the claims against the City except for the claim of the Boise Metro Economic Development in the amount of $5,000 and moves to have a presentation made to the City Council before approving the expenditure. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... 4B. Minutes of September 18~ 2001. 4E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-95 MOD - Development Agreement Modification - Instrument No. 95062665 - Eagle Country Plaza LLC: William Hodges is requesting a modification to the development agreement approved by the City in 1995 (developed as Eagle Country Plaza Shopping Center - Eagle Market Place) for an increase in the maximum height allowed for monument signs from 8-feet high to 15-feet high. The 7.5-acre site is located on the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road. (WEV) Merrill: There are some inconsistencies between the minutes of September 18, 2001 and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. I would like to continue these two items and have the staff take a look at the minutes and the Findings. General discussion. Merrill moves to have items 4B. and 4E. continued to the next Council meeting on October 23, 2001, for staff clarification. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................... Merrill moves to move Items #6 Unfinished Business to Item ~9 and Item ~9 Adjournment becomes Item #10. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. Merrill moves to add as Item # 8E the Open Container Permit for Shirley Buchanan. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................... 5. FINAL PLATS: None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: All items moved to g9 on the Agenda. A. Discussion of the VISTA Volunteer Program: (RY) B. Discussion of Old Town Eagle Archway sign for Eagle Road. This item was continued from the September 25, 2001 meeting. C. Discussion of the Payette River Scenic Byway Grant and the proposed revised costs for landscape architecture services. (LS) D. Review and action on the draft Order from the Eagle City Council denying Buster's appeal of a code enforcement notice. (SEB) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Sedlacek: My parents own property adjacent to this property and I am wondering if I need to step down. City Attorney recommends that Council Member Sedlacek step down for 7A., 7B, and 7C. Council Member Sedlacek steps down. A. RZ-02-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-1 - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-l (Residential - one unit per acre). The 14.39-acre site is generally located on the southeast comer of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. B. PP-3-01 - Cedro Glen Subdivision - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting preliminary plat approval for Cedro Glen Estates Subdivision (a replat of a portion of Bakers Acres Subdivision). The 14.39-acre, 17-lot (14-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the southeast comer of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. C. VAC-1-01 - Vacation to the final plat of Baker's Acres Subdivision - RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting City approval to vacate public street rights-of-way (labeled as "future streets") together with all utility easements within the right-of-way and the adjoining seven (7)-foot wide utility easement abutting said rights-of-way from the final plat of Bakers' Acres Subdivision. The applicant is also requesting the vacation of a portion of the Hereford Drive right-of-way abutting the parcel, not to include the seven-foot wide utilities easement adjacent to the right-of-way that will be widened and incorporated into the new plat of Cedro Glen Estates. The non-dimensioned rights-of-way are located within Lots 1, 3, and 4 of Baker's Acres Subdivision, generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Ballantyne Road and Hereford Drive. (W~V) This item was continued from the August 28, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces Items 7A, 7B and 7C. Testimony will be taken on all three items at the same time. Any action on the issues will be made by separate motion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mayor swears in Steve Bradury. Steve Bradbury, representing the applicant, also in the audience is Dave Roylance who can address questions that I cannot answer. Provides Council with an overview of the applications. Distributes a map for Council review and displays overheads of the project and discusses the same. General discussion. Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site plan and provides Council an overview of the applications. Displays overheads of Baker's Acres Subdivision plat and discusses the same. Mayor swears in Susan Wildwood. Susan Wildwood, Attorney representing the Baker's Acres homeowners, there are a number of difficulties with this application. Baker's Acres is an existing developed area. Discussion on the zoning and compatibility with existing area. This would add an additional 10 lot owners and this would affect the rights of the existing homeowners. Discussion on the roads that have been vacated. This has been a platted subdivision since 1974. This needs to be denied for lack of compatibility and this is creating a subdivision within a subdivision. We request that you uphold the Planning and Zoning Commission's denial. General discussion. Mayor swears in Jerry Robinson. Jerry Robinson, 1229 W. Hereford Drive, I spent a long time looking for something that I was accustomed to and Eagle offered this. I wanted to live on a small acreage. My concern is destroying the open spaces. Most of us have hay and large animals. There is machinery moving around. We have a concern about people getting onto the property and getting injured. We like to have plenty open space. Mayor swears in Jim Choat. Jim Choat, 1250 Hereford Drive, I own parcels 9 and 10. I have issues with pressurized irrigation and the drainage. I have issues with people who don't understand fences and animals. The liability scares me. Mayor swears in Shauna Peterson. Shauna Peterson, 1424 Hereford Drive, I am lot 11. We did a tax exchange when we bought the property. We are one property and it is not be subdivided. We were told that the property would remain 5 acre parcels. We raise horses and the liability is a real concern. 14 houses bring in children and dogs. I am concerned about the irrigation water and what will happen to our irrigation rights. Discussion on the restrictive covenants. General discussion. Mayor swears in Chris Holmes. Chris Holmes, 1553 Hereford Drive, we are lot 5, immediately to the East of the proposed Subdivision. When I graduated from high school I bought the 5 acre parcel. We did not start building until 1990 and it took us two years to finish the building. We have built the whole thing by ourselves. I ask that the Council take into consideration our concerns and no approve this request. Chris Holmes displayed a framed aerial photo of their property that was not retained for the record. General discussion. Mayor swears in Greg Holmes. Greg Hohnes, 1553 Hereford Drive, which is lot 5. Baker's Acres was developed in 1974. The lots were sold as 5 acre lots. Discussion on the covenants in place at that time. We appreciated the fact the developers came to us with their plan to get our thoughts. We made it very clear that we would oppose their proposal. We became aware that our covenants were a little weak and we began a process of amending our covenants. The one acre lots are incompatible and there will be numerous problems. We never thought we would have to put up with a subdivision within our subdivision. Irrigation is a real problem. Mayor swears in Lynne