Minutes - 2012 - City Council - 08/21/2012 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes Budget FY 12/13 August 21,2012 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: SEMANKO, GRASSER,DEFAYETTE,BUTLER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING:Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho,will hold a public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October 1,2012,to September 30, 2013 pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1002,Idaho Code. Said hearing to be held at Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, Idaho, on August 21, 2012. At said hearing, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any they have why said proposed budget should not be adopted. Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk/Treasurer provides an overview of the proposed budget. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Anthony Colley, 1019 N. Watson Way,I wanted to say thanks to all of the help that you have given to the bike park and hope we can continue what we have started. Ron Marshall, 740 Palmetto,I'm sure you all know my concerns, first is the City Hall. Discusses the previous City Hall Bond Election. If we can purchase the City Hall without going to a bond election. Second is our Museum and it should remain downtown where it is located and not moved to City Hall. Discusses the displays currently in the Museum and items that are in storage that can not be displayed because of space. All of the items have donated and the City has a fiduciary duty to maintain these items. Provides a history of the Museum. Discusses property tax rates. It is you duty so that we can maintain things in the City and move forward. Discussion on the news media reports today. General discussion. Discussion on the percentage of property increase over last fiscal year. Brad Nelson, 2219 E. Shalimar Dr,I am in support of the Park&Recreation Director, it is long overdue. We have a lot of parks and recreation facilities that we need to focus on to bring them up to par and support some increase property taxes to support those expenses. The Greenbelt along the river is important and I want to support the development of that. General discussion. Butler: I think it is important for Brad and everyone in the audience to understand something about this budget. When they saw the taxes from $900 to a million more,the Council decided when we did our workshop was to budget without raising taxes. That is what we did. Then when we noticed for the public hearing we noticed a budget that took an extra million dollars and the purpose for that was to get this larger number out to the people to see what they had to say. The purpose was that the extra money was to go to buying city hall. That extra money would be added to our fund which would put us at$1.4M. That would put us close to being about to do a cash offer to buy city hall. This would roughly save $300,000 a year in lease payments, property taxes and etc. Further discussion property taxes. Page 1 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min doe Cathy Quam, 1518 N. Dunsmuir Way, until my neighbor called me tonight to tell me about the evening news I had no knowledge of the budget because I had no interest. Hearing the figures I was initially aghast. Looking at my tax bill I thought that's not very much money. I ran a business for 35 years and I know that there increases each year and budgets have to go up or you are getting into the hole at some point. I have to say that after listening to everything, I really appreciate Mr. Butler because now I know. I like the idea of using that increase to pay off city hall. I also agree with Mr. Grasser that when taxes go up they seldom go down and we don't have a guarantee. After listening to everything I would have to say I am pro and not con. General discussion. General discussion on a bond election in November, the cost of a bond and when the City would realize the money from the sale of the bond. Lida Fry,4122 Homer Road, distributes a handout,I have heard that you want to move the Museum and I think that is a mistake. I think Laurie is an incredible person. She gets things done and she has incredible volunteers. She is a very hard working person who has done a lot for this community. Your Eagle Magazine this month is photos from the Museum and they said they had the best selling of this magazine every. We have a really nice Museum. My handout shows my suggestions without spending very much money. The City owns the building so you don't have to pay rent. Discusses her suggestions on how to change the front and inside of the Museum. I think the Museum is tremendous. For the record the Fry's have been in the City since 1880 so we have an interest and have donated a few things. Moving the Museum to City Hall will kill it. There would be no way for someone to work in it and it is not big enough for a Museum. There is wonderful foot traffic where it is. General discussion. Maggie Galt,President of the Eagle Senior Center, I