Minutes - 2000 - City Council - 08/02/2000 - Joint JOINT MEETING EAGLE CITY COUNCIL/PARK & PATHWAY COMMITTEE August 2, 2000 Minutes ORIGINAL REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL: MERRII,I~, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. Guerber is absent. PARK & PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: HUMMEL, FERGUSON, GLAVICH, MCDONALD, TORFIN, DECKERS, OKERLAND. Deckers and Okefland absent. 3. Statement of Interest Presentations by: A. Ivy Design Landscape Architecture. Greg Bauer and Debowden representing Ivy Design. Greg introduces himself and Deb. Deb, Ivy Design, provides background information of the company. We have past experience with parks and that is our strength. Discusses the creation of parks and the guidelines that need to be met. Discussion on the creation of a Master Plan for the Park. Funding, development and partnership agreements is discussed in addition to cost and bidding. Park maintenance is addressed. We design according to the environment where the park is being located. Our work product is very comprehensive. Question and answer session. B. Jensen-Belts Associates. Donald Belts introduces himself and provides an overview of the firm. ZGA Architects, Alan Giltzow, introduces himself and provides an overview of the firm and introduces Kathy Sewell. Don displays an organization chart and a consultant team chart and discusses the same. Alan and Kathy display samples of projects and discuss the park project. Don presents a slide show of various projects that have been completed or and in the process of completion and discusses the project and also how aspects of the projects could be related to amenities for Merrill Park. Question and answer session. C. The Land Group. Phil Hull, The Land Group, Tim Mokwa, Toothman-Orton Engineers, and Jim Murray, CSHQA Architects. Phil presents overviews of present and past park projects and discusses the same. Displays an overhead of the proposed master plan for Eagle River and the Merrill Park and discusses the same. Discusses the program elements. Tim Mokwa, Toothman-Orton, discusses engineering components for the project. Discusses the sewer and water master plan for Eagle River that would also service the Park property. Discusses the interior collector road that would service the Park. Jim Murray, CSHQA Architects. Displays overheads of parks and park amenities and discusses the same. Question and answer session. General Council and Committee discussion on all representatives and their qualifications and grading of applicants. Grading results: Ivy Design - 1,620 Jensen Belts - 2,490 The Land Group - 2,080 Bastian moves to accept Jensen-Belts as the Landscape Architect for the Merrill Park Project. Seconded by Merrill. Merrill: AYE: Bastian: AYE: Sedlacek: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................ Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: A)tON K. MOORE t CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPK~VED: RIC~ Y~A~]~RE, MAYOR