Minutes - 1999 - City Council - 09/09/1999 - SpecialORI$1NAL
September 9, 1999
6:30 P.M.
Special Comprehensive Plan Meeting
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. A quorum is present.
NOTE: The City Council intends to deliberate on the text of the City initiated
Comprehensive Plan (CPA-6-97) with the exception of Chapter 6, "Land Use".
The Council further intends to withhold deliberation on Chapter 6 "Land Use",
and on the three site specific land use map amendment applications proposed,
until a future meeting. That future meeting is expected to be scheduled by the
City Council at their September 9, 1999, meeting.
A. CPA-l-98 & RZ-2-98 - Eagle River Development (Grossman Properties) -
Eagle River, LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Bill Clark, is requesting
approval of a comprehensive plan amendment from Public/Semi-Public to
Commercial and from Medium Density Residential to Commercial, Mixed Use,
Public/Semi-Public; and a rezone from A (Agriculture) and M-lA (Industrial Park
District) to PS-DA (Public/Semi-Public), R-4-DA (Residential), C-3-DA
(Highway Business Disthct), and MU-DA (Mixed Use) with a development
agreement. A portion of the proposed change from the residential land use
designation to the Public/Semi Public land use designation and M-lA zoning
designation to PS-DA zoning designation is City initiated for a City park. The 93-
acre site is located on the southeast comer of State Highway 44 and S. Eagle
NOTE: CPA-1-98 must be acted on prior RZ-2-98.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999.
Councilwomen Merrill made a statement that she would like to hear from the rest
of council on Downing Downs.
Statement about Downing Downs.
Merrill would like to have it stay the same.
Sedlacek would like to keep the zoning the same.
Bastian would like to keep it the same zoning.
Guerber would like it to stay the same zoning.
Worked through chapter five last meeting, will skip chapter 6, and go on to
chapter 7.
CBD Zone has been extended. Council would like to make the public aware of the
extension of the CBD area.
General discussion took place on the item.
Chapter 7 discussion took place on this chapter some changes were needed.
add 7-8 which was left out 7-10 changed to 7-9.
Chapter 8 Transportation
Take shalls out, and change the wording to should or consider or would.
Discussion took place on the rest of the chapter with some changes made.
Chapter 9 Parks and Recreation
This chapter had significant changes made.
Chapter 10 Housing
General discussion on this chapter. Some changes taking place.
Short break 8:20 PM. Meeting resumed at 8:40 PM.
September 21, 1999 next meeting for Comp Plan at 6:30 PM.
Chapter 11
Discussion took place.
Chapter 12 General discussion.
B. CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone for
BramHall Subdivision - Roger C. Crandlemire: Roger C. Crandlemire,
represented by Roylance & Associates, is requesting approval of a comprehensive
plan amendment from Very Low Density Residential (one dwelling unit per two
acres maximum) to Medium Density Residential (four dwelling units per one acre
maximum), and a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential - one dwelling unit
per five acres maximum) to R-3 (Residential - three dwelling units per one acre
maximum). The 95.2-acre site is located on the north side of Floating Feather
Road approximately ~A-mile west of Eagle Road at 1400 W. Floating Feather
NOTE: CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 should be heard together since they are
significantly interrelated. However, CPA-2-98 must be acted on prior RZ-7-98.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999.
C. CPA-3-98 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Patterson Property - Sharon
Patterson: Sharon Patterson, represented by The Land Group, is requesting
approval of a comprehensive plan amendment from Medium Density Residential
(four dwelling units per acre maximum) and Industrial to Mixed Use and
Commercial. The 9.6-acre and 1-acre sites are located on the southwest and
southeast comers of State Highway 55 and Hill Road at 2805 and 2809 Hill Road.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999.
D. CPA-6-97 - City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City of Eagle-
Nancy Taylor: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend its Comprehensive Plan
and Land Use Map. The Plan and Map are official policy documents for the City
and its Area of Impact and are intended to provide the vision, goals, policies and
implementation actions that will guide the community's development.
The Plan addresses the following components: Property Rights, Population and
Growth, Economic Development, Public Services, School Facilities, Land Uses,
Natural Resources and Hazardous Areas, Transportation, Parks, Recreation and
Open Space, Housing, Community Design and Cultural Resources. The Plan also
includes a Land Use Map that, in part, illustrates types of land uses and residential
densities for Eagle and its Area of Impact.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999.
Merrill moves to adjourn. Bastian Seconded. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM
Respectfully submitted: