Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 04/09/2001 - SpecialORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes April 9, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Eagle City Council: MERRILL, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER: Present. Ada County Commissioners: SIMMONS, ULLMAN, KINGSFORD: Present. 3. DISCUSSION ITEM: A. Eagle's Area of Impact Agreement: Mayor Yzaguirre introduces the agenda items and refers to a letter from the Ada County Commissioners dated April 3, 2001. 1.) Provisions requiring sewer: Trisha Nilsson with Ada County Planning and Zoning, reviews the differences in sewer requirements that the City and County currently have. Discussion between Council and Commissioners. Simmons states that the he, personally, feels more comfortable allowing septic on 5 acm pamels, but the County policy is 2.5 acres. Nilsson states that one-acre lots should have central sewer in order for the municipal and county policies to come more into alignment. Lynn Moser with Eagle Sewer District briefly reviews the master plan for the Eagle Sewer District. Discussion. 2.) Residential density: Bastian does not feel that density is a matter for discussion tonight as Eagle is very aware of the type of community it is creating and it is something of an island in a planning nightmare. Ullman feels that the cities should control their own destiny in regards to density. Simmons feels that the area of impact is where the issue of density should be addressed; perhaps the letter was not clear on this matter. Discussion regarding where the area of impact is being requested to be expanded. Council and Commission agree that they are ok to the northeast - 168 acres 45 lots North - Council and Commission agree to retain Homer Road as the boundary to the north. South boundary is to remain the same. West - Discussion. Council and Commission agree to negotiate the in the Linder Road area. Mayor agrees to take public comment on the issues discussed tonight. Phil Whitner 198 Rooster Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Whitner comments that the number of people attending the meeting tonight does not accurately reflect those who are concerned with retaining the low density in Eagle. Whither is pleased with the direction that discussion regarding density took tonight. Comments on Eagle's planning, past and · present. Mike Sieler 1125 Steepleview Drive Eagle, ID. Mr. Seller reads a statement into the record. Mark Bulter 1640 Washam Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Comments on Ada County zoning. Pat Miller 959 Preakness Eagle, Idaho. Comments on sewer requirements and the current Comprehensive Plan. Would like to see the Comprehensive Plan adopted by Ada County as it presented. Scott Nordstrom 2590 W. Timber Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Nordstrom is a member of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. He is quite pleased to see the Commissioners and Council working together to find a solution to an issue. Morgan Masner 3168 S. Whitepost Way Eagle, Idaho. Comments on density, tax revenue and transportation issues. Betty Miller 959 Preakness Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Miller is concerned with the Commissions attitude towards the density in Eagle's Comprehensive Plan. Simmons states as long as the area of impact is not expanded he okay with the density, even though he personally feels it is poor planning. Kingsford states that it is the communities right to develop as they see fit, as long as the sewer issues am addressed. Ullman agrees that the City of Eagle should plan as it sees fit. 3.) General Discussion. Simmons states that he thought the western area of proposed area of impact was to be Linder Road, while Merrill, Ullman, and Sedlacek state it was Lanewood that was being discussed. Discussion regarding annexation. Trisha Nilsson recaps the modified proposed area of impact as discussed tonight. The Ada County Commissioners agree to approve the 2000 Eagle Comprehensive Plan, and move forward with hearings and attach the maps at a later time. 4. ADJOURNMENT: City Council moves to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Heating no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at pm. Respectfully submitted: --SHA ON . OORE ' CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: MAYOR