Minutes - 2012 - City Council - 07/30/2012 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes Budget Workshop July 30,2012 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: SEMANKO, GRASSER,DEFAYETTE,BUTLER. Semanko is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. Butler: There are two amendments proposed to the Agenda tonight, one from the City Attorney and one from the City Clerk's Office. City Attorney Buxton: Please add to the Agenda under Executive Session 67-2345(a)(b) personnel and(f)which is litigation. Litigation is a right-of-way lawsuit filed by Ada County Highway District v. Walgreens and the City has a piece of property there that is involved with it. Butler moves to amend the agenda to add a new Item#7 which is Councils' authorization for the Mayor to obtain cards from the Bank of the Cascades and change Executive Session #7 to#8 and add to the Executive Session item two items,67-2345(a)(b) personnel and (I) litigation. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is encouraged to provide comment regarding the draft budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. NOTE:Another opportunity to provide testimony/comment will be on August 21, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the formal public hearing for the budget. Mayor introduces the issue. Ron Marshall, 740 Palmetto,I have looked over the notes from the last two years at budget time. We have had the opportunity to increase our income by 3% each year under State Law and we have not done that as you know and we have suffered. This 3%would have cost me $42. I think most people in Eagle can afford that 3%raise. In fact if there is any way you can go back and pick up what we have missed for 3 years it would sure help as we have lacked in funds for a lot of things. I would encourage you to do that. General discussion. Nancy Suiter,reads her written statement into the record. I have lived in Eagle area and in the City of Eagle since 1977. My parents-in-law lived here before me. They owned the Villeneuve house and acreage on Moon Valley Rd, a property listed on the National Registry of Historic places since 1990. My late husband, Clarence D. Suiter,was an attorney and wrote the original Articles of Incorporation when Eagle became a City. I give you this information both as a means to introduce myself and also point to my historical connection to the City of Eagle. I also served on the Board of Eagle's Historic Preservation Commission from 2007-2011. During that time I was witness to the transformation of the volunteer-led Eagle Museum from a small, dim and dusty space, crowded with largely unrelated items, into a bona fide Museum under the aegis of Laurie Baker, a professional curator. I watched Ms. Baker devote herself whole-heartedly to the work of sorting, classifying materials and creating displays while tending to the business of the Museum and serving as a guide and advisor to the HPC. I was witness to the undeserved criticism she sometimes received from lay people who didn't understand the professional standards by which she made decisions regarding the Museum and was saddened when her work Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-30-12bdgtmtg.doc went unremarked and underappreciated. The result is a small gem of a Museum in a historic building located in the pioneer core of the original downtown Eagle. Attendance figures continue to increase under Ms. Baker's direction. Ron Marshall, I was one that helped get this museum going. Museums are not supposed to make money as parks and pathways along the river and when I asked what the Museum Budget in relation to the overall budget it is 1%. That museum is very important to this community. I sent you a letter last week in response to Mr. Butler's letter that came out. We have a long list of people who have donated to the Museum. We have a priceless organ in the Museum. We have had some dissention from time to time on changes that need to be done. We had a valuable watch collection. There were keys scattered all over the place and we didn't know where the keys were and this made some volunteers mad. So when the locks were changed on the Museum a lot of people were upset. I have two displays waiting in my garage but there is no place in the Museum. I would like to see the Museum moved into a larger place and it should be located downtown and moved into twice the place. There are more people downtown eating daily in restaurants than will ever go through City Hall. Museums are really important and we have a very fine Museum. Go look at Meridians if you want a comparison, it's better than that. The history of this town is important to a lot of folks. Museums are necessary to remember the past. Museums are there to serve the public and are not a money making proposition. General discussion. Bob Van Arnem, if the Council decides to take the 3% and the foregone it would be nice to know what we are going to get for the increase. When I drive through town nothing strikes me as being terrible. General discussion. Foad Roughen, business address 175 S.Rosebud Lane,Eagle, I have missed the last few meetings. There are multiple was of looking at a tax increase. With taxes it is a matter of true need not a matter of taking or not taking. I'm not saying take or not take it. Discusses the business side of a tax increase. Discussion on a bond issue to purchase City Hall. It is possible that you could give the people a tax reduction with the pass of a bond election. I think the sooner you buy the building the better it is because of the economy and low interest rates. I will be happy to go door to door and show people the facts. General discussion. 