Minutes - 1999 - City Council - 08/31/1999 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Special Comprehensive Plan Meeting Minutes
August 31, 1999
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. All present. A quorum is present.
Merrill moves to add 2 items to the Agenda: Item #D. Reconsideration of the sign
ordinance, and Item #5. Executive Session for Pending Litigation. Seconded by Bastian.
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ................
A. Award of Skateboard Park Bid:
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney: This matter needs to be tabled to the next City Council meeting.
Merrill moves to table the award of the Skateboard Park Bid to the regular City Council
meeting on September 14, 1999. Seconded by Sedlacelc ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ..............
a. Public testimony, limited to comments regarding the application being reviewed, will
be taken.
b. Council will not take action on any applications until all the public hearing have been
Lyrm Moser, General Manager, Eagle Sewer District, discusses central sewer in regards
to subdivisions. General discussion on the boundaries of the Sewer District and where
expansion is to take place. Discussion on sewer service to the Crandlemire property.
Mike Reno, Central District Health, discusses the use of sewer or septic tanks. General
Patricia Nilsson, Planner III, Long Range, Ada County Development Services, I reviewed
this letter at our staffmeeting this morning. Discussion on the City's area of impact.
City impact areas are designated growth area by Ada County. Discusses some concerns
that Ada County has. General discussion.
Gary Blaylock, Chairman Economic Development/Downtown Focus Group. We had two
pages of goals that the Focus Group came up with. A lot of these goals were incorporated
in the Planning & Zoning recommendation. Discusses commercial activity and
expanding the Central Business District. General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
A. CPA-l-98 & RZ-2-98 - Eagle River Development (Grossman Properties) - Eagle
River, LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Bill Clark, is requesting approval of a
comprehensive plan amendment from Public/Semi-Public to Commercial and from Medium
Density Residential to Commercial, Mixed Use, Public/Semi-Public; and a rezone from A
(Agriculture) and M-IA (Industrial Park District) to PS-DA (Public/Semi-Public), R-4-DA
(Residential), C-3-DA (Highway Business District), and MU-DA (Mixed Use) with a
development agreement. A portion of the proposed change from the residential land use
designation to the Public/Semi Public land use designation and M-lA zoning designation to PS-
DA zoning designation is City initiated for a City park. The 93-acre site is located on the
southeast comer of State Highway 44 and S. Eagle Road.
NOTE: CPA-l-98 must be acted on prior RZ-2-98.
NOTE: This item was scheduled to be held on August 21, 1999, and August 28, 1999,
City Council meetings with the public hearing being left open for additional public
testimony at this meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Tony Louks, Ballantyne Irrigation District. We are asking that the ditch must be tiled in
this area. General discussion.
Mayor swears John Frye in.
John Frye, 700 Spyglass, I moved here for a reason. I choose Eagle because of the rural
community. Growth is inevitable but lets slow the growth.
Mayor swears in Dan Scott.
Dan Scott, 7939 W. Bayhill, Boise, I would second the comments made by the
gentleman before me. We settled on the Eagle area because of what it is today, a rural
area. What does Eagle have that brings people in. Do we want to make Eagle another
massive subdivision area? If we say no to high density we can retain the character of
Guerber moves to close the Public Hearing on CPA-l-98 & RZ-2-98, Eagle River
Development (Grossman Properties) keeping it open for written comments until the
close of business on Thursday, September 2, 1999, at 5:00 p.m. and deliberate this
application at 6:30 p.m., September 2, 1999. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion.
B. CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone for BramHall
Subdivision - Roger C. Crandlemire: Roger C. Crandlemire, represented by Roylance &
Associates, is requesting approval of a comprehensive plan amendment from Very Low
Density Residential (one dwelling unit per two acres maximum) to Medium Density
Residential (four dwelling traits per one acre maximum), and a rezone from A-R
(Agricultural-Residential - one dwelling unit per five acres maximum) to R-3 (Residential
- three dwelling units per one acre maximum). The 95.2-acre site is located on the north
side of Floating Feather Road approximately V4-mile west of Eagle Road at 1400 W.
Floating Feather Road.
Lynn Moser with the Eagle Sewer District and Mike Reno from the Central District
Health Department will discuss sewer system and septic tank issues regarding this
NOTE: CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 should be heard together since they are significantly
interrelated. However, CPA-2-98 must be acted on prior RZ-7-98.