Sedlacek. Lynne Sedlacek, 1200 Hereford Drive, last night the Sewer District agreed to take the matter to a public hearing but I think the property will be annexed. Discussion on the irrigation. I feel this application is incompatible with the surrounding area. Mayor swears in Debbie Reed. Debbie Reed, 1648 Hereford Drive, I am across the street from the proposed subdivision. We are concerned that is this passes other people may want to split. We certainly didn't think our street would change. Mayor swears in Dan Hicks. Dan Hicks, 1423 Hereford Drive, my husband Virgil and I agree with all the previous testimony. Mayor swears in Kathy Parker. Kathy Parker, 211 E. Highland View Drive, Boise. I called the title company today to get a plat of Baker's Acres. There is no way that you could look at that plat and not know that there was something intended for that ground. I have been working in Eagle with some one acre parcels. It is not impossible to have a lovely transition from 1 acre to larger parcels. General discussion. Steve Bradbury, I feel staff made good recommendations upon the information they had. Discussion on compatibility. I have a hard time to understand how different size acreage are incompatible. I have a hard time believing that there are not dogs and children already on the 5 acre parcels. This is part of the transition process referred to in the Comp Plan. The developer has proposed a thirty foot landscape buffer next to the Holmes property. Those lots are as long as a football field. Existing agricultural uses are protected under the Right to Farm Act. The Developer would not object to this being put on the plat. General discussion. Mayor swears in Dave Roylance. Dave Roylance, Roylance and Associates, applicant, discussion on the 500' block issue. We could eliminate that by putting the cul-de-sac there. This property seems to comply with the Comp Plan and the subdivision ordinance. We also look for water and sewer connections available. We don't have all the details of the irrigation figured out but we have the water rights. I cannot see any reason why we can't solve the irrigation issues. General discussion. Susan Wildwood, addresses the development map from the Ada County Assessor's Office. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. Mayor calls a recess at 9:35 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:45 p.m. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to deny RZ-2-01 Rezone from A-R to R-1 RCMPG Investments as presented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services for the reasons stated tonight by City Council. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............. Bastian moves to deny PP-3-01 Cedro Glen Subdivision. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................... City Attorney Buxton: The applicant would like to withdraw the application for VAC-1-01 Vacation to the final plat of Baker's Acres Subdivision. D. A-4-01 & RZ-7-01 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-4 - Northwest Development LLC: Northwest Development LLC, represented by Matt Munger with Hubble Engineering Inc., is requesting a rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-4 (Residential - up to 4 dwelling units per acre). The 4.31-acre site is generally located on the southwest corner of Floating Feather Road and Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) E. PP-7-01 - Addie's Corner Subdivision - Northwest Development LLC: Northwest Development, LLC, represented by Matt Munger with Hubble Engineering, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Addie's Comer Subdivision. The 4.31-acre, 19-lot (16-buildable, 3-conm~on) residential subdivision is generally located on the southwest corner of Floating Feather Road and Horseshoe Bend Road at 3065 Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor introduces Items 7D and 7E. Testimony will be taken on both items at the same time. Any action on the issues will be made by separate motion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mayor swears in Kristin VanEnglen. Kristin VanEnglen, representing the applicant. Displays a vicinity map and discusses the same. Displays a proposed preliminary plat and discusses the same. Displays examples of Colony II Subdivision berm and a typical house that would be constructed. Displays an overhead of Floating Feather Road. Further display of homes and floor plans. General discussion. Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site plan and provides Council with an overview of the application. Displays an overhead of the plat and discusses the same. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the water issue. Mr. Munger and I have discussed the City being able to use the water right on the City property. General discussion. Kristin Van Englen: Discussion on the water rights. I have already offered the water rights to our neighbors to the South. Maybe we can work this out. I would be happy to met with them and see if this would work. Discussion on private streets. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. General discussion between Council and the applicant on private streets and sidewalks. Applicant agrees to sidewalks on one side of the street but doesn't think a stripe is necessary on the other side of the Street. Matt Munger, Hubble Engineering, discusses the roads and the sidewalks. I'm not convinced that a stripe needs to be on the other side of the street. Discussion on the drainage. Discussion on tree lined streets within subdivision in the City. Discussion on the grassy swell. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve A-4-01 and RZ-7-01 Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-4 Northwest Development LLC represented by Hubble engineering, including Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................ Bastian moves to approve PP-7-01 Addie's Corner Subdivision - Northwest Development LLC with change in Site Specific #11 and an addition of Site Specific 4t21: 3" caliper street trees shall be planted within 4' of the sidewalk on the sidewalk side and on the house side of the street within 5' of the road, to be placed 35' minimum distance together and maximum of 83' feet apart. Site Specific #11 to include the provision for access and maintenance to the well distribution lines and well and pump facilities. Site Specific #15: delete "with the opposite side of the road to be a 4' wide striped pedestrian bike lane". Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. F. VAC-3-01 - Vacation of remnant right-of-way parcel adiacent to Senior Creek Subdivision (Spring Creek III) - Spring Creek Eagle LLC: Spring Creek Eagle LLC, represented by Dan Perry with Arrow Engineering & Surveying, is requesting City approval to vacate a remnant parcel of public right-of-way purchased by the Ada County Highway District in conjunction with the street right-of-way for the Ranch Drive extension west of Eagle Road. The remnant right-of-way parcel abuts Spring Creek III (platted as Senior Creek Subdivision) adjacent to the future extension of Ranch Drive, located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Eagle Road and Ranch Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site plan and provides Council an overview of the request for a vacation. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. Merrill moves to approve VAC-3-01 Vacation of remnant right-of-way parcel adjacent to Senior Creek Subdivision (Spring Creek III) - Spring Creek Eagle LLC. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion of FY 2003-2007 Transportation Improvement Program and the Five Year work program. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Vaughan: Provides Council with an overview of the recommendations for the FY 2002-2006 TIP program. #2. Council has recommended that the speed limit not be reduced from State Street to Beacon Light Road on Highway 55. General discussion on Item #2. The Commission did not discuss additions. However, Commissioner Decker has requested an addition. Decker's addition is an enhancement issue. General discussion. Merrill moves to approve the recommendations for FY 2003-2007 TIP program and ACHD 5 Year Work Program as recommended from P&Z and with the recommend changes discussed tonight and that we send the recommendations to Compass. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... Bastiau: Council Report: Discussion on the satellite dish for the Library. They will do a drawing and an application. Discussion on screening of satellite dishes. Library should consult with the Design Review on the matter of screening the dish. Discussion on the circulation and the patron usage. Bastian leaves the meeting at 11:40 p.m. B. Ordinance No. 388: An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From R4 (Residential, Four Units Per Acre) Classification To Mu- Da-P (Mixed Use With Development Agreement And Pud) Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance//388 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #388 by title only. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................. Guerber moves that Ordinance # 388 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .......................... C. Ordinance No. 397: An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From R-4 (Residential District - Four Units Per Acre) Classification To Mu-Da (Mixed Use District With Development Agreement) Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #397 be considered after being read once by title only. Merrill reads Ordinance #397 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................. Merrill moves that Ordinance # 397 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .......................... D. Oppenheimer Proposal for new City Hall facility: Guerber moves to table the Oppenheimer Proposal for new City Hall facility to the November 13, 2001, meeting. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. E. Open Container Permit. Merrill moves to approve the request of Shirley Buchanan on behalf of Charlie Brown Inc. for the beer garden located at the Wagner Farms Corn Maze with the conditions suggested by the City Clerk. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................... 9. formerly #6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion of the VISTA Volunteer Program: (RY) Mayor introduces the issue. There was one applicant that looked real strong and we need to interview this applicant next week. We learned today that our $3,000 commitment is nonrefundable even if the VISTA Volunteer Program leaves the program. General discussion. B. Discussion of Old Town Eagle Archway sign for Eagle Road. This item was continued from the Septentber 25, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek: Discussion on request for proposals on actual installation. The more I thought about this, the more I realized this is more involved than what I initially thought. We don't have a lot of specifications that we can use to get proposals. General discussion. Buxton: I need to look and make sure that I can get the sole source to work. I am concerned about bid shopping. We usually have a Resolution that there is a sole source. For the casting it appears that is a sole source. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to table the discussion on the Old Town Eagle Archway sign to the November 13, 2001 City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............. C. Discussion of the Payette River Scenic Byway Grant and the proposed revised costs for landscape architecture services. (LS) Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek provides an overview of the proposed revised costs for landscape architecture services. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to approve the Scope of Services for the total additional fee cost for The Land Group to be increased not to exceed $7,200 and to allow any additional costs for compensation for additional services with a cap that it does not increase the costs to the City of Eagle or increase the cost of the original grant amount. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............. D. Review and action on the draft Order from the Eagle City Council denying Buster's appeal of a code enforcement notice. (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on the code enforcement efforts and the order denying the appeal. General discussion. Merrill moves to adopt the order denying Buster's appeal of the code enforcement notice. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................. Further discussion on Buster's sign. Pre-Council - Reports: City Attorney Report: Reports on the status of the Covino case. Their brief has been filed and received. We need to prepare our reply brief. General discussion. Discussion on the Wells' property. We decided to run a title search on the property. There was a proper deed on that property. General discussion. The Ranch Building letter went out to Mr. Transtrum. General discussion. Discussion on the water rights issues and resolving the protests. General discussion. Discussion on the City obtaining additional water rights. General discussion. Zoning Administrator's Report: School District is in the process of putting shields on the parking lot lights. Discussion on the ABC Siding Company's trailer that has been used for advertising purposes. We have taken pictures of the now hiring sign to show that they have been using the trailer for advertising. General discussion. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: On the Water Fund. Lexington HilIs/TVV has been paid in full as of the end of September, 2001. All of the $530 hook up fee will be retained in the Water Fund. General discussion. October 29th is scheduled for a joint meeting. Contact Planning and Zoning and Design Review to find out if they have any issues that need to be discussed at a joint meeting. Mayor and Council's Report: Guerber: I will be gone for the October 23, 2001, City Council meeting. Merrill: I have some additional information on installing the fence at Heritage Park. General discussion. Merrill moves to approve $1,961.80 to Precision Fencing for the fencing at Heritage Park, not to exceed $2,200. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................... Mayor: Discussion on the proposal from CHSQA for City engineering services. General discussion. Merrill: Discussion on park signage. General discussion. 10. formerly gq). ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted: ~'~HARoN k. MOORE [ CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPR~)~ED: RICK YZAG~I~P~E, MAYOR "~ • 1 1ZT cc A2-1-0/ C c_ /a l o COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Section 1.3 Vision Statement — p. 3 a. Successfully balances many of the rural elements of its heritage with growth e. ...distinctive open space, parks and outdoor recreation. h. ...unique community that maintains its rural residential feel in the midst of the Treasure Valley Chapter 2 Property Rights — o. 4 Section 2.3 Property rights of landowners shall be protected from arbitrary and discriminatory actions: dilution of voting rights of existing property owners — CCRs Chapter 5 Economic Development Section 5.3 Goal — p. 13 Encourage an economic base complementary to Eagle's rural identity Chanter 6 Land Use — p. 15 Section 6.1 Land use designations as reflected on the Land Use Map are based on the existing land use pattern, existing physical features such ...compatibility with other uses of the land...and the needs of local citizens. Section 6.2 Land Use Issues Residents of Eagle and its Impact Area have a strong desire to maintain the rural "feel" of the community. Section 6.3 Land Use Designations Residential Rural: Suitable primarily for single family residential development on large acreages which may be in transition from agricultural to residential use or may combine small scale agricultural uses with residential uses. Residential density of up to one dwelling unit per five gross acres may be considered by the City for this area. Residential One: Suitable primarily for single family residential development within areas that are rural in character. Resic'-'.1tir 1. density of up to one dwelling unit per one gross acre may be considered by the City for this area. Section 6.5 Goal To preserve the rural transitional identity. Eagle Comprehensive Plan — p. Section 6.6 Objectives a. To encourage the preservation of open spaces. b. To discourage lot splits in approved platted subdivisions. Section 6.7 Implementation Strategies c. Provide for a broad spectrum of housing types including apartments, townhouses, condominiums, single family attached, manufactured homes, affordable and subsidized housing and large acreage developments. i. Protect gravity flow irrigation systems including canals, laterals and ditches to assure continue delivery of irrigation water to all land serviced by such systems, to protect irrigation systems as a long range economical method for water delivery and to coordinate surface water drainage to be compatible with irrigation systems. j. Farm related uses and activities should be protected from land use conflicts or interference created by residential, ^ommercial, or industrial development. P• Encourage a verity (sic) of housing through such mechanisms as PUD's in subdivisions including large lot subdivisions. Chapter 7 — Natural Resources and Hazard Areas Section 7.9 Goal Special concern and attention should be given to the preservation of fish, wildlife, water resources, air quality, agriculture, open space and recreation -nature areas when implementing planning and zoning decisions. Chapter 8 — Transportation Section 8.3.1 Paths Function: To provide for recreation and alternative transportation; important to provide safe continuous thoroughfares with minimal cross flow of vehicular traffic. Location: Paths could be located on corridors separate from roadways such as utility easements, irrigation canals, or adjacent to rivers or creeks. Paths could also be located along roadway right-of-ways and would usually be separated from vehicle travel lanes and the paved section of the roadway by a median or sidewalk. Section 8.6 Implementation Strategies d. Encourage new development to provide for pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle circulation in accordance with the City of Eagle Transportation/Pathway Network Eagle Comprehensive Plan — p. 2 Maps #1 and #2, adopted local and regional pathway plans, as may be needed for intra -neighborhood connectivity and to ensure that bike and pedestrian traffic is not unnecessarily pushed out onto arterials and collectors. o. Encourage arterial and collector roadway design criteria consistent with the rural nature of planned and existing developments generally within the areas designated on the Land Use Map as Residential Rural (one dwelling unit per five acres maximum) and Residential Estates (one dwelling unit per two acres maximum) (see list of roadways below).... For purposes of this section...roadways should include, but are not limited to: Ballantyne Road Chapter 9 — Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Section 9.5 Pathways and Greenbelts Pathways are nonmotorized multi -use paths that are separate features from bicycle and pedestrian lanes constructed as a part of a roadway. Greenbelts are typically land areas that border scenic features or hazard areas (i.e., the Boise River and Dry Creek) and are designed to prevent undesirable encroachment. Greenbelts may included pathways and/or bike lanes. Section 9.5.1 Goal To create a pathway system that provides interconnectivity of schools, neighborhoods, public buildings, businesses and parks and special sites. Section 9.6.1 Goal To provide wherever possible open space and natural features such as natural river frontage, greenbelts, river trails and pathways, reeks, flood plains and flood ways, drainage ways and canals, development buffers, wooded areas, grasslands, foothills, and viewpoints for public use and enjoyment. Sections 9.6.3 Policies b. To encourage cluster development to retain open space Sections 9.6.4 Implementation Strategies a. Require developers to utilize open space for above -ground, on-site storm water management (i.e., grassy swales, constructed wetlands, and water features). • Eagle Comprehensive Plan — p. 3 Chapter 10 - Housing Section 10.1 Background The Eagle area is transitioning from primarily agricultural land uses to residential and commercial land uses. Eagle's quiet charm and .agricultural roots have made the community a mecca for those seeking larger lots for pen space and gentleman farming. Over the last years much of the agricultural land has been divided into a verity (sic) of parcel sizes which are highly sought after by many urban residents. Density options that reconcile quality of life and costs of services issues must be balanced and will require compromise by all parties. Chapter 12 — Community Design Section 12.1 Background and Vision Community design is the organized fashion in which a community is developed in order that a general mood or theme is established and maintained. Elements of the Eagle community des'gn i__clude: (a) a rural transitional community with a shopping district functioning as the hub of the community;... Section 12.2 Goal Strive to create an aesthetically pleasing community and protect the unique natural beauty and small town character of the City. Section 12.4 Implementation Strategies a. Establish and maintain a development pattern and design criteria in keeping with the rural transitional identity of Eagle.... i. Buffer and transition zones should be developed between conflicting types of land use. P• Maintain the rural residential crnaracter and open space environment in and around the City. Eagle Comprehensive Plan — p. 4 1 i 752.93Z7 VACATION OF PUIII IC RIGI,T-OF-WA. Pursuant to the Idaho Code, the Commissioners of the Ada County Hie'ieav District, a body politic and corporate of the State of Idaho, having convened in a regular meeting of the Ada County Highway District, have authorized by the duly adopted resolution the release, vacation and abandonment of the following described public right-of-way to -wit: To vacate four strips of land being 50' in width and their radii intersection returns. Said strips run easterly and westerly and have been dedicated for public street purposes and are shown as "future streets" on the Baker's Acres Subdivision located in Section 7 and 8, T4N, R1E, B.M. This vacation does not include any area within the intersections of these future east -west streets and the future north -south streets as shown on said plat. ✓ Strip No. 1 begins at the east line of a future north -south street approx-mately 330' east of Ballantine Lane and ends in a cul-de-sac to the east; the center- line of the strip is 495' north of and parallel to the centerline of Hereford Drive. VStrips Nos. 2 thru 4 begin at the east -line of Ballantine Lane and run easterly, parallel to Hereford Drive to the west line of a "future street" which is 25' westerly from the east line of Baker's AcrEs Subdivision. Strip i;o. 2 has 17- its /its centerline 165 feet north of the centerline of Hereford Drive. Strip No. 3 has its centerline 165 feet south of the centerline of Hereford Drive. Strip No. 4 has its centerline 495 feet south of the centerline of Hereford Drive. Subject to any and all rights, easements and rights-of-way of record or not of gosaid premises, with their appurtenances are herewith released, vacated and abandoned unto the adjoining and abutting property as follows. One half of the vacated "future street" to become Part of the adjacent narcels to the North and South thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District in official meeting on the 18th day of September lg 75 having been duly authorized, do herewith release, vacate and abandon the oredescribed t'•jblic right-of-way as recorded in the certified minutes of said i'eetino, now on file in the office of the Ada County Highway District. Subscribed and sworn this 25th day of September , 1975 , by the President of the Board of Commissioners and the Director of the Ada County Highway District ADA COUtITY HIGHWAY DISTRICT By �n Leon FairFanks, President 'AT1EST!1 J £' 6.