5. PRESENTATION: A. COMPASS Presentation: Matt Stoll, Executive Director This item was continued from the July 23, 2012 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Matt Stoll,Executive Director of COMPASS presents a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of what COMPASS is,what they do and the membership dues request. General discussion. B. Parks&Pathways Development Committee Presentation: Randy Zollinger, Chairman Mayor introduces the issue. Randy Zollinger, Chairman of the PPDC, I previously presented a Memorandum to the Council for your packet tonight. Provides an overview of the vision of the PPDC for the City of Eagle. Discusses the Memorandum. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 7:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:00 p.m. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-30-12bdgtmtg.doc 6. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergmann provides Council a Recap of the Revenue and Expenditures. General discussion on Revenue and Expenditures in General Administration. Discussion on the Senior Center Van Agreement. Discussion on audio/video streaming of City Council meetings. Discussion on Professional Dues, COMPASS and BVEP and further discussion on the COMPASS projects. Chief Borgquist discusses his proposal for Policing Services and the proposed Code Enforcement Officer and part time secretary. General discussion. Discussion on the VRT Bus Services under Capital Projects. General discussion on property taxes,the proposed department reorganization and the overall budget. Butler moves we instruct the City Clerk to publish the draft budget for the public hearing on August 21,2012 taking the higher levy rate,the 3% and all of the foregone with the budget as reviewed tonight additionally changing the$85,000 study to put$35,000 towards the Sports Complex and the other$50,000 added to construction projects; looking at expendables: $50,000 of the expendables will be added to the pathway budget boosting it from $50,000 to$100,000 and the rest of the expendables will be put in the City Hall Reserve Fund. Seconded by Defayette. Grasser: NAY; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler: Norm was very adamant about not increasing the taxes on the public record. So I am quite certain based upon what he said on the public record he would have voted no. Therefore, it would have been a 2-2 split. With that in mind Mayor I'm wondering if you give us your opinion. Mayor: I think I have already. Let's put it out there for the public to look at. I have listened to Town Hall Meetings where people have said lets pony up the money and start doing things for the City. With that in mind I would have voted yes if it were 2-2. A. Revenue—FY 12/13 1. Property Taxes 2. Library proposed Budget B. Discussion and possible adoption of changes to the City of Eagle Organizational Chart, 2008 Employee"Pay Plan"and potential new and modified related job descri tions. (MLB —SEB) This item was continued from the July 23, 2012 meeting. 1. Museum 2. Building Department 3. Parks & Recreation Department 4. Facilities Department 5. Water Fund Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-30-12bdgtmtg.doe Butler moves that Item#6B discussion and possible adoption of changes to the City of Eagle Organizational Chart,2008 Employee"Pay Plan"and potential new and modified related job descriptions be delayed until after the Budget is acted on. To table this until August 21,2012 and put it after Budget action. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Park Fund D. General Administration 1. Law Enforcement Contract 2. City Prosecuting Attorney Contract 3. Idaho Humane Society Contract 4. Sr Citizen Van Agreement E. General Budget Discussion 7. Council to authorize the Mayor to sign for the lines of credit on the new Visa cards with the Bank of the Cascades. Mayor introduces the issue. Butler moves to authorize the Mayor to do the signing as requested by the Bank through the City Clerk. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..... City Attorney Buxton: I would like to announce to the public that since this Organizational Chart issues has been continued there will be no need for any Personnel discussion but we will still need acquisition of private property and litigation with ACRD. Mayor calls a recess at 9:25 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:35 p.m. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION: I.C. §67-2345(c)—Acquisition of Private Property,I.C. §67- 2345(f)Pending or Threatened Litigation,and I.C. §67-2345 (a)(b)Personnel Matters 67-2345.Executive sessions--When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer,employee,staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; (b) To consider the evaluation,dismissal or disciplining of,or to hear complaints or charges brought against,a public officer,employee,staff member or individual agent,or public school student; (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; (0 To consider and advise its legal representative in pending litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation. Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-30-12bdgtmtg.doe Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Butler moves to go into Executive Session in accordance I.C. §67-2345(c)—Acquisition of Private Property,and I.C. §67-2345(f)Pending or Threatened Litigation with ACHD. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. Council discusses Acquisition of Private Property and Pending or Threatened Litigation ACRD. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business,the Council meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 9ae a ACLU �_ iti : 0 : ANTE SHARON K. BERGMA °` �'' �' CITY CLERK/TREASURER e v• A 'ROVED: ";, •.: ~ //i(i MES D. RE OL S ST MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-30-12bdgtmtg.doc July 30, 2012 City Council Budget Meeting Revenue Recap: CC, �3a �r 2. 1. Idaho Power Funds of $258,500 added to the City Hall Reserve Fund of $212,467 = Total $470,967. 2. Property Tax Revenue -Same levy rate as FY 11/12 3. Revenue Sharing and Sales Tax Funds -AIC has adjusted their figures upward by $63,068.00 a. Revenue Sharing- increased by $45,218 b. Sales Tax Revenue - increased by $17,851 On the Expenditure side- I added this $63,068.00 to the Qty Hall Reserve Fund 4. Added $5,000 in a new line item -Community Promotion/Special Events Donations. These donations would be used to fund the 4th of July Fireworks 5. Per the City()415-2./-0.&,--1 Attor4� n Vs ecomrnendation increased the Court Fines/Fees by $5,000 to $81,000.00 6. Added reimbursement for staff time and costs. $500 from the URA and $6,200 for the CID Expenditures Recap -General Administration: 1. Reserve 1st Quarter Expenditures- increased by $100,000 to $1,200,000 per auditors recommendation to have 30% of expenditures in reserve. 2. Idaho Power Funds of $258,500 added to City Hall Reserve Fund. 3. CH Reserve Fund - added $63,069 from increased Revenue Sharing & Sales Tax = $534,036.00 4. Total cost for a new Admin Clerk to support all departments including the new Parks & Rec and Facilities Departments - $35,652 including benefits. 5. Contracts: a. City Prosecutor increased to $53,400 from $45,600. Increase of $7,800.00. b. Added $10,000.00 to Operational Reserve. c. Animal Control Contract -same as FY 11/12 d. Senior Citizen Van Agreement -see Memo e. Law Enforcement -same -Chief to speak to this. 6. Professional Dues -still missing Treasurer Valley Partnership dues for FY 12/13 a. Compass Dues b. BVEP 7. Capital Outlay- Laserflce upgrade to WebLink and Caselle upgrade to Clarity 8. P&Z-Travel and per diem reduced. Personnel costs reflect restoration of wages to 9/2009 and FY 10/11 cut. 9. Building Department reorganized with hiring of a Building Official. Budget increase of $10,659.00. 10. Public Works Department- Reorganized into a Parks & Recreation Department and a Facilities Department with budgets for each department. Budget increase of $87,772.00. ("C y, ",---/1 My name is Nancy Suiter. I've lived in the Eagle area and in the city of Eagle since 1977. My parents-in-law lived here before me. They owned the Villeneuve house and acreage on Moon Valley Rd., a property listed on the National Registry of Historic places since 1990, before moving to a property on West State street in Eagle. My late husband, Clarence D. Suiter, was an attorney and wrote the original Articles of Incorporation when Eagle became a city. I give you this information both as a means of introducing myself to the Mayor and City Council and also to point to my historical connection to Eagle. In that regard I should add that I served on the board of Eagle's Historic Preservation Commission from August, 2007, to March, 2011. During that time I was witness to the transformation of the volunteer -led Eagle museum from a small, dim and dusty space, crowded with largely unrelated items, into a bona fide Museum under the aegis of Laurie Baker, a professional curator. I watched as Ms. Baker devoted herself whole-heartedly to the time-consuming and physically demanding work of sorting and classifying materials and creating and building displays, all the while tending to the business of the office of the Museum and serving as a guide and adviser to the HPC. I was witness to the undeserved criticism she sometimes received from lay people who didn't understand the professional standards by which she made decisions regarding the Museum and was frequently saddened when her work went unremarked and underappreciated. In the face of it all she never wavered in her devotion to her work and remained cheerful throughout. The result is a small gem of a Museum in a historic building located in the pioneer core of the original downtown Eagle. Attendance figures continue to increase under Ms. Baker's direction of the facility she created. My fervent hope is that the Council will recognize that Laurie Baker's first and only concern and loyalty is to the preservation of Eagle's history and to the Museum that defines it. Thank you. . H'• • : -,•;:]•••:.'-, • .•! ,`,7)!:•• •-••••4 -•. •. • '')" LI! ••• ZiL II ••••••••-;', ••••i -! • Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council From: Sharon K. Bergmann, City Clerk/Treasurer Date: July 30, 2012 Re: Senior Citizen Van Agreement I did some quick research as to whether or not the City owned the Van that the Senior Citizens use. To the best of my knowledge the City has never owned the Senior Citizens Vans. I have never listed the vans as an asset of the City and the vans have never been covered by City insurance. Each of the City Agreements with the Senior Citizens has the wording that they "own and operate" the van. The Agreements also refer to the Senior Citizen Center having insurance to cover the Van. The City first entered into an Agreement for an annual payment to help fund the Van expenditures in FY 98/99. The Van mentioned in this agreement the Seniors had until FY 03/04 when they purchased the van they are currently using. My recollection is that the Seniors purchased this Van with the help of Sage and possibly an Ada County program with Health and Welfare. In any event the City did not purchase this Van. From the desk of Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer C� 7-30-/Z. Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer To: Mayor & Council CC: Sharon K. Bergman From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: July 30, 2012 Re: Agenda addition As directed by the City Council, the City is in the process of switching banks to the Bank of the Cascades Eagle branch. In order to obtain new Visa cards through this bank, and in accordance with Eagle City Cod 1-5-4 (A)(8) — we need the Council to make a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign for the lines of credit on the new Visa cards. Having just found out of this requirement by the Bank of the Cascades, and as we are trying to cut all ties to the previous bank and all establish banking processes through the bank the Council selected, we are asking this item be added to the agenda tonight.