Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 04/14/2020 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 14, 2020 I . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN, BAUN. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. PRESENTATIONS: A. Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline Presentation: John Reusser, the director of the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline will present. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Via teleconference John Reusser and Vicki Young presents information regarding the Idaho Suicide Prevention hotline. Discussion regarding the services provided and funding sources. They are seeking funding frorn the city as resources have been stretched during the current emergency. It is their hope to receive a donation now and hopefully have this become an annual contribution to the organization. Discussion. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pike reports on Valley Regional Transit. Pittman relays the gratitude of the Senior Center for the funding that was provided to them. Baun has been working with the Parks and Recreation Director and Steve Noyes regarding parks and open space plans that will be brought forward relative to a Ridge to Rivers west type concept, a conceptual short and long term foothills plan, a BLM trails system plan, and an Ag preservation group for the City of Eagle. Mayor Pierce relays information he has been receiving from ACCEM, surrounding Mayors and the Governor's Office regarding the current COVID-19 situation. Public Works Director Ziegenfuss has been working with the Eagle Senior Center with analyzing their budget. He has assisted them in accessing a fuel card that is tax exempt, as well as office supplies, etc. Other cost savings measures pertaining to water usage, energy savings are being looked at and he is facilitating the implementation of the same. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Mayor Pierce states that he is working with Department Heads to monitor expenses and any impact to revenue in the months to come and will be providing that information to Council as it becomes available. 1. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: Financial Report for February and March 2020. 2" d Quarter Financials Council member Pike is concerned with the fire impact fees and the revenue that the fire district is missing out on. Mayor Pierce provides an update on the status of the police and fire CIP, the City's Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee (DIFAC) had one meeting at which the draft police and fire Capital Improvement Plans were presented The meeting was held just prior to the state of emergency being issued. It is the intent that once the state of emergency is lifted, the process will proceed. City Attorney Villegas cites Idaho State Code requirements and process for the collection of impact fees. C. City Attorney Report: 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Page 1 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-14-20min.doc A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence detennined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of March 24, 2020. (TEO) C. Cooperative Agreement between City of Eagle and Idaho Transportation Department (EZ) A request for City Council to authorize an agreement with Idaho Transportation Department to expand illumination at the intersection of Eagle Road and SH44. (EZ) D. Lease Agreement for Sno-Cone Vendor to Sell Product at Merrill Park from May I — September 7, 2020. Company name Treasure Valley Tropical Sno Dealership, LLC. (EZ) E. Lease A reement for Sno-Cone Vendor to Sell Product at Guerber Park from May 1 — September 7, 2020. Company name Snow Shacks of Idaho, LLC. (EZ) F. Lease Agreement for Sno-Cone Vendor to Sell Product at Heritage Park from May I — September 7, 2020. Company name Kona -Ice Boise/Nampa. (EZ) G. Lease Agreement for Sno-Cone Vendor to Sell Product at the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex from May I — September 7, 2020. Company name Yeti Shack, LLC. (EZ) H. Chan e Order Request #2 Water Main Extension/Lanewood Project located on Lanewood Road and Beacon Light: A request that City Council approve Change Order #2 and authorize the Mayor to sign it. This is to cover additional costs associated with modifications due to adjacent improvements not being completed by the developer in the anticipated timeframe. (KR) I. DR-57-18 MOD — Covered Walkwav between the Two Intuit Office Buildings within the Bridges at Lakemoor Development — Hawkins Companies, LLC: Hawkins Companies, LLC, represented by Brandon Whallon, is requesting design review approval for the construction of a covered walkway between the two Intuit office buildings located within the Bridges at Lakemoor Development. The 8.7-acre site is located on the west side of East Colchester Drive at 235 East Colchester Drive and 250 East Eagles Gate Drive (Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Lakemoor Commercial Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 1, Lakemoor Commercial South Subdivision). (BAW) J. DR-90-19 — Multi -Tenant Office Business and Professional Building within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4 — Rennison Com anies Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by Brian Liquin, is requesting design review approval for a 23,458-square foot two-story multi -tenant office (business and professional) building (1st Floor = 13,272-square feet and 2nd Floor = 10,186-square feet). The 1.82-acre site is located south of East Riverside Drive approximately 440-feet east of South Stellar Cove Avenue at 2121 East Riverside Drive within the proposed Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (DCL) K. DR-91-19 — Master Sin Plan for a Multi -tenant Office Business and Professional) Building within_ Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4 — Rennison Companies, Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by Walt Lindgren with Lindgren:Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval of a master sign Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-14-20min.doc plan for a multi -tenant office (business and professional) building. The 1.82-acre site is located south of East Riverside Drive approximately 440-feet east of South Stellar Cove Avenue at 2121 East Riverside Drive within the proposed Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (DCL) L. DR-10-20 — Two Townhome Buildin s 6-units within Lakemoor Subdivison No. 8 — Todd Campbell Construction, Inc.: Todd Campbell Construction, Inc., represented by Dean Waite, is requesting design review approval for two townhome buildings (6-units) within Lakemoor Subdivision No. 8. The .37-acre site is located on the south side of East Eagles Gate Drive approximately 700-feet east of South Eagle Road at 3087, 3099, 3111, 3066, 3074, and 3088 South Sedgebrook Lane (Lots 124-126 and 132-134, Block 9). (ERG) M. FPUD-10-19 & FP-15-19 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snocivalmie River Subdivision No. 4 — Red Butte, LLC: Red Butte, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoquainie River Subdivision No. 4, a 66-lot (58-buildable, 7- common, 1 owned and maintained by developer) residential planned unit development. The 37.57-acre site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of West Decathlon Street and North Palmer Lane. (MJW) N. Decision and Order of Denial for Reconsideration of Approval of A-02-19/RZ- 05-19/CU-04-19/PPUD-03-19 and PP-05-19 — Whitehurst Subdivision. (MJW) O. Minutes of March 19.2020. (TEO) Bann requests the removal of 7J. Pike moves to approve the Consent Agenda A through O with the exception of letter J. Seconded by Pittman. Pike: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE: Bann: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. DR-90-19 — Multi -Tenant Office (Business and Professional) Building within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4 — Rennison Companies, Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by Brian Liquin, is requesting design review approval for a 23,458-square foot two-story multi -tenant office (business and professional) building (I st Floor = 13,272-square feet and 2nd Floor = 10, 1 86-square feet). The 1.82-acre site is located south of East Riverside Drive approximately 440-feet east of South Stellar Cove Avenue at 2121 East Riverside Drive within the proposed Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (DCL) Baun: Inquires if there will be a general plan and then individual plans would be coming forward? Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides clarification, that the landscaping around the lake was approved with a separate application. Discussion. Bann moves to approve DR-90-19 Multi -Tenant Office (Business and Professional) Building within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE ... MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion of formal ethics review process. (MG) Mayor Pierce introduces the item, and states that he and the City Attorney looked throughout the state and found that the City of Boise appears to be the only municipality in the State that has an ethics review committee and it is very intricate process. Mayor Pierce seeks additional input and direction from Council. Gold wishes to discuss with Council if they wish to create an ethics review process or increase transparency in another way. The City of Idaho Falls has a Department of Government Transparency and on their webpage it lists the code of ethics and where you would go to get Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-14-20min.doc information about the city and other records. Bann seeks clarification on if this is regarding transparency or regarding ethics committee. Gold states that in January a citizen requested access to a formal ethics review process, so this discussion is a follow up on that individuals request, as there is no process currently in place in Eagle. Discussion amongst the Council. Utilizing several resources cited frorn the Idaho Attorney General, the Association of Idaho Cities, and examples in surrounding municipalities that address the items discussed tonight. Discussion of possibly holding a work session to decided on the finer details. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM. Ordinance 830 (Hidden Pond Subdivision): An ordinance changing the zoning classification of the real property described herein from R-E (Residential -Estates) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a Development Agreement — PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; and providing an effective date. The site is located at 1795 and 1797 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Zoning Administrator Vaughan makes himself available to answers questions regarding the change in zoning. Pittman moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #830 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves that Ordinance #830 an ordinance changing the zoning classification of the real property described herein from R-E (Residential -Estates) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a Development Agreement — PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; and providing an effective date be adopted. The site is located at 1795 and 1797 West Floating Feather Road. Seconded by Bann. PIKE: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; BAUN: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Infectious Disease Control Policy — Covid-19 -State of Emer2ency Addendum: The Mayor declared a State of Emergency on March 16, 2020, on March 19, 2020 the City Council ratified the declaration. Per the Infectious Disease Control Policy adopted via Resolution 20-06, should the State of Emergency extend beyond four (4) weeks, the Mayor and City Council shall determine the most equitable pay structure for full-time and permanent part-time employees. As it is anticipated that the State of Emergency will extend beyond four (4) weeks, Council shall take action to address this clause in the policy. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item and discusses the ability of staff to telecommute and address items that they otherwise wouldn't be able to if they were open for public. Discussion. Pike moves to extend an additional 4 weeks of pay to staff during the state of emergency. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE ... MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM. Resolution 20-10- Declaration of Surplus Proaerty (The Landing): A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho Relating To Surplus Real Property; Declaring Certain Real Property Of The City To Be Surplus; Authorizing And Directing The Disposal Of The Surplus Property; Providing For Related Matters; And Providing An Effective Date. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman discusses his concern with moving forward with the declaration of surplus property. Page 4 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-14-20min.doc Pittman moves to deny the resolution as presented and wait until the actual value has been established and until the public can be present for the acceptance of The Landing resolution. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Pittman restates the motion: to deny the resolution as presented and wait until the actual value has been established and until the public can be present for the acceptance of The Landing resolution. In essence denying the resolution as written today and move forward with whatever we need to do next to get the appraisal or the declaration of value that we all agree upon and either rewriting the resolution to have those numbers and figures that we all agree upon or have a declaration rather than a resolution as the City Attorney mentioned. PIKE: NAY. GOLD: AYE. PITTMAN: AYE. BAUN: NAY. MAYOR: NAY. MOTION FAILS. Baun moves to approve Resolution 20-10 declaration of property, striking surplus component, and recommend a purchase price of $1.65 million as a minimum sale price. Seconded Pike. PIKE: AYE; GOLD NAY; PITTMAN NAY; BAUN AYE. MAYOR AYE. MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM. Resolution No. 20-11 — Eagle COVID-19 Business and Workforce Recovery Task Force Committee: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, establishing an Eagle COVID-19 Business and Workforce Recovery Task Force and, providing an effective date. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Discussion. Baun moves to approve 20-11 Eagle COVID-19 Business and Workforce Recovery Task Force Committee. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. Bann amends his motion to strike sentence under section 4 pertaining to the number of meetings. Second concurs. ALL AYE ... MOTION CARRIES. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Hearing no further business, R�Ppectfully sub!n' TRACY OSBORN, CMC SR DEPUTY CITY CLERK O*eUKAT� 5EAY-a,. -•rpp III .