Minutes - 2000 - City Council - 10/30/2000 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 30, 2000 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting is called to order at 6:10 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council: Present: MERRILL, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. Planning & Zoning: Present: BLOOM, FRANDEN, CADWELL. Absent: DECKERS, NORDSTROM. A quorum is present for both Council and Planning and Zoning. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Discussion of pressurized irrigation: Mayor Yzaguirre introduces the item. Deckers arrives at 6:15 p.m. Bloom inquires who checks to see that the developer is installing the pressured irrigation system as is adequate for subdivision. Would like to know who inspects the irrigation system. Vaughan notes that there are requirements established in Eagle City Code. Ken Rice, Holliday Engineering, discusses the term "substantial compliance", and his inspection of the sites. General discussion regarding water delivery, water rights, enfomement for compliance. Council agrees to direct staff to work with Ken Rice to see what other municipalities regarding pressurized irrigation systems within subdivisions. Council member Sedlacek volunteers to assist staff in this effort. B. Ada County Sheriff's Office will discuss recent incidents involvine Juveniles. Sgt. Calley informs Council of incidents at Albertson's and Eagle Pavilion, involving disorderly conduct and some property destruction. Unfortunately, all of the complaints were received the day after the events transpired. Sgt. Calley has contacted the SRO at Eagle High School. They are hoping to create some type of student court to address unacceptable behavior on and offcampus. The Sheriffs Office did a high profile saturation at Albertson's to try and curb some of the unacceptable behavior. Within the last three weeks there has been approximately 30 vehicle burglaries. He also notes that a neighborhood watch program has been instigated because of the burglaries. Discussion on getting Eagle High School becoming a closed campus and what process needs to be followed. A young man from Meridian High School notes that they had a similar problem last year, and the school closed campus for 1 week and that's all it took to modify the students behavior. C. General Transportation Planning & TIP Priorities for FY 2002: Ali Bonakdar & Katey Levihn presenting. Mayor introduces the item. Scott Nordstrom arrives at 7:10 p.m. Ali Bonakdar, with COMPASS, discusses transportation priorities and transportation enhancement. Katey Levihn, with ACHD, reviews a report regarding the status of items listed on the February 2, 2000 letter from the City. The report is attached to the minutes. General discussion. Loren Thomas with ITD comments on federal funds received by Idaho. Guerber questions how to get the City's priority items addressed by ITD. Mr. Thomas states that he does receive information from the TIP. He notes that each time there is an accident reported it filters through to the ITD tracking system. It generally takes a 3 year time frame from the time a safety item is identified until it can be scheduled to be addressed. Discussion regarding subdivision access, speed limits, and street improvements. Bloom would like ACHD to consider surrounding areas when submitting traffic studies for applications received by the City. It would also be nice to have an ACHD traffic representative to attend a Commission meeting. General discussion. Sgt. Calley feels that items 2, 3, 4 on the February 2, 2000 letter should take high priority from a safety perspective. These three items (per the ACHD report) are ITD issues. #4 needs to be re-worded. Also feels an additional item should be added reading #10: All right turn lanes on all comers for the intersection of State Highway 44 and Park Rd. Sgt. Calley feels that if items 2, 3, 4 are properly addressed, then item #17 would not be necessary. Discussion regarding the reduction of speed limits. Franden suggests adding an item regarding the reduction of the speed limits. Discussion to re-prioritize the priorities for TIP. Vaughan reads back to the Council and Commission the prioritization of the items discussed tonight. See attachment. Bastian moves to approve the TIP list as prioritized by City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight. Directs staff re-write the list for presentation to Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Merrill moves proceed to write the letters to request the studies to lower the speed limits and do it by resolution. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. Discussion of general traffic issues: See above 4. AD]OURNI~ENT: Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted: ^ SHAXRON K. MOORE CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: RIC~K YZ~bl~IRRE, MAYOR