Minutes - 1998 - City Council - 09/22/1998 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
September 22, 1998
PRECOUNCIL: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
1. Sheriff's Department Monthly Report: Sgt. Freeman presents the monthly report and
distributes a copy of the schedule for the new team that will start the lb:st of October. General
discussion. Gary Rainey, new Patrol Commander, and Deputy Harris are introduced..
Discussion on security and patrol in the foothills. General discussion.
2. Planning & Zoning Commission Liaison Report: No member from P&Z present. Butler
reports on the Country Plaza project. General discussion on the concerns that P&Z had with the
3. Mayor and Council's Reports: Sedlaeek: Discussion on Drainage District #2 agreement.
Council would like to have an update. Discussion on adjusting City Boundaries and Area of
Impact. City should meet with the Eagle Sewer District on this matter.
Bastian: No Report.
Phil Hull, The Land Group, reports on the walk along Eagle Road in conjunction with the Eagle
Road Improvement area with ACHD. Distributes a cost estimate for landscaping and lighting.
Steve Spiekelmeir, ACHD, discusses this project. ACItD would like approval from Council to
move ahead on this project and do the design. Phil to work on a three year phase in. General
Merrill: Met with the City Engineers and started the process on the Island Wood Bridge and the
Arboretum Bridge. General discussion. Discussion on Ada County Sports Park. We are
exploring some ways to fund the entire project at one time and I will report back on this.
Guerber: Reports on APA meeting and the information provided on the functions of the Ada
County Highway District. General discussion. Discussion on the TIP program.
1. City Clerk/Treasurer's Report: Distributed Financial Report for August. Lights on Eagle
Road should be installed on Wednesday and Thursday. Would like to have some input on the
signs for the Arboretum and Plaza Street Park. Men-ill will take this before the Parks Committee.
2. Zoning Administrator's Report: Butler goes over the timelines for the comp plan.
Mayor: I have talked to Don Brinton, P&Z Chairman, and we will have a joint meeting on
October 27, 1998, instead of a joint meeting in November.
1. City Engineer's Report: No report.
2. City Attorney's Report: Buckwheat Acres ease decision is in favor of the City and a copy
should be in your mail.
Mayor calls a recess at 7:25 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes meeting at 7:35 p.m.
COUNCIL: 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. A quorum is present.
· Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.
There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Council
Member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the
Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be
placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order.
· Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Minutes of September 8, 1998
B. Claims Against the City
C. LS-4-98 - Lot Split - Robert Sprineer: Robert Springer, represented by Darren
Leavitt with Arrow Land Surveying, is requesting approval of a lot split for the
creation of two lots located on the east side of Cobblestone Lane approximately
1,300-feet north of State Street at 404 Cobblestone Lane. (MLB)
D. Appointment to Parks Develoument Committee: Mayor Yzaguirre is requesting
Council to confrrm the appointment of Jack Peterson to the Committee. (RY)
Merrill: I move to add two items to the Consent Agenda. 4E: Beer and Wine License
Application for LGJ, Inc. and 4F: Flat Mountain Electric bill for the Library service
change. Seconded by Bastian. MOTION CARRIES .............
Merrill moves to approve the Consent Agenda.. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES ................
A. Discussion of Development Impact Fees: Council member Merrill will discuss a meeting
she attended today regarding this issue. (NM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: The Mayor, City Attorney and Planning and Zoning Administrator and myself attended
an information meeting on development impact fees. It was a good information meeting and we
have some ideas on how we can enhance our Parks program.
B. Discussion of ordinance to sell current Library Building: (SB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
General discussion on the building. Council would like the building inspector to be involved
with inspection of the building. Ron Marshall, Historical Commission, will attend the next pre-
council meeting and give a report to the Council on what will need to be done on bringing the
building up to code.
Merrill moves to continue this item to the next City Council meeting. Seconded by
Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
C. Update regarding Idaho Power Franchise Fees: The City Attorney will discuss the current
status of this item.
