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Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 07/24/2001 - RegularORIGINAL
July 24, 2001
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
1. Eagle Public Library Board will discuss computer filtering. Jeffrey Clark, Visiontek,
discusses the computer filtering software that he is recommending for the Library. General
Ann Gallinger, Library Director, discusses the Library policy for Intemet access. General
2. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda.
3. City Engineer Report: No report. No report.
4. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Reminder of Budget Workshop, Wednesday, July 25th, and
Joint meeting July 30th. Web Page will be up and running the first August.
5. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on potable water being used when pressurized
irrigation is unavailable for homeowner's irrigation needs. Discussion on cross connections.
General discussion.
Discussion on exterior lights on Eagle Forum Building. The lights need to be brought into
Community Enhancement on 2nd Street. Council would like to have the plan reviewed so we
have an idea of the cost of the trees, grates and lighting. Staff will follow up on this.
6. City Attorney Report: Discusses the Planning and Zoning Commission's discussion on
Countryside Estates and Clements Dental Office. General discussion.
Discussion on the Easement Agreement with Eagle River. General discussion.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
· Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for~iscussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of
· Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. America's Night Out Against Crime Proclamation: A proclamation declaring
August 7, 2001 as National Night Out.
C. Findin~ of Fact and Conclusions of Law CU-5-01 - Meridian ,~loint School
District No. 2: Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-
Krohn-Van Ocker Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to install
two 1,200 square foot mobile offices (portable classroom buildings) at Eagle
High School. The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately
2,000-feet north of State Street at 574 North Park Lane. (WEV)
D. Findino~ of Fact and Conclusions of Law CU-6-01 - Meridian .joint School
District No. 2: Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-
Krohn-Van Ocker Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to install
two 1,200 square foot mobile offices (portable classroom buildings) at Eagle
Middle School. The site is located on the north side of Floating Feather Road
approximately 1/2 mile east of Eagle Road at 1000 West Floating Feather
E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law CU-7-01 - Meridian .Joint School
District: Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-Krohn-
Van Ocker Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to install one 1,200
square foot mobile office (portable classroom building) at Eagle hills Elementary
School. The site is located on the north side of Ranch Drive approximately 1/2-
mile east of Eagle Road at 650 Ranch Drive. (WEV)
Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES .......................
A. Ordinance No. 396: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Eagle City Code
2-1-6 To Provide Payment To The Planning And Zoning Commission For Regular And Special
Committee Meetings And Repealing A Portion Of That Section That Authorizes Hiring
Personnel; Amending Eagle City Code 2-2 By Adding 2-2-5 Establishing A Payment To The
Design Review Board For Attending Regular And Special Board Meetings; And Providing An
Effective Date. (SKM) This item was continued from the July 17, 2001 meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that
Ordinance #396 be considered after being read once by title only. Merrill reads Ordinance
g396 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................
Merrill moves that Ordinance #396 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek.
Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ................................
B. Lease Agreement for the Ada County/Eagle Sports Complex: (SEB) This item was
continued from the July 17, 2001 meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Buxton: This matter will be before you at your first meeting in August. General discussion.
Merrill moves to continue this item to the August 14, 2001, City Council meeting.
Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....................
C. Contract with Larry Schwartz regardin~ I~arkine: (SEB) This item was continued from
the July 17, 2001 meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Buxton: I am still in discussion with Larry Schwartz's attorney.
Merrill moves to continue this matter to the August 14, 2001, City Council meeting.
Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................
Merrill moves to amend the agenda by moving 7A to 7G and 7B to 7H. Seconded by
Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................
A. Resolution 01-07: A Resolution Adopting A Fee Pursuant To Section 3-1-2 Of The Eagle
City Code, To Provide For The Establishment By Resolution Of A Fee For A City Daycare
License, And Providing For An Effective Date. (SKM)
Moved to 7G.
B. ZOA-3-01 -Update of Eagle Area of City Impact Agreement with Ada County - Cit.y of
Eagle: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 8
"Area of City Impact", Section 3 "Applicable Plan Policies and Ordinances" to recognize the
2000 Comprehensive Plan as the plan which applies in the Eagle area of City impact and
recognize that subdivision applications within the Eagle area of City impact are to be submitted
to the City for their recommendation to the County for consideration. (WEV)
Moved to 7H.
C. A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PPUD-1-01/PP-2-01 - RiversEnd Planned Unit Development -
Howell-Kiser Development Corporation: Howell-Kiser Development Corporation, represented
by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT
(Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-P (Residential up to two units per acre - PUD) and R-2-DA-P
(Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD), conditional use,
preliminary planned unit development, and preliminary plat approvals for RiversEnd planned
residential development. The 106.83-acre development consists of 173-1ot (147-buildable)
residential subdivision. The site is located between the North and South Channels of the Boise
River approximately 1/2-mile east of Eagle Road on East Island Woods Drive. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the public hearing.
Mayor swears in Mark Butler.
Mark Butler, 52 N. 2nd Street, Eagle, representing the applicant. Displays site plans and
provides Council with an overview of the development. General discussion.
Discussion on recommended changes to the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. General
Discussion on the changes to the Development Agreement.
Discussion on setbacks.
Jeff Lowe: Displays an overhead of the site plan and provides Council with some issues that
Staff has debated and thought about.
Discussion on the open space.
Further discussion on the set backs.
Discussion on Lot 41 that is in the floodway.
Discussion on the signal light at Island Wood Drive and Eagle Road. lTD has stated that the
signal will be installed when it is warranted.
Discussion on the Development Agreement.
Mayor swears in Hal Turner.
Hal Turner, 554 E. Riverchase Way, Eagle, President of the Island Wood Homeowner's
Association, discusses Island Wood Drive. Provides Council an overview of the July 24, 2001,
letter from Island Woods Homeowner's Association. This letter reflects the opinions of the
Board and no necessarily all of the homeowners. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Ben Snyder.
Ben Snyder, 576 E. River Chase Way, Eagle, discusses East Island Woods Drive. This is the
sole ingress and egress for this subdivision. I'm concerned about the construction traffic that will
be on this road. There needs to be another way for construction vehicles to ingress and egress
this subdivision. I am also concerned about the safety of our children.
Mayor swears in Wendy Campbell.
Wendy Campbell, 1598 River Grove Way, Eagle, I'm here on behalf of parents. I'm concerned
about the concrete edging around the ponds. My background is in biology. My main focus is
habitat and you will not have habitat with concrete. Islands Woods has natural habitat.
Mayor swears in Tom Nagel.
Tom Nagel, 402 E. Trailside Drive, Eagle, there are many problems surrounding this
development. One thing that concerns me is speed control along Island Wood Drive. Speeding
is prevalent on Island Wood Drive. I would like to have a commitment that the Sheriffs
Department is available to monitor the speeding along this area and give out tickets.
Mayor swears in Steve Packard.
Steve Packard, 1275 S. Riverton Way, Eagle, I'm a builder and my biggest concern is the single
access to the development. The developer has done a great job. I can't think of another
development like this. I was not aware of this development when I bought my lot. There should
be an alternative access to this development.
Mayor swears in Karen Nordby.
Karen Nordby, 1669 S. Willow Lake Way, Eagle, several of the issues addressed tonight are
issues that I am concerned about. I have a deep concern for the travel that is going to come in on
Island Wood Way. My concern is the children.
Mayor swears in Dave Nordby.
Dave Nordby, 1669 S. Willow Lake Way, Eagle, we are on Island Wood Drive. We were told
that the property wouldn't be developed for another 8-10 years and that there would be an
alternative access to the development at that time. My concern is the access to this development.
Mayor swears in Mary Lou Olsen.
Mary Lou Olsen, 1336 Gosling Place, Eagle, I was never told that this would be the main access
for the entire island. I'm concerned about the roads and who is going to maintain them. The
Homeowner's have had to pay for the bricks in the roads.
Mayor swears in Jarred Gent.
Jarred Gent 1717 S. Willow Lake Way, I'm here to put forth some in sight to Council. rma
developer myself. The problem is one way in and one way out. It doesn't make sense. If this is
approved one of the conditions should be that the light should go in. I don't believe all means
have been exhausted with Monroc. Egress for construction traffic should be going through
Mayor swears in Larry Durkin.
Larry Durkin, 713 E. River Quarry, I'm wearing two hats tonight. I'm a resident of Island Wood.
It's difficult to get stoplights approved. We have met with lTD and at this point everyone is in
favor of light. There is a warrant process that you have to go through with lTD. A study has
been done and it did not meet their criteria for a stop light at that intersection. I've been told that
it now meets or exceeds their criteria for a stoplight. I have drafted a joint letter that has been
sent to lTD. The letter has to go through legal review before it can be signed. Without this
subdivision going in I don't think the light would happen. I'm a real estate developer. I
reseamhed the area before I bought my home in Island Wood. I'm an informed buyer. The
answers are there if you go look. The choker was my idea. It is the most effective traffic-
calming device. The residents are duty bound to self-police themselves. This is a nice
development and it will have a favorable impact on my property values. You have a very tough
Design Review Committee. The request for an alternate access into the development is not
reasonable or possible.
Mark Butler: Displays an overhead of the site plan and discusses the impact on the roadways.
There is no criteria that shows there should be an alternative access. Discussion on the private
road. The developer would prefer not to donate the land. Discussion on the CC&R's will
prohibit basketball hoops, swing sets will be allowed. Discussion on cement edges around the
ponds. Discussion on the construction vehicles. Reads into the record Item #26 from the Site
Specific Conditions of Approval.
Mayor calls a recess at 9:50 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 10:00 p.m.
Bastian moves to continue A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PP-2-01 RiversEnd Planned Unit
Development to the August 14, 2001, City Council meeting leaving the Public Hearing
Open for written comment only. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ..................
Merrill: I would like to see a response from the Idaho State Lands on the easements. I would
also like more information on the nature reserve.
Guerber: I would like to have further clarification on Lot 41 and what is going to happen to this
Sedlacek: I have some questions on the no net loss. I'm concerned about the arborist report and
the taking out of the large cottonwood trees.
Discussion on the pathways.
D. RZ-02-01 - Rezone from A-R to R-1 - RCMPG Investments: represented by Jean
Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-
Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-1 (Residential - one unit per acre) for Cedro Glen
Estates Subdivision (a re-platting of a portion of Bakers Acres Subdivision). The 14.39-acre, 17-
lot (14-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the southeast comer of
Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) This item will be continued to the August 28, 2001
Mayor: This item was continued to the August 28, 2001, City Council meeting.
E. PP-3-01 - Cedro Glen Subdivision- RCMPG Investments: RCMPG Investments,
represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services Inc., is requesting preliminary plat
approval for Cedro Glen Estates Subdivision (a replat of a portion of Bakers Acres Subdivision).
The 14.39-acre, 17-lot (14-buildable) residential subdivision is generally located on the southeast
comer of Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive. (WEV) This item will be continued to the August
28, 2001 meeting.
Mayor: This item was continued to the August 28, 2001, City Council meeting.
Bastian moves to continue PP-3-01 Cedro Glen Subdivision to the August 28, 2001, City
Council meeting. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...............
