Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 07/17/2001 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 17, 2001 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Report on the AIC Idaho Youth Leadership Conference. Matt Lamm and Haley Harris reported on the Leadership Conference that was held in conjunction with the AIC Annual Conference in June. General discussion. Ada County Sheriffs Department monthly report. Sgt. Calley distributes the monthly report to Council and discusses the same. Discussion on the new schedule for the deputies. General discussion. 1. Discussion regarding the Idaho Community Foundation. Mayor: I need to have recommendations to select the advisory committee members. We have disbursements from 2000 and 2001 that are available. General discussion. Council would like to have the Mayor work on the committee. 2. Mayor and Council's Report: Guerber: Reports on the Air Quality Board meeting. Merrill: Parks and Pathway Committee meet tomorrow night. They will be reviewing a new subdivision's pathway along the river. I walked the North Side and the South Side of the North Channel yesterday with Don Stockton. We also looked at where Eagle and Garden City link up and where a possible bridge crossing could be. We also walked on Ada County's side. We plan to meet with the Corp of Engineers and walk the South Side of the South Channel were we possibly might be able to have a bridge. They am recommending that all of that is wetland. General discussion. To move this project forward the engineering and surveying needs to be done. Then we look into grants and funding. Park Committee is working on architecture for Merrill Park and I will have some numbers for the budget at the next meeting. Bastain: Reports on the circulation report from the Library. General discussion. Library will report on computer filtering at the July 24°~ City Council meeting. Discussion on computer filtering. Sedlacek. Reports on the Kiwanis Club's Cruise Night September 29th. They want the City Council to judge the cars. I have put together information about a Public Works Position for City Hall. We need to get a staff member on board to take on these responsibilities or to have our existing staff assigned to these projects. Our Engineering firm covers some of these projects and we would need a staff person to work with the engineer. General discussion. Reports on the Scenic By-Way project. District 3 level has approved our new scope of work on the interpretive area so we are just going for the landscaping on the comer of Beacon Light and Highway 55. We are moving forward on the wall art. Discussion on the Eagle Island Field Trip tour, which is scheduled for August 8°~. General discussion. Discussion on the protests of the City Water Application. We have meet with Mrs. Chase and Robert Deshazo and we were not very successful. 3. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 4. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 5. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Yzaguirre calls the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL: MERRILL, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. CONSENT AGENDA: Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 26, 2001. C. Minutes of July 3, 2001. D. DR-21-01 - Dental Office - Brenden Clements: Brenden Clements, represented by James Gipson, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,000-square foot dental office. The site is located on the southwest comer of Eagle Road and Floating Feather Road at 1177 North Eagle Road. (WEV) E. DR-23-01 - Monument Sign for Eagle Professional Plaza - Esco~ Inc.: Esco, Inc., represented by Diane Mazy with Aim Sign Co., is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for the Eagle Professional (WEV) F. DR-28-01 - Two Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Sherwin Williams Paint Store - Sherwin Williams: Sherwin Williams, represented by Jeff Carico with Image National Signs, is requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs and one monument sign for the Sherwin Williams paint store. The site is located on the south side of State Street just west of Palmetto Avenue at 753 East State Street. (WEV) G. DR-30-01 - Voice Stream Co-location Antenna - Cricket Communications: Cricket Communications, represented by Kirk Johnson, is requesting design review approval to construct a telecommunications antenna on the existing Voice Stream antenna. The site is located on the west side of Horseshoe Bend Road within Republic Storage at 8785 North Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) H. DR-32-01 - Two Monument Signs for Red Leaf Heights Subdivision - Hillview Development Corporation: Hillview Development Corporation, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct two monument signs for the entry to Red Leaf Heights Subdivision. The site is located on the southeast comer of Floating Feather Road and Eagle Road. (WEV) I. DR-33-01 - Primary Colors Daycare Facility - A'a~ LLC: A'a, LLC, represented by Jim Glancy with Glancy - Rockwell and Associates, is requesting design review approval to construct a 7,000-square foot daycare facility. The site is located on the south side of Iron Eagle Drive approximately 1,012-feet west of Edgewood Lane at 1323 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) J. DR-35-01 - Subway Wall Sign for Fast Eddy Chevron - Fast Eddy Chevron: Fast Eddy Chevron, represented by Craig Jamieson with Idaho Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct a wall sign for the Fast Eddy Chevron Subway. The site is located on the southwest corner of Beacon Light Road and State Highway 55 at 12725 State Highway 55. (WEV) K. Re-appointment to the Design Review Board: The Mayor is requesting Council confirm the re-appointment of Judy Christensen to the Design Review Board. It will be a 3-year term. (RY) Merrill Removes items 4D, H and J from the Consent Agenda and Sedlacek removes item 4B from the Consent Agenda. Bastian moves to approve the amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... 4B. Minutes of June 26~ 2001: Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek: I have a correction on page 4, the second paragraph, third sentence, after 18% insert the words "increase in the". Sedlacek moves to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2001, City Council minutes as corrected. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................... 4D. DR-21-01 - Dental Office - Brenden Clements: Brenden Clements, represented by James Gipson, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,000-square foot dental office. The site is located on the southwest comer of Eagle Road and Floating Feather Road at 1177 North Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill: We received a letter from James Gipson Associates requesting an opportunity to address the Council. James Gipson discusses the recommendations of the Design Review Board in regards to the lighthouse. General discussion. Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-21-01 Dental Office - Brenden Clements and within that include the lighthouse structure as an accessory structure to house mechanical equipment for the water and pumping water in and out of the pond and for irrigation purposes and thereby eliminate Item #10 from the Site Specific Conditions of Approval from Design Review. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................... 4H. DR-32-01 - Two Monument Signs for Red Leaf Heights Subdivision - Hillview Development Corporation: Hillview Development Corporation, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct two monument signs for the entry to Red Leaf Heights Subdivision. The site is located on the southeast comer of Floating Feather Road and Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill: One clarification on this. I want to make sure that we get the site watered and I just wanted to make that statement. We have had several calls on the need for dust abatement and this is one of their site specific conditions of approval and a stop work order could be issued. Merrill moves to approve DR-32-01 Two Monument Signs for Red Leaf Heights Subdivision. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................. 4J. DR-35-01 - Subway Wall Sign for Fast Eddy Chevron - Fast Eddy Chevron: Fast Eddy Chevron, represented by Craig Jamieson with Idaho Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct a wall sign for the Fast Eddy Chevron Subway. The site is located on the southwest comer of Beacon Light Road and State Highway 55 at 12725 State Highway 55. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. John Franden has requested the opportunity to address the City Council. John Franden, 2300 E. Buckskin Court, Eagle, I was unable to speak to this issue when it was before the Design Review Board. Distributes recommendations to the City Council and discusses the same. I have no objection to a small sign on the East side the building. When the station was built it was not in the City of Eagle. Now the City has an opportunity to address several problems that exist at the site. 30' Chevron sign is located at the side. Each of the 4 sides of the island has signs. There is high intensity light coming from the island. General discussion. City Attorney would like time to do some research on these issues. This item will be addressed later in the Agenda. Merrill moves to amend the Agenda by adding under New Business Item 8F. Approval of expenditures for Highway 55 Entry Sign, Item 8G. Tennis Court resurfacing, Item 8H. Contract with Bill Dietz, and an Executive Session, Threatened Litigation. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................... 5. FINAL PLATS: A. 99-35-PDR - Final Plat for Callaway Ranch Subdivision - Charles Ward: Charles Ward with Annelise Development, LLC, is requesting final plat approval for Callaway Ranch Subdivision, a 63.36-acre, 33-1ot (31-buildable) residential subdivision located on the south side of Beacon Light Road approximately 800-feet west of Park Lane. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact.(WEV) This item was continued from the June 26, 2001 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Jim Howard, JJ Howard Engineering, representing the application, I have reviewed the findings and agree with Staff and the consulting engineer. General discussion. Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site and provides an overview of the project. General discussion. Jim Howard discusses the discharging water and contamination of the ground water. We have complied with DEQ's recommendations. General discussion. Merrill moves to approve 99-35 PDR Final Plat for Callaway Ranch Subdivision with an addition of Site Specific Condition W/: Each property owner will receive a copy of DEQ's letter dated March 27, 2001, and that this letter shall be attached to the homeowner's CC&R's. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................... 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor: Items A, B and C all deal with portable classrooms for Eagle High School, these items will be discussed at the same time and public comments will be taken on all three at the same item. A. CU-5-01 - Two Mobile Offices {Portable Classrooms) for Eagle High School - Meridian ~loint School District No. 2: Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham- Krohn-Van Ocker Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to install two 1,200 square foot mobile offices (portable classroom buildings) at Eagle High School. The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately 2,000-feet north of State Street at 574 North Park Lane. (WEV) B. CU-6-01 - Two Mobile Offices {Portable Classrooms) for Eagle Middle School - Meridian ,Joint School District No. 2' Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-Krohn-Van Ocker Amhitects, is requesting conditional use approval to install two 1,200 square foot mobile offices (portable classroom buildings) at Eagle Middle School. The site is located on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately i/2 mile east of Eagle Road at 1000 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) C. CU-7-01 I One Mobile Office (Portable Classroom) for Eagle Hill~ Elementary School - Meridian Joint School District No. 2: Meridian Joint School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-Krohn-Van Ocker Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to install one 1,200 square foot mobile office (portable classroom building) at Eagle hills Elementary School. The site is located on the north side of Ranch Drive approximately 1/2-mile east of Eagle Road at 650 Ranch Drive. (WEV) Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Stilman Anderson. Stilman Anderson, 1735 Federal Way, Boise, representing the applicant, provides Council with an overview of the portables at Eagle High School, Eagle Middle School and Eagle Hills Elementary School. Discussion on the nonconforming parking lot lights. General discussion. Vaughan: The issues are clearly addressed. Discusses nonconforming lighting. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves to approve CU-5-01 Two Mobile Offices (Portable Classrooms) for Eagle High School - Meridian Joint School District No. 2 with removal of Site Specific Condition of Approval #3. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ Council directs staff to send a letter to the Meridian School District addressing the nonconforming parking lot lights and the other items that the School District has not complied with. Staffto bring letter back to Council. Guerber moves to approve CU-6-01 Two Mobile Offices (Portable Classrooms) for Eagle Middle School - Meridian Joint School District No. 2. Seconded by Bastiun. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... Guerber moves to approve CU-7-01 One Mobile Office (Portable Classroom) for Eagle Hills Elementary School. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ......... 4J. DR-35-01 - Subway Wall Sign for Fast Eddy Chevron - Fast Eddy Chevron: Fast Eddy Chevron, represented by Craig Jamieson with Idaho Electric Signs Co., is requesting design review approval to construct a wall sign for the Fast Eddy Chevron Subway. The site is located on the southwest corner of Beacon Light Road and State Highway 55 at 12725 State Highway 55. (WEV) Buxton: I spoke with the applicant, Mr. Eddie, and his representative with the sign company. The Site Specific Conditions of Approval have all been agreed to by the applicant and//2 which is the corporate logo sign, appears to address Mr. Franden's concerns to remove those signs which the applicant is volunteering to do. Item #3 for Mr. Franden regards the canopy and the lighting. This was the original lighting. The applicant is willing to shield the lighting on the North Side. As to the sign, all nonconforming signs in the city limits must be brought into conformance by the year 2007. It appears to me that there is not anything that we can do in accordance with our ordinance other than what has been done here and Mr. Eddie has agreed to do. General discussion. Steve Eddie, discusses the pole sign, which will be brought into compliance in 2007, I have offered to shield the lights to the North. Discussion on the septic. General discussion. Duane Spiegel, member of Bogus Ridge Association, Steve Eddie has resolved some of the issues that we had but there are still some issues. I feel that shielding the lights on all four sides would be appropriate. Discussion of the septic system at the station. Discusses the hours of operation. Lloyd Campbell, I am the one who built the station in 1995 in Ada County. Most of the septic system is on the station site and the drain field is on the residential lot. It was designed to meet Central District Health. I have actually shielded the lights and went to the homes and there was actually little different. Steve Eddie, when Bogus Ridge goes on sewer we will go on the sewer. Maria Upham, discussion on the robberies that have happened at the store. Discusses the sign. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-35-01 Subway Wall Sign for Fast Eddy Chevron with Site Specific Conditions of Approval as proposed and the Standard Conditions of Approval and an additional Site Condition of Approval #6: That no more than 2 signs be allowed on the fuel island canopy and the signs must comply with Eagle City Zoning Code 8-2A-8(C)(2) and that Site Specific Condition g7: That the canopy lighting under the fuel island be shielded to the north side as agreed to by the applicant. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES ...................... Mayor calls a recess at 9:40 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:50 p.m. D. RZ-17-00 - Rezone from A-R to MU - Lloyd Campbell: Lloyd Campbell, represented by Roylance & Associates, is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to MU (Mixed Use). The 1.09-acre site is located west of State Highway 55 approximately 150-feet south of Beacon Light Road at 12700 Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Lloyd Campbell. Lloyd Campbell, 12655 Highway 55, Eagle, provides some history to the Council about wanting to put a fruit stand on the site. I was denied at Planning and Zoning. I just want to do a fruit stand on the comer. I would like to grow things on my property and sell it on my property. Scott Field, Roylance & Associates, representing the applicant, provides Council with an overview of the application. General discussion. Lloyd Campbell, discusses the septic system. I have already taken out a permit with Central District Health. A test was done in 1998. General discussion. Scott Field, further discusses the application addressing the septic system. Discusses the testimony presented at the Planning and Zoning Meeting. This application is not tied to the Chevron Station. There are a great many people in the area who are in support of this application; I believe you have a copy of the petition in support of the application. Vaughan: Displays an overhead of the site and provides Council with an overview of the application. The Comprehensive Plan zoning for this site is Mixed Use. Staff has recommended a Development Agreement. Planning and Zoning has denied the application. General discussion. Mayor swears in Dwayne Speegle. Dwayne Speegle, 2295 Deerpoint Court, Eagle, the biggest concern that the residents have is the traffic congestion. I would ask that the City of Eagle look at a traffic study before approving the mzoning. As an Association we