Mayor: This item will be continued as Susan Buxton is out of town.
D. Status uvdate regarflim, Council requested Design Review Ordinance chances:
Mayor introduces the issue.
Merrill: Stan requested this in March of 1997 and we need to move forward on this. I would like
to continue this to the next City Council meeting and let Design Review look at this.
General discussion.
Merrffi moves to continue the Design Review Ordinance changes to the second City
Council meeting in October. Seconded by Bastian. Discnssion. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES .........
A. RZ-8-97/CU-6-97fPPUD-1-97/PP-2-97 Brookwood Subdivision - Mike Hormaeehea:
Hormaechea LTD, represented by Mike Hormaechea, is requesting a rezone from A
(Agricultural) to R-2-P (Residential two units per acre maximum - PUD) and R-4-P (Residential
four units per acre maximum - PUD) with a development agreement, and conditional use,
planned unit development preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for
Brookwood Planned Community. The development consists ora 219.2-acre, 457-1ot (411-
buildable) residential subdivision. The site is located at the northeast comer of Floating Feather
Road and Eagle Road, approximately one mile north of State Street. (Note: The Commission
heard testimony on all four applications at one time but took separate action on each application.)
Mayor introduces the issue. A site meeting will be held next Tuesday. We will meet at City Hall
at 5:30 p.m. The public hearing will stay open at that point in time and the public hearing will be
closed at the meeting on October 13, 1998.
Mayor: Does has any member of Council had any ex parte contact or a conflict of interest?
Mayor and Council have over years discussed the water issues in regards to this property.
Mike Hormaechea, 1101 River Street, Boise. Representing the applicant. Displays an overhead
of the site plan and discusses the project. There are three parks provided for in this project.
There is a community center located in the middle of the project. This center will be the heart of
the project. Discussion on the flood way and the flood plain. This application is pending before
FEMA and must have approval. Discussion on landscaping and sidewalks. (tape 2 side 1) 411
homes sites are called for in the Master Plan. 26% of the total property will be common area.
Property is broken into 13 phases. Applicant has received approval from the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Mike Wardel, 50 Broadway Avenue, Boise. This project is unique in its design. We believe this
project will be compatible with surrounding properties. Displays an overhead of the comp plan.
Discusses what the City desires to achieve in this area. Discusses the different aspects of the
Butler: Provides Council with an overview of his staffreport. This is the seconded largest
subdivision the City has ever seen. Goes over all the details of his recommendations including
the proposed Development Agreement and the conditions from the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Displays an overhead of the Development Agreement and discusses the same.
General Council discussion on the Floodplain Alteration.
Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, discusses the Floodplain Alteration in the Development
Agreement. I recommended that the City consent to the change. This is much more realistic than
what is established now. General discussion on FEMA and the floodway and floodplain.
Paul Kunz 4545 Samara Street, Boise. Discusses the cross sections in the project. The
development show more floodplain than FEMA has. General discussion.
Butler: Continues with his report and discussion on the project. Reviews the Findings of Fact
showing that this project complies with the Comp Plan. The park areas are preserving the
existing trees on the property. ACHD is requiring the developer to provide turn lanes. Reviews
the conditions of approval from P&Z Commission.
Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, discusses flood storage within the floodplain and how high the
ground water level is.
Mike Hormaechea: My recollection is that the highest ground water is 7-8 feet below the surface
and we are proposing to excavate 4-5 feet.
Butler continues his review.
Ken Rice: Discussion on the recommendation of the floor elevation. It is my opinion that
building 2 feet is the best economically in reduced flood insurance premiums.
Butler continues his review. General discussion on the sidewalks along Floating Feather.
Discussion on the density.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Bud Stark, 133 Rooster Drive. Discusses the second parcel in from Eagle Road. My concern has
to do with water. Right now the empty field is surrounded by water in the winter time. My
concern now is that with the homes going in you are going to have excess water how is this water
going to be transferred away from the existing properties. Please review the elevation of the
creek when you take your walk next week. My request to the Council is to please include that the
water be handled in a manner not to flood the neighboring property.
Monty Marchus, 605 Rooster Drive. Discusses the current comp plan. The City of Eagle is
going to increase 14% right here. I appreciate what the developers have done. They have made
improvements from the initial project. The project density did go up. Discusses the flood plain.
Gary Gear, 1675 E. Stonybrook Court. My concern deals with schools. This will increase the
households in Eagle by 14% and this will have an impact on the schools. I was hoping that a
development of this size would have made a contingency for a school site.
Steve Deckers, 2249 Dickey Circle. I was on the '98 Land Group Focus Group. I understand
that none of those changes would apply to this subdivision but I would like to relate some of
these numbers. Displays overheads in regards to density and discusses the same.
Ron Marshall, 380 W. State. I congratulate the developers on their development. Discusses the
floodplain and the flood way. Shows pictures of Dry Creek flooding in previous years. Further
discussion on flooding and the floodplain and flood way. We have no business putting
subdivision in flood plains.
Eleanor Chase, 70 W. Floating Feather Road. Discusses the flooding on her property.
Tom Cornell, 470 E. Floating Feather. Discusses the increased traffic on Floating Feather Road.
We would like to have a fence put around our property for safety purposes.
Glida Bothwell, 642 Steeple View. Discusses loss of farm land. Doesn't believe that building
should be in the flood plain. Concerned about the schools. Is this a sustainable community.
Discusses what a sustainable community is. I would ask that you deny this proposal.
Rick Budahl, Ranch Drive. I am concerned about the traffic problems. Traffic is being funneled
through our subdivision.
Kaknowa, 597 E. Rooster Court. My concerns are the flood plain and the density along Dry
Mayor calls for a recess at 10:10 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 10:20 p.m.
Council and Ken Rice discusses the flood plain and the flood way.
Paul Kunz. The flood way area did decrease. It narrowed approximately 100-200 feet. Further
discussion on the flood way and flood plain.
General discussion on the project.
Discussion on condition #7 of the Development Agreement.
Evan Roberts, representing the applicant, and the City Attorney discusses the water issue, their
negotiations and the need for future negotiations and meetings. General discussion.
Dan Brown, EM2. Discusses the new well for the City water system. Distributes print-outs to
the Council. General discussion.
Mayor I need a motion to continue this public hearing to the 13th. Guerber: So moved.
Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...............
A. Ooenin~ of Park Maintenance Bids: (SKS)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Clerk: I have one sealed bid from Trautman Lawn & Landscape. They have meet the
bidding criteria: All park sites, snow removal and general maintenance have been bid on; proof
of insurance has been submitted, letters or recommendation are included and Bid Security is
enclosed. Awarding of the bid is scheduled for thc October 13, 1998, City Council meeting.
A. DR-27-98 (Appeal)- Landscape Plan and Entrance Sienage For Lakeland Estates
Subdivision (Revised PlaO - Lakeland Investors. LLC: (The Zoning ~ldministrator is
appealing this item.) Lakeland Investors, LLC, represented by Ron Bath, is requesting design
review approval for the common area landscaping and entrance signage for Lakeland Estates
Subdivision. The 23-aere, 12-lot residential subdivision is located approximately 1,000 feet south
of State Highway 44, west of old State Highway 55 (if extended). The subdivision's entrance is
proposed to be located on the south side of State Highway 44, approximately ! 60-feet east of the
intersection of new State Highway 55 and State Highway 44. (MLB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Butler: I think we have this resolved. We have received a letter from The Land Group and from
Mr. Bath.