%— APrF OVE JASON PIERCE 1VM—AYOR ALL AYE ... MOTION CARRIES. at 7:08 p.m. AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 5 KACOUNCIL\MINUTM\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-14-20min.doc City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 1 Check Issue Dates: 312512020 - 4f1 312020 Apt 13, 2020 031113M Report Criteria Report type GIL detail Bank Bank account = "82007706" Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GIL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account A=unt Title Amount Amount 31258 04/1312020 31258 Northwest Power Systems, Inc. I ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 310.00- 31000- 0411312020 31258 Northwest Power Systems, Inc. I ch 60-0434.68-01 RPRIMTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 450.59- 450.59- Total 31258: 760.59- 313" 0410912020 31344 Grizzly Sports 1 ch 23-0420-00-00 MTNCIREPAIR EQUIPMENT 812.03• 812.03- Total 31344 812,03- 31402 0312612020 31402 Ada County Sheriff - Civil Division I ch 23-0217.08-00 GARNISHMENT 28909 289.09 Total 31402, 289 09 311403 0312612020 31403 Eagle Semor Cileens. Inc. 1 ch 01-0416-35-0D ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 25,000 00 215.00000 Total 31403, 25,000,00 31404 0312612020 31404 Idaho Child Support Recelpting I Ch 23-0217-08.00 GARNISHMENT 15230 152.30 0312612020 31404 Idaho Child Support Recelpting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138.46 13946 Total 314041; 290.76 31406 03126/2020 31405 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 0"217.10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 500.00 500,00 03126/2020 31405 Key Bank • HSA 2 ch 17-0217-1 "0 HSA CONTRIBUTION 500.00 600,00 0312612020 31405 Key Bank - HSA 3Ch 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 200.00 20000 0312612020 3105 Key Bank - HSA 4ch 18-0415-26-00 HSA 150,00 150.00 0312612020 31405 Key Bank - HSA 5 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 25000 250.00 0312612020 31405 Key Bank- HSA 6 ch 11-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 120.00 120.00 0312612020 31406 Key Bank - HSA 7 ch 13-0217-1 0-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 Total 31405 1,82000 31406 0410SM20 31406 Ada County Sheriff -Civil Division 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 289.09 289.09 Total 31406: 28909 31407 0410812020 31407 Idaho Child Support Rempling 1 ch 23-0217.08-00 GARNISHMENT 152.30 15230 0410812020 31407 Idaho Child Support Receiptng 2ch 23-0217-08.DO GARNISHMENT 138L46 138.46 Total 31407 290,76 31408 0410812020 31408 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION, 100,00 10000 04108f2020 31406 Key Bank - HSA 2ch 111-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION' 20.00 2000 0410812020 31408 Key Bank - HSA 3 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 300.010 300 00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 2 Check Issue Dates: 312512020 - 411312020 Apr 13, 2020 03,31 PM Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 0410812020 31408 Key Bank - HSA 04108�12020 31408 Key Bank - HSA 04/0812020 31408 Key Bank - HSA Total 31408, 31409 0410812020 31409 TIAA Commercial Finance Total 314019 311410 G411312020 31410 Scott Erekson Total 31410 314111 0411312020 31411 Julie Moore Total 31411 31412 04111312020 31412 ABC Stamp Co Total 31412 31413 04/13/2020 31413 Ada County Emergency Mgmt Total 31413 31414 0411312020 31414 Ada County Highway District Total 31414. 31415 0411312020 31415 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney Total 31415. 31416 0411312020 31416 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. Total 31416: 31417 0411312020 31417 Admir Susak Total 31417, 31418 04113/2020 31418 Albertsons/Safeway Total 31418. Invoice Sequence Invoice GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Amount Check Amount 4 ch 17-0217.1"0 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100001 100 OD 5 ch 20-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 50.00 %ou 6ch 18.0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 50 OD 6000 620.00 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 216.16 216.18 21616 I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75,00 75.00 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVIICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75,00 75,100 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 15111 1571 15,71 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,579.75 2,57975 2,57975 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHO IMPACT FEE 198,009.00 198.009,00 198009.00 I ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,333,00 5.333,00 5,333.00 i ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 263,120.00 263,120.00 263,120,00 1 ch 60-0220-O0-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 75,00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1217 12 17 12.17 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 3 Check Issue Date$: 3/25/2020 - 4113f2020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Cneck Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GIL Account Acoount Title, Amount Amount 31419 04/13/2020 31419 AISW 1 ch 23-0442-03.00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 72.44 7244 Total 31419 72.44 31420 04)1312020 31420 Analytical Laboratories, Inc 1 ch 60-0435-66-00 TESTING.WK-MO-OTR-ANINUAL KOO 8000 0411312020 31420 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 1 ch 60-0436-66-00 TESTING-WK-MO-OTR-ANNUAL 64,00 64.00 Total 31420 144.00 31421 0411312020 31421 Ashlee Spuhler I ch 17-0422-11.00 REFUNDS -PARK REC PROGRAMS 135.00 135.00 Total 31421 135.00 311422 0411312020 31422 Austin Williams I ch 50-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75,00 Total 31422. 7500 31423 04M W2020 31423 AutoSorl I ch 17-0422-06-00 PRINTING -DUPLICATION 3,202.70 3,202.70 Total 31423, 3,20270 31424 04113/2020 31424 Basel-ine. Inc. 1 ch 23-0415-08-00 BASF -LINE MANAGER AGREEMENT 3,194.00 3.184.00 Total 31424! 3.184.00 31425 0411312020 31425 Billing Document Specialists I ch 60-0434-47-00 MAIL SERVICE -CUSTOMER BILLING 2,170,67 2,170.67 Total 31425: 2,17067 31426 0411312020 31426 Blueboam, Inc. 1 Ch 18.0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 74500 745,00 Total 31426: 74500 31427 04113/2020 31427 Boise Baroque Orchestra I ch 21-0424-00-00 PERFORMING ARTS 1.600.00 1.800,00 Total 31427 1,600.00 31428 04/13=20 31428 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18-0446-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 20097 200.97 04113/2020 31428 Boise Office Equipment I Ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 3076 3076 Total 31428, 231,73 31429 04M 3/2020 31429 Brian Miller I ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate program 3099 39.99 Total 31429: 39V9 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page- 4 Check Issue Dates, 312612020-4113/2020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account A000unt Title Amount Amount 31430 0411312020 31430 Bruce Campbell 1 ch 60.0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 76.00 7500 Total 31430" 75,.00 31431 0411312020 31431 8SN Sports Inc. 1 ch 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT -TEAM SPORTS 44064 440.64 Total 31431 440.64 31432 04/1312020 31432 CenturyLink 1 ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 115.72 115.72 Total 31432 115.72 31433 04113/2020 31433 Chad McAfee 1 ch 6D-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31433 75.00 31434 04/1312020 31434 Christopher Cooley 1 ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 1001,00 100,00 Total 31434. 100,00 31436 0411312020 31435 City OfEagle 1 ch 23-D454.04-00 UTILITIES 11670 11870 04/1312020 31435 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 29.58 29.58 0411312020 31435 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 8716 $7,18 Total 31435- 23146 31436 04113/2020 31436 City Of Eagle I ch 00-0438-82-00 ROOM AND BOARD AT CITY HALL 3,201.00 3.201.00 Total 31436: 3,201.00 31437 04M 31'2020 31437 CIVICPLLIS 1 ch 18-0416.01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 10,680.00 10,680.00 04/13/2020 31437 CIVICIPLUS 1 ch 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS -PARK REC PROGRAMS 3.695,90 3,095.90 Total 31431 14.375.90 31438 04113/2020 31438 Co -Energy i ch 23-0417-02.00 GAS AND OIL 349,27 34927 0411312020 31438 Co•Energy 2 ch 20-0426.00-00 GASIOIL 277.29 27729 0411312020 31438 Co -Energy 3 ch 00-0420.01-00 FUEL 8 LUBRICANTS 192.32 192,32 Total 31438- 818,88 31439 04/1312020 31439 Commercial Tire 1 ch 60-0420-03.00 VEHJCLEMTNC &REPAIR 758.59 758.69 Total 31439 758.59 31440 04/1312020 31440 Community Planning Association 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 3.446.75 3,441675 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 312S702O .411312020 Page- 6 Apr 13, 2020 03 31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice CIL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence Gl. Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 31440. 3,446.75 31441 04/1312020 31441 Core & Main LIP I ch 60-0434-58-00 RPPJMTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 136.62 136.62 Total 31441: 136.62 31442 0411312020 31442 Craig DeFriez I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31442: 75.00 31443 0411312020 31443 CTC Business I ch 18-0417-01.00 INTERNET& PHONE SERVICES, 394,73 394.73 Total 31443 394,73 31444 04/1312020 31444 D&S Supply I ch 23-0417-011.00 VEHICLE MTNC &REPAIR 8.99, 8,99 04/13/2020 31444 D&B Supply 1 ch 60-0434-68.00 UNIFORMS 4998 49.98 Total 31444 58.97 31445 0411312020 31445 Damella Putnam I ch 17-0422-11-00 REFUNMPARKRE,C PROGRAMS 40,D0 4000 Total 31445 40 DO 31446 0411312020 31446 Daron Humphrey I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 33.90 3390 Total 31446 33490 31447 0411312020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho I ch 17-0217-07-00, HEALTH INSURANCE 125.28 12528 0411312020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 2 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 138,95 136.95 0413/2020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 29920 29910 04113/2020 31447 Della Dental of Idaho 4 ch 07-0217.07-00, MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 4178 04/13/2020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho Sch 60-0217.07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 34575 34575 0411312020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 6ch 10-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 13695 13695 0411312020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 7ch 11-0217-07.00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 4176 04/1312020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 8 ch 20-0217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 4176 4176 04113/2020 31447 Delia Dental of Idaho 9 ch 13.0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 220.47 22047 0411312020 31447 Della Dental of Idaho 10 ch 06.0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 202.32 292.32 041131'2020 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 11 ch 23.0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 276.77 27677 04113120211 31447 Delta Dental of Idaho 12 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 237-,0,8 237.88 Total 31447: 2,196.85 31448 0411312020 31448 Dennis Hotta 1 ch 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 21,672.78 21,672.78 Total 31448 21,572.78 31449 04/1312020 31449 DEO 1 ch 60-043"1-00 DEQJSTATE REVOLVING LOAN PMT 1150.00000 150.00000 City of Eagle Check Register -Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 312512020 - 411312020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GIL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GLAccount Acmunt Title Amount Amount Total 31449: 31450 0411312020 31450 Derek Clark Total 31450: 31451 04/1312020 31451 Diana Berela Total 31461: 31452 04/1312020 31452 D!gUne Total 31452: 31463 04/1312020 31453 DMJ Enterprises, LLC Total 31453: 31454 04/1312020 31454 Don Hicinbothom Total 31454: 31455 04111312020 31455 Eagle Sewer District 04111312020 31455 Eagle Sewer District 0411312020 31455 Eagle Sewer District 0411312020 31455 Eagle Sewer District 0411312020 31455 Eagle Sewer District 04113/2020 31455 Eagle Sewer District Total 31455 31456 04113/202U 31456 Eagle Single Family, LLC Total 31456, 31457 04/1312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. D411312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. 041131202D 31457 Eagle Water Cc, 04)13/2020 31457 Eagle Water Co. 04/13,1202D 31457 Eagle Water Co. 04/1312020 11457 Eagle Water Co. 04/1312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. 04113/2020 3,1457 Eagle Water Co. 04/1312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. 041131202o 31467 Eagle Water Co, 0411312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. 04/1312020 31457 Eagle Water Cc 0411312020 31457 Eagle Water Co. I ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 1 ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 1 ch 60-G434-44.00 DIG LINE 150,000.00 100.00 1110M 100.00 $5.00 815.00 85.00 258,44 I ch 117-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPSICLASS 197,50 I ch 99-0107-OMO CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING I ch 23-0457-04-00 UTILITIES I ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL I Ch 23-D449-04-00 UTILITIES I ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 2 ch 23-0452-04-OD UTILITIES 1 ch 23-13454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 258.44 25844 197,50 197.50 847 8.47 8.47 72.00 72.00 144.00 144,00 MOD 36.00 18,00 18,00 15.00 18.00 36.00 36.00 32400 7,012.50 7,012,50 7,0112.50 I ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES iD,D7 10.07 1 ch 23-0452-04-OD UTILITIES 53.80 $3.80 1 Ch 23-0452-C4.OD UTILITIES 53.80 53,80 1 Ch 01-0413-16-OD UTILITIES CITY HALL 40,36 40.36 1 oh 23.17415544-00 UTILITIES 20.109 20.09 1 ch 23-0465.04-00 UTILITIES 2009 2009 1 ch 23-0447.04-00 UTILTIES 14.62 14.62 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 5380 53.80 1 Ch 23-0449A4-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 1 ch 23.0450-04-DO UTILTIES 10.017 10.07 1 ch 2U453-04-00 UTILITIES 14.62 14,62 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20019 20.00 1 Ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 825 8.25 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 7 Check Issue Dates, 3/2512020 - 4/13/2020 Apt 13, 2020 03'31 PM Check Check invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Amount Account Title Amount Amount 04/13/2020 31457 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 20,09 20.09 04113t2020 31457 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 2009 04113i2o20 31457 Eagle Water Cc 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 2009 20.09 Total 31457 433.73 31458 04/1312020 31468 Edward Bennett 1 ch 60-0220.00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 76,00 Total 31458: 7500 31459 041/3/2020 31459 Elec Controls & Instrumentals, LL 1 ch 13-0416.25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 12,584 40 12,584.40 Total 31459 12.58440 31460 04/1312020 31460 Emily Imscher 1 ch 60.0220.00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 7500 Total 31460 75.00 31461 04/1312020 31461 Ernest Meshack-liart 1 ch 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS -PARK REC PROGRAMS 50,00 50.00 Total 31461 50.00 31462 04113/2020 31462 Fishers Technology 1 Ch 18-0415-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 58,40 5640 Total 31462 $6 40 31463 0411312020 31463 Frederica Lanza 1 Chi 01.0425.03-00 Tree Rebate Program 29.95 2995 Total 31463: 2995 31464 0411=020 31464 GarbiSMechigian 1ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICEDEPOSITS 75.00 7500 Total 31464 7500 31465 0411312020 31465 Gary Gray 1 ch 60.0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75.00 Total 31466 75.00 31468 04/13/2020 31466 Greg Dexter 1 ch 01-0425-0 -00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 10000 Total 31466 10000 31467 04/13/2020 31467 Grizzly Electric -Chen Archibald 1 ch 13.0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 65.00 65.00 Total 31467 65,00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 31468 04/1312020 31468 HECO Engineers 0411312020 31468 HECO Engineers Total 31468. 