Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 02/06/2001 - SpecialORIGINAL
Special Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2001
1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 5:00 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber.- Present. Bastian - Absent. A quorum is
A. PP-14-O0 - Eagle River Subdivision - Eagle River, LI,C: Eagle River LLC
represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting preliminary plat
approval for Eagle River Subdivision. The 90-acre, 7-lot (5-commercial, 1-residential, 1-
city park) subdivision is located on the southeast comer of State Highway 44 and Eagle
Road. This item was continued from the January 9, 2001 Council meeting.(WEV)
Mayor introduces the item.
Mayor opens the public hearing.
Mayor swears in Mr. Clark.
Bill Clark, 479 Main St Boise, Idaho representing Eagle River. Mr. Clark reviews the
concept plan that is attached to the Development Agreement, as well as a revised concept
plan. Discusses pond locations and the preliminary plat plan. States Eagle River is
currently going through the Design Review process and reviews that application.
Vaughan briefly reviews the application in regard to easements and the preliminary plat
process as defined by Eagle City Code.
Mayor swears in Mr. Dater.
Tom Dater 827 E. Riverside Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Dater is in favor of the project. He is
concerned with retaining access to his property when this development is approved.
Concerned also with a berm along Riverside Drive that in the development agreement is
to be constructed prior to a building permit being issued. Notes that the Planning and
Zoning Commission had proposed the condition that the landscaping and berming must
be done prior to final occupancy pemfit. Mr. Dater would like the original condition
abided by as would like the berming and landscaping in place to abate noise pollution
during construction. Also has concerns with access to irrigation water.
Bastian arrives at 5:50 p.m.
Mayor swears in Mr. Leis.
Stan Leis, 372 Woodlander Ct. Eagle, idaho. Is concerned with the location of the
greenbelt pathway. Would like a walking path and bike path to be placed on the levy. He
~vould like the developer to commit to the access to the public early on in the
development process. Also has concerns with the shown residential lots being extended
into the floodway.
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K ,COUNCIL\MINU~ES/Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC 02 06 01spmin doc
Bill Clark comments on a discussion he had with the Park and Pathway Development
Committee regarding a possible underpass under the bridge. Also states that the levy is
not recognized by FEMA. Ed Miller provides comments on the levy.
Buxton provides clarification regarding adding conditions to the development agreement.
Ed Miller, attorney for Eagle River LLC. Comments on the pathway placement on the
concept plan. States that they will honor the terms of the development agreement, but he
does have a concern with a public pathway being placed on private property within the
development. Discussion regarding flood~vay line placement and the placement of the
Mayor calls a break
Veto Brewer, City Engineer, comments on this application and future development
applications for the project which will come before the City.
Susan Buxton, Mr. Miller and City Council discuss easements, pathway placement, and
river access.
Buxton and Brewer leave the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Vaughan discusses items that the Council may want to clarify when addressing this
Mayor closes the public hearing.
Deliberation amongst Council.