NOTE: This item was scheduled to be held on August 21, 1999, and August 28, 1999,
City Council meetings with the public hearing being left open for additional public
testimony at this meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor swears in Dermis Whitmore.
Dennis Whitmore, Dewey Street, Boise, Developer of Lexington Hills. Discusses the
issue of sewer service to 1-2 acre lots. Discussion on the development. General
Mayor swears in Georgia Mackley.
Georgia Mackley, Director of Development of Lexington Hills and Crandlemire
Subdivision. Discusses the issue of school overcrowding. Discusses the rural feel of
Eagle. Discussion on the Focus Groups. Common areas develop a feel of larger lots.
Mayor swears in Sophia Fleming.
Sophia Fleming, 7331 S. Misty Glen, Boise. I am buying a lot in Eagle. I have a
question about R-2 and R-4. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Dave Roylance.
Dave Roylance, 391 W. State Street. Discusses computation of common area. 11% open
space in Lexington Hills. The grade school was not included. 12% open space
Lexington Hills 2. The current has 9.9% open space. We can add buffering areas or
more common space. The feel we are trying to get is the same as Lexington Hills. It is
good community planning to use the sewer. Discussion on the proposed development.
Mayor swears in Clyde Webber.
Clyde Webber, Hickory Loop Drive, my wife and I are currently building homes in
Lexington Hills. You have a great asset in Lexington Hills. This adds to the community.
I hope you will consider their proposal to move forward.
Mayor swears in Dennis Baker.
Dennis Baker, 250 S. Beechwood, Boise. There are three comp plans to look at. From a
developers stand point I don't see tremendous differences. Discusses his developments in
Eagle and what land is available for development. The Focus Group Plan is the most
Dan Scott, 7939 W. Bayhill, Boise. I don't have a problem with development of smaller
lots, ½ acre lots. Lexington Hills does present an overall pleasing look to the community.
If we put lots in with the overall character of Eagle higher density would be accepted.
Mayor swears in Ursula Weber.
Ursula Weber, Weber Home Building, discusses the boundaries of the school districts. It
is a selfish attitude that the people that are here want to restrict further development. I
would like you to be open to developers that have proven themselves with nice
Mayor swears in Leann Hingsberger.
Leann Hingsberger, 947 Downing Drive, I would be please to live across the street from a
development like Lexington Hills.
Merrill moves to close the Public Hearing on CPA-2-98 & RZ-7-98 Comprehensive
Plan Amendment and Rezone for BramHall Subdivision and that we accept written
comments up to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 2, 1999, and begin deliberations
on Thursday, September 2, 1999. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES ...........
Mayor calls a recess at 8:45 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
C. CPA-3-98 - Comorehensive Plan Amendment for Patterson Property - Sharon
Patterson: Sharon Patterson, represented by The Land Group, is requesting approval of a
comprehensive plan amendment from Medium Density Residential (four dwelling units
per acre maximum) and Industrial to Mixed Use and Commercial. The 9.6-acre and 1-
acre sites are located on the southwest and southeast comers of State Highway 55 and
Hill Road at 2805 and 2809 Hill Road.
NOTE: This item was scheduled to be held on August 21, 1999, and August 28, 1999,
City Council meetings with the public hearing being left open for additional public
testimony at this meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Doug Russell, The Land Group, representing the applicant. Displays an overhead of the
site plan and provides Council a summary of the project.
Mayor swears in Rich Butterfield.
Rich Butterfield, 2400 Hill Road. I am against this proposal. I object to changes that
deviate from the Comprehensive Plan. Being a property owner you like to know what is
proposed for the area in which you live. Conmaereial development should be in the
Central Business District. I'm also concerned about the impact on property values. This
is a residential area not an industrial area. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Karen Kuzis.
Karen Kuzis, 2301 E. Sadie Drive, Mr. Butterfield covered most of the questions I had. I
would like to see more specifics as to what is going to be developed. Keeping the rural
character of Eagle along that corridor is important. General discussion.
Merrill moves to close the Public Hearing on CPA-3-98 Comprehensive Plan
Amendment for Patterson Property and that we accept written comments up to 5:00
p.m. on Thursday, September 2, 1999, and begin deliberations on Thursday,
September 2, 1999. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ...........
