Minutes - 2012 - City Council - 07/23/2012 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes Budget Workshop July 23,2012 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: SEMANKO, GRASSER,DEFAYETTE,BUTLER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: I.C. §67-2345 (a)(b)Personnel Matters and I.C. §67-2345 (c)— Acquisition of Private Property. (SEB) (APPROXIMATELY 1 %HOURS) 67-2345.Executive sessions--When authorized.(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer,employee, staff member or individual agent,wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; (b) To consider the evaluation,dismissal or disciplining of,or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer,employee, staff member or individual agent,or public school student; c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Butler: I had proposed some organizational changes which are further along on the Agenda and I have been meeting with Susan(City Attorney)and there are certain rights of personnel that need to be protected and there is a need to be completely open as far as the Open Meeting Law. We need some guidance from Susan(City Attorney) in the Executive Session to be sure that we protect the rights of those individuals while still explaining ourselves in open meeting. That is the reason for Executive Session. Semanko moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. §67-2345 (a)(b) & (c)— Personnel Matters and Acquisition of Private Property. Seconded by Butler. Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 6:08 p.m. Council discusses personnel and acquisition of private property. Council leaves Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. General discussion on public comment on proposed changes. Public Comment on the Budget will be taken next Monday,August 30, 2012. 5. PRESENTATIONS: (Approximately 7:30 p.m.) A. COMPASS Presentation: Matt Stoll, Executive Director. No Presentation Tonight Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-12bdgmtg.doc Semanko moves to continue this item to the July 30,2012. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Idaho Humane Society—Jeff Rosenthal,Executive Director Mayor introduces the issue. Dr. Rosenthal distributes handouts and provides Council an overview of the City's Contract with the Idaho Humane Society. Discusses the Idaho Humane Society's total budget and how they figure the contract for other entities which is based on percentage of services. General discussion. C. Idaho Council of Governments: Kendra Kenyon, President. Kendra Kenyon distributes hand outs and discusses the same. Kendra provides an overview of the agency and disuses the Annual Report. Discusses a Summary overview report and what the agency does for Eagle. General discussion. Mayor introduces the issue. 6. BUDGET DISCUSSION: A. Discussion and possible adoption of changes to the City of Eagle Organizational Chart, 2008 Employee"Pay Plan"and potential new and modified related lob descriptions. (MLB —SEB) Councilman Butler will provide an overview of his Organizational Chart, 2008 Employee"Pay Plan"and potential new and modified related job descriptions. Councilman Semanko discusses the public hearing procedure on the Budget. General discussion on having public comment on the Budget. Councilman Butler: I would encourage written comment but to take the workshops and open them up to the general public we would be opening a can of worms. General discussion. Councilman Butler provides an overview of his Organizational Chart, 2008 Employee"Pay Plan" and potential new and modified related job descriptions. If people want to call me and talk to me about the budget they can. This is a legislative matter. I am looking at all aspects of the Budget. Everything that I submitted to the City is a public record. Discussion on the proposed organizational chart. Discusses the Museum Budget. I had an enlightening experience with Ron Marshall. I think that my idea of moving the Museum to the City Hall needs more scrutiny and needs to move forward and I don't think it is really part of the budget process. I would like to see $8,000 to $10,000 in the Museum Budget to be there for a study is done and we have more people involved to determine whether it should be moved,that money would then be utilized to move over here or upgrade that building. Discusses how the building is uninviting. I also believe that funding the full time position is not reasonable from a cost perspective. I have made a recommendation that we have a 20 hour a week historian/employee funded at about$12,000 a year who would run the Museum versus 40 hours a week. That position would be instead of $50,000 a year. I have also proposed some new job descriptions. I am trying to save us some base salary costs and looking at bringing us a highly needed Park&Rec Department. I think it would be nice to have some museum displays here at City Hall with brochures directing people to the Museum. I've made some recommendations to the 2008 Pay Plan which would lower the minimum pay plan by 15% for entry level. This doesn't affect current employees would just affect any future hires. Semanko: General discussion on Councilman Butler's comments. With regard to the Water Department I believe we should have a full time Supervisor running that Department. As to a Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-12bdgmtg.doc Parks&Recreation Director when you make the Water Department a full time position there is not enough left on the Public Works side to justify that being a department but there is more than enough to justify a Parks&Recreation Director position. With regard to the Museum, I can not image the Museum not being where the Museum is. I can't imagine it being housed in this building. The issue with regard to personnel at the Museum with full