F. VAC-1-01 - Vacation to the final plat of Baker's Acres Subdivision - RCMPG
Investments: RCMPG Investments, represented by Jean Cariaga with Development Services
Inc., is requesting City approval to vacate public street rights-of-way (labeled as "future streets")
together with all utility easements within the right-of-way and the adjoining seven (7)-foot wide
utility easement abutting said rights-of-way from the final plat of Bakers' Acres Subdivision. The
applicant is also requesting the vacation of a portion of the Hereford Drive right-of-way abutting
the parcel, not to include the seven-foot wide utilities easement adjacent to the right-of-way that
will be widened and incorporated into the new plat of Cedro Glen Estates. The non-dimensioned
rights-of-way are located within Lots 1, 3, and 4 of Baker's Acres Subdivision, generally located
on the southeast comer of the intersection of Ballantyne Road and Hereford Drive. (WEV) This
item will be continued to the August 28, 2001 meeting.
Mayor: This item has been continued to the August 28, 2001, City Council meeting.
G.7A. Resolution 01-07: A Resolution Adopting A Fee Pursuant To Section 3-1-2 Of The Eagle
City Code, To Provide For The Establishment By Resolution Of A Fee For A City Daycare
License, And Providing For An Effective Date. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
General Council discussion.
Bastian moves to approve Resolution 01-07. Buxton reads the Resolution into the record.
Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..............
H.7B. ZOA-3-01 -Update of Eagle Area of City Impact Agreement with Ada County - City
of Eagle: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 8
"Area of City Impact", Section 3 "Applicable Plan Policies and Ordinances" to recognize the
2000 Comprehensive Plan as the plan which applies in the Eagle area of City impact and
recognize that subdivision applications within the Eagle area of City impact are to be submitted
to the City for their recommendation to the County for consideration. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Vaughan: Provides Council with an overview of amending the City Code as proposed.
Discusses the proposed changes. General discussion.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that
Ordinance #395 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance
#395 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................
Bastian moves that Ordinance #395 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE;
Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: NAY: THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION
CARRIES .........................
A. Discussion of Neighborhood meetings: (NM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: We have been trying to put together a homeowner's association list. We have some that
we don't know where they are. General discussion.
Mayor and Council's Report:
Guerber: No report.
Mayor: Reports on a meeting with Mayor Coles, Carolyn Terteling, Nancy and myself in regards
to the pathways.
Merrill: Discussion on pathways.
Reports on the September 8t~ meeting with the AIC Legislative Committee.
Discussion on signs.
I got the bid down $2,000 on the sport court for the tennis court.
Bastian: Discusses the computer filtering at the Library.
Sedlacek: Reports on the Payette River Scenic By-Way project.
Merrill: Discusses the proposal from Wings. Rocky Mountain is still interested in a year round
program for youth. Council concurs that the City is not ready to implement the proposal from
A. Pending or threatened litigation: I.C. § 67-2345(f)
Sedlacek moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of threatened litigation.
Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE:
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .........................
Council discusses threatened litigation.
Council leaves Executive Session.
Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Subject: A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PPUD-1-01/PP-2-01 — RiverEnd Planned Unit
Development — Howell -Kiser Development Corporation
July 24, 2001
7:30 P.M.
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Ann Galliirr
Eagle Public Library
Dear Ann:
'.WlJJlrtiw./.170..�A4fa;YY7l�JNJMI!lYVIiAIIJWJJeL AI�JWNJINI�AA11�1�4��11�
1'O Box 6606
Boisc, Idaho 837b7
Office (208) 388-0716
Here are estimates for filtering, and a couple of options for machine upgrades. Filtering
has been a major difficulty. We had a short window where free ad based filtering was
available, but that option is now gone. 1 still am uncertain what area schools will be
using this fall. It seems many installations have opted for something on-site to provide
filtering. Esoft has a solution that I like, for an affordable price. (Esoft bought out
Apexx , a local company that produced the Team Internet proxy box). This company
produces Linux based firewall and filtering, rack -mountable appliances. This is also the
company that is providing Boise Public Library with their filtering equipment, so there
would be local experience available should we need it. 1 could either sign up as a reseller
for this product or you could purchase directly from Esoft. If I were a reseller, I'd pass
some savings onto you, but I'm not certain of the exact discounts I would receive, and 1
would not complete the credit procedure until we are closer to a decision. I would
suggest that EPL purchase the following.
instaGate EX2 $949
(Internet Security appliance, this is the box to support the software modules)
Rack Mount Kit
SiteFilter 25 user (url screening, with weekly updates, 27 categories,
customizable levels of filtering)
1 Total
$ 39
$1528 1
This appliance would undoubtedly take a few hours to install, and would be available by
NT logon for designated Domain accounts. It could also work by machine account. One
advantage of this product is that it can be used as a firewall device, if security becomes tt
larger issue in the future.
July 23, 2001
Jeff T. Lowe
City of Eagle
PO Box 1520
Eagle, ID 83616
Dear Mr. Lowe:
C� 7J02V -o1
8355 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83703
Phone (208) 334-3488 FAX (208) 853-6372
JUL 2 3 200i
File. C -C
Route to:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the RiversEnd subdivision plat. Attached are
copies of three easements that are currently not shown on the plat map. Two the
easements are for the greenbelt and the third easement is for fishing and other
recreational uses.
I recommend the easements be shown on the plat map.
Please give me a call if I can be of further assistance.