A. 98-57-CU - Temporary Gravel Extraction Operation - Tim Fease and Kathy Ellensohn:
Tim Fease and Kathy Ellensohn are requesting conditional use approval for a temporary gravel
extraction operation (2-years) for the completion of a 1-acre pond and the construction of a
separate 3-acre pond. The 31.38-aere site is located approximately 650-feet east Linder Road
and approximately 400-feet south of State Highway 44 at 4557 Old Valley Road. This site is
located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (MLB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Butler: The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval.
Tim Fease 4557 Old Valley Road. Discusses the conditions from P&Z Commission. These
conditions are fine with us.
Guerber moves for approval Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION
CARRIES ............
A. Discussion of the Ida-Ore Planning and Development Association reuuest for
Mayor introduces the issue.
Guerber moves to approve the $1,000 to Ida-Ore Planning and Development. Seconded by
Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
E. Amendment of the Personal Policy and Procedure Manual:
8. EXECUIlVE SESSION: Personnel Matters
Merrill moves to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by
Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
Discussion of personnel issues.
Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .........
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Subject: RZ-8-98/CU-6-98/PPUD-1-98/PP-2-98 Brookwood Subdivision
September 22, 1998
7:30 P.M.
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Page 1 of ,))
Subject: RZ-8-98/CU-6-98/PPUD-1-98/PP-2-98 Brookwood Subdivision
September 22, 1998
7:30 P.M.
Pageapf a1
Land Use Designation
versus Number of Housing Units
Land Use Current As -Developed Approved Brookwood
Designation Stats (no building permit) proposal ,*
1 unit / 5 acres 447 41
1 unit / 2 acres 417 98
1 unit / acre 272
2 units / acre 268 59 185
3 units / acre 760
4 units / acre 1,874 2,258 226
Mixed Use
Totals 4,038 2,456 411
* Undeveloped buildout numbers include currently approved lots with no building permits.
** Brookwood lot splits estimated on an acreage basis.
Ada County year 2020 Projections
for Eagle Planning Area (City plus Area of Impact)
Eagle + Impact Area, year 2020 *
* Taken from 1997 Ada Planning Association numbers.
Eagle Today plus
Approved Undeveloped Inventory
Eagle + Impact Area, Today
Approved Lot Inventory
(2.48 people/home)
(2/ people/home)
4,038 10,903
2,456 6,631
6,494 17,534
Number of Units
Number of Units
4,500 �-
Current As -Developed Lots
1 unit / 5 1 unit / 2 1 unit / acre 2 units / 3 units / 4 units / Mixed Use
acres acres acre acre acre
4,000 iz
2,500 /
11.500 z
500 /
0 -
Land Use Designation
Current As -Developed Lots plus
Approved Undeveloped Inventory
As -Developed
Approved Inventory
4 (no building permits)
1 unit / 5 1 unit / 2 1 unit / acre 2 units / 3 units / 4 units / Mixed Use
acres acres
3,500 /
3,000 /
acre acre
Land Use Designation
Current As -Developed Lots
plus Approved Undeveloped Inventory
and Brookwood P.U.D.
2,500 '
1,500 2
1,000 '
500 i
0. -
1 unit / 5
As -Developed
Approved Inventory
(no building permits)
As -Developed
1 unit / 2 1 unit / acre 2 units / 3 units / 4 units / Mixed Use
acres acre acre acre
Land Use Designation
Selected Land Use Focus Group Recommendations
• 1 unit / 2 acres in Floodplain (residential)
- Safety and protection of property
- Do not destroy this valuable natural commodity
• 2' minimum pad elevation for Floodplain Residential
(not elevation to first finished floor)
- Recommended by Department of Water Resources
• Eliminate R-4 zoning, R-3 to be maximum density
(except for apartments and mixed -used, where appropriate)
- R-4 is too dense, especially north of Floating Feather
- We already have a huge inventory of R-4 to support the lower
priced housing needs
aft -22- I y 3li(I UL) 14: 2 (
Phil and Sue Gamey
1353 Trevino E.
Eagle, ID 83616
September 22, 1998
Eagle City Council
Dear Council members,
Home 937-4424
Phil work 342-7771
P. oo 1
SEP 2 2 1998
Route to:
Due to the schools holding open house tonight, we are unable to be present to participate in the
discussion surrounding the Brookwood Subdivision. However, we feel strongly enough to provide input
to assist the council in making decisions.
Development of the Brookwood Subdivision presents serious challenges in many regards however, we
feel the most critical challenge is this community's propensity to develop the floodplain. We / you need
to set the example of stringent guidelines to keep development in the proper areas. Damage caused to
construction in floodways costs everyone in the community money, through increased insurance costs,
damage to roadways, water lines, sewer lines and more. Please, be strict; do not allow building in the
100 -year floodplain.
Density is another concern. Open space is an important part of Eagle's charm. Will this development
provide any large open space for a soccer field, baseball field, or other recreational opportunity? As the
farmland is developed, we need to re;crve or provide incentive to developers to set aside acreage for
fields. Can the council encourage the developer to set aside 30 acres along Floating Feather and
Eagle Road as open field for use as soccer, football or baseball fields? This would reduce the visual
impact of an additional 180 acres of development We do NOT support R-4 designation for any area of
this project However, should the council decide to approve a portion for R-4, we encourage that
portion to be deepest part of this project (that furthest from the roads to reduce the visual impact of the
overall project).
Drinking water is a finite resource. Where is the water to come from for the 1000+ residents of this
plan? The city must require this development to add a welt.
The increased traffic along Eagle Road and Floating Feather will create the need for the IDT to rebuild,
widen, and improve those streets. As a resident who currently drives both these roads, I can tell you
that we already have some lengthy lines of cars traveling both routes. Having the IDT bless us with
wider roads does not solve the problem. Wider roads bring more cars, higher speeds and more noise.
Where is the benefit of that, in any residential area?
We attempt to stay informed and involved with the issues of this city, and we believe the council needs
to act cautiously before making decisions of this magnitude_ We encourage the council to extend the
discussion of this project, and take time to walk the property as a group before making a decision.
Phil and Sue Camey
Project II): New Well - Eagle Water System
No. Of Unit
Sub -Project II) Item lJnits Cost
UWID Labor
24 -inch Drilling
16 -inch Casing
16 -inch Drilling
Geophysical. Logging
10 -inch Well Screen
10 -inch Casing
CSSI Filter Pack
Well Development
Surface Seal
Pump Test
Drilling Permit
Geoscience Labor (inspection & testing)
Outside Labor (inspection & testing)
80 40
Cc -22-7
Detail Sheet 1
Iteni Sub-Proj
Cost Cost
160 58 9,280
160 30 4,800
190 58 11,020
1 1,000 1,000
110 107 11,770
65 20 1,300
7 527 3,689
1 2,000 2,000
40 125 5,000
160 18 2,880
1 2,300 2,300
1 200 200
1 2,500 2,500
210 40 8,400
80 20 1,600
Three Phase Power 1 10,000 10,000
Pump, & Motor (800 gpm tj 300' TDH) 1 20,000 20,000
Discharge Piping 1 10,000 10,000
Flow Meter 1 4,500 4,500
Telemetry Equip. 0 8,000 -
Electrical Equip. 1 10,000 10,000
Electrical Contractor 1 1,500 1,500
UWID Labor 150 40 6.000
33140 WELL TIE IN 5,000
Labor, Materials & Installation 100 50 5.000
Materials & Installation1 35,000 35,000
Chlorine Equip. 5,000
UWID Labor 40
1 26.000 26,000 26,000
?Total This Sheet , MA 198,939
Cumulative Total : RA 198,939
CEA 8/1/97
wellcost.xls Detail_1 9/22/98 11:21 AM
Sep -18-98 01:15P Co wall Banker Comm (20.4 344-6111
10111112 11111711MIL ILL
September 18, 1998
City of Eagle
Attn: Mark Butler/Zoning Administrator
P.O. Box 477
Eagle, 1D 83616
RE: DR -27-98 (Appeal) -Landscape Plan and Entrance Signage For Lakeland Estates
Dear Mr. Butler,
1 am in receipt of the City Council Agenda for the September 22nd, 1998 meeting. I regret that 1
will be unable to attend that meeting duc to an out-of-town business arrangement scheduled prior
to your noticc. I am requesting we continue thc review process until the next City Council
meeting to be held in October, at which time 1 most certainly will be able to attend.
