Minutes - 1999 - City Council - 09/07/1999 - Joint EAGLE CITY COUNCIL JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ACHD COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETiNG MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 ORIGINAL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor opens the meeting at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MERRILL, BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER. Guerber is absent. A quorum is present. Ada County Highway District Commissioners: Judy Peavy-Derr, Dave Bivens, Marlyss Meyer Routson, Larry Sales, Jerry Nyman, Kent Brown, Terry Little. 3. RIDE ABOUT: Council, ACHD Commissioners and Staffleave on the Ride About at 6:40 p.m. Areas to be visited: a. Missing sidewalk on State Street between Ballantyne and Edgewood Lane. b. ACHD property at the NE comer of Hill Road and Dickey Drive. c. Both alleys north and sought of State Street between Eagle Road and 2nd Streets. d. Missing sidewalks between City Hall and the new Library. e. Other locations as determined by the City Council and ACHD Commissioners. Council and ACHD Commissioners and Staffretum at 7:35 p.m. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. New Development Impacting Existing Roads: Commissioners Meyer Routson. Commissioner Meyer Routson discusses this issue. Discussion on the Comp Plan Transportation component. Discussion on the major roads in the City, including Eagle Road, Ballantyne, State Street, the Alternate Route. Discussion on a park and ride. General discussion. B. Foothills Development - Plans and Comprehensive Plans: Commissioner Meyer Routson. General discussion on the roadways in the future development of the foothills and how the development will affect Eagle Road, Ballantyne and etc. C. Alternate Transportation for New Development: Commissioner Meyer Routson. Conunissioner Meyer Routson discusses this issue and the Alternate Transportation Program of ACHD. Discussion on the bike lanes within the City and bus and van service. Discussion of cooperation with Boise business and the City of Eagle on alternative transportation for commuters. ACHD has staff members that will assist. General discussion. D. School Bus Lighting: Terry Little. Terry Little discusses the installation of street lights in cities. ACHD pays for the installation and the cities pay for the maintenance. ACHD is working with the School Districts on having additional lighting installed for the benefit of school bus drivers and children waiting for school buses. General discussion. Page 1 CC-09-07-99JNT CC-ACHD E. Truck Routing: Terry Little. Terry Little discusses the establishment of truck routes. ACHD has developed a county wide plan and a map has been developed. Pilot program in Boise and Garden City for truck routes. In Eagle the only roads on the truck routes are the State Highways. General discussion. F. Neighborhood Enhancement Program: City Council. This issue was covered on the Ride About and discussed at that time. Kent Brown distributes information on the ACHD Residential Neighborhood Enhancement Program and discusses the same. ACHD will not spend money on right-of-ways. The neighborhood must want the improvement enough to provide the right-of-ways. Discussion on City of Eagle's request. Discussion on Ballantyne, State Street and Alternate Route intersection. Ten'y Little discusses the issue. This is not in our list of needs and our 5 year program. Council concern is the property is going to be developed. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .............. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. CITY CLERKJTREASURER APPROVED: MAYOR (This meeting was not recorded) Page 2 CC-09-07-99JNT CC-ACHD