�-y�l.v L�(,r Elmer E.-Siniville, Director • STATE OF IDAHO, COUNTY CF ADA on this 29_! day of d� +s3yti—in the near of /17r -before me a tart' ublic for the State of Idaho, nerspnally appeared GA -o .J t"4i/2 �a,.•-'J and Nr�U F J, -J i, [.G known to me to be the President and Director respectively of the Ada County Highway District, that executed the said instrument and acknowledged to me that Ada County Highway District executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand a ffixed my offi,;j kl seal, the day and year in this certificate first above vey€ten. Residing at kc/S6,-=- 42.'7413 Com. Exni res p (� f 76 Rotary Public Boise, Idaho A. . County. 1.1Jho, So of Ada Cour•:, -• c ,c Tn, /(( /r' M. L:. •+-':CF PLANTING •• ._. �_) 5t' 1� /-� ..� OCT -09-2001 TUE 03:31 PM TRANSNATION-EMERALD TITLE AND ESCROW, INC. n Fax Cover Sheet October 09, 2001 To: Kathy Parker company: Group One Fax Number. 338-9215 Agent Fax: RE: Property of: "—'Remarks Ulm FAX N0. 2083756750 P. 01/02 OCT 09 2001 From: Sean Toombs Customer Service Phone: 377-3190 Fax: 375-6750 e-mail: Location: BAKER'S ACRES SUBDIVISION THE SENEI( OF SECTION 7 AND A PORTION CF THE SW . NWWCF SECTION BALL IN TAN, RIE. B.M. ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 1974 UNPLATTED s Erse'slr M 1704.4f rte': - r7 s� i : 11 ! t 1 11 1I( L... ' 4 FT -T L_I L LJ2 Eat Mali's; sOISI exisguet o 04 00 ryal.i11 000ri0vr0 c! a IOaa ponow wet ad •..Mlelf . 3 ta+ae SIM or Wars r►rrI 060 .4$0 srM 4 11. Dasn ri t AMA. -41,44Prab ELMriTt im—ri J ,EfeumliETKI -T1 001/04:0 11021 00.40.0 UMW • ALL COME RSIS SIL'X 30' STEEL F'31 SACK WASICE - -- s ACRE LOT • STS -----PROPOSED IMRE S1»(1S - PROPOSED WTUEL LOTS URP ATT ED MOTE= AtL.AT LINES CnMiOM TOA MIX 150Hr-Of•WAYLIMIL NOE A7 VAMPIIRMANDIT 100141-4MY. RIC DUMPS. 0RA • AND MOWER tMSLVtNT. aaw Stas oowte>to oar wLlawslott w •.rt' 0.060104. fi•al0' to ova:PWlrt: 0 pook 36 P A q e 307 N r•t 4.S$ • 4 M�1ibr rse r1MKd a, of .prafts•rw taD SCALL 14 FEET revue RI. &r*i9 is 1. Air pairs, , #rrd,.r yip ,�I � .te 1L► lSi�s /L�dw/ry re phe lr/i'0bf id ie liftroistrafrm �+ Mrawwm cif. nts r A 1r.o w / /s , w!/ALS at meins JJetAact i. ivyfit,/ r11 ttn M stlJ las d•� stir/wows i:wW ed l&n errDMMR 1/rtr/s sw0 /iMr nJ Oho fyy 4S ' Mb,. ../1 • e Jwiioef Ao" 404 Awy s Iw w "wad*. :for {py,.0" p(f,, //L+ar /A M4 tisirarram 4diveliro. Rsst.44ara.. 131011.i1 !►a! 11C no i 001 CAfl7. 'nN Nfel IQ 4 t F L ' 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 DATD 1 • • • 7506:),1-;s8 PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND REGULATIONS OF BAKER'S ACRES SIIDDIVISTON •ADA 'COUNTY,' STATE •OF 1P,110 PAGE 02 •• . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ••• That WQ, the undersigned, are the owners and the • , : oides'.of7the title in fee simple of all that certain real •- 4.; • . • *1;1,44.4.: c,..statfl 9,ittlate Ada COUR ty, .Idaho.. particularly dc scrthed as fol/ows: • The Southeast quarter or the Northeast quarter, Section 7, and the Southwest quarter of tho North- west quarter, Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, EXCEPT 2-1/2 acres north of Dry Creek Canal. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS: Grantors hereby certify that they have established, and do hereby establish, a general -ilinloitcheldoiciOpment, improvement, maintenance and pfo- tection of the real property embraced in BAKER'S ACRES SUR - DIVISION, more particularly described above; and have established, and do hereby establish, these Protective Regulations for the benefit of alt persons who may hereafter become the owners. of lots in said Baker's Acres Subdivision, all of which lots are hereby declared to bc subiect to rh&" Prnteetive Covenants • and Regulations, which shall attach to and run with the land. and each and every part and parcel thereof, rnd shall hind alt persons who mny, at any time and from time to time, own said property or any part thereof, and their respective personal • represontatives, heirs or successors in interest. Those protective regulations shall bc doomed to bo fully and sufficiently described or itwrirpnrated into any instrument or convvyancr by de::ignating and referring to the same as the "Pruroctivo Cnvonnnts an0 Regulations of Dakcr's Acres SubdivI5ton." PROTECT I VE COVE.NAKI'S Li. 1 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 DATD • .. w� .. � moi.:: •..... •.w.. . • ,' o term "tremors`' llcrraftcr asst'. .:. ;,.i: regulations shall refer to Kt -north 11. Baker and Nona li. Baker, '.t.: ,ail:; an 'wife, sole owners. The term "Grantee" Hereinafter !‘.. u herein shalt refer to any purchaser of a block or 1 -locks • • PAGE 03 . lots in Baker's Acres Subdivision and to said purchaser's successors in interest and assigns. 2. 1.ANi) USH: All of the .blocks. in said' subdivision shalt be known and described as residential blocks, and silo ' • Mocks or any part thereof, or any str;sc`ures placed thereon, not be used for commercial purposes, but the use of said blocks shall be limited and restricted to, sing:o or multiple family dwellings which shalt not exceed 2-1/2 stories in height and attached, semidetached or detached private garages or carports for not more than four cars, and other out -buildings incidental to a suburban acreage or urban residential use as contcmpl n ted by tho Ada County subdivision ordinance. 3. BU!LOTNG LOCATIONS; No building Khali be located on any lot nearer than 30 feet from the present or future front lot or street' .lino or nearer than 10 feet to any interior block lino, or nearer than 5 foot to any future interior lot line, or nearer than 2S feet to any side street line, each distance, respectively, measured at tho closest point of said structure to said present or future front, street or side lot or block line. As an appurtenance to any dwelling house, a private garage, garden house, or structure for thc Purpose of housing livestock may he erected within the building limits herein • set forth, and architecturally in harmony with the permanent house. Where a garage or other appurtenant structure is not part of thc dwelling house, no portion or the garage or PROTECTIVE Cnvi:NANT . , p. 2 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 •.;;A:•. •r. 0. DATD PAGE 04 • ti•3 % • • other 1 , leaver the c �, ,,.5.77t.,.1.;.,,�,.,., _ structure shall l e t to front or trent "lino than the Front lint, of the hoose. No barn, loafing shed or • •• ; <+ i ;5 •R•re •t; .m c. _ '..:. other building for housing or circ ofanimals •spa? 1 'be pt:tccei .... =•..• .+ within 100 feet of any neighboring residence building or • individual domestic well. __.:r::.�..;::.:.:.:.•-r M. - r.r...z For the purpose or this paragraph, caves, •steps,. • ''7' ' •open rorches and bays shall he considered a part of the .' ?•buildings'•�or •structures. • ' • r -. �r� �`•� .V Y�i •may •7 v•r•' . .:tet 1:, y?i:-w 1/..�i •'.R•.�r. 4.[Nc SIZE: The ground .floor area of the main . •`•� exclusive of one-story open perches, terraces, and �=.;;_. az -;;• garages, crcctad or placed on any building lot shall bo nab.:••. .,.r ::,..,..-ice less tat•zn IMO square feet. ':::� �• • • MAMMALS) ::.::zsa,-•.r...; .S. ►[.)TNC All bti1dins crccted u •.. any building lot in this subdivision shalt he of stone:, pr:,.:_iT,.-1,:::...;,.,;•'..:'...:::,..-`1 "'frame,.concrotc, metal or umice block extcri r •,r c>` p o 'constrit, and if other than brick, metal or stone is used, such buiidtii6"'' shall be finished, painted, and maintained in good repair .so' as to he inoffensive to any other property owners in said subdivision. 6. ' WORK i'Rf)SI:CUTIO?i: The construction of all hu.ildingr •, or dwellings shall be prosecuted diligently and continuously from the time of commencement thereof, and same , shal 1, be ,�• completed, including; exterior painting. within eight months after thc date of commencement of construction unless •,comi?lc-'.. - . tion is prevented by causes boyond thc control of the grantee. 7. r1iAl1'oRAhl STilucTW 1:5: No structure of a 'teditioiary • ;:-�� •'^7C!:•• character, traitor, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, ot•:• . • other outbuildings shall be used on any int at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently, except that an owner actually building a residence tan occupy temporary ' • living facilities For not more than one year. i'rnTia:1• tvl's COVicu.\NTS , p, .3 • 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 DATD • - - I . _. .... • . . PAGE 05 • • •. .. • a. LIVPSTOCK: Nu dogs, cats or other household pets or poultry may he bred or maintained for anv c,mmercYt purpose. • • 9: .-FENCE5:: fence higher than 4 feet shall be . . . • installed or maintained along the front lot lino, nor along %..the side lines from the front lot line to front building ' • • . •• .. :. ......:: -line, and no fenco higher than 6 feet shall be installed of • . . ...11::: mitintiitied 'nlong the rear lot line or side lot llnes from hg:i.datt01401000*Ite4ft.on .414ligliafili-ifli.ior lot. lino. ' .,... we • • • • • • . . . said :lots shall have n pipe thereunder at least 10 inches in diameter, near tho street line oC said properties, except th4tany point where said driveway crosses any ditch or pipe used for the conveyance of irrigation water. said pipes being -for the purpose of permitting tho movement of irrigation waters ' nd for ,the parpose of drainage, shall have a pipe thereunder • . ••• ' • . at least .15 inches in diameter. The pipes herein referred to. • may consist of tile, concrete, iron or steel or any other sub- stance of permanent nature. All pipe installations made within a dedicated right-of-way shall bc made only after plans therefor .--,..—shallhave'been submitted to and a permit grnnting approval thereof shall have been issued by the Ada County Road Super - .visor, with respect to the adequacy or such installation's for drainage purposes. 11. DOM:MC WATER: It is contemplated that domestic water fur use in any building erected upon a building site shall be supplied by thc Grantee and originate.from a well • . • • to he drilled and excavated by the erantee at his expense. Such wells shall he located at a minimum distance oC 100 feet from the indilsidual sewerage disposal facilities and shall comply in all respects with regulations and hcaltb standards of the Ada County Health Department and State of Idaho Department nr Health. 10. DRIVEWAYS: Any driveway constructed on any of PROMI1VE COVliNANTS, p. 4 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 DATD la PAGE 06 • 12. 1cASl:iflHT Easetments ••for:'installation lipid � • •• "'- • maintenance of utilities, irrigation and drainage facilities ,-aro reserved for .location ttt nny'-'suitablc ••placc. In 'said I • act, and along lot and block boundaries as shown on the snbdivision plat. • 13. 'NUISANCES: No noxious or offensive activity • shall be carr• ied on upon any trach, nor shall anything be ,+4ti'13 . , -. �xltW'�t: • ' .�.. .ys ¢;•i.Jc • °• clone thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or. . • �Or� nuisance to the neighborhood. 14. ' SP1YAC1's DISPOSAL: All bathroom, 'sink and toilet facilities shall bo located inside the dwelling house or other suitable appurtenant building and shall he connected by underground pipe with a private septic tank,placed at n depth and made of a type of construction approved by the • Ada County and the State oC •Ida&o 'hoalth 'tuthorities. Drainage from said septic tank shall be kept within the building limits of each building site unless adequate . easement is obtained from an adjacent lot or block owner, as, for example, whore drain fields aro required to be located away from the river. Approval of all sewage disposal systems installed shall he obtained from the Central Health District and the Grantor shall lt:tvo no obligation to construct any sewer or provide any connection thereto. All sewage disposal systems t;h;tll ho constructed in compliance with the standards of the Department of Public • Health, both state and county. IS. TRASH: No tract, block or lot shall be used or maintained as 4 dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not he kept except in sanitary cont:tine's. Ali incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall he kept in a clean and sanitary- condition.. anit;ery- condition. 1'Rc'l'i:(:? I vI= COV ; ANT ; , p. 5 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 DATD •' • • • .1•. .» • 16. 1:Xi'AVAT1O1_ No excavation for 'steiriti;:gxivc3 earth or minerals shall be toads: upon :t building site unless PAGE 07 • •'.. w.w =:.:•. •,.. ..ter .,_,•:2..:..f: 4F ':.,,:�*is''1"'' ' `�'�` such •excavation is necessary and contemplated inw'the'plans` lin connection with the erection of a building gLtc ""•:r,.pL' :15 .t part of an excavation in connection with the eenst:rucL Aft ;^i'"'"w •!�•'• ' of a building thereon and for the construction o•f roads and. -�y , • streets, in the subdivision. • 17. TERMS OP REGULATIONS: These' building rcnulatt and covenants shalt run with the land and shall 1,o binding • upon all parties hcrtto and all persons claiming under. then •;.:.• until December 31, 1941, at which time said regulations shall ...; .,..,j,a�^,.:.,,• be automatically extended for successive periods. oC ten yetis` ., , ..'• : . unless tho owner or owners oC tato legal ,title to not .lcs•s.'. .**-1...1-,,,r....,... ,� ;4 1 - t7sa:�+•�^•'mob"`• than tt.n-thirds ureas of the platted residence tracts. blocks or ':: .:•.v.,....1::•;-,...,..:=.• . lots; by an instrument or 3nstrtimcnts in writing, signs T int' 1 :. acknowledged by them, shall then terminate or amend said' Protective Covenants and Regulations. Such termination or .; ..'•;.;.. amendment shalt become effective upon filing or such instrument:. - or instruments for record in talc office of the; Recorder of, Ada County, Td tho. Such instrument or instruments shall contain • proper references by volume and page numbers, or instrument .l ....F.i.M ��ti :.. :�•,.: 1J ..4..�.. numbers, to the: record of the Plat and the record of the Uc' ;cl ,;r� �+�;.J,..� in which these Protective Covenants and Regulations are set forth and ail amendments hereof. Any amendment oC these• regulations may tic made at any time in the same manner as an extension thereof to be accomplished as hereinabove v'vidcc �• s . for. ,. In the event that this suhdiviclon is raplatted at any tithe the future, It is contemplated that these • restrictive covenants may be superseded, and, accordingly, these covenants :arc expressly made subject to such eventuality. • PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, p. 6 02/08/2001 10:13 9396118 • • •M1t ••�..;Y•7•.i/.141f Z'•'• •!Y!' 5▪ t••_.',••••• ' .I ::,:: . DATD PAGE 08 • guaat • }+.'ilr•.•"r'M. t;t •!V•�ja�•,WjL.Yr 4": .. •:'''.....--4.-"7. . :;;:;#••771.f.•': . • • .. ; • .. •• ]&. PMPORCUMENT PROYlS1ONS: If any person shall • : nt any stimc, violztc .or •:attempt to vielatc any provitston of .':.:t.Vi SA=G... .. ' rr 'sem--.:c;?'•L":"� �:. ' _ .. .... _. f ... ' ... . • _• • • • • -• these Protective Covenants and Regulations, every 'other person • owning any real property within the subdivision shall have' �+ the right to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity -t-.-.....!'•-••='•'•`.`•~4'..."against"the alleged violator, either to enjoin him from further sentot'ozat,lto ,d ecovoramages for past violations, .,r ; .•�" •�"i' „`: '.. ••• re.^ .:*a. * ,,F 00.1',4:: i+,1 •• 19. SEVrtATitt.iTY: These Protective Covenants and Regulations are hereby declared severable, and any invnlitlation of any previsions, sentence or paragraph contained in these .'Protective Covenants and Regulations by any court shalt net =•: in anywise affect or invalidate any of the outer provisions, sentcntes or paragrnphs hereof, which shall remain in furl • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these Protective Covenants W and Regulations have been duly oxccutcd and thereby placed in effect this ;•:.., day of January. 1975. • • GRANTO11S : • 't( C� ,t,;,* :,.•- i.Jr C?..,�iaq �' moi•':';^. `'' /,% f ) • fir,: trrrt •! !!s u'R sw 0: ._„4-41.14.414_,. 14.414 c.1-44"1".16.6111-1.17-115r671. .�� i ,-.14 1 ,.•• l«:•./.),•••....-.7.•,,,.,, , r` • .):re ••11.4 •'•1 wt f ' ' % r AlnflcCtt-1ir. 1;i1T i r.I )..;I 1 {+ Tir'N!•;•h :b......:: L •/ ' '1 `_ • • • :,riiiii5-117-Tiker 4.111, +.• ;.•• • • STATE OF InAllp ,'';�. w ',,:. ss. .. ' • • County of Ada v/ ) •i•'V • - ' On this• day of ;1 . /f.�� • 19•r. 7J_, 'bcforc me, tYic t` n ersignc;T' a t}otctiU-Fib-TU-1'1; and ;';; •'1:;�,:::•;;:fo:laid *state, persunal Ly appeared KENNETH W. RAKER: andNONfl B. '. - ;;BAKER, *knat••u to me: to be the persons whose names ;aro subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to ane that they • .executed the same . 3N WITNESS t►'t11:REOp, 1 have: hereunto sct my hand unel affixed my official. soul pc day and •ar in this certificate rab,ayc written. /• ,� itvtary l'u i tt: fcir tlrflict l;f,•Sitltnrc: lluitiu, ttlaho • • •• r' _ jl:•�1_�. • ▪ T!▪ iC►l EC C 1 VF: CnVfiNANT."• . P• 7 •i BAKER'S ACRES SUBDIVISION THE SEk NEk OF' SECTION 7 AND A !PORTION OF THE SW% HAW SECTION 6, ALL IN 't4N, RIE. B.M. ADA COUNTY, IOANO: 1974 tWR.ATTt0 s es-is'3d w 1059 4i ,w fl 1 Frurf ...�—•-- •--•� 4i 4 -.i. _J LL ��J .i_. .L -_i_ J L_ L -1_ J L,` 1 FT,T1 IT 71 ET-71Fril FT -1-1 _______ ....._ i__._.1......1L.1.....1..ii L...1_____L_Nr .1— i L� ••••..... �` h�•� _ ®�' 1• �7 7 r 1-...113 Er:/ -1-1 Fr T- ' E- :2- -1 �--r .. -1 Fri 7 : "I --1-P4T--pr--r—r—fr-F-7 -1--i--7--iry'r tr- —r-- —oi Si"""'e`er'; L= - _ ..._I�1b to 1 4 M•V {wi.b C : �.Y1 1 ; I I IWOO • 1 1 ;!.��rl� I � �s>Dt� � ' • . — 4---- {�_ • e-14 tech twhti.f i.•q ••raver • slim sous iwitos, s . 0100 von sib rhf 1 i.i iiN d Nt0 sows INN 9I Wm" keg.t..etl ON SWD..t 1r 0M !e•W.t•M / M•.IO. •• • • • 3 6/ br -/ — !. ��.•. ii"W if _...:.... __i._ Ji i_._1_ l._. ___ LJ LI _U._1 1-- L. J 1 L.L.--.1-..i 1 � ; 1 I _:_.....:. ,I ._J_ J �� a I... E L ✓ ' L..i _Lia • ✓` .moi 1-77-1 „ __ i,. LIQ +— rrTl. �.J. E.ELJ LL 41) _ i 1 J, .i_.-.iJ LU, J i.,.i,z-i-J L I .J L 1 r—iirziir---51-1-- i f—r— T—A- r--r-T---p J L ¢ www.r. In, le 111 L( • ALLIN RIs! SH' x 20' snit PIN 01.00C • NUMBER 5 4 E LOT 0 !TOUT --,TIM$tO MUTE STRUTS ----- MIDPOINT) Must L OTT 1N tom= f e e /awl( u. 41 j' INPUTTED . • jay. NOTet • —.4'14'47;1 AIM ALL WT LINES COLT/ON TOA N*x MOrNT•OF• IIMY LINE N4vt A r Viet PIM1t1tI1[INT MO NTfi•IINVi PI.8.CC UTILIT1f ORArelLOT X10 11l0IbATNOtN lEASIMtNT, ': fie.• • • io•' N 3 1 car 0111/1.146IyQx $UN)VIt10/1 an. arose 0•.1►N' t. siverr441$11 N • 14 •..s• I. '.Y.1• w•aas.• O••►d o M•efint•t o KO SW.E 04 MEI ,f. rod t00Z/80/Z0 • • r� • 10. Ireru,ydrdwedds fir pr. 0;4 Ada t rl.,I. r;,7+.14.vd ,, .. 144 s p/.l t. %r/rtI ?his ply? ;-. y emir 11t hes. Dwelt_ftt /M/ Otis' 4104.:.. vv.,: led/ Ifs Arida S• of /ert heltt e• w d. !.s #l/'.1.•rris i r%fid"Y . Mit wrY.#00.01,140,1 , f1.10.:1411 .tWY Elf if 4 _ vi li dfve AO 044444 0 $f p K, Is ilea/ �` stril .' vsa,r4 .eiveA/rM. a..,/N%e sediMr / r. vtti ,la -c /e04 slrsr .1 4 f . �wr s. r►,r11 ,vsMk1 -card /.rllyil JMes Jsy/r"!f or-re,tM srdl xrMjp4•ght pU%✓M t./1 arailJoe•+ 1I J..lS'•}!p i slS+V h1Jy.tA.N 'Tel 4L;.f:t•/af• r-•/' pM.j I.#1OaI//rAtt rlj„tJp, 1+1y I Nl wjMwNis/tt•1sK•r • 1 s: •• i I I I wow.. fir.."". CO f a 1 � r 111.11J igart. :AMON TO A PU8UC HAVE A 7' WIDE PERMANENT _!C UTILITIES, DRAINAGE, . SEMENT, 44.011117 TaJ41.3111' 0 ZOO 400 Ira L!h 8000 SCALE IN FEET re ZOO WI hereby didicafa for ;pad/ic .s&reelloarpase%'IMO cerfall,,,.�frips of /and shown o lids p/dt a►s (Myra sfewts mrd provide foe- M4 /rare rtssdivtsnoer a mit p/ark` hdp urban slate lots. Dwt///nos a LJ yin' , ihts vbdifrisloo will ba located ,' so as, Yo interlope w//h s/ck /Sure . rir,sa6divis ioet. i'Ve rV$prve Aram-Ise/vas ood ,so cess/r, ~piers leMet res g //ve /ds show an h, / 1Ni:ibtrt hk.h �f�r�ard rc '� ` f ,o/ar , W sib s/.r /ice, duty1vnd ar// ordln ry uses or said /an i er if Q ar /,an or C e frac tioM 1/4r/to s 4rrp ar �, aJd t� .Is ra ate of � y srrve/uras , dine ily placed /i pab//c .sfre e/s va/i/ stech tine ,,rs Ma prb .. r /a is/Sled Addy 'hol // o n , 1V1 i/lrf Aar pua/ic vee. i1s 7evture rei d1v- )s 0/' of ibis Ailat will Comp/ wfrk M a j•o Ohi opts o dr /%`o4/s /#w.j o�nono/re d led to f 404eG r el bilge o f resvb di e/sloe. f CO cn m m m 11 Post -it' Fax Note 7671 oda vars.. To From ter: CoJDepl. Co. Phone' 331-1170 PhoneN Fax 331-16MFax V - r 02/08/2001 . 10,11/41 1 1 1 i el eidellitelle 0.1 IT MIMPLIEWIMI mare amigassnor E 1 CI 001111111101111111 z 2 st St • •• - •- EW 91 etfaiMbeau dolma «.• Ong Nel 11 1 r=� z Qbrdtift a u • u Y ij r !! 1 Pli ill VI gUX illi Uri 1 g ,. gIo ff9 g ,b 14 �� AId ill il Ill dx i8a iR ill ill $ Oil gib h° HI ►/L 1 • n • ..„ra�ffbr[ 9 0. itt X41 CARO -MESTA WAY Ana cu s 8 JOB 0301-2167) 1 ` 1 or 1 l J. r. 1e ma E.K o�1AeM0= •t comma rpim9sa aMoiriw+i MCI 1111116 t VINO 1t =MT MOS 'n! r , PRO 10 UMW oamruexo r . b O O Merle nos co N o mr1i a ' CEDRO GLEN ESTATES SUBDMSICIN "� N lim.. PRELIMINARY PLAT JC o� 9 ROYLANCE AND ASSOCIATES PA mat"—;Thm M Engineers Surveyors Landplanners AD 391 W State Street Suite E Eagle Idaho 83818 (208) 939-2824`_ M1 i a V • 4 w EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: PP -3-01 — Cedro Glen Subdivision — RCMPG Investments October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAM ADDRESS -t/I t A�ilh1 1 c t() l «c 7( Q06, N" ���,.41(1 i �€11r�`✓ /z%/--(6-4- (Ui ai. ,A fr 01 ass 3 IvQ /kIke- ,7) ,L(t), ,,.(p),1 gie Page 1 of Documenl2 TELEPHONE cI�J�S Lisp 931 I Rg5 /.27?/ PRO? CON? 1< K X X. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: VAC -1-01 — Vacation to the final plat of Baker's Acres Subdivision — RCMPG Investments October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAM ADDRESS n TELEPHONE kW --(4 0404A9 i; -9,-9-q 4're-Ickir-of q3e4- 'L- (La& lc) g&SGX,/ /dW /-77a'eLck/ 4/ 7`5 77 &R"4/ r!ig4://0/1-;--S G h\2) %((iKi\J[ U t IJ j( PRO? CON? X /A 50 /1/4/-.E-7/254-1). / 5- 3 /-(e ra-co r ci ThI2 ►UPI 15s3 _ :Y 93 -B Page 1 of Document2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: RZ-02-01 — Rezone from A -R to R-1 — RCMPG Investments October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS 7 TELEPHONE PRO? CON? iray-9-9 (4) tka-c-r-cf 6/8 t�-(07 6-5-3 i,,jotae - IQ 16 - 1! 