Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 07/30/2001 - JointORIGINAL Special Joint Meeting Agenda City Council/Planning & Zoning Commission/Design Review Board July 30, 2001 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Council: MERRILL, GUERBER. Absent: SEDLACEK, BASTIAN, P&Z Commission: FRANDEN, DECKERS, CADWELL, BLOOM. Absent: NORDSTROM DR Board: MURRAY, CHRISTENSEN, KENISON, BARNES. Absent: MC CULLOUGH 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mayor requests that item 3I be heard first as representatives from COMPASS are in attendance. 31. TI1~ Wish list - (Planning & Zoning Commission) Ali Bonakdar with COMPASS, and Katie Levin with ACHD review the TIP timelines and funding. They would like the City's wish list to them by September. Discussion. Mayor Yzaguirre requests an updated report on the amount of fees collected, and spent in ACHD District which Eagle is in. Ms. Levin will forward that report to Jeff Lowe. General discussion. Staff will schedule the TIP Wish list for a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A. Changes to the sign ordinance - (Design Review Board) Bob Kenison distributes a list of changes to the Eagle City Code that he would like to see. He has not discussed these changes with the Board, but has brought them to this meeting for discussion purposes. Discussion. B. The establishment of a tree fund. - (Design Review Board) Murray notes the challenge that the Board is having with some of the building sites not being large enough to accommodate the trees. A fund would be an excellent tool to use when no other option is feasible. Discussion. Buxton notes that Cerda and she will have a draft of the ordinance to the Board at the August meeting. Discussion. C. Findings of Fact for Design Review Board actions. - (Design Review Board) Murray introduces the item, and discusses his masons for wanting to establish Findings of Fact to the Board for approval. Kenison is against having Findings of Fact, he feels it would add too much time to the process. Barnes concurs with Murray on the issue. Discussion. Buxton comments on the appropriateness of having the Board review a finalized action document prior to the item being forwarded to City Council. Council agrees that the conditions of approval should be reviewed and approved by the Board before going forward. Discussion. D. Historic light fixture screening. - (Design Review Board) Murray introduces the item. Discusses the need for a "Dark Sky" ordinance, and also the use of a shield on the acorn fixtures. Staff shows an example of the shield. Discussion. E. City maintenance of subdivision street lighting. - (Design Review Board) Debbie Barnes addresses the issue. She is on a Homeowner's Association and expresses her concern with the cost to the subdivision for street light maintenance. Guerber states that the lights are required to enhance safety and it was felt that those who benefit from the enhanced safety should be the ones who pay for the upkeep. Discussion. Cadwell leaves the meeting at 8:25 p.m. F. Satellite dishes. - (Design Review Board) Kenison and Murray discuss the recent challenges the Board has had with getting businesses to conceal their satellite dishes. Cerda notes that the Library has come in with a dish they would like to install. Discussion. Kenison and Christensen leave the meeting at 8:45 p.m. G. Countryside Estates action. - (Planning & Zoning Commission) H. Brenden Clements Dental Office action. - (Planning & Zoning Commission) City Attorney addresses items G & H and the actions taken with both. Discussion. Buxton explains the legal constraints regarding substantial changes to applications and the hearing process that follows. Discussion. I. TIP Wish list - (Planning & Zoning Commission) Moved to beginning of the meeting. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Respectfully submitted: CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: RICK YZAG~' MAYOR 4/4(1*7-‘12;*A*itN CHD PROCESS TO REQUEST PROJECTS FOR ACHD FIVE YEAR WORK PROGRAM PROJECTS REQUESTED BY CITIES OR COUNTY • This is the entities "wish list". • Should identify funding source where possible. — City/county funds. — ITD for interstate & state highways. — ACHD for public roadways in Ada County. • Should have been discussed with proposed responsible agency. • Should identify project specifics so planning and cost estimating can be done appropriately. • Should be prioritized. ACHD PROJECTS • All projects are roadways under ACHD jurisdiction. • Does not include the —interstate- (I-84), state highways (SH 20/26, SH 44, SH55), private roads. • Can include projects that go into the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) . — Federally funded projects. — Regionally significant projects • Must be coordinated with ACHD to see if a. ACHI) priority. b. Funding available. c. Timing. TIMING Jules ACRD/COMPASS invite agencies to prepare their request list and arrange for a meeting in September. August: agency's transportation task force meets to draw up preliminary request list. September: ACHD & COMPASS meet with transportation task force to: A. Review status of last year's list. B. Receive and review new request list. C. Coordinate with potential funding source. October: transportation task force prioritizes request list and processes for agency adoption/approval. TIMING November 15: request list submitted to COMPASS with copy to ACHD. Nov -Dec: ACHD prepares draft of r' WP and works with the Commission to finalize. January ACHD Commission adopts updated ieYwP. Mid -Feb: COMPASS incorporates ACIII)'s ii'YWP and City/County requests into TIP, as appropriate. TIMING • Submit request list and/or revisions to ACHD anytime from September 1 to November 15. • Items submitted after November 15 will not be included in the next update of the FYWP. Note: City/County may discuss requests with: - ACHD Commission at any joint meeting - ACHD Staff at any time during the year 4et 1/2010 Proposed Amendment to Eaale City Code Sian Ordinance For the purposes of this ordinance, a sign will be defined as any feature or device designed primarily for the purpose of attracting attention, including those without verbiage. 1. Vehicle signs 2. Window signs: inside or outside 3. Inflatables: hot air balloons, cold air balloons, tethered blimps, helium balloons, wind socks 4. Reader boards with interchangeable letters or numbers (exception for gasoline prices), electronic message boards (time and temperature, scrolling or crawling messages)(possible exception for schools) 5. U.S. flags below a certain size flown only on recognized U.S. holidays need not have DRB approval. U.S. flags above that size, or that are flown daily or 24 hours a day will require DRB approval. All other flags (from other states or countries, corporate flags, etc.), banners, pennants, or flag rope must have DRB approval. Limit on height of flagpole? 6. Signs in landscaped areas. 7. Reflective surfaces, fringe rope 8. Awnings — all awnings must have DRB approval. Plastic awnings or backlit awnings are prohibited 9. Colorbands 10. Merchandise displayed on landscape strip adjacent to street or sidewalk, in parking lot, or on public sidewalk. 11. Motion: spinners, marquee -type moving lights 12. Colored, Christmas -type lights displayed before Thanksgiving Day or after New Year's Day City of Eagle Projects 2002-2006 Five Year Work Program 7//o 06 PROJECT CONSTR. YEAR TOTAL EST. COST Roadways: Floating Feather, Edgewood/Eagle 2004 $1,670,000 Hill Road Extension, SH55/State PD 2,360,000 Intersections: Hill Road & Horseshoe Bend PD 130,000 Bridges: Beacon Light Bridge #55 2002 85,000 Q:1Plan&Program\Eagle\FYWP March 28 2001 Eagle Projects.doc Ranking l 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 Eagle TIP Requests 7/30/01 Request Description Continue the center turn lane on State Highway 44 from the end of the existing center turn lane (near the intersection of State highway 44 and Ballantyne Road) westward to Park Lane. Lower the speed limit to 45 mph on State Highway 55 from State Highway 44 to Beacon Light Road; on Eagle Road from the bridge across the North Channel of the Boise River to Chinden Boulevard; and on State Highway 44 from State Highway 55 to Linder Road. Lower the speed limit to 35 mph on Eagle Road from State Highway 44 to the bridge across the north channel of the River. Add a right turn lane on the westbound/north-side of State