Minutes - 2000 - City Council - 05/23/2000 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES May 23, 2000 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, MenSll, Sedlacek, Guerber. A quorum is present. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Threatened litigation: Idaho State Code § 67-2345 (f) Mayor introduces the item. Merrill moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of threatened litigation. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............... Out of Executive Session. 8:05 p.m. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointment to Cultural Arts Commission: Mayor introduces the item. Bastian moves to confirm the appointment of Jeff Schrade to the Cultural Arts Commission. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Discussion regarding directing the Mayor to compose and send a letter to Ada County regarding Eagle's approval of modifications to Phase II Ada County/Eagle City Sports Complex. Mayor introduces the item. Men'ill discusses the issue. Dave Bieter will work with Council member Merrill to draft a letter to Ada County. General Discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: ORIGINAL Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjoumed at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: RICK ~ZAO, MAYOR