have not had any contact with the applicant. Mayor swears in Wade Fender Wade Fender, 2289 E. Deerpoint Court, Eagle, Vice President of Association. It was the majority consensus from the Association that they are not in favor of this rezone. Mayor swears in Curtis Stoddard. Curtis Stoddard, I am the president of the Home Owner's Association. Traffic is an issue. I am wondering what the lighting would be at this fruit stand. Sewage and run off is an issue. This lot does not lend itself to much and he has every right to do something with it. Marla Upham, 2705 N. Showcase Ct, Eagle, discusses the pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Wonders what a Development Agreement represents. The sewer is a problem. Mayor swears in Mike Parry. Mike Parry, 650 Los Luccsos Dr, Eagle, my concern is the traffic. My concern is the multiple use and that something else could be built besides a fruit stand. Mayor swears in Bev Ross. Bev Ross, 9989 Janie Place, Eagle, I have several issues. We are to be a gateway into town. We don't want a lot of commercial. I know that the traffic is terrible. I think the volume of the sewer is an issue. I can't see that Mr. Campbell can prevent the public from using his restroom facilities. I oppose this. Mayor swears in Steven Blake. Steven Blake, Deer point Court, Eagle, I am a new resident in the neighborhood. This seems to be a repeat of what happened a few years ago. I am just asking you not to make the same mistake that Ada County did. Lloyd Campbell, discusses the traffic. I offered to build a private road from the Subdivision onto Beacon Light Road. I don't think anyone else has worked as hard as I have to make this comer look better. I have worked with the Payette Scenic By-Way to improve this area with landscaping. I paid to have the streetlights in. Discussion on wastewater. Discussion on a Development Agreement. Scott Field, I have discussed a Development Agreement with Lloyd and we are in favor of this. We think that a fruit stand is an excellent use of this property. To serve the site we would use a drain field which Central District Health would approve the field and the system. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Vaughan provides information on what a Development Agreement is. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to remand RZ-17-00 Rezone from A-R to MU - Lloyd Campbell to the Planning and Zoning Commission with the stipulation that a Development Agreement be attached to any future request for rezone of that property. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 383: An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property; Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Vaughan: Provides Council with an overview of the Ordinance. Sedlacek steps down due to conflict of interest. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #383 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance 9383 by title only. Seconded by Merrill. THREE AYES: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #383 be adopted. Seconded by Merrill. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... B. Ordinance No. 396: An Ordinance of the City of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Eagle City Code 2-1-6 To Provide Payment To The Planning And Zoning Commission For Regular And Special Committee Meetings And Repealing A Portion Of That Section That Authorizes Hiring Personnel; Amending Eagle City Code 2-2 By Adding 2-2-5 Establishing A Payment To The Design Review Board For Attending Regular And Special Board Meetings; And Providing An Effective Date. (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. Buxton: Discusses some changes that need to be made and discusses the ordinance and the reasons for adopting this type of an ordinance. Merrill moves to continue Ordinance No. 396 and bring back in a final draft at the July 24, 2001, City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION ARRIES .............. CARRIES ................. C. Personnel Manual: Review and discussion. (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. Buxton: Gives an overview of the personnel manual to the Council. General discussion. Council will review the manual at the Budget Workshop on July 25, 2001. D. Lease Agreement for the Ada County/Eagle Sports Complex: (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. Buxton: Gives Council an overview of the Lease Agreement. General discussion. Lease Agreement to come back to City Council at the July 24, 2001, meeting. E. Contract with Larry Schwartz regarding parking: (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to continue this item to the City Council meeting on July 24, 2001. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................ F. Approval of expenditures for Highway 55 Entry Sign: (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill moves to approve the total of $22,483.81 for the Highway 55 Entry Sign. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Basfian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............. G. Tennis Court Resurfacing. Mayor introduces the issue. Merrill discusses the different options for the sport court. Bastian moves to expend $41,045.00 for the improvement of the tennis court. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...... H. Contract with Bill Ditz. Mayor introduces the issue. Buxton: Provides Council with an overview of the Consulting Agreement. General discussion. Merrill moves to authorize the Mayor to enter into the Consulting Agreement with Bill Ditz for the negotiations for the new City Hall. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Threatened Litigation and Personnel. Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Threatened Litigation and Personnel. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ........................ Council discusses threatened litigation and personnel. Council leaves Executive Session. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Bastain moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 0 RICK MAYOR JAMES GIPSON ASSOCIATES architecture • planning 38 NORTH FIRST STREET, P.O. BOX 219 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 phone (208) 939-0236 fax (208) 939-0211 July 16, 2001 City Council City of Eagle 310 East State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Council 4 D C 7-17-o RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JUL 17 2001 File' Route to• N l °�` Project No. 0068 Lighthouse Dental Building Floating Feather & North Eagle Eagle, ID DR -21-01 Dental Office - Brenden Clements This will request that this item be removed from the Consent Agenda at the City Council meeting of July 17, 2001. The reason for this request is to have opportunity to discuss the proposed "lighthouse" structure. (Site Specific Condition of Approval Number 10). We believe that this should not be considered a sign, but rather a part of the landscape design. It will provide a focal point and separation between the outdoor areas and the street. Thank you for your consideration of the question. Very truly yours, J • MES GIPSON ASSOCIATES on cc. : Lighthouse Dental Center Page - 1 I'M d mug Yl I1'l1 i i ��III 1;1'I� 1 1 1 1 1 I ill 1111111 III111111 1 1. .1 11111 l l i `'�I I I I I'I�. . r .,k., 6tieou A 8'-O' THE LIGHTHOUSE JAMES GIPSON ASSOCIATES architecture • planning PO. Om 219 30 FbAi Firm 555M. Eel* Idaho 63616 phom i200) 099.0¢76 O Co 4— 7o CONSENT PETITION OF EAGLE JUL 16 20f,1 File: IYI!la, (" Route to: I, SUPPORT MR.CAMPBELL,S APPLICATION FOR A REZONE FROM A—R TO MU WITH A FRUITSTAND AT 12700 HORSESHOE BEND RD. EAGLE, ID. • ---. - '�'4 ADDRESS e�f r •/�` ' "_�. ( . r _k77= i61.4 Cattante-- 142k5 fuu 0 A gg// JJ� ss a q35? eitc ,S&Le Li) • 1)115 E. &cUk L1 j PHONE f -c c -2 Li , 2,3 24). Z.,z- z-Og2 7 J 93_q: 1' f39--,g-Tz7 �� - /g CONSENT PETITION nct..CIVtU & FILED CITY OF EAGLE File: Route to: E . 1 20'21 I, SUPPORT MR.CAMPBELL, S APPLICATION FOR A REZONE FROM A—R TO MU WITH A FRUITSTAND AT 12700 HORSESHOE BEND RD. EAGLE, ID. ADDRESS PHONE �-� _ _ Le7 ,4 mss- o is �. 1� 3 ;a? X4`1 61.12121_Vat:C_4 ZOATC44 Z7j5 -9Z ZUSS -tet` ��. I Jam.:.. •,'J. ' {, g f-� % 3 2.--(e. FT. 77 , 2c-1 L_, vas SQrz," J0,3 r� LD (tsek 63i ? lcJ ?` D 3oZ f Sum. Sta�P-P.e�'ogis sprn/Lq creek Zolsej,_Tei , 03 793 _vietst 1/ 361.6 J( ita4iag2G- zw it_K_c) "TanTI. I� pt. City of Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission P.O. Box 1529 Eagle, ID. 83616 RE: rezone application — RZ17-00 Dear Commissioners: RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE File• Route to• JUL 1 b 2001 We adamantly OPPOSE the rezoning of Mr. Campbell's property to MU — Multiple Use. As I am sure you are aware, all the surrounding land is residential except for the Chevron station, which already has caused increases in traffic and noise impacts as well as bright lights. We very much want to preserve the quality of our life in this area as well as our safety. We are respectfully requesting that you consider our desire to continue to reside in a rural residential area and not allow any further incompatible commercial land uses. We believe this type of development should be centralized in areas already zoned for such developments including State Street and downtown Eagle. We are relying on your good judgement to continue to promote and support good land use planning and not allow for further commercialization in an otherwise residential area. Sincerely, 0952 qi e 0 y) Name l (1620 \k) . o , ?e io-Q.n_ c__Q6• &3733 Address City of Eagle Ada County Sheriffs Office Month End Report for June 2001 Presented to: Mayor Rick Yzaguirre On Behalf of Sheriff Vaughn Killeen By: Sgt. Patrick Calley Sergeant Patrick Calley June 5 — Color Guard Duty; Idaho Peace Officers Annual Meeting. June 8-10 — Eagle Fun Days. June 12 — Chamber of Commerce. June 15 — Emergency Response Team Meeting. June 18 — Field Services Staff Meeting. June 19 — Busters Restaurant Safety Awareness Program. Deputy Dana Borgquist June 7 — Assisted with Eagle Hills Elementary bike race with traffic control. June 8-10 — Helped with extra patrol at the carnival and other events at Eagle Fun Days. June 11 — Began rough draft presentations for Bank Safety. June 21 — Attended Economic Development. June 26 — Presented Month End Report to City Council. Also talked about lighting project on Harlan/Riverside. June 27 — Started on next month's community project. Terisa and I will be making a list of all Home Owner's Associations in Eagle for better contact with Eagle citizens. Deputy Matt Buie June 8-10 — Helped with extra patrol at the carnival at Eagle Fun Days. June 19 — The northwest corner of Highway 55 and Beacon Light was beginning to look like a used car lot and Tracy from city hall called and advised that the lot belonged to city hall and was being leased. All 21 vehicles were tagged and moved within 48 hours. That corner will be checked often for vehicles and anyone parking there will be tagged. June — Continued to tag all vehicles parked at Hwy 55/Beacon Light. Deputy John Dewey June 8-10 — Eagle Fun Days extra patrol. Worked the beat downtown and the Nut Feed. June — Working with Sergeant Calley and Luis Gutierrez on establishing safety awareness class for Buster's employees. June — Still working on bicycle registration program for Eagle. Awaiting more information from other departments. Deputy Craig Durrell June 5-6 — Worked to solve a non -criminal neighbor problem on Mango. Involved repeated calls to the residence to handle noise complaints regarding a loud motor on a hot tub. Was able to encourage the owner of the hot tub to replace the part eliminating the noise. Have not been back. June 8-10 — Did extra patrol for Eagle Fun Days. June 22 — Directed patrol targeting speeding and seatbelt violations. Served several citations. June 27 — Attempted to draft a fireworks ordinance for Eagle but was advised we are going to adopt the state code at this time. Deputy Luis Gutierrez June 2 — Bike patrol at Eagle/North Channel and downtown. June 8-10 — Did extra patrol for Eagle Fun Days. June 15 — Emergency Response Team training. June — Worked with Sergeant Calley and John Dewey with self defense training for the employees at Buster's. June — Have been spending as much time as possible at the Skateboard Park. Have been handing out stickers and developing partnerships with "troubled" kids who frequent the skate park. Deputy John Harris June 8-10 — Helped with extra patrol at Eagle Fun Days. June 13 — Taught Eddie Eagle Gun Safety to 100 second graders at Seven Oaks Elementary. June 20 — Taught Eddie Eagle at Seven Oaks to 100 third graders. Deputy Carrera also attended so that he could watch and learn how to teach the gun safety program. Deputy Jon McDaniel June — Periodically responding to Seven Oaks Elementary to check in with Principal Susan Leigh since the school resource officer is now in the South County for the sununer. June — Rode bike downtown several days. Deputy Jeff Winegar June 8-10 — HeIped with extra patrol for Eagle Fun Days events. June 5-6 — Assisted Deputy Durrell in the noise complaint on Mango. Came up with solution to make everyone happy. June - Finally successful in getting the speed limit lowered to 45 on Eagle Road at North Channel. Still working on the changes on Eagle Road from Highway 44 to Floating Feather. Also extending the lane in front of Albertsons. June — Contacted the STEP Team to have them get any traffic related problems in the county to me to be addressed at the monthly meeting with Boise STEP, ACHD and ITD. Field Service Technician, Terisa Howell June 8-9 — Helped with Eagle Fun Days. June 20 — Attended last Eagle Fun Days committee meeting. Critiqued the event, came up with new and better ideas for next year. June 27 — Deputy Borgquist and I are starting a list of all the HomeOwner's Associations in Eagle so we will know about and be involved in any activities that neighborhoods are