31469 04/1312020 31469 IDABO Total 31469. 31470 D411312020 31470 Idaho Air innovations, LLC -Drew Total 31470, 31471, 0411312020 31471 Idaho Conrechonal Industries Total 31471, 31472 0411312020 31472 Idaho Humane Society, Inc Total 31472 31473 D411312020 31473 Idaho Ink Spot Total 31473 31474 04113/2020 31474 Idaho Power CC, -Processing Ctr 04113/2020 31474 Idalho Power Co -Processing Ctr 04113/2020 31474 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 04113/2020 31474 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 04113/2020 31474 ldaho Power Co -Processing Ctr 04J1312020 31474 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 04/1312020 31474 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 0411312020 31474 Idaho Power Co -Processing Ctr 04113/2020 31474 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Total 31474 31475 04/13/2020 31475 Idaho Regional Ballet, Inc. Total 31475 31476 04/13/2020 31476 Idaho State Police Total 31470 31477 04113/2020 31477 Idaho Statesman -Advertising 0411312020 31477 Idaho Statesman-Adver5sing Check Register- Transparency Version Page, 8 Check Issue Dates: 312512020 - 411312020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount I ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEEIDEVELOPER CHG 80000 800.00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEEIDEVELOPER CHG 4.859.00 4,8%00 5,659.00 1 ch 13-0413.12-00 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION RENEW 926,00 925.00 925.00 I ch 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND I ch 01-0413-0540 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY I Ch 17-0423-00-00 REG SUPPLIES -CAMPS & CLASSES 1 ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 2 ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 3 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 4 ch 01.0413-16-00 UTILITIES CITY HALL 5 ch 23.0448-04-00 UTILITIES 6 Ch 23.0455-04-00 UTILITIES i ch 2a-0459.04-00 UTILITIES 1 Ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES I ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 21.0421-00-00 ART EDUCATION& ADVOCACY 1 ch 01-0413-37-00 BACKGROUND CHECK-PeRMITS,(LIC I ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 2 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS& PUBLICATIONS 33629 336,29 336.29 237.71 23771 237.71 11.668.66 11,666.66 11.666.06 1,101.10 1,101 10 1,10110 1.720.62 1,720.52 4858 4858 5,19 5,19 805.68 895.68 17.87 117.87 12.75 1215 1,537.77 1,537.77 3.64 164 5.00 5.00 4.24700 1.000.00 1,000.00 33.26 33,26 33 25 741102 741.92 533.80 533.80 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Date& 3/25/2020 - 4113/2020 Page 9 Apr 13. 202D 03.31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice invoice Gil. Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GIL Account AocountFitte Amount Amount Total 31477: 1.27572 31478 0411312020 31478 tritemational Code Council Inc 1 ch 13-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 43.95 4395 D411312020 31478 International Code Council Inc 1 ch 13-D413-28.00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 70.00 7000 Total 31478 113.95 31479 04113/2020 31479 iWorQ I ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 5,375.00 5,375.00 Total 31479 5.375.00 31480 04/1312020 3�1480 Jackie Chambers Itch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75,00 Total 31480 75.DD 31481 0411=020 31481 James Trittle I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 7500 Total 31481 75.00 31482 0411312020 31482 Jenay Furman I ch 17-0416.00-00 CO NTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPSIC LASS 10000 10000 Total 31482- 10000 31483 0411312020 31483 Jennifer Dallaire 1: ch 60-0220.00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 76,00 Total 31483 75.00 31484 04113/2020 31484 Jeremy Armour I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 75.00 Total 31484 7500 31485 04113/2020 31485 Joel Lipkin I ch 60-0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31485, 7500 31486 0411312020 31486 John McCarthy I ch 60-0220LOO-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 7500 Total 31436 75.00 31487 0411312020 31467 Joseph Bandzi I ch 01.0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 10000 100-00 Total 31487. 100,00 31488 0411312020 31488 Judith Dunnam 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register -Transparency Version Check Issue Datw 3/2512020 - 4/1312020 Page, 10 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 31488. 75 00 31489 04113/2020 31489 Julie -Kay George 1 ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 10000 Total 31489. 100.00 31490 04113/2020 31490 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0457-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 510.00 510.00 0411312020 31490 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0457-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 692,25 692.25 0411312020 31490 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 06-0464-05-00 CUSTODIAL 5,335.26 5,335.26 04M/2020 31490 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0443-03.00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 4.615.00 4,61500 0411312D20 31490 K&T Maintenance 1 ch 23-0440-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 162.00 162.00 04/1312020 31490 K&T Maintenance 2ch 60-0434-60.01 SHOP UTILITIES 81.00 81.00 0411312020 31490 K&T Maintenance 3 ch 23.0442-03-100 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1.916,31 1,916.31 Total 31490 13.311.82 31491 0411312020 31491 Kelff Yeowell Crabtree 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-GAMPSICLASS 300.00 300.00 Total 311491: 30000 31492 0411312020 311492 Kenneth Manze( I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 7500 Total 31492, 7500 31493 0411312020 31493 Kenneth Utt I ch 01-0425-03.00 Tree Rebate Program 100,00 100.00 Total 31493 100.00 31494 04113/2020 31494 Kevin Harris 1 ch 60.0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 75.00 Total 31494r 75.00 31495 04113/2020 31495 Kristimi Hull i ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 42.71 42,71 Total 31495: 42.711 31496 04113/2020 31496 Kristine Morgan 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50.00 50.00 Total 31496; 50,00 31497 0411312020 31497 KylieMurphy I ch 60.0220-00-OD WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 3822 38,22 Total 31497. 38.22 31498 0411312020 31498 Kyliie Murphy 1 ch 6D-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 76.00 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register- Transparency Version Page, I I Check Issue Dates: 3125=20 - 411312020 Apr 13, 2020 03.31 PM Check Check Invoice iinvoiCe Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 31498 75 00 31499 0411312020 31499 Layne of Idaho, Inc. 1 ch 60-0438-01-00 EQUIPMENT 22,381.00 22,381 Do Total 31499 22,38100 31500 0411312020 31500 Lee Croft I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31500: 7500 31501 0411312020 31501 Lisa Hoel 1 ch 60-0220.00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31501. 75.00 31502 04/1312020 31502 Lori of Davis Mochizuki 1 ch 01-0425.03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 100.00 Total 31502 100.00 31603 0411312020 31503 Marc Hamilton 1 ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 99 DO 9900 Total 31503: 99 DO 31504 04/1312020 31504 Margaret Craig 1 on 60-0220.DO-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 7600 Total 31504: 7500 31505 0411312020 31506 Mark Miklos I ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 I00.00 Total 31505, 100100 31506 041I3/2020 31506 Mary Lay 1 ch 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARKRECPROGRAMS 10.00 10,00 Total 31506: 10,00 31507 04113/2020 31507 Mary Moorefield I ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPSICLASS 1148.00 148.00 Total 31507: 14800 31508 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 1 ch 11-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 100 1.00 wi 312020 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 23-0413-10-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 10,54 1054 04/13/2020 31600 MASTERCARD 2 ch 23-0420-00-00 MTNCIREPAIR EQUIPMENT 812.03 $1203 04/1312020 31508 MASTERCARD 3 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 75912 7592 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 4 ch 20-0423-02-00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 38.94 3894 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 23-0413-05-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 19016 19018 0411312020 31500 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23.0413-05-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 5000 6000 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0422-02-01 ADVERTISINGYMIKTNG TEAM SPORTS 5.62 582 City of Eagle Check Register -Transparency Version Check issue Dates 312512020 - 4113/2020 Page 12 Apr 13. 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoce GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 1 ch 26-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 21.00 21.00 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 779.88 779.80 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 3 ch 26-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 428.03- 428.03- 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 33996 339.96 04113/2020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 01.0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 6016 60.16 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 3ch O�1-0413-5D-00 JOB POSTINGS 99,91 99.91 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 4 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 93.28 93.28 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 5 ch 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 15,00 1500 041312020 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 5604 58,04 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 17148 17146 04JI312020 31508 MASTERCARD 3 ch 0,1.0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 36063 360.63 04M3J2020 311508 MASTERCARD I ch 17.0423-OD-00 REC SUPPLIES -CAMPS & CLASSES 350.81 35081 04J112020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17.0423-07-00 GLOW IN THE PARK 661.00 661.00 04113/2020 31508 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0416-OMO CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPSICLASS 135 DO 135.00 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 4ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1188 11 $a 0411312020 31608 MASTERCARD S ch 17-0423-07.00 GLOW IN THE PARK 64A7 6417 04113/2020 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 18.0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 217.24 21724 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 18-0417.01-00 INTERNET& PHONE SERVICES 8499 S4,99 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 23-0414-0-W MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 870D 8200 04113/2020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAIINTENANE & REPAIR iSZOD 15200 04/13/2020 31608 MASTERCARD 3 ch 07-0463.04-00 ANNUAL EXHIBIT 3722 37 22 04/1312D20 31508 MASTERCARD 4ch 07.0483-04-00 ANNUAL EXHIBIT 21370 213.70 04/13/2D20 31508 MASTERCARD I ch 13-0413-13-DO TRAVEL & PER DIEM 68.72 68,72 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 2 ch 13-0413-13-00 TRAVEL S PER DlEM 300.53 300.53 0411312020 315D8 MASTERCARD I ch 18-0418.01-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 215.00 215.00 04113/2020 315DB MASTERCARD I ch 23-0413-D4-00 TRAINING 13346 133.46 04113/2020 31506 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0422-09-00 TRAVELIPER DIEM 266,92 266.92 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-042540.00 R15C EQUIPMENT -TEAM SPORTS 840,63 84063 04/1312020 31508 MASTERCARD 4 ch 09-D-463.24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 10000 10000 0411312020 31508 MASTERCARD 5 ch 09-0463-24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 5000 5000 04/1312020 31508 MASTERCARD 1 ch 00-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 10.98 1998 0411312020 31608 MASTERCARD 2ch 09-D463-12-00 PROMOTIONS 2000 20,00 Total 31508: 6.78077 31509 0411312020 31509 Matt Petersen 1 ch 6,0-0220.00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 OD Total 31609- 75.00 31510 04113/2020 31510 Michael Hansen I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75.00 Total 31510 75.00 31511 04/1312020 31511 Michael Mast 1 ch, ol.o425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 100,00 Total 31511 10000 31612 04113/2020 31512 Michael Pitts I ch 17-0422-11-00 REFUINDS-PARKREC PROGRAMS 135.00 135.00 Total 31512 13600 31513 04/1312020 31513 NAPAAuto Pads 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 6.49 649 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 13 Check Issue Dates: 3/25/2020 - 4113/2020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 04113/2020 31513 NAPA Auto Parts Total 31511 31614 04/1312020 31514 Nathan Sturlin Total 31514: 31515 04113/2020 31515 National Benefit Services, LLC 04/1312020 31515 National Benefit Services, LLC Total 31615. 31516 041'1312020 31516 Norco Inc Total 31516, 31517 0411312020 31517 Northwest Power Systems, Inc. 04/1312020 31517 Northwest Power Systems, Inc, Total 31517 31518 04/13/2020 31518 Owyhee Publishing Total 31518. 31519 04/13=20 31519 Oxarc, Inc. Total 315191. 31520 0411312020 31520 Pacific Office Automation Total 31520. 31521 0411312020 31521 Parker Planning Services, LLC Total 31521. 31522 0411312020 31522 Parsons Behle & Latimer a Corp Total 31522: 31523 04/13/2020 31623 Patrick dim€a Total 31521 Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Sequence GL Account Account Title 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 1 ch 60.0220.00-00 WATER/SEIRVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 01.0416-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 2 ch 06.0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 1 Ch 60-0434-58-01 RPRIMTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMIICA 1 ch N-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch, 60.0434�58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 17-0422-06-00 PRINTING -DUPLICATION 1 ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1 ch 01-0413.25-00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 ch 60-043442.02 MISC LEGAL AND ENG'SERVICES 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS Invoice Check Amount Amount 136.14 136,14 142.63 75,00 75.00 75.00 73.97 73.97 7396 73.96 14793 54.94 54.94 54,94 310.00 310.00 450.59 450,59 760.50 3,252.40 3,25240 3.252.40 1,005.00 1,00500 1,005.00 45,94 4594 45.94 1,200.00 1,200 00 1.200.00 1,890-00 1,890.00 1,890.00 75 0b 75.00 75,00 City of Eagle Check Register -Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 3/2512020 - 411312020 Page., 14 Apr 113.2020 01311PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GIL Account Account Title Amount Amount 31524 04/1312020 31624 Paul Carew 1 ch 01-0462-03-W CITY BRANDING/LOGO 2,387.50 2.38T50 Total 31524: 2,387.50 31526 0*13/2020 31525 Peters Enterprises Inc 1 ch 211-0424-00�00 PERFORMING ARTS 2.00000 2.000.00 Total 31525 2.00000 31526 04/1312020 31526 Peters Enterprises Inc 1 ch 21-0424-00-00 PERFORMING ARTS 2,200.00 2,200.00 Total 31526 2.200,00 31527 0411312020 31527 Recreation Today of Idaho, LLC 1 ch 23-0449-02-00 EQUIPMENT MTNC & REPAIR 219.66 219.66 Total 31627 219.66 31528 04/11=020 31528 Rick G. Wenick I ch 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR 5.366.00 5.366,010 Total 31528 5,366.00 31529 04113/2020 31629 Rimi, Inc.