Steven T. Douglas
Area Supervisor, SW
Post -it° Fax Note 7671 Date 7_ Zy _0 (IRases► /6
ToraiU From`'T. _pc
Co./Dept. !` Co. I (�
Phone 1 Phone 1
Fax # .739 '7 l
Fax #
Honorable Rick Yzaguirre, Mayor
Honorable City Council Members
City of Eagle
Eagie,Idaho 83616
Re. Proposed RiversEnd Subdivision Development
Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
July 24. 2001
JUL 2 ti 2001
Route tn.
This letter reflects the feelings of Island Woods Homeowners Association Board
Members and not necessarily those of all individual homeowners residing in the Island
Woods Subdivision.
Much activity has transpired regarding the proposed RiversEnd development. The Board
has met with the developers and believes that the extensive discussions were mutually
cordial, fruitful and conducted in good faith. Board Members also attended public
hearings, along with other Island Woods residents, and offered testimony to both ACHD
and the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission that resulted in the related detailed
recommendations and requirements of those entities, and which we understand, are now
before you for discussion. These recorded actions also cover other serious concerns that
the Board has officially voiced regarding new traffic signal cost participation, feasibility
of alternate construction vehicle routing, construction vehicular traffic operating time
restrictions on E. Island Woods Drive, a traffic slowdown "choker", favorable property
densities etc. At this juncture, the Board shall feel reasonably placated if the ACHD and
Eagle P&Z recommendations and requirements contained therein are approved by the
City Council since it is felt that most offer an increased degree of protection for Island/.; ---::=1:::' .'
Woods homeowners.
. �''� ,:--; ' s, ; .ter.
One of the Board's major concerns has always been the amenities planned for River§Ennl-t' .
We are pleased the developer has committed to a phase -time certain for adding a L_`_==- is ----h-,.)
adequately sized swuruning pool, as well as fishing ponds, to be compatible for � -----
the number of family homes proposed for development. We would_ ~
respectfully urge you to make it crystal clear in the approval process that these be_'
designated as requirements. We would also urge Council action to prohibit Rivers 1, ...
commercial advertising signage from being erected or placed any closer than 100¢'' -' = v
from any subdivision entrances along Eagle Road. -i` ..-
Thank you for the opportunity to have our comments considered.
HalW. Turner. President, Island Woods Homeowners
Park & Pathway Development Committee
July 18, 2001
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting is called to order at 6:40 p.m.
OKERLUND, STOCKTON, Council Liaison Merrill. A quorum is present.
Torfin moves to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ferguson. ALL AYE...MOTION
The agenda is amended to hear New Business prior to Unfinished Business.
A. RiversEnd Planned Unit Development — Howell -Kiser Development: The applicant is
requesting Park & Pathway Development Committee review and comment on the proposed
pathways within this proposed development. Howell -Kiser Development Corporation,
represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone
from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R -2-P (Residential up to two units per acre - PUD) and R-
2 -DA -P (Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD), conditional
use, preliminary planned unit development, and preliminary plat approvals for RiversEnd
planned residential development. The 106.83 -acre development consists of 173 -lot (147 -
buildable) residential subdivision. The site is located between the North and South Channels of
the Boise River approximately 1 /2 -mile east of Eagle Road on East Island Woods Drive.
Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc. representing Howell -Kiser Development Corporation
reviews this application.
Discussion on how the land will be developed between both rivers. The nature park is shown in
the floodway as is the park. There will be a 15' wide access on the South Channel for angler use.
Also an access easement from the road for emergency access is shown. Lot lines will extend
south to river in floodway.
Deckers moves that Parks & Pathway Committee recommends the pathway on North
Channel shall be developed by Developer to connect to public pathway. On the north side
of the South Channel a 15' sportsmen access 15' from high water shall be required. The
subdivision CC&R's shall restrict fencing. A paved pathway shall not be required in an
effort to keep the area natural. Seconded by Glavich. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
Deckers moves to recommend that City Council discuss the issue of property lines coming
to the river's edge on south side and the ramifications of natural area. Discuss possibly
keeping the area open to common area and have it managed by homeowner. The goal is to
keep this area natural and open. Seconded by Okerlund. ALL AYE...MOTION
Kizer addresses wetland issues, now monitoring wetland on south side of property.
Torfin suggests keeping area as conservation easement.
Deckers moves to amend motion to set aside an area on east side and north side of South
Channel as a conservation easement. No buildings or storage of equipment will be allowed
in this area. Seconded by Torfin. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
Page 1 of 1
K -\Parks Development ConmitteeN.2001Winutes\PPDC-07-18-Olnun doe
A. Final discussion on the architectural design for Merrill Park.
Final discussion on architectural design for Merrill Park, will try for submitting Design Review
in August.
Discussion regarding exterior building materials, including roof material; water rights on ponds
need clarified and easement on pond.
Kathy Sewell showed samples of metal zacteac for roof, also discussed concrete tile; she will
look at cost issues.
Belts and Sewell display the board with the elevations of picnic shelter. Discussion regarding
design. Restroom-prep...recess sink into maintenance area with 7' counter can be closed and
locked. Off set sink to allow for more prep area -electrical over sink area.
Wood siding with a metal roof and a cupola for ventilation. The shutters can be closed during
Shelter for amphitheater will be 20' x 20'with similar architecture to the picnic and restroom, the
floor will be concrete.
The color board will be left at City Hall next week so each member can give comments by
August 3rd and Jensen Belts can submit for Design Review by August 6th.
Don Belts: Discussed draft easement-EagleRiver does not want any boating or swimming.
Fencing needed for riparian ways until heavy growth about 3 'h to 4 inches, maybe use hog wire
with bushes & vines.
Water features, look at Yarrington's features, also Keane.