am here for information; we do not know how much help we are going to get this year. The Members appreciate all of the help the City has provided us. We did hear rumors that there was going to be quite a cut. The money you have provided us is for the van. General discussion. Tami Galt, 701 Evergreen, Treasurer Eagle Senior Center, I just met with accountant on the budget and this is the best I could do in short notice. We have 3 CDs each for$20,000.00, a $20,000.00 savings and $40,000.00 in the checking account. Discussion on the repairs that need to be done to the building and the kitchen. General discussion. Bob Van Arnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way, presents slides the property taxes in the Budget. I need to thank my neighbor for the slides. Displays slides on property taxes and discusses the same. Discusses the reorganization where the Public Works Department becomes the Facilities Department and a Park&Recreation Department and the increase. Discusses the Park Survey. Discusses the purchase of the City Hall. I would like a discussion of the Revenue Neutral concept where we could purchase City Hall and not increase property taxes. Aaron Dykas, 2179 N. Greenview Ct.,I have made up my mind now. Like most of us I have been following the national elections this year and the issues seem to be around fiscal responsibility, controlling spending and taxes. I am a little floored at a proposed 48%tax increase, adding a new department of government and salary increases. I made up my mind that I am a con. I cannot support this. General discussion. Jeff Kunz, 2213 E. Skokie Dr, I am the former co-chairman of the Eagle City Hall Task Force, I am going to show you how the Revenue Neutral purchase of City Hall would work without raising property taxes. Displays overheads and discusses the same. General discussion. Paul Beckman, 3585 W. State Street, it has been covered what I have been looking for. I don't believe it is up to the Council on how to purchase buildings like this. It us up to the people with a bond election. I think just what was presented is the right way to do it. If you explain to the people I can't see people not voting for it. You are going to decrease your taxes by voting for it. Frank Thomason, 817 Thatcher Street,Boise, I am the current chair of the Historic Preservation Commission but I am not here representing the Commission but as a historian and an Eagle Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min.doc business owner. I want to reference what Ron Marshall said about the Museum. It is a wonderful Museum with wonderful displays. There have been thousands of hours by volunteers. The Museum has been very well set up and established and the credit goes to the curator and volunteers. My comments are from a fiscal conservative. One of the Council Members circulated some proposals that impacted the Museum. I would understand why the City Council would consider going to half time director with volunteers. I am not suggesting moving the Museum at this time. The History Center in Meridian is run by a volunteer. Foad Rogaine, 175 S. Rosebud Lane, discusses the City Hall purchase. If you can buy and pay for it I am for it. Discusses the increase in property taxes. I am 100% for purchasing the City Hall. I had a lot of questions on the Water Fund but Sharon educated me on this. I understand that it has to pay for itself. Discusses the capital projects for the parks. There are many other ways to finance those improvements. Look at the High Schools and the Church ball fields, why can't we make an agreement to use these fields. Don't do a swimming pool. These should be by the people for the people. Discusses the Library expenditures;there is lots of room for improvements. Discusses the restoration of the salaries. You need to do the best you can and you can't satisfy everyone's wishes. General discussion. Rich Talbot,204 S. Cobblestone Way,I have been a resident for 13 years. I volunteered time to the Parks and Pathway Commission and most recently served as Chairman of that Commission. I have been heavily involved in youth sports. I heard on a local talk show this afternoon some comments offered about this budget and the reason for this 56% increase. I understand that this was to purchase the city hall. I really believe consideration of a Bond is needed. A Bond is something I could support. I believe a Park&Recreation Department can make revenue. I am very much in favor of the creation of that department. Discusses the Velodrome. General discussion. John Cooper, 10 Bear Town,Horseshoe Bend and 2489 E Trevino,Eagle,I heard the local radio conversation going on. I'm not sure what it is going to cost me in taxes. I really haven't paid very attention and I want to make sure that we are fiscally responsible. I am in favor of a bond election. General discussion. Sophia Fleming, 1355 Washam Road,I'm confused how long we would be paying off the money to purchase the City Hall outright. Is this just one year that I would pay$88? Do we have money set aside and we just have to add another 1M to pay this off. General discussion. Mark Bottles, 1770 Sugar Crest,I want to thank you all. I appreciate the police in the community because their response time is quickly. I live here and I moved my commercial realty business here instead of downtown Boise. I brought in Fred Meyer and I bring in commercial business into the City. I feel that a bond election is important instead of the City Council taking the lead. We have one of the highest lease vacancies in the valley. Discussion on how the economy has affected his business. General discussion. Robert Elsethagen, 1689 E. Stony Brook Court, I don't have a lot to add. I don't have a problem paying the extra taxes. There is probably an extra levy for education next year and if I would have to choose I would opt for the education. You definitely should purchase the building. The bond and revenue neutral would be the way to go. I think this is a good shock campaign for a bond. Mark Pyper, 855 Shadow Creek Lane,I want to say thank you for the job you are doing. I think we should purchase this building. I think the one and done is fine. We have three bond issues votes and it hasn't passed but what happens if it's voted down. The Parks and Rec Director is a good idea. I just want to support the Parks and Rec Department. Discusses the Velodrome and the infrastructure that was put in. The Sports Complex is a very unique piece or property and we need to be very careful on how the park is developed. General discussion. Al Shoushtarian, 1119 N. Eagle Road, I know that the budget is a hard time of the year. I want to confirm what others have said. We need to listen to the people that bring business to town. We Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min.doc need to help business and listen to what they have to say. What message are we sending to businesses when we raise the taxes? Keeping the taxes low is the success of the City. Discusses the city hall lease,raising the taxes to purchase or a bond election. I am in favor of a bond election. General discussion. Shah Upshar, I have a building at 149 State Street,I am here to support the opposite side of the budget. You need to embrace these people that have spoken; they have a lot to offer you. Jeff Kunz, discusses the reasons why taxes shouldn't be increased to purchase the city hall. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Mayor calls a recess at 8:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m. 5. BUDGET DISCUSSION: A. Revenue—FY 12/13 1. Property Taxes General Council discussion on property taxes. Semanko moves to set the revenue in the budget to keep the revenue scenario of the existing levy rate,no 3% and no foregone. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 2. Library proposed Budget General discussion. Butler moves that we include$60,000.00 in the General Administration Fund for an RFID system for the Library subject to the proposals for installation with the Library paying a minimum of$36,000.00 with the City paying up to the budgeted $60,000.00. Seconded by Grasser. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Building Department Revenue General discussion on Building Permit Revenues. Council concurs to increase Building Permit revenue to $300,000.00. General Administration Expenditures Council general discussion on the Law Enforcement Contract with the Ada County Sheriff's Office. Council concurred on the budget amount being$1,549,182.00 Council general discussion on the City Prosecuting Attorney proposed budget. Council concurred to add a contract price of$48,000.00 to the budget. Council discussion on the Senior Center Van Agreement. Butler moves to cut the$14,660.00 from the budget for the Van Agreement. Seconded by Defayette. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council concurs to reduce the budget amount for the IT Support Specialist Agreement from $37,700.00 annually to $34,800.00 annually. This would be for 600 hours at$58.00 an hour. Council concurs to add to the Budget$5,000.00 for web page design. Further discussion General Administration Expenses. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min.doc Historic Commission Budget Council discussion on the Historical Commission Budget. Council concurs with the Historic Commission budget of$3,000.00. Museum Budget Council discussion on the Museum Budget. Butler moves to reduce the Museum personnel costs from $51,885.00 to$14,560.00 and to change the staffing position from a full time position with benefits to a 20 hour a week position with no benefits. Seconded by Defayette. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion on the operational costs of the Museum. Council added$7,000.00 to the Facilities Budget under Maintenance and Repair for the Museum. Council added$5,000.00 to the Museum Budget for the purchase of display cases for the City Hall Lobby. Reinstate salaries to the 9/30/2009 level Council discussion on the salary restoration for city staff. Defayette moves to reinstate wages to the 2009 level consistent with what is in tonight's proposed budget. Seconded by Butler. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Parks & Recreation Department and Facilities Department Discussion on the proposed reorganization presented by Councilman Butler. Council concurs to advertise for the new positions for an October 1, 2012 hire date. Council discussion on the Facilities Department. Building Department Council discussion on the proposed changes to the Building Department. Butler: The offer would be made to the two Building Inspectors to be able to apply for the Building Official with a salary increase. Discussion on increase to training to include training costs for the new Building Official. Council concurs to add $647.00 to the training budget. Water Fund Council discussion on the Water Fund. B. Expenditures—FY 12/13: General discussion the new Administration Clerk I. Council concurs to add the new Administration Clerk I position to the General Administration Budget, $35,652.00 including benefits. Said Clerk will be under the Supervision of the City Clerk/Treasurer. General discussion on overall expenditure changes. C. General Budget Discussion General discussion on the Park Fund Budget. Change the$171,100 for Land Purchase or Leases to $200,000.00 and reduce the Construction Projects-Misc accordingly. Butler moves to approve this budget with any excess revenue to go into the City Hall Reserve Fund. Seconded by Semanko. Semanko: AYE; Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min doe D. Discussion and possible adoption of changes to the City of Eagle Organizational Chart, 2008 Employee"Pay Plan"and potential new and modified related job descriptions. (MLB —SEB) This item was continued from the July 23, 2012 meeting. General discussion. Butler moves to remand this item to staff for staff to work with Susan on a new Personnel Manual and include the new Organizational Chart. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. Ordinance No. 677: An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, For The Fiscal Year 2013 commencing October 1,2012,And Ending September 30, 2013. [This item will only be acted on if the public hearing for item 4A is closed, and budget approving action is taken via a motion of the Council.] Semanko moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#677 including the Budget numbers that were just adopted be considered after being read once by title only. Semanko reads Ordinance#677 by title only. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Semanko moves that Ordinance#677 including the Budget numbers adopted tonight be adopted. Seconded by Butler. Semanko: AYE: Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE;ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. NEW BUSINESS: *A. Noise Waiver Request: Bill McCarrell with The Gathering Place(50 E. State St.) is requesting a noise waiver for August 25, September 8 &22, 2012. The request in association with live music being performed in their parking lot beer garden along with a wedding reception. He is requesting the time be extended to 1:00 a.m. Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Butler moves to deny the Noise Waiver Request. Seconded by Defayette. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES City Attorney Buxton: We need an Executive Session on Ada County Highway District v. Waigreen,I.C. §67-2345 (f). Semanko moves to amend the Agenda to include an Executive Session for I.C. §67-2345(f) for litigation based on the notice we just received from our attorney and (c) acquisition of private property. Discussion. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: I.C. §67-2345 (c)(f)Acquisition of Private Property and Pending or Threatened Litigation. (Executive Session on Personnel Issues was not needed) 67-2345. Executive sessions --When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes.An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; (f) To consider and advise its legal representatives in pending litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-126dgt min.doc Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Semanko moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C.§67-2345 (f) and (c)— Pending and Threatened Litigation and Acquisition of Private Property. Seconded by Butler. Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 11:50 p.m. Council discusses pending or threatened litigation and acquisition of private property. Council leaves Executive Session at 12:05 a.m. Semanko moves to authorize Council to negotiate a Stipulation for Judgment and Decree in ACHD v.Walgreen and authorize the Mayor to sign. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 9. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN : 4 .• E •. le ° 0 s . . CITY CLERK/TREASURER ? • �o "c-o 0 H e o �.®�V -• x • ,w •'PROVED: " •...eon „ Jr( �■ - °®'° STt MES D. REYNIL��S aHg=2z °ttt� MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-21-12bdgt min.doc NAME / k,/,, z1/4 111.--2(,-1./ im 66/t/ ot-a it)(;( -0,2_ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CDN1 FY 12/13 BUDGET August 21, 2012 ADDRESS /s__.-)/.( .Ci til � � � 0A) M V h /1 TESTIFY YES/NO /173 /40/(4/1. 13/ %c /%5 6 54/voigee k 1 eci 137 .... V ke-712/4 7 -) a il(jja ) AU ate'(1ii 441841 )/,-AaAti66 /7.irkA6 (---l'a: + 1 p!It/G..5, Cu i ci Tei ti4 _) f t.L) •��3«ovic' P4 ?)..tA � \AAA_ 4,C01;, g _ a —1J cr-tfAi _/?r toy Lt.z.4P/ 3)(---19 S_ i,JNiTE ,.S_ ;?l vZNAv/Pbd 7 C ,. ,A32_e -s 0/ 9 /1 • tit L(/ S G lir rl X rhe PRO/ CON or NEUTRAL. fr° bk. 6.14_ ybAx4k 644-\ 1� J �, fJ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL C P' PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FY 12/13 BUDGET August 21, 2012 n J j I cc � )o I-cto Foci's/ ������,��, I 7 �:. �����e�i,� ( L2, r'it e l S A,-1 2:2 1 ( $ to (l S C12( k, '<t1.( 't-lZL, 71- \ \ _le (7)2/1 C Et/Aid. 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Profit & Loss 1 Budget 01 erview January throui h December 013 Jan 13 Feb 13 lar 13 Apr 13 ay 13 Other expenses 82.52 75.76 190.76 8.76 520 44 Sales taxes 100.00 Total Expense 4,908.74 3, 36 80 4,398.65 5, .6.67 4,382.90 Net Ordinary Income 8,529.55 5, 76.49 5,202 64 7, ,5.62 5,293.39 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Ask Accountant Building Upgrades 24,000.00 75,000.01 Vehicle Upgrade 5,833.00 5,833 OC ,833 00 5,833.01 833.00 Total Ask Accountant 29,833.00 5, 33.00 5,833.00 80, 3.00 5,833.00 Total Other Expense 29,833.00 5, 33 00 5,833.00 80, 3.00 5,833.00 Net Other Income -29,833.00 -5, 33.00 -5,833 00 -80, 3 00 -5,833.00 Net Income -21,303.45 56.51 -630.36 -72,. 7.38 -539.61 Page 2 11:42 AM 08/21/12 Accrual Basis Jun 13 EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. Profit & Loss Budget Overview January through December 2013 Jul 13 Aug 13 Sep 13 Oct 13 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Contributed support Grants - Ada County 3,750.00 3,750.00 Total Contributed support 3,750.00 3,750.00 Program Service Revenue Area III Transportation Income 743.00 743.00 743.00 743.00 743.00 City of Eagle grants 1,216.67 1,216.67 1,216.67 1,216.67 1,216.67 Van service income 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 Total Program Service Revenue 2,139.67 2,139.67 2,139.67 2,139.67 2,139.67 Membership dues - individuals 4.00 6.00 Investment Income Interest-savings/short-term inv 1,676.40 1,676.40 1,676.40 1,676.40 1,676.40 Investment Income - Other 5,055.22 5,055.22 5,055.22 5,055.22 5,055.22 Total Investment Income 6,731.62 6,731.62 6,731.62 6,731.62 6,731.62 Special Events & Activities Activities Income 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 Total Special Events & Activities 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 Earned revenues Gross rents revenue 525.00 525.00 525.00 350.00 350.00 Miscellaneous revenue 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total Eamed revenues 625.00 625.00 625.00 450.00 450.00 Total Income 9,676.29 13,430.29 9,676.29 9,507.29 13,251.29 Expense Employee Insurance -Workers Comp 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 Wages - Center 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Wages - Van Driver 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 Payroll taxes 173.10 173.10 173.10 173.10 173.10 Accounting fees Building Cleaning & Maintenance 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 Insurance - non-employee 84.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 Utilities 558.08 631.14 680.01 657.07 497.90 Office Supplies 150.00 Telephone & telecommunications 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 Van Fuel & Maintenance 400.00 450.00 400.00 400.00 450.00 Page 3 11:42 AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/21/12 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis January through December 2013 Other expenses Sales taxes Jun 13 55.33 Jul 13 Aug 13 Sep 13 Oct 13 48.76 93.76 143.86 Total Expense 4,081.51 3,999.24 4,046.87 4,068.93 4,009.86 Net Ordinary Income 5,594.78 9,431.05 5,629.42 5,438.36 9,241.43 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Ask Accountant Building Upgrades Vehicle Upgrade 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 Total Ask Accountant 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 Total Other Expense 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 5,833.00 Net Other Income -5,833.00 -5,833.00 -5,833.00 -5,833.00 -5,833.00 Net Income -238.22 3,598.05 -203.58 -394.64 3,408.43 Page 4 11:42 AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/21/12 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis January through December 2013 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Contributed support Grants - Ada County Total Contributed support Program Service Revenue Area III Transportation Income City of Eagle grants Van service income Total Program Service Revenue Membership dues - individuals Investment Income Interest-savings/short-term inv Investment Income - Other Total Investment Income Special Events & Activities Activities Income Total Special Events & Activities Earned revenues Gross rents revenue Miscellaneous revenue Total Eamed revenues Total Income Expense Employee Insurance -Workers Comp Wages - Center Wages - Van Driver Payroll taxes Accounting fees Building Cleaning & Maintenance Insurance - non-employee Utilities Office Supplies Telephone & telecommunications Van Fuel & Maintenance TOTAL Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan - Dec 13 743.00 1,216.67 180.00 2,139.67 1,676.40 5,055.22 6,731.62 180.00 180.00 350.00 100.00 450.00 9,501.29 61.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 173.10 150.00 84.00 472.50 150.00 150.00 400.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 743.00 8,916.00 1,216.67 14,600.04 180.00 2,160.00 2,139.67 25,676.04 4.00 149.00 1,676.40 20,116.80 5,055.22 60,662.64 6,731.62 80,779.44 180.00 2,160.00 180.00 2,160.00 550.00 5,575.00 100.00 1,200.00 650.00 6,775.00 9,705.29 130,539.48 61.00 732.00 1,200.00 14,400.00 1,100.00 13,200.00 173.10 2,077.20 1,360.00 150.00 1,800.00 84.00 1,008.00 630.82 7,402.54 950.00 150.00 1,800.00 400.00 5,000.00 Page 6 11:42 AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/21112 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis January through December 2013 Nov 13 Dec 13 Other expenses 199.01 497.76 Sales taxes TOTAL Jan - Dec 13 1,956.72 100.00 Total Expense 4,139.61 4,446.68 51,786.46 Net Ordinary Income 5,361.68 5,258.61 78,753.02 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Ask Accountant Building Upgrades 99,000.00 Vehicle Upgrade 5,833.00 5,833.00 69,996.00 Total Ask Accountant 5,833.00 5,833.00 168,996.00 Total Other Expense 5,833.00 5,833.00 168,996.00 Net Other Income -5,833.00 -5,833.00 -168,996.00 Net Income -471.32 -574.39 -90,242.98 Page 6 / DISCOVER EAGLE LIVING`'! JULY I AUGUST . 2012. -=4s A 4 • I to L Times have changed... 0-404441141J444-01111111111111 ••• C7 _ • 4 zd qrg ' ;� �m i+ i lil:�•i�� irYi6lr► 11 1�i ..wt.r 1J i !I !, i i iii �IiIW11.1i�I�iIIVY�frr�Y (----(P www.YourTreasureValleyAgent.com MARKET fr e r Assoc ate Broker ?u;,-'_ .-10IE MB-585-2?4.; Carey careyfarmer u'm otcc� I\ RF 11.1 Si 11'1 YOUR TREASURE VALI.I:Y AGENT 17-)keM1V-Due,2 4-kez,e,J2Dp cdoi4 4-0141 ovuu Axe4 (,iL e/- L _ 4 r6i/ne; ea,n_ ( Le_ AvvLoa— Memoranium To: Mayor and City Council From: Sharon K. Bergmann Date: July 26, 2012 Re: FY 12/13 - Full Time Administrative Assistant I With the reorganization of Departments I have revised my request for the hiring of a full- time Administrative Assistant which would be funded from the General Administration Budget and would be under the City Clerks/Treasurer on the new org chart. The new Admin Assistant I would support all Departments including the newly created Parks & Recreation and Facilities Departments. • Duties would include assisting the Parks & Recreation Department by answering incoming calls, providing front counter assistance, assist customers with park reservations, and administrative support as needed. • Assist in the Building Department answering incoming calls, providing front counter assistance, learn the entire process of receiving in building permit applications, assist the Building Inspectors and administrative support as needed. • Assist the City Clerk's Office with the scanning and organizing documents into Laserfiche. • With the creation of the CID there are also additional support duties that have been created which this new Admin Assistant could assist with. • With the current change to City Departments one existing Clerk will be totally dedicated to the Water Department so there will be one more Department for the Clerks to assist but with one less Clerk. .6...s From the desk of Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer FY 12113 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I Adopted Pay Plan = $12.72 plhr Proposed Pay Plan reduced by 15% = $10.81 plhr Proposed Budget for Public Hearing Administrative Assistant I $10.00 an hour - 2080 hr/pr yr General Fund Annual 7.65% Wage FICA $20,800 1,591 TOTALS $20,800 $1,591 *9 Mos 10.39% PERSI 1,621 $1,621 TOTAL PERSI: $2,209 Total Salaries $20,800 Total FICA $1,591 Total PERSI $2,209 Total Work Comp $87 Total lnsurance $10,964 TOTAL: $35,652 8/17/2012 *3Mos Ins Average 11.32% WORK Family of 4 PERSI COMP $10,964 TOTAL 589 87 10,964 $35,652 $589 $87 $10,964 $35,652 *PERSI rates wil change July 1, 2013 to 11.32% for Employer and 6.79% for Employee FY 12/13 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I Using Proposed Pay Plan Reduced by 15% FULL TIME Administrative Assistant I $10.81 an hour 2080 hr/pr yr General Fund Annual Wage $22,485 TOTALS $22,485 7.65% FICA 1,720 $1,720 *9 Mos 10.39% PERSI 1,752 $1,752 TOTAL PERSI: $2,388 Total Salaries $22,485 Total FICA $1,720 Total PERSI $2,388 Total Work Comp $94 Total lnsurance $10,964 TOTAL: $37,652 *3Mos Ins Average 11.32% WORK Family of 4 PERSI COMP $10,964 TOTAL 636 94 10,964 $37,652 $636 $94 $10,964 $37,652 *PERSI rates wil change July 1, 2013 to 11.32% for Employer and 6.79% for Employee