Merrill moves to approve PP-14-00 Eagle River Subdivision Eagle River, LLC with
the standard and site specific conditions of approval as proposed by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Refer to the Eagle River Preliminary Plat Potential
Additions and Refinements to Conditions of Approval document dated February 6,
2001, which was submitted tonight (attached to minutes). Council agrees to accept
the recommended changes to site specific condition//2 except that item f. shall read:
The approximate location and requirement for two emergency access points from
Eagle River to the Boise River and 10 to 12 non-exclusive parking spaces for
sportsman access shall be indicated and agreed upon by Flood District #10, Eagle
Fire Department, Ada County SherifPs Office, and the Developer. Item 2 j shall
read: The requirement for and approximate location of an alternate access (if the
City does not obtain the Wells property) from the park to the public greenbelt area
should be indicated, prior to signing the final plat. Concerning the refinements
proposed in the above mentioned document submitted by Eagle River item #7 shall
read: Specific easement location shall be indicated on the final plat or
geographically referenced on the final plat note, as presented. Item #11 shall read:
A detailed landscape plan for the landscape area adjacent to Eagle Road and State
Highway 44 and public right of way adjacent to Block 1, 2, 3 as presented. Item #15
The refinement suggestion by Eagle River shall be deleted as it has already been
addressed. Item #17 shall read: The developer shall work with Thomas Dater
(property owner to the east) and the New Union Ditch Company as the site develops
to insure the delivery of irrigation water to the said property honors any legal rights
said property possess, and furthermore will indemnify the City of Eagle from any
legal action by third parties. Now, adding a new site specific condition #19: The 60'
easement for access to Riverside Drive and the Thomas Dater property shall be
provided either by the City of Eagle or Eagle River. To ensure that the little corner
spot which was discussed tonight will allow access to the Dater property. Site
specific condition #20: The berm shall be fully solid landscaped and in place before
building permits are issued. Clarifying the condition by stating: The berm provided
for the Thomas Dater property along Riverside Drive shall be a solid landscaped
area (continuous vegetation screen) to be placed before a building permit is issued in
that location. #21: In the event that ITD does not approve access to the alternate
route, access shall occur and be built at Riverside Drive, to Ada County Highway
District standards. #22: We shall have a third access offofthis property either
across the alternate route or Riverside Drive to ensure all of the traffic does not load
onto Eagle Road. Either one of these roads shall be constructed prior to the
issuance of an occupancy permit for any building within the project. Seconded by
Sedlacek. Discussion. Merrill amends her last condition to read: Prior to the
issuance of any occupancy permit, the Riverside Drive extension shall be built.
Second agrees to the amendment. Discussion. Merrill amends her motion
regarding Riverside Drive. Build a construction road with berm in the section by
the Dater property and upgrade to Ada County Highway District standards when
150,000 square feet is developed. This construction road shall be the primary access
for construction traffic and access for all heavy construction. Signs are to be posted
signifying such. Second agrees to the amendment. Discussion. The review and
approval for the berm shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Bastian moves to add an additional site specific condition that would require a
paved pathway along the southern edge of the development in the proximity of 6,500
cfs line. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
A. Discussion re~ardin~ a~Drovai for the installation of street lights near Eagle
Middle School and Eagle Knoll Subdivision. (RY)
Mayor introduces the item.
Bastian moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the drafted letter requesting
additional lights to be installed near Eagle Middle School. Seconded by Guerber.
Discussion of the lighting needs in near of Eagle Knoll Subdivision.
Council would like to reconsider their approval of Red Leaf Manor at their next Council
meeting. A letter to Providence Development requesting the installation of a light, and
notifying Red Leaf Manor of the reconsideration of that application for lighting issues.
Sedlacek moves to have staff contact a representative from Eagle Knoll Subdivision
and request their participation in the installation of a light at the corner of N. Crest
and Floating Feather. If Eagle Knoll declines, the staffis to notify Red Leaf Manor
that the City Council will be reconsidering their findings of fact to require them to
participate. Seconded by Merrill. Sedlacek clarifies that the reconsideration will
actually be on the application not the findings of fact. ALL AYE...MOTION
Council schedules a Joint Meeting on February 26th with the Planning and Zoning
Commission and Design Review Board. Council schedules meetings for March 6th,
March 13th, and March 20th beginning at 6:30 p.m. The regularly scheduled meeting for
March 27th is cancelled. Council also chooses to cancel the Joint Meeting with the Ada
County Highway District Commissioners that was scheduled for March 5th.
Mayor reviews the meeting the Ada County Commissioner's that was held yesterday
regarding the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex as well as other issues.
Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
KSCOUNCIL/MINUTES/Tempora~ Minutes Work At ea\CC-02-06 01sprain doc
52 eGal /aloe
Eagle River - Preliminary Plat
Potential Additions and Refinements to Conditions of Approval
February 6, 2001
Presented below are suggestions by Eagle River LLC for additional conditions of approval and
refinements to conditions as recommended by P&Z. The primary purpose of the additional
conditions to provide the City with additional assurance that as development of Eagle proceeds
over a period of years that there will be full compliance with the terms of the approved
Development Agreement. Also, these conditions clarify the City's continuing overview role in
this project.
It is recommended that the additional conditions all be a subset of Site Specific Condition #2.
2. The Final Plat shall comply with all requirements of the development agreement for this
site dated January 25, 2000 between the City of Eagle and Eagle River LLC, including the
a. Future re -subdivision of this property must comply with the limitations on building
area, uses, and number of units as set forth in the Development Agreement, sections
3.2.1 through 3.2.4 (note on Final Plat) .
b. All development within the property shall be consistent with the Site Design Guidelines,
Exhibit D of the Development Agreement (note on Final Plat).
c. Prior to issuance of any building permits, Eagle River shall provide proof of adequate
sewer services to the subject property. Eagle River must show evidence of sewer
hookup by the Eagle Sewer District prior to issuance of an occupancy permit (note on
Final Plat) .
d. All development and improvement of the property shall comply with applicable federal
rules and regulations pertaining to regulated wetlands and Title 10. Flood Control, of
the Eagle City Code (note on Final Plat).
e. The location and design of a public easement for a 10 foot informal greenbelt pathway,
consistent with Exhibit E of the Development Agreement, and the January 10, 2001
recommendations of the Eagle Parks and Pathway Committee shall be submitted for
City Council approval prior to the City Engineer's signature of the Final Plat.
f. The approximate location and requirement for two emergency access points from Eagle
River to the Boise River and 10 to 12 non-exclusive parking spaces for sportsman
access shall be indicated.
Page Two
Prior to signature by the City Engineer, Eagle River shall obtain approval by the
Design Review Board of the following: (1) detailed design of the 35' landscape and
pathway strip along State Highway 44, (2) detailed design of the 28,000 square foot
landscape area and pond at the corner of State Highway 44 and Eagle Road, and (3)
street tree and lighting design for the pathways adjacent to internal roadways included
in this plat.
h. Design review approval must be obtained for architectural and site design of all
commercial buildings prior to issuance of building permits. Site design will include
pathway connections where appropriate.
i. A mutual access easement shall be provided to allow an interconnection of pond areas
within Reid Merrill Sr. Community Park to the adjacent Eagle River pond.
The requirement for and approximate location of an alternative access (if the City does
not obtain the Wells property) from the park to the public greenbelt area should be
indicated, consistent with Exhibit A to the Development Agreement.
The following are suggested refinements to the P&Z recommended Site Specific Conditions of
7. .... Specific easement location shall be indicated on the final plat or graphically referenced
on a final plat note.
11. —A detailed landscape plan for the landscape area adjacent to Eagle Road and State
Highway 44 and public rights of way adjacent to Block 1. 2 and 3...
15. Delete in entirety (See 2j, above)
17. The developer shall work with Thomas Dater (property owner to the east) and the New
Union Ditch Company as this site develops to insure that the delivery of irrigation water to
said property honors any legal rights said property possesses.
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FEB 06 2001 09:04
Datea,� 0f i�aeS0
From Ind L.7 01-
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Phone N
Fait #
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208 388 6924 PAGE.01
Mayor: Rick Yzaguirre
February 7, 2001
Idaho Power
Attn: Mark Schooler
P.O. Box 70
Boise, ID 83707
Dear Mr. Schooler,
P.O. Box 1520
Eagle, Idaho 83616
Council: Stanley J. Bastian
Steve Guerber
Nancy Merrill
Lynne Sedlacek
Thank you for taking the time last week to meet for a site inspection near Eagle Middle
School, at which representatives from the Ada County Highway District, Eagle City,
Idaho Power, Eagle Middle School, and the Ada County Sheriffs Office were in
attendance. As a result of the meeting, I would like to formally request the installation of
the four streetlights (at the locations determined during the site tour), with the billing for
power usage to be directed to the City. Also as discussed, I would also like to request the
upgrading of the pole located on the south side of Floating Feather Road near the
As Pm sure you are aware, the installation and upgrade of these lights will greatly
improve safety in the area. Thank you for attention to this matter.
