Minutes - 1999 - City Council - 09/02/1999 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
September 2, 1999
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. A quorum is present.
Mark Butler thought it would be a good thing to brain storm some of the ideas that the
public and Council have discussed.
A. CPA-l-98 & RZ-2-98 - Eagle River Development (Grossman Properties) - Eagle
River, LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Bill Clark, is requesting approval ora
comprehensive plan amendment from Public/Semi-Public to Commercial and from Medium
Density Residential to Commercial, Mixed Use, Public/Semi-Public; and a rezone from A
(Agriculture) and M-lA (Industrial Park District) to PS-DA (Public/Semi-Public), R-4-DA
(Residential), C-3-DA (Highway Business District), and MU-DA (Mixed Use) with a
development agreement. A portion of the proposed change from the residential land use
designation to the Public/Semi Public land use designation and M-lA zoning designation to PS-
DA zoning designation is City initiated for a City park. The 93-acre site is located on the
southeast comer of State Highway 44 and S. Eagle Road.
NOTE: CPA-l-98 must be acted on prior RZ-2-98.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999. Written public
comment will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., September 2, 1999.
B. CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone for BramHall
Subdivision - Roger C. Crandlemire: Roger C. Crandlemire, represented by Roylance &
Associates, is requesting approval of a comprehensive plan amendment from Very Low
Density Residential (one dwelling unit per two acres maximum) to Medium Density
Residential (four dwelling units per one acre maximum), and a rezone from A-R
(Agricultural-Residential - one dwelling unit per five acres maximum) to R-3 (Residential
- three dwelling units per one acre maximum). The 95.2-acre site is located on the north
side of Floating Feather Road approximately 3A-mile west of Eagle Road at 1400 W.
Floating Feather Road.
NOTE: CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 should be heard together since they are significantly
interrelated. However, CPA-2-98 must be acted on prior RZ-7-98.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999. Written public
comment will be accepted until 5:00p. m., September 2, 1999.
C. CPA-3-98 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Patterson Property - Sharon
Patterson:.Sharon Patterson, represented by The Land Group, is requesting approval of a
comprehensive plan amendment from Medium Density Residential (four dwelling units
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per acre maximum) and Industrial to Mixed Use and Commercial. The 9.6-acre and 1-
acre sites are located on the southwest and southeast comers of State Highway 55 and
Hill Road at 2805 and 2809 Hill Road.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999. Written public
comment will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., September 2, 1999.
D. CPA-6-97 - City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City of Ea~le- Nancy
Taylor: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend its Comprehensive Plan and Land Use
Map. The Plan and Map are official policy documents for the City and its Area of Impact
and are intended to provide the vision, goals, policies and implementation actions that
will guide the community's development.
The Plan addresses the following components: Property Rights, Population and Growth,
Economic Development, Public Services, School Facilities, Land Uses, Natural
Resources and Hazardous Areas, Transportation, Parks, Recreation and Open Space,
Housing, Community Design and Cultural Resources. The Plan also includes a Land Use
Map that, in part, illustrates types of land uses and residential densities for Eagle and its
Area of Impact.
NOTE: The public hearing for this item was closed on August 31, 1999. Written public
comment will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., September 2, 1999.
Guerber would like to act on a few issues. General discussion took place on how to
approach the meeting deliberations. Discussion is going in the direction of a general big
goal and then smaller goals to follow.
Goal is to protect the property rights and values of property owners.
General discussion took place on the Property Rights Section. Legal Council has written
this section. Council felt comfortable as written.
Property Rights Section should basically stay the same as the green book. A definition
for Rural should be established.
Population section, discussion took place as to whether specific data is needed. Drop the
table and make a reference that the population figures are available at Ada Planning
Schools and public services. General discussion took place with some changes made.
Economic Development. Legal advice needs to be sought to make sure the CBD is
preserved. Changes were made to this section. Further discussion needs to take place on
this section.
A short break at 8:30 PM.
Meeting resumed at 8:50 PM.
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Merrill made a motion to take the rest of the Comp Plan minus the land use section
for the next meeting. Bastian Seconded...ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES...
Thursdays at 6:30 PM September 9th will be the next comp plan meeting to be held in
the Senior Citizen Hall at City Hall. Then a schedule of meetings to follow will be
discussed at this meeting. An agenda will be created.
Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
mC ZA ,
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