- Terry Medley I ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 16.46964 116.469.641 0411312020 31529 Riml, Inc, Terry Medley 1 ch 13-0416-14-00 PLAN REVIEW - CONTRACT 2.25370 2,253.70 Total 31529: 18,723,34 31530 0411312020 31530 R(veRidge Engineering Company Ich 19-0466-08-00 PALMETTO STREET EXTENSION 996.25 996.25 Total 31530, 996.25 31531 0411312020 31531 Riverside Welding & Fabricatio. L 1 ch 19-D465-04.00 EAGLE LANDING 8.760Li00 8.76000 Total 31531 8.760.00 31532 D4113/2020 31532 Robbie Jacobs I ch 60-0220.00-00 WATERISERVIICE DEPOSITS 75,100 75.00 Total 31532: 75.00 31633 04113J2020 31533 Robert Fortmeler 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 7$00 Total 31533: 75.00 31634 0411312020 31534 Robert Oleksy 1 ch 610-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31534. 7500 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 3125/2020 - 4113r2020 Page, 15 Apr 13, 2020 0311 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GI- Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Amount Amount Title Amount Amount 315315 0411312020 31535 Robert Santangelo 1 ch 60-0220-00.00 WATEWSERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75,00 Total 31535 75.00 31536 001312020 31536 Robert West I ch 01.0425-03-OD Tree Rebate Program 100,00 100.00 Total 31536. 10000 31537 04/112020 31537 Ryan Kuhns I ch 01.0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 100,00 Total 31537, 10000 31538 0411 V2020 31538 Ryan Van Alfen I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 7500 Total 31538 7500 31539 0411312020 31539 Sean Bauman I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER)SERVICE DEPOSITS 75,.00 75.00 Total 31539' 7500 31540 0411312020 31540 Shane Hunt 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 75,00 75.00 Total 31W 7500 31541 04113/2020 31541 SPF-Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. I ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 63.13 6313 Total 31541 63,13 31542 04/1312020 31542 Stan Hanstield 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 42.71 42,71 Total 31542- 42.71 31543 04113121120 31543 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 75A6 75.46 04JI312020, 31543 Staples Credit Plan I ch 07-0462.31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32.84 3284 04113r202O 31543 Staples Credit Plan I ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 6999 6999 0411312,020 31543 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 011-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 7413 74.13 0411312020 31543 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 102,68 102,68 04/1312020 $1543 Staples Credit Plan I ch 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 56.83 56,83 0411312020 31543 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-06-00 OFFICE EXPENSES %07 19.07 D411312020 31:543 Staples Credit Plan 1 Lh 011-0413-05.00 OFFICE EXPENSES 44.46 44,46 04113t2020 31543 Staples Credit Plan I ch 07-0462.31-00 OFFICE, SUPPLIES 17.00 17 OD Total 31543: 492.46 315" 04/13/2020 31544 Steven Snider 1 Ch 01-0425.03-00 Tree Rebate Program 80,00 80.00 City ©r Eagle Check Check Issue Dale Number Payee Total 31544 31545 04/1312020 31545 Suez Water Idaho -payment center Total 31545. 31546 04/1312020 31546 Tala Davis Total 31546. 31547 0411312020 31547 Tanya Goodrich Total 31 54 7 31548 04/1312020 31548 Taylor Stanley Total 31548„ 31549 04/13/2020 31549 Thomas Arnold Total 31549. 31550 04/1312020 31550 Thomas Clark Total 31550 31561 0411312020 31551 Timothy Shively Total 31551: 31,652 04/13/2020 31552 TischlerBise, Inc. Tota131552: 31W 04113/2020 31553 Trautman Lawn $ Landscape Total 31553: 31554 04/1312020 31554 Treasure Valley Coffee 0411312020 31664 Treasure Valley Coffee 0411312020 31554 Treasure Valley Coffee 04113/2020 31554 Treasure Valley Coffee Total 31554 Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 16 Check issue Dates: 312512020 - 411312020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Invoico Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 80.00 1 ch 23-0459.04-00 UTILITIES 30.72 30 72 3072 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 120.00 120.00 120.00 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 10,53 10,53 10.53 1 ch 17-0422.11.00 REFUNDS -PARK REC PROGRAMS 7000 70.00 70.00 1 ch 60-022MO-00 WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 75-00 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 75.00 75.00 1 ch 01-0425.0"0 Tree Rebate Program 69.00 69.00, 69.00 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 22.134,00 22.134.00 22.134 00 1 ch 23-0416-06-00 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEM 24.375,00 24,375.00 24,375 00 1 ch 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 7600 76.00 1 ch 01.0413-05-00 OFFICE (EXPENSES 85.24 85.24 1 ch 17-0456-00-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 7600 76.00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE (EXPENSES 106,65 106.55 343.79 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page 17 Check Issue Dates: 312512020 - 4113/2020 Apr 13, 2020 03:31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Tito Amount 31555 0411312020 31555 Trevin Meredith I ch 01-0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 100.00 Total 31555- 31656 0411312020 $1556 Tray Veach Total 31556- 31557 04/1312020 31557 T-Zers Shift Shop Inc Total 31557 31558 0411=020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept 0411312020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept. 0411312020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept. 0411312020 31558 United Hentage-Group Dept 04113120201 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept 04113/2020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept, 04/1312020 31558 'United Heritage -Group Dept. 04113/2020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept 0411312020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept D4111312020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept 0411 312D20 31568 United Hentag"roup Dept. 0411312020 31558 United Heritage -Group Dept. 04/13/2020 31558 United Hentage-Group Dept Total 31558 31559 0411312020 31559 United Site Services Total 31559 31860 041131202,0 31660 Urban Solutions. LLC Total 31560: 315611 D411312D20 31661 Valuations Northwest, Inc . total 31561. Check Amount 100 00 100.00 1 ch 01.0425-03-00 Tree Rebate Program 10000 10000 10D.00 I ch 13-0413.30-00 UNIFORMS 17,50 17.50 17.50 1 ch 80-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 160,10 160.10 2 Ch 14-0217-07.00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 285,49 285,49 3 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 21117 211117 4 ch 23.0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 151.49 15149 5 ch 2641217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 5383 5383 6 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE I84,64 184144 7 ch 17-0217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 109.08 109.08 8 ch 13-0217-07.00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 141,34 141.34 9 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 2737 2737 10 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10830 108,50 11 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 27.37 27.37 12 ch 20-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 58.52 58,52 13 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2818 28.18 1.547.08 1 ch 23.0454-01-00 BLDGSISTRUCTUIRES MTNC & REPAI 356.19 356 19 35619 1 ch 01-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS I ch 01.0413-1041 PROPERTY APPRAISALS 5000 50.00 50,00 1,50000 1,50000 1.50000 31562 04/1312020 31562 Verizon Wireless I ch 18.0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 1,754.53 1,754.53 0411312020 31562 Venzon Wireless 2 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET 8, PHONE SERVICES 105.64 105.64 0411312020 31562 Venzon Wireless 3 ch 13-0413.19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 160.28 160.28 04113/2020 31562 Venzon Wireless 4 ch 06-0464-03-00 TELEPHONE 52,82 52,82 04/1312020 31562 Verizon Wireless 5 ch 07-0482-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 6&65 68.65 04/1312020 31562 Verizon Wtrefess 6 ch 09-0463-24-00 TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION 5282 52.82 0411312020 31562 Verizon Wireless 7 ch 17.0422-05-00 COMMUNICATION 158.46 168.46 04/13/2020 31562 Vertzon Wireless 8 ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 293,28 293,28 0411312020 31562 Verizon Wireless 9 ch 23-0413.07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 160.04 160.04 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates'3/2512020 - 411312020 Page: 18 Apr 13, 2D20 03.31 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue pate Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 04/13t2020 31562 Venzon Wireless 10 ch 20.0422-06-00 CELL PHONE 188.06 188.06 04113/7020 31662 Venzon Wireless 11 ch 01-0416-35-00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 590.84 590.84 0411312020 31562 Verizon Wireless I ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 131,6,8 131.66 Total 31662 3,71706 31503 0411312020 31563 Victoria Shattwea 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 7500 7500 Total 31563 75.00 31564 0411312020 31664 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414.05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 289,19 289.19 0411312020 31564 Waxle Sanitary Supply I ch 23-0414-05.00 PAPER PRODUCTS 591.22 $9.22 04/1312020 31564 Waxto SanitarySupply I ch 23-0414-06-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 23719 23719 Total 31564 585.60 31565 04/1312020 31565 Wendy 0ecarvalho 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 311565 7500 31566 . 04/13/2020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance I Ch 14-0217.07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 53745 537.45 04113/2020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance 2ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 247.90 247,90 04113t2020 31666 Willamette Dental Insurance 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 6260 62,60 0411312020 31668 Willamette Dental Insurance 4ch 118-0217-107,00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60 12,660 04113/2020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance Sch 20-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62.60 62.60 0411312020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance 6 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 21100 213.00 04113/2020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance 7 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 12660 125.60 0411312020 31566 Willamette Dental Insurance 8 ch 23-0217.07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62.60 62.60 Total 31566 11,437,35 31567 04113/2020 31567 WilliamAarde I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 31667: 7600 31660 04/1312020 31568 William Crowley I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 7500 Total 31568, 75,00 31669 0411312020 31569 William Scott I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75,00 Total 31569. 75,00 316?0 04/13/2020 31570 Zayo Group, LLC I ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET& PHONE SERVICES 78338 783.38 04/1312020 31670 Zeyo Group. LLC 2 ch 23-0467-04-00 UTILITIES 61980 519.80 Total 31570, 11303.118 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 19 Check Issue Dates: =512020 - 411312020 Apr 13. 2D20 D3:31 PM Check check Invoice Invoice Invoice GIL Invoice Check Issue Dale Number Payee Sequence GIL Account Account Title Amount Amount Grand Totals 914,183.28 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Catania: Report type: GIL detail Bank.Bank account = "820077135" Notice is hereby give pursuant to the Laws of the State of Idaho, Chapter 10, Titlle SO, Section 11 (50-1011) City of Eagle discloses it's Quarterly Financial Statement CITY OF EAGLE FY 19120 UNAUDITED (REVENUE/EXPENDITURE QUARTERLY REPORT QUARTER ENDING 3131120 2nd QTR 2nd QTR YTD YTD FY 19120 FY 19120 FY 19/20 FY 19120 Appropriation *Percentage Funds Expenditures Revenues Expenditures Revenues FY 2019/2020 Comparison, General Fund: Reserve Funds 0 0 6,645,326 0% Restricted) Funds 7,000 7,000 40,961 0% Personnel) 557,235 1,104,749 2.721,748 41% Administration 82,879 204,237 564,827 36% Contracts & Agreements 1,182,603 2,912,885 4,728,217 62% General Fund Transfers to Departments 0 2,283,162 2,283,162 100% Grants 0 0 150,000 0% Miscellaneous Expenditures 14,023 24,465 180,030 14% Capital Outlay 26,681 146,572 51,400 285% Conservation & Environment 23,796 23,795 192,811 12% Subtotal General Fund: $1,894,216 $3,311,851 $6,706,865 $5,200,402 $17,558,482 38%6 Capital Projects Fund City Capital Projects 150,546 305,923 808,483 38% PZ Capital Projects 53,306 368,680 11,225,680 30% Public Works 260,224 260,224 470,000 55% Trails and Pathways 0 0 98,000 0% $934,827 $2,602,163 36% Subtotal Capital Projects Fund: $464,076 $35,201 $122,0491 Special Events Personnel 17,942 38,113 107,813 35% Administration 2,078 10,761 30,930 35% Activities 2,266 7,407 33,000 22% Misc Expenditures 0 186 0 0%a $56,4671 $171,743 33% Subtotal Community Enhancement: $22,2861 $3,6801 $142,9381 Recreation Personnel) 111,868 314,351 36% 55,400 Restricted) Funds 0 0 1,000 0%© Administration 3,808 12,873 42,545 30% Recreation 4,332 6,635 26,650 25% Contracts 7,402 14,660 50,000 29% Vehicles 0 177 3,000 6% Capital Outlay 0 1,211 0 0% Capital Equipment 4,381 4,381 10,000 44% $75,3231 $151,805 $447,546 34% Subtotal Recreation PIR $31,895 $373,530 Eagle Fun Days Administration 5,950 5,950 38,100 16% Logistics 0 0 23,700 0% Fun Run 0 0 2,400 0% Car Show 0 60 3,677 2% Cornhole 0 0 700 0% Subtotal Eagle Fun Days: $6,950 $0 $6,010 $49,627 $68,577 9°/a City Halt/Bond Fund: Principal Bond Payment 0 0 75,000 0% Interest Payment/Bond 14,497 14,497 29,250 50'% Paying Agent Fee 0 0 450 0% $14,497 $104,700 140/4 Subtotal City Hall Bond Fund: $104,700 $14,497 $104,700 QUARTER ENDING 3/31/20 2nd QTR 2nd QTR YTD YTD FY 19/20 FY 19/20 FY 19120 FY 19120 Appropriation *Percentage Funds Expenditures Revenues Expenditures Revenues FY 201912020 Comparison, Library Fund: Reserve 0 0 430,000 0% Restricted Fund 0 0 3,230 0% Personnel 139,134 312,138 865,759 36% Contracts -Agreements 3,059 6,119 23,550 26% Operations Maintenance 33,083 51,227 112,002 46% Staff Development 18,544 26,625 58,875 45% Guest Resources 22,531 74,249 289,421 26% Library Other 14,236 21,833 76,174 29% Facilities (Bldgs & Grounds) 17,973 36,916 1105,766 35% Capital Outlay 0 0 7,000 0% Subtotal Libra Fund: $248,559 $898,146 $903,412 $529,1071 $1,971,777 270/46 Museum Fund: Personnel 22,377 44,462 93,776 47% Administration 1,361 4,559 16,648 27%© Education 580 867 4,700 Programs/Grants/Exhibits 0 0 7,800 0% $24,318 $49,888 $122,924 41% Subtotal Museum Fund:1 $73 $119,537 Historic Commission Fund: Administration 0 0 5,250 0% Programs 0 0 4,000 0% Grants 0 0 2,500 0%0 $11,750 0% Subtotal Hist Comm Fund: $0 $0 $2,734 Cultural Arts Commission: Administration 1,014 4,214 115,300 28% Programs 