Rick Yzaguirre,
K:\CITY\Letters from Mayor\2001\Id Power street lights doe
January 10, 2001
1. CALL TO ORDER: 6:38 p.m.
Liaison Merrill, Susan Buxton, City Attorney, Vem Brewer, City Engineer: Absent:
HUMMEL, DECKERS. A quorum is present.
Vice Chairman Glavich presiding.
A. Discussion of Merrill Community Park site in relation to the Eagle River Project site.
Don Belts reviews the memo dated November 20, 2000 directed to the Eagle Planning and
Zoning Commission from the Pathway Committee regarding Eagle River's development.
Discussion regarding water rights for the park. Bill Clark, Eagle River representative, stated that
the City's request for 20 acre feet for irrigation is agreed by Eagle River. Discussion regarding
the land exchange. Glavich expresses his concern with the land exchange, as it appears that part
of the newly acquired land will be used for a road easement. Clark comments on the
requirements placed on Eagle River by the City, in terms of buffers and landscaping, and the
affect on usable land. Clark distributes a concept plan to the committee for review and discusses
the ponds and water retention on site. Discussion of wetlands.
Susan Buxton, City Attorney, reviews the items that the Parks Committee needs to forward
recommendations on to the City Council in relation to the development agreement. Sections 3.2.
9 ;3.2.10; 3.2.11 need to be commented on. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, provides
comment on wetland, floodplain and FEMA data.
Belts presents a concept plan for the pond neighboring Merrill Park. Discussion of curb cut
location and emergency access.
3.2.9 The Committee would like to see pedestrian access throughout the development, as well as
from the park to the wetlands. Also if the Wells Property is not obtained access from the park
through the residential area to the river is desired.
3.2.10 River access. A more natural pathway through the wetlands vs. a paved or asphalt
pathway is desired.
Torfin moves approve the Eagle River concepttlal plan based on the following: The
pathway plan and river access shall be a proposed 10'pathway along the bypass and Eagle
Road that will provide a connection at the following points = at the river access at the
southwest corner of the project adjacent to the river lodge site; The pathway system along
the river shall be an informal pathway located within the floodway and will be connected to
the proposed Reid Merrill Park; The river access at the southwest corner shall also provide
fire support vehicle access and flood protection access; The Park and Pathway Committee
also supports a joint effort for some underground connection underneath Eagle Road
connecting existing systems; Eagle River shall provide water rights for the City and Merrill
Park in the amount of 20 acre feet; Access to the pond shall be based on the concept
exhibit submitted by Jensen -Belts tonight (see attachment to minutes); Expansion of the
pond shall be allowed on the park property; Regarding roadway access - a curb cut shall
be provided during the construction of the parkway and shall be coordinated with the City
of Eagle's Design consultant prior to construction; All of which that is in accordance to the
concept plan provided by Eagle River representatives tonight (see attachment to minutes).
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K:1Parks Development Committee120011MInuteslPPDC-01-10.01mLn.doc.doc
Seconded by Fergusson. Discussion. Torfin amends the motion to clarify that the curb cut
shall be a radius approach with corresponding cut within the center island. Fergusson
agrees with the amendment. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
Discussion regarding the Wells property. The Committee agrees that it is an important piece of
property for the Merrill Park.
Torfin moves to notify Council that the Park and Pathway Development Committee
recommends to the City Council that they to proceed to acquire the Wells Property
through condemnation procedures if necessary, to acquire the property for access and
expansion of the park. In the event that the city decides not to undertake condemnation
proceedings, the development agreement shall be followed which states the developer shall
provide alternative access from the park to the pathways and the river. Seconded by
General discussion.
Belts, on behalf of the architect, requests written input on the concept plans.
Fergusson moves to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Torfin. ALL AYE...MOTION
Respectfully submitted:
Page 2of 2
Works Development Cammftteee2OO1M nutesTPDC-01-10-01mIn.doc.doc
se et a!6l0i
Requirements for approval of the Eagle River conceptual plan, as recommended by Dan Torfin
of the Eagle Parks and Pathway Development Committee, January 10, 2001 (excerpts from
meeting minutes):
1. The pathway plan & river access shall be a proposed 10 -ft. pathway along the
Bypass and Eagle Road and will provide a connection at the river access at the
southwest corner of the project adjacent to the river lodge site.
2. The southwest corner access shall also provide fire support vehicle access and flood
protection services.
3. The committee supports a joint effort for some underground connection underneath
Eagle Road connecting existing systems.
4. The pathway system along the river shall be an informal pathway located within the
floodway and will be connected to Reid Merrill Park.
5. Eagle River shall provide water rights for the City and Merrill Park in the amount
of 20 acre feet.
6. Pond — a) access to the pond shall be based on the Jensen -Belts concept plan
(submitted 1/20/01).
- b) expansion of the pond shall be allowed on the park property.
7. Roadway access -
- a) a curb cut shall be provided during the construction of the parkway and
shall be coordinated with the City's design consultant prior to construction.
- b) the curb cut shall be a radius approach with a corresponding cut within
the center island.
8. Wells Property - If the City decides not to proceed with condemnation procedures
to acquire the Wells property, Eagle River shall provide alternative access from the
park to the pathways and the river (according to the development agreement) .
JAN -31-01 14=55 FROM = C 1 TY OF EAGLE 1 D = 2i0ti+JJ9+bW27
LAl:lr •4/ J
January 10, 2001 DRg
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:38 p.m.
Liaison Merrill, Susan Buxton, City Attorney, Vem Brewer, City Engineer: Absent:
HUMMEL, DECKERS. A quorum is present.
Vice Chairman Glavich presiding.
A. Discussion of Merrill Community Park site in relation to the Eagle River Project site.
Don Belts reviews the memo dated November 20, 2000 directed to the Eagle Planning and
lame Zoning Commission from the Pathway Comunittee regarding Eagle River's development.
Discussion regarding water rights for the park. Bill Clark, Eagle River representative, stated that
the City's request for 20 acre feet for irrigation is agreed by Eagle River. Discussion regarding
rX., the land exchange. Glavich expresses his concern with the land exchange, as it appears that part
of the newly acquired land will be used for a road easement. Clark comments on the
requirements placed on Eagle River by the City, in terms of buffers and landscaping, and the
affect on usable land. Clark distributes a concept plan to the committee for review and discusses
the ponds and water retention on site. Discussion of wetlands.
Susan Buxton, City Attorney, reviews the items that the Parks Committee needs to forward
recommendations on to the City Council in relation to the development agreement. Sections 3.2.
9 ;3.2.10; 3.2.11 need to be commented on. Vern Brewer; Holladay Engineering, provides
comment on wetland, floodplain and FEMA data.
Belts presents a concept plan for the pond neighboring Merrill Park. Discussion of curb cut
location and emergency access.
3.2.9 The Committee would like to see pedestrian access throughout the development, as well as
from the park to the wetlands. Also if the Wells Property is not obtained access from the park
through the residential area to the river is desired.
3.2.10 River access. A more natural pathway through the wetlands vs. a paved or asphalt
pathway is desired.
Torfin moves approve the Eagle River conceptual plan based on the following: The
pathway plan and river access shall be a proposed 10'pathway along the bypass and Eagle
Road that will provide a connection at the following points - at the river access at the
southwest corner of the project adjacent to the river lodge site; The pathway system along
the river shall be an informal pathway located within the floodway and will be connected to
the proposed Reid Merrill Park; The river access at the southwest corner shall also provide
fire support vehicle access and flood protection access; The Park and Pathway Comniittee
also supports a joint effort for some underground connection underneath Eagle Road
connecting existing systems; Eagle River shall provide water rights for the City and Merrill
Park in the amount of 20 acre feet; Access to the pond shall be based on the concept
exhibit submitted by Jensen -Belts tonight (see attachment to minutes); Expansion of the
pond shall be allowed on the park property; Regarding roadway access - a curb cut shall
be provided daring the construction of the parkway and shall be coordinated with the City
of Eagle's Design consultant prior to construction; All of which that is in accordance to the
concept plan provided by Eagle River representatives tonight (see attachment to minutes).
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tAuLEprricommomparm nevdoom+snt cone,dcovoo,vinwcocc41.104:.none
JAN -31—W1 14 i bb 1-b Ufl = L. i ♦ r yr LMtsLt
'Seconded by Fergusson. Discussion. Torfin amends the motion to clarify that the curb cut
shall be a radius approach with corresponding cut within the center island. Fergusson
agrees with the amendment. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
Discussion regarding the Wells property. The Committee agrees that it is an important piece of
property for the Merrill Park.
Torfin moves to notify Council that the Park and Pathway Development Committee
recommends to the City Council that they to proceed to acquire the Wells Property
through condemnation procedures if necessary, to acquire the property for access and
expansion of the park. In the event that the city decides not to undertake condemnation
proceedings, the development agreement shall be followed which states the developer shall
provide alternative access from the park to the pathways and the river. Seconded by
General discussion. DOI
Belts, on behalf of the architect, requests written input on the concept plans.
Fergusson moves to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Torfin. ALL AYE...MOTION
Respectfully submitted:
Page 2of 2
,1 E/►GualThcommomp+na Development comer toel2oa1ww.stei5 .OI.1O.Ot rinjooc
FILE No.207 02/06 '01 PM 03 34 ID:HOLLADAY ENGINEERING FAX:208 642 2159
Fab -O5-01 16:07 Toothman-Orton Enrg. Co. 208323 2399
February 5, 2001
Mike Mongelli
City of Eagle
310 E. State Street
P.0, Aox 1520
Eagle, Idaho 83616
[JOISE, IDAHO A3714.2008
108-123-1288 • FAX 208.323.2399
ho 1seetoengrco,c00nt
Post.11° Fax Note
Phone I
Ke. Eagle River Floodplain Development Permit #5-00
Dear Mike;
Phone 1
Fax 11
1 recently received a copy uta letter to you from Holladay Engineering, dated January 30, 2001.
In this letter Holladay raises several questions in regards to thc blood Plain Development Permit
for the Eagle River project. As you are aware, this application was originally submitted to the
City and subsequently forwarded to Holladay for their review. We received a copy of the letter
from Holladay, dated September 18, 2000, stating that they have reviewed the storage volume
plots g,cperall a rcc with the document. The letter goes on toccotz nact�T"uprraval of the
Plood Plain Development Pem�it Ap licsgtion. On October 19,-2000, you issued a Floodplain
Weielropment Permit ii -r the proleet, With the iarluttnt;tr athe original Flood Plain Development
/ Permit, the City acknowledged that the original suhrnithtl met the conditions of the City's blood
Plain Ordinance. With the required development permit in place, the commotion, tlruction, as shown in
the approved plan, Kogan.
On November 16, 2000, revised plans of floodplain storage volumes were tsubmitted for the sole
purpose of incorporating a two -acro pared adjacent to Eagle Road, which was not originally a
part of the project. The addition of the two -acre parcel had a minimal effect on tho overall flood
plain volume and the resubmitted demonstrated u no net loss of floodplain volume in accordance
with the City of F.ag1e's Floodplain Ordinance. We later received u copy of a letter to you from
Holladay, dated December 27, 2000, which state that they take no excoption to the/ storage
volurnes provided on the drawings. The letter goes on to make an assutnpt on about storage
areas on the up -hill side of the_ roads being canrtectr Uvia culvert under the roads. As sated in
a totter to you dated January 11, 2001, the letter did not rcqucst additional inf rrmalion from
Toothman-Orton and since their assumption was correct, we did not respond. Following the City
Council metting_.lunua where Holladay's representative stated that l'onthman-Orton had not
responde o their request sent them a preliminary copy of our construction drawing indicating
thc culvor reflections in question.