time versus part time I think is a legitimate issue to talk about through this budget process. I want to hear from folks about this. Until 2007 this was a part time position. General discussion. Grasser: I don't have a problem visiting the building, parks, removing of the Public Works. Discusses the Water Department. I like to see those things separated and we are growing at the point where we need to look at this. We need to look at all areas and all departments. I can see where this could increase our budget. Discussion on the Building Department. I don't see where we need to have an individual at the top of this group. I can see the need for a Parks and Pathway position but I think we necessarily need a person at the top of this group. I agree that we have to have a bigger and greater focus on parks and pathways and that we need a budget to take care of those things. As far as the Museum goes I have always said that we are getting a bargain. The work that is being done in the Museum is stellar, I'm proud of it as a resident of Eagle and I think without having that as a full time position is an injustice. I think that the story telling that we see at the quaint Museum Building with the displays that are there and the research that has gone into that is invaluable to our heritage and I think we need someone to continue with that. We are getting a tremendous bargain having that full time position in place. Having a Curator type position that oversees the all of the volunteers that participate in the Museum takes a lot of effort. I would be cautious dropping this down to a 20 hour a week position. I don't think that this is the right thing to do as an investment in our history. General discussion. Defayette: 10 years ago the City only had about 10 acres of parks and as of this spring we have over 300 acres of parks. Our deficit is in our pathways and greenbelts. We have some money in the budget now to take care of our pathways and greenbelts. For one person to be in charge of 300 acres of parks, all of our buildings and our water is unreasonable. It is going to take someone with a full time commitment to our parks and pathways. Discussion on bring events to the parks and bike park. I see this at a positive position for our City. General Council discussion. General discussion on the Clerk's request for a new Admin Clerk position. General discussion on salaries. Further Council discussion on the Budget. Semanko moves to continue this item to the July 30,2012 Budget Meeting. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Community Promotion & Special Events: (MD) Council Member Defayette discusses Community Promotion and Special Events including the 4th of July fireworks. I would like to see some community events that bring the city together. General discussion. Defayette proposes $15,000 a year for fireworks in this Budget and will work with the Park& Rec Department to coordinate this event. General discussion. Discussion on setting up a Community Donation line item. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-12bdgmtg.doc C. Parks: (MD) General discussion on Parks budget and the affects of the reorganization of the Departments. Parks&Pathway Commission is scheduled to do a presentation to Council on July 30th. D. Department Budgets: 1. Museum Laurie Baker, Museum Curator presents the Museum Budget. The budget this year is $2,000 less than the current fiscal year budget. Discussion on remodeling the museum and how light affects exhibit items. Discussion on a proposal to put in a security and fire alarm system for the Museum which would be approximately$450. I have this in my budget for this fiscal year. It would$32 a month to monitor. Discussion on monitoring the humidity. General discussion. 2. Building Department: Discussed previously 3. Public Works Department: Discussed previously 4. Water Department: Discussed previously 5. Library: Library Director Steve Bumgarner: I don't have anything beyond what I have previously submitted. E. Property Taxes General discussion. General discussion on the overall budget and having public comment on the budget at the July 30th meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Grasser moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: o` AGL SHARON K. BERGMANN - � •°40�R Tk, CITY CLERK/TREASURER . 4 S u i' , .PROVED: : w� C �, s�•1, ORPC)%r 881#®1,,,® AMES D. REYNO D`" MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-12bdgmtg.doc CC 7---a/ 3 -/ 2 - July 20, 2012 To: Eagle City Council From: Ron Marshall This is in response to Councilman Butler's "City of Eagle Organizational Structure Overview and Suggestions" points #6 and #7 as it discusses the future of the City of Eagle's Historical Museum. Taking employee time from the Eagle Museum to provide time to other potential positions is poor planning. In addition, if the museum provides 1,358 square feet of display and office space, the city hall foyer and Freedom room would not provide more visibility. This would in fact be a smaller space. Additionally, the city hall as an alternate site for the museum is not in the center of town and would provide less visibility and accessibility, not more. The Museum and Its Value to Eagle The museum presents a wonderful, historical record of Eagle, Idaho. The facility highlights the pioneer families who first settled here and the entrepreneurs who made Eagle the unique community that it is. About 1995, the City Council wisely decided to maintain ownership of the old city hall/library and create a wonderful museum. The president of the historical commission, Weldon Fisher, enlisted the help of the federal Job Corps who were stationed in the Marsing/Homedale area to do repair and remodel work on the building. An unknown number of citizens have donated thousands of dollars in cash and artifacts to the City of Eagle to display and create perhaps the finest and most unique museum for a city of our size. Why throw away an investment where hundreds and perhaps thousands of hours were donated by local artisans and community members? It would be a terrible disservice to the many residents who have contributed so much to suddenly downgrade the quality and excellence of our museum. Moving the museum to the city hall would ultimately result in its demise. Moving the museum to city hall would be a grave mistake. City Hall is not at the city core where prior councils have had the vision to create a walk around downtown with eight foot sidewalks. The nucleus of town is the restaurants, boutiques, and shops which attract the public and this is where the museum should remain. The museum helps attract people to this downtown core. The City Council has renewed interest in the downtown core through the URA. They are considering spending thousands of more dollars on the downtown core. Instead of downsizing the museum, we should instead consider expanding it to a larger facility to be able to display Tots of the artifacts that are currently in mini -storage. The museum, like the parks, library, greenbelt, state park and safe community are all assets to the City of Eagle. People like to live in a town which has history and historical significance. The community needs roots and the museum highlights that history and is part of what makes Eagle a unique community. Eagle children sense their importance and the significance of where they live as they visit the museum in school groups. To sell the Eagle Museum makes as much sense as selling other assets such as Heritage Park. The current value of this building from either the lease or sale is miniscule to the total city budget. We invite the council and the public to visit this museum and compare it to others. We have had a number of museum personnel who did a very good job in displaying museum artifacts, but they can't compare to the high quality of all of the displays of the present curator. I recently visited other museums in the area maintained by volunteers and they are more like an antique store than our quality displays in our current museum. Concerning the suggestion of a half time curator, why would you hire a half time, not qualified person to direct any aspect of the city? We've had good amateur directors, but they can't compare to the present professional curator. C c 3 -/ Andrew M. Dunn 1476 E. Shellbrook Dr. Meridian, ID 83642 July 23, 2012 The Honorable Jim Reynolds, Mayor of Eagle and Members of the Eagle City Council Eagle City Hall 660 Civic Ln. Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Reynolds and Members of the City Council: The City Council is considering a motion to replace the Eagle Historical Museum with a historical display at City Hall and to replace the position of Curator with that of a Museum Coordinator -Historian. I am writing to oppose the proposed changes. A community is more than just a collection of buildings and a group of people. One of the foundations of a community is its shared experiences; its history. That history is ephemeral — it requires a degree of attention lest it be lost. One of the ways that we, as a community, preserve that history is with museums. And one of the most important tasks of a museum, aside from properly preserving the community's history, is presenting that history in the context of both the events of the times past and of the present. The Eagle Historical Museum provides a very important service to the community: It serves to educate and entertain Eagle's citizens and visitors, providing them with an important link to the city's past. The artifacts, photographs and stories explain why the city is what it is today. The Museum's location, in the heart of historic downtown Eagle, provides excellent access for its patrons, as well as a central point for them to further explore Eagle. The Historical Museum is more than just a collection of things and the Curator is more than just a collector of them. A properly trained curator is necessary to ensure that the artifacts that the community owns are properly preserved and documented. Further, a curator has the knowledge and experience to recognize the difference between an artifact of historical significance and a "trinket" — an item without such significance. That allows the community's historical collection to grow in both quality and quantity. A curator has the training and experience to present the collection in a context that is appropriate for multiple purposes — to educate our children, inform our new residents and remind our Tong -time citizens. Further, a curator has the knowledge and ability to successfully apply for grants, providing external funding for the museum. It is certain that by eliminating the Historical Museum and replacing the position of Curator that money could be saved. The same could be said for eliminating any program or service provided by the city. But the cost of a program is only one consideration, and probably not the most important. The value of a program — that is, the benefit for the money spent — is very important. The Eagle Historical Museum is a very valuable part of the community because it preserves the very thing that has made Eagle what it is — its history. A historical display maintained by a part time historian cannot provide the same level of service to the community as a property curated museum. The Eagle Historical Museum and the position of Curator should not be cut. Rather, perhaps the city should explore ways to more effectively promote the valuable asset that it has in its museum. Respectfully, Andrew M. Dunn Jim Reynolds From: Drew Dunn [headamp@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 8:45 PM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: Public comment on city budget Dear Mayor Reynolds, I would like to present a brief comment during Monday's budget workshop meeting regarding the proposed modifications to the Eagle Museum. I intended to copy the city clerk, but I cannot locate her email address. Best regards, Andrew Dunn 1 July 22, 2012 Jim Reynolds Mayor City of Eagle Dear Mayor Reynolds, I am writing you as a concerned citizen of Eagle. I have lived here four years and I volunteer at the Eagle Historical Museum. I am very concerned with the possibility of moving the museum to city hall and cutting the position of full time curator to part-time museum center coordinator. Moving museum artifacts to city hall might seem convenient to some, but the feel that people get from visiting a historic building with its nostalgic charm that houses exhibits of Eagles past would be lost in a modern facility setting. Eagle has been fortunate to be able to house such a museum in one of Eagles historic buildings located in the original city plat. Currently the Eagle Museum displays thirteen exhibits and I fear that this would not be possible at a city hall location due to lack of space. Therefore I see fewer displays and the high potential of artifacts and documents being mishandled or improperly stored and protected. Eagle should be proud they can boast of having a highly trained and experienced museum curator. I have worked along side and witnessed the curator's great passion for history and knowledge of preserving it properly. I feel the community and the city would be losing a great asset if the museum were to lose the "guardian of its past". History may not seem important to many. But as I volunteer and learn more about Eagle I feel it is important for every citizen to have this historical information available to them and future generations who can benefit from the wisdom and skill of a trained curator. I hope you and the council will take this into consideration when deciding on the future of the Eagle Historical Museum and the curator position. Sincerely, Pam Kelch 1086 E. Riversong Drive Eagle, ID 83616 C_ 7— 1�iZ Sharon Bergmann From: Nora Outon-Kampe [coryza_ar@msn.com] Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 6:52 PM To: eaglecity; John Grasser; Norm Semanko; Mary Defayette; Mark Butler; Jim Reynolds Cc: ktvbnews@ktvb.com; kmartinez@kboi2.com; news@kivitv.com Subject: Eagle Museum To Whom It May Concern, We have read in disbelief that our city officials are planning on downsizing and moving the Eagle Museum to the City Hall. As residents of Eagle, we would like to express our concerns regarding the future of the Eagle Museum. We were very proud of having our own museum in the historical downtown Eagle, where history has been not only shown through the exhibits but taught to new generations of the entire State. The Museum deserves to have it own historical building, which brings character to our city. We have seen the Museum grow in the last five years due to the exceptional professionalism and hard work shown by its Curator, Ms. Laurie Baker. It is an outrage the future plans being considered for the historic building that the Museum occupies in the present, and the Museum itself. But it is more outraging the lack of respect for history and culture that the current officials are showing to not only the residents of Eagle but the entire resident of Idaho. It is a shame to see our own officials showing more interest for the financial gain that a couple of businesses may bring to the city than being proud of its own history. You should be honored to be officials of the city, and show respect for the past, present and future of our city. In our own opinion, removing the museum from downtown Eagle should be a decision made by the residents of the city of Eagle, not only the city officials. Sincerely, Mike and Nora Kampe Proud Residents of City of Eagle 1 Sharon Bergmann From: Gordon Melvin [gordonmelvinl@hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 6:12 PM To: eaglecity Cc: Jim Reynolds Dear Sirs: It has been brought to my attention that you are contemplating closing the Eagle Museum. I am saddened by the news. I have enjoyed bringing friends down and showing them where some of my roots started. I really enjoyed Lori Baker and how she takes time to answer questions you might have. I hate to see the closure happen and groups of young kids won't be able to get some of this information about Eagle and its history. Tom Aiken was my Great Grandfather and I know this would sadden him. I want to see his heritage preserved as well as my Moms, Evva Brashears his Granddaughter. If you move it to another site your need to have everything accessible and someone available to answer questions and a sign to let people know where the Museum is now. I hate to see a bit of history hidden inside the city building. Thanks for your time Gordon Melvin 2220 N. O'Conner Ave Meridian, Id -83646 aordonmelvin1Cahotmail.com cc -7-- 3 -12 Sharon Bergmann From: WillaLaugh@aol.com Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 11:49 AM To: Jim Reynolds Cc: John Grasser; Norm Semanko; Mary Defayette; Mark Butler Subject: Eagle Historical Museum Mayor Reynolds, As a citizen of Eagle and a volunteer of the Eagle Historical Museum, I feel it would be a big mistake to move the Museum to City Hall. It is currently located in the core of the historical part of the city where it is very visible and accessible. It will not have the foot traffic if moved to City Hall. The full time curator and volunteers have made it an interesting and educational place to visit. It should stay where it is and the hours should not be decreased, because that would reduce the impact it has on the community. It belongs in the heart of the city and not in City Hall. Regards, Willa Laughlin 1