Discussion on next meeting. August 1St at 6:30 p.m. to select & agree on '`'`'`board and walk
north side path.
See above motion
A. Minutes of May 16, 2001.
B. Minutes of June 7, 2001.
C. Minutes of June 14, 2001.
D. Minutes of June 20, 2001.
Stockton moves to adjourn at 9:20p.m.. Seconded by Torfin. ALL AYE...MOTION
Page 2 of 1
K:1Parks Development Coiiimittec120011MinuteslPPDC•07-t8-O1mindoc
JUL 2 4 2001
Route tr. T l
July 24, 2001
Eagle City Council
As residents of Island Woods, we feel it is necessary to comment on
the proposed River's End development. While this property should
be developed, to do so before there is access in addition to Island
Woods Drive and before some traffic control is installed at the
Island Woods/Eagle Road intersection is ill advised.
Left turns onto Island Woods Drive from Eagle Road and left turns
from Island Woods Drive onto southbound Eagle Road are already
both difficult and hazardous and are becoming increasingly so as
the development on the west side of Eagle Road burgeons. Adding
to this traffic load with development requiring access only via Island
Woods Drive would be irresponsible.
We feel strongly that the River's End development should not be
begun until the issues of additional access to this area are resolved.
Cc 7,20° (
RiversEnd "Non -Build" Lot 41, Block 1
Lot 41 is an approximate 6 acre floodway Lot contiguous with and
adjacent to Lots 38, 39, 40 and 42, Block 1. This Lot is a "non -build" Lot and
is accessible only from the four contiguous Lots. This Lot shall be owned by a
homeowners Association composed of only the four Lot Owners of Lots 38, 39,
40 and 42. (These Four Lot Owners shall also be members of the homeowner's
Association for the entire RiversEnd Subdivision.) The management of Lot 41
shall be by the Board of Directors of the four Lot Owner's Association through
a mini set of CC&R's applicable to Lot 41 only. All of the costs of maintaining
and/or managing Lot 41 shall be assessed only to and paid only by the four
adjacent and contiguous Lot Owners. This Association shall not be dissolved
without the written approval of the City of Eagle.
On the final Plat, the following restrictions on Lot 41 shall be provided:
1. Lot 41 is a non -build Lot in the floodway and no structures or buildings
shall be constructed thereon.
2. Lot 41 shall not be used for the storage of any trash, equipment or
3. The Association owning and managing Lot 41 shall not be dissolved
without the written approval of the City of Eagle.
LL 7-&49f
RiversEnd Common Area Lot 5, Block 1
(Private Road)
(Irrigation Access Easement)
(RiversEnd Owners Pedestrian Access to South River Channel)
Lot 5, Block 1 is a Lot to be owned by RiversEnd Neighborhood
Association, the Homeowner's Association for this Subdivision. The first part
of this Lot where it connects (to what will be RiversEnd Drive) is a private road
and cul-de-sac serving only five building lots (Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 1).
There may be a private gate in this private road to restrict motor vehicle traffic
to the Lot except for the adjacent owners and irrigation entity. The gate will not
restrict RiversEnd Owner's access to the pedestrian access set out below. The
second part of this Lot is a 20 foot wide strip of land between Lots 8 and 9
traveling south from the cul-de-sac to the river bank and to an irrigation head
gate and water weir. (The cul-de-sac and 20 foot wide access area are
generally depicted in that map attached hereto as Exhibit A.)
This Common Area Lot will contain an easement in favor of the Irrigation
District or other entity which has an interest in the small irrigation head gate
and water weir at the end of the easement area (depicted on Exhibit A
attached). This easement will provide that the irrigation entity shall have the
right of ingress and egress over and across this Common Area Lot for the
purposes of access to and maintenance of the head gate and the water weir.
Since this head gate and water weir are accessed today over strictly natural
terrain, the 20 foot wide easement area after the paved cul-de-sac area will also
be left in strictly natural terrain, unless improved at some later date by the
This Common Area Lot will also contain a pedestrian easement to the
Owners of all Lots in RiversEnd Subdivision for ingress and egress access to
and from the river bank of the South Channel of the Boise River (depicted
generally on Exhibit A). The area of access at the river bank shall be at least 20
feet in width and contain at least one natural or nature type bench (e.g. tree
trunk) for a person or couple to sit and watch the river and nature.
The easement area south of the paved cul-de-sac is to remain natural
terrain, unless improved at some later date by the Association.
The CC&R's for this area shall provide that the Association shall maintain
the private paved road, private gate (if any) and cul-de-sac but that the costs
thereof shall be assessed only to, and paid only by, the Owner's of Lots 6, 7,
8, 9 and 10.
Any maintenance of the 20 foot wide natural pathway from the cul-de-
sac to the river bank shall be done by the Association. The Association shall
keep the access area free of noxious weeds and obstructions. The costs thereof
shall be billed to all homeowner's as a part of the general Common Area
• The applicant has submitted a Development Agreement for the northern portion of the
property referred to as Lot 1, Block 8 of the preliminary plat. Included with the attached
documents are the applicant's version with the footer marked "C:IMy Documents\LCNobs
20001RiversEnd DA verl.doc" and the City's version with the footer marked "K:1Planning
Dept\Eagle Applications\SUBS120011RiversEnd dal .doc".
Staff recommends approval of the rezone upon annexation, conditional use permit, preliminary
development plan, and preliminary plat with the site specific conditions of approval and the
standard conditions provided within the staff report.
A. A public hearing on the applications was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on May
14, 2001, at which time testimony was taken. The Commission continued this matter until June 18,
2001, in order to receive additional testimony, closed the public hearing and made their
recommendation at that time.