4,651 4,651 60,620 8% Maintenance/Supplies 0 0 1,500 0% $5,665 $8,865 $77,420 11% Subtotal Cultural Arts Commission: $83 $38,041 Water Fund: Reserve (Fund 0 0 767,106 0% Restricted Funds 0 0 350,000 0% Personnel 96,109 187,999 437,040 43% Operation/Maintenance 33,052 94,513 517,726 18% Vehicle Operations 1,289 2,416 25,650 9% DEQ Loan Payment 0 150,000 300,000 50°fo Capital Outlay 90,445 99,435 1,323,948 8% 1 $220,895 $205,6991 $534,363 $291,4061 $3,721,470 Subtotal Water Fund: 14% Public Works: Personnel 83,010 158,076 386,875 41% Administration 8,032 13,663 27,750 49%© Contracts -Agreements 76,267 125,361 314,105 40% General Mtnc/Repair 11,999 47,415 1611,500 29% Vehicle Mtnc & Repair 72 2,317 31,660 7%© Fleet Management 0 0 79,701 0% Programs 0 0 23,000 0% Parrs/Facilities Mtnc 123,008 247,861 260,999 95% Street Lights 10,193 10,193 40,050 25% Capital lEquipment 687 19,866 25,000 79% Restricted Funds 16,029 27,127 440,350 6% Projects 53,772 83,572 193,500 43% $300,059 $577,375 $1,983,490 29% Subtotal Public Works:1 0 1,500,362 QUARTER ENDING 3131/20 2nd QTR 2nd QTR YTD YTD FY 19120 FY 19120 FY 19120 FY 19120 Appropriation "Percentage Funds Ex enditures Revenues Ex enditures Revenues FY 201912020 Comparison Park Fund: Capital Improvement Projects 5,156 338,538 2,321,209 15%m Merril Park SplashPad 0 30,226 0 0%m Subtotal Park Fund: $5,156 $156,301 $368,764 $297,997 $2,321,209 16% Pathway Fund Capital Improvement 0 0 627,419 0% Grants 0 0 65,120 0% Subtotal Park Fund: $46,140 $88,113 $692,539 0% $0 $0 Tree Fund Tree Replacement Expenditures 0 0 23795 0%® Subtotal Tree Fund: $30,795 $30,795 $0 $0 $23,795 0% TOTALS ALL FUNDS $2,980,941 $4,824,664 $9,361,458 $31,879,585 29iDlo Citizens are invited to inspect the detailed supporting records of the above financial statements. (Idaho Code 50-1011) Making the Quarterly Treasurer's Report available for public review on the City's Website shall satisfy publication requirements. (Idaho Code 50-208) For additional information contact Eagle City Halll, 939-6813 Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF EAGLE FY 2019/2020 CASH & INVESTMENT FINANCIAL REPORT March 2020 ACCOUNT BEGIN BALANCE 3/1/20 DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS ENDING BALANCE 3/31120 GENERAL (FUND INVESTMENT CITY CHECKING* GEN FUND TOTAL: $4,146,662.75 $1,444,109.62 $600,675.56 $824,016.81 $0.00 $1,682,730.07 $4,747,338.31 $585,396.36 $5,590,772.37 $1,424,692.37 $1,682,730.07 $5,332,734.67 LIBRARY FUND INVESTMENT LIBRARY CHECKING* LIBRARY FUND TOTAL: $9,92,811.96 $16,598.73 $162.44 $54,000.00 $54,000.00 $96,041.72 $938,974.40 -$25,442.99 $1,009,410.69 $54,162.44 $150,041.72 $913,531.41 WATER FUND INVESTMENT WATER CHECKING* WATER FUND TOTAL: $3,093,878.16 $67,260.71 $77,502.18 $114,966.38 $0.00 $155,831.39 $3,171,380.34 $26,395.70 $3,161,138.87 $192,468.56 $155,831.39 $3,197,776.04 PARK FUND INVESTMENT PARK CHECKING* PARK FUND TOTAL: $2,095,385.98 $38,505.28 $98,729.16 $66,943.23 $0.00 $103,448.51 $2,194,115.14 $2,000.00 $2,133,891.26 $165,672.39 $103,448.51 $2,196,115.14 PATHWAY FUND INVESTMENT* PATHWAY CHECKING* PATHWAY FUND TOTAL: $570,999.32 $29,664.92 $49,092.85 $19,831.00 $0.00 $49,000.00 $620,092.17 $495.92 $600,664.24 S::] $49,000.00 $620,588.09 CAPITAL PROJECTS INVESTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS CHECKING* CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOTAL: $1,490,837.04 $2,908.64 $15.64 $10,000.00 $309,950.21 $10,336.53 $1,180,902.47 $2,572.11 $1,493,745.68 $10,015.64 $32�0,286.74 $1,183,474.58 TOTAL: $23,989,623.11 $1,915,935.25 $2,461,338.43 $13,444,219.93 *These accounts have been adjusted The above accounts are held at First Interstate Bank in Money Market Accounts FY 19/20 MARCH 2O20 GENERAL FUND YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $17,561,982 CARRY FORWARD $5,784,996 RESERVE CASH SURITIES $1,012,545 RESERVE PARK DEPRECIATION $100,000 OPERATING ACCOUNT $1,000,000 PROPERTY TAXES: The majority of property taxes are collect in January & July. City also receives a monthly payment of property taxes plus penalty & interest Property Tax Budget $2,352,429 Collection To Date $1,459,692 62% Penalty & Interest Budget $3,000 Collection To Date $1,150 38% Personal Property Tax Reimbursement $8,463 Collection To Date $44,231 50% FRANCHISE FEES Water, Trash, Cable, Id Power/Intermountain Gas Franchise Fees Collected Quarterly Franchise Fee Budget $827,280 Collection To Date 1 $397,408 48% STATE REVENUE SHARING State Revenue Sharing is paid Quarterly -Oct, Jan, April, & July State Revenue Sharing Budget $1,931,488 Collection To Date $1,080,802 56% STATE SALES TAX State Sales Tax is paid Quarterly -Oct, Jan, April, & July State Sales Tax Budget $437,740 Collection To Date $286,176 65% LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION Liquor Distribution is paid Quarterly -Oct, Jan, April, & July 1st QT payment represents the QTpayment amount for the year. If Liquor Commissions collects more than their projected revenue the City will receive a final distribution in August Liquor Distribution Budget $486,196 Collection To Date 1 $207,898 43% YEAR REVENUE Con't: TO DATE BUDGET % RESTRICTED FUNDS Other Restricted Funds $17,761 Collection To Date $5,660 32%/® BUILDING DEPARTMENT Building Permit Revenue Budget $1,500,000 Collection To Date $762,517 51% Plan Review Fees $525,000 Collection To Date $286,885 55% Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Inspection Fees $712,000 Collection To Date $425,177 60% Other Building Department Revenue Budget $42,000 Collection To Date $15,050 36% PLANNING ZONING DEPARTMENT Annex/Zoning Permit Fees $190,000 Collection To Date $80,593 42% Plan Review Fees $35,000 Collection To Date $181450 53% Other Planning Zoning Revenue Budget $34,500 Collection To Date $11,408 33% LICENSES & PERMITS Alcoholic Licenses & Business License $49,000 Collection To Date $17,041 35% MISC PERMITS -FEES Misc permits, licenses, dog licenses, reimbursements $39,012 Collection To Date $36,476 93% COURT FINES & FEES Court, Citation & Weed Abatement Fees $43,000 Collection To Date $31,430 73% CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT Republic Services, Tree Fund, Arbor Day Grant $83,811 Collection To Date $21,449 26% REVENUE Con't: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REIMBURSEMENTS -DEVELOPERS Engineering Costs and Attorneys Fees Collection To Date $42,746 $150,000 $20,000 FIELD OF HONOR Collection To Date $2,060 $10,000 21 % MAYOR'S SCHOLARSHIP FUND Collection To Date $3,600 $7,761. 1 46%© BANKINTEREST Bank Interest Collection To Date $2,504 $9,000 28% GRANTS: Grants - Matching Funds Collection To Date $0 $150,000 0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $5,200,403 $17,561,982 30% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % General Administration Total Budget: Reserve Fund - Money Market Account Operating Account Reserve Park Depreciation Cash 'Surities - Land Use Applications TOTAL: $1,344,965 $149036,916 $4,532,781 $1,000,000 $100,000 $1,012,545 $6,645,326 General Administration Expenditures Personnel Expenditures To Date $51,468 $271,392 19% Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $7,000 $17,761 39% Contracts & Agreements Expenditures To Date $2,602,418 $3,992,132 65% Administration Expenditures To Date 1 $161,719 $340,362 1 48% General Fund Transfers to Departments Expenditures To Date 1 $2,2831,162 $2,283,162 100% Conservation & Environment Expenditures To Date $23,795 $192,811 12% Community Projects -Capital Outlay Expenditures To Date 1 $1141970 $114,970 1 100% Miscellaneous Expendiures Expenditures T'b Date 1 $91,516 $29,000 11 316°la Grants Expenditures To Date $0 $150,000 0% General Fund. Expenditures To Date $5,336,048 $14,036,916 38% YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % Executive Department Budget Expenditures To Date $75,932 $180,280 42% City Clerks Department Budget Expenditures To Date $238,789 $548,605 44°l0 IT Department Budget Expenditures To Date 1 $233,160 $574,260 1 41 % Building Department Budget Expenditures To Date 1 $394,177 $910,044 1 43% PZ Department Budget Expenditures To Date 1 $366,022 $903,723 41% Trails & Pathways Expenditures To Date $95,078 $281,873 L340X, Economic Development Budget Ex enditures To Date $52,558 $126,281 42% Department Expenditures To Date $1,455,716 $'3,525,066 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TO DATE; $6,791,764 $17,561,982 FY 19/20 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND MARCH 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % ,Carry Forward $2,6029163 $2,083,966 Sale of Real Property (Museum) Collection To Date $0 $220,000 0.0% Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge Collection To Date $94,737 $136,000 69.7% State Hwy 44-Grade Separated Ped Crossing Collection To Date $0 $25,000 0.0% Half CFI Ped/Bike Education Collection To Date $0 $1,197 0.0% Dry Creek Grant Remibursement Collection To Date $27,086 $0 0.0% Transportation Related Projects Collection To Date $0 $135,500 0.0% Other Revenue Collection To Date $226 $500 45.2% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $122,0491 $2,6029163 4.7% YEAR. TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES: $2,602,163 CITY CAPITAL PROJECTS: Eagle Landing Expenditures To Date $303,778 $520,1000 58.4% Dry Creek Project Expenditures To Date $2,146 $0 0.0% City Additional Projects Expenditures To Date $0 $288,48 0.0% TOTAL GENERAL CITY PROJECTS: $305,924 $808,483 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT Merrill Park Splash Pad/Playground Equipment Expenditures To Date $260,224 $450,000 57.8% Plaza Drive Expenditures To Date $01 $20,000 0.0% TOTAL PUBLIC 'WORKS DEPT: $260,224 $4701000 YEAR TO DATE BUDGET PLANNING ZONING DEPT PROJECTS: State Hwy 44-Grade Separated Ped Crossing $50,000 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Aikens Extension $472,000 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Aikens St Design Work $8,180 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Eagle Road PedBike Bridge $300,000 Expenditures To Date $64,786 21.6% Transportation Planning Grant $15,000 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Palmetto Street Extension $380,500 Expenditures To Date $4,981 1.3% TOTAL PLANNING DEPT PROJECTS: $69,767 $1,225,680 5.7% FY 9 I LIBRARY MARCH 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $199719777 RESERVE FUND $420,000 CARRY FORWARD 573,396 PROPERTY TAXES: The majority of property taxes are collect in January & July of each year. Library receives a monthly payment of property taxes plus penalty & interest Property Tax Budget Collection To Date Penalty & Interest Budget Collection To Date $895,184 $7721 $1,468,031 $2,000 1 61.0% 38.6% MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $7,456 $8,350 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: 1 $903,4121 $lt971,7771 45.8% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $1,9719777 RESERVE FUND 1 $430,000 Restricted funds Expenditures To Date $0 $3,230 0.0% Personnel Expenditures To Date 1 $312,138 $865,759 1 36.1 % Contracts/Agreements Expenditures To Date 1 $6,119 $23,550 1 26.0% Operations & Maintenance Expenditures To Date 1 $51,227 $112,002 45.7% i.ynx! Consortium Expenditures To Date 1 $10,282 $30,528 1 33.7% Cast Recovery or Pass Thru Expenditures To Date 1 $1,512 $6,900 1 21.9% Technology Expenditures To Date 1 $1,581 $11,746 13.5% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % Guest Resources Expenditures To Date $74,249 $289,421 2.5.7% Guest Classes & Events expenditures To Date $8,459 $27,000 1 31.3% Staff Development Expenditures To Date $26,625 1 $58,875 1 45.2% Facility & (Bldgs & Grounds) Expenditures To Date 1 $36,916 $105,766 1 34.9% Capital Improvements Expenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $529,108 $7,000 $1,,971,777 0.0°,/'0 26.8% FY 19/20 WATER DEPARTMENT MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $3 7219470 Carry Forward $161,718 Reserve Funds Collection To Date $157,518 $671,000 23.5% Restricted Funds Collection To Date -$449,274 $1,471,736 -30.5% Other Revenue Collection To Date $583,162 $1,417,016 41.2% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE; $291,406 $3,721y470 7.8%n EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE. BUDGET Reserve Funds Expenditures res To Date $0 $269,106 0.0% Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $0 $350,000 0.0% Personnel Expenditures To Date $187,999 $442,524 42.5% Operations & Maintenances Expenditures To Date $92,024 $506,726 18.2% "Water Testing Expenditures To Date $2,489 $11,000 22.6% DEQ Revolving Loan Payment Expenditures To Date $150,000 $300,000 50.0% Vehicle Operations Expenditures To Date $2,416 $25,650 9.4% Capital. Expenditures ,Expenditures To Date $99,435 $1,816,464 5.5% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: ST34­,3631 $3,721,470 14.4% FY 19/20 PUBLIC WORKS MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET "�'/o REVENUE BUDGET $1,9839490 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER Collection To Date $1,500,140 $1,515,140 PARK FEES Vendor Lease Payments & Park Reservation Fees Collection To Date $222 $2,000 11.1 % PROGRAMS Arbor Day & Memorial Policy Collection To Date $0 $6,000 0.0% RESTRICTED FUNDS Republic Services, Trees/'Streets/Lights Replacement Fund Collection To Date $0 $440,350 0.0% FLEET MANAGEMENT RESTRICTED FUND Fleet Managaement Collection To Date $0 $20,000 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $1,50%3621 $10983,490 75.6% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES $1,9839490 Personnel Expenditures To Date $158,076 $385,875 41.0% Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $23,097 $440,350 1 5.2% Fleet Management Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $0 $79,701 0.0% Administration Expenditures To Date $13,663 $27,750 1 49.2% Contracts & Agreements Ex enditures To Date $125,361 $314,105 1 39.9% Flower Baskets Expenditures To Date $0 $17,000 0.0% Equipment Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date $3,702 $2,000 185.1% EXPENDITURES- YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % General Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date $47,415 $161,500 29.4% Vehicles Expenditures To Date $8,087 $31,660 25.5°!