Flood Control - *LOMR/A/C Revalidation - Mutliple Subdivisions - Revalidation - 2/20/2003Federal O O r The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre Mayor, City of Eagle City Hall P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Yzaguirre: L Emergency Managem Washington, D.C. 20472 JAN 2 3 2003 L;l 1-Y OF EAGLE v A ency T�;J 2 7 2003 File; "N Route to. Case No.: 00-10-269V Community:. City of Eagle, ID Community No.: 160003 Effective Date: February 20, 2003 LOMC-VALID This letter revalidates the determinations for properties and/or structures in the referenced community as described in the Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs) and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) previously issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on the dates listed on the enclosed table. As of the effective date shown above, these LOMR-Fs and LOMAs will revise the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map dated February 19, 2003, for the referenced community, and will remain in effect until superseded by a revision to the NFIP map panel on which the property is located. The FEMA case number, property identifier, NFIP map panel number, and current flood insurance zone for the revalidated LOMR-Fs and LOMAs are listed on the enclosed table. Because these revalidated LOMR-Fs and LOMAs will not be printed or distributed to primary map users, such as local insurance agents and mortgage lenders, your community will serve as a repository for this new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information reflected by this letter throughout your community so that interested persons, such as property owners, local insurance agents, and mortgage lenders, may benefit from the information. For information relating to LOMR-Fs or LOMAs not Iisted on the enclosed table or to obtain copies of previously issued LOMR-Fs and LOMAs, if needed, please contact our Map Assistance Center, toll free, at 1 -877 -FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). Sincerely, Michael M. Grimm, Acting Chief Hazard Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Enclosure cc: Community Map Repository Mr. Michael Mongelli City Building Official City of Eagle REVALIDATED LETTERS OF MAP CHANGE FOR EAGLE, IDAHO COMMUNITY NU, :160003 CASE, NO.: 00-10-269V EFFECTIVE DATE: February 20, 2003 Case No. . . ... .... . .. . Date Issued' I Identifier Map Panel No.New =Zone N/A 08/20/82 EAGLE MANOR, PORTION OF SECTION 9, T4N, RIE 16001CO153H x 01-10-295P 08/16/02 EAGLE SLAND RANCH SUBDIV 16001CO161H X (shaded) WEST ICE ROAD - PORTION OF SECTIONS 17 818, T4N, RlE, B.M. 98 -10-0191 03/30/98 16001CO161H 14011 OLD VALLEY ROAD - PORTION OF GOVT LOT 1, SECTION 13, UN, RlW, B.M. 11487 x x 99-10-506A 08/02/99 .. ....... . ISLAND WOODS SUBDIVNO. 6, BLOCK 3, LOTS 3641, BLOCK 5, LOTS 4549; BLOCK 16, LOTS 2-6 & BLOCK 17, LOTS 2-21 16001CO161H x 00-1'0-179A BROOKV400D SUBOW 1, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-9,12-42: BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-4.6-9,11-2, 04/25/00 1445; BLOCK 3, LOTS 1.4. 16-22160 01 C01 53H � BROOKWOOD SUBDIV NO. 3, BLOCK 2, LOTS 17-18.20-21, 23-29, & 31-38; BLOCK I 01-10-176A 04/11/()1 3, LOTS 2930. 3242, 44-45, 4756, &58 16001CO153H I x -9 01-10437A 08/24,01 _rLAND ESTATES SUBOtV, BLOCK 1, LOTS 2 16001CO162H X 02-10-188A 04/24/02 TWO RIVERS SUBDIVNO. 3, BLOCK 20, LOTS 9-14,20-25 16001CO161H X 02-10-349A 06/05/02 0 5 WEST FLOATING FEATHER ROAD --PORTION OF SECTION 8, T4N, RlE, B.M. 16001CO153H x 01-10-295P 08/16/02 EAGLE SLAND RANCH SUBDIV 16001CO161H x 02-10-718X 09/20102 14011 OLD VALLEY ROAD - PORTION OF GOVT LOT 1, SECTION 13, UN, RlW, B.M. 16001CO134H x Page 1 of 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 ° JUN 1 11999 The Honorable Rick Yzaguirre Mayor, City of Eagle 310 East State Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Yzaguirre: Case No.: 99-10-379A Community: City of Eagle, Idaho Community No.: 160003 This is in reference to a request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determine if property is Iocated within an identified Special Flood Hazard Area, the area that would be inundated by the flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood), on the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map. Using the information submitted and the effective NFIP map, our determination is shown on the attached Letter of Map Revision based on Fill (LOMB F) Determination Document. This determination document provides additional information regarding the effective NFIP map, the legal description of the property, and our determination. Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding the subject property and LOMB Fs. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are enclosed. If you have any questions about this letter or any of the enclosures, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the FEMA LOMA DEPOT, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Sincerely, Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Mitigation Directorate List of Enclosure(s). 0 LOMR-F Determination Letter; Pages 1 & 2 cc: Community Map Repository, City of Eagle Community Map Repository, Ada County State NFIP Coordinator Regional Director R10 -MT Mr. Ronald W. Bath Page 1 of 4 'J Date: August 24, 2001 Case No.: 01-10-437A LOMR-F N Emer enc Managementement A enY Cy Federal Emergency Washington, D.C. 20472 F gG�( 0 o LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO A portion of Lots 2 through 9, Lakeland Estates Subdivision, as shown on the COMMUNITY Plat recorded as Instrument No. 99015973 in Book 77 of Plats, Pages 8163 and 8164, in the Office of the Recorder, Ada County, Idaho COMMUNITY NO.: 160003 The legal description of the portions mentioned above are as follows: NUMBER: 7 6001 CD162G Lot 2: tiAME: ADA COUNTY, IDAHOAND AFFECTED COMMENCING at the northeast corner of Lot 2, thence S 23°41'03" W, MAP PANEL INCORPORATED AREAS 128.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 00°37'24" E, 68.67 feet: thence N 88°15'41" W, 98,40 feet; thence N 03°13'05" E, 66.54 feet; DATE: 09122/1999 FLOODING SOURCE: BOISE RIVER APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY: 43.679,-118.316 SOURCE OF LAT & LONG: PRECISION MAPPING STREETS 4.0 DATUM: NAD 83 DETERMINATION OUTCOME 1% ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCIU SECTION SUBDIVISION STREET REMOVED FLOOD FLOOD ELEVATION GRADE ELEVATION ELEVATION FROM THE ZONE (NGVD 29) SFHA (NGVD 29) (NGVD 29) 2 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of Property X(shaded) 2579.2 feet _ 2580.0 feet Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) -The SFHA is an area thatwould be inundated bythe flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PORTIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA DETERMINATION TABLE (CONTINUED) STUDY UNDERWAY FILL DEP ORAb ENDAT!0%, This document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's determination regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision based on Fill for the property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined that the property(ies) is/are not located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood). This document revises the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the effective NFIP map; therefore, the Federal mandatory flood insurance requirement does not apply. However, the lender has the option to continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its financial risk on the loan. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located outside the SFHA. Information about the PRP and how one can apply is enclosed. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439, Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Version 1.3.3 2418012CBM09106560437 2 of 4 J IDate: August 24, 2001 jCas6-0o.: 0140.437A j LOMB -F M� Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 " O LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) thence S 89032'40" E, 93.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 3: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of Lot 3, thence S 31 °59'32" W, 100.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 89°12'50" W, 98.95 feet; thence S 01°02'19" E, 62.45 feet; thence N 89°15'35" E, 52.53 feet; thence N 82014'28" E, 45.24 feet; thence N 00°27'18" E, 57.01 feat m the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 4: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of Lot 4, thence S 83°04'21" W, 94.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 52°41'21" W. 16.36 feet; thence N 82°14'28" W, 73.46 feet; thence S 05°20'37" W, 71.05 feet; thence S 87°26'18" E, 88.75 feet; thence N 03054'32" E, 55.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 5: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 5, thence N 32022'17" W, 191.79 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 01 °27'26" E, 59.14 feet; thence N 87°34'57" W, 90.63 feet; thence S 48°23'22" W, 15.35 feet; thence S 04°38'21" W, 47.30 feet; thence S 86°55'42" E, 104.49 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 6: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 6, thence N 30°41'20" W, 182.55 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 03°34'58" E, 66.67 feet; thence N 87030'19" W, 87.24 feet; thence S 02"31'02" W, 66.79 feet; thence S 87°35'14" E, 86.