Minutes - 2001 - City Council - 01/09/2001 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 9, 2001 ORIGINAL PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. l. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Sgt. Patrick Calley will present the December monthly report. Sgt. Calley will be giving this report at the January 23, 2001 meeting. 2. Discussion of Senior Center request for funding suggestions for the gas stove replacement in the Center. Geneva Trent. Council member Sedlacek would like to see the City fund the entire amount. Discussion. This item is added to the agenda under new business for Council action. 3. Discussion of Boise City letter dated December I9, 2000 regarding expansion of the Eagle City Area of Impact. General discussion. Merrill feels that a point by point response to the Boise City letter should be drafted and sent. Discussion. Bastian arrives at the meeting at 6:40 p.m. 4. City Attorney Report: moved to end of meeting 5. City Engineer Report: moved to end of meeting 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: moved to end of meeting. 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion regarding the Blue Moose Cafe and their continued lack of occupancy permit. They have done work on the trash enclosure, but the materials used were not what was originally approved for by the Design Review Board. Vaughan also has concerns with the upstairs being used as something other than storage space, and notes the sidewalk is still not completed. Council agrees to accept the cedar trash enclosure instead of the vinyl that was originally approved. Council also feels that if the sidewalk is completed and the usable space issue is resolved then a certificate of occupancy can be issued. Osborn requests clarification on Council's desire regarding the issuance of a liquor license. Bastian states that if they have met the criteria established by the city and obtained their Certificate of Occupancy, then the liquor license should be issued. Council also feels that ifa certificate of occupancy cannot be obtained prior to the weekend, the Blue Moose Cafe may obtain a one time only catering permit for the weekend event they have scheduled. Reid Merrill 3073 Red Tail Dr. Eagle, Id. Discusses landscaping for Merrill Subdivision. Mr. Merrill feels that the approval for the PUD he received from the City allowed the landscaping to be installed as each lot was developed. Vaughan comments on the history of this application and the approval language that Council adopted. Vaughan notes that the application which the developer's representatives filled out for this project speaks to the "flexibility to install items" whereas the site specific conditions do not speak to a lot by lot installation of landscaping. All other applications require the landscaping improvements to be installed up front, so to speak. The number of trees, spacing of trees and size of trees are the items that need to be addressed. Discussion. Ms. Merrill notes that the entire PUD has a landscaping plan that was approved by the Design Review Board, and then as each lot is developed, another Design Review approval is needed for each lot. Generally the PUD's landscaping plan addresses the perimeter of the development, whereas the individual lots landscaping is site specific. Bastian questions Mr. Merrill if the individual property owners are aware of the fact that they are going to have to provide substantial landscaping improvements in order to obtain final occupancy. Mr. Merrill states that they are aware of the requirement. Mr. Merrill states that the requirement is stated in their CC&R's. Bastian feels the surety should be returned to the Developer as long as the we have letters that confirm that it is the responsibility of each individual property owner and that Page 1 \/EAGLENTI/COMMON~COUNCiL/MiNUTES/Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-09-0 lmin dec the City has clear communication that they have been noticed that they require Design Review approval also, final occupancy will be withheld until the PUD landscaping requirements have been met. The Council concurs with Mr.Bastian. 8. Mayor and Council's Report: moved to end of meeting REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Council Member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Plarming & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of December 19, 2000. C. DR-44-00 - Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center - Coulter Properties LLC: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Dakota Company Inc., is requesting design review approval of the landscaping within the common areas of Trolley Square Shopping Center. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) D. DR-53-00 - Professional Office Retail Building - Robert DeShazo, Jr.: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being final. Robert DeShazo Jr., represented by Douglas Landwer, is requesting design review approval to remove an existing structure of 1,532-square feet and to construct a 5,944-square foot professional retail building. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 600-feet west of Eagle Road at 172 West State Street.(WEV) E. DR-59-00 - Seven Oaks Elementary Classroom Addition - Meridian School District No. 2: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. Meridian School District No. 2, represented by Leatham-Krohn-VanOcker, is requesting design review approval to construct a 4,900-square foot classroom addition to Seven Oaks Elementary School. The site is located on the west side of Seven Oaks Way approximately 450-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1441 North Seven Oaks Way. (WEV) F. DR-60-00 - Office Building within Casa Escuela Subdivision - George Lund: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. George Lurid, represented by Steve Teed, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,278-square foot office building. The site is located on the east side of Academy Avenue approximately 21 O-feet north of State Street at 244 South Academy Avenue (Lot 3, Block 1, Casa Escuela Subdivision). (WEV) G. DR-61-00 - Building Wall Signs for Sav-On Drugs - Albertsons Inc.: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application being finaL Albertsons Inc., represented by Don Cobb with Image National Inc., is requesting design review approval of five building wall signs for Sav-On Drugs. The site is located on the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road within The Marketplace at Eagle at 3212 East Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) H. DR-62-00 - Common Area Landscaping for Oakle¥ Estates Subdivision - Start Ray: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. Start Ray is requesting design review approval of the landscaping within the common areas of Oakely Estates Subdivision. The site is located on the northeast corner of Floating Feather Road and Ballantyne Road.(WEV) I. DR-63-00 - Master Sign Plan for Eagle Forum Building - David Waldron and Rod Graham: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. David Waldron and Rod Graham, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for Eagle Forum Building. The site is located on the southeast comer of Cedar Ridge Drive and 2nd Street within Eagle Forum Subdivision at 408 South Eagle Road. (WEV) J. DR-64-00 - Building Wall Sign for Pak Mail - Pak Mail: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. Pak Mail, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval to construct an internally illuminated building wall sign for Pak Mail. The site is located on the north side of Plaza Drive within Eagle Plaza Shopping Center at 228 East Plaza Drive. (WEV) K. Findings and Conclusions for PP-12-00 - Trolley Square Subdivision - Coulter Properties LLC.: Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Tom Bauwens of the Dakota Company Inc., is requesting a preliminary plat approval for Trolley Square. The 26.9-acre, 23-1ot commercial subdivision is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) L. Findings and Conclusions for CU-12-00 - Trolley Square Subdivision - Coulter Properties LLC.: Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Tom Bauwens with the Dakota Company Inc., is requesting conditional use approval for Trolley Square Shopping Center. The 26.9-acre shopping center site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) M. Findings and Conclusions for RZ-12-00 - Trolley Square Subdivision - Coulter Properties LLC.: Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Tom Bauwens of the Dakota Company Inc., is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement). The 24.84-acre site is located on the west side of Edgewood Lane approximately 2,000-feet north of East State Street. (WEV) DR-36-00 - Wireless Antenna at Eagle High School - U. S. West Wireless LLC: West Wireless LLC, represented by Paul Hoffman with W & H Pacific Engineering, is requesting design review approval to construct a wireless antenna on a replacement light standard located at the baseball field of Eagle High School. The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately V2 mile north of Highway 44 at 574 North Park Lane. (WEV) DR-66-00 _ A-frame Sign for Total Attractions - Carol Bishop: Carol Bishop is requesting design review approval to display an a-frame sign for Total Attractions in front of her business within Bosanka Village. The site is located on the south side of State Street at 391 West State Street, Suite A. (WEV) Merrill removes 4C, D, F, I from the consent agenda. Merrill moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... 4C DR-44-00 - Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center - Coulter Properties LLC: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Destgn Review Board on an application being,final. Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Dakota Company Inc., is requesting design review approval of the landscaping within the common areas of Trolley Square Shopping Center. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) Merrill would like the buffer retained between the residential and the commercial development. Merrill moves to approve DR-44-00 Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center with the following changes. Site specific condition #16: shall read that the 40' buffer along the north boundary shall remain. Amend site specific condition to read: Perimeter landscaping along State Street shall be planted from the centerline of the berm south. The north side of the berm shall be completed except wherever the shrubs abut the building. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Merrill withdraws the motion. Merrill moves to approve Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center with the following changes. The center of the berm on State Street shall be landscaped complete except where the buildings abut up. Item #10 on the findings of fact shall reflect the change that it will be 40' buffer will be from the northwest comer to the east and not along the west boundary. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Merrill withdraws her motion. Merrill moves to approve DR-44-00 Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center with the following changes: The 40' buffer from the northwest corner headed east shall remain. The landscaping on State Street shall be completed on all of the berm except where buildings abut landscaping, and the landscaping surrounding the building shall be done at upon building construction. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE AYE...ONE NAY (Bastian). MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 //EAGLENT I/COMMON',COD2qC IL/MINUTES/Tempor ary Minu~es Work Area\CC-01-09-0 Imin doc 4L. Findings and Conclusions for CU-12-00 - Trolley Square Subdivision - Coulter Properties LLC.: Coulter Properties LLC, represented by Tom Bauwens with the Dakota Company Inc., is requesting conditional use approval for Trolley Square Shopping Center. The 26.9-acre shopping center site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) Merrill moves to reconsider Findings and Conclusions for CU-12-00 - Trolley Square Subdivision. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Merrill moves that the findings and conclusions for CU-12-00 shall mirror the Design Review approval for DR-44-00 Common Area Landscaping for Trolley Square Shopping Center. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4D. DR-53-00 - Professional Office Retail Building - Robert DeShazo~ Jr.: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. Robert DeShazo Jr., represented by Douglas Landwer, is requesting design review approval to remove an existing structure of 1,532-square feet and to construct a 5,944-square foot professional retail building. Thc site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 600-feet west of Eagle Road at 172 West State Strect.(WEV) Merrill notes that a letter has been received by Idaho Power stating their intent to meet with Mr. DeShazo regarding power pole placement on this property. Merrill feels that it is an issue between Idaho Power and Mr. DeShazo and is therefore making a motion for approval of this Design Review application. Merrill moves to approve DR-53-00 Professional Office Retail Building. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. DR-60-00 - Office Building within Casa Escnela Subdivision - George Lund: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. George Lund, represented by Steve Teed, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,278-square foot office building. The site is located on the east side of Academy Avenue approximately 21 O-feet north of State Street at 244 South Academy Avenue (Lot 3, Block 1, Casa Escuela Subdivision). (WEV) Cerda reviews the Design Review action and discusses the reconsideration letter the applicant has submitted. Merrill moves to approve DR-60-00 - Office Building within Casa Escuela Subdivision with the recommendations presented by staff regarding par!ding resulting in item #6 being deleted. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Merrill withdraws the motion. Merrill moves to continue item DR-60-00 Office Building within Casa Escuela Subdivision to the next regularly scheduled council meeting so that staff can research city code regarding the site. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4I. DR-63-00 - Master Sign Plan for Eagle Forum Building - David Waldron and Rod Graham: Per City Council request, all design review applications are to be appealed by the Page 5 //EAGLENT I/CO MM ON~COUNCI L/MINUTE S/Tempor ary Minutes Work Area/CC-Ol-09-01rnin doc Zoning Administrator to the City Council for their review prior to the action taken by the Design Review Board on an application beingfinal. David Waldron and Rod Graham, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for Eagle Forum Building. The site is located on the southeast comer o£Cedar Ridge Drive and 2"4 Street within Eagle Forum Subdivision at 408 South Eagle Road. (WEV) Merrill draws Council's attention to the size of the monument sign and requests Council be aware of the visual impact numerous signs this size will have on the bypass. Merrill moves to approve DR~63-00 Master Sign Plan for Eagle Forum Building. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE....MOTION CARRIES. 5. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-9-00 - Final Plat for Spring Creek III Subdivision - Spring Creek Associates LLC: Spring Creek Associates LLC, is requesting final plat approval for Spring Creek III Subdivision, a 4.6-acre, 20-lot (18-residential, l-commercial, and l-common) subdivision is located on thc northwest comer of Eagle Road and Ranch Drive extended at 653 North Eagle Road. Thc site is within the Eagle City Limits. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Vaughan briefly reviews the staff report. Mark Butler states they have met several times with ACHD regarding road issues. Doug Pike 1091 N. Pinnacle Way Eagle, Idaho discusses the application. General Discussion. Bastian moves to approve FP-9-00 Final Plat for Spring Creek III Subdivision modifying condition #3 as proposed by the LCI document (attached to minutes) and delete condition #4, modify condition #7 as proposed by the LCI document. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion regarding the Brookwood well and letter from Aries Development dated December 12, 2000. This item was continued/rom the December 19, 2000 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Veto Brewer, Holladay Engineering, discusses the status of the Brookwood well. Brewer notes that the documents previously missing have been received. Mike Hormachea 1101 W. River Street. Discusses letter dated December 12, 2000 regarding the issuance of building permits for Brookwood #3. Letters have been submitted to the City from Eagle Fire Department, Eagle Sewer District and United Water regarding their inspections on this phase, he has also submitted a disclosure form to be signed by the lot owners regarding the conditions placed on the lots in this phase. Merrill moves to allow Mr. Hormachea to obtain building permits for phase 3 of Brookwood Subdivision. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Findings and Conclusions for RZ-9-00/PPUD-6-00/PP-9-00/CU-9-00 - Picadill¥ Village Planned Unit Development - Stacia Patterson: Stacia Patterson, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential - four units per acre) to MU-DA-P (Mixed Use - with Development Agreement-PUD), conditional use, planned unit Page 6 \~EAGLENT I \COMMON/COUN CILkMIN UTES\Terapor ary Minutes Work Area/CC-01-09-01rain dec development preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approval for Pieadilly Village Subdivision. The 6.87-acre, 19-lot (16-residential, 2-commercial, and 1-common) subdivision is located on the southwest comer of State Highway 55 and Hill Road. This item was continued from the December 19, 2000 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mark Butler requests clarification of the findings. Discussion. Guerber moves clarify the original motion on the Findings and Conclusions for RZ-9- 00/PPUD-6-00/PP-9-00/CU-9-00 - Picadilly Village Planned Unit Development to stipulate the 2000 sq. ft. limit as well as the 1500 sq. ft. limit as well as the requirement that landscaping be provided in lieu of the actual wall construction. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. TItREE AYE...ONE NAY (Merrill). MOTION CARRIES. C. Review and approval of the Jensen-Belts Contract for Merrill Community Park: The City Attorney is requesting this item be continued to the January 23, 2001 meeting. (SEB) Mayor introduces the item. Guerber moves to continue this item to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-11-00 -Rezone from R-4 to CBD -Robert Runyan: Robert Runyan is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential) to CBD (Central Business District). The 0.18-acre site is located on the east side of Park Road approximately 200-feet north of State Street at 74 Park Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Mark Butler. Mark Butler 222 E. State Street Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler reviews the application. Vaughan reviews the staff report. The Mayor swears in Mr. Ditz. Bill Ditz 673 W. Fordham Drive Eagle, Idaho. Is concerned with the restriction of the number of employees that was placed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, he questions the legality of that condition. He supports the project. The Mayor swears in Ms. Quail. Mary Quail 265 Park Road Eagle, Idaho. Concerned with the number of cars and the congestion on the comer of State Street and Park Road. Would like the neighborhood to remain residential. Also concerned with the narrowness of the street. The Mayor swears in Mr. Ward. Ken Ward 303 Park Road Eagle, Idaho. Draws Council's attention to the petition previously submitted in objection to the rezone, those objections still apply. There are numerous long-term residents who would like it to remain as is. The Mayor swears in Mr. Adams. John Adams 208 Park Road Eagle, Idaho. The traffic issues are real. It is a bottleneck and a Page 7 //EAGL ENT I/CO MMON~COUNCIL/MINUT E S/Tempor ary Minutes Work Area/CC Ol 09 01mln doc dead end. All residents on this street have had either their fence or mailbox knocked over by people trying to turn around. Believes limiting the number of employees is feasible. The traffic problems need to be resolved before the zoning is changed to commercial. Mark Butler rebuts testimony. Comments on the number of trips a day this use will generate. Feels the use will be low intensity, and raise property values. Ken Ward feels there are better property opportunities that would better accommodate this use in town. A residential subdivision does not need to be sacrificed when there are other commercial properties in town that could be utilized. Mayor closes the public hearing. General discussion. Buxton provides clarification on limiting the number of employees. Discussion amongst the Council and Staff. Sedlacek moves to deny RZ-11-00 Rezone from R-4 to CBD. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a five-minute recess. B. PP-14-00 - Eagle River Subdivision - Eagle River, LLC: Eagle River LLC represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Eagle River Subdivision. The 90-acre, 7-lot (5-commercial, 1-residential, 1-city park) subdivision is located on the southeast corner of State Highway 44 and Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. The Mayor swears in Mr. Clark. Bill Clark, 479 Main St. Boise, Idaho. Mr. Clark reviews the application. Vaughan reviews the staff report. Mayor swears in Mr. Leis Stan Leis, 372 Woodlander Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Has concerns with how the public access is identified on this preliminary plat. Notes the plat does not even identify the levee. Believes the levee is access for the fire department. Also has concerns with development in the floodway, and the subsequent negative impact on Island Woods homeowners. Encourages the Council to obtain more information before approving these plans. Clark rebuts testimony. States that in the FEMA maps the levee is not identified or recognized. The grading plan, which has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, does show the levee and the ponds. General Discussion. Vaughan notes that the Council may want the pathway easement to be reflected on the plat, as well as emergency access noted on the preliminary plat. There are numerous requirements from the Development Agreement which are lacking in this application and possibly Council will want to have them reflected on this plat. Brewer addresses questions concerning roadway height, floodway storage, as well as the grading plan. Clark responds to Council questions. Tim Mokwa, Toothman-Orton 977 Chinden Blvd. Boise, Idaho comments on the ponds on site and their functions. Merrill expresses her concern with the application. Discussion. Mayor calls a 5 minute recess. Page 8 \/EAGLENTI/COMMON~COUNCIL\MINUTES/Tempora, y Minutes Work Area/CC-01 09.01 rain doc Buxton requests the Council continue the public hearing to the first meeting in February to allow the applicant and staff to meet to gather further information. Guerber moves to continue this public hearing to February 6, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. Seconded by Bastain. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. A-5-00 & RZ-13-00 - Annexation and Rezone From RT to R-l- Capital Development Inc.: .Capital Development Inc., represented by Jim Howard with JJ Howard Engineering, is requesting an annexation and rezone from RT (Residential - one unit per five acres) to R-1 (Residential - one unit per acre. The 78.87-acre site is located north of Chinden Boulevard approximately 1-mile west of Locust Grove Road at 990 E. Chinden Boulevard. D. PP-15-00 - Castlebur¥ Subdivision - Capital Development Inc.: Capital Development Inc., represented by Jim Howard with JJ Howard Engineering, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Castlebury Subdivision. The 78.87-acre, 89-1ot (77-buildable) residential subdivision is located north of Chinden Boulevard approximately 1-mile west of Locust Grove Road at 990 E. Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor introduces items 7C and 7D. These items will be reviewed and public testimony taken on both at the same time, but two separate motions will be made. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Mr. Howard. Ramon Yorgason 2309 N. Cole Rd. Boise, Idaho. Mr. Yorgason reviews the application and reviews the concerns they have as stated in a letter from Moffatt Thomas dated January 9, 2001. Vaughan reviews the staff reports. Mayor swears in Mr. Anderson Darrel Anderson 1677 W. Spanish Bay Eagle, Idaho. Has concerns with safety issues with the increased traffic. Is also representing the Spyglass Homeowners Association. They would like to see meandering streets instead of straight roads. Encourages a deceleration and turn lane. Mayor swears in Mr. Zavison Bill Zavison 1965 W. Crooked Stick Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Would like to see sidewalks on both sides of the street. Does not want his subdivision to incur fees for the completion of W. Crooked Stick Court. Traffic flow is a concern as well as density and construction traffic. Concerned with an easement which has been deleted which affects his property. Mayor swears in Ms. Saunders. Julie Saunders 168 E. Sugarberry Eagle, Idaho. Is concerned with the density, would like to see larger lots in general. Access to Chinden will be a nightmare. Also expresses concerns with the overcrowding at the schools, there should be more planning and working with the different agencies. Mayor swears in Mr. Chamberlain. David Chamberlain 2636 W. Sugar Crest Drive Eagle, Idaho. Concerned with the high density of this development. Would like it to have larger lots. Also expresses his concerns with traffic on Chinden, would like to see a deceleration lane. Would like to see Crooked Stick not be a stub street. Mayor swears in Mr. Clammers Jerry Clammers 238 S. Neskowin Eagle, Idaho. Is not opposed to the development per se, but would like to see larger lots. Mayor swears in Mr. Asbury. Ray Asbury 555 E. Sugarberry Drive Eagle, idaho. Concerned with increased traffic within the subdivision. Would like to see an interconnecting path. Mayor swears in Mr. Ureta. Steve Ureta 425 E. Sugarberry Drive. Concerned with access onto Chinden. Mayor swears in Mr. Seyer. Scott Seyer 1929 W. Spanish Bay Drive. Feels that a great deal of traffic will be diverted through Spyglass subdivision via Crooked Stick. Mayor swears in Ms. Bauchman. Kay Bauchman 2963 Sugarberry Eagle, Idaho. Feels the size of lots in the proposed subdivision will devalue surrounding properties. Would like speed bumps put in to deter people cutting through subdivisions. Vaughan clarifies the buffer area for the subdivision along Chinden. Mr. Yorgason rebuts testimony. Comments on stub streets, notes they are concerned with the access to Chinden and are looking forward to receiving ITD's comments with which they are planning to comply with, also notes the easement mentioned by Mr. Zavison does need to be deleted, comments on the proposed density. General discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Bastian moves to approve A-5-00 & RZ-13-00 Annexation and Rezone From RT to R-1 for Capital Development Inc. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to approve PP-15-00 Castlebury Subdivision Capital Development Inc., with the following conditions in addition to the standard conditions and keeping all other site specific condition of Planning and Zoning. #12 shall remain and require deceleration lanes, center lanes and acceleration lanes to the entrance of the subdivision. Delete #13, but require a street stub-out to the west off of Westberry Way/Westberry Place to be determined by the developer. Adding a condition: Eliminate the requirement for a pedestrian/equestrian easement on the south east corner of the subdivision. Eliminate item #14 which says meander Stansberry, Ashbury, Kingsbury, and Westberry roads leaving it to the developers discretion. Eliminate item#15. Modify #16 to strike out '~even if it requires a minimal amount of off-site improvements." Which would leave "Complete transitional landscaping and road connections to Spyglass and Sugarberry Subdivisions." Eliminate item#17 and #18. Include #19. Add a condition to create a common lot instead of an easement along Chinden Boulevard in place of the 75 foot easement. Adding a condition to require all construction traffic to use Castlebury subdivision streets. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Bastian clarifies his motion to state that the common lot is to be a berm of which shall meet the minimum berm height along an arterial. Second agrees. THREE AYE...ONE NAY (Merrill). MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a 5 minute recess. E. ZOA-4-00 -Zoning Ordinance Amendment - David Rovlance and Ron Bath: David Roylance and Ron Bath are requesting a zoning ordinance amendment to change the text within Chapter 6 of Title 8 of the Eagle City Code for Planned Unit Developments. The substance of Page I 0 //EAGLENT I/COMMON/COUNCILhMINUTES/Temporary MinuleS Work Area/CC 01 09 01mln doe the amendment is to allow for increased residential densities for planned unit developments designed for older person aged 55 and over. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Mr. Butler. Mark Butler, 222 E. State Street Eagle, Idaho reviews the application. Mayor swears in Mr. Bath. Ron Bath 1729 Whitby Lane Eagle, idaho. Mr. Bath discusses other senior housing developments he has been involved with as well as the fair housing act. Discussion. Vaughan makes himself available for questions to the Council. Buxton has concerns with the term "older person" that is in the proposed language Mayor swears in Ms. Maile. Colleen Maile, 885 Rush Road Eagle, Idaho. Notes the location of her property. She has concerns with the ordinance. Laws are suppose to be for the common good of the people. The potential impact is an additional 240 additional dwelling units city-wide. This ordinance has the potential to increase the population of Eagle. The ordinance does not meet the needs of low income seniors. What are the guarantees that these units don't evolve into multi-family units if the demand for senior housing is not satisfactory. Feels that to draft legislation to meet the specific needs of one developer does not seem democratic. Mayor swears in Ms. Alder. Marie Alder 651 W. Rush Eagle, Idaho. Notes the location of her property. Feels the additional units will affect our infrastructure negatively. The ordinance will also go against the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor swears in Ms. Bratney. Sylvia Bratney 669 W. Rush Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Notes the location of her property. The theoretical development may not be harmonious with existing land use. Mayor swears in Ms. Jerman Sarah Jerman 633 W. Rush Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Agrees with previous testimony. Does not want the density to increase. Mayor swears in Mr. Vale. Delmar Vale 725 W. Floating Feather Eagle, Idaho. Has no comment on the ordinance. He has not objection to the "theoretical development". Mayor swears in Mr. Lamberson Greg Lamberson, 1230 N. Hiltonhead Eagle, Idaho. Feels that this is the type of concept that would keep him in Eagle. Colleen Maile, questions why notice was not given to surrounding property owners regarding a change of use for adjoining properties. Bath rebuts testimony. States that they had held a neighborhood meeting with adjoining property owners to the Crandelmeir property. Also states that it can be enforce as to the age criteria, specifically CC&R's could speak to this. Mayor closes the public hearing. Buxton provides comment on the enforceability of the age criteria and would like the opportunity to research the matter further. Discussion amongst Council. Guerber moves to assign an ordinance number to this item, and bring this item back to another City Council meeting for another public hearing on the ordinance. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Guerber clarifies his motion to include a minimum 5000 sq. ft. recreation center and leaving it at a 20% increase. Second concurs. THREE AYE. ONE NAY (Sedlacek). ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision - Council Clarification of Condition of approval to require a siphon tube. (WEV) B. Resolution 01-01: A resolution for the City of Eagle requesting the reduction of the speed limit on Eagle Road and Highway 44, and also requesting a traffic study from ITD. The City Attorney is requesting this item be continued to the January 23, 2001 meeting.( SEB ) Guerber moves to continue 8A & 8B to the Jan. 23, 2001 meeting. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE_MOTION CARRIES C. Discussion of Senior Center request for funding suggestions for the gas stove replacement in the Center. Guerber moves to authorize the expenditure of up to $5000.00 for the installation a new stove in the Senior Community Center kitchen, with the funds to come from City Hall maintenance and operation. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Acquisitionofprivatepropert¥I.C. § 67-2345(c) Item 9A is continued. Page 12 /~EA GLENT I \CO MMON~COUNCI L/MIN U T ES/Temporary Minutes Work Area/CC 01 09 01min doc 10. AD]OURNt, IENT: Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1:30 am. R/~ectfully submitS) DEPUTY ~/L ERK APPROVED: PaCi YZ UIPdm MAYOR -- Page 13 //EAGLENTI XCO MMON\COUNCI L\MIN UT ES\Tempor ary Minutes Work Area/CC O 1 09 01mln doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: ZOA-4-00 Zoning Ordinance Amdnement - David Roylance and Ron Bath January 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ) 7 1) i& & 7/gALL d(6,5 - 1 1.42 co'N ADDRESS Page 1 of 1 TELEPHONE PRO? CON? 7a?7,3 64, ?),9 -/yr c't °1 - Cal 5 c:(7_ / Sc( (• i.,-7. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect: PP -15-00 Castlebury Subdivision - Capital Development Inc. January 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect:PP-14-00 Eagle River Subdivision - Eagle River LLC January 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect:RZ-11-00 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD - Robert Runyan January 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? C.' fir 1 %tel -736.1 Page 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subiect:A-5-00 & RZ-13-00 Annexation and Rezone from RT to R-1 Capital Development Inc January 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. NAME PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page 1of2 EAGLE �LTER.��TE ROUTE 0 -0 rzietif if oto� •• ••wawa.°` 4 yl. I�x • .r+ l IJj D CI a ToiLd Mint for .,% itettttta °oMep v nT% OTA n Na Caneept Plan Is preliminary and Is abject to tarlatan W .doo..Ookabadwa moo and eta r.O.w M rrn w.rrt rsor one rpor a. Mom tar Was. promo Mb aM w oft te..t r Moa b Mond Woo* M dwrrp,.t r D IOW •rrOOwwt for To Oro W00%erap'Nq moor am ow owl. or N Oa a,ol mob r/ M.MwaMM mrw MMrrpV rd pn *1 a.p.Mq w rd aww enter M M!Maar rrd rear rpw.ao r/ r dams. rim rhw M MMM b... w ord. M tamer Mr bolt, Haut M OnrlOrawt rd PM. roam• *so eiOrrbRowl 010.10 No. r — ___._____ tornr.,.r wweM Ova.r wgrot Is n moor ens auro art is. in to OneriOnwtApaart Concept Pian EAGLE RIVER 0 eagle, idaho AM I... :OM 11011 ■ Minn r Ud no �I �I citt Revised 12-06-2000 TIM LU 0100", crc r�.... Haas. • r I►+n •...—r. wt... .slew: .•� swan .waft!! masterledwg BROOKWOOD SUBDIVISION WELL PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Holladay Engineering Company Project No. PR 014100 TASK SCHEDULED TIME 1. Water Right Acquisition (not in workscope): 0 weeks 2. Review Local Well Logs: 1 week 3. Well Design & Specs: 2 weeks 4. Site Assessment Report and DEQ Approval: 4 weeks 5. Design Above Ground Appurtenances: 6. DEQ Review Designs and Approval: 7. Secure IDWR Drill Permit and Driller: 8. Well Drilling, Construction, Pumping Test: 9. Water Quality Testing: 10. Acquire and Place Pump: 11. Construct Above Ground Appurtenances: 1 week 4 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks Estimated Total Project Time: 28 weeks r 0 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 5 2001 Fite* Route tr+• ACCOMPLISHED N/A yes no* Pending Approval* no no no no no no no Current: 9 weeks *Notes: Project Task 3, well design, is complete but well specs and drill contractor agreement in progress and pending completion of Task 4. Task 4 site assessment report has been mailed to IDEQ on January 3, 01 and currently awaits their review approval and site inspection. It should be noted that the site could be denied due to several drainage setback problems with the selected well location. Steve Rae at IDEQ stated that we may submit the report and their office may. consider waiving the problems. I informed Mike Hormaechea of the possibility of considering an alternative site should this site fail. Date: /4444tzr.vi / Project Manager: Bill Strowd, P.G. cc: Mike Hormachea, Aries Development, L.L.C. Rick Yzaguirre, Mayor, City of Eagle I :IENGRIHE\PR10141001PR OGREP2.WPD cei)glol Land Consultants Inc. 222 E. State Street • Suite B • Eagle Idaho 83616 • Office 208.938.3812 • Fax 208.939.7321 Date: January 9, 2001 TO: City of Eagle Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members 310 E. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Final Plat for Spring Creek III Development Dear Mayor and Council, Please consider the following changes to the staff recommendation (underlined text proposed to be added and strike-thru text proposed to be deleted): Condition #3: "Provide the City with a revised copy of the subdivision CC&R 's to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. The CC&R 's shall not be required for Lot 1. Block 1. the assisted living facility " Condition #4: Please delete this requirement in its entirety. The roadway is to be built by ACHD and negations between several effected property owners and the District is underway regarding right-of-way acquisition and cost sharing. Final completion of the roadway is likely to take quite some time. The fire department has approved the site without the roadway connection and the site functions fine without that secondary access point. The connection will be made when the District constructs the road. Condition #6: "The sidewalk shown .- .. along Eagle Road abutting this site shall be installed prior to issuance of any occupancy permits for the site." NOTE: ACRD has required a $3200 surety for the sidewalk because they need to construct it when they construct the road due to the fact that the road needs to be designed first. Condition #7: "All common area improvements (ie landscaping, irrigation, sidewalks) within Lot 2 (as shown on the approved landscape plan date stamped by the City on June 8, 2000) shall be installed prior to issuance of occupancy permits for any building within Lot 2. For purposes of this condition it is understood that a sufficient area around each building site will be necessary for construction vehicles and excavation equipment and that landscaping in that area shall not be required until the individual building site is ready for an occupancy permit." Page 1 of 2 C:wty Co unentstCAiabs 20004Lorgson 00168 FP CC fe.doc Thank you for your consideration in this matter and we look forward to answering any questions you may have. Sine ely ov Mark L. Butler Page 2 of 2 c:w{y DocixnentssLCMUobs 20001Longsan 03168 FP CC le.doc HHOLLADAY E ENGINEERING CO. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM January 5, 2001 Vern Elwin Eagle Island bike path survey, missing and misplaced pins RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 21:1 File. Route tn. Some of the survey pins were missing and some were not in the correct location by as much as 5 feet. Our question was, do we move the pins to match the land description or change the description to match the pins? In a meeting held with the Department of Lands on December 5th, Don Stockton advised to follow the descriptions and not the location of the pins. Roy Johnson of Johnson Engineering did the original survey for the Department of Lands. Colleen Marks was asked to contact Roy Johnson to see if he would be willing to correct the pin locations. Colleen Marks has been in contact with Roy Johnson and says he has agreed to correct the pins. that are misplaced and place the missing pins. Colleen will keep Holladay Engineering informed of his progress. Marks will complete the fence survey as soon as Johnson completes the pin placement. Holladay Engineering would like to be advised by the council to or not to proceed with getting proposals for the fence construction. All of the survey pins are in place for the first phase of the fence construction. . IDAHO POWER COMPANY PJI1ER P.O. BOiSEBOX, IDA70HO 83707 January 8, 2001 Bill Vaughn, Zoning Administrator City of Eagle 310 E. State St. Eagle, ID 83616 Re: Jackson Square Dear Bill, ee}llglol Layne M. Dodson Community Relations Representative Office (208) 388-6477 Fax (208) 388-6907 Htt%t1 LED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 08 2001 Filo: /R/) .o Routs to: Idaho Power would like to express concern over the proposed Jackson Square development at the old Eagle Paint and Glass store. Drawings that have been reviewed indicate that structures are planned in close proximity to power line facilities. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) specifies the required clearances. Idaho Power would like to have the opportunity to review detailed plans of this development to insure that the proposed facilities meet NESC required clearances. Idaho Power is currently in contact with the property owner to discuss these issues as well. Please address any questions concerning this to: Darel Tracy Idaho Power Project Management P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 208-388-2462 208-388-6902 (fax) 208-866-5900 (cell) dtracva,idahonower.com Sincerely, /e.."..e..,.. Layne Dodson 01/E18/2001 12: bb 2U8 -b58 -'J2/8 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 8 2001 Flr. Route to: January 8, 2001 Hon. Mayor and City Council City of Eagle 310 E. State Street Eagle ID 83616 Re: DR -60-00 Dear Mayor and City Council, 5 I tF'HbN k I bill AkLHb2 (91 1 (Cf 54144% '61 This is to request that the referenced Design Review item be re- moved from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda to appeal deletion of condition No. 6 on the Design Review Board approval of this project to be heard at your January 9 meeting. Yours truly, cc: Walt Morrow ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING 7047 W. IRVING LANE BOISE ID 83704-8681 (208) 378-8788 FAX (208) 658-9278 Ulit18/2U111ii:bb'ARI-b51:1-2/1d January 8, 2001 Barbara A. Cerda, Planner II City of Eagle 310 E. State Street Eagle ID 83616 Re: DR -60-00 Dear Barb, SIU-'t1LN N IttU ANUV JAN 08 Z001 Ric Route to: We are hereby requesting that item 6 of the Design Review Board approval be deleted. This item requires that the building be shifted 4 feet to the east. The reason for request is based on the following: The parking on the east side of the building will be used on a regular basis by the employees to keep the west (front) parking open and available for clients. By doing this, it will keep the parking visible from the street to a minimum. This will enhance the appearance of the project. The east side parking requires a 360° turn to enter. By having the additional 4 feet of distance available, it will make the entry to the parking stalls much easier to negotiate. We feel it is not good planning to make 7 spaces more difficult to use just to improve one space in front which is already in excess of the minimum number of spaces required. We are willing to designate the south space on the west side as compact and in- crease the width of the planting area to make the space narrower. Please advise me as to what the procedure may be to appeal this matter to City Council. Yours truly, cc: Walt Morrow ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING 7047 W. IRVING LANE BOISE ID 837044881 (208) 378-8788 FAX (208) 658-9278 H HOLLADAY E ENGINEERING CO. MEMORANDUM DATE: January 5, 2001 TO: Vern FROM: Elwin SUBJECT: Eagle Island bike path survey, missing and misplaced pins RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 o 2sv1 File Route to - Some of the survey pins were missing and some were not in the correct location by as much as 5 feet. Our question was, do we move the pins to match the land description or change the description to match the pins? In a meeting held with the Department of Lands on December 5th, Don Stockton advised to follow the descriptions and not the location of the pins. Roy Johnson of Johnson Engineering did the original survey for the Department of Lands. Colleen Marks was asked to contact Roy Johnson to see if he would be willing to correct the pin locations. Colleen Marks has been in contact with Roy Johnson and says he has agreed to correct the pins. that are misplaced and place the missing pins. Colleen will keep Holladay Engineering informed of his progress. Marks will complete the fence survey as soon as Johnson completes the pin placement. Holladay Engineering would like to be advised by the council to or not to proceed with getting proposals for the fence construction. All of the survey pins are in place for the first phase of the fence construction. E HOLLADAY ERS ENGINEERING CO. ENGINE • CONSULTANTS 32 N. Main P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 • Fax # (208) 642-2159 January 3, 2001 Charles