® Street Lights Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date $10,193 $40,050 1 25.5 % Programs Expenditures To Date $0 $6,000 0.0% Eagle Landing Expenditures To Date $14,321 $29,260 0.0% Grounds/Structures Mntc & Repair, Utilities, Leases Expenditures To Date $70,022 $229,7 9 30.5% Capital Equipment Expenditures To Date $19,866 $25,000 1 79.5% FY 18/19 Projects Expenditures To Date $0 $12,500 0.0°/0 FY 19/20 Projects Expenditures To Date $83,572 $181,000 46.2% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES: $577,3751 $1,983,490 29.1 % FY 19/20 EAGLE FUN DAYS f�la:l. 9I_I,I REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET S68,577 Funding from General Fund Collection To Date $49,627 $49,627 0.0% Other Revenue Collection To Date $18,950 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $49,627 $68,5771 72.4% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET '%a EXPENDITURES: $689577 Adman Expenditures Ex enditures 'To Date ,$5,950 $38,100 15.6% Logistics Expenditures To Date $0 $23,700 0.0% Fun Run Collection To Date $0 $2,400 0.0% Car Show Collection To Date $60 $3,677 1.6% Cornhole Collection To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $70,0 0.0% 1 $6,010 $68,577 FY 19/20 SPECIAL EVENTS MARCH 2020 �REVENUE BUDGET CARRY OVER Funding from General Fund Collection To Date Christmas Market Collection To Date Saturday Market Collection To Date Gazebo Concert Series Collection To Date Harvest Fest Market Collection To Date Sponsorships Collection To Date Event Application Fees Collection To Date Security Deposit Collection To Date Miscellaneous Revenue ,Collection To Date I TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % $1719743 $4,000 $137,018 $137,018 $1,400 $1,455 103.9% $18,150 $430 2.4% $225 $0 0.0% $1,750 $35 2.0% $4,500 $3,500 77.8% $3,000 $500 16.7% $1,200 $0 0.0% $500 $0 0.0% $142,938 $171J431 83.2% YEAR TO DATE I BUDGET % EXPENDITURES: Personnel $107,813 Expenditures To Date $38,113 35.4% Administration $30,930 Expenditures To Date $10,761 34.8% Christmas Market $4,500 Expenditures To Date $4,045 89.9% Saturday Market $8,500 Expenditures To Date $285 3.4% Gazbo Concert Series $9,000 Expenditures To Date —$37 0.4% General Events $7,000 Expenditures To Date $1,134 16.2% Harvest Fest $4,000 Expenditures To Date $1,9061 47.7% Event Refunds Expenditures To Date $35 $0 0.0% Capital Expenditures Ex enditures To Date $151 $0 0.0% 1 TOTALS EXPENDITURES: 156,4671 $171,7431_ __ I FY 19/20 RECREATION MARCH 2020 YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $4479546 Carry Forward $42,823 Funding from General Fund $331,723 Collection To Date $331,723 Registration $70,000 Collection To Date $35,490 50.7% Park Reservation Fees $0 Collection To Date $5,817 0.0% Sponsorships $2,000 Collection To Date $500 25.0% Scholarship Restricted Fund $0 $1,000 Collection To Date 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $373,530 $447,546 34.5% YEAR EXPENDITURES: TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET: $447,546 Personnel $314,351 Expenditures To Date $111,868 35.6% Scholarship Restricted Fund $1,000 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Administration $42,545 Expenditures To Date $11,639 27.4% Community Center Expenditures To Date $1,234 $0 0.0% Recreation $26,650 Expenditures To Date $6,635 24.9% Vehicle Replacement $2,000 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Vehicle Maintenance/Repair $1,000 Expenditures To Date $177 17.7% Contracts $50,000 Expenditures To Date $14,660 29.3% Capital Outlay Expenditures To Date $1,211 $0 0.0% Capital Equipment $10,000 ,Expenditures To Date $4,381 43.8% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $151,805 $447,546 33.9% 4 I 1 MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $293219209 CARRY OVER $1,506,147 Development Impact Fees Collection To Date $811,062 1 $ 96,782 1 36.6% Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $1,215 $4,000 30.4% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $297,997 $2,321,209 12.8% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $2,321,209 Capital Improvement Projects Expenditures To Date $338,539 $1,021,209 33.2% West Side Park -Infrastructure Expenditures To Date $0 $1,000,000 0.0% Lakemoor Park -Bathroom Expenditures To Date $0 $300,000 0.0% Merrill Park - Splash Pad -1/2 Cost Other 1/2 Cost in Capital Projects Expenditures To Date $30,226 $0 0.0ofo FY 19/20 PATHWAY FUND MARCH 2O20 REVENUE; YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET CARRY OVER $0 $393,639 Development Impact Fees Collection To Date $198,300 1 $87,913 1 443% Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $600 $200 33.3% Grants Collection To Date $100,000 -sol 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: 1 $88,1131 $692,5391 12.7% EXPENDITURES. YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET Capital Improvements Expenditures To Date $0 $592,539 0.0% Eagle Island State Park Connection Expenditures To Date $0 $34,880 0.0% Grants Ex enditures To Date $0 $65,120 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: Sol 0.0% EY 19/20 ARTS COMMISSION MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $779420 Carry Over $37,751 Funding from General Fund Collection To Date $37,869 $37,869 Donations, Miscellaneous Collection To Date $74 $500 14.8% Gallery Maintenance Fee Collection To Date $80 $500 16.0% Scholarships Funds Collection To Date $0 $500 0.0% Postcard Revenue Collection To Date $18 $300 6.0% TOTALSREVENUE:j $38,041 $77,420 EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $77,420 Administration Expenditures To Date $4,214 $15,300 0.0% Art Education Expenditures To Date $0 $14,000 0.0% Art Installation Expenditures To Date $2,560 $27,120 9.4% Acquisition of Art Expenditures To Date $0 $1,500 0.0% Performing Arts Expenditures To Date $8701 $0 Community Events Expenditures To Date $1,222 $18,000 6.81D✓b Gallery Maintenance & Supplies Expenditures To Date $0 $1,500 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $8,8661 $77,420 FY 19/20 MUSEUM REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $122,924 Carry Over $2,998 Funding from General Fund Collection To Dante $119,351 $119,351 100.0% Other Revenue Collection To Date $1861 $575 1 32.3% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE:I $119,5371 $122,9241 97.2% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $122,924 Personnel Expenditures To Date $44,462 $93,776 47.4% Education Expenditures To Date $867 $4,700 18.4% Administration Expenditures To Date $4,560 $16,648 27.4% Exhibits Expenditures To Date $0 $7,500 0.0% Programs Expenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $300 0.0% $49,889 $122,9241 40.6% FY 19/20 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION MARCH 2O20 YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $11,750 Carry Forward $9,016 0.0% Funding from Genera Fund $2,734 $2,734 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $2,734 YEAR EXPENDITURES: TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $11,750 Administration $5,250 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Programs $4,000 Ex enditures To Date $0 0.0% Grant Funds $2,500 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $11,750 0.0% liplum I 1 MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $104,70�0 Transfer from General Fund Collection 'To Date $104,700 $104,700 100.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $104,700 $104,7010 1.00.0% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $104,700 Principal Band Payment Expenditures To Date $0 $75,000 0.0% Interest on Band Payment Expenditures To Date $14,497 $29,250 49.6% Paying Agent Fee Expenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $450 0.0% $14,4971 $104,700 13. % FY 19/20 TREE FUND MARCH 2O20 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET Investment Account Collections from Developers $0 $30,795 TOTALS REVENUES T4 DATE: $0 $30,795 0.0% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $30,795 $0 $30,795 0.0% CITY OF EAGLE FY 2029/2020 CASH & INVESTMENT FINANCIAL REPORT February 2020 ACCOUNT BEGIN BALANCE 2/1/20 DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS ENDING BALANCE 2/30/2020 GENERAL FUND INVESTMENT CITY CHECKING GEN FUND TOTAL: $4,146,263.00 $1,156,384.47 $399.75 $1,143,558.05 $0.00 $858,913.45 $4,146,662.75 $1,441,029.07 $5,302,647.47 $1,143,957.80 $858,913.45 $5,,587,691.82 LIBRARY FUND INVESTMENT LIBRARY CHECKING* LIBRARY FUND TOTAL: $1,042,636.00 $82,716.69 $175.96 $0.00 $50,000.00 $74,550.81 $992,811.96 $8,165.88 $1,125,352.69 $175.96 $124,550,81 $1,000,977.84 WATER FUND INVESTMENT $2,918,368.76 $175,509.40 $0.00 $3,093,878.16 WATER CHECKING* $185,908.56 $116,708.19 $235,007.98 $67,608.77 WATER FUND TOTAL; $3,104,277.32 $292,217-59 $235,007.98 $3,161,486.93 PARK FUND INVESTMENT PARK CHECKING* PARK FUND TOTAL: $1,995,037.83 $100,570.80 $100,348.15 $37,934.44 $0.00 $100,000.00 $2 095,385.98 $38,505.24 $2,095,608.63 $138,282.59 $100,000.00 $2,133,891.22 PATHWAY FUND INVESTMENT PATHWAY CHECKING PATHWAY FUND TOTAL:$589,342.80 $360,914.36 $228,428.44 $829,972.47 $11,237.00 $0.00 $210.00 $1,190,886.83 $239,455.44 $41,209.47 $210.00 -----T—$1,430,342.27 CAPITAL PROJECTS INVESTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS CHECKING* CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOTAL: $1,490,773.73 -$18,238.89 $63.31 $34,975.17 $0.00 $36,578.07 $1,490,837.04 -$19,841.79 $1,472,534.84 $35,038.48 $36,578.07 $1,470,995.25 TOTAL: $13,689,763.75 $2,450,881.89 T $1,355,260.32 $14,785,385.33 *These accounts have been adjusted The above accounts are held at First Interstate Bank in Money Market Accounts FY 19/20 YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $17,561,982 CARRY FORWARD S5,784,996 RESERVE CASH SURITIES $1,012,545 RESERVE PARK DEPRECIATION $100,000 OPERATING ACCOUNT $1,000,00011 PROPERTY TAXES: The majority of property taxes are collect in January & July. City also receives a monthly payment of property taxes plus penalty & interest Property Tax Budget $2,352,429 Collection To Date $1,441,959 61% Penalty & Interest Budget $3,000 Collection To Date $1,035 35% Personal Property Tax Reimbursement $8,463 Collection "To Date $4,231 50% FRANCHISE FEES Water, Trash, Cable, ld Power/Intermountain Gas Franchise Fees Collected Quarterly Franchise Fee Budget $827,280 Collection To Date 1 $367,945 44% STATE REVENUE SHARING State Revenue Sharing is paid Quarterly -Oct, Jan, April, & July State Revenue Sharing Budget $1,931,488 Collection, To Date $1,080,802 56% STATE SALES TAX State Sales Tax is paid Quarterly -Oct, ,Ian, April, & July State Sales Tax Budget $437,740 Collection To Date $286,176 65'% LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION Liquor Distribution is paid Quarterly -Oct, Jan, April, & July I st QT payment represents the QT payment amount for the year. If Liquor Commissions collects more than their projected revenue the City will receive a final distribution in August Liquor Distribution Budget $486,196 Collection To Date 1 $207,898 43% YEAR REVENUE Con't: TO DATE BUDGET % RESTRICTED FUNDS Other Restricted Funds $17,761 CollectionTo Date $0 0% BUILDING DEPARTMENT Building Permit Revenue Budget $1,500,000 Collection To Date $610,430 41% Plan Review Fees $525,000 Collection To Date $236,458 45% Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Inspection Fees $712,000 Collection To Date $340,567 48% Other Building Department Revenue Budget $42,000 Collection To Date 1 $11,8001 1 28%1 PLANNING ZONING DEPARTMENT Annex/Zoning Permit Fees $190,000 Collection To Date $75,287 40% Plan Review Fees $35,000 CollectionTo Date $15,125 43% Other Planning Zoning Revenue Budget $34,5,00 Collection To Date $10,168, 29% LICENSES & PERMITS Alcoholic Licenses & Business License $49,000 Collection To Date $13,606 28% MISC PERMITS -FEES Misc permits, licenses, dog licenses, reimbursements $39,012 Collection To Date $15,059 39% COURT FINES & FEES Court, Citation & Weed Abatement Fees $43,000 Collection To Date $26,629 62% CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT Republic Services, Tree Fund, Arbor Day Grant $83,811 Collection To Date $45,851 55% REVENUE Con't: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REIMBURSEMENTS -DEVELOPERS f:ngineering Costs and Attorneys Fees Collection To Date $37,8�88 $150,000 $20,000 FIELD OF HONOR Collection To Date $2,000 $10,0010 20% MAYOR'S SCHOLARSHIP FUND Collection To Date $3,600 $7,761 1 460Zo BANK INTEREST Bank Interest $9,000 Collection To Date $2,504 28% GRANTS: Grants - Matching; Funds Collection To Date $0 $150,000 0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $4,837,017 $17,561,982 28% EXPENDITURES: General Administration Total Budget: Reserve Fund - Money Market Account Operating Account Reserve Park Depreciation Cash 'Surities - Land Use Applications TOTAL: YEAR TO DATE $1,344,965 BUDGET $14,036,916 $4,532,781 $1,000,000 $100,000 $1,012,545 % $6,645,326 General Administration Expenditures Personnel ].:xpcnditures To Date $51,396 $271,392 19'% Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $7,000 $1.7,761 1 39% Contracts & Agreements $3,992,132 Expenditures To Date $2,252,842 1 56% Administration 1xpenditures To Date 1 $148,495 $340,362 1 44% Ereneral Fund Transfers to Departments Expenditures To Date 1 $2,283,162 $2,283,162 100°r'o Conservation & Environment Expenditures To Date 1 $10,314 $192,811 1 5% Community Projects -Capital Outlay Expenditures, Expenditures To Date 1 $114,970 $114,9701 1 0 100 Z Miscellaneous Expendiures 1xpenditures To Date $6,3291 $29,0001 22%© Grants Expenditures To Date $0 $150,000 0% General Fund Expenditures To Date $4,874,508 $14,036,916 35% YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % Executive Department Budget Expenditures 'I'o Date $68,566 $180,280 38% City Clerks Department Budget To Date $219,7871 $141,605 1 40% _Expenditures IT Department Budget Expenditures 'ro Date 1 $190,4011 $574,260 33% Building Department Budget Expenditures 1'o Date 1 $339,867 $9 1 0'044 3 70/a1 PZ Department Budget Expenditures 'l'o Date 1 $338,0561 $903,723 1 37% Trails & Pathways Fxpenditures 'Fo Date 1 $85,3531 $281,873 1 301% Economic Development Budget Expenditures To Date $18,136 $126,281 14% Department Expenditures To Date $1,260,166 $3,525,066 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TO DATE:, $6,134,674, $17,561,982, FY 19/20 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FEBRUARY 2020 YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % $2,6021163 ,Carry Forward $2,083,96�6 Sale of Real Property (Museum) $220,000 Collection To Date $0 0.0% Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge $136,000 Collection To Date $94,737 69.7% State Hwy 44-Grade Separated Ped Crossing $25,000 Collection To Date $0 0.0% HalfCFI Ped/Bike Education $1,197 Collection To Date $0 0.0% Dry Creek Grant Remibursement $0 Collection To Date $27,086 0.0% Transportation Related Projects $135,500 Collection'ro Date $0 0.0% Other 11evenue $500 Collection'l"o Date $226 45.2% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: 1 $122,0491 $2,602,163 4.7% YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES: $2,602,163 CITY CAPITAL PROJECTS: Eagle Landing $520,000 1'�xpenditurcs To Date $297,378 57,2% Dry Creek Project $0 Expenditures To Date $2,146 0.0% City Additional Projects $288,483 Expcnditures,ro Date 0.0% TOTAL GENERAL CITY PROJECTS: $299,524 $808,483 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT Merrill Park Splash Pad/Playground Equipment $450,000 Expenditures To Date $260,224 57.8% Plaza Drive $20,000 1x2enditures To Date 0 0.0% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPT: 1 $260,2241 $470,0001 1 EAR TO DATE I BUDGET % PLANNING ZONING DEFT PROJECTS: State Hwy 44-Grade Separated Ped Crossing $50,000 ExpendituresToDate $0 0.0% Aikens Extension $472,000 Expenditures To Date $01 0.0% Aikens St Design Work $8,180 Expenditures To Date $0 0.0% Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge $300,000 Expenditures To Date $63,030 21.0% Transportation Planning Grant $15,000 Expenditures To Date $01 0.0% Palmetto Street Extension $380,500 F,xpenditures'fo Date $2,8011 0.7% TOTAL PLANNING DEPT PROJECTS: $�65,83 1, $1,225,680 5.4% FY 1.9/20 LIBRARY FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $199719777 RESERVE FUND $420,000 CARRY FORWARD 1 $73,396 PROPERTY TAXES: The majority of property taxes are collect in January & July of each year. Library receives a monthly payment of property taxes plus penalty & interest Property Tax Budget Collection To Date Penalty & Interest Budget Collection To Date $884,281 1 $6971 $1,468,031 $2,000 1 60.2% 34.9% MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $7,457 $8,350 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE; 1 $892'4.351 $1,971,7771 45.3%n