FlOTSF.f'fR1rR.I'eI tit,r=•v,,retI
Fab -05-01 16:08 Toothman-Orton Enrg. Co.
Mike Mongelli
February 5, 2001
Page 2of3
FAX:208 642 2159
208 323 2399
P. 02
Awed on the letter from 1 lolladay, doted January 30, and u subsequent telephone conversation on
February 1, it appears Holladay is now requesting additional information on portions of the
overall property, which were already included in the original Floodplain Development Permit.
The tuning of these comments is s ' . he construction is virtually complete and has
been done in accordance wi ,, .0 approved plans, i , have also completed final design for the
storm water system based on I I t, Hy s approval of the original submittal,
vo l ,,.. ego
Holladay's most recent letter, dated January 30, 2001 makeso three comments and asks for your
1.) The first comment Is in regard to the northeastern portion ot'the property and questions
how floodwaters would be able to enter this area. Currently thc floodwaters, in a large
event, would enter this property from the south. In the future, if and whcn Riverside
Drive is constructed along the southern edge of this property, culverts would be installed
under the read to effectively connect this property to the floodplain system to the south.
In the event the properties south of the area in question are developed, it will be that
developer's responsibility, to insure that their project, like all projeets in the floodplain,
comply with the City's flood plain ordinance and does not isolate the Eagle River
property from the overall flood plain system. Tr the property to the south were to be
developed in a manner which isolated this portion of Eagle River from the floodplain,
they should, under the Cagle Floodplain Ordinance, be required to provide excavation on
their property to mitigate for this loss, since their project would be reducing the existing
floodplain volume. The) property owner to the south has indicated he has no Intention of
ever developing his property, and in that case, the Iltxxl water would access the Eagle
River property In question the same way it would now.
2.) The second comment in their letter related to the wetlands and the future mod crossing of
the wetlands. Once the design is ready to proceed on this rection of the project, we will
be required to file for a 404 Permit Irom the Army Corps of Engineers. As part of this
submittal we will be required to demonstrate shut we are not cutting off the flow to any of
the existing wetlands designated to remain. This will require that we locate culverts
under the road crossings orsufficient six to maintain the existing hydrology pattern for
the wetlands designated to remain.
3.) The third and final (=imam questions why there are no supporting calculations that
demonstrate the proposed pipe connections will convey flood waters to available storage
areas within a reasonable time. The Ietter states that they believe 48 -hours after the fined
event is a reasonable time period. The calculations and the 4R -hour period arc not
conditions stated in the City's Floodplain Ordlnsncc. further, this is a roquusst far new
data on that portion of the project that bus already been approves/ by the City at thc
recommendation of Holladay Engineering Company, The letter iron/ Holladay, dated
December 27, 2000 does not mention the requirement of calculations or the 48-hour
tt5l:RJ'KR•8tIArkusi t12tWPf1Mnlednngsll/2-3-2fRJl4nm
FILE No.207 02/06 '01
Fab -O&-01 16 s 08
Toot hman-Orton
Mike Mongelli
February 5, 2001
Page 3 of 3
ENGINEERING FAX :208 642 2159
Enrg. Co. 208 323 2399
limitation. We agree with TTolladay's concern over inclusion °farms upstream of
roadways in the post development floodplain volume calculations. Without a connection
under the roads, which are raised 0.5 -foot above BFF, in accordance with the City's
Floodplain Ordinance, the roads could potentially act as a dam. Wu have included with
our final design several l2 -Inch and 15 -inch culverts grossing the roads to join all ol'the
areas we have Identified as providing flood plain Storage.
This letter is intended to express our concern over the manner in which this review has
progressed and to address the comments stated in the: most recent letter from I Iolladay
lsngineering Company. We believe we have adequately addressed the comments stated in the
letter as they relate to the City's Flood Plain ordinance. Pleam contact us with any additional
comments or questions.
Tim Mokwa
cu. Hill Clark
Tim Crim, Holladay Engineering Co.
Rill Vaughan, City of F.agle
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