11 ,, ► 1 71,5'” W)7P/(, Page 1 of Document2 4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: PP -7-01 — Addie's Corner Subdivsion — Northwest Development LLC October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of Document2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: VAC -3-01 — Vacation of remnant right-of-wav parcel adjacent to Senior Creek Subdivision ( Spring Creek III) — Spring Creek Eagle LLC October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of Document2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: A-4-01 & RZ-7-01 Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-4 — Northwest Development LLC October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of Document2 City of Eagle Ada County Sheriff's Office Month End Report for September 2001 Presented to: Mayor Rick Yzaguirre On Behalf of Sheriff Vaughn Killeen By: Sgt. Patrick Calley Sergeant Patrick Calley Sept. 4 — Traffic Enforcement Program. Re: Highway 44 commute. Sept. 4 — Traffic Enforcement Program. Re: Neighborhood speeders. Sept. 4 — Eagle River access Planning and Development meeting. Sept. 6 — Chamber of Commerce Economic Development meeting. Sept. 10 — Field Services command staff meeting. Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training (firearms). Sept. 11 — Terrorist Attack on America -Emergency Operations activated. City of Eagle threats assessment conducted. Sept. 12 — Sergeants assessment panel -assigned as evaluator. Sept. 13 — Local law enforcement Olympic Planning meeting. Sept. 14 — Eagle High School pep assembly, Spirit Ceremony. Sept 14 — Security detail Eagle High Thunder Stadium. EHS vs. Meridian Homecoming football game. Sept. 15 — Eagle Community bike rodeo and children's safety program at the Eagle library. Sponsored by Eagle Sheriff's station, Eagle Fire District and Eagle Community Library. Sept. 18 — City Council -contract proposal presentation. Sept. 19 — Traffic Program-EHS commute. Sept. 19 — "Law Enforcement in Education" presentation at Northwest Nazarene University. Sept. 20 — Intra Organizational communications -Randy Means Training Seminar. Sept. 21 — Managing Risk in Law Enforcement -Randy Means Training Seminar. Sept. 25 — Firearms training. Sept. 25-26 — Training new Sergeant. Deputy Dana Borgquist Sept. 15 — Citizen complained about a vehicle that sped through the neighborhood at a certain time every day. Did extra patrol to find that driver. Sept. — Was mediator for a civil situation that continued for two weeks. Sept. 24 — Firearms training. Sept. 27 — Seatbelt Summit. Deputy Matt Buie Sept. 5 — Extra patrol at Eagle High School for speeders. Sept. 6 — Brookwood subdivision had complaint that drivers were going wrong way through some streets. Extra patrol caught two drivers in 10 minutes. Sept. 14 — Received letter from citizen about speeders and did extra patrol in response to the letter. Sept. 25 — Attended training for new computer system. Sept. 25 — Firearms training. Sept 27 — Extra patrol for citizen complaints: wrong one on one way circle and problem child at bus stop. Deputy John Dewey Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training. Sept. 14 — Eagle High School Homecoming football game. Helped with traffic control. Sept. 15 — Ride -a -long Reserve Deputy Tatischeff. Sept. 21 — Eagle High School football game. Supervised traffic control exiting school. Sept 29 — Firearms training. Deputy Craig Durrell Sept. 14 — Eagle High School Homecoming football game. Helped with traffic control. Had ride -a -long Matt Eisman. Sept 25 — Firearms training. Sept 29 — Extra duty at Kiwanis Cruise Night. Deputy Luis Gutierrez Sept. 9 — Bike patrol at night watching for vandals. Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training. Sept. 15 — Participated in "Top Cop." Competition involving a run, bike course, shooting and lifting. Placed 3rd out of 21. Sept. 18 — Went to a league soccer practice to make sure that some problems didn't arise with a parent. Sept. 22 — Talked with employees at Sav-On about watching for certain items being purchased for making drugs. Sept 25 — Firearms training. Sept 30 — Extra patrol at Skateboard Park. Building relationships with skaters. Deputy John Harris Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training. Sept. 15 — Ride -a -long Matt Eisman. Sept. 21 — Ride -a -long Matt Eisman. Helped with traffic control at Eagle High School football game. Sept 27 — Firearms training. Sept 29 — Last day at Eagle Substation. Deputy Jon McDaniel Sept. 1 — Checked State skateboard park. Talked with kids on bicycles. Sept. 2 — Checked skateboard park. Sept. 9 — Extra patrol on the crosswalk at the Middle School at the start of school. Three cars ran stop sign that the crossing guard was holding. Talked with those individuals and cross guard about the problem. Sept. 15 — Bike rodeo at the Eagle Community Library. Sept. 21 — Red Cross donation table set up at Albertsons. Helped man the table for a few hours and make over $700. Sept. 28 — Breakfast of Champions at Eagle Hills Elementary. Passed out 40 pencils to kids who received rewards. Sept 29 — Helped with a Walk-a-thon at Seven Oaks. Deputy Jeff Winegar Sept. 9 — Bike patrol in Lexington Hills watching for vandals. Sept. 10 — Met with Joni Murphy about accidents in Eagle and how we are going to track them. Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training. Sept 21— Meeting with ACHD in reference to signs and cones for games. Sept 24 — Firearms training. Field Service Technician, Terisa Howell Sept. 5 — Meeting for Visions leaders at Eagle Hills Elementary. Sept. 6 — Had lunch at the Senior Center and passed out 911 cell phones. Sept. 15 — Bike rodeo at the Eagle Community Library. Sponsored by the Sheriff's station, Fire station and Library. Sept. 26 -- Meeting for Visions leaders at the Island Woods clubhouse. Detective Todd Jolliffe (Eagle Academy) Sept. 4 — Traffic control detail in parking lot before and after school. Staff meeting after school. Sept. 6 — Checked on possible witness intimidation going on. Sept. 7 — Traffic control detail. Interviewed victim in case. Sept. 10 — Emergency Response Team training. Sept. 13 — Traffic control detail. Broke up fight between two students. Sept. 20 — Traffic control detail. Gave non -student warning about being on campus. Assisted with car accidents. Detective John Murray (Eagle Middle School) Sept. 12 — Met with parents in reference to problems on school bus. Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Arrests Warrant Arrests DUI Arrests Non -Injury Accidents Injury Accidents Seatbelt citation Skateboard Violations Parking Citations Tobacco Alcohol citations City Ordinance Citations 18% 16 14 12 8� a 6— 4 0� Injury Accidents 19 -Sep Eagle/Plaza 23 -Sep Parkinson/State September Stats August September 7 1 13 5 18 7 0 0 2 0 0 3 12 1 12 3 17 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 Misdemeanor Arrest Non -Injury Accidents 3 -Sep Elkriver/Cypress 4 -Sep Park Ln 5 -Sep Eagle/S. Channel 5 -Sep Eagle/S. Channel 9 -Sep Ballantyne/State 9 -Sep Eagle/Hwy 44 10 -Sep Chinden/Stafford 10 -Sep Eagle/Island Wood 13 -Sep Eagle/State Felony Arrests Warrant Arrests No veh vs. deer c O '0 (6 Q) c C 0 O co .00 N is c 0 0 C9 U 0) c a. 0 O (d 0 0 N c 0 U O c O O City Ordinance Citations 26 -Sep Hill/Hwy 55 18 -Sep Limerick/Oakhampton 19 -Sep Eagle/Inlet Bay 20 -Sep Eagle/N. Channel 26 -Sep Eagle/Hwy 44 26 -Sep Eagle/Hwy 44 26 -Sep Eagle/N. Channel 28 -Sep Heathfield/Seven Oaks 29 -Sep Hwy 55/State