D. CPA-6-97 - City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City of Eagle- Nancy
Taylor: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend its Comprehensive Plan and Land Use
Map. The Plan and Map are official policy documents for the City and its Area of Impact
and are intended to provide the vision, goals, policies and implementation actions that
will guide the community's development.
The Plan addresses the following components: Property Rights, Population and Growth,
Economic Development, Public Services, School Facilities, Land Uses, Natural
Resources and Hazardous Areas, Transportation, Parks, Recreation and Open Space,
Housing, Community Design and Cultural Resoumes. The Plan also includes a Land Use
Map that, in part, illustrates types of land uses and residential densities for Eagle and its
Area of Impact.
Lynn Moser with the Eagle Sewer District and Mike Reno from the Central District
Health Department will discuss sewer system and septic tank issues regarding this
NOTE: This item was scheduled to be held on August 28, 1999, City Council meeting
with the public hearing being left open for additional public testimony at this meeting.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor swears in Carolyn Stovall.
Carolyn Stovall 256 1st Street, I've lived in this community for 26 years. I have no
problem with growth and change as long as it makes sense. My concern is 1st Street.
This street does not need to be in the Central Business District. People live here.
Mayor swears in James Williams.
James Williams, 307 Blanchard St., Seattle, Wa. I was asked to review a piece of
property that is currently zoned agricultural. We are asking that this property be zoned
mixed use. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Pat Towne.
Pat Towne, 200 N. Edgewood, discusses the C-2 designation on the property.
Mayor swears in Mike Chase.
Mike Chase, 70 W. Floating Feather Rd., I would like to commend all the work that the
Planning & Zoning Commission did on the comp plan. Higher density doesn't mean that
more homes have to be built. To low density means higher taxes. The City needs a good
tax base. Fire protection is higher with lower density. Discussion on septic systems.
Larger lots means more weeds and more rodents. Dogs are a major problem at our place.
Major subdivision should plan for parks for children. School District don't go along City
boundaries. General discussion.
Mayor swears in Nancy Amell.
Nancy Amell, 284 S. 1st Street, I would like to clarify what the focus group says and what
the map states. General discussion.
Doug Russell, The Land Group, the main thing to remember in the Comp Plan is that
Eagle is a great city but you have to realize that Boise is down the road and Eagle is part
of the Treasure Valley. We need to think about how this will affect transportation and the
corridor along Highway 55. Five acre lots is not rural, you have five acres separated by
fences. The downtown core is growing.
Merrill moves to close the Public Hearing on CPA-6-97 City Initiated Comprehensive
Plan Amendments - City of Eagle and that we accept written comments up to 5:00 p.m.
on Thursday, September 2, 1999, and begin deliberations on Thursday, September 2,
1999. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...........
Merrill and Guerber withdraw the Motion and the Second.
Butler presents the transportation component of the Comp Plan to the City Council.
Displays Map 1 and 2. These maps have been reviewed by ACHD and their comments
are in your packets. Planning & Zoning Commission has recommend approval with
some minor changes. General discussion.
Merrill moves to close the Public Hearing on CPA-6-97 City Initiated
Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City of Eagle. Seconded by Sedlacek.
Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...........
Mayor introduces the issue.
Bastian moves to reconsider the sign that we approved at the last meeting.
Seconded by Guerber. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION
CARRIES ..................
Merrill distributes a copy of a letter she wrote to the Mayor and Council.
Bastian is concemed that maybe we missed the view point of the citizens of the
community. I don't think we had adequate input from the residents. We had a lot of
input from the business community. I would like to invite the community response in
addition to the business community response.
Merrill: My concern all along is that we have not had input from the community. I felt I
needed to bring the issue back up. This is a busy time for our citizens. The business
community did a great job presenting their concerns. I don't see a problem with our
ordinance, business is growing.
Guerber: I think it is appropriate that we fully consider the decisions that we make. I
agonize over this issue also. I have sympathy for business that are not surviving and I
think there are business out there that are having problems. We have to consider all of
the impacts. We have to consider the impact on the business community. There must be
some reason that the business community has concerns.
Further Council discussion.
Sedlacek: I would also like to hear from the public on this issue.
Bastian moves to notice a public hearing on the proposed sign ordinance for
October 5, 1999, 6:30 p.m., Special City Council meeting. Seconded by Merrill.
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................
Bastian moves to go into Executive Session to discuss legal matters. Seconded by
Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Merrill: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL
AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...................
Executive Session discussion on pending litigation.
Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: