Minutes - 2012 - City Council - 07/24/2012 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 24,2012 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 1. Boise Valley Economic Partnership: Clark Krause Executive Director Clark Krause addresses the Council and gives an overview of what Boise Valley Economic Partnership does and has been doing. They are here to keep, grow and create jobs in the valley. 2. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: Grasser toured the Eagle Sewer District facilities. ESD will not be raising their rates for at least another year. Eagle bike park map has been completed by a high school senior. 3. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report. 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: Zoning Administrator, Bill Vaughan gives update of projects coming up and those that have been submitted and those that are anticipated in the near future. 5. Public Works Director Report: Michael Echeita,Public Works Director, reports on flowers in front of the museum. Laguna Point pathway has been mowed. Tree trimming along the North Channel path. Busy summer at the parks. 6. City Attorney Report: No report. INVOCATION: Mike Sasso with Eagle Calvary Chapel is here tonight for the invocation. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: SEMANKO, GRASSER, DEFAYETTE,BUTLER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: A. Eagle Pavilion Concert Series: Shawn Nickel, 1589 Estancia Place, reports on the four concerts put on this summer so far. Mike Huffaker, 1415 S. Hidden Island Place,now lives near the Island Woods area and is very close to concert site and explains that he has been enjoying the music this summer. Questions the Meatloaf concert noise level. Creston Thornton, 757 W. Bankside Drive, Eagle, addresses the council. B. Other: Bob Van Arnum, 3049 S. Whitepost, Eagle addresses the council in regard to city hall purchase. Also discusses budget meetings. Jeff]Kunz, 2213 E. Skokie Drive, Eagle addresses the council in regard to potential location for city hall and property tax increases. Page 1 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-I2MIN.doc 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 26, 2012. C. Minutes of July 2, 2012. D. Minutes of July 10, 2012. E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-01-12 - Bank/Financial Institutions with drive-u• service — Idaho Central Credit Union.: Idaho Central Credit Union, represented by LCA Architects, P.A., is requesting conditional use permit approval for a bank with drive up service. The 30,448- square foot site is generally located at the northwest corner of East State Street and North Palmetto Avenue (Lot 1, Block 1, Aquila Village Subdivision) at 768 East State Street. (WEV) F. Historic Preservation Commission Appointments: Mayor Reynolds is requesting the re-appointment of Diane Scott. Ms. Scott will be serving a 3 (three) year term. Mayor Reynolds is requesting the appointment of Shawn L. Nickel to fulfill the remainder of a vacated term. Mr. Nickel's term will expire in March 2015. Mayor Reynolds is requesting the appointment of Rita Stafford to fill a vacant position. Ms. Stafford will be serving a 3 (three) year term as well. (JDR) Semanko moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Butler. Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. PROCLAMATIONS&RESOLUTIONS: None. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act(PURPA) regarding alternative energy systems and possible drafting of letter conveying the City's position on the matter: (JDR) This item was continued from the July 10, 2012 meeting. [est. 15 min.] Mayor Reynolds introduces the item and states that at this time Idaho Power would like to come back before the council at a later date. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. EXT-05-12—Final Plat Extension of Time for M-3 Hanson Subdivision—M3 Eagle LLC: M3 Eagle, LLC,represented by Gerry Robbins, is requesting a one (1)year extension of time for the final plat approval for M-3 Hanson Subdivision, a 5-lot(4- buildable, 1-common)residential subdivision. The 24.2-acre site is generally located on the west side of North Hartley Road approximately 0.8 miles north of West Beacon Light Road. (WEV)[est. 15 min.] Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-I2MIN.doe Gerry Robbins, 523 E. Riverside Drive reviews the application. Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that the Planning and Zoning department has reviewed this application and is recommending it for approval. Butler moves to approve EXT-05-12—Final Plat Extension of Time for M-3 Hanson Subdivision—M3 Eagle,LLC. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion of contribution to Boise Philharmonic: (NS)hest. 15 min] Council member Semanko introduces the item,turns the item over to the Mayor. Boise Philharmonic is looking for corporate sponsors. The council discusses possibility of contributing this current fiscal year. Semanko moves to allocate$5000 from the operational reserve account to donate to the Boise Philharmonic. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Defayette would like to suggest that the City receive appropriate recognition(possibly a banner) for the contribution and possibly giving the tickets to the senior community. Semanko amends his motion to include that the City should receive appropriate recognition for their contribution and the tickets received should be given to the Eagle Senior Center or other worthy causes as determined by the Mayor. Second concurs. Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Discuss potential letter of support for Lower Boise Watershed Council 319 grant application: (NS)[est. 15 min.] Councilman Semanko gives a brief overview of the project and introduces Melanie Miller, Executive Director of the Lower Boise Watershed Council, 9478 W. Avalanche Drive, Boise who addresses the council and explains the grant application they are interested in applying for and asks for a letter of support from the council. Discussion. Semanko moves to direct staff to prepare a letter for the mayor's signature in support of the section 319 grant for the Lower Boise Watershed. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn at 7:19 p.m. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES e. A Respectfully submitted: ® ,0?a � U® • SHARON K. BERGMANN eoR;;;; CITY CLERK/TREASURER ° �4 TE 0% ®_`'� °°0°°aauaa+N�m,` Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-12MIN.doc APPROVED: A tr ESD. REYN` D`,' MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-12MIN.doc ('6 /11-e-( BOISE VALLEY economic oartnershio SUMMARY OF 2011-12 ACTIVITY 57 PROJECTS MANAGED 23 SITE VISITS 3 PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 PENDING ANNOUNCEMENT 525 JOBS 183 FACE-TO-FACE MEETINGS 16 SALES MISSIONS/TRADE SHOWS 3 PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENTS ENPHASE ENERGY (Announced June 2011) 2.1.' :&,•••- s- L=. _ hire up to 75 jobs e TRAVEL CALENDAR - Portland, OR (Jan 11) - Tulare, CA (Feb 11) - Tampa, FL (Mar 11) - S. California (April 11) - Albuquerque, NM (May 11) - Minneapolis, MN (Aug 11) - Chicago, IL (Sep 11) - Philadelphia, PA (Sep 11) - Las Vegas, NV (Oct 11) - N. California (Oct 11) - NY, NJ, PA (Dec 11) - Portland, OR (Jan 12) - N. California (March 12) - Atlanta, GA (April 12) - San Diego, CA (May 12) - Seattle, WA (May 12) PROSERVICE BOISE (Announced October 2011) . s s i ;.:: C)' v''. ''' up to 1 50 jobs re.xi C0 E CENTRAL GARDEN & PET (Announced April 2012) Pet e,. c .; l' ... (K.e1s ,1 r _ �� _s o .,Ja & ca -de co" . -a' •. -_ ., ... .. ':.'.fie a rev.. Cei.trai 1J .:' and Pet s: . -.'e_. se , ..p Ce -te( r'c. :- � � [t'.. .. ,sss .^. Vices i:,J• IreCo .:._ s U o;'e : y', ^rete headd_._. . :•e /aces C. -eek ee", C. ''a Try 2l' 2 and rX�•i- (anticipate up to 250 jobs) PROJECT LATITUDE (Pending) CO"' -pa,,,, has %"ose;. t' e Bose ey' fora n--.ea,cai re teu,I and \, as a ready: p.. roh sed propertyn` I 'i5 they are no ready to re'_;ese name 4fi : they are current); ,"e Dela'tr-'ert of Labor on e oontrac'. for ,''o n'., _ funds. (antici- pating 50 jobs) How can BVEP help you? Keep, Grow, and Attract Jobs for the Valley 2012 PLAN OF ACTION : • •F: .C. • "". 17".;• -7ee:i CccE- • ce.e • • '.'ARKE1ING 7 "- • f -,s•e ' E : `;.• H11. • ' • = : ",_•" - e • .•..„ S. • ADVOCACY ..F. • SITE SELECTOR RETREAT PROJECT PIPELINE :-• • ••••-••• T • ••_=. ' Jobs for for Idaho BUDGET & STAFF OVERVIEW -3, . ' T.., • ' _7; • ‘:•• "7. • "•:= E- • • L—E21- ' : • ";_: ee- •c ' , • "E-1 ' .;••2 -TT'S • resea• • 3\E -P -as ec3 af..-:voc-at.i-Ya for 1 1-eIp exIst•n0 buci7,eseq• C K -a -se JiTir' ,es :De • E • :• r. Branding: Big Ideas Grow Here A NEW WEBSITE, MARKETING MATERIALS & IMAGE V'EBSITE POP-UP DISPLAYS and TRADE S H OW MATE R !ALS • s • - • e • , • • a- : 71 '" •E3p is_ co DRIP MARKETING & SALES MISSIONS •:" :Piss -e os.-. • - .77 ' :: • : , - r•s- I is v11,1111 BOISE VALLEY economic partnership 'GO HERE. AMMO IN SIM MIA VALISI. !cm VA ImpOrm...0...,W0,9411.wiwtoperve, 2 Marketing Drill -Down Target Industry Pieces fc, •-• `-a•-d _ .„ LP c -c _ - Ec.o0 Process - Cti="%ii Cic• C n -o Eie - lc LCtL - Tech nCoko 7t -e. dcv,n pecs so aCCOr1-1;1)arie0 tv a ne oer-res b70,(--u'e New Website & Online Presence 1.0,51 VAL:A www.bvep.org 1101111157:1 /►� 14rS1 VAII1� C UPDATED SOCIAL MEDIA the Boise Valley p ' BIG IDEAS GROW HERE. 1iSUS:31NUC01,111 %HYI LMH I' GROW HERE. II:now 'ROY. The Lues of the Boise Vailey • 11. Well catch you soon. (f 'jQ�ar Boise Valley Economic Partnership - - � , (208) 472-5229 • www.bvep.org LURES of the BOISE VALLEY Want more information about BVEP's marketing? _ . bioomquisqbvep orq PO/W BOISE VALLEY 10hiv , .,,,••, tOP:,Z.E h.o. ,... •JI•i.sa maim= - not sit st Wu 101 lam 1101. nm Marketing the Big Blue DRUIMIN oF 41 • BLUE • CHRISTMCIS 8 • 2#4 VI lioliday Greet Ingsfrom the •— 'Boise Vaftey eau of the Waite State ltroilea, e Boise State University Recognition: Ve c.-•`-•• ;•',e'- 'ER :J: e CTif :re a•ealc feCe-to-fach - (-J.- cries s- nee- ce z e 'az.= 102 :` 2:-=•.'• -e ee-- c - he bed SE: •-hieet -dst t' te-se :ea -- o tte E:- •••• s'e-se .ec• •r-1.• `,.; ••-- • i• • e ;•-•-•; . • -7' : • ' • • • :5 •• S • • : 17:7 anc. . •-•:a Marketing the Region• - uc t -N •-d :es ce - _se ex sin:: s.c base •-.:'-eac- _seee :1:••=s e c-coess to .ead.- fo.e es a ocr.)::: messade td. cdn :-e and rhae es -s aa:chrd tc any' '.7.!` e: corhies - to c-narens san:es - da:a PAs E..-• 1 1 eSC den- Inat :1 -ere :e er': f -c' De,e e -eeduce.- : n a ons (y.--21-' to rratch 1-i.IRt" reeOR a -o .,o0a'e as company ee.ds - e: :-e a -c: inter -ationai Baccaiaureate i 3i procrams 0 5' :-a: e are the larcest of r-rd-s:ze rrId-t,er n-letros - our 'civ," cost of pov,er - Cont -.Je to bring in decision makers and consultants to visit 14-ei re:0,d- Make them ',:r.derstano a-0 see fa- themselves how great :his reckon is - Make -_--)ur region more ccr-petitive Most times :-e --- pec :-ss :he iozat,:: made by the company s CFO era trey have to be ao e !o CF('' 3oard af D .:s !hat the.) are making the most cost competitIN.,e decision When •:‘ a 2 :)r 3 os that the company vvould be successfu dr)erat;ng it comes CO.., :o 1 --:»ce:•on. or expansion costs have a huge impact on ti -e decision Advocacy: Jobs for Idaho Legislative Suggestions for 2012 Overview Jobs for Idaho is a coordinated effort with communities throughout the state of Idaho to increase jobs. The cities, counties, economic development profes- sionals as well as small, medium and large businesses of Idaho stand ready to assist in enhancing opportunities for businesses. VVHY SHOULD IDAHO DO THIS' Many states across the country are aggressively creating jobs as the economy begins to improve..Businesses looking to grow and expand seek "business -friendly" fertile ground for growth. States like Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Virginia have risen to the challenge and recently developed tools that are enticing businesses to grow jobs more rapidly within their states. Good News Low Cost of Doing Business <PMG'S COMPETITIVE LTERNATIVES: GUIDE TO NTERNATIONAL BUSINESS _OCATION COSTS 3o:se Jong ran<eo = . lowest cost of business ' ... • .: is -ale Ser. oes P ?J i" s. -„ • ''ve-a costs a so re-I,e^ nen !o ' • 'o at Dri ft. . >Ei .ces an:: Snared Se'. c -f- C(2. Family Friendly #2 BEST PLACE TO RAISE A FAMILY (FORBES, APRIL 12 ) Fast Recession Recovery 'ONE OF THE KNOWLEDGE CAPITALS OF THE WEST (BROOKINGS MARCH 2012) . _1 Busness Cost Comparison Industry/Operation Pacific US Cities Boise, ID Las Vegas, NV Portland, OR Seattle, WA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Midwest US Cities Salt Lake City, UT Phoenix, AZ Denver, CO Minneapolis, MN Houston, TX Corporate Services Professional Services: Int'I Financial Ser- vices Support Ser- vices: Shared Services Center Overall Results Average Business Costs in 19 Industries 83.6% 84.7% 97.0% 89.7% 92.1% 98.7% 90.6% 94.1% 99.3% 96.9% 99.8% 101.5% 99.0% 100.7% 100.9% 105.1% 109.5% 104.5% 88.3% 87.5% 97.2% 89.3% 89.2% 97.6% 91.4% 92.5% 98.4% 92.8% 95.4% 98.3% 93.6% 94.2% 97.8% BVEP Stakeholders Ada County Ada County Association of Realtors Adecco Affinity Mortgage Corporation Air Van Moving Group Alliance Title & Escrow Corporation American Resurgens Management Corporation Bank of America Bank of the Cascades Blue Cross of Idaho BMC Boise Centre Boise State University Brighton Corporation Canyon County Capital City Development (CCDC) CenturyLink Citi Card City of Boise City of Garden City City of Meridian City of Mountain Home City of Nampa City of Star CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Coldwell Banker -Tomlinson Group College of Western Idaho (CWI) Colliers International CSHQA, a design collaboration The Cutting Edge Lawn Company D.L Evans Bank Eide Bailly LLP Franklin Building Supply Futura Corporation Givens Pursley, LLP Goodwood Barbeque Company Great West Casualty Company 2012 Board of Directors BOISE VALLEY economic partnership Group One, Inc Hawley Troxell HDR, Inc Hewlett-Packard Company Home Federal Bank Hotel 43 Idaho Business Review Idaho Central Credit Union ldaho Independent Bank Idaho Power Company INL-Battelle Energy Alliance Insurers of Idaho, Inc Intermountain Gas Company J.L. Boyd Company J.R. Simplot Company Keller Williams Realty Boise/ KW Commercial KeyBank N A. KPMG KTRV Channel 12 KTVB News Group - NBC Lactalis American Group The Leavitt Group of Boise, Inc. M3 Companies Merchants Moving & Storage, Inc. Meridian Chamber of Commerce Meridian Ford Mesa Systems, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc Mountain West Bank MVI Veterinary Supply, Inc Nampa Development Corporation Northwest Nazarene University Oppenheimer Companies, Inc PacificSource Health Plans Payne Financial Group, Inc. Peasley Transfer & Storage Company Pioneer Title Company of Ada County Dave Terrell, Washington Trust Bank - BVEP Chair" Todd Cooper, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. - BVEP Treasurer" Bill Connors, Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce CEO" Randy Hill, URS Corporation - Boise Chamber Board Chair Michael Ballantyne, Thornton Oliver Keller Commercial Real Estate - BVEP Vice -Chair' Elwood Kleaver, ADS, LLC - Past BVEP Chair` Clark Krause, Boise Valley Economic Partnership (BVEP) Executive Director Cece Gassner, City of Boise - Working Group Chair Dave Self, PacificSource Health Plans Mark Rudin, Boise State University George Iliff, Colliers International Mark Tidd, TitleOne Corporation Tim Clark, Intermountain Gas Company Joel Hickman, KeyBank N.A. Post lnsurance Premier Alliance Financial Companies Inc. Premier Alliance Property & Casualty, Inc. Premier Insurance Primary Health Rafanelli & Nahas Red Sky Public Relations Regence BlueShield of Idaho Rocky Mountain Companies The Russell Corporation Saint Alphonsus Health System SOS Staffing Southwest Idaho Advanced Care Hospital St. Luke's Boise & Meridian Sterling Savings Bank Stoel Rives LLP Stoltz Marketing Group (SMG) Sundance Group Sterling Savings Bank Syringa Networks Thornton Oliver Keller Real Estate TitleOne Corporation U.S. Bank United Heritage Financial Group United Water Idaho University of Idaho -Boise University of Phoenix, Idaho Campus URS Corporation Washington Trust Bank Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Westcor Land Title Insurance Western Capital Bank Western States Equipment Company White -Leasure Development Company WinCo Foods, LLC Zions Bank Bert Glandon, College of Western Idaho (CWI) Geoff Baker, United Heritage Financial Group Michael Stockwell, Regence BlueShield of Idaho Brian Ballard, Hawley Troxell Alban Damour, Lactalis American Group Anthony Lyons, Capital City Development (CCDC) Justin Smith, U S. Bank Mick Wiskerchen, Micron Technology, Inc Blue Cross of Idaho, Representative TBD St. Luke's Boise & Meridian, Representative TBD Saint Alphonsus Health System, Representative TBD Idaho Power Company, Representative TBD J R Simplot Company, Representative TBD Advisory Members: Jeremy Pisca, Risch Pisca PLLC - Advocacy Chair Steph Worrell, Red Sky Public Relations Clark Krause, Executive Director Clark Krause joined the Boise Valley Economic Partner- ship (BVEP) as Executive Director in September 2010. Since that time, Clark has been instrumental in restructur- ing the organization, and creating a new mission based on measurable and accountable actions and goals. In 2011, Clark has been on several national sales missions promoting the Boise Valley to companies and consul- tants, rebuilding the marketing program & Public Rela- tions outreach, coordinating a new effort to assist valley entrepreneurs, and advocating for local and statewide programs that will jumpstart economic -based job growth in our communities. Jana Jones, Director, Economic Development Services Jana Jones has been with the Boise Valley Economic Partnership since 2006, and is currently the Director of Economic Development Services. During her tenure with BVEP, she has worked on a variety of business attraction projects, assisted with local business expansions and on advocacy issues. Jana comes with a background in economic development from working with the Idaho Department of Commerce, as 12 years of experience in the private -sector. strong as well Lisa Bloomquist, Marketing Specialist Lisa Bloomquist joined the Boise Valley Economic Partnership team in April 2011 as Marketing Special- ist. In this role, among her many responsibilities is to increase the resources and depth of information available to businesses, contacts and the community. In addition, she is also responsible for assisting in project management, stakeholder and community relations, as well as coordinating many of BVEP's events. Seattle Sort;and Sari Francisco BOISE Las Vegas Sett Lake Phoen, The Boise Valley Economic Partnership (BVEP) is the regional economic development organization for the Boise Valley, representing the cities of the Boise MSA: Boise, Garden City, Meridian, Eagle, Star, Nampa, Caldwell, Emmett, and Mountain Home. With a long-term mission of creating jobs, attracting new businesses to the region and encouraging investment in the community, BVEP is actively involved in the economic vitality of the Boise Valley. Project Activity Project Volume We continue to be busy with projects at BVEP. In the first quarter of 2012 our new project activity was up over 200% from our goal. We normally have 7 new projects in a quarter, but we started this year off with 15! These are vetted, solid projects in diverse industries. We are working on manufacturing projects (steel, machinery, plastic, heavy equipment), food processing (dairy, bread), technology (solar system design/installation, data center) and professional services (accounting/finance, sales/support, Federal office expansion). Site Visits The increase in projects has also lead to an increase in site visits to our region. Since the start of 2011 we have had 23 site visits of companies and their consultants to the Valley, which included two of our announcements (ProService and Central Garden & Pet) and six that are still ongoing projects. We strongly believe that by getting these people here on the ground in our Valley it goes a long way in selling our assets and giving us the opportu- nity to answer objections face-to-face. Shared Services One industry sector that we continue to see increased project activity is in back office/ shared services. These are mostly well paying professional office positions and our Val- ley ranks well because of our low cost of operation, availability of skilled workforce and space availability. We recently had a site visit for possibly one of the largest projects that is looking around the U.S. which is for two different back office units (one would be 850- 1100 positions and the other would be 1400 — 2000 positions). We are in the top 9 sites being considered and we had the opportunity to showcase our region, talent, sites, and get our local employers in front of the client and consultants. Sales Missions - Relational Marketing We believe strongly in relationship building in order to continue to be in the mix for proj- ects and continue to have business attraction wins for our citizens. We have found one of the best ways to nurture these relationships is by our sales missions to the company's and consultant's offices that are in our targeted industry sectors. Along with those visits we incorporate attending of select conferences such as IAMC (Industrial Asset Manage- ment Council) and CoreNet (global real estate) which helps to keep the Boise Valley on the list when they are considering potential expansion or relocation areas. Top Projects (as of July 24, 2012) We have 34 projects that are in active and range from "hot" to "waiting for next steps". We have highlighted the ones that have been most active since the last Stakeholder Meeting. Site Visits to Valley Pegasus- International super -material (synthetic) mfg . Looking in Idaho, Washing- ton and Oregon for a 50,000 SF mfg space w/6,000 SF office stand alone building. Key Drivers are: electrical supply, infrastructure and business costs. Would start w/20 FTE and up to 65 in Year 5. Sent site options and regional information, coordinating site visit for July 26/27. Amoeba - Large national company looking for site for 2 different shared services loca- tions. Accounting/Finance positions; first is for 850- 1200 FTE, mostly professional (Average wage would be $55,000 - $65,000/annual) and second is 1200 - 2000 FTE mostly clerical (Average wage $45,000 - $55,000). We are in top 9 locations. Site visit was May 17, 2012, they are reviewing all information and will narrow list down to top 5 for further investigation. Fish- Korean Manufacturing Company is looking for 15,000 SF building for fly fishing reel manufacturer. Looking at Boise Valley as well as Tacoma (they have a building that is county owned and available at a very low cost). Korean Company representatives site visit June 23 & 24 to review area and sites. Recent Proposals Submitted: Norton- State project - Financial services and insurance company (property & casu- alty insurance company) looking for new location for Customer Care Center. 60-100 jobs to start and ramping up to 500. Boise Valley is in list of 75 cities. Sent proposal in June 27, 2012. Omega- State project - Flax seed processor looking for vacant food grade building 40-60,000 SF with 22' ceilings. Sent proposal in June 18, 2012. The Blues- State project - Company looking for a west coast distribution center, considering Reno, Boise, Southern Idaho and Utah. 300,000 - 500,000 SF vacant distribution center or build -to -suit (Mtn Home, Nampa, Caldwell) Sent sites in June 12, 2012. Breeze - Custom HVAC, heating & cooling manufacturer looking for Western loca- tion. Sent in proposal including sites. Radar- Bar code manufacturer looking to leave WA. Sent overview, sites, ID/WA cost comparisons and waiting for next steps. Latitude- Health care related company. Worked on this project in 2009 and it was put on hold because of uncertain economy. Restarted a couple months ago and we have been engaged for financial incentives and assisted with impact fee issue. They have purchased a site but because of economy will wait to an- nounce and build. In process of finalizing contract for WDTF....announce- ment should be soon. MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Timing and the Right Tools to Win We have seen a substantial increase in new projects in 2012, as well as some older projects starting to rev up again. This has us hopeful that this will be a strong year of recovery. At the same time we are seeing an uptick in project activity, we have some welcomed signs inside the valley that things are finally turning a corner. - 3 wins in the last year and 1 pending announcement - Lactalis American Group announced a $40 million dollar expansion for a new fresh mozzer- ella plant. - The Simplot Foundation's Jump Project is active and will have an anticipated investment impact of $70 million with a 7.5 acre campus and 57,000 sq foot building. - Scentsy and PKG are both putting in major corporate expansions in Meridian - Retail seems to be moving again, as we see Big Al's, Rosaurs Grocery Store, Nordstrom Rack and others start to expand in to the Valley - College of Western Idaho is expanding rapidly and over 10,000 students are expected for the 2012 Fall Semester. - The new Zion's 15 story Tower on 8th and Main is schedule to start construction soon. - The unemployment rate in the region is down from 10% in Dec 2010 to 7.9% in Feb 2012. - IGEM funding has been approved by legislation, creating an opportunity for the universities and private sector to work together on getting technology to marketplace. - The Simplot, Micron and Albertson's foundation continue to invest in this community. It is a gift to see such generous and significant founders in a community the size of the Boise Metro. My overall challenge for our region and the state is that we continue to examine and improve upon our competitiveness amongst the states in the western region. Our recent visit to Boise Valley with an ex- ecutive site selection team from Deloitte once again pointed out that, in order to "win the deal" you must be able to convince a Corporate CFO and Board that this is the place that wants them the most, and more likely than not, the communities we are competing against are offering up a strong incentive package. Timing is everything, and as the local economy begins to show signs of opportunity, it is criti- cal that we position ourselves as a winner. Our region offers a low cost of doing business, ex- ceptional power rates, a well trained and young workforce, strong learning institutions, well man- aged water resources, the legacy of several fortune 500 company headquarters and an enviable history of entrepreneurial success. Now, let's harvest this great "product offering" by working with our state and community leadership to offer up that last tool needed, a competitive package that convinces the corporate CFO and Board of Directors that Boise Valley is the right place to grow. MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dave Terrell Trust Bari. 2011-2012 BVEP Cra,rn-,an Fr- BOISE VALLEY econom c oornership www.bvep.org 2011 opened the door to a new era for the Boise Valley Economic Partnership. The Fundraising Campaign kickoff was a great success, gathering support from 105 community leaders and the companies they represent. Through the diligent efforts of the Campaign Cabinet, and the strong backing of our 105 private and public investment partners, the final results were incredible in reaching $3.9 million in pledges over the next 5 years. As chairman, I offer a sincere thank you for your company's support and leadership in the Boise Valley. This last year BVEP moved forward with its new strategic vision and enhanced marketing tools to be more effective when compet- ing against other states. Clark has been actively engaged with local community members, as well as statewide legislators, as BVEP works to advocate for incentives and tools that will help grow existing Idaho businesses as well as attract new ones. It has been my privilege to serve as Board Chairman this past year, and I have committed to serving through 2012 in this role. I look forward to seeing more wins this year and I'm confident that the Boise Valley Economic Partnership will make a positive impact on the Valley for years to come. We have an outstanding new board of directors, made up of business leaders from throughout the Boise Valley, who are com- mitted to promoting the organizations economic development efforts. Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Project Name: Continued Canyon County BMP Program Prosect Sponsor Organization Name: Lower Boise Watershed Counal Organization Phone: 208-994-2791 Organization Fax: Organization Email: tunam2@aol cam Organization Address: PO Box 190873 Postal Code: 83719 City, State: BOISE. ID Project Field Officer: Melanie Miller Field Officer Phone: 208-994-2791 -7 St/al rit Page 1 of 13 Project Code: BR01300348 Project Location Primary County: CANYON Other Affected Counties: ADA HUC: 17050114 Latitude: 43 72149 Longitude: -116 842346 Project Location Description: Any property within Canyon or Ada Counties could be eligible Page 1 of 14 \I"-1-->A-CC/1 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319GTPrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 2 of 14 OV(VVrryrr� i;4, 8319 Grant Application -Grants for Watershed and Aquifer Impj R ne,ati4m, .. 4o5jr Idaho Department of Environmental Qua! TMDL Effort Page 2 of 13 Is this project part of a TMDL effort? Yes If yes, please provide the name of the TMDL in the box below and describe how the project frts into the overall load reduction effort TMDL Name/Description - Find My TMDL Lower Boise River TMDL for Sediment and Bacteria (IDEQ 2000) Lower Boise River TMDL for Phosphorus (pending) Expected Protect Outcomes and Benefits Please provide a project description Including expected outcomes and benefits. The program is a continuation and expansion of a successful 319 program that is being implemented in Canyon County This project will continue to promote and faciliate the installation of BMPs designed to improve water quality This program is necessary to improve water quality within the Lower Boise Watershed. including Canyon County Canyon County encompasses 450,000 acres that drain either to the Lower Boise River and its tributanes or to the Snake River The majority of these acres have agncultural land uses and available funding (mostly through the EQIP program) is inadequate to treat surface -imgated cropland (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3), surface-imgated pasture. and all CAFO/AFOs If only the highest pnority sediment sub -watersheds (Dixie Slough, Mason Creek end Fifteenmile Creek) were treated at the current funding level. it would take over 40 years This program would increase the amount of available funding for implementation of BMP -related activities that have a real impact on inslream concentrations of sediment, nutrients and bactena The initial round of grant money (that began in 2010) was obligated to 5 projects that have successfully been completed and over 50% of the second round of grant money (that began in 2011) being obligated to 4 projects with an addnronal 1-2 projects being considered. The result is 90+% of the existing grant funds being applied directly to BMP improvements. To date, the existing grants have resulted in an estimated savings of over 2 000 tons of sediment. over 2.000 pounds of total phosphorus, 6 0 tons of nitrogen, as well as a savings of 248AF of water on an annual basis The success of the existing 319 grants is based on a strong partnership between the Lower Boise Watershed Council. Canyon Soil Conservation Distract. Idaho Sal Conservation Commission, National Resources Conservation Service, Ada Soil and VVater Conservation District, and IDEQ. This partnership would continue to pnontize project applications and funding requests Program outcomes and benefits are described below Outcome 1. Continue to provide finanaal assistance to landowners in Canyon County and expand to Ma County, for implementation of on -the -ground improvements (BMPs). Benefit. Reduced loading of sediment, nutrients and bacteria to the Lower Boise River, its tributaries and the Snake River Outcome 2 Demonstrate feasible and effective solutions to non -point source pollution within the Laxer Boise River watershed Benefit Increase public awareness of effective BMPs that can be installed Outcome 3 Promote coordination between local landowners and state organizations/agenaes Benefit. Applying limited BMP funding most effectively to address regional water quality issues How is the project tied Into an overall water quality management effort or planning process? This program has the benefit of being tied directly to an existing TMDLs (sediment and bacteria) and a TMDL Implementation Plan (phosphorus) that has set forth pnonty areas for funding and BMP implementation by sub -watershed. Canyon and Ada Counties are located within the Lower Boise River Watershed, which is one of the high pnonty watersheds of Southwestern Idaho In addition, the TMDL (phosphorus) for Lake Lowell also plays a significant role in the Watershed http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationlD=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 3 of 14 ofQ §319 Grant Application 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer Impl 4,ti4. 1111 IT7 Idaho Department of Environmental pall Trackina Protect Results What parameters would be monitored to evaluate project results? Sediment, bacteria and phosphorus. Estimated Total Proiect Fundino Page 3 4:4 13 "+au• hna §319 Gran: Aap n;al : . '.' n.r b? ni rru snlhcrt marc irn• r•,ntn^utr ..is tat arnou .Ica mi-urtur, pf 4:Q c' the biect t tota cas: Estimated Total Cost of Project 5416,667.00 Estimated Matching Funds Amount 5166,667.00 Estimated §319 Grant Amount: 5250,00000 include a brief description of the sources of the 40% match contribution. Stakeholder and landowner contnbubons in the form of bme and supplies, In-kind services, and leveraging other non-federal grant programs http:!/deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?application1D=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 4 of 14 §319 Grant Application 'Grams for Watershed and Aquifer lmp1mnm*atioit.. Idaho Department of Environmental Quay," Page 4 of 13 Regional Priority With assistance from vot r DEp�o io el offtce� orant /r.�l p act, describe the regional priority of the watershed or waterbody, where the project Is toca, and the work baing proposed. Canyon and Ada Counties are located within the Lower Boise River Watershed. which is one of the high pnonty watersheds for Southwestern Idaho The grant program will covera any landowner in Canyon or Ada County that is located on Tier 1. Tier 2 and possibly Tier 3 acres, if recommended by the grant technical review committee. Project Details Waterbody Type: River/Stream Project Type: Agriculture Riparian area degradation Primary Pollutent(s) To Be Addressed: Bactena Nitrogen Nutrients (unspecified) Phosphorous Sediment Beneficial Uses Affected by Project: Aesthetics Aquatic life Recreation Primary BMP(s) to be Implemented: (Best Management Practices, Alley Cropping (acre) Anionic Potyacrylemide (PAM) Erosion Control (acre) Channel Bank Vegetation (acre) Channel Stabilization (ft) Conservabon Cover (acre) Conservation Crop Rotation (acre) Constructed Wetland (no) Contour Buffer Strips (acre) Contour Fanning (acre) Contour Orchard and Other Fruit Area (acre) Cover Crop (acre) Critical Area Planting (acre) Cross Wnd Ridges (acre) Cross Wnd Trap Strips (acre) Deep Tillage (acre) Drainage Water Management (acre) Field Border (ft) Filter Strip (acre) Grade Stabilization Structure (no) Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment (ac) Hedgerow Planting (ft) Hillside Ditch (ft) Imgabon Canal or Lateral (ft) Imgation Field Ditch (ft) Imgabon Land Leveling (ac) Imgation System Micro-trngation (no & ac) Irrigation System Spnnkier (no & ac) Imgabon System Surface & Subsurface (no & ac) Irrigation System Tailwater Recovery (no) Irrigation Water Conveyance Ditch and Canal Lining Flexible Membrane (ft) Imgation Water Conveyance Ditch and Canal Lining Galvanized Steel (ft) Irrigation Water Conveyance Ditch and Canal Lining Plain Concrete (ft) Imgation Water Management (ac) Land Smoothing (ac) Lined Waterway or Outlet (ft) Manure Transfer (no) Mulching (ac) Nutrient Management (ac) Pasture & Hayland Planting (ac) Pond (no) Precision Land Forming (ac) Recreation Area Improvement (ac) Residue and Tillage Management Mulch Till (ac) Residue and Tillage Management NoTill/Step Till/Direct Seed (ac) Residue and Tillage Management Ridge Till (ac) Residue Management, Seasonal (ac) Restoration and Management of Declining Habitats (ac) Row Arrangement (acre) Sediment Basin (no) Streambank & Shoreline Protection (ft) Terrace (ft) Tree/Shrub Establishment (ac) http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationlD=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 5 of 14 Water & Sediment Control Water & Sediment Control Basin (no) Waterspreading (ac) Wetland Creation (ac) Wetland Enhancement (ac) Wndbreak/Shelterbelt Renovation (ft) http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationJD=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - 1DEQ Page 6 of 14 a %tea §319 Grant Application 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer lmplerrrernntTdr� Idaho Department of Environmental,. v.. Page 5 or 13 Estimated Annual Load Reduction Describe how you expect this project will reduce the Estimated Annual Pollutant Load of thls water system. Calculate Annual Load - Quesoons? Contact Jerry Jdest (208.373,026.1 - ierrv.westiftee Idaho novi Our conservative plan agreements with the landowners will continue to include estmates of load reduction benefits, To date the existing grants have resulted in an estimated savings of over 2.000 tons of sediment, over 2.000 pounds of total phosphorus. 6 0 tons of nitrogen as well as a savings of 248AF of water on an annual basis. These estimates are based on methodologies currently used by the ISCC via the EQIP program Methods include extrapolating values from other similar BMP projects, directly calculating load reductions based on the areas and types of BMPs and relying on Idaho OnePian BMP effectiveness information Monitoring Plan 1. What long term monitoring will be Incorporated Into the project design? At the mouths of each of the tributaries, monitonng data have been collected by USGS and other local stakeholders (LBWC and multiple municipalities and agencies) for over 15 years These data provide one measure of pre -BMP Implementation baseline conditions on a regional scale. At the Individual project scale, the number and extent of BMPs will be tracked throughout the life of the program A contract completion report will be required for each approved contract and will include before and after photos and a descnptive narrative Water sampling may be conducted as part of some individual contracts as deemed necessary by the technical review committee as funding allows Education and outreach efforts will also be monitored via BMP tours and neer float trips and participation in state fairs and other public venues in partnership with the Canyon SCD. A record of all inquaines submitted to the technical review committee will be maintained. Pre -construction and post -construction photographs, as well as limited water sampling/monitonng will be done for all projects. 2. Who will do the project monitoring? The LBWC and/or Idaho SCC/NRCS will work with individual landowners to perforin monitonng, and we will rely pnmarily on In -kind labor, with 56,000 of grant money set aside for monitoring and/or analytical lab costs. All of these materials will be avertable for IDEA review 3. How will monitoring be funded? Funding will either be included in the contract. or be met as part of the in-kind match. Assistance from the LBWC or Idaho SCC will be funded via a small administrative budget included in the overall program. NRCS assistance will not be funded directly through this grant, but will also be provided through leveraged funds Public Information and Education Please describe all public outreach efforts that will be part of thls project. As part of previous grants, we have developed a public information and outreach plan that us currently being implemented This plan does four things: 1 documents existing successes, 2. summarizes the program; 3 provides outreach to potential landowner/producer participants- and 4 publicizes the program at venous venues such as the Westem Idaho Ag Expo and County Fairs, gets the program information to corporate member producer distribution centers. reaches out to the Idaho Water Users and drainage districts, and provides media outreach to the local papers, TV and radio outlets. as well as infonnat on on the LBWC website. http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationlD=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 7 of 14 • §31 9 Grant Application 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer implementabpi' Idaho Department of Environmental Dual' Protect TaskslWork Plan Page 6 of 13 ITitle Dates ResponsibleParty§319 (Match (Total m1 - BMP Project Jun 2013- landowners $235.030 00 $149,147.00 $384,147.00 Implementation Jun 2015 I Timeframe This task will extend through the grant timeframeDescnption' Output 1. Provide money toward BMP project implementation (as in our previous grants, we don not yet know the individual breakouts of subcontracts under the continuation grant. If the patterns continue as we Deliverables' have seen in the previous grants, we wuld expect that almost 80 of the grant costs will go toward equipment reimbursement. as the landowners have typically donated all of their labor required to complete the project as in-kind match.) ft2 - Public Jun 2013 - I LBW:- Grant Admin. LBWC 155,000.00 153.800 00 158.800 00 Outreach Jun 2015 Volunteer Match, CSCD Timeframe Description Deliverables' Output 1. Implement public education/outreach pan. #3 - Project Jun 2013 - liSCC. CSCR, LBWC Grant Admin 156.000 00 153.750.00 159.750.00 Monitoring Jun 2015 Timeframe Description' Output 1 Document pre-constnrcbon and post -construction progress of indnndual projects. Output 2 Deliverables: Conduct water sampling d deemed necessary by technical review committee and as funding allows Output 3 Submit total estimated annual pollutant load reductions to IDEQ 1i.4 - Landowner Jun 2013 - LBWC Grant Admin. LBWC Assistance Dec 2015 1Volunteer Match, ISCC. CSCD 14,000 DO 59,970.00 513,970.00 1 Timeframe Description: Deliverables Output 1. Review membership on technical review committee (CSCD, ISCC, NRCS, LBWC, !DEO). Output 2 Update project application packet Output 3. Provide application planning assistance to local landowners Output 4 Accept and score project applications Output 5 Review and approve grant contracts and obtain contract agreements. Output 6 Develop engineering designs and project specifications for each approved project Output 7. Conduct completion inspections for each constructed project. Output 8 Complete contract reports (including monitoring and financial reports) for each approved project. OUtput 9. Maintain financial information for each individual project Output 10. Complete invoicing report to IDEQ, including individual contract reports http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDF.Q Page 8 of 14 §319 Grant Application `Grants for Watershed and Aquifer Implementation' Idaho Department of Environmental Quality;*... Administrative Costs - Mav Not Exceed 10% of Overall Prosect Budoet Position Title LBVVC Grant Admm *CC Canyon SCD LBWC Volunteer Match Hours 334 294 284 70 Rate/Hour $30 00 525 00 $25 00 530 00 Total $10,020 00 57.350 00 $7,100 00 $2,100 00 Match Amount $6,000.00 $7.350.00 52.100.00 52,100.00 Pape 701'13 §31S Amount $4,020 00 $0.00 85,000.00 S0 00 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 9 of 14 §319 Grant Application �4 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer trrrplemerttation . xi 4y0...„„ Idaho Department of Environmental QUA! r .' Description lmplementabon of BMPs IMomtoring Subcontractual Costs - Must be Tied to Work Plan Tasks Total Amount 8384.097 00 86,000.00 §319 Amount 8234.980 00 86,000 00 Page B of 13 Matcn Amount 8149117.00 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 10 of 14 *Grants for Watershed and Aquifer Implementation, k,,) Idaho Department of Environmental Qua1 os Travel Costs - Include MilaaelRate. Meals. Lodaino. ETC; Page 9of13 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Pate 1 1 of 14 §319 Grant Application of -Grants for Watershed and Aquifer tmptementatton <9;;;;;./ fdahoDepartment ofEnvironmental Qua il Supplies. Operating. and Equipment Costs Page 10 of 13 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 12 of 14 §319 Grant Application 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer implementation Idaho Department of Environmental: Indirect Costs - Not to exceed 10% of combined Administrative and Travel Costs Papa 11 of 13 http://deq.idaho.gov/ Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 13 of 14 5319 Grant Application 'Grants for Watershed and Aquifer Implemented Idaho Department of Environmental Qua],' ISourco Title 11- Landowner time 12 - LBWC Grant Admin 13 - ISCC 4 - Canyon SCO 15 - LBWC Volunteer Match Matching Sources Match Type In -Kind Hard In -Kind In -Kind In -Kind Amount S149 117 00 $6.000.00 S7,350.00 S2,100 00 52,100,00 Page 12 of 13 Letters of Support List all letters of support received here. Include copies of all stated letters with your finaUsigned hard copy application. This grant is a continuation of two successful 310 grants that are based on strong partnerships between the Lower Boise Watershed Council, Canyon Soil Conservation Distnct, Idaho Soil Conservation Commission, National Resources Conservation Service. Ada Soil and Water Conservation Distract and IDEQ. The LBWC Board has authonzed this grant application Its membership includes representation and support from the following entrhes" City of Boise, City of Caldwell, Crty of Mendian. City of Nampa, Simplot. Amalgamated Sugar Company, Idaho Rivers United, Ada County Highway District, Pioneer Imgation District. Flood Control District #10, Dangold, Idaho Power. Eureka Water Co., Golden Gate Highway Distnct, Haas ditch Company, Middleton Imgation Assn Middleton Mill Ditch Co Sorrento Lactalis, Inc, Tree Top Ranches. Ringert Law, Ada County and Canyon County The following have provided letters of support Canyon County Commissioners Canyon Soil Conservation District IUWA City of Eagle State Representative Batt Signature Authority Signature Authority Name: Melanie Miller Signature Authority Title: Executive Director Signature Authority Phone: 208-994-2791 http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationlD=348 7/20/2012 Print Application - §319 Grant Application - IDEQ Page 14 of 14 §319 Grant Application` `Grants for Watershed and Aquifer ..a /�0.1,, ti Idaho Department of Environmental e Page 13 of 13 Total Project Cost as Tasks Page Entries Match §319 Total Estimated Project Cast: 3 5166.667 00 5250,000 00 5416.667 00 Tasks/Work Plan Total: 6 4 S166,667 00 5250,000 0D 5416,667.00 Your current match amount meets or exceeds the 40% of project total cost requirement and your total cost has been broken down into tasks equaling the estimated total project cost. Tasks Total as Budaet Cateaorles Area Page Entries Tasks/Work Plan: 3 4 Match §319 Total 5250,000.00 5416,667 00 5166,667 00 sdmi^isL-xhve. Coss 7 4 5" 55J OC $,n20 00 326 57C CD Subcantradual Costs 8 2 3149.117 00 S240 980 00 3390.097 00 Travel Costs 9 0 50 00 50.00 50.00 Equipment Costs, 10 0 SO 00 50.00 50.00 Indirect Costs: 11 0 SD 0050.00 $0.00 Totals: 3166,667.00 5260,000.00 5416,667.00 'Administrative costs may not exceed 10% of your total project cost Match Total as Match Entries Page Entries Total Estimated Matching Funds: 3 5166,66700 Match Entries Total: 12 5 5166.66700 Your current match totals are equal to your original match estimate on page 3. Signature 0 Date http://deq.idaho.gov/Applications/319G/PrintApplication.aspx?applicationID=348 7/20/2012