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 7: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 7 (at the north end of the cul-de-sac); thence N 5805948" W, 65.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 11°31'22" W, 15.99 feet; thence N 33°55'16" W, 66.07 feet; thence S 59°25'54" W, 68.45 feet; thence S 26'36'40" E. 69.55 feet; thence S 67'52'51" E, 23.38 feet; thence N 52°3626" E, 58.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 8: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 8, thence S 82"15'35" W, 96.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGIINNING; thence N 31'49'22" W, 104.18 feet; thence S 59°19'40" W, 69.04 feet; thence S 29°58'44" E, 105.49 feet; thence N 58016*54" E, 72.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Lot 9: COMMENCING at the southeast comer of Lot 9, thence S 7702946" W, 88.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGIINNING; thence N 30°06'52" W, 98.80 feet; thence S 65°34'25" W, 70.46 feet; thence S 28°55"36" E, 109.86 feet; thence N 56"41'11" E, 72.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Version 1.3.3 2418012CBM09106560437 Page 3 of 4 J Date: August 24, 2001 Cast-rio.: 01-10-437A LOMR-F Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 o a LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) DETERMINATION TABLE (CONTINUED) OUTCOME 1%ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCK/ SUBDIVISION STREET REMOVED FLOOD ZONE FLOOD ELEVATION GRADE ELEVATION ELEVATION SECTION FROM THE (NGVD 29) SFHA (NGVD 29) (NGVD 29) 3 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shadedl 2580.0 feet 2580.5 feet Property 4 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2580.5 feet 2580.7 feet Property 5 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2580.8 feet 2581.0 feet Property 5 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2580.2 feet 2581.1 feet Property 7 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2579.1 feet 2580.9 feet Property - 8 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2578.5 feet 2579.0 feet Property 9 1 Lakeland Estates _ Portion of X (shaded) 2577.9 feet 2579.0 feet Property FILL RECOMMENDATION (This Additional Considoration applies to the preceding 8 Properties.) The minimum NFIP criteria for removal of the subject area based on fill have been met for this request and the community in which the property is located has certified that the area and any subsequent: structures) built on the filled area are reasonably safe from flooding. FEMA's Technical Bulletin 10-01 provides guidance for the construction of buildings on land elevated above the base flood elevation through the placement of fill. A copy of Technical Bulletin 10-01 can be obtained by calling the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or from our web site at http://www.fema.gov/mit/tbl001.pdf. Although the minimum NFIP standards no longer apply to this area, some communities may have floodplain management regulations that are more restrictive and may continue to enforce some or all of their requirements in areas outside the Special Flood Hazard Area. PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 8 Properties.) This Determination Document has removed the subject of the determination from the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). However, portions of the property may remain in the SFHA. Therefore, any future construction or substantial improvement This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. n_ Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Version.1.3.3 2418012CBM09106560437 4 of 4 j 1Date: August 24. 2001 (Case No.: 0140-437A M' Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 e o LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 'I (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) on the property remains subject to Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local regulations for floodplain management. LOMR-F STUDY UNDERWAY (This additional consideration applies to all properties in the LOMR-F DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL)) . This determination is based on the flood data presently available. However, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is currently revising the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map for the community. New flood data could be generated that may affect this property. When the new NFIP map is issued it will supersede this determination. The Federal requirement for the purchase of flood insurance will then be based on the newly revised NFIP map. This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Version 1.3.3 2418012CBM09106560437