B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission
by thirteen (13) individuals on May 14, 2001 and one (1) individual on June 18, 2001. The issues
addressed were generally related to traffic concerns such as the funding and installation of a traffic
signal at the intersection of Island Woods Drive and Eagle Road, and the routing of construction
traffic; the need for this development to provide amenities such as a pool and tennis courts, and the
effect this development will have on water pressure and existing waterways.
C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one
individual who supported the project provided that the applicant comply with the City of Eagle's
special recommendations to the Idaho Transportation Department and the Ada County Highway
District, as provided within the staff report.
The Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of A-1-01/RZ-1-01/CU-3-01/PPUD-1-
01IPP-2-01 for a rezone with development agreement upon annexation, conditional use,
preliminary planned unit development, and preliminary plat approvals for RiversEnd planned
residential development with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval
and standard conditions of approval with strikethrough text to be deleted by the Commission and
underline text to be added by the Commission.
1. Comply with all site specific recommendations provided within the City's Engineering fum's
(Holladay Engineering) letter dated May 10, 2001. Except that the City acknowledges that items #3,
#4 and #5 are not issues with this PUD in that the ponds are part of the open space and are not
wetlands and that the lot sizes referenced in #4 and #5 are permitted to be decreased with the PUD.
2 Provide a re•ie 'imi ::.r}• plat chewing Lots 10, 29 and 42, of Block 1, meeting are granted an
exception from the required lot width of 75 -feet ed 1;}• eil that the
int of the—minimum lot wi wase for resit Fatal
Page 17 of 29
'ay access to the site as requested by the applicant with this PUD and said lots
may be reduced in width as shown on the submitted Dreliminary plat.
3. The developer shall provide 3 -inch minimum caliper shade -class trees (landscape plan to be reviewed
and approved by the Design Review Board) along both sides of all streets within this development.
Trees shall be placed at each lot corner except that an additional tree shall be required for Lot 33,.
Block 1, Lot 36, Block 1 and Lot 46, Block 1, Lot 4, Block 4, Lot 1, Block 5, and Lot 2, Block 5 with
the distance between trees to be no mere :han-80-feet-er less than 35 -feet. The trees shall be located
in a landscape strip between the sidewalk and the curb. Prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat
for each phase, the applicant shall either install the required trees, landscaping, and irrigation or
provide the City with a letter of credit for 150% of the cost of the installation of all landscape and
irrigation improvements within the 5 -foot wide landscape strip.
4. Other than the sidewalks along the streets, m de g athway/ is within th su iyision shallbe
6 -foot vvi a um as alt or con ret . FO( p't �,p tat1: Arc. 1%ireClIbe�k a�Y1 l„)a do
Sa �6 nor Channelof .} e gekse,RVel'shet1 be. cv'usheDX rAvel or atV8 ele.
h 1
++ e pA4h�a S i 1�G nnab pprescr� at -�hE north Ana �-he. ° lutv. acre s h� so �h
5. A Fi Pain Development ernuf ap �icaCtion sha� be submitted upon final plat application. a h n e shat be
nAkuva1 logra
6. Provide a revised preliminary development plan and preliminary plat which states that Lot 1 BlOCK Bloc8 C laky fa crc
is, "Currently Floodway - non -buildable lot".
brtAs ahol
obYu+ehDv1 S.
If at any time in the future the FEMA floodway line is moved to a point sufficient enough to allow for
development, the parcel may be submitted to the City for pp ovaal in accqrdipce with
the recorded Development Agreement accompanyingthis application. C"16" u"e"biwilenr i fl
►noA Developnnen-' Plan
7. If at any time in the future the FEMA floodway/line is moved to a point sufficient enough to allow for
development in Lot 1, Block 8, then a -eerot I,plat-application for this location may be
considered provided the design is consistent with the preliminary development plan (including lot
layout and roadway design) submitted with this application.
8. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing the extension of the lot lines for Lots 38, 39, 40 and 42 of
Block 1 from their current southern terminus through to the southern boundary line of Lot 41, thereby
eliminating lot 41 and creating larger lot sizes for Lots 38, 39, 40 and 42 of Block 1.
9. Provide construction plans to the City Engineer for review and approval which detail how the
proposed waterways are to be maintained, will prevent stagnation and breeding of pests, and how
storm water is to be accommodated, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat.
10. Final development plans shall be reviewed as "New Business" items and not as "Public Hearing"
items unless the City determines that any difference between the preliminary development plan and
final development plan needs additional public comment because of possible impacts to surrounding
property owners, to this development, or to the community, or inconsistency with the conditions
herein. If the City determines that a public hearing shall be held on the final development plan, notice
shall be provided for (as was required for the preliminary development plan).
The area shown as Lot 1, Block 8, on the preliminary devel Fhent plan shall not be considered for
approval by any final development plan/final plat application �� 1
/iaLtiag rtf 1 the area is removed from the
floodway by FEMA.
11. Provide c re
Page 18 of 29
10Plmniog Depaag{c ApprazsticeASUBSMOBRiversEad PIED paidoc
road bets 5 and 27 of Block 1 to
be oW+�e�{ by +he Rssociail�on,
public p: • t -/Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 39, 39, 10 and 12 of Block :.
Provide in a recorded easement document and the CC&Rs for the subdivision that each of the Lot
Owners of lots accessed by a private road will i 1' ' �' tl �; t; « , x 1 J and
as vi. aua until v atit:d frh: uit..s Itt i `
that each lot accessed by that private road would have reciprocal easement rights of ingress and egress
over and across the private road to the public streets. This document shall also spell out that there
shall be no parking of any kind in the private road.
l5 i u e. Sp0e4SIVICW1 access
12. The street and pathway configuration shall remain substantially as shop"on thePreliminary ease. vleY1+
Development Plan submitted to the City with this application. Provide a -revised
...:..:.ium 10l',.ut---•id c `'„, a un the north side of the South Channel of
the Boise River 14 Cay Eaxlete-C-efamoi... new /
� ica wOL lel«') # x 01'2. fit pa4 w7 shall n be. r V t reit DY1 i- nova -hs i de o +he.
sotA h cholnnef o- 4 -ht Bois&River abut Wn �1Is s. c. or covnrnan LOT
13. Provide a minimum -tOtfoot wide access easement4'from the
RiversEnd Subdivision to the South Channel of the Boise River. - t
,...cis vv a, ,1.0 - .. - -fhb 2a Area shah be Keir c I e aY
DI. outs ani empuf 0bskrt c ►ons. 'the access o�v&1k is 4ov Imam t 1flC And yak/ten s iiii h\Y1
14. All healthy trees (as determined by a certified arborist) shall be preserved and integrated into the open stAb(�w SIDi1.
space design for the development. A revised-prelimiaa y -plat ar.d revise4 detailed landscape plan
showing how the trees will be integrated into the open space areas or private lots (unless approved for
removal by the Design review Board) shall be provided for Design Review Board approval prior to
Council approval of a fmal development plan.
15. Establish a mechanism for the repair and maintenance of the private streets, including provisions for
the funding thereof, within the required CC&R's for the subdivision and provide any necessary notes
on the final plat, all to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney prior to City
approval of the final plat.
16. Provide a revised preliminary plat with a note providing access to the irrigation junction box located at
the southern end of Lot 9 Block 1. Specific easement language shall be reviewed and pproved by the
Zoning Administrator prior to City approval of the final plat. (PAY -1-04 4 13 ab n ve)
17. Until such time that Lot 1, Block 8, is re -subdivided, provide a revised preliminary plat with a note
providing pedestrian and maintenance access through and across Lot 1 Block 8 to the proposed nature
reserve and greenbelt located in the northern portion of the site. If and when Lot 1, Block 8. is re -
subdivided, an access easement for pedestrian access to the nature reserve and greenbelt as well as
maintenance access shall be provided. Specific easement language shall be reviewed and approved by
the Zoning Administrator prior to City approval of the any fmal plat that includes the area shown as
Lot 1, Block 8.
18. t shall -provide usifcatio-apply for the p: opo d , Locate
gabdivi en -prig to . ... _ - _ ----'cs:or.
an apr'isc _ : _ . f e e ... •; ... _ 8 tee...
feet-ef The private streets proposed within the subdivision are hereby approved. Submit construction
plans showing construction details of the private streets upon submittal of a final plat for Phase 3.
19. Useable park -amenities -such as, picnic :a
_ .11 co::rc, ball -fields -ender
sh space areas.
Useable open space/ common area amenities generally as shown on the colored rendering submitted
with the application shall be provided. These specifically include: acres of pond abutting almost every
lot; nature areas; internal pathways as well as a portion of the greenbelt pathway; a 20 -foot by 30 -foot
Page 19 of 29
K1Piaaailog DeptlEaLk AppbcationASUBS12C011RiversEad PUD pedoc
(approximate) swimming pool and common lot; the Blue Heron and Peregrine Pointe gathering and
recreation areas each consisting of a gazebo. seating and fishing areas; two meditation plazas for small
social gatherings. These amenities and the landscape plans showing the open space amenities shall be
reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board.pjaA:
waviaA se bVek criktvtk shall be As OEAkItYlek
20. Minimum lot sizes, lot widths and set shall be as stated within the "Site Data" section "G" of
with thef -� � - Wl�h 1 h -�' h�
this report following revision: ----A-11 .ut..�,.,. .,: N /� �t/\ t
-comely-with-the. II 2 ii a,i:ui ai C .iwtavu 01-4 \!
lui.. LJ ILS. L...1 -.. .. • - .. _ . • •.. • • • .•• • • • • kl'k eiO c' le,VS Ei1a rbiltileecLa
21. Subdivision signage, common area, recreation center, street trees, existing trees, pathways, buffer Ackke (k 3t
areas, perimeter fencing, and etc. shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior 2.4,10D1
to approval of final development plan.
22. The applicant shall submit a design review application showing proposed subdivision signage and a
landscape plan showing perimeter fencing (if proposed), street trees, common area landscaping, and
berming, fencing, and planting details within the required 35 -foot wide buffer area where required by
Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-7 (J) (4) along either side of East Island Woods Drive traveling through
this site or submit a request for an alternate method of compliance as provided for within Eagle City
Code Section 8-2A-7 (0) for review and approval by the Design Review Board prior to City approval
of a final plat.
23. The a tire Rive nd develo ent shallundthe control of ne Homeo rs Association. W1�•� L ql
obiAmstdte, n otexelo metfrf
) �wt� �, toD-�, ha as non -but‘ Aabk.
:...1. A mainten.r.Et .. o s' e n leca•t ,en as = for the
service -needs that are necessary for the repair -and -maintenance of a-Eemnen exec ..nlcss it i;
determined that an outside maintenance contractor -hired to Bare a will satisfy ka
requirement. If the Council determinesr-that :.n oxide mains . i:, .:.:re appropriate
than a. Hance building, the a .: s for review
which -define -the guidelines -for -the eentrrao ' ut,,ide maintenance firm. If
required to E
sheuld-constvset City Clerke-f n. J plat. The CC&R's for
RiversEnd shall provide that the association shall have the duty to maintain and operate all of the
common landscape areas in the subdivision in a competent and attractive manner, including the
watering, mowing, fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees. The association shall utilize competent
outside contractors.
25. Provide a revised -per :ri plat area spc.oifie storage -of -heats;
oc it i t indivi a is more appropriate :haE a
ewes ste;age-facility, the -applicant should s for revi
the-preper storage--o€-the-boats, ewers -and -ale If a common -storage area is -the
app&ie t should be required -to -obtain -design -review approval and sh
prior to l plat for -the fa. phase. The storage arca-shall-he-reviewed-and
.: _ �.: ' - • d eenstructe e-C:ty Clerka-final plat.
RiversEnd will not provide anv common on-site storage facilities for boats, campers, RV's or the like.
The CC&R's shall provide that the storage of any vehicles, whether they be automobiles, pick-up
trucks, SUV's or a small boat shall only be stored in a city approved (and Architectural Control
Committee (ACC) approved) garage. There shall be no open outdoor storage of any boats, sail boats,
RV's or the like in the subdivision.
26. All construction equipment consisting of twelve (12) tons gross vehicle weight (GVW) and over shall
Page 20 of 29
K\P1az Dcpt1Eagle ApplicationASUBS12001\Rive:srmd PUD pd doe
enter the construction site only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.. Monday through Saturday and
prohibited on Sunday.
27. No excavated materials shall be removed from the site.
28. The applicant shall submit a phasing plan prior to the submittal of a fmal plat application.
29. Building envelopes shall be depicted on the final plat for all lots located within 50 -feet of the
floodway line as shown on the accepted FEMA maps current at the time of submittal for final plat.
The building envelopes shall be shown on the final plat to reflect the minimum 50 -foot setback from
the floodway line.
The City recommends that the Idaho Transportation Department and the Ada County Highway District
require the developers of Quarter Circle Ranch PUD (final platted as Two Rivers Subdivision), Island
Woods PUD and RiversEnd PUD to each provide a proportionate share of the cost to construct a
traffic signal and other improvements at the intersection of Eagle Road and Island Woods Drive.
1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the
Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system,
curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks.
2. Correct street names, as approved by the Ada County Street Name Committee, shall be placed on
the plat prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat.
3. Complete water and sewer system construction plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City
Engineer. Required improvements shall include, but not be limited to, extending all utilities to the
platted property. The developer may submit a letter in lieu of plans explaining why plans may not
be necessary.
4. Idaho Department of Health & Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior
to the City Engineer signing the final plat (I.C._Title 50, Chapter 13 and I.C. 39-118).
5. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the
Idaho Department of Water Resources prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat.
6. Unless septic tanks are permitted, wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be
required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property,
accepting the project for service, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat (B.C.C. 9-20-8.4)
7. All homes being constructed with individual septic systems shall have the septic systems placed on
the street side of the home.
8. Per Idaho Code, Section 31-3805, concerning irrigation rights, transfer and disclosure, the water
rights appurtenant to the lands in said subdivision which are within the irrigation entity will be
transferred from said lands by the owner thereof; or the subdivider shall provide for underground
title or other like satisfactory underground conduit to permit the delivery of water to those
landowners within the subdivision who are also within the irrigation entity.
Page 21 of 29
ICAPIanaisig DemiEsgle AppbcarioceSlU8.S1200BRivcrsEad PUD pat doc
RiversEnd Lot Setbacks
1. Floodwav:
For any Lot touching a Floodway Line as established by FEMA at the time
a building permit is sought, the setback shall be 50 feet from that Floodway
2. Southside (colored blue):
15 Foot Side Setback/20 Foot Two Stories
25 Foot Front Setback
25 Foot Back Setback (or 50 Feet from Floodway, if applicable)
Block 1: Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 29, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 42 and 43
3. Northside (colored pink):
10 Foot Side Setback One Story/15 Foot Two Story
20 Foot Front Setback
25 Foot Back Setback (or 50 Feet from Floodway if applicable)
Block 3: Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27
4. Interior Lots colored yellow):
10 Foot Side Setback One Story/15 Foot Two Story
20 Foot Front Setback
25 Foot Back Setback
Block 1: Lots 17, 19, 28, 33, 36, 45, 47
Block 2: Lots 4, 5, 6,
Block 3: Lots 10, 11
Block 4: Lots 4, 23
Block 6: Lots 16, 17
5. Lots with special 25 foot Front Setback for Garage (colored orange):
Block 1: Lots 3, 21, 24
Block 2: Lots 4,7,10,13
Block 3: Lots 3, 8, 15, 28
Block 4: Lots 7, 9, 10, 22
Block 6: Lots 5, 7, 19, 25
Block 7: Lots 4, 6, 8
6. Special Setbacks for the 6 Lots adjacent to Island Woods Drive: (colored
(These Lots are Lot 2, Block 1; Lot 2, Block 2; Lot 2, Block 3;
Lot 2 Block 4; Lot 24, Block 4; Lot 48, Block 1)
10 Foot Setback on Lot Side next to Island Woods Drive, One Story
15 Foot setback second story
7. All other Lot Setbacks (not colored):
20 Foot Front Setback
25 Foot Back Setback
7.5 Foot Side Setback One Story/12.5 Foot Two Story
Subject: ZOA-3-01 — Update of Eagle Area of City Impact Agreement with Ada County -
City of Eagle
July 24, 2001
7:30 P.M.
Page 1 of / _
Subiect: Resolution 01-07 — Daycare License Fees
July 24, 2001
7:30 P.M.
Page l of / ,
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