Minutes - 1999 - City Council - 06/08/1999 - RegularORIGINAL
June 8, 1999
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m, - 7:30 p.m.
1. Planning & Zoning Commission Liaison Report: No report.
2. Ron Marshall will discuss the Historical Preservation Commission's timeline for the
Museum. Ron discusses the remodeling of the old library building. Jim Gibson will be doing
the drawings. Discussion on leasing space to the Chamber of Commerce. The biggest
expenditure will be a new heating and cooling system. Ron has almost everything else donated.
Historical Society will be helping with the museum, they have about 20 paid members at this
time. The Society will be in charge of logging in the exhibits and staffing the museum.
3. Evelyn Holder will give a presentation on the City's web page. Evelyn presents a visual
display of the City Web Page and discusses the same for the Council.
4. City Attorney Report: Discusses E-Mail for Mayor and Council. An Executive Session
needs to be on the next City Council Agenda for the Webster/Drainage District, threatened
litigation. Discussion on the trash and vandalism of the lights along the drain ditch in Webster's
development and the maintenance.
5. City Engineer Report: No report.
6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Continued to end of meeting.
7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Continued to end of meeting.
8. Mayor and Council's Report: Continued to end of meeting.
Mayor calls a recess at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes meeting at 7:40 p.m.
COUNCIL: 7:40 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. Merrill is absent, a quorum is present.
· Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Council Member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of
· Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff; Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES ............
A. Minutes of May 20, 1999.
B. Minutes of May 25, 1999.
C. Claims Against the City.
D. Findings and Conclusions for FPUD-2 &3-99 & FP-7 & 8-99 - Final Development Plan
and Final Plat for Merrill Subdivision Nos. 1 & 2 (formerly Rocky Mountain Business
Park) - Reid Merrill. Jr.: Project Description: Reid Merrill Jr. is requesting final development
plan and final plat approvals for Merrill Subdivision Nos. 1 & 2 (formerly Rocky Mountain
Business Park), an 8 lot and 18-lot mixed use subdivision. The site is 40+ acres and is generally
located between State Street and the Highway 44 Alternate Route extending from the north/south
section of State Street (extension of Edgewood Lane) eastward approximately ½ mile. The site
is within the Eagle City Limits.(MLB)
E. FP-4-99 - Final Plat for Island Woods Subdivision No. 6 - B. W, Inc.: B. W., Inc.,
represented by Dennis M. Baker, is requesting final plat approval for Island Woods Subdivision
No. 6, a 19.79-acre, 52-1ot (45-buildable) residential subdivision located on the east side of Eagle
Road approximately 1600-feet south of Island Woods Drive. The site is within the Eagle City
F. FP-10-99 - Final Plat for Great Sky Estates Subdivision No. 4: The applicant is requesting
final plat approval for Great Sky Estates Subdivision No. 4, a 49-1ot (45-buildable) residential
subdivision. The 16.7-acre site is located on the north and south sides of existing Great Sky
Subdivision No. 3, approximately 1,100-feet north of State Street. The site is within the Eagle
City Limits.(MLB)
G. FP-9-99 - Final Plat for September Subdivision (formerly Eagle Knoll Estates) -
Providence Development Group, LLC.: Providence Development Group, LLC. represented by
Wayne S. Forrey: The applicant is requesting final plat approval for September Subdivision
(formerly Eagle Knoll Estates), a 58-1ot (51-buildable) residential subdivision. The 16.62-acre
site is located on the south side of Floating Feather Road approximately IA-mile east of Eagle
Road. The site is within the Eagle City Limits. (MLB)
H. LS-5-99 - Lot Split - Verna Richter: Vema A. Richter, represented by Darren Leavitt with
Arrow Land Surveying, Inc., is requesting approval of a lot split for the creation of two lots
located on the west side of N. Edgewood Land approximately 1,300-feet south of Floating
Feather Road at 935 N. Edgewood Lane. (MLB)
Sedlacek moves to add under New Business as 7C, discussion on downtown parking.
Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 349 - Idaho Power Franchise Agreement: A representative from
Idaho Power will discuss the agreement.(SB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Layne Dodson, Idaho Power Company, discusses the franchise agreement. Discussion on
earmarking the funds for certain projects. General discussion
B. Discussion of the Development Impact Fee Study/Capital Improvement Plan:
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney provides City Council an update. The Summary is being published tomorrow and
the full Ordinance will be published on June 16, 1999. Ordinance does not go into effect until 30
days after publication, 30 days after June 9, 1999. I hand delivered copies of the Ordinance and
the Study to the BCA's attorney and have not heard from them. I have talked to Hofrnan
Planning and all the calculations seem to be fine. General discussion.
C. Discussion of Proposed Ordinance No. 351: An ordinance that would establish a dismount
zone and prohibit skateboarding on municipally owned property. (SB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney reviews the Ordinance. General discussion on suggested changes to the ordinance.
Concern over banning inline skates and bicycles. Discussion on the Skateboard Park. City
Attorney discusses the change to the restroom gravel pad by constructing a vault for permanent
restrooms to be placed upon. This would be an additional approximately $3,000 cost to the City,
with Ada County to pay for the cost of the restroom facilities out their next budget year. Council
is in agreement on the installation of the vault.
Guerber moves that Ordinance #351 be read by Title only and at the conclusion of the
reading that the Council make their recommendations for changes. Guerber reads
Ordinance #351 by Title. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ...............
Discussion on the changes to the ordinance.
D. Safe Drinking Water Act compliance: Consumer Confidence Report.
Mayor introduces the issue.
General discussion. Contact United Water to bring a Safe Drinking Water Act compliance
proposal before the City Council.
E. Amendment of Tomliuson Property's legal description. (SB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney: I have received nothing from the City Engineer with the correct legal description.
Sedlacek will talk to Holladay Engineering and also talk to Mrs. Tomlinson.
F. Discussion of lighting for the pedestrian pathway tunnel under Eagle Road. (SB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney: Provides Council with an overview of the ITD project. ITD will not maintain the
lighting in the tunnel. The City has no contractual basis to pay for the lighting in the tunnel or
the maintenance of the lighting. ITD acknowledged that there was no agreement but stated that
the City requested the tunnel so the maintenance and lighting would be the City responsibility.
General discussion. Council concurred that lTD should be responsible for energizing the lights
and the City would pay for the maintenance and power bill.
Sedlacek moves that the City Attorney go back to lTD and if they energize the lights the
City of Eagle will pay for the monthly fee and maintenance. Seconded by Bastian. TWO
A. Award of bid to construct footings and install two pedestrian bridges: (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Clerk: The bid opening has been continued to June 10, 1999, and will be on the next
Council agenda.
Bastian moves to continue this matter to the June 10, 1999, City Council meeting.
Seconded by Sedlaeek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...............
B. Award of bids for surplus library property: (SKIM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Clerk: You have both bids in your packet and my recommendation. General discussion on
the items to go to auction.
Bastian moves to accept the recommendation of the City Clerk and that all remaining
surplus items go to auction for disposal. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian
amends his motion to state that all items except the shelving and the card catalogs are to go
to auction for disposal. Seconded concurs. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..........
C. Downtown Parking Issue. General discussion on the downtown parking and Larry
Schwartz proposal. Discussion on contribution from the Downtown business to purchase the
property and install a parking lot. The City will need to have an appraisal on the property.
City Attorney: Mr. Butler has declared a conflict of interest because he bought Summers
Funeral Home and he may still have a conflict of interest and I would recommend that Mr.
Butler not be part of the negotiations.
Mayor will contact Walt Schaal about the purchase of the property and removing the barriers.
6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Clerk reported that the street lights have been installed on
State Street and stripping should be done this week. Evelyn and Tracy both passed the exam for
the Idaho Community Development Block Grant Administration Certification.
7. Zoning Administrator's Report: On the May 26, 1999, action letter that the Council acted on
for DR-21-99 - Landscape Plan for September Subdivision (formally Eagle Knoll Estates
Subdivision), Barb Cerda typed that the applicant shall submit a $25,000 Letter of Credit, she
explained to me this afternoon that was a mistake, it should be $2,500. I wanted to bring this to
your attention and this will be corrected by administrative action by rewriting the action letter
noting the mistake.
P&Z finished with the Comp Plan. A Public Hearing will be on July 19, I999 and possibly
carried over to July 26, 1999. Discussion on having a Joint Meeting with P&Z and City Council
to present the Comp Plan to the Council.
8. Mayor and Council's Report:
Sedlacek: Chamber has asked that the fountain at Heritage be shut off for Fun Days, June 11~
and June 12~. Mayor and Council will have cars for the parade.
Consolidation report from BSU is complete and was received at City Hall this a£temoon. I
would like to know if the Sewer District can have the report for their Board meeting on Monday.
I know that Council has not had time to review the report. General discussion. Council decided
that they would like to have time to review the report and that the report can be distributed to the
Sewer District Board on Monday, June 14, 1999. Lynne will ask the Sewer District Board to
attend the June 22, 1999, City Council Meeting when the report will be discussed.
Bastian: Friends of the Library are doing a book sale at Fun Days. The Library is a huge success
in the community, the circulation is up about 5 times over last year.
Mayor: There is a special meeting next Tuesday, June 15, 1999, for a budget workshop, starting
at 6:30.
Guerber: As the transportation liaison we deal with Old Highway 55. The City of Boise is
eyeing the East side of Highway 55. I think we should look at some of the annexations that
would be reasonable. Discussion on annexation of property around Old Highway 55. City
Attorney states that the City can only annex property that is in the area of impact. Procedure to
amend the area of impact the governing board needs to submit questions to the Planning and
Zoning Commission for recommendations and then it comes to City Council and then the County
is notified that we need to negotiate and they have thirty days within which to act. Staffis to
prepare questions to be submitted to Planning & Zoning. General discussion. Council directs
the City Attorney to start the process for amending the area of impact.
Mayor: Displays the design for the mural to be on Eagle Elementary School. A contest was held
and this is the winning entry. This will go through Design Review.
Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.