Ariss, P.E. Manager of Permits and Certifications Division of Environmental Quality 1445 North Hilton Boise, ID 83706 Re: Well Site Evaluation - Proposed Brookwood Subdivision Well, City of Eagle Project No. 014100 Dear Mr. Ariss: Enclosed is a well site evaluation for the above referenced project for review by your office. I have previously contacted Steve Rae by phone on this matter, as well as Rob Whitney of IDWR. It is intended that ownership of this well while be transferred to the City of Eagle after its completion. Online operation and maintenance will be conducted by United Water. A field inspection of this site by your office is requested. Thank you in advance for your attention on this matter. Please call me at the number above should you have questions. Sincerely, HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. By: Bill Strowd, P.G. Enclosure c: Mike Hormaechea, Brookwood Subdivision Rick Yzaguirre, Mayor WATER • WASTEWATER • SOLID WASTE • PUBLIC UTILITIES • STRUCTURES • PLANNING • STUDIES SITE EVALUATION for the BROOKWOOD SUBDIVISION WELL CITY of EAGLE and ARIES DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. Prepared by Holladay Engineering Company Project No. 014100 To assure that a thorough well site evaluation has been prepared, the following information is presented in the same format as requested in the April 1998, IDEQ well site evaluation checklist. a The name of this project is the Brookwood Subdivision Well. ❑ Mr. Stephen Rae, representing IDEQ (State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality), was contacted by phone by Holladay Engineering Company, on December 27, 2000 to discuss the proposed public water supply well, its location and the existing site conditions. o The well site location was selected based on property ownership, proximity to the Brookwood Subdivision, and existing agreements with and water rights owned by the City of Eagle. o The proposed site is located in the SW % of the SW % of Section 4, T4N, R1 E, Boise Meridian. The location is depicted on Eagle, Idaho, 7'A -minute quadrangle, topographic map, of which a copy is attached to this report. The site is accessed by traveling north on Eagle Road from the City of Eagle, and hence to the west entrance of the Brookwood Subdivision located near the northeast comer of the intersection with Floating Feather Road. The proposed site is located near the entrance on the right (south). ❑ The well site is currently owned by Aries Development, L.L.C. (P.O. Box 6887, Boise, ID 83707), however ownership and title of the well lot and water system will be transferred to the City of Eagle following completion of the system as stipulated within an existing purchase agreement. ❑ The local terrain consists of low, undulating topography with the well site located atop a small hill. The ground surface has been landscaped to slope away from the well site in all directions affording good surface drainage. The site is accessible to a truck -mounted drill. ❑ The existing grade at the site has been raised by fill to an elevation above the base flood as displayed on FIRM Mao. Panel 16001C0153 G (see attached map) and subsequently removed from the designated floodplain by LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) on 4/25/00 according to Toothman - Ortman Engineering Company, Boise. ❑ Land use is mixed in the vicinity. Residential use predominates to the east, agricultural and residential use to the south, agricultural use to the west, and open space to the north. ❑ Soils at the site are fill composed predominately of clay, sandy clay, and clayey silt with a native hardpan horizon two to four feet below original ground surface. Below ten feet the lithology is dominated by alternating beds of gravel, sand and clay extending to depths exceeding 200 feet according to the attached driller's logs of local wells. ❑ The well's planned production capacity is 1,000 GPM based on the capacity of several existing municipal wells in the vicinity of Eagle. ❑ The anticipated minimum depth to the well screen is 200 feet. A granular bentonite seal will be poured from the surface to an anticipated depth of 160 feet. These planned depths are nominal pending encountered subsurface conditions. o According to IDWR and IDEQ, ground water contamination within this aquifer has not been identified within one mile of the site. Laboratory test results on existing municipal supply wells developed within the target aquifer indicate water quality should comply with current public drinking water standards. Preliminary water quality testing is planned prior to well completion. o A review of well driller's Togs on file with the Idaho Department of Water Resources did not indicate the occurrence of another well within 500 feet of the proposed site. o According to IDWR, no aquifer recharge projects are identified within one mile of the site. ❑ The wellhead will be enclosed within a locked well house to restrict access to authorized personnel. The well will be protected at the surface by a sanitary well cap located at a minimum height of 18 inches above a poured concrete slab which is underlain by naturally occurring clay soil extending to an approximate depth of ten feet. An annular bentonite seal is planned to be placed from the surface (below the concrete floor) to an approximate depth of 160 feet. No industrial activity involving hazardous waste is located in the area and uses other than water supply will be prohibited at the well site. Potential contaminants will not be stored at the site. According to United Water of Boise, a wellhead protection plan has not been implemented in this area. o Surface water bodies do not occur within a distance of 200 feet from the site. A small storm water infiltration pond occurs approximately 250 feet south of the well site. A grazing pasture across Eagle Road to the west of the site is no longer irrigated; the ditch diversion from Dry Creek has been abandoned. Two surface water collection drains with infiltration disposal structures are constructed within 100 feet to the northeast and northwest of the well site. An 8" poly pipe connecting these drains is buried within 50 feet of the well location (see Site Map). As well water will be supplied from an anticipated depth exceeding 200 feet, with probable multiple intervening clay strata, potential is low for direct surface water influence. Subsurface lithology and groundwater conditions will be logged during drilling for characterizing hydrogeologic conditions. ❑ Other locations within subdivision property boundaries were considered but the proposed site was selected due to the combination of available property space, compatibility with the development plan, proximity to existing municipal water distribution system, and drill rig accessibility. Locating the well site outside subdivision property was not an option within the existing terms of the agreement between the developer and the City of Eagle. o In consideration of available information, with noted exceptions to surface water disposal setback requirements, it is the opinion of this evaluator that the proposed location is suitable for a public water supply well. 47‘ Bill Strowd, P.G. Holladay Engineering Company Date: 3 `" 0-0 A site map is attached displaying the information listed below: o The minimum distance of the well to any property line is 50 feet. o The slope of land is depicted by topographic contours. o The assumed direction of ground water flow is displayed. ❑ There are no surface water bodies present within 50 feet of the proposed well. The closest surface water is a storm water pond located approximately 230 feet south of the site which is beyond the map borders. o A septic tank was thought to have occurred somewhere within the area a number of years ago but no septic tanks or drain fields are known to occur within 100 feet of the proposed well (verbal communication with land owner). o No sewer lines other non -potable mains or service lines have been identified within 50 feet of the proposed well except for an irrigation/storm water pipe approximately 40 feet north of the well site. This line is depicted on the site map. o Location of buried utilities are shown on the well site map. Field verification by Dig Line will be conducted prior to drilling. o There are two subsurface storm water disposal facilities within 100 feet of the proposed well (see Site Map). o According to IDWR, there are no injection wells known to exist in the area. ❑ There are no fuel tanks known to exist within 50 feet of the proposed well. o There are no roads or parking areas within 50 feet of the proposed well. o There are no buildings Tess than 50 feet of the proposed well. o There are no livestock within 50 feet of the proposed well. o There are no other known sources of contamination within 50 feet of the proposed well. I:IENGRIHE\PR10141001WELLSITE.WPD \J) n FPRNERS �-r �r�`��••£• 257 4. �_,r�� aE acIIr� ,o4e •Nrdri �Roao — . { PROJECT LOCATION 2660- ( �a F,La AZr .. !� '_ ,AEA F _•:;," �� 1 2586 -- — I,-',, `!-!,' (.1 2632 � lrr • urse ia. ‘1 17 VICINITY MAP /16 MODIFIED FROM EAGLE, ID, 7 1/2 -MIN. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP H HOLLADAY SITE EVALUATION E ENGINEERING CO. BROOKWOOD WELL VIEW aPPROx1MATE SCALE IN FEET Soo o soo PROJECT LOCATION IADA COUNTY ZONE X DEu2 CITY OF EAGLE ,t, ',OOPy If')ItP AQ'.O ZONE X IINATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ADA COUNTY, IDAHO AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 153 OF 875 SEE IMP ,NDER EOR PANELS NO. PPP0TED) SOML4 CONMTT NU.EIEfl P44L SLOT( MILL OM1 ce •em OM caP*r. .......coAnsaarto Anal +m Pa. N HOLLADAY E' ENGINEERING CO. G 1041O STAEEI MAP NUMBER 16001C0153 G EFFECTIVE DATE: SEPTEMBER 22,1999 Federal Emergency Management Agency 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP MODIFIED FORM PANEL 16001C0153 G SITE EVALUATION-BROOKWOOD WELL F e.,eie .!:111•!• 1. WELL OWNER Name STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report Ixr filed with the Director, Department of Water Resources • , within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. lio61 a Ranch Water Curr . Aelehe!ss P.O. Bus 455, l:n;le , Idaho 816llr Owner's Permit No. 2. NATURE OF WORK N New well 1:1 Deepened C1 He:placcrnr-nt [-1 Abandon,x1 (describe method of abandoning) 3. PROPOSED USE L l Domestic C] Irrigation f7 Test W Municipal 0 Industrial 0 Stock 0 Waste Dlr.posal or Injection U) Other (specify type) 4. METHOD DRILLED E1 Rotary • 0 Cable O Air O Dug 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION LI Hydra::fic 0 Other CI Reverse rotary Casing schedule. D( Steel 0 Concrete 0 Other Thickness Diameter 312 inches 16 inches . 365. Inches __ inches . 365 inches 10_ _ inches inches �18 inches From i 2 feet .160_ _ feet 228 feet 268. feet -308-- . _ To _,16Q_ feet 208 feet 248 feet _itg_ feet Was casing drive shoe used? 0 Yes at No Was a packer or seal used? 0 Yes CX No Perforated? 0 Yes Cx No How perforated? 0 Factory 0 Knife 0 Torch Size of perforation _ __ ___ inches by inches Number nom perforations feet perforations -�� feet .•.._._ -_ perforations _ _ ___ __ feat Wt:tl screen installed? IS Yes 0 No Ma.ufacturer's name _ _Johnson T1 pe 304 - Model No. Diameters Slot size Set from feet to-4lhd_„feet Diameter 10 _Slot size f,Set from ?8A feet to _368... feet To feet feet feet Gravel packed? Q Yes Placed from Surface seal depth 75! Sealing procedure used: Method of joining casing: ❑ No 0 Size of gravel 8 Send feet to 328 feet Material used in seal: CY)Cement grout ❑ Puddling clay 0 Well cuttings ❑ Slurry pit 0 Temp. surface casing a Overbore to seal depth v Threaded CA Welded 0 Solvent Weld ❑ Cemented between strata Describe access port __To. jv_cf.e_t_c_arkined 6. LOCATION OF WELL Sketch map location must agree with written location. N _ Sutdivition Name W X E e e Lot No. _. Block No. S County Ada_ _ SW - % NW e4 Sec. 9.� , T. 4N J. N/S, R.lE E/W. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT 7. :'';ATCR LEVEL USE TYPEWRITE r: OR HALLPOINT Pi`J Static water level 38 fent below hind sue lace. Fleming? 1.1 Yes G3 No G.P.M. now A, teslan e:lns,ut in pressure p.s.i. Controlled by: 1.1 Valve: [J Cap IJ Plug Temperature oF. Quality 8. WELL TEST DATA fd Pump [:1 Bailer ❑ Air 1"3 Other Discharge. G.P.M. 5611 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Hole Depth Diem. From To Pumping Level Hours Pumped .62. .. 3 Materiel .28-_..... 0_ _._5... To pcoLl _ ________ -• - _ ... __7_._ Clay_ . • -.._.. - -- •--- _7 17 17. _ 25... Graved - - - --- - _... .25.. .42-_.. Send.F_Gray.e1„Rive LAO ck._-__ _ ....._. ._..42. _45_ Brn._Clay ___ . _ ._._.. _ .-_... .. - _- _.. B>n ._Sand___W_____.. _50. .58.. Brn�_Ciay_� .__.___ _.____. . 58...69 . 9rn...Sund-_.....__..__. - . -, .._ ._68.. .85.... --- --... _.1 'L 6. 10.. Bra. Clay___ _ -- _1.3P .Ub_ -Sand wJima.LLGrsucel- _ _i_36_. L4 _ arn._CLay- wL and Streaks_._ • • -- _ 143 _148 rn- S.and::1 A - . /48_.1Z(L_Bin- Sante rise.- wf.. all --- .17QJ76- ,_--- 176_ 178 _. Bre,,_ Sissy --.._..-.._ _ _ _t}rn.Saild�►1ClaySCT�a3cs-•.--- _. i. Q 2 205- firn,__Cj _ __. 205_2 21_ _Dm _w/_small._Grayel ---- 228_ 2351}rn.._.S�c►d-F me_ Lo.. Me - ,- 23.5 24_3- i3n.^Cj,py,____.____ _ i 248296 -F}r;1. Sand wLsstme_Clay_St-eakka.____ 296-ZQ$ @l��ia!3d-Fine. _---- 324.301 3lm_Sand_tEi te_1dLC 2y._4treaks- __-�4�...���B1�te Clay w/soiie Sani Streaks Weser Yes No 4 10. Work started 6-2-80 finished 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION I/We certify that a.!! minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. Pete Cope Drilling Do. Inc. Firm Name Firm o. 213 • P.O. Box 561. Address Meridian. ID Signed by (Firm Official) and • (Operator) ate 6.- /4-80._ MAY 2 it 1996 WATC11 Ro.;otincf3 1. DflIt.LI ;1;'•REfitVI1143/40'3 t ItI1.: 11)lVi t Ni1 6342147 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT UP.r Typowritor or Ballpoint Pon _94 W 848 _ 0 2. OWNER: wA'rrra M. INC. •�,bt►,..•,. P.o.BOX 455 - City }IAUUL 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: :;1,0t1 h milli location must agiec with written location. N Twp.•_`t —_ North Rrt. _LB___ East or F COC. . 1/4 SW i1) .iCinO 40 nuea - - -- r_ lov't Lot _._. County_A Lat: • Long: :s Address of Well Site Al 'Rox_14Q0..U/ ST1LTt' gam__._— City—FACILE ��-.•. a wi w•rat .r raw M fu..} • C4)114n[e 10 Hood Or Lotounark) j 83616-_-- al South I West 1/4 AP. 1/4 160 4crvs Lt.._ Bik. Snub. Name 4. USE: MUNIICIPAL Domestic J( Municipal ;-; Monitor 0 Irrigation Thermal !;: Injection L Other S. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply NEW WEifeplacement etc.) AL.. New Well El Modify J Abandonment G Other 6. DRILL METHOD REYER.sB CRRCULATION Air Rotary : Cable ...1 Mud Rotary X Other 7. SEALING PROCEDURES SEAUFILTER PACK Material I From AMOUNT To Sacks or Pounds METHOD -- - 3 --.-2OUREP 440•-- -356--6240011. ?MR= Was drive shoe used? t Y !j( N Shoe DO,prh(s) Was drive shoe seal tested? JY t- N How? 8. CASINO/LINER. Domeier Frum To G;ugu Material Casing Liner Welded Threaded 16• +2 140 1230 8113H. X ; ; tX o 10' 240 245 230 $1'BEI. ix o rA o 10* 263 VI .250 MEM yt i ! VC 0 Length of Headpipe, Length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Perforations Method Screens Screen Type ._tA(2. 63_03a__I>tA3 rii .See 1. Fiore 10 Slot Size Number Diameter Material Ur— -MY-35 31.14 1tr 2v1 "3''i 35 '.rill 10' — i i s3 3l/r4 t u- Casing Linn, t 11. WELL TESTS: X Pump UIIICU 1J:.:: (jr31, Inspected by -rwp__..... Inge 1/4 _--w1/4.. _.._.1/4 Lat: _ Lr�rtrJ : (3athr Air Flowing Artesian ?:,4ti 1:22 nn 1lnrwrt�r,rrn 1•1011111/11l.averl ter• r pp c,?rn. _ —To -7471 moo r __1 b' _' fe s Water Temp. rent Water Quality test or cornments: Bottom hole temp _ COI GOOD, Cr FAP Depth first Water Encountered 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Water pian rrom I To Remarks: Uthology, Water Ouallty & Temperature Y N '---0--13----SAN" 1i! rti IT TkILTZSAND -46-531---BROWN--CLAY -- v 74 86 1 1W1-CLY -98---405--BRo Y 405 111 111 1 Y X X 1-38 TJ� at?wfle Atow`{Nj lid EC — 165 17' =NAT awr 175--1-84-- 187 194 BROWN -CLAY 1yTyr23 y./r---i 242- •243— ! — x Cs„, :iia X X - 27o---275— LAY -- -D-.'r- :r 361 377 CR= QUAILTZMD 3,77-379—BRIT Completed Depth 414j�rrr x X. A x (Measurable) Date: Started r4/19ygrt Completed— _,_. 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION i,Wc certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. Firm Name____ME COPE DAi .D 03.,1 C. ---- Firm No. 213 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: (21 It. twlnw ground Artesian pressure __0 !b. Firm Official __ [Depth Itow enccunternd -7_ . ti. ,nescribe access port 9• and Control devices:.. ; _ t .. — r Supervisor or Qperalor_ - 1- C`/ r,IT�(-1\Y /t�J t;i .r . At1'eV- I.'" }• I:;ig�d -.1!;,, ,..nee On�r.:.' Op•rri',•n ) ° ' t-• 4 t FORWARD WHITE COPY TO WAT1 R RESOUfCES Date -. •liti .1•.1•, 1. DRILLING (�ttu:r ti t.Vl l Nu. 2. OWNER: "I.litit� Addiess City IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATEH RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S HEPOF-;T Use Typewriter or Ballpoint Pon Pr:lli'v1IT NO. (o � 9 - •Q �(Q -_QQO 11. WELL TESTS: _ .........__._. Slate _ . , 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Sketch map location must agree with writtnn location. Lt. s Rc,a. ' E ^ SCC. North t74- or South East 0( or West 1/4 ad 1/4 S( 1/4 10 aeras t epos 1ri0 acro, Gov't Lot County ,a, _ Lat: • Long: • Address of Well Site 1•:.+t: et ie...t name ot nVJ . Pala,. to Road rw t.endmbk) Blk. Sub. Name; 4. USE: J. Domestic Thermal C_t Municipal yt Injection City Monitor Other E Irrigation 5. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply (Replacement etc.) New Well i : Modify ;"" Abandonment 0 Other 6. DRILL METHOD Air Rotary E Cable Mud notary E Other 7. SEALING PROCEDURES SF.AUFILTEf PACK Material From To AMOUNT Sac's or Pounds Was drive shoe used? C. Y :....44k1 Shoe Depth(s) Was drive shoe seal tested? C:;Y ON How? 8. CASING/LINER: ot,.matwr prom To Gauge 10' 331 367 .250 10' 317 383 .230 10' 403 1141 .230 Materthl i Cam,: !7\ ma. tx Length of Headpipe Length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Perforations Method S'lnPn Tvrte •i-Eo�.l_,..ia ti ��t'r�_l�181� Tie( Set tituil5 Liner METHOD Welded Threaded 0 .1 Fti,rn ro Sint Site rhumbor Diameter MaMnaI Ter— S.auc!"1. Castny ix t-� Liner I .! I .1 11 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: . ft. below ground Artesian pressure Ib. Depth flow encountered - . .11. Describe access port or contra! 'Jwices:_ _. _. _._.. {Jt!tce U :r: Ont. IrtspecterJ by . Twp -- -._.. Rete . _ Sac -- - 1/4 -- 1/4 _1/4 (.at: • 1_9s Pump . ni.1110r Air Flowing Arte;:.,• uriiwdown Yiukl pat nun Pi ltiotoll tow,: L Water Temp. Bottom hole !temp Water Quality test or comments: _ Depth first \Vater Encountered 12. LITHOLOGlC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) WO Bolo Frorn tJta. 4113 41 A Tn Remarks: Llthology, Water Auatlty & 'Temperature 414 RCM CLAY ATI—BROWN–CLAY 423 BATTfV Ht>`N CLAY AIR PRM rs.pv ,q�,Ogcu 3A)U 4.79 _ x1 nom,/ MP" 433-711,Tm1.(RJ SAW X134 R!.TF_(.&V _4 _ 449BLUE CLA V drn at _CLAv Completed Depth. Date: Started SE"' DeAArl r j l of Water %du i% R ECEJ V MA g WAFER RE; .t1RCES ��'�'f+'•uilllu •1 (Measurable) Completed _ ___. ___...�.. _ _ 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were comp::; d with the time the rig was removed. Firm Name____ Firm Official____,_ __._.. - _._._Date ;and - cuporvisor or Operator_ ._._ _. _-- _..... - -- --.- Date LS, to oven t Font ott.•,..s t ON".l• ") FO. IWARD WHITE corn TO WATER RESOURCES Firm No. lUI\t-IU UhPAH 1 MENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Use Typewriter or Ballpoint Pen 1. DRILLING PERMIT NO. _63799-1017 0281-000 uuwr li)WR No. tat;. 1/ 0009.764.____._._______ 2. OWNER: Nance. Joint School_ District 112 911 Meridian St Meridian, ID State _Zip 83642 A Ielrnss City 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Sketch map location filum agree with written location. N Twp.__„_,.4 North XX or South E Rge. 1 East X -X or West r•:? Sec. 5 1/4 SZE 1/4 S/W 1/4 10 4..! HiQ j is 1b0 acres Gov't Lot County (j Lata Long: .• Address of Well Site 1000 West Floating Feather Rd City Eagle ,Gvr at wast name or roil . GSIMGe 1v RWd or landmark; Blk. Sub. Name Eagle Middle School 4. USE: Domestic Municipal .; Monitor 3PcIrrigation Thermal Injection IT, Other 5. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply XX New Well Modify _.. Abandonment 6. DRILL METHOD Air Rotary Cable XX Mud Rotary .. Other 11. WELL TESTS: Office Use Only Inspected by Twp Rge_Sec 1 /4 1 /4 _...._1/4 Lit: Long. • Pump Bailer : • Air Yictd gal:inrn. 't 00 Drlwrtawn 75' Flowing Artesian Pumpinrl Love! 7/! time 8-hrc Water Temp. Bottom hole temp. Water Quality test or comments: Depth first Water Encountered 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Dia From To Remarks: Llthoingy, Water (Nudity & Temperature --0---6— slay top -sol -1 6 49 cement 3d gravel —49 76 ca-ndy clay 74 100th lmcnt cd c nd--& dravcl 100 105 clay 105 112 cand 113 116 z...ay 11 133 sand --1-33 142 clay & sand s tre,a! c 142 1-50 c and 15f1 152 slay _152-.175 sand (Replacement etc.) 175 178 slay Other rcplaccmer_t 178 -2215 sari 215 -2.20 -gin t e --saws 220 -340---sated 1. SEALING PROCEDURES SEAUFiLTER PACK M..lerral From To AMOUNT Sacks or Pounds METHOD out 0 1 5 4---2800 1 �. ♦ .,..w is d -#8--12' -sand--- 154 360--4-300# poured Was drive shoo used? ' Yxx N Shoe Depth(s) Was drive shoe seal tested? ..:Y x�1 How? 8. CASING/LINER: lharnetor From to Gaune Matenat Casing Liner Welded Threaded .8—.- -'-2 185 .122 c -8 245-22,5 xx e ex XX XX Length of Headpipe xx Length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Perforations Method ..J •;x Screens Screen Type ohnson_vee_w4 res From To Slot Site Number Diameter Material 1Qf 0 Casing Liner _ 185- 20s 'tQ.__ R s rn 7 S XX 225 945 _30_ _8 crnLs_ XX: 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: _ +9_It. below ground Artesian pressure lb. Depth flow encountered control devices:, It. Describe access port or ;ECC1VED JUL 1333 MOWED popeyed d Water liesotxoes WATER RESOURCES wttSll:tit�l tittiJUN Water Y N X X X X Y X Y Y Y Completed Depth 7551 (Measurable) Date: Started 6.L21 /99 Completed 7/5/99 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the ng was remold: Firm Name Stevens & Sons f ) ^ F: .,_ 153 Firm Official and Supervisor or Operator Ron Stevens 99 FORWARD WHITE COPY TO WATER RESOURCES (Sign once a m Ott ZI d potato' • , II.... • I : 11)1.7.PAP.TMEI-'..r OF r.-ESOURC,7.-1:3: ;7 D n - 011 L • 1...- : • , : .i. -/:;),3707 • I ! ;•.•,;$Liih 1.1.: North X or SO i •• , I ; ; ). 1, n 1 I Wes: ...._1:- ',;•" - -- - .- Epnt X or . • , 1 !,,,!;:. .2-_, _Liii j___1,14 SW 1/4 _ :•,-•,,,t, 1.:‘, ;.,.1.• I i .L.f.A I ....,. _ . _ .....0thlriY.5-±L. — — --j. —1 Adzirf,v, Crandleraire site i? t he r. citsy_2,22:__se . . ' ! : I Thfornz,1 . .T?PEOFWORX F !..haw :..4.,.•,41,f?C ra:: 5. Lli111.1 At!' flotary 7. F..,EALING i)}10CEDUF-IZES Mc;:itGr tM — 11111:C.?Ili.t. 1.7...11,90 30.0; 1 Pour ram t 1 1 1 1 th1V0 !sht",;.! Y • N Shoo Dep:Ns) ltj'as drive Y NCI Hew? O. CASiNCtiLINER: Abandcr.menz 0th ea e_y_ar_s_a. Potary 1Ai 1. •;.;tif mi.:1'1100 7.4-J ,,t. r,i 1. •7.112,1rj... l_. If !•!$4,..;:tt. .,....1:!..,..!.... _r. !......,.,,, j_2.12•21,.2$t 1 C,4:08,3 um., r W.:41$14 1 W.'__ _..4 - 2,_ .17 1 ,..37t,-.isteell ;4 ...._.! 6 9 1S31„l'irts 1....E: E.... 1 1 ••. C K1 1.1.4 .... _J9.3_1204 . 37 r,F.; t: e (I-. I. ! X o X' ............... Lor,9th c! U. Pi.:ERFOI1A1-i'MS/SCREENS 1-Ptrarrie4 0 0 011 - _ ! irrme:tf, 1),•pe . i I .•,.,.. 1 ;,:, I 'N.ti :...-o No "r,:.,or iarni•lerl !..t!-;, I CaN.ng i 1 f.i, 3 --.11-93 -170-4-6 -----11p t_ a i. ri a _ 121.) i ..1 :::' ' 1_1_-_1__! " 1.4_ .1. ,010 _ X• r, I ILI t• i : ; '. 1 , 1 •‘/T. I I••••I'f LJ 1:;...#; ATITE.:.-1;AN PRESSURE: .,.:1 At:or,int) pre5sur9 Ib. . •. t. Der:c.;ibe acr-?ss port or = J U 11. '..VE.i.2... TF.:.81-f..-z: Pump . .:-.•::,!., ti •••.::, ri.....2.................•r...It....F.:.f.).wirig Ai -iP; :r..izt.. ...1 ! .1 .1 0 U (/ P .1 ... • ) 1 541 I I 1; Ty! • t BaH (), 1301;11 ; ' :j • - r r W.:et Temp. Bottom !tole temp._ Water Ouc,:ity les! •••=r comments:___ 12. LITHOLOGIC: LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) I a.,•,..(; i. 1 I nom i -0 1 Ronerks: Utholo7.y, Water C-Adity & I-Impact:Iwo 1 Y : t•I 1 2 F; 1-- I ••. 01 .•:C.1D Tsoil .."1 - ' 1 I _ !...(-Q11c.1,-• c2,-:•!3,1 7..and ___. 128 15 •1911;ard pan, sand & gravel- i _ _ 128 19 27 Coarse sand _.1 %E.11 ,-, 47 Sand gravel & river ro:Rs.' 28 47 49 Fine tthite sand 2B 49 50 Ltgt brown clay 28 50 53 Fine white sand --) A 59 1 1 3 Brown clay l';T.T:3. 1 129ffine to medium white .-ar.41___..f _ _ 23.126. I 31(Drown clay , i.. 1 t-•.8 131 1321F i n e s i.t r ...i 1 II ; ___ 123 132 138 Brown clay I ?P. 1 -78-11 7 F ne to me.dium .and • i2;•3 1 5 4 Brown clay .15_4_11-67 Pi ne to medium sand L:12'): 16711771 Light brown clay ro. 17411/6 Fine to coarse sand 12:5, 176 181 Brown clay 22 181 258 Fine to coarse sand 22.253 .252. ars.. w n clay r2.2 267_279 um sand 12.42791_3_j_.? o._tpcoarse sand 22 31 "I 314 Brown clay 4)314 317! no to coarle sand 22 317 334 Fine to coars. sand 122 332 34 GU„rown c1 i• _ te.L.71-.VEU ._ ,....._.!__11 ! , 4_4_ i-,„ !:. t- •-- • -• El 1 — 135 -1111_11.. 1:16 . -..farP;r1StidlitElr-------1------I.'-- 1 ....- -WE47.RN-RF.r.110111 i 1 Comp:..:ted Depth 340 5 -TM "-; — Cate: Started _ 1 I / 9' ; ComPleted___ 13. DR;LLER'S CERTIFICATION eorti;y that al! minimum welt cotr4;roction standards wen) com:".-1 the lime tho rid was removed. /- . ( ) (, --i----. / ...•ei Firm 011ida1_ ,„.2 ••• • -*du linr.."4. 4 F: '''' .---=`------. Date--/ / •' /•• nr$ I _....,-.--''•• --- •-• • - ' -` - t %---/-7- — • 7,•,.1:e-vsr:r e, Ope‘ator_rf4:17,,.‘',;,•-4.•;-'/:!F:.1",_ __. ante _Z.!. f :. is;;1‘,8c9 if 1,for, Firm No. • ' ori-ivArit) wuir C'.?f,sc VJATE:1 ; iCSQl juicEr; 1 WELL OWNER Name A•Irloess Uwner'sPermit No. 2. NATURE OF WORK WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State lase requires that this report be filed with the Director. Department of Water Resources within 30 days atter the completion or abandonment of the well 7. WATER LEVEL r:: Nosy wI;II i Deepened E Replacetnent i Abandon •d Ide;c-ILe method of ahandonngl 3 PROPOSED 1.1::E 11 Dc.• astir 11 Industrial IJ Irrigation 1 r Test U Municipal J Stock LI Waste Disposal or Injection (specify type) 4. METHOD DRILLED I=I Rotary ❑ An 0 Hydraulic ❑ Reverse rotary 11 Cable 0 Dug 0 Other 5 WELL CONSTRUCTION Casing schedule LX Steel (J Concrete LI Other 7 he kness Dlam•rter ▪ t .: inches _ 1 o inches . 11 : Inches _ _1_ inches ▪ 1' 2 inches 1'1 inches Inches inches Was casing drive shoe used? 0 Yes Was .. packer or seal used? 0 Yes Perforated? 1.1 Yes From To • _ 2_ _ feet t 4-. feet ' 2 __ feet -_'z4_ feet ?' . feet 11" feet - _ feet __ - feet n No I•'1 No 47 No How perforated, 0 Factory 0 Knife 0 Torch Si.e of perforation inches by _ inches Number From To perforations feet _- - _ feet perforations feet feet perforations _ reef -_ __-_ feet Well M'reeI• metalled? C: Yes O No Manufacttrr.,r's name .:...1.r s .-- -- - - - Type _ Model No. ___ _ _ _ Diameter ! n Slot sire '0 Set from _ 144 feet to 2222x, feet Diameter 1, Slot sire S. Se: hem :44 feet to _324 feet Gravel packed? CJ Yes 0 No 0 Size of gravel _t/ ttl_i ttua Placed from %0 feet to _3 •� _ feet Surface seal depth 7!) Material used in seal_ 1: Cement grout 0 Puddling clay C We:' cuttings Sealing procedure used• C Slurry pit 0 Temp. surface casing ❑ Overbore to seal depth Method of joining casing' L Threaded ti! Welded 0 Solvent Weld 1.1 Cemented between strata Describe aecessport r" 1,Itr 1.:e1d.d on_sideof _eI�in• Static water level feet below land cur face. Flowing? U Yes U No G.P M. flow Arteewn closed In pressure p s i Ccnhnlled by• f_l Valve 0 Cap i1 Pete Temperature of Duality 8. WELL TEST DATA :.'] Pump C.: Railer 0 Air 0 Other Discharge G P.M. 9. LITHOLOCIC LOG Hole De th Dam Ftnm To . ) 1. • 7 55 1'; L.3 !_L .1_3: ':a 1;3 _ 123 19 i 91i .21_, > 213 ..24 - '4. 24 j 227 t�J .t�j Pumnine Level _ Material Hours Punned Water Yesl No • 1 --------- — --- urn, r„1 a1..YSand_-- �,eg.1, �rr,srL�_Hoc', - Isco :OM; -------- - - -- dr.. Saar; ::ed -LC Lcd) _ ,',1Lite Saud. CCs'_. J r:t. L1.:) - - - '•ialLL.C.::Bue-wiSia:vi_t__C as c..1 bc.n.._':_ay'_t,/.iu^t1..i x_c.11S5 --_ Jr :t. .a.t:'1 led.. _ . _. _. r - — - -- - c__ta_;4ed..__. -- ]__.__________-_____•._:.:7::::-1.7_.-_____-___-__ 1N4. ' fir. 10. Work started ! 0- `,--S0 finished 10-13-31_ G. LOCATION OF WELL 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map location must agree with written location - II I - Subdivision Name WE County S sc':r - Y, Sec. Lot No. Block No. _ r. N/S, R. 1.1 E^.V 1/We certity ti a: a:! minimum well construction stn -dards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. Firm Name y Firm NO. '11 1 5.,1 Address _- eridi.r tr.-1 L` 9��-.� mate Signed by (Firm Official) and , iOperatorl - %�. ,L, USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS 1i• NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT Furnt 238 7 not STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT USE TYPEWRITER OR BALLPOINT PEN Stale taw requires that this report be filed with the Director, Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abcndonment of the well. 1. WELL OWNER Name ..13 :3 Drilling Permit No. Water Right Permit No. 2. NATURE OF WORK New wets 1 Deepened . Replacement ; Well diameter increase Modification 1 : Abandoned (describe abandonment or modification procedures such as liners, s :rcen, materials, plus depths, etc. in litholJr)ic log, section 9.) 3. PROPOSED USE Domestic { Industrial ' Oth,.r ! : Irrigation 1 : Monitor ' Stock 1 ; Waste Disposal or Injection (specify type) 4. METHOD DRILL"_D 1 Rotary )4 --Cable ! ; Air I ; Auger 1.1 Reverse rotary 1 1 Mud t ! Other (backhoe. hydraulic, etc.) 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION Casing schedule: jL Steel 1 1 Concrete 1 ! Other _ Ih,ckrwas Dutmutot From To . O inches ___S — inches + feet J .1 feet . ,1,,SC, inches _..f:_ inches __18)_ feet.13, feet inches inches/ _j% feet __/21Z9 feet Was casing drive shoo used? 4. Yes I' I No Was a packer or seal used? )(Yes 1 ! No Perforated? 1 1 Yes ,?( No How perforated? 11 Factory 1.1 Knife 1::1 Torch 11 Gun Size of perforation? inches by _ inches Number From To perforations feet feet perforations ..___.___ __ feet _____... _._., feet .. perforations ___ feet _______ foot Well screen Installed? X Yes 1 1 No Manufacturer —,f f ...ai AJ T�rpe JJ`L Top Packer cr Hoadpipe 6 Bottom of Tailpipe J� Diameter _G_ Slot size/L.-1A Sat from .%3 % feet to Diameter Slot size Set from _ _ feet to Gravel packed? 1 1 Yes 1:) NoI ; Size of gravel Placed frorn feet 10 7. WATER LEVEL Static water level ��� feet 'below land surface. Flowing? 1 1 Yes );‹ No G.P.M. flow .__. Artesian closed -in pressure p.s.i. Controlled by: 1 1 Valve 11 Cap 11 Plug Temperature _ .._._. °F. (Duality O+i.cl+bo totes tin or tumpe'ilh+nI ,Qnos bctow P. WELL TEST DATA : Pi.mp 1 ; Bailer J! Air 1-; Other _ — Discharge.G.19.1. t Pumping Level Hours Pumped 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Bore De th_ Diem. From To L —8— a 4 y �f . „- G�'A 63_a►. C._S .,.Sh14-d2 / 4./3 r ---- /03. toy_ . /i, /.o 1_5412 L'SL 1 /_5 T 2.;v_ .jole 17 / ./X' _ —� - Material •• C Water I Yes No feet tiotrz4n Surface seal ddpth /3' Material used in seal: 11 Cement grout )(Benton to X Puddling clay I Sealing procedure used: I I Slurry pit ! Temp. surface casing J� Overbore to seal depth Method of joining casing: I] Threaded )(Welded : Solvent Weld ! ! Cemented between strata Desc.:bo access port _ 6. LOCATION OF WELL Sketch map location must agree with written location. County Subdivision Name Lot No. _ Block No. ,tt N !': E i i _.11iFs:t'.-Sw_ 1/4 Sec. , T...7N s n R. l_ w C: tet! 1171""--. 10. Work started _2.g1___9-1- finished .c210_41 -2X5-2-- 11. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied withh at the�time thee rig was removed. Firm Nam o 4 1.-111 "l . Firm No. 2.s3—.)— Address ._'-- Address _dle, .:A. '� Date 12 Signed by Dnlang Supervi • r 1 and (Operator) —_ _-. (If different than the •ri ing Supervisor) USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY — FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT Hrr I. WILL O'- rJi t( '.I rstI Vt' I(_rl\(It) ie.:t. IYIrL'ry:il ILI(Uit lf'1ENT OF WA EI, RC:;o1J Es WBALLPOINT PEN;t` i '�I \.. ; 1,1-11 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT de low requires Ulit this report he f11r•d with the Duector, Department of Water Tf%ourcpsn-e 3 -en maim 33) .lays alter the completion or ahandnnment of the well. - 'J..O Nawe Roger Cranclelmi.t:e 1400 Floating Feather Road Addl.'s.. Eagle, 1D 83616 ()erne, s Pelnu( f•!., 63-90-W-209 i WATtr. LEVEL Dep r1trtmllt 3t W6ief c ource3 'Lu,r w,d.•r Lwrl 32 feet below land sur race Flowing? I.! Yes LI No (3 P.M. flow Ar tesi.rn closed in pressure p.s.t. Controller) by CJ Valve [! Cap I] Plug I emperature of Ouahly _ U.••.... ,Irr.•..,,r v, rrrnp,.r,rturr /11,1,) l.;1.1,11; 2 NATURE. OF WORI( s �L•sv we'I 01.1 11.`111..,1 Ilepld. e.•1. i•. 4'1'•11 1b,n1I. IN I u,. 1'.1'11. /N1,111(11,11,11 pL:•.rula. dbandomrent Prot. -,'s Iy 1111111 1Iet111,S. ell. Ili Illholixln: loaf 3 FRC/POSED 11;;L• 1 11nmr'•:r,r• 1 X1114.3.10011 L'I Test I I Mlutir ip,d 1 Industrial 11 ytn,,l 11 VJaste. Disposal or Inlertum I Other (specify type) 4 METHOD Df'LLED ! 1 Rnldry I I Ail 1' fhrlhaulic i4' Re•.r:rserotary I , (.Ible I Dug 1.1 0 (nor _ 8. WLLL TEST DATA i I Pump ' ! 8adcr 1.1 Air Li Othe, g LI f-OLOGIC LOG Bore Oc,th Diem. From To Material _26 .. _..0 t.. _ _6 _Topsoil__ 6I.__ 20 Coarse Sand ___ __2.0-._2.4 -_Coa.rse_Sanct&._Br-own_.Clay_ _.24 _32_Riv_erRvock_&-_Grae'_ ._ 3.2 _._5.U._Rocktigr_ay.e1.,.sand_ C 50 52 _Med . Sand X 5 WELL C.ONS1 RUCTION 52 56 Med. to . _...-__- -..___-..._ __._. ---_ ..oarse_Sand-__- 2Y._ c.- 5(1 Su;e' L_1 Concrete 1- Other 56 75 Brown Clay — -- -. - - 81 Fine Sand Tlncknuss Diameter from Ta .250 inc- 81 111 . Brown__C1-- -inchesay 16 inches 1- 181' feet 76 feet 111 _ 114 Fine Sand I -A .250 o hl s 16 inches 316 feet 321 _ leer lmhls inrhra feet feet 114 124 _Fine tc._:^_ed__Sdnd 't. ill, hes inches _ - feet -- feet .- - 124 _131_Med.__ to_.Crse—__5. nd— Was casu,y dnv.. serve use.)/ 1.1 Yrs l_'r No 1 31 134 Brown.Clay Was a packer or sial Used' ❑Yes Li No --- 134 135 _Med—.to._Orse sa Perforated? [3 Yes 0 No •--. 