having. Detective Todd Jollif,�`e (Eagle Academy) June 4 — Detectives meeting. June 6 — Moved equipment for last day of school. June 8 — Took over cases from other detectives. Did interview with suspects in vandalism. June 8-9 — Helped with extra patrol during Eagle Fun Days. June 11— Detectives meeting. June 12 — Served Adams County citations all day for underage party that occurred. June 18 — Detectives meeting. Received year-end review from Maybon. June 20 — Washed patrol cars at Eagle Substation. June 21 — Assisted with a lost child found on Dunyon. Meeting covering first responders for school violence. June 22 — Completed interviews for some cases. Detective John Murray (Eagle Middle School) June 4 — Met with student and parents reference drugs in the house. Also followed up on a fight situation. June 6 — Schools out. June 8-9 — Helped with Eagle Fun Days. June — Working assigned cases since school is out. June 2001 Monthly Comparisons Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Arrests DUI Arrests Warrant Arrests City Ordinance Citations Non -Injury Accidents Injury Accidents Skateboard Violations Tobacco Parking Citations May June 9 6 4 1 3 1 25 16 0 0 81 11 31 2 01 0 11 1 2) 2 Injury Accident - Eagle/Mace Eagle/Chinden Non -injury Accident - Eagle/Bypass Eagle/State - 4 Hwy 44/State Hwy 55/State - 2 Park Lane - Eagle High Parking Lot Park/State Floating Feather/Hwy 55 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PROPERTY CRIME COMPARISON BY AREA TOTALS PER AREA 0January-2001 0 February -2001 0 March -2001 O A11n1-2001 ■May -2001 Ohne-2001 20 15 10 5 0 2 3 5 Vehicle Burglary STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA O January -2001 ■February -2001 March -2001 O Apn1-2001 0May-2001 0Juie-2001 1 10 8 C. 2 0 2 3 4 5 n rim STAR BSU Residential Burglary EAGLE KUNA O January -2001 O February -2001 O March -2001 OApn1.2001 0May-2001 O Jure -2001 10 -- 2 3 Commercial Burglary Ih 4 5 Updated 7/13/01 1 STAR EAGLE KUNA O January -2001 O February -2001 0 MarcI-2001 O ApnF2001 O May -2001 O June -2001 r I`1 rr Ed enj BSU EAGLE KUNA Construction Site Burglary O January -2001 O February -2001 OMarch-2001 DApi-2001 ■May -2001 0Jun -2001 Grand Theft O January-2001 •February -2001 0March-2001 O Apn1-2001 ■May -2001 1:1June-2001 1 3 4 Petit Theft BSU EAGLE KUNA 0January-2001 ■February -2001 0 March -2001 0 April -2001 111May-2001 OJune-2001 1 2 3 20 15 10 5 0, Updated 7/13/01 4 5 STAR Malicious Injury to Property BSU EAGLE KUNA O J a nary -2001 0 Felxuary-2001 0 March -2001 OApn-2001 11May-2001 •June -2001 2 c Public Works Position Coordination w/other utilities Monthly UCC (Utility Coordinating Council) meetings. Liason Central District Health & DEQ Municipal Water System Track and file all correspondence re: municipal water system Equipment Installation: Corrosion Inhibitor/Chlorine Annual Consumer Confidence Report -all Eagle systems Review Rate Structure Maintain Meter Inventory Street Lights Installation/Coordinate with State Electrical Inventory Repair/O&M -- Costs, Budget projections, energy consumption/conservation Eagle Sewer District Review/File Master Plan Documents Special Projects/Line Extensions Eagle Construction Projects-Administration/Management Park/Pathway Projects Downtown Parking Entry Signs First Street Bridge c. 7.- /7 1 Maintain files/Contact Name & Number for Irrigation Companies, Flood Control, and Drainage Districts. Pc,ii-19 — R12,12ctfLa PA. -6-"A-0-7,-- EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: RZ-17-00 — Rezone from A -R to MU — Lloyd Campbell July 17, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS i\ O are SyedQ 9 S- l V: n.1 C GIVil�e (A )act -e— —render In? „ • „ Ock5 Sbc c 24 6z tJ . .(q es c P. q 3<< -cf 242_ ,/, ,gA0k/4 __//-) /») 4/72G'5-- (5-/cw62as e— et - s�_5 •/,y g - eor/d rS7- !Ut,'ki- 65v LAS iucG,fUS ht q3q C q Ssci vim, 629= 07 3 TELEPHONE 4--16a�1 `735- /c63? X Page 1 of Document2 PRO? CON? X X X x EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: CU -5-01 — Two Mobile Offices (Portable Classrooms) for Eagle High School — Meridian School District July 17, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page l of 1 _ Document2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: CU -6-01 — Two Mobile Offices (Portable Classrooms) for Eagle Middle School — Meridian School District July 17, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page l of 1 _ Document2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject: CU -7-01 — Two Mobile Offices (Portable Classrooms) for Ea21e Hills Elementary — Meridian School District July 17, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of 1 _ Document2