EXPENDITURES. YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $19971,777 RESERVE FUND $430,000 Restricted Funds $3,230 Expenditures To Date 1 $0 0.0% Personnel Expenditures To Date 1 $285,159 1115,759 32.9% Contracts/Agreements Expenditures To Date 1 $5,075 $23,550 1 21.5% Operations & Maintenance Expenditures To Date $26,776 $112,002 1 23.9% Lynx! Consortium Expenditures To Date 1 $7,532 $30,528 1 24.7% Cost Recovery or Pass Thru Expenditures To Date 1 $1,240 $6,900 18.0% Technology Expenditures To Date 1 $1,417 $11,746 12.1% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % Guest Resources Expenditures To Date $75,244 $289,421 26.0% Guest Classes &Events ,Expenditures To Date $8,345 $27,000 1 30.9% Staff Development Expenditures To Date 1 $22,172 $58,875 1 37.7% Facility & (Bldgs & Grounds) Expenditures To Date $31,631 $105,766 L 29.9% Capital Improvements Expenditures To Date $0 $7,000 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $464,591 $1,971,777 23.6% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % Guest Resources Expenditures To Date $75,244 $289,421 26.0% Guest Classes & Events Expenditures To Date 1 $8,345 $27,000 1 30.9% Staff Development Expenditures To Date 1 $22,172 $58,875 1 37.7% Facility & (Bldgs & Grounds) .Expenditures To Date 1 $31,631 $105,766 1 29.9% Capital Improvements Expenditures To Date $0 $7,000 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $464,591 $1,971,777 23.6% FY 19120 WATER DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $3,721,470' Carry Forward 1 $161,718' Reserve Funds Collection To Date $157,518 $671,000 23.5% Restricted Funds Collection To Date -$449,274 $1,471,736 -30.5% Other Revenue Collection To Date $456,383 $1,417,016 32.2% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $164,627 $3,721,470 4.4% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET Reserve Funds Expenditures To Date $0 $269,106 0.0% Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $0 $350,000 0.0% Personnel ,Expenditures To Date $174,388 $442,524 39.4% Operations & Maintenances Expenditures To Date $79,119 $506,726 15,6% Water Testing Expenditures To Date $2,361 $11,000 21.5% DEQ Revolving Loan Payment Expenditures To Date $15%000 $300,000 50.0% Vehicle Operations Expenditures To Date $2,069 $25,650 8.1% Capital Expenditures Expenditures To Date $65,581 $1,816,464 3.6% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $473,5181 $3,721,470 12.7%/0 FY 19/20 PUBLIC WORKS FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $1,9839490 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER Collection To Date $1,500,140 $1,515,140 PARK FEES Vendor Lease Payments & Park Reservation Fees Collection To Date $222 $2,000 11.1% PROGRAMS Arbor Day & Memorial Policy $6,000 Collection To Date $0 0.0% RESTRICTED FUNDS 1tepublic Services, 'Frees/Streets/Lights Replacement Fund Collection To Date $0 $440,350 0.0% FLEET MANAGEMENT RESTRICTED FUND Fleet Managaement $20,0001 Collection To Date $0 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $1,500,36�2 $1,983,4901 75.6% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES $1,983,490 Personnel Expenditures To Date $144,241 $385,875 37.4% Restricted Funds $440,350 Expenditures To Date $23,0971 1 5.2% Fleet Management Restricted Funds Expenditures To Date $ol $79,7011 �0.0% Administration Expenditures To Date $7,8661 $27,750 1 28.3% Contracts & Agreements I.-'xpenditures To Date $98,8501 $314,105 [- 31.5% Flower Baskets Expenditures To Date $01 $17,00,0 1 0.0% Equipment Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date 1 $2,8891 $2,0001 EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % General Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date $42,437 $161,500 26.3% Vehicles Expenditures To Date $7,596 $31,660 1 24.0% Street Lights Maintenance & Repair Expenditures To Date $40,050 1 0.0% Programs 'Apenditures To Date $0 $6,000 0.0%a Eagle Landing 1xpenditures To Date $11,625 $29,260 0.0% Grounds/Structures Mnte & Repair, Utilities, Leases $229,739 Expenditures To Date $68,6931 29.9% Capital Equipment Fxpenditures "eo Date $19,2787 $25,000 77.1% FY 18/19 Projects Expenditures To Date $0 $12,500 0.0°/a FY 19/20 Projects 1:;xpenditures To Date $83,572 $181,000 46.2% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES: $510,144 $1,983,490 25.7% FY 19/20 EAGLE FUN DAYS FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $689577 Funding from General Fund Collection To Date $49,627 $49,627 0.0% Other Revenue Collection To Date $18,950 1 0*0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $49,62=7$68,5771 72.4% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES: $68,577 Admin Expenditures Expenditures To Date $0 $38,100 0.0% Logistics Expenditures To Date $0 $23,700 0.0% Fun Run Collection To Date $0 $2,400 0.0% Car Show Collection To Date $60 $3,677 1.6% Cornhole Collection To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $700 0.0% $60 56815771 1 FY 19/20 SPECIAL EVENTS FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: REVENUE BUDGET CARRY OVER Funding from General Fund Collection To Date Christmas Market Collection To Date Saturday Market Collection To Date Gazebo Concert Series Collection To Date Harvest Fest Market Collection To Date Sponsorships CollectionTo Date Event Application Fees Collection To Date Security Deposit Collection To Date Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % $171J43 $4,000 $137,018 $137,018 $1,400 $1,455 103.9% $18,150 $250 1.4% $225 $0 0.0% $1,750 $35 2.0% $4,500 $3,500 77.8% $3,000 $500 16.7% $1,200 $0 0.0% $500 $0 0.0% $142,758 $171,7431 83.1% YEAR EXPENDITURES: TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES: Personnel $107,813 Expenditures To Date $35,207 32.7% Administration $30,930 Expenditures To Date $10,544 34.1% Christmas Market $4,500 Expenditures To Date $4,045 89.9% Saturday Market $8,500 Expenditures To Date $285 3.4% Gazbo Concert Series $9,000 Expenditures To Date $37 0.4% General Events $7,000 Expenditures To Date $470 6.7% Harvest Fest $4,000 ,Expenditures To Date $1,906, 47.7%1 Event Refunds To Date $0 $351 1 0.0% Capital Expenditures Expenditures To Date 1 $151 $01 0.0% I TOTALS EXPENDITURES: 1 $52,6801 $171.7431 FY 19/20 FEBRUARY 2020 RECREATION REVENUE BUDGET Carry Forward Funding from General Fund Collection To Date Registration Collection To Date Park Reservation Fees Collection To Date Sponsorships Collection To Date Scholarship Restricted Fund Collection To Date TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: EXPENDITURES: EXPENDITURE BUDGET: Personnel Expenditures To Date Scholarship Restricted Fund Expenditures To Date Administration Expenditures To Date Community Center Expenditures To Date Recreation Expenditures To Date Vehicle Replacement Expenditures To Date Vehicle Maintenance/Repair f, xpenditures To Date Contracts Expenditures To Date Capital Outlay Expenditures To Date Capital Equipment Expenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % $447,546 $42,823 $331,723 $331,723 $70,000 $27,581: 39.4% $0 $3,960 0.0% $2,000 $0 01.0% $ 1,000 $500 501.0% $363,764 $447,5461 34.5% YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % $447,546 $314,351 $103,304 32.9% $ 1,000 $0 0.0% $42,545 $9,893 23.3% $1,028 $0 —0.0% $26,650 $5,366 2,0.1% $2,000 $0 0.0% $1,000 $177 17.7% $50,000 $11,779 23.6% $1,221 $0 0.0% $10,000 $107 1,1% $132,8751 $447,5461 29.7% FY 19/20 PARK FUND FEBRUA►RY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $2,321,209 CARRY OVER $1,506,147 Development Impact Fees CollectionTo Date 1 $226,491 $811,062 1 27.9% Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $1,215 $4,000 30.4% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $227,706 $2,321,209 9.8% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $2,321,209 Capital Improvement Projects Expenditures To Date $333,499 $1,021,209 32.7% West Side Park -Infrastructure Expenditures To Date $0 $1,000,000 0.0% Lakemoor Park -Bathroom Expenditures To Date $0 $300,000 0.0% Merrill Park - Splash Pad - 1/2 Cost Other 1/2 Cost in Capital Projects Expenditures To Date $30,226 $0 0.0% FY 19/20 PATHWAY FUND FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET CARRY OVER ..................... $01 $393,639, Development Impact Fees Collection To Date 1 $67,0921 $198,300 1 33.8% Miscellaneous Revenue Collection To Date $200 $600 33.3% Grants Collection To Date $0 $100,000 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE:i $67,292 $692,5391 9.7% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET Capital Improvements Expenditures, To Date $0 $592,539 0.0% Eagle Island State Park Connection Iixpenditures To Date $0 $34,880 0.0% Grants ,Expenditur sTo Date $0. $65,120 . 0 1 TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $01 $692,5391 0.0% FY 19/20 ARTS COMMISSION FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $77,420 Carry Over $37,751 Funding from General Fund Collection To Date $37,869 $37,869 Donations, Miscellaneous Collection To Date $74 $500 14.8% Gallery Maintenance Fee Collection To Date $20 $500 4.0% Scholarship Funds Collection To Date $0 $500 0.0% Postcard Revenue Collection To Date $18 $300 6.0% TOTALS REVENUE: $37,9811 $77,4201 EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $77,420 Administration 1','xpendituresTo Date $3,200 $15,300 0.0% Art Education Expenditures To Date $0 $14,000 0.0% Art Installation Expenditures To Date $60 $27,120 0.2% Acquisition of Art Expenditures To Date $0 $1,500 0.0% Performing Arts Expenditures To Date $870 $0 Community Events Expenditures To Date $1,222 $18,000 6.8% Gallery Maintenance & Supplies Expenditures To Date $0, $1,500 0.0% TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $5,3521 $77,420 FY 19/20 MUSEUM FEBRUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $122,924 Over $2,998 -Carry Funding from General Fund Collection To Date $119,351 $119,351 100.0% Other Revenue Collection To Date $162 $575 28.2%, TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $119,513 $122,9241 97.2%� EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $122,924 Personnel 1,Apenditures To Date $40,916 $93,776 43.6%. Education Fxpenditures To Date $822 $4,700 17.5% Administration Expenditures To Date $4,294 $16,648 25.8% Exhibits Expenditures To Date $0 $7,500 0.0% Programs Hxpenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $300 0.0% r $46,032 $122,9241 37.4%1 FY 19/20 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION JANUARY 2020 YEAR REVENUE: TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET $11,750 Carry Forward $9,016 0.0% Funding from General Fund $2,734 $21734, 0.0% TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: 1 $2,7341 1 YEAR EXPENDITURES: TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURES BUDGET $11,750 Administration $5,250 Expenditures To Date $0 0,0% Programs $4,000 Expenditures ro Date $0 0.0% Grant Funds $2,500 ,Expenditures To Date $0, 0.0% I TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $01 $1=1,750 0.0% FY 19/20 CITY HALL BOND FUND JANUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET °/a REVENUE BUDGET $104,700 Transfer from General Fund Collection To Date TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $104,700 $104,700 $104,700 $104,700 100.0% 100.0% EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET $104,700 Principal Bond Payment 1_:xpenditures To Date $0 $75,000 0.0% Interest on Bond Payment Expenditures To Date $14,497 $29,250 49.6% Paying Agent Fee Expenditures To Date TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $450 0.0% $14,497 $104,7001 13,8% FY 19/20 TREE FUND JANUARY 2020 REVENUE: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % REVENUE BUDGET Investment Account Collections from Developers $30,795 TOTALS REVENUES TO DATE: $301795 EXPENDITURES: YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % EXPENDITURE BUDGET TOTALS EXPENDITURES: $0 $0 0.0% x 4114IJ-D City of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 1 Period: 01119 - 04/20 Apr 14, 2020 05:10PM Report Criteria: All Accounts Summarize Payroll Detail Print Period Totals Print Grand Totals Page and Total by Fund All Segments Tested for Total Breaks (Report).Account Number= "0104165300Y" Date Journal Reference Account Number Payee or Description Number THE L ANDING-PROPERTY PURCHASE 12131/2018 (12118) Balance 01-0416-53-00 05130/2019 AP 698 Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. 0513112019 (05119) Period Totals and Balance 06/18/2019 AP 396 Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. 06/3012019 (06119) Period Totals and Balance 07124/2019 AP 632 PATRWS LLC 07/3112019 (07/19) Period Totals and Balance 09/3012019 AUDIT 16 AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS 0913012019 (09/19) Period Totals and Balance 01/09/2020 BiUD1 185 IMPORT FY 19120 BEG BUDGET 10/0112019 (00119) Period Totals and Balance 11114/2019 AP 395 PATRlUS LLC 11130/2019 (11119) Period Totals and Balance 04130/2020 (04120) Period Totals and Balance Number of Transactions: 8 Number of Accounts: 1 Total GENERAL FUND. Number of Transactions: 6 Number of Accounts: 1 Grand Totals: Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Amount Amount Amount Balance 00 .00 .00 50,000,00 .00 " 00 ' 50.000.00 50.000.00- .00 .00 333,085.61 .00 ' .00 ' 333,065.61 383,065.61- .00 .00 187.064.16 .00 . .00 187.064,16 570,129.77- .00 .00 698,103.51 .00 .00 598,103.51 ' 1,168,233.28- 187,065.00 .00 .00 187,065.00 .00 00 ' 187,065.00 .00 .00 598,103.51 .00 .00 598,103.51 " 411,038.51- .00 .00 .00 " 411,038.51- 187,065.00 .00 1,766,336.79 1,953,401.79 187',065.00 !00 1,766,336,79 1,953,401.79 City of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 1 Period: 01 /19 - 04120 Apr 14, 2020 05:11 PM Report Criteria: All Accounts Summarize Payroll Detail Print Period Totals Print Grand Totals Page and Total by Fund All Segments Tested for Total Breaks (Report],Account Number = "1904650109' Reference Account Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Date Journal Number Payee or Description Number Amount Amount Amount Balance COMMUNITY FACILITY RESERVE 12/3112018 (12118) Balance 19-0465-01-00 30.000D0 D7/01/2019 AP 437 Eagle Sewer District .00 .00 72.00 D7108/201 9 AP 624 A Tree Company .00, .00 1.180.00 07/02/2019 AP 625 Timberline Surveying .00 .00 400.00 0713112019 (07119) Period Totals and Balance .00 -00 1,652.00 298,348.00 08/01/209 AP 57 Eagle Sewer District .00 .00 72,00 08102/2019 AP 250 A Tree Company .00 '00 1.670.00 07/3112019 AP 315 Republic Services #884 Do .00 293.50 08125/2019 AP 451 K&T Maintenance .00 .010 1,133.00 0812012019 AP 494 Trautman Lawn & Landscape .00 '00 2,500.0D 0811412019 AP 496 Fire Extinguisher Co. Inc. .00 '00 108.00 08/21/2019 AP 559 AAF International .00 .00 42.12 01810612019 AP 589 Mountain View Roofing .00 .00 9.930.00 018/19/2019 AP 600 Intermountain Gas Company .00 .00 30.64 08119/2019 AP 601 Intermountain Gas Company .00 .00 23.79 08119/2019 AP 602 Intermountain Gas Company .00, '00 23.79 08131/2019 (08119) Period Totals and Balance .00, -CO 15,826.84 262,521.16 019107/2019 AP 62 K&T Maintenance .00 -00 316.00 09/0112019 AP 74 Eagle Sewer District .00 XO 72,00 08/13/2019 AP 99 Grainger -Dept. 868555954 .00 .00 319.49 08128/2019 AP 117 Batteries Plus .00 .00 2.048.00 08/08/2019 AP 139 The Sherwin Williams Co. '00 .00 673.48 08/14/2019 AP 189 Consolidated Supply .00 .00 $2,39 0910312019 AP 199 Towne Concrete Construction, LL .00 .00 3,400.00 D8128/2019 AP 209 Boise Executive Construction. LL .00 .00 360.60 0813112019 AP 242 Republic Services #884 .00 '00 226.13 