135 _144 Clay—w4stkG crse How perforated . Factory . ' Knife Torch Gun 14.4._.15 Brn_Clay Size of perinrd'uln inches by _ _ _ inches.. 151 .168 Med....to _arse.. sand__ __ 168 _174_.Brn. Clay_w/ism..s ks_._. Nwl•r Frn.n to _ 174 177 _Brn._Clay prr!nrauons _ feet _ Icer feet feetI 177 194_Crse.._and-Gravel(3__& WJ 2 Petloiahnns perforations feet fee[ 194 212 Crse. Sand_w/sm..amt,gra el); Well sn ren ut;t.rllcd' ;1t Yrs f; No -- -- 212 214 rule 5;z na LGo1de a) __ y a 1 Water Yes No •- _4 214 226Brn.Gray &dad— Manulacturer's'lane Roscoe iro55 _ _- T______. T _ 2.26 _293_G01den Med.—Seed_ 3 TvDe -_ -6 Slot - Model Na _-- _ —__ _ 243 263_ FJ.ne.__to__M d.._White_ Diameter Slot s -ie• from 176 Icer to 316 feet -- Diameter Slot site Set (tomfeet to feet --263 27- _Golden._Sand _)Med-. to:C Glavrl packc,l' f ;?(Yes L7 No 3 Size of gravel 3/8- _ ---- 273 27-White_Santl__ Placer from 64 feet to Bottom feet — 27.6-283 _-Srn._ Clay__ Surldrr, sea! 45(1(11 64 user 1 swl L3SCernent y.but •. 28.3 .29 . Med. Light_13.rn..Sand_ Bentnnrtl• I Puddling clay C1 293 _ 319_Light_ 13rn —Sand _____ pealing prnred.,e used. r._1 Slurry pit f3 Temp. surfdcr casing ' --- _319 32 _Br.n...._C,lay I?:Overhore to seal depth _. •- - ' ._ Method of lowing casing `._i Threaded Xi Welded 0 Solvent - - - Describe .0.rt•ss pun [f LOCATION OF WELL Weld LI Cemented between strata 2" Sketrh man Inedflon nunst agree with written locdtiun N w --.- - I ; Y. s County Ada . SE !. SE v. Ser.. Subdivision Name t.ut No Bloc!. No. 4 • T -4N_._ .-1E__ w' 10. Work started 9/13/90 finished 9118/90 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION 1/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. PETE COPE DRILLING CO., INC. Furn, Ndr ,. Firm No _213_ _ 6505 West Chi.nden Blvd. politeas Meridian Date 9/1919.0_—_ Signed by (Firm Official] and (Operatol) L USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT �F .�. ,, 3 i=re : t ',•�'•°ir' r ;"'_R 4`?•'Z r :'.��..'.. �Pr"`.,'} '+ : 'k , ii 1"f'., N. es '• C.. • •r.: 1 tit Fl 'c'•.. SUBDIVISION ENTRANCE aq BARN ROAD 2.te- 2551111: •c41 N N',% 1 11 ' li \ N I POW) memo um' /55, 3 \ 3'1" '4 \ ,-r n --‘,. ....... UMW / 1 A 1i4 I" DWI rap \ 744!0.11.1,1, _ 6%011E4 i 1 \ SlE.1.1 , 5 42 E '5 50' RADIUS LOT PROPERTY LINE \ INFERRED DEEP GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION 20 0 20 40 SCALL1 DOH -20 FEET BROOKWOOD SUBDIVISION WELL SITE MAP N HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO 001114$ • COCILLOS E Meridian, Idaho January 2,2001 TO: City of Eagle Bill Vaughn, Planner 121 East State St. Eagle, Idaho 83516 From: Zinger Lateral Subject: Castlebury and Wedgewood Subdivisions 661 I* e} RECEIVED 8,/ FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 082001 Bio: /YI k Route to: There has been some discussion between the planners of the two subdivisions that adjoin each other regarding a combined irrigation water system. We believe this is a good idea that merits further study. A combined water system from the standpoint of water delivery from the Zinger Lateral would be much improved. It may even provide the opportunity to construct a relief pond which would even out surges on the Lateral that has been a problem in the past. It is very possible that a combined system: would be less expensive to constructand it would certainly be less expensive to maintain. It also has the opportunity of providing a water amenity with the relief pond where other water features could be added. Please take this into consideration before final approval of these subdivisions. Thank you. Sincerely yours, tiv Pr 5 Zinger Lateral Jan 09 01 06:27p January 9, 2001 RECEIVED &' CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 9 221 DOBIE ENGINEERING, INC. File- 777 Hearthstone Dr. Route to - Boise, ID 83702 . ' (208) 345-3290 Mayor Yzaguirre and Eagle City Council Members City of Eagle P.O. Box 477 Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Castlebury Subdivision Traffic Analysis Dear Mayor and City Council Members: This traffic analysis was prepared at the request of Capital Development to review the City requirements for the Castlebury Subdivision. Proposed Condition No. 13 requires the extension of Crooked Stick Court to the west property line. This stub street will allow an interconnect to a future development west of Castlebury. This interconnection may significantly increase traffic on Crooked Stick Court and impact the Spyglass neighborhood. Chinden Boulevard now carries a traffic volume of over 15,000 vehicles per day. During the PM peak hour period eastbound traffic from Casdebury and lands to the west will experience Iess delay at the Locust Grove signal than they will at their main entrances. The Locust Grove signal is now scheduled for construction in the year 2002. As a result of the interconnection to the west, Crooked Stick may function as a frontage road to the state highway and neighborhood traffic impacts may result. This possibility should be avoided by not extending Crooked Stick Court. Sufficient neighborhood interconnections will be provided with the road links to Sugarberry Woods and Wedgewood to accommodate internal travel needs for subdivision residents. Sincerely, Patrick Dobie, P.E. Dobie Engineering, Inc. P.2 JAN- 9-2001(TUE) 16:44 MOFFATT THOMAS Moffatt Thoma MOFFATT THOMAS BARR.E X I" ROCK & FIELDS, CHTD. Retum Mailing address: PO Box 829 Boise ID 83701 0829 Retum Delivery address: 101 S Capitol Blvd 10th FI Boise ID 83702 2083855350 P. 001 4 Pages (including this cover page) Sent: January 9, 2001 TO: Organization: Fax Number: Voice Number: CC: Organization: Fax Number: Voice Number: FROM: Description: Comment: Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members City of Eagle 939-6827 939-6813 Susan Buxton Moore Smith Buxton 331-1202 331-1800 Fax: 208 385 5350 Voice: 208 345 2000 Direct: 208 385 5404 File No.: 21-205.15 CC: Jeff Lowe Organization: City of Eagle Fax Number: 939-6827 Voice Number: 939-6813 CC: JoAnn C. Butler Castlebury Please see the attached letter. Ramon Yorgason Dave Yorgason Fax Number: 375-3271 Voice Number: 377-3939 PLEASE DELIVER IMMEDIATELY RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 3 2001 File_ Route to' The information contained in this facsimile message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the original document to us. Thank you. BOI MT1327856.1 JAN- 9-2001(TUE) 16:44 NOFFHTT THOMAS Moffatt Thomas 2083855350 P. 002 Boise Idaho Falb Pocateib MOFFATT THOMAS BARRE7'r ROCK dr FIELDS, CHID. JoAnn C. Butler US Bunk Plata Building 2083853404 threct 101 S Capitol Blvd 10th FI jabdamoffattcam Po Box 829 Boise Idaho 83701 0829 January 9, 2001 VIA FACS) II E Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members City of Eagle 310 E. State Eagle, ID 83616 Re: Casdebury Subdivision MTBR&F File No. 21-205.15 Dear Mayor and City Council: 2083452000 208.385.5384 fax wwwrnoffattrcom On behalf of the applicant for Castlebury Subdivision, we would like to make the following comments in connection with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval to be reviewed by the Council at its hearing on Tuesday, January 9, 2001. 12. ITD and/or the developer shall improve the center turn lane and acceleration and deceleration lanes at the intersection of Chinden and Castlebury Streets. No building permits shall be issued until this center lane is constructed. As yet there is no indication as to the requirements of 1'TD including whether 1TD would insist upon a center turn lane with acceleration and deceleration lanes. This condition could be revised to state that the applicant will comply with any and all requirements of LTD. 13. Extend Crooked Stick Court to stub out to the property to the west. The extension of Crooked Stick Court to the property to the west will not serve this subdivision but will create, in essence, a frontage road completely contrary to the concept of a frontage road in the Eagle City Subdivision Ordinance. This stub street would serve to create a frontage road along Chinden that will not serve to protect the residential properties of Castlebury but create cut through traffic between Spyglass, Castlebury, and the undeveloped property to the west. This issue has been addressed further in a letter to the Council from the applicant's traffic engineer. As the traffic engineer states, it would be best not to extend Crooked Stick Court to the west. B01 MT1:327648.1 JAN- 9-2001(TUE) 16:45 UOFFATT THOMAS Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members January 9, 2001 Page 2 2083855350 P. 003 14. Meander Stansbury, Ashbury, Kingsbury and Westbury Roads. The applicant does not want to create an overly complex street pattern on these relatively short streets. Some meandering has already been provided. We request this condition be deleted. 15. Construct traffic calming landscape islands at all road connections to adjacent subdivisions. We are not aware that this is a requirement under the Subdivision Ordinance, nor does the applicant believe that such a requirement has been imposed on nearby subdivisions. We request this condition be deleted. 16. Complete transitional landscaping at road connections to Spyglass and Sugarberry Subdivisions even if it requires a minimal amount of off-site improvements. The applicant will match existing roadway improvements and complete any berm landscaping on its property at the connection to Spyglass and/or Sugarberry, but off-site improvements in that vicinity would not be the responsibility of this applicant. 17. Include a variety of lot sizes transitioning to the lot sizes in Creighton Heights Subdivision and Sugarberry Woods Subdivision. This subdivision, which is not a planned unit development, meets all subdivision requirements and meets the zoning requirements for the lot sizes. There is no requirement for the transitioning of lot size to adjacent subdivisions, and such has not been required of nearby subdivisions. 18. Provide a mini -neighborhood park approximately one-half acre in size to serve as a communal gathering area within this development. Lot sizes in Castlebury are one acre and greater in size. In essence, private parks are found throughout the subdivision in each homeowner's back yard. This is not a planned development designed to shoulder the residents with excessive costs over and above the costs of landscaping and maintaining their own private lots. A one-half acre park would not be appropriate, nor is it required, for a subdivision such as Castlebury. BOL MT1 '327648.1 JAN- 9-2001(TUE) 16:45 IIOFFIH T THOMAS Mayor Yzaguirre and City Council Members January 9, 2001 Page 3 2083855350 P. 004 19. Construct sidewalks on both sides of all internal streets. As noted in the staff report, Section 9-4-1-6 of the Eagle City Subdivision Ordinance, where the average width of lots is over 100 feet, sidewalks on only one side of the street may be allowed. The applicant is presently planning to build sidewalks on both sides of the street. However, because the average width of lots in Castlebury is over 100 feet, the applicant is requesting that the condition be deleted. This deletion will allow the applicant the flexibility to work with ACHD to determine the best storm water management practice that could require sidewalks on only one side of one or more streets. The applicant is looking forward to meeting with the Council this evening. Sincerely, JoAnn C. Butler JCB:klwlia cc: (via facsimile) Ramon Yorgason Dave Yorgason Susan Buxton Jeff Lowe BOL MT1327648.1