Please contact me at my office to confirm you have received this notice and that thc terms are
Ron Bath
Lakeland Estates, LLC
4002.e: /Ape 444 pm P4i Aeike teJ.'14104 Oke 4#.4 iirt";•7
' .Z go r4 104/aY /F tes•74944c .re4ote. yee
114 w. MANN SCE SI.. Min. •VArlo 53702 TFIIHIC ta. Mal 344-1IJ1 Fax ) 344461 11
Sept. 18, 1998
Landscape Architecture • Site Planning • Environmental Planning • GIS
128 S. Eagle Road • P.O. Box 324 • Eagle, Idaho 83616 • Phone (208) 939-4041 • FAX (208) 939-4445 • Member of
City of Eagle
Design Review Committee
c/o Mark Butler
310 East State St.
Eagle Idaho 83616
SEP 1 8 1998
Route to:
Re: Lakeland Estates - Alternative Method of Compliance
Dear Mark,
The following letter describes the justification for an `Alternative Method of Compliance' for the
deviation from the maximum allowed slope of 3 : 1 on the west property line berm.
Under Eagle city code 8-2A-7 par. O. 1. a., sites involving space limitations may justify the use of an
alternative method of compliance. Space is limited for berm construction on the western 75' buffer area
due to the large area taken by existing trees and ditch. We are proposing to construct a berm at a
maximum 2 : 1 slope in order to attain the desired height. The berm will be a minimum of 10 feet in
height except at the adjacent lots where further building setbacks can be achieved. For every 13
feet of setback beyond the initial 75', we will reduce the height of the berm by 1'. We anticipate the berm
to be 7'-10' at completion. Appropriate seed mix / tackifiers will be utilized to alleviate any problems
associated with steeper slopes. The berm is intended to be a naturalized area with little or no mowing
Mark, thank you for your consideration of this `alternative method of compliance'. Please call with any
questions or comments.
Phil Hull, A.S.L.A.
7fMG Ac
s R e //
$' 1i
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s < vc /1
c'Rc��Ros ZONE X
City of Eagle
(EL. 2555 )
ti`•:�\L 1{{{S�M ` \1:•yw�•.K\Wr'�. rr`•n'�y 1 1.\tk v. A` ..y } y 1 .1t'
[{ �}l� yf�y }\�'�hy'� �ffWy.. 1•. S y��y�y'�yJ{ !1$�1�'{�K
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;ri, w,�iiw NrNriirww IW iIIIhY' r•IYI
EAGLE:F QiK :t11 R0'S 6 i
cc 9-.2-2- gp
Sod & Irrigation
Trees & Roof Control (3" cal. @ 50' o.c.)
Tree Wells & Grates
Poles & Bases 75' o.c.
Power Distribution
vyrivi:{}•rr}ti:�:i �rti�: �:i:^i::;i:;Cf F�}S•�}'Y•
::ti?'�• iii
18,200 s.f. $1.00 $18,200.00
108 $525.00 $56,700.00
6 $750.00 $4,500.00
48 $1,800.00 $86,400.00
$5,000.00 $5,000.00
Total $170,800.00
10% Contingency $17,080.00
Professional Fees $8,200.00
1 TOTAL $196,080.001
2122411245 PM