09/06/2019 AP 267 Alsto .00 '00 31.36 0910412019 AP 325 Home Depot Credit Services .00 ,00 76.38 09121/2019 AP 374 K&T Maintenance .00 '00 $16,00 0910912019 AP 410 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Do .00 13.700.00 09/1612019 AP 441 Alsco .00 .00 31.36 09/16/2019 AP 443 AJsco .00 .00 7.00 09112/2019 AP 469 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 153.84 08130/2019 AP 480 MASTERCARD .00 .00 650.00 O8/3Ot2019 AP 481 MASTERCARD 00 .00 149,07 08/3012019 AP 482 MASTERCARD .00 '00 767,44 08(3012019 AP 490 MASTERCARD 00 .00 1,059,36 08130/2019 AP 494 MASTERCARD .00 .00 137,00 0911012019 AP 522 Platt Electric Supply '00 .00 60129 09109/2019 AP 541 Ada County Landfill .00 .00 88,00 0910512019 AP 569 Bentley Door Company '00 00 1.066.40 0910612019 AP 573 Idaho Commercial Appraisal, Inc. 00 2.750,00 09109/2019 AP 610 Trautman Lawn & Landscape .00 .00 9,995.00 09109/2019 AP ell Trautman Lawn & Landscape DO .00 12,5DO.00 o9109/2019 AP 612 Trautman Lawn & Landscape 00 .00 12,600.00 0910912010 AP 613 Trautman Lawn & Landscape .00 .00 15,000.00 0911112019 AP 618 Tates Rents DO .00 191A9 0911312019 AP 619 Tates Rents .Do .00 1,014.31 City of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 2 Period: 01119 - 04120 Apr 14, 2020 05:11 PM Reference Account Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Date Journal Number Payee or Description Number Amount Amount Amount Balance 09125/2019 AP 706 K&T Malntenance .00 .00 158.00 09/30/2019 AP 719 Alsoo .00 .00 38.36 09/20/2019 AP 736 The Sherwin Williams Co. .00 00 248.18 09128/2019 AP 737 The Sherwin Williams Co. .00 .00 58.17 09/26/2019 AP 738 The Sherwin Williams Co. .00 .00 301.13 Oe/2612019 AP 739 The Sherwin Williams Co. .00 .00 286.74 09/21512019 AP 740 The Sherwin Williams Co. .00 .00 66.71 09/30/2019 AP 761 MASTERCARD .00 00 2,599.11 09130/2019 JE 64 Capital Projects Fund - Reversing .00 .00 81.385.00 09130/2019 (09119) Period Totals and Balance .00 * 00 165,316.69 117,204.47 10/04/2019 AP 393 Slender Paying .00 .00 81,385.0O 09130/2019 JE 64 Capital Projects Fund - Reversing '00 00 81,385.00. io13112019 (10119) Period Totals and Balance .00 • .00 .00 00 1213012019 AP 233 MASTERCARD '00 .00 85.46 0113112020 (01120) Period Totals and Balance 00 • .00 85.46 85.46- 02/2812020 JE 26 PSTD WRNG .00 '00 85.46- 02129/2020 (02120) Period Totals and Balance .00 * .00 * 85.46- .00 04/30/2020 (04/20) Period Totals and Balance '00 • ZD • 00 • .00 Number of Transactions: 58 Number of Accounts-, I Total CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: .00 .00 182.795-53 152,795.53 Number of Transactions: 58 Number of Accounts: I Grand Totals: .00 .00 182.795.53 182,795.53 Report Criteria: All Accounts Summarize Payroll Detail Print Period Totals Print Grand Totals Page and Total by Fund All Segments Tested for Total Breaks (Report).AocDunt Number z "190465010(Y' Ciity of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 1 Period: 01/19 - 04/20 Apr 14, 2020 05:11 PM Report Criteria: All Accounts Summarize Payroll Detail Print Period Totals Print Grand Totals Page and Total by Fund All Segments Tested for Total Breaks [Report].Account Number = "I 904650400P Reference Account Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Date Journal Number Payee or Description Number Amount Amount Amount Balance EAGLE LANDING 1213112018 (12/18) Balance I9-D465-04-00 .00 0811212019 AP 468 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr .00 .00 145.35 08131/2019 (06119) Period Totals and Balance .00 .00 145.35 * 145.35- 091`1212019 AP 391 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr .00 .00 183.75 09130/2019 (09119) Period Totals and Balance .00 .00 183.75 * 32910- 011/0912020 BUD1 470 IMPORT FY 19120 BEG BUDGET 520,000.00 .00 .00 10/0112019 (00119) Period Totals and Balance 520,000.00 .00 .00 * 520,000.00 1011412019 AP 238 Alloway Electric .00 '00 3,720.00 1 0f05/2019 AP 300 Darryl D Thomas Drywall, Inc. '00 '00 5.672-00 10/07/2019 AP 307 Wayne Swanson Construction .00 .00 139.31 10131/2019 (l oil 9) Period Totals and Balance '00 '00 9,531.31 * 510,468.69 10/3112019 AP 151 Tates Rents '00 '00 176.96 1 0f30/2Dl 9 AP 1188 MASTERCARD A0 '00 246.79 10f30/2019 AP 203 MASTERCARD .00 .00 80.00 10115/2019 AP 251 A -Max Hardwood .00 4,399,55 10121/2019 AP 254 BBs Painting LLC .00 .00 4,500,00 10128/2019 AP 255 Boise River Fence, Inc- .00 .00 9,345.00 11/14/2019 AP 396 YESC,O-Boise .00 .00 2,676-86 10109/2019 AP 426 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 239.69 10129/2019 AP 427 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 170.00 1110712019 AP 552 Grainger -Dept, 868555954 .010 .00 131,011 11/12/2019 AP 560 Afloway Electric .00 .00 2,212.64 10/01/2019 AIP 596 Ada County Landfill .00 .00 11.00 11110/2019 AP 604 Towne Concrete Construction, LL 00 .00 9,460.00 1110812019 AP 627 Elite Seamless Rain Gutter LLC .00 00 1.868.00 1113012019 (11119) Period Totals and Balance .010 .'DO 35,516.50 474,952.19 11113/2019 AP 139 Tate* Rents '00 .100 66.08 1112512019 AP 168 Western Heating & Air .00 7,779.00 1112912019 AP 174 MASTERCARD .00 !00 18,00 1112912019 AP 189 MASTERCARD .00 .100 218.40 12106/2019 AP 204 Johnstone Supply .00 .00 36,22 1210212019 AP 211 OrkirVSawyer Inc. .00 .00 255.00 12J04/2019 AP 234 A -Max Hardwood .00 :00 700,OD 1010112019 AP 245 Great Floors .00 .00 10,207.0() 1211712019 AP 338 Idaho Correctional Industries '00 DO 499,00 12111)2019 AP 392 Quality Communications Inc. .00 DO 3,772,00 12/1 112019 AP 393 Quality Communications Inc- '00 .00 1,916.00 11115/2019 AP 415 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 234,40 12104/2019 AP 416 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 214.35 12/04J2019 AP 417 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 19,54 111/291'20119 AP 473 MASTERCARD '00 -00 181.59 112MV2019 AP 494 Zayo Group, LLC .00 .00 28,180.94 1112IJ2019 AP 549 Rack Simply .00 .00 49,788.00 12/18/2019 JE 3 PSTD WRNG ACCT#' .00 .00 2,967.00 1211812019 JE 7 PSTD WRNG ACCOUNT # .00 .00 1,1311.82 1213112019 (12/19) Period Totals and Balance .00 .00 108,183.34 366,768.85 112112J2019 AP 53 Idaho Correctional Industries 00 .00 998.00 1210412019 AP 58 Evan's Building Center .00 '00 21,67 City of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 2 Period: 01119 - 04t20 Apr 14, 2020 05:11 PM Reference Account Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Date Journal Number Payee or Description Number Amount Amount Amount Balance 11210412019 AP 59 EvaWs Building Center .00 .00 13.95 D11/0212020 AP 199 Western Heating & Air DO .00 85.00 01102/2020 AP 211 Alana Dunn .00 .00 856.30 11213012019 AP 221 MASTERCARD -00 .00 143.62 12/3012019 AP 222 MASTERCARD .00 .00 255.69 11213012019 AP 252 MASTERCARD -00 00 9815 0810512019 AP 267 Dan's Pump and Filter LLC 00 .00 3,894.72 0911812019 AP 269 Platt Electric Supply .00 .00 17.46 111120/2019 AP 306 Pacific Office Automation 00 .00 13,035.00 12/06/2019 AP 356 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 101.85 12/30/2019 AP 400 MASTERCARD .00 .00 1,444.50 0911812019 AP 457 Platt Electric Supply .00 .00 17.45- 11212012019 AP 470 Idaho Correctional Industries .00 00 499.00 1012512019 AP 533 EPSCO .00 .00 39100 0111712020 AP 538 Grainger -Dept. 868555954 DO .00 314,416 01122/2020 AP 589 Fred Fritchman DO .00 1.000.00 0111012020 AP 616 Dunkley Music .00 .00 150.00 DI/27/2020 AP 643 Rockitecture Stoneworks DO .00 6.875.00 01131/2020 (01 f2O) Period Totals and Balance .00 .00 301131.01 336,687.84 Dl/0612020 AP 65 Tates Rents '00 .00 323.13 DI/1312020 AP 56 Tates Rents .00 -00 158.00 D1/28/2020 AP 64 Rocky Mountain Electric .00 00 12,733.00 D111712020 AP 108 The Sherwin Williams Co, .00 .00 201.87 D113012020 AP ill Allaway Electric .00 .00 347.55 Dl/30/2020 AP 122 MASTERCARD '00 .00 25.00 01/3012020 AP 123 MASTERCARD .00 '00 891.00 0113012020 AP 145 MASTERCARD .00 .00 234.00 09/1812019 AP 159 Platt Electric Supply .00 .00 68.43- 01/2512020 AP 160 Platt Electric Supply .00 .00 17,45 01/2712020 AP 188 YESCO-Boise .00 .00 2,457.14 0110212020 AP 286 Rack Simply .00 .00 89.465.48 01/16/2020 AP 305 Home Depot Credit Services .00 .00 111.36 01115/2020 AP 308 Home Depot Credit Services '00 .00 380.45 02118/2020 AP 443 Great Floors .00 '00 2,189.00 02/11812020 AP 444 Great Floors .00 .00 4.434,00 02128/2020 JE 26 PSTD WRNG .00 .00 85.46 02J29/2020 (OV20) Period Totals and Balance .00 .00 113.965.46 222,622-38 0310612020 AP 476 138's Painting LLC .00 .00 6.400.00 03131/2020 (03120) Period Totals and Balance .00 * .00 6.400.00 216,222.38 04/10/2020 AP 224 Riverside Welding & Fabricalio, L .00 .00 8,760.00 0413012020 (04/20) Period Totals and Balance .00 * .00 8,760,00 207,462.38 Number of Transactions: 78 Number of Accounts: I Total CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: 520,000.00 '00 312.861532 832,866.72 Number of Transactions: 78 Number of Accounts: 1 Grand Totals: 520,000.00 Go 3112,866.72 832,866,72 City of Eagle Combined Detail Ledger Page: 3 Period: 01119 - 04120 Apr 14, 2020 05:11 PM Reference Date Journal Number Payee or Description Report Criteria: All Accounts Summarize Payroll Detail Print Period Totals Print Grand Totals Page and Total by Fund All Segments Tested for Total Breaks [Relporl].Aceount Number = "1904650400" Account Budget Encumbrance Actual Budget Number Amount Amount Amount Balance I :3DVd [NdZI:90 OZOZ/PI/VO G3SdVI3 SVI-['dVgk IVOSIJ 31-11 AO % 85 k']NO.,jsn Noavx.t.siNiwciv mm o ) (scot"Loz 00,000,ou (z9,LU'ZlE (zg,Lzg,zlc 19 8f,z9v,Loz 00,000'OU Z9'LC9'Z I f z9V5,zic 19 8f,z9v,Loz 00*000,OZ5 Z9,Lf5,zl c Z9,LES'Zl E 19 8E,z9v,Loz 00*000'OZS Z9,LE9,z I c Z9'Lfg'Z I C 1-- , e,'7 i e I (zg,Lfg,zl f (zg,Lcs,z I E UNN SIONOIld IVJ,IdVD OZOZ'GE lllJdV JAAHS I-DNVIVO glov:l Jo Allo S3'dCIJJ(3N:]dX3 'd-IAO 3nN3A31113N S3xMUKINUX9 aNnj ivioi SIDWOMd IVI[dVD AID IVJOJ. DNICINVA -,IIDV-.-1 00-PO-99VO-61 S1.331'Oldcl IV.].[dV.) AID SJI]rl.LICIN.-Ic[Xl Aiinoa ciNv sguruavri -iv.1.0.1. Allnog CiNfu wiol UVO J.N-Taiino - 3DNVIVO GIA - SISMIONNUNHAO 3nN3A:I21 :33NVIVG GNnJ GJ-IV]MdO'dddVNn Aim1o3 CINni A.Llnw UNV S2111-118VIl crrl �q�,xu ���� ���m �~�~l U � ����?~�, � ," Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline Issue Brief COST SAVINGS,rl-IROUGH LIFE SAVING The evidence is clear: Crisis centers and their valuable hotline services offer highly cost-effective means of helping people cope with personal crises that can lead tosuicide) Cost savings include: � A decline in the number of suicidal individuals seeking treatment at emergency rooms, rather than from more appropriate services. Price tag: Average expenses for avisit tnthe Emergency Room total $2,264,/ � A reduction in demand for crisis response by police, emergency medical teams, and fire departments. Price tag: More than $47OOper dep|oyment.'/' � Lower numbers ofsuicides. Price tag: $2,596|nmedical costs and $1million from the indirect costs of acomp|eted COST SAVINGSTO THE CITY OF IDAHO FA11S |n3O19Ada County had the highest call volume tothe Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. With the demographics wewere able tocollect Ada County had atleast 27callers ineminent anger of suicide. |SPHassisted with welfare checks saving Ada County approximately $7D,093inmedical costs and $27million inindirect cost from each suicide completion. Military contacts make tip appravin,tately 13.20P6, rnateby 4,00 pespk� (lie bymocndein Idaho hnAda County atleast 76caDers were encouraged to J J^~^' connect tocommunity crisis centers instead of emergency rooms for asavings ofover to$172,O64in emergency room costs and over $129,200 in crisis response by police, emergency medical teams, and fire departments. � Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline saved the City ofEagle, at aminbnum, $371,356 in direct costs and approximately $27 million in indirect costs during 201911 SERVICES BEYOND SUICIDE PREVENTION The economic payoffs from your support of the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline includes much more then preventing suicide and deesca|adngpersonal crises. The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline also: ° Serves asanentry-point into the local behavioral health system; • Monitors and provides follow-up contact for patients after discharge from hospitals and crisis centers; • Trains others todetect and effectively respond tosuicide risks; • Serves as a free crisis referral and support for healthcare providers, schools, and businesses. • Partners with 211 care Idaho Careline to facilitate hotline linkages. A SAFETY NET IN OUR COMMUNITY The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline creates more effective community service utilization and offers much -needed aid. m Those who lack financial means can get free help when other affordable public health and social service programs are defundaddue tobudget cuts. 0 Family and friends of people who are at risk of suicide and those who have lost someone to suicide have a source of assistance. Often, the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline is the only place where they can turn for help to prevent a suicide or cope with the devastating aftermath ofaloved one's death bysuicide. TAKE ACTION TO HELP The continued need for crisis intervention in Idaho Falls and the increased pressure on the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline to fill those needs has resulted inanincreased need for funding, The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline needs your help 1m continue offering our cost -saving and lifesaving services. We ask for your support to: = Set aside resources sufficient tosustain our lifesaving work. vVewould like the City ofEagle tmconsider a $10,000' $2U,00Owearlycomhbution tothe Hotline to keep this vital service available for everyone who needs help in a time of crisis. • The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline saved the city of Eagle over $371,356 in direct costs and $27 million in indirect costs in 2019. An investment in this program will help sustain this program into the future. • Eliminate preventable suicide deaths by educating others about the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. Let usoffer you aneconomic lifeline tha will enable ustosave the lives ofpeople inour community. To learn more For more information about Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline, John Remser,Director: REFERENCES i Gould, m.S,&Lake, A.m.(2011,xpn|).Suicide prevention hotline follow-up evaluation. Presented 't the 44thAnnual Conference ofthe American Association for 6uiddo|oDxPortland, OR. n UI.Department ofHealth and Human Services. (2Doo). Medical expenditure panel survey. Retrieved March 15.ZDz2.from hov://neps.ahm.g"v/mepsweWdam_ftats/tah|es_comnendia_hh_in,en^cuveisn?_SEnm[E=mEpBpckctO0_pnOGn4M=wEp5pGM/[ SAS&R|e=HCpYZOO9&Tab|e=H[FYZO09%5ppLExp%SFE&VARz=x5E&V4RZ=6EX&VAR3=R4[ET*5[&vAx4=|m6Ux[Ov&vxn5=pOvC4TO9& v4Ro=MSx&v^n7~nsGION &vAq8=xExcrx&. m Storm, L. & Jurney, P. (2011). Social value analysis of Oregon crisis center data. Unpublished report. /" Corso, p.s,Mercy, J. A,Simon, rR,Finkelstein, E. A,&Miller, T.n.(zoO7}. Medical costs and productivity losses due tointerpersonal and self -directed violence in the United States. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32(6)4/4-4gZ. V. Gould, M. S., Munfakh, J. L. H., Lake, A. M., & Kleinman, M. (2012). National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Enhancing Mental Health Care for Suicidal Individuals and Other People inCrisis. Suicide and Life -Threatening Behavior, 42(z)I2-3s,