Highway 44 at the intersection of Park Lane and State Highway 44. Extend Plaza Drive southward across State Highway 44 (generally in the north/south alignment with Palmetto Avenue) as a signalized intersection. Add a deceleration lane on State Highway 44 to allow for a safe right turn at Parkinson Road and State Highway 44. Add right turn lanes on all corners of the intersection of State Highway 44 and Linder Road. Install a semi -actuated traffic signal on Eagle Road at the entrance of Island Woods Subdivision and Two Rivers Subdivision. The signal should allow for a left turn if there is no oncoming traffic. The Ballantyne Road /State Highway 44/State Street intersections should be reconstructed as shown on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan and all other realignment options shall be discouraged. Install a traffic signal on State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) at S. Rivershore Lane and the future southerly entrance to the Eagle River Development on the east side of Eagle Road. Construction of the extension of Hill Road between Horseshoe Bend Road and E. State Street, as shown on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan, should be coordinated with Q:\Plan&Program\TIP12001 EagleTIP Requests.doc Created on 1/30/01 7:18 AM Revised 7-18-01 ACHD Response 1TD ITD 7/5o/OJ ITD ACHD installed turn lane when school was opened; completed. ACHD — being incorporated through development process. Signal to be installed after warrants are met. ITD ITD - SH 44 legs ACHD — Linder legs. Have had preliminary discussions with ITD. ITD/ACHD Some money in ACHD road trust. Additional development east of Island Woods will contribute. ITD has signal under consideration, but is currently indicating a time frame of about 2010. ITD/ACHD State Street Extension to be considered after right of way acquired through the development process.. ITD/ACHD Required of developer — in design Note: Should read S. Riverside Lane ACHD — Portion between State Street and Edgewood is being coordinated through development. Remaining portion will occur in accordance with priorities. 1 Eagle TIP Requests 7/30/01 development applications adjacent to the proposed roadway. 11 Install a traffic signal for the intersection of Hill Road and State Highway 55. 12 Install a traffic signal for the intersection of Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road. 13 Improve Floating Feather Road east of Eagle Road to Edgewood Lane (needs utilities installed first), with two traffic lanes, a center turn lane, and meandering detached sidewalk where possible (as addressed in the 5 -year work plan. 14 Improve Eagle Road from Floating Feather to Beacon Light (needs utilities installed first), per Section 8.6 (o) within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan. 15 Accelerate the Development of the extension of Highway 55 across the east end of Eagle Island to Chinden Boulevard generally as shown on the City of Eagle Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 and within the Ada Planning Association Destination 2015 Regional Transportation Plan. 16 Extend State Highway 16 south to Chinden Boulevard and eventually to 1-84. 17 Construct the greenbelt from Glenwood (along the north side of the Boise River) to Eagle Island State Park (Linder Road). Q:\Plan&Program\TIP12001EagleTIP Requests.doc Created on 1/30/01 7:18 AM Revised 7-18-01 ITD/ACHD ACHD — In PD, no warrants currently satisfied for signal. ACHD — In FYWP for FY 2004. ACHD — Project is being evaluated on priority list and is currently # 85 out of 94 projects. ITD/ACHD In long range plan for preservation but needs to be into construction for 2020. An alignment and environmental study is being discussed. ITD/ACHD TVTT 1-84 Corridor Study appears to be leaning toward reconsidering a new interchange at Ten Mile. Once this is approved by the ITD Board (late 2001), a extensive study will need to be done first to locate the river crossing, meet NPA requirements determine cost estimates, etc. City of Eagle 2 1-- 1 0 1 2 Miles ADA COON TY HIGHWAY DISTRICT FIVE YEAR PLAN MAJOR PROJECT MAP 2002 2006 FIVE YEAR PLAN - ROADWAYS CONSTRUCTION YEAR 2002 2007 2000 2006 2006 PO FIVE YEAR PI.AN INTERSECTIONS CONS TR UC TION YEAR • 2002 Q7001 O 200. O 2006 • 2006 } PC FIVE YFAR PIAN BRIDGES CONS 00.10 1105 YFAR ® 2002 Q 2003 • 2009 • 2005 • 2006 1 PR STR0605 _ RIVERS AND WATERWAYS NA ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT 318E 37TH ST GARDEN CITY, ID 83714 (208) 387.6100 (208) 367-6391 (PAX) JUNE 2001 - GIS DIVISION �C� .•,. _ - BRIDGES .i ID CONSTRUCTION YEAR PROJECT NAME 48 2004 CLOVERDALE 9344 49 2005 CLOVERDALE BRIDGE 9253 49 2005 CLOVERDALE BRIDGE 9254 50 PD COLE RD BRIDGE 9349 51 2004 COLE RD BRIDGE 9350 52 2006 DESERT AVENUE BRIDGE 5347 53 2002 EAGLE RD BRIDGE 9248 54 2005 HUBBARD ROAD BRIDGE 4345 55 2004 LIBERTY 9409 56 2003 MITCHELL 4149 57 2002 BEACON LIGHT 955 58 2002 DEER FLAT 9324 59 2004 EAGLE ROAD 9240 60 2004 HENRY STREET 4387 61 2002 LIZASO 4284A 62 2002 MAIN STREET 9 13 63 2003 ORCHARD, WO CASSIA 9403 64 2004 PALMER, N/O HWY 44 921 65 2004 TEN MILE 9 205. 66 2002 W1LDW000 9142 ^+,^:,;INTERSECTIONS: ".'-' ID 1 CONSTRUCTION YEAR 1 PROJECT NAME 67 2005 36TH AND HILL RD AND CATALPA 68 2004 AVE O/E; 3RD/4TH ST; BRIDGE AVE (KUNA) 69 2004 EAST 1ST AND WALTMAN 8, MERIDIAN AND CENTRAL 70 2002 EAST 1ST AND CORPORATE 71 PD EMERALD AND CAMELOT 72 2002 EMERALD AND LIBERTY 73 PD FAIRVIEW AND CLOVERDALE 74 2004 FAIRVIEW AND COLE 75 P0 FAIRVIEW AND HICKORY 76 2002 FAIRVIEW AND MILWAUKEE 77 PD HILL AND HORSESHOE BEND 78 2002 MAPLE GROVE AND GODDARD 79 PD MAPLE GROVE AND HACKAMORE 80 2003 ORCHARD AND FRANKLIN 81 2006 ORCHARD AND OVERLAND 82 PD PINE AND LINDER 83 2002 STATE AND BOGART 84 2005 SWAN FALLS AND LINDER AND AVALON 85 2006 VICTORY AND CLOVERDALE 86 2006 VICTORY AND EAGLE PROJECT NUMBER MA077 MA034 MA034 MA036 MA040 M174 MA035 M173 MA039 MA042 M156a M1201-03 M176 M177 M1201.01 M1201.02 M126 M127 M175 M1011 1 PROJECT NUMBER IN239b 014050 $N156 I/4124 04148 IN149 114281 IN099 1N275 1N108 IN276 014243 IN132 IN031 IN032 114270 1N023a 1N241 114271 114277 ID 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 .' ROADWAYS, =rr CONSTRUCTION YEAR PD 2003 2006 2002 2003 2006 PD 2002 2004 2002 2002 2006 2005 2004 PO PO 2003 2004 PD PD 2006 2006 PD PD 2005 2005 2006 2005 2006 2004 2006 P0 PO 2005 2004 2003 2005 PD 2006 PO PD 2004 PD PD PO PO PO PROJECT NAME 36TH STREET, HILUCARTWRIGHT ADAMS. VETERANS PARKWAY/KENT PHASE 2 OF 2 AVE D, 2ND TO 3RD & 2ND TO 0 (KUNA) CLOVERDALE, I-84/FRANKLIN CLOVERDALE, OVERLAND/I.84 COLE, CENTURYNICTORY COLE. EMERALD /FAIRVIEW FAIRVIEW AVENUE PAVEMENT REHAB 91 ORCHARD/250 FT FAIRVIEW AVENUE PAVEMENT REHAB 92 COLE/MILWAUKEE FEDERAL WAY, BERGESON/GEKELER TO LAKE FOREST FIVE MILE EXTENSION, TREELINE/CHINOEN • PH 2 OF 2 FIVE MILE, FAIRVIEW/USTICK FIVE MILE, FRANKLIN/FAIRVIEW (53.334,000 STPU PROJ FLOATING FEATHER. EDGEW000/EAGLE FRANKLIN. CLOVERDALE/FIVE MILE (PROPOSED STPU 52.274 MIL) FRANKLIN RD. EAGLE/CLOVERDALE FRANKLIN RD, EAST 1ST TO EAST OF NOLA FRANKLIN RD. NOLA/EAGLE HIGHLAND, BROADWAY/PARKCENTER VIA MALLARD HILL ROAD EXTENSION. HORSE SHOE BEND(SH55)/STATE HOLCOMB. BOISE AVE/PARK CENTER KAY ST, STATE HIGHWAY 69 (AVALONNDEER FLAT (KUNA) LINDER, FRANKLIN/CHERRY LANE LINDER, USTICK/CHERRY LANE LOCUST GROVE. FRANKLIN/FAIRVIEW (INCL RR XING) LOCUST GROVE. OVERLAND/FRANKLIN NOT INCUI-84 OVERPASS LOCUST GROVE. OVERLAND/FRANKLIN OVERPASS PHASE 2 OF 2 MAPLE GROVE EXTENSION. MCMILLAWCHINDEN PHASE 2 OF 2 MAPLE GROVE, FAIRVIEW/USTICK PHASE 2 MAPLE GROVE, FRANKLIN/FAIRVIEW (BRIDGE 9151) MCMILLAN, EAGLE RD WEST TO WEST BOISE SPORTS COMPLEX OVERLAND, EAGLE/CLOVERDALE OVERLAND. LINDER TO WEST OF MERIDIAN OVERLAND. LOCUST GROVE/EAGLE OVERLAND. WEST OF MERIDIAN RD/LOCUST GROVE STAR. HWY 44/FLOATING FEATHER TEN MILE, CHERRY LANE! USTICK TEN MILE. FRANKLIN/PINE TEN MILE PINE/CHERRY LANE USTICK, COLE/MILWAUKEE USTICK, MILWAUKEE/FIVE MILE VICTORY, COLE/ORCHARD WARM SPRINGS AVE, PHASE 1 WARM SPRINGS AVE. PHASE 2 WARM SPRINGS AVE. PHASE 3 WARM SPRINGS AVE. PHASE 4 WARM SPRINGS AVENUE, PHASE 5 CC) 1/.5E/�i PROJECT NUMBER R0307 RD267b RD240 R0201-03 RD201.02 RD289 RD260 R0200 -02a R0200.02b RD018a R0076b R01950 F038 R0257 R0282 R0201-04 RD300 RD264 RD144 RD308 RD038 RD227 RD077 RD187 RD054 RD157b RD066 RD066b RD196b RD258 RD285 RD072 R0290 RD266 R0168 R0024 RD188 R0309 RD057 RD222 RD258